When the child can sit down boys. When can a boy be planted: are there any fears and contraindications at an early age. These exercises have a good effect.

How many months can boys sit down without harming their health. The exact age when the boy will sit down will not be named by any pediatrician.

Raise a boy or a girl, at first it does not matter. And yet, parents like to give their babies non-existent gender qualities: "Eats well - a man grows!", Or "An active baby, girls are faster than boys!" In fact, the rate of development and physical data does not depend at all on gender, but on individual characteristics. The same goes for mastering skills. Girls and boys begin to sit down on their own at about the same time. Another thing is important, at how many months can you put a child (boy) in so as not to harm your health?

But! If the baby is active, holds his head well, rises on the arms while lying on his stomach and uses all the available objects to grab and sit down, then his muscles are strong enough to sit down.

In this case, you can sit down the boys, the main thing is to do it right.

Thematic material:

First, the time spent in this position should be limited - 1 hour per day.

Secondly, set the angle of inclination correctly. At 5 months, the back of a stroller, chaise longue or high chair can be raised at an angle of 40-45 degrees, from 6 to 60 degrees.

Who will sit first

Not a single pediatrician will name the exact age at which the boy will sit. This period is influenced not so much by the gender as by the readiness of the baby, which depends on many factors.

  1. Physical training. If the parents did gymnastics, swimming, or massage with the baby, they will learn to hold their head, rise on the arms and sit earlier.
  2. Temperament. Phlegmatic, calm children often lag behind their restless peers.
  3. The weight. Mobility and development of muscles depend on the weight of the baby, and more than that, the load on the spine is much higher, therefore, it will be more difficult for the boy to sit in an upright position.

So, a physically developed, active "skinny" will sit down at 5 months, and his peer "fat" has the right to master the skill up to 9 months.

A premature baby has 2 months in reserve to catch up with the rest in development, which means he will sit down much later.

Sits or sits down

When assessing the baby's ability to sit, parents often get confused about these concepts. Therefore, they begin to worry and hurry up, forcibly planting the child ahead of time.

Similar material:

By six months, babies are sitting with support or support, but it is difficult to stay in this position, they now and then fall forward or on their side.

At this stage, in short attempts to sit, the back muscles are strengthened, and the baby himself learns to balance in this position.

Closer to 7 months, the little one will be able to sit on their own, albeit not for long. But it will "sit down" even later. When the child learns to crawl, he will sit down from the "lying" position, "on all fours." It is the skill that sits down on its own and will be the final stage in the formation of the skill. At what age? Most often at 8-9 months.

If by this time the baby does not even try, contact a specialist (neurologist or orthopedist).

When and how to seat the boy

You can start to sit down the boy, i.e. briefly give the body an upright position from 5-6 months, depending on physical readiness. To avoid harm, read the following guidelines:

  • Freely and in a good mood. While lifting the crumb by the handles, do not make sudden movements. Stop as soon as you realize that this position is uncomfortable. Sit down when the baby is in good spirits.
  • Mom is support and support. Make the first attempts to sit down not in a chair or pillows, but on your knees. So it is safer and calmer for the baby. If the baby is not 5 months old, it can only be planted in a reclining position.
  • Crawling is the best workout. Children's doctors and Komarovsky, beloved by mothers, insist that the child should remain in a horizontal position as long as possible. And instead of sitting down on your son, teach him to crawl. During crawling, the curves of the spinal column are correctly formed, and the muscles are actively developing.
  • Dose sit-ups. The duration of the first workouts should be a few seconds, while the angle of inclination of the back should not be right.
  • Help to become strong. Physical activity is needed for all children, especially boys. In a couple of years, when he begins to perceive himself in gender terms, this topic will be especially relevant. Until then, he needs strong bones and muscles to sit still.

How can this be achieved? Do gymnastics, stimulate the boy's movements with bright toys. Trying to reach them, he will quickly learn to control his body. You can also lay the baby in an uncomfortable position, trying to take a different position, he will develop coordination of movements.

  • No pillows and bolsters (they expose a fragile child's back and spine to unbearable pressure, they interfere with changing positions when tired).
  • Surround with security. Having tried to sit at least once, the kid will quickly understand the superiority of the skill and will try again and again. To minimize the number of bumps, remove any solid objects that he might fall onto. Try to be there to support when your baby loses balance.

Don't rush things! As Komarovsky reminds, the most correct and natural course of development of skills is as follows: crawling - sitting - standing up - walking.

Summarize. How long to wait for the child to sit down on its own? As much as needs! When can the boy sit down? Only when he himself wants it and is physiologically ready. For the rest, be guided by your own intuition, because only you know what your little one needs.

In the first six months of life, the baby learns many new skills: holds his head well, turns over, crawls actively. The most mobile babies try to raise the body by grabbing the back of the crib or mother's hands. Consider when the child begins to sit on his own, and what to do if this does not happen within the timeframe set by the pediatricians.

The development of the musculoskeletal system of a newborn occurs in several stages. The spine, initially a completely straight line, gradually acquires its natural curves. At about 3-4 months, when the baby begins to hold his head well in the prone position, cervical lordosis is formed - the bending of the upper vertebrae forward. By six months, as a result of high physical activity and attempts to translate the upper body into an upright position, the middle part of the chest under the influence of gravity slightly bends back. At this stage of development, the spine is able to withstand increasing loads and is ready to start sitting down. In accordance with the average pediatric standards, the child should:

  • sit down with support at 6 months;
  • at 7 months sit for some time without support;
  • at 8 months without the help of an adult, sit down from a prone position or standing on all fours.

Some toddlers may start learning a new skill several weeks earlier or later than expected. It depends not only on the state of health, but also on weight, physique, temperament and other individual characteristics. Therefore, to the question of how many months a child begins to sit independently, pediatricians cannot give a definite answer.

Is it possible to specially sit down the child?

Many parents rush things, seating their babies much earlier than the due date. Doing this is strictly prohibited, since early verticalization leads to the development of many serious complications, including deformities of the limbs, severe postural disorders and pathologies of the genitourinary system. For this reason, you should not be persistent until 6 months of age. The baby is ready to sit down if he:

  • rolls well from back to stomach and in the opposite direction, confidently holding the head and upper body vertically;
  • crawls on all fours and pulls himself up on his hands, grabbing a fixed support or the fingers of an adult;
  • shows a desire to change the usual posture.

To determine the physiological readiness of the baby to master a new skill, orthopedists advise to sit him on a hard surface for a few seconds, slightly supporting him by the side or back. In the future, sitting can be carried out without fear if:

  • the baby sits confidently, trying to maintain balance, and does not fall on its side;
  • the body is tilted forward, support on outstretched arms;
  • legs spread apart and slightly turned out toes;
  • the back is straight, the spine slightly bends in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions;
  • the chin is down, but the head is well kept upright.

If at least one of the listed conditions is not met, the exercises should be postponed, paying special attention to the physical development and strengthening of the muscular corset.

What to do when the child starts to sit too early? Pediatricians recommend unobtrusively suppressing attempts to sit down, switching the attention of the crumbs to another interesting activity: playing, reading, walking. Active babies should be placed in the center of the crib or playpen so that they cannot grab the sides or other support with their hands.

Planting stages

If the baby is ready to master a new skill, you need to start sitting down, following the following recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to carry out the exercises daily, starting from 15-20 seconds in one approach and gradually increasing the training time.
  2. The first sitting down is best done on the lap of an adult, turning the baby with its back to its stomach. When he learns to maintain balance, you need to move to a hard surface (floor, hard sofa or changing table). It is allowed to seat the baby from a standing position on all fours, slightly holding it by the shoulders or back so that it does not fall to one side.
  3. At the same time, for better adaptation of the spine to increasing loads, the back of the car seat, stroller and baby chair should be installed at an angle of 45 °. When the baby learns to sit on its own, it can be placed in any of the listed devices with a straight back.
  4. During classes, it is forbidden to use a support in the form of a pillow or a rolled blanket, to leave the baby sitting for a long time, and also to put him in a walker or other devices for forced stay in an upright position.
  5. Exercise is not recommended immediately after feeding or sleeping, when sick or feeling unwell. You should not force a baby to sit down if he is not in the mood for classes, is capricious or is passionate about the game.

What if the baby is in no hurry to sit down?

If the baby does not sit down on his own at 8-9 months and does not make attempts to change his usual body position, you should contact a pediatrician, neurologist or orthopedist to rule out possible health problems. Often, the delay in physical development is a consequence of birth trauma, fetal hypoxia, pathologies of the course of pregnancy, intracranial pressure. Even in the absence of obvious violations, such children are shown a special massage, swimming, physiotherapy procedures according to indications.

To strengthen the spine and back muscles at home, it is recommended:

  • encourage any physical activity;
  • more often carry the baby in the arms in an upright position;
  • hang toys and bright objects over the bed and scatter around the room, stimulating the desire to reach them;
  • do an intensive massage of the feet and legs;
  • conduct physical activities in a playful way while reading, bathing or walking.

Ideally, sitting is acquired after crawling. Therefore, in order to help the baby sit down on its own, first of all, you should teach him to crawl correctly.

Exercises for back muscles

To help their child learn a new skill, doctors advise daily physical exercises that strengthen the muscle corset and stimulate the development of a new skill:

  1. Stretch out your hands to the baby lying on his back on a hard surface (preferably on the floor or changing table), allowing him to grab his thumbs. Grasping the wrists of the crumbs, carefully pull it up by the arms so that the head and body are at a slight angle to the floor. It is not allowed to perform the exercise if the child's head is thrown back strongly. Hold for 15-20 seconds, then slowly return the crumb to its original position. Make several approaches with small intervals. After 2-3 weeks of classes, the child will try to sit down without the help of an adult.
  2. Raise the baby lying on its stomach, holding it under the chest and knees. The legs should rest against the chest of an adult, the shoulders and hips are tense, the arms are extended forward. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds.
  3. Pull up the baby lying on his back alternately by the left and right handles, helping to make active flips on his stomach and back.
  4. Put the baby with his stomach on a gymnastic ball and make circular springy movements and swing in different directions. The upper part of the body should be slightly raised, supported by outstretched arms.

It is not worth stopping classes when the child begins to sit on his own. In the future, gymnastics will help him get up on his feet faster and take his first steps.

The difference between the sexes

A little man has appeared in your family. But he is still so tiny and defenseless. Naturally, you want him to grow faster, and at this stage of development you are interested in how many months you can put boys in, no matter what harm his health and not disrupt his natural development? We will help you with the answer.

It is good that you are interested in choosing the right moment to start sitting down the boy. This means that you understand that certain stages go through one after another in the development of a child. And each subsequent stage of development is possible only after the completion of the previous one.

Everything children are born with an incompletely formed spine... He unable to bend like an adult. Besides, back muscles should

  • maintain posture
  • and not letting the spine bend too much.

A newborn baby does not have this muscle development.

With a premature attempt to plant, the boy's spine may be damaged, uncontrollable weight will press on the internal organs, disrupting their work and development.

The boy's muscles are strengthened for several months of his life. No matter how insignificant you might think

  • movements of arms and legs
  • attempts to raise and
  • and turning from tummy to back (or vice versa),

but all this strengthens the muscular system and prepares the baby for the first attempts to sit down.

Contrary to popular belief, early sitting down of the boy does not in any way affect the development of the genitals... Many claim the opposite, but when writing this article, I consulted with a practicing pediatrician and she confirmed to me that it does not affect the reproductive system in any way. It can only affect if the weight of the child puts pressure on the internal organs, including the organs of the reproductive system.

At what age can a boy be planted

Generally, boys and girls can be planted at the same age... When determining how many months a son can be seated, may affect only the presence of excess weight of the baby... In boys, excess weight is more common, since "a man grows up in the family, and he should eat a lot." But that's a topic for another article. If you are overweight, it is better to wait a little. with the child sitting down (add 2 to the times indicated below).

Another factor, affecting how many months you can begin to sit down a boy, is the character of the kid. As strange as it may sound, it is true. At such a young age, the child is already showing character, and an attentive parent will notice this. If your toddler is reluctant

  • moves
  • flips over
  • and it is more pleasant for him to just lie quietly on his back,

then his muscles will strengthen and develop more slowly, and the spine will strengthen for a longer time.

In more mobile crumbs, all of the above development processes occur faster. Active boys can be planted already. But, of course, everything is individual and you need to carefully monitor your baby in order to determine whether he is already ready for this or not.

Signs of readiness to sit down

You can definitely plant your baby if:

  • He confidently and independently turns from tummy to back and in the opposite direction.
  • Baby, lying down on a horizontal surface, can independently raise the head and hold it for a while.
  • Sonny stubbornly tries to sit down on her own, looking for support in the surrounding objects, or asks for it from you.
  • But as we said earlier, if your baby is overweight, then it is better to wait a little, even if all the signs are observed. When you first try, you need to take into account some points about which we will tell you.

What to consider when planting a boy for the first time

If the child is not yet completely, but you can not wait to do this, then place him on your knees in a reclining position, and your legs should be straightened. But it is not recommended to do this earlier than 3 years old.

If the baby does not show all the signs of readiness described above, in no case try to sit him down.
  • Exercise in the first few months of a child's life
  • massage
  • and stimulation to movement

will speed it up and will improve development. The child needs to be dealt with!
Perform the first attempts on your knees. Thus, the tailbone will not rest and cause no problems.

Doctor Komarovsky: when you can already plant your little son.

  • If a boy does not want to sit down
  • starts crying
  • push up
  • and resist

then no need to force him... He himself will tell you how many months you can plant it, when it is ready. All in good time, you just have to wait a bit!

Closer to 6 months, parents think about when it is already possible to start planting a child. This issue is rather controversial. It has long been believed that everything should happen by itself, and completely depends on the level of physical development of the baby. Therefore, they did not attach much importance to this fact.

All children begin to sit down at different times. The optimal, according to doctors, is the moment when the baby will be 4 months old - then you can start planting the baby. However, before starting this process, it is imperative to get the advice of a pediatrician. In some cases, you can start planting a child when the baby is full, but for a short time.

What is the significance of the degree of development of the musculoskeletal system?

As you know, maintaining a person in an upright position is carried out due to the work of the musculoskeletal system. The muscles of the back, lower limb and abdomen are involved in the process of sitting. A special load when lifting the body falls on the latter. It is with their participation that the body transitions from a horizontal to a vertical position. And it is by the development of these muscles that the time is determined when it is possible to plant an infant.

If these muscle groups are not sufficiently strengthened, the entire load will be transferred to the skeletal system, especially the spine. This is fraught with negative consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to plant the child only when the pediatrician, after examining the baby, allows the mother to do this.

How can you help your child learn to sit on their own?

Mom should not be afraid that at the first attempts to seat the child, he will tilt back or sideways a little. The task of the parents is to teach the child to support his body with the help of his hands, which in this case play the role of support.

In order to teach the child to sit down on his own, the mother needs to make a lot of effort. To strengthen his muscular system, you need to work with the child. Perfectly helps to strengthen the muscles of the baby, the following the exercise.

Start by placing your child in front of you on the edge of a sofa or bed. At the same time, stand on your knees and fix the baby's legs bent along the edge of the sofa with them. Grasp one of the baby's handles at the wrist, wrapping your palm tightly around them. Fix the second handle in the area of ​​the elbow joint with your hand. Gradually, slowly lift the baby by the handle, trying to make the second rest against the elbow. In this way, the child will help himself, and over time, he will learn to sit down on his own.

You can start this kind of activity from 3 months.

When can girls be planted?

Quite often, the mother whose child is a girl thinks about the question of when it is better to plant her. These doubts are related to the fact that there is a false belief that early attempts to sit down girls can turn into a pathology of the reproductive system for them. It must be said right away that such a pathology as the bending of the uterus has nothing to do with early attempts to sit down babies. Therefore, a girl can plant a child at the same time as a boy, i.e. starting from 4 months.

Thus, you need to start planting a child when he is already fulfilled. However, all actions of the mother must be approved by the district doctor, pediatrician, who will give his advice only after examining the child. In no case should you be ahead of the events, and try to make the child sooner learn to sit. This can adversely affect his health and lead to poor posture, and in severe cases - curvature of the spine.

When the baby has grown up a little and has become more active, mothers dream that he will quickly learn to sit. Is it worth rushing things? According to experienced pediatricians, a newborn should be physiologically ready to sit down. Let's figure out when you can sit down the child.

What the statistics say

During the first year of life, the development of the baby is characterized by intensity. Achievements of this age replace each other. Pediatricians have developed schemes for the development of children, where the expected achievements of children are described by months and weeks. Average statistics are as follows:

  • at 6 months, the baby is able to sit with support;
  • at 7 months - already without her;
  • at 8 months - sits down on his own from a supine position or lies down from a sitting position.

But since each child is individual, each has its own path of development and its own timing of achievements. Therefore, minor deviations from the indicators are also considered the norm. So, in most cases, children begin to sit on their own at 6 months of age. Well, if a baby begins to do this at 4 months or at 8 months, this is also not considered a pathology.

Here is what Dr. Komarovsky says about this:

What should precede sitting down?

Can a child be forced to sit down? In adults, the spine has natural curves. But babies are born with a straight vertebral column, their curves are formed later. Children's back muscles are unable to support the spine. This means that the spine is vulnerable. Therefore, until a certain age, you can not sit down the baby.

At 2-3 months, the baby begins to raise his head, lying on his tummy, thus the cervical bend of the spine begins to form. When the baby masters independent attempts to sit, the thoracic spine is formed. Well, when a child learns to stand up and walk, the spine takes on the shape we are accustomed to. Therefore, the correct posture will be formed in the baby only when he masters all the stages on his own.

If you start sitting down prematurely, the load on the spine increases. The muscle framework is not yet working and does not support the spinal column. The consequences of illiterate actions of adults can lead to disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The negative effect affects the state of the internal organs and respiratory organs.

The muscles of the back are strengthened during the infant's motor activity: holding the head, turning, moving the arms and legs. These seemingly insignificant actions help to strengthen the muscles of the back. Strengthening these muscles prepares the baby to sit down.

When you can start off sit down toddler?

When can babies be planted? It is not the baby's age that should speak about the sitting down time, but his physical skills. Many mothers are interested in at what age can they sit down a child? If we talk about age, then on average, children sit down in the interval from 4 to 8 months. The fact that the baby is ready to sit down is indicated by the following indicators:

  • the child confidently holds his head and raises it from a horizontal position;
  • the child easily turns from side to side, from back to stomach and vice versa;
  • the child, clutching the fingers of an adult, tries to give his body an upright position.

If you observe all these signs in your baby, it means that he will soon begin to sit down on his own.

We draw your attention to the fact that even if a child before 6 months began to sit down on his own, then in this position he should be no more than 1 hour a day. Otherwise, later, problems with posture and other body systems may begin.

Sitting down a boy and a girl

There is a myth that if you start to sit down the girl too early, she will form a bend of the uterus. This theory has not yet been supported by concrete evidence. If such a pattern exists, then the bend of the uterus does not affect the conception, gestation and birth of a baby. Nevertheless, it is advisable not to sit down the girl earlier than 6-7 months.

As for the boys, there are no specific risks.

Should I put my baby in pillows?

Some generations are familiar with the expression "plant in pillows." This is how our grandmothers taught babies to sit. Of course, this method is not correct, since by such actions we force the baby's fragile back to take an upright position, contrary to physiology. A few minutes of such forced sitting can lead to the appearance of scoliosis in a child at school age. It is correct to sit down when the baby begins to do it himself.

What else cannot be done until the child has sat down on his own:

  • put in pillows;
  • to carry the baby in "kangarushki" and "baby-sisters";
  • let him stand and walk in a walker;
  • allow jumping in jumpers, sitting on a highchair;
  • keep in your arms in a sitting position;
  • when transporting in a wheelchair or car, use a sitting position.

It is important to note that with all this, it is not forbidden to keep the baby in a half-sitting position. Currently, there are many models of car seats, swings and other devices in which the back is adjusted to a semi-sitting position, reminiscent of the position of an embryo in the womb.

How to help a baby to sit down?

If a baby is not sitting at 7 months, this does not mean at all that he has a pathology. Before you sit down the baby, you need to strengthen his back. The actions of the parents should be aimed not at giving a vertical position to the child's body, but at preparing the baby for sitting down. This preparation concerns the muscles in the back, which should be strengthened and trained. How to teach a baby to sit down on her own? Gymnastics and massage are great methods of developing your baby's muscular system, which will help teach him how to sit.

Massage can improve muscle tone. It is advisable to entrust the massage to professionals, only they know how to properly massage the muscles. Well, if this is not possible, then at home the mother can stroke the baby's back, tummy, as well as his arms and legs.

As for gymnastics, it can be done at home and must be done every day. Here is an example set of exercises:

  1. The baby is lying on its tummy. Mom lifts the baby, holding it with one hand under the breast, and with the other under the legs. In this position, the muscles of the back and buttocks are tense. To let them relax, you need to put the baby in its original position. And then repeat the exercise again.
  2. The child lies on his back. Mom holds the baby by the left hand, and then gently pulls it to the right leg. The kid is in a half-sitting position. Then the mother gives the baby a starting position. We do the same with the right hand. This is a great exercise for training your lateral back muscles.

  1. The baby lies on its back. Mom gives him the opportunity to grab his fingers. Then he begins to raise the baby, drawing his hand towards him. The baby's back came off the surface of the bed. It is necessary to hold the baby in this position for 15 seconds. Then, after a short rest, you must repeat the exercise again.

If the baby is already ready to sit down, mom can help him by observing the following recommendations:

  • The first attempts to sit down should be limited to a few minutes.
  • An abrupt transition from a vertical to a horizontal position is unacceptable - sit down the baby slowly and carefully.
  • The first times the sitting position should not be horizontal, but reclining.
  • Do not start sitting on hard surfaces such as chairs or the floor.

However, it should be understood that if you help your child to sit down, then he will develop worse physically. It is much better if the baby himself "trains" his little body and sits down exactly when it is ready.

Warning signs

Where is the limit when a mother should worry and run to the doctor? You need to worry if:

  • at the age of 7 months, the baby itself does not turn over;
  • the child at 9 months does not sit down by itself;
  • the child cannot lean on one hand in order to reach the toy with the other hand at 7-8 months;
  • at 7 months, the baby does not hum, does not babble;
  • the baby does not smile, does not look into the eyes of the mother at 6 months.

In any doubtful situations, you should consult a pediatrician or neurologist.

Let's summarize

As a rule, babies begin to sit on their own between 4 and 8 months of age. The ability to sit independently should appear in a newborn by itself. To help your baby sit up, it is recommended to do exercises to strengthen the muscles in the back. But in no case should the baby be planted ahead of time, when its back has not yet grown stronger. Therefore, if the baby still does not know how to sit, then you can not use kangaroo, jumpers, walkers, highchairs and other items, the use of which implies the vertical position of the child.