What should be a homemade facial scrub for dry skin. Body scrubs can be easily made at home

Homemade facial scrub is an effective pore cleanser. Dirt, dust, accumulated sebaceous secretions are easily removed. After the procedure, dead particles are removed from the surface of the epidermis, the skin freshens, restores an even tone.

Regular use of pharmacy and home scrubs prevents acne formation. No clogged ducts - the risk of inflammation is reduced several times.

Deep cleansing of the skin raises many questions. Before using for the first time, find out:

  • how cleansers work;
  • for whom do-it-yourself compositions are suitable;
  • what products are used as abrasives;
  • are there any contraindications for use.

How to use a face scrub? For you - useful information about simple, inexpensive, effective formulations for caring for your skin. Read the advice of cosmetologists, experience the effect of wonderful products prepared from the available ingredients.

The benefits of home scrubs:

  • abrasive particles, during the application of cleaning compositions, like a vacuum cleaner, remove all unnecessary substances from the depths of the pores;
  • natural ingredients during the procedure moisturize, nourish, preserve youth;
  • massage movements improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the epidermis.

Output: the use of home scrubs simultaneously cleanses, nourishes, rejuvenates the skin.


  • products with abrasive particles are recommended for all skin types. Deep cleansing is required for everyone.


  • outside, the skin is polluted by natural factors plus sebaceous secretions.

Important! The drier the epidermis, the finer the particles should be.


  • microcracks, wounds, scratches;
  • too sensitive, thinned skin (only mild products with ground oatmeal are suitable);
  • dilated capillaries;
  • allergy to ingredients;
  • foci of inflammation of a large area;
  • manifestations of skin diseases.

Fillers for home scrubs:

  • chopped walnuts, almonds;
  • coffee grounds, ground natural coffee;
  • sugar (brown is better);
  • table salt, sea salt;
  • grape, peach, apricot seeds;
  • baking soda;
  • berries;
  • cereals (ground buckwheat, oatmeal).

How to carry out the procedure? Your actions:

  • steam up oily skin, wash with normal and dry;
  • massage your face for about three minutes;
  • do not press hard, do not rub the area around the eyes; Leave the mixture on your face for 1 minute or more if required by prescription;
  • use cool water for water procedures;
  • cover the epidermis with a regular moisturizer.

Homemade scrubs: 30 best recipes

Any girl or woman can easily prepare a composition that interests her. The components are affordable and can be found in the refrigerator, the nearest mall, or in the vegetable garden near the house. Consider the type of skin integument - and feel free to choose any recipe.

Formulations for oily skin

Many components are suitable. Do not use abrasive cleansers more than twice a week. Do not perform procedures if abscesses or irritation appear.

Homemade coffee scrub

Grind the grains (2 tablespoons) in a coffee grinder, combine with kefir or sour cream. The proportions are 2: 1. The mixture perfectly cleanses, refreshes, makes the face velvety, pleasant color.

Coconut scrub

Combine a tablespoon of coconut flakes, combine the same amount of brown sugar, dilute with sour cream (how much will be included). If you don't find brown sugar, use regular sugar.

Protein honey scrub

Grind small oatmeal (a couple of dessert spoons) with the same amount of honey, add a fluffy mass of whipped protein. Also use as a mask.

The power of grape seeds

Grind the seeds well in a coffee grinder, take a teaspoon of the mass, combine with crushed grapes (1 tablespoon), the pulp of half a banana. Dilute the product with honey and sour cream (each dessert spoon). The mixture not only draws out grease, dirt, but also moisturizes the epidermis.

Black clay cleanser

Connect 3 dec. l. black powder, 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream. Add 1 tbsp. l. ground peach kernels. Cleansing and hydration guaranteed.

Yeast scrub

You will need a tablespoon of sea salt, fresh yeast - 15 g, grapefruit juice - a dessert spoon. Combine juice, yeast, put in a water bath, for a couple of minutes, add salt.

Soda scrub for face

Take ingredients in equal proportions. You will need baking soda, cinnamon powder, and oatmeal. Mix everything, dilute with water to medium density.

Facial salt scrub

Simple, fast, effective! Mix a teaspoon each of common salt and baking soda. Add low-fat sour cream. Massage your face very gently!

Soap-soda composition for washing

Take liquid or regular soap, lather, add 1 tsp. baking soda, lather the mixture over your face. An excellent cleanser.

Blackhead scrub

Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanser

Combine equal amounts of ground coffee, white clay, lemon zest. Pour in apple cider vinegar diluted with water 1: 2.

Add to the mass of hot water as needed. After a light massage, keep the mixture on the skin for 10 minutes.

Proven acne remedy or oatmeal facial scrub


  • ground oatmeal - 2 dess. l .;
  • lime or lemon juice - a teaspoon;
  • thin honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • whipped protein.

Grind oatmeal, mix with juice, honey, add protein. After the massage, leave the mixture on your face for 5 minutes.

Scrub for problem skin

Combine ground oatmeal flakes (2 tablespoons) with a dessert spoon of ground rice, a tablespoon of coconut or almond oil.

Lavender Cleansing Paste

Ideal for problem skin. Combine a couple of dessert spoons of ground oatmeal, a teaspoon of dry powdered lavender. Add 4 drops of lavender oil, pour in a little water, rub until smooth.

You can also check out the best homemade face mask recipes on our site. For example, masks from black dots are described, kefir masks are described in the article, moisturizing masks, and whitening masks on the page.

For the epidermis without problems

Young, healthy skin also needs care. Dust and dirt clog the pores and cause blackheads to appear.

Use products for deep cleansing of the epidermis once a week. Recipes - for every taste.

Avocado and sugar for acne

The product gently cleanses the epidermis, nourishes and gives a radiant look. Grind the pulp of a medium avocado with a blender, pour in 2 tbsp. l. green tea infusions, the same amount of almond oil. Add two-thirds of a cup of brown sugar, stir well.

Toning berry scrub

Mash a couple of tablespoons of fresh raspberries or strawberries, add a drop of ylang-ylang and mint oils. Use as usual.

An effective tonic

Put a dessert spoon of currant berries, cranberries, strawberries in a bowl, rub. Add 1 tsp each heavy cream, ground walnuts, a little wheat flour. An excellent remedy for young skin.

Cleansing Orange Blend

Rub the orange peel. Take a tablespoon of the mass, add a dessert spoon of ground almonds, dilute the mixture with water. Treat the epidermis for three minutes, wash.

Nutrition, cleansing, pleasant color

The oatmeal face scrub requires:

  • almond oil - 1 dec. l .;
  • ground oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cranberries or currants - a couple of dessert spoons;
  • orange oil - 4-6 drops.

Prepare the mixture, leave for 10 minutes to swell. Use as usual.

Light cleanser

You will need yogurt without additives - 50 g, grapefruit or lemon or lime juice - 1 tsp, ground oatmeal - a dessert spoon. Gently wipe the epidermis, wait, do not wash off the mass for another 5 minutes.

Recipes for dry and aging skin

Most cleansers are made with oatmeal powder. At the same time, the formulations nourish, moisturize, tone up.

Oil and salt mixture for acne

Gentle cleansing, moisturizing. The composition has an emollient effect. Take coconut, olive, or almond oil - 2 tbsp. l., add sea salt - 1 tsp. Massage your skin lightly.

Oatmeal Exfoliating Scrub

Grind the oatmeal, combine with warm coconut, linseed or almond oil. The proportions are 2: 1. Massage your skin lightly. Duration - 4 minutes.

Oat acne scrub

Nasty inflamed comedones annoy not only the owners of oily skin. Experience the action of this composition.

Full-fat milk - 5 tablespoons, ground oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l. Wait 5 minutes, let the flakes swell slightly. Massage your skin, hold the mixture like a mask for another 15 minutes, wash yourself.

Moisturizing cucumber scrub

Grated medium cucumber, combine a couple of tablespoons of ground oatmeal, let it brew for 5 minutes. Treat your face in circular motions, leave the mass for another 15 minutes.

Cleansing for delicate skin

Mash 2 dec. l. ground walnuts, 2 yolks of very useful quail eggs, a couple of teaspoons of ghee. Give a light massage with a nutrient mixture.

Coffee extravaganza

The first option for a coffee grounds scrub:

  • mix 3 tbsp. l. squeezed coffee grounds, the same amount of thick fat sour cream;
  • gently treat fading skin.

Second option:

  • combine in equal proportions moisturizer, coffee grounds, stir thoroughly;
  • gently hammer the composition into the skin, rinse off after 2 minutes.

Rejuvenating agent


  • oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • ground peeled almonds, bran - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • wheat flour - 1 dessert spoon.

Mix the ingredients, fold in a bag of cheesecloth folded in several layers. Before the procedure, wet the mixture, massage your face for 10 minutes.

Fruit scrub

In a blender bowl, add a medium peeled apple, cut into slices, half a banana, a tablespoon of cream, ground oatmeal, and a teaspoon of any honey. Apply the resulting puree to the face, gently process. The procedure takes 2 minutes.

Strawberry miracle

Wash 3-4 large berries, mash, combine with a dessert spoon of high-quality powdered milk, add a couple of drops of mandarin oil and tea tree oil. The mixture perfectly cleanses, nourishes, gives the skin a pleasant color.

Find the right recipe, remember the rules for using cleansers. After a few procedures, you will see that homemade face scrubs are no worse than ready-made formulations. Your skin will certainly become soft, fresh and pleasant to look at.

Further, a video from which you can find out another recipe for a homemade scrub that is suitable for any skin type:


I love the Italian natural face cleansing sponge sponge. Cleans and removes dead skin layers clogged with cosmetics, dirt, sweat, bacteria. Eliminates unevenness and the skin becomes even, smooth. There are never acne and blackheads. The skin is always clean and rejuvenated. It is very convenient to wash your face with a sponge and clean your face at home.

06/28/2017 09:02:56, Lada90

Comment on the article "How to make a face scrub at home"

Section: Face care (Cosmetic face cleaning). Educate a teenager about cleansing the face! For skin care, a minimum of natural products is enough, and cosmetic companies are about cleansing: now they are actively discussing electric brushes for cleaning the face ...

Facial massage, facial masks, cleansing and moisturizing the skin up to homemade recipes. Section: Facial care (advise the best cleansing for the skin). Check out other discussions: Scrub and Tonic - Educate. ... scrubs - tightening of pores, deep enough ...


I like the brushes for cleansing the skin and mousse, of course, you need a high-quality one.

I switched to a 2-step washing system in the evening. hydrophilic oil then foam with aha bha. then tonic and skincare products. in the morning I just wash my face with foam. I actively use acids (at least 2-3 times a week), even now. in the afternoon, be sure to use creams and decorative items with spf. Even if I'm sitting at home, I still apply cream with SPF on a sunny day and try to sit behind the curtain. TTT pigmentation goes away. post-acne is still visible, slowly peeling off, turning pale, you have to cover up with a corrector (there are fewer acne to crawl out, but as soon as I relax, infections come out (you still have to reconsider your care.For example, for example, from all schmuper-super-natural remedies and oils, pores and comedones get clogged at the moment) rod.

Stepwise skin cleansing? Skin care. Fashion and beauty. How to make a face scrub at home. I like the brushes for cleansing the skin and mousse, of course, you need a high-quality one. I switched to a 2-step washing system in the evening. hydrophilic oil afterwards ...

Skin and hair care, figure, cosmetics, face, cosmetology, clothes and shoes, fashion. ask for cleansers 3in1 or 2in1, but what would it be cleansing + scrub + tonic, or cleansing + scrub, not cleansing + tonic.


about washing with hair - tin!))))))

"And at home - it is brownish or dirty, but in Turkey on vacation - absolutely white."

as an option: Try to put a water purifier on the plumbing, or at least collect water for washing from under the purifier in the kitchen ..

ps. pity your nails ..))))))

all the washers that you have used are NOT SUITABLE for you. That's all :)
Look further :)
After cleansing that suits you, the skin should be squeak-free, but as if after your nails :)
There are cleansers with a "discharged" scrub, ie. for daily application 2 times a day, but with a certain amount of scrub particles.

> And at home - it is brownish or dirty, but in Turkey on vacation - it is completely white.

it is an indicator of the cleanliness of the air. In the city - smog, exhaust gases, dust ..

What should a facial care program consist of? I don’t understand this sea at all. Cream - which one? cleansing? What for the night? Masks - scrubs, pilling? Those. how much procedure The skin care program consists of 5 stages. CLEANSING: morning and evening, gently removes ...


The skin care program consists of 5 stages. CLEANSING: morning and evening, gently removes cosmetics, excess sebum and impurities. For cleansing, a cleansing agent (milk, gel, etc.) is used. The MASK twice a week exfoliates dead cells from the surface of the skin and improves its structure. Toning in the morning and in the evening completes the cleansing process, refreshes the skin, tightens pores, restores skin pH. MOISTURIZING morning and evening helps the skin to achieve an optimal moisture balance. PROTECTION every morning protects the skin from the adverse effects of the environment, making the skin soft and velvety. Depending on the condition of the skin and age, additional agents may be used (micro-peeling, skin tone leveling agents, etc.). More detailed advice can be obtained from a professional beauty consultant.

Blackheads and small rashes are just removed by cleaning. First, you need to do 2-3 cleanings to remove them, at intervals of a week, for example, how the skin will react. And then do them as needed - for example, once a month and a half, it would be nice for me. It is understood that at home you use the following means: in the morning, cleansing the skin with water or something (gel, foam, milk), mandatory wiping with a tonic for final cleanliness and primary moisture, then a cream (gel, fluid), preferably with SPF and a means under the eyes and forever. Further, according to the circumstances - an additional tool with SPF, something like an Idealist, i.e. visually improving the skin before makeup. In the evening - obligatory cleansing of the face and removal of cosmetics + tonic + night remedy + remedy under the eyes and on the eyelids. 1-2 times a week scrub (peeling, gommage, i.e. exfoliating agent) and masks as needed. For example, I practically do not use masks, very rarely and irregularly, because there is no need for them.

21.02.2007 12:29:26, Indigomama from work

How to wash without water? Facial care. Fashion and beauty. How to wash without water? Very often I began to meet advice not to wash my face with water at all. I want to try it too, but I don't understand how to achieve a good cleansing without water.


listen, well, after all, everything is individual ... I personally don't wash my face with water, not because of a desire to show off or find extra hemorrhoids, but solely because the skin requires it - after washing with water it dries instantly ... and on my hands too :(
yours is apparently on strike in the opposite case :) listen to her ...

I can't live without water. I tried tonics - milk - terrible, disgusting, then I washed myself with water anyway :). Well, I have not yet found, apart from the cheapest Pure line, a tonic that would not pinch my eyes - although I don’t touch the eye area at all, there is enough evaporation, apparently. I wash myself in the morning and evening with Dove soap. And I also wash off mascara with soap and water. And nothing:). I practically do not use tonal means (about once a month - two times I can smear some places on my face a little "on the way out").

Skin and hair care, figure, cosmetics, face, cosmetology, clothes and shoes, fashion. Suggest an EFFECTIVE remedy for cleansing pores on the nose. ... scrubs - tightening of pores, sufficiently deep cleaning of blackheads, removal of "peels", etc. Decent tonic ...


White clay, the cheapest, in a bag, I dilute about a teaspoon with hot boiled water, smear problem areas, when it dries up - a crust forms, which pulls everything out of the pores (remember, at school they taught to loosen the soil in pots after watering, because in the crust capillaries are formed, which draw out moisture and evaporate). When fat spots appear on the clay crust, I wash it off with a soft terry cloth.

Green mama (plantain and horsetail) removes well the points. But the payo mask does it much better! recommend! it also tightens the pores. well, very ho-ro-sha :)

Skin and hair care, figure, cosmetics, face, cosmetology, clothes and shoes, fashion. If the scrub suits your skin, then there can be no feeling of "peeling"! A decent tonic should perform the following functions: - complete the cleansing, i.e. after...

Depositphotos / Flydragonfly

Using scrubs is a common procedure to cleanse your skin. It is appreciated for its ease of use and high performance. Thanks to exfoliation, the skin becomes smoother almost instantly, and the complexion improves. Make-up lays down easily and evenly. Scrubs contain particles that unclog pores and also help get rid of dead skin cells. Without such cleansing, the skin begins to look dull, cosmetics become less effective.

Scrub composition

In addition to the cleansing ingredients, scrubs often contain additional ingredients to soften and nourish. These can be essential oils, extracts of herbs and useful plants, even some food products. In the composition of industrial scrubs, there are chemically active substances to extend the shelf life.

Types of scrubs

Subdivide scrubs:

  • by the active ingredient (salt, clay, coffee, soda, honey, oat flour, etc.);
  • by the intensity of the impact (soft, hard);
  • as intended (for normal, oily, dry, combination skin);
  • by age (for young and mature skin).

Determination of the skin type for the selection of a scrub

In order to properly and effectively care for your face, it is important to take into account the characteristics of your skin and know its type. A cosmetic product that is not suitable for you may not be effective or even cause allergies.

  • If you have normal skin: it is soft, smooth, without dry or oily areas. Owners of normal skin have almost no problems with acne and pimples.
  • If you have dry skin: It tends to flake or feel tight after washing.
  • If you have oily skin: it may have enlarged pores, blackheads, oily sheen.
  • If you have combination skin: it is oily on the forehead, chin and in the area of ​​the nose, and becomes dry closer to the cheeks.

Having determined the type and characteristics of your skin, you can easily choose the right ingredients for home cosmetics and easily prepare natural face scrubs at home. Don't waste your time in the salon. An effective scrub can be made at home with the ingredients at hand.

Recipes for dry skin

Nourishing face scrub with almonds

  • chopped almonds - 1 tbsp. l (easy to grind in a coffee grinder);
  • raw egg - 1 pc;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine all ingredients, apply on face. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and wash off with water.

Light scrub

  • extra virgin olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • castor oil - 1 tsp;
  • coarse salt - about 2 tsp.

Combine two types of oil, add salt. If the consistency is liquid, then increase the amount of salt to 3 tsp. Apply the mixture and massage for 5 minutes, rinse with water.

Vitamin with carrots and semolina

  • milk 50 ml;
  • fresh carrots - 30 g;
  • semolina - 30 g.

Grate the carrots or finely chop in any other way, mix with semolina. Pour in milk, stir. Apply in light strokes for 5 minutes. Rinse it off.

A softening scrub with oatmeal, cream and butter

  • oatmeal - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • cream 20% - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp

Heat the cream on the stove or in the microwave until warm. Add oil and oatmeal. Rub vigorously for 5 minutes. Rinse it off.

Soothing Sugar Facial Scrub

  • cream of at least 20% fat content - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 1.5 - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix the cream and sugar until a thick consistency is obtained. Massage the mixture into the skin and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse it off.

Oily Skin Recipes

Facial whitening scrub

  • honey - 2 tbsp. l;
  • rye or wheat bran - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

Apply a mixture of all the ingredients to your face. Do not rub in too vigorously. Wash off after 5 minutes.

Intensively degreasing and whitening scrub with salt and lemon

  • lemon juice - 1.5 tsp;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp.

Combine the juice with salt and massage into cleansed skin. Do not use for more than 2 minutes to avoid irritation.

A soothing, gentle home scrub

  • crushed flowers of pharmacy chamomile - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • light wheat beer - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • vodka - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Use a cotton pad to apply this scrub. Wash off after 5 minutes.

Scrub for acne at home

  • cosmetic clay - 3 tsp (you can buy it at a cosmetics store);
  • natural yoghurt - to a comfortable consistency.

Dilute the clay with yogurt so that the mixture does not flow and is easy to apply to the face. Start adding yogurt with 1.5 tsp. Leave it on your face for 10 minutes.

Anti-Shine Coffee Cleansing Facial Scrub

  • thick coffee grounds - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • sugar-free yogurt - 1.5 tbsp. l.

The scrub is applied for 10 minutes. Do a light facial massage for 5 minutes.

Recipes for normal to combination skin

Cucumber with whitening effect

  • fresh small cucumber - 1 pc;
  • oat flour - 1 tbsp. l;
  • table salt - 1 tsp

For cooking, grate the cucumber. Squeeze out the juice. Add oat flour and salt to the juice. Rub your face but don't rinse. Enough 10 minutes for skin whitening.

Homemade apple scrub for problem skin

  • green apple - 1 pc

This method is suitable for all types of skin. Acts as an exfoliating and nourishing agent. Divide the apple into large wedges and massage them into your face intensively. Malic acid will quickly dissolve dead cells.

Soft starch scrub

  • potato or corn starch - 1 tbsp. l;
  • vegetable edible or cosmetic oil - a few drops.

Mix starch with oil, transfer to a cotton pad or cheesecloth. Massage for 5 minutes.

Renewing oatmeal face scrub at home

  • yolk - 1 pc;
  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • baking soda - 1/2 tsp.

Mix the raw yolk and the rest. Apply for 10 minutes.

Egg scrub to maintain youthful skin

  • eggshell (grind in a coffee grinder);
  • shower gel.

Scald eggshells with boiling water, dry, chop. Place in a convenient container. To use, mix a teaspoon of the shells with a little cleansing gel. Massage for 2 minutes, rinse.

Home scrub recipe for very sensitive skin

  • sour cream 20% fat - 2 tbsp. l;
  • oat flour - 2 tbsp. l. (you can buy or grind the oatmeal yourself).

Mix sour cream with flour until the consistency of gruel and massage your face very gently. Sour cream has a softening and nourishing effect, while flour gently cleanses the pores.

A scrub prepared according to any of the recipes is important to apply correctly. This should be done by following. They are located like this:

  • along the neck from bottom to top;
  • along the lower jaw from the chin to the ears;
  • along the cheekbones to the top of the ears;
  • from the wings of the nose to the middle of the forehead;
  • from the pig along the forehead to the temples.

  • Rinse off all makeup thoroughly before using the scrub.
  • All components for the scrub should be at room temperature.
  • Rinse off with warm, preferably filtered water. Do not use the scrub more than every other day to avoid damaging the dermis layer.

Before using the scrub for the first time, do a skin reaction test. Apply a small amount of the product to your earlobe and wait 20 minutes. If no unpleasant symptoms appear, apply the mixture all over the face, except for the area around the eyes.

Dermatologist warning

Do not use a scrub if you have:

  • allergy to any of the products in the composition;
  • rosacea;
  • severe acne;
  • unhealed wounds or burns.

If you have thin or sensitive skin, then you should only use mild scrubs or use fruit acids. A green apple is perfect. Strawberries and black currants also break down dead skin cells, but they must be used with caution, since they are more intense. Apply berry scrub with sour cream to soften the acid.

Of course, scrubs are not a panacea for all ills. The fight for skin health is a comprehensive therapy. Masks, peels, creams, lotions - all this, like scrubs, can be prepared from inexpensive natural products. The disadvantages of such recipes include short-term storage of the prepared compositions, but then folk wisdom came to the rescue again. There are natural scrubs that are stored for months and surpass any purchased product in terms of useful properties.

DIY natural and effective face scrubs. Video

Cucumber lotion with aloe to cleanse the skin. Video

How to make a face scrub at home? This question worries every woman, because beauty is made up of many factors, an important one of which is skin health. To keep her youthful and fresh for a long time, women all over the world use both salon and home treatments and remedies. One of the most popular methods is the use of scrubs. Let's figure out what scrubs are, how they work and who are suitable for. We will also learn how to make a face scrub for blackheads and acne for different skin types at home.

What is a scrub and how does it work on the skin?

Let's start with the definition. Scrubs are cosmetic creams that contain a certain proportion of solid particles. This can be salt or sugar, coconut flakes, oat bran, crushed seeds or nut shells, and even refined sand or other mineral grains or synthetic inclusions.

Everyone knows that the process of tissue regeneration, including skin, occurs continuously. As a result, dead particles accumulate on the surface of the skin, which must be removed. If this is not done, keratinized cells impede the absorption of nutrients, the skin stops "breathing", and creams or lotions that you apply to unclean skin will not work at best, or even harm, clogging the pores even more, and can even cause acne.

Gradually, the skin becomes covered with a layer of dead particles and takes on a dull, gray tint. Of course, in this case, we are not talking about beauty, the skin looks tired and old.

Of course, we all wash, use special gels and foams to dissolve sebum and dirt. However, this is not always sufficient and deeper cleaning should be carried out from time to time. That's what scrubs are for. In addition to the main action - cleansing - scrubs increase blood circulation, because during their application we give the skin a light massage. As a result, metabolic processes in the skin are restored, oxygen is better absorbed, which means that the skin becomes smoother and softer.

For dry and sensitive skin, use the mildest formulations, for oily, not prone to redness, scrubs with larger particles are suitable.

How to make a face scrub at home

Making a scrub at home is very simple. To do this, you need to combine the softening base and abrasive components.

Depending on the type of skin, you can vary the composition of the product. This is the first benefit of homemade scrubs.

The second important advantage is cost savings. Agree, it's easy to mix a little coconut and vegetable oil, and the price of such a composition is much lower than that of a ready-made, purchased natural scrub.

The third argument in favor of home scrubs is the ability to independently control the composition of the product and the quality of all its components. This is especially important for allergy sufferers, whose skin may react unpredictably to unknown ingredients in store cosmetics.

Before using the scrub, the skin should be cleaned, at least washed, or you can steam it. Apply the composition to damp skin, massage lightly for two to three minutes and rinse off with water at a comfortable temperature. After that we apply a tonic (tonic, rose water) and a cream according to the skin type.

A video on how to make a face scrub at home can tell you not only original recipes and ingredients, but also the peculiarities of combining certain products for the best result. In addition, in the video, you can see in detail how to properly massage the skin of the face, moving along the massage lines.

The best recipes for facial scrubs

Most often, food-based scrubs are prepared at home. Firstly, it's simple, because cream or honey is almost always at home. Secondly, it is safe: if we eat these foods calmly, then it is clear that applying them to the skin will also not harm.

The bases for a home remedy can be: cream or soft cottage cheese, fruit puree, sour cream or natural mayonnaise, cosmetic clay, honey, vegetable oils, pressed yeast.

Suitable scrubbing particles: coffee, salt, sugar, coconut, berries with small seeds, soda, crushed egg shells.

Scrubs for dry and sensitive skin

The first thing to remember for owners of dry skin is not to scrub it too much or too often. It will be enough once every 2-3 weeks.

The second rule is to use the fattest and most nutritious formulations for the base.

Oatmeal scrub with sugar in butter

Mix 1 tsp. oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder with 1 tsp. sugar and pour into the mixture 1 tablespoon of warm butter (any). Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Milk oat scrub

Easiest option for dry skin. For him, you just need to mix ground oatmeal with warm milk until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to skin and massage for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with water.

Almond oil nourishing scrub

Mix oat flour (3 tsp), 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. almond oil and 2 tablespoons of cranberry juice. You can also add 1-2 drops of orange essential oil if desired. Leave the resulting mixture to swell for 3-5 minutes and then use as usual.

Toning raspberry scrub

Combine 2 tablespoons of raspberries and 1 drop each of ylang ylang and mint oils.

Soothing herbal scrub

2 tbsp oatmeal (can be crushed), mix with ground dry chamomile and lavender and a couple of drops of lavender oil. The mixture should be diluted with warm water until the consistency of a soft gruel.

Scrub for blackheads

A mixture of egg white and sea salt will help get rid of blackheads and oily skin. Such a mixture will not work for dry skin - it will cause flaking, and maybe irritation.

Yoghurt scrub with coffee

This composition helps to get rid of excess oil and normalize skin balance. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix ground coffee with natural yogurt without additives to the consistency of a thick gruel. If you are lactose intolerant, you can replace the yoghurt with lotion or cleansing milk.

Scrubs for combination to oily skin

Normal to oily skin will tolerate deep cleansing once a week or two. Of course, everything here is individual, and you must monitor your condition in order to adjust the frequency and intensity of the procedures in time.

Yeast scrub with lemon

Mix 15 g yeast and 1 tsp. lemon juice, place the container with the mixture in hot water for 1-2 minutes. Add 1 tsp there. fine salt and mix well.

Oat Rice Scrub

2 tsp mix oatmeal with 2 tsp. ground rice and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Bring the resulting mixture until smooth and can be applied to the skin.

Orange scrub

Grind 1 tablespoon thoroughly. dried orange peel, add 1 tsp. ground almonds and dilute with a little warm water.

Honey Salt Scrub

In the mixture 1 tsp. sea ​​salt and 1 tsp. lemon juice, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey and mix well. If you are prone to allergies, you should first test for honey tolerance.

Contraindications to the use of scrubs

Overuse of scrubbing compounds can thin the skin, making it sensitive and too dry. Also, too frequent and active cleansing of the skin threatens to disrupt the water-salt and lipid balance, which weakens the surface immunity and can cause a lot of trouble.

Some people are not allowed to use scrubs at all. First of all, this applies to those who suffer from rosacea, vitiligo, psoriasis, seborrhea of ​​the facial skin, severe acne, rosacea, fungal or other infectious diseases.

By the way, it is worth remembering that if after using the scrub the skin remains reddened for more than 3 minutes (and even more so if there is a burning sensation or itching), it is no longer worth using such a composition.

The advantage of home scrubs is undeniable - they are simple and quick to make, you can choose inexpensive components, in addition, you always know what is in the composition, and you can change the recipe at your discretion.

Spend more time on your face, the vulnerability of his skin is obvious, unlike other areas, it cannot be hidden under outerwear, gloves, durable shoes, and a protective headgear.

The use of scrubs will become a care and protection in resisting everyday contamination of skin tissues by an aggressive external environment, the secretion of the sebaceous glands. It is worth a little cuddling with the face, and it will delight you, becoming velvety, smooth and elastic.
It is extremely simple to prepare a face scrub with your own hands, the components are generally available, and the plus cannot be overestimated: by combining exclusively natural ingredients, cleanse the epidermis, establish full breathing and blood flow of the epidermis, supply it with nutrition, moisturize.

The best face scrub in its composition should have a binding moisturizing base, exfoliating particles and components valuable for nutrition.

Coffee face scrub

True coffee lovers as a drink should know that ground coffee scrub is very good for the skin. Considering that grains contain more than 2 thousand chemicals, about 30 varieties of organic acids, as well as proteins, vitamins, fats and mineral salts, such a product is of particular value for cleansing the face. In addition to this unique set of components, from coffee pomace, its hard grains, an excellent way is obtained for exfoliating dead cells of the epidermis.

A coffee scrub for the face is easy to prepare, but do not disregard a few nuances, how to make a face scrub correctly:

we do not use soluble;
for a scrub, green grains or grains of the usual roasted coffee (you can not roast) are suitable;
we take only natural fine grinding to avoid injury to the dermis;
coffee grounds can also be made, but provided that there is no sugar dissolved in it;
a coffee scrub mask is applied with massaging circular movements, with the exception of the eyelids;
optimal consistency - thick, non-flowing gruel;
wash and steam the skin before the procedure;
massage the forehead, wings of the nose and chin with particular care and for a long time;
the time, how much to keep the scrub, is different for each recipe;
wash off with warm water;
After cleansing, wipe with lotion, spread with a nourishing cream; an exfoliating coffee scrub for dry skin is used once every two weeks, for oily skin - once a week.

There are many variations from which coffee-based blends can be made, it is important to find appropriate and favorable recipes just for you. Try experimenting, try the views that you intuitively left your attention on, but at the same time shorten the indicated action time until you decide what suits you:

Lemon coffee

Fruit and coffee

1 table. spoon of the main ingredient + 2 table. tablespoons of fruit puree (apple, peach, apricot) + 0.5 teaspoon of castor oil, which has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and emollient effect. For 15 minutes.

Banana coffee

1 table. spoon of the main ingredient + 2 table. banana puree + 0.5 teaspoon of aloe juice + 1 teaspoon of blue clay + 1 table. spoon of water. For 15 minutes.

Coffee and curd

1 table. spoon of the main ingredient + 2 table. tablespoons of fat cottage cheese + 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil, which has a beneficial effect on dry, prone to inflammation of the dermis. For 15-20 minutes.

Coffee and milk

1 table. spoon of the main ingredient, fat cottage cheese and cosmetic clay + 3 table. tablespoons of cream + 1 yolk of a raw egg. For 15-20 minutes.


1 table. spoon of the main ingredient, grape juice + 2 tables. a spoonful of kiwi and strawberry puree + 2-3 drops of essential tangerine oil + 1 teaspoon of olive oil and ground orange peel + oil solution of vitamins A and E, 1 ampoule each. For 10-15 minutes.

Honey-coffee with cinnamon

1 table. spoon of the main ingredient and honey + 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon + 2 tablespoons of cream or yogurt + burdock oil 1 teaspoon. For 15 minutes.

Coffee and cocoa with coconut butter

1 table. a spoonful of the main ingredient, cocoa powder, coconut and melted butter, cream. For 15 minutes.

Oatmeal scrub

The well-known oatmeal scrub for the face, subject to the rules of manufacture and use, gives an excellent result that is not inferior to salon sessions.

The order of how to apply completely coincides with the recommendations given for the coffee scrub. The oatmeal is thoroughly ground. The gentle scrub will increase the oxygenation of the epidermis, promote the absorption of nutrients, cleanse, moisturize and visually tighten.

From rolled oats and milk

2 tbsp. spoons of rolled oats + 3 tbsp. spoons of milk + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of burdock root oil + 1 teaspoon each of aloe juice and lemon juice. A cocktail made from these ingredients is an effective way to remove impurities, visually rejuvenates and gives elasticity. For 10 minutes.

Oatmeal and honey

2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal, honey and kefir + 1 raw egg yolk + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. The benefits lie in cleansing the dermis, activating the respiratory processes in the cells and relieving dryness. For 15 minutes.

Oatmeal with fruit purees

2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal + 3 tbsp. tablespoons of apple, banana and peach puree + 1 teaspoon of lemon juice + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cream. Assorted fruits will saturate tissues with vitamins and microelements. For 10-15 minutes.

Oatmeal with pineapple and papaya juices

2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal and yogurt + 1 tbsp. spoons of papaya juice, pineapple juice and olive oil Mixing such ingredients, in addition to cleaning the epidermis, will significantly moisturize it. For 15 minutes.

From oatmeal and tar soap

2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, water and sour cream + liquid 1 teaspoon + 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil. Homemade composition gives excellent results in cleansing the pores and activating the vital activity of cells. For 10 minutes.

Oatmeal and strawberry

2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal and cream + 3-5 strawberries + 2-3 drops of chamomile essential oil. Toning composition for silky and smooth skin. For 10-15 minutes.

Oatmeal and cucumber

2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal and cucumber mush + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of semolina + 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and vegetable oil. The mixture gets soft abrasive grains from semolina, which improves the cleaning process. Calming, rejuvenating cocktail. For 15-20 minutes.


Honey scrubs

The presented honey recipes use the most valuable properties of honey - anti-inflammatory, cleansing and rejuvenating. Homemade honey scrubs are popular and have a positive long history. Removal of impurities from the epidermis, and the awakening of strength, a softening effect, an effective method for peeling - this is an incomplete list of properties of honey, which are appreciated in folk medicine and modern dermatologists.

In the main facial care, beauticians also included a honey scrub:

Lemon honey with watery

honey 1 tablespoon l. + 1 teaspoon each. lemon juice and aloe and bodyagi juice (as an abrasive component). For 10-15 minutes.

With honey and corn grits

1 dining room l. honey, olive oil, + 1 teaspoon of cinnamon + very finely ground corn grits (as an abrasive and exfoliating component). For 10-15 minutes.

Honey with fruit pits

1 dining room l. honey and vegetable oil + 1 raw egg yolk + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, finely ground fruit seeds (as an abrasive and exfoliating component). For 10 minutes.

Wheat bran honey

1 dining room l. honey, kefir, castor oil + 2 tbsp. wheat bran + 1 raw egg + 1 tsp. eggshell powder. For 10 minutes.

Honey with blue clay

1 dining room l. honey and blue clay + 2 tablespoons l. milk + 1 teaspoon of crushed grape seeds (as an exfoliating ingredient). Gentle, caring care. For 15-20 minutes.

From starch and honey

3 teaspoons of honey, starch and finely ground salt + 3 tablespoons. cream. Thoroughly exfoliates, moisturizes, helps with cellulite manifestations. For 15-20 minutes.

Honey and kiwi with strawberries

honey 1 tablespoon l. + 2 tablespoons l. kiwi and strawberry puree (their seeds are used as an abrasive and exfoliating ingredient) + 1 teaspoon of ginger oil. The cocktail brightens the skin, heals wounds and smoothes the surface. For 10 minutes.


Salt scrub

The recognized and effective salt scrub is not only due to its easy preparation, but also due to the uniqueness of the salt abrasive particles. An active exfoliating effect for the epidermis allows you to qualitatively cleanse dead cells, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and promotes the natural absorption of substances that ensure the vital activity of tissues.

Salt and cosmetic clays

They are combined in the same proportions: table salt + red or pink clay + high fat sour cream. Perfectly relieves irritation, activates blood flow.

Sea salt and yogurt

Sea salt 1 table. lies. + 2 table. lies. natural yogurt (without preservatives and stabilizers) + 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. The harsh abrasive effect of sea salt cleanses, rejuvenates and tightens the integument.


1 table. lies. table salt, liquid honey and cream + 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. Moisturizing, healing and softening effect.


1 table. lies. table salt and milk + 0.5 teaspoons of safrole oil, dill oil, peach oil and rosehip oil. Safflower and dill oils are antiseptics, soothing effect on the epidermis, rosehip and peach oils fight skin aging, rejuvenate.


1 table. lies. table salt, cream and chalk + 1 raw egg + 2-3 drops of mandarin essential oil. Cleansing, firming and rejuvenating action.


table salt + handmade liquid soap (can be replaced with tar or glycerin) + lemon juice in equal parts. Increased cleansing and exfoliating action, an effective remedy for blackheads.

Sea salt, tea and cucumber

sea ​​salt 1 table. lies. + 2 table. lies. gruel of fresh cucumber + 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and crushed dry tea. The action is predominantly cleansing and tonic and has a refreshing effect.

Sea salt + tomato

Sea salt 1 table. lies. + 2 table. lies. squeezed gruel of fresh tomato + 1 teaspoon each of semolina and olive oil. Additional abrasive grains of sand are obtained from semolina. In addition to cleansing, the product will protect against ultraviolet radiation and nourish the skin with moisture.

Salt with activated carbon

Sea salt 1 table. lies. + 1 teaspoon of powdered activated carbon, aloe juice + 2-3 of your favorite essential oil. For deep cleansing, reducing fat content, apply the mash once 5-10 days for a month and a half, after a two-month break, you can repeat the course.

Sugar scrub

The exfoliating particles of this method are sugar grains. The main thing is that it is useful - it helps against acne, has an anti-cellulite effect. Sugar scrub is ideally combined with other ingredients, does not cause allergies, and is suitable for all skin types. At home, you can easily take care of yourself by applying variations sugar-based recipes:

Sugar banana

sugar + vegetable oil + mashed potatoes from half a banana in equal proportions. Suitable for any type of epidermis, provides gentle cleansing and vitamin nutrition.

Lemon sugar

sugar 2 tbsp. spoons + 1 lemon (squeeze the juice) + 1 teaspoon each of chopped ginger and flaxseed oil. A method that cleans and tightens pores, making them smooth and silky.

Sugar cream

1 st. a spoonful of sugar, softened butter and sour cream + 1 yolk of a raw egg. A good option for dry dermis, additionally moisturizes.

Sugar curd

1 st. spoon of sugar, cottage cheese, cream and cocoa butter + 0.5 teaspoon of vanilla + abrasive rice small component - 1 teaspoon. A gentle recipe ideal for sensitive skin.

Sugar and egg

1 st. spoon of sugar and kefir + 1 raw fresh egg + 1 teaspoon of peach oil. A cocktail made from this composition removes impurities from the epidermis, moisturizes, nourishes and rejuvenates.

Sugar with herbal decoctions

2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and a decoction of mint, thyme and chamomile + 0.5 teaspoon each of cloves and cinnamon. A soothing blend that relieves inflammation.

Sugar with apricot kernel oil

sugar 2 tbsp. spoons + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apricot kernel oil and fruit puree (apple, apricot, peach). The mixture is useful for problematic dermis, relieves rash, saturates with vitamins and microelements.

Sugar butter

sugar 2 tbsp. spoons + 1 teaspoon each of calendula, rosehip, and flaxseed and lemon juice. Anti-inflammatory, healing, nourishing and moisturizing effect. Use the option in winter for a face steamed in a bath.

Soda scrub for face

The most common soda scrub does not require complex manipulations and is used for washing. After application, oxygen access to tissues increases, blood flow is activated, the skin is whitened, age spots become less pronounced.

How to use:

cook only with baking soda;
frequency of use - once or maximum twice a week;
superimposed on 10 minutes, no more;
owners of a dry type of epidermis are contraindicated;
postpone the procedure if there are wounds, damage;
applied only to clean, well-steamed dermis;
wash off with plenty of water;

Scrub preparation:

Blackheads are effectively removed by mixing equal parts salt and soda. Pour in still mineral water until a creamy consistency. For washing, a mixture in equal proportions of soda, pharmacy clay, ground coffee, water with apple cider vinegar gives good results.

As an option for a more gentle effect, it is recommended to combine baking soda with finely ground oatmeal flakes, water, zest from one lemon and one chopped cinnamon stick. Soda and flakes are taken in equal parts. The finished mixture should be thick enough not to spread.

Aspirin scrub

What you need a homemade aspirin scrub for: normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, narrows the pores and is a good preventive method against acne. Such a face scrub at home is easy to prepare from ingredients that can always be found in the medicine cabinet and kitchen. Apply to steamed and pre-moisturized face.

How often can you use the scrub: once a week is enough, if the epidermis suffers from excessive secretion of fat, it is permissible to apply it 2 times a week. For optimal effect of the applied mixture, 10 minutes is enough.

The most common recipe: combine powdered two aspirin tablets, 5-6 drops of water and one tsp. honey. You can complicate your homemade face scrub by adding two more aspirin tablets, a pinch of sea salt and a few drops of any essential oil of your choice to the existing mixture.

Unlike a scrub, which cleanses and improves elasticity, elasticity of the epidermis with the help of massaging rubbing of natural ingredients, peeling uses chemical methods of action. Peeling procedures use calcium chloride and various components along with acids, they are aimed at eliminating pigmentation, smoothing scars and irregularities.