When to go on maternity leave calculator. Quick calculation of the date of issue on maternity leave. What month and week to go on maternity leave

Prenatal chores take a lot of time from the expectant mother. The working woman has twice as many.

A pregnant woman needs to prepare a workplace for transferring to a new employee. Refinement for the delivery of all documentation, etc. On top of this are added questions about childbirth and preparation for it. In order to avoid stress and nervous tension, the state provides for such a type of leave as maternity leave. To use it correctly, the employee must understand what kind of vacation it is and know how to correctly calculate the date of maternity leave.

The legal regulations and the Labor Code do not use such a concept as maternity leave. In legal language, it sounds like this: maternity leave (abbreviated as BIR) and leave to care for a baby until he reaches one and a half or three years. According to the Labor Code, it can be used by:

  • mother - for the period before and after birth;
  • father - only after birth;
  • who will raise the child.

Any officially employed expectant mother can be sure of support from her employer and the state. Based on the law on leave for BiR, in accordance with Articles 255 and 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, she is entitled to rest and payment of a certificate of incapacity for work. Monetary compensation for a woman is provided by the social fund. insurance. A pregnant woman can count on financial maternity assistance if she belongs to one of these categories:

  • employed under an employment contract;
  • is registered at the employment center;
  • was for a reason beyond her control;
  • carries out military service
  • student.

The amount of prenatal payments will directly depend on the entry in the work book and the hours worked at the enterprise.

When do they go on maternity leave?

For women who, being pregnant, continue their labor activity, the decree begins with. The law establishes several deadlines when a woman preparing for motherhood can go on a well-deserved rest:

  • In case of singleton pregnancy, which is proceeding well and the environment does not have a negative impact on the health of the mother and child, the woman has the right to go on vacation after the full 30 weeks of pregnancy. It will last 140 calendar days. It consists of 70 days of prenatal and 70 postnatal periods. A certificate is issued by a gynecologist with whom the woman in labor is registered.
  • When two or more children are due, the employee goes on vacation for 28 weeks. Rest in this situation will be increased by 54 days. It will be 84 days before the date of birth and another 110 days after them.
  • If a woman has a premature birth, namely from 22 to 30 weeks and she did not have time to go on maternity leave before the official release date, then maternity leave opens from the day of birth. Its duration will also be 156 days.
  • For residents of ecologically contaminated areas working at nuclear power plants or exposed to radiation during the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a longer maternity rest is provided. It will start from the 27th week of pregnancy and will last 160 days. An additional 20 days are added to the prenatal days. The postpartum period remains unchanged - 70 days.

There are two exceptions that may affect the length of your maternity leave. This:

  • If the birth of two or more children was established during childbirth, then another 54 days are added to the main leave. In total, this gives 194 calendar days of sick leave.
  • If the delivery has passed with complications. In this case, an additional 16 days for recovery provided for by law are added.

How to calculate the date of maternity leave?

In the early stages of pregnancy, the employee is not required to notify the management of her situation. But sooner or later it must be done. At this point, it becomes necessary to announce the expected date of departure.

There are several ways to calculate your maternity leave date.

You can determine the day of care only if you know the expected date of birth. There are several ways to do this:

  • on the first day of the last menstruation;
  • according to ultrasound;
  • by date of conception;
  • by the exact date of IVF.

Basic parameters for the calculation

Basically, an obstetrician-gynecologist who leads a woman's pregnancy will calculate it based on the testimony of the pregnant woman herself. In this case, the date of the last menstruation, the number of fetuses and the general well-being of the woman are taken into account. You can do it yourself. Knowing the approximate or exact date of conception, 10 weeks are counted in reverse order. This figure will be relevant for a positive singleton pregnancy. If there are two children, then an additional 2 weeks must be taken away. When there are more than two babies, it is worth expecting childbirth three to four weeks earlier than with a singleton pregnancy.

This is clearly calculated as follows: the estimated date of conception is January 1. Pregnancy is singleton, proceeds without complications. The expected due date is September 25th.

A more accurate preliminary date of delivery can be found with the help of an ultrasound examination of the fetus. By the degree of its maturation and development, you can find out the estimated number at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. This method is considered more reliable.

A blood test for hCG levels can help in the calculations. According to the level of the hormone in the blood of a pregnant woman, you can determine the period at the time of the test and add the missing weeks before the decree.

These were independent methods of counting. There are also online calculators. They can calculate not only the date of the expected birth, but also.

The main parameters that will be required to fill in the calculator in order to find out the release date in DO are:

  • preliminary due date;
  • the first day of the last menstruation;
  • PDR for ultrasound;
  • IVF day.

You will also need to specify additional data for the calculation.

With the help of a maternity calculator, you can calculate the maternity allowance (sick leave) and the monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old. In accordance with all approved rules. The calculator is free, presented by the service Kontur.Beschtry.

After entering the necessary data on earnings for 2 calculation years, the calculator will automatically calculate the amount of the selected benefit. All necessary restrictions are taken into account. For example, if the amount of the childcare allowance for a child under 1.5 years is less than the minimum value established by law, the calculator will prompt you for this and offer the minimum monthly amount of the benefit up to 1.5 years. You can also see tips with links to articles of regulatory documents.

How to use the maternity calculator?

The calculator calculates maternity allowance (sick leave) and monthly childcare allowance up to 1.5 years in just 3 steps.

  • Step 1. At the first step, for the maternity benefit, you need to indicate the data from the certificate of incapacity for work, and for the benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years - data about the child. Since 2013, periods of being on sick leave or on parental leave are excluded from 2 calculation years. If there were such periods, indicate them.
  • Step 2. In the second step, the earnings for 2 calculation years and other parameters necessary for calculating the average daily earnings are indicated.
  • Step 3. In the third step, you will see the final calculation of the benefit.

Calculation of maternity on video

This calculator is part of Contour.Accounting. We still have a lot of easy and quick calculations for complex things. You can easily calculate salaries, sick leave and vacation pay, keep records of employees, calculate salary taxes and contributions, prepare reports on employees in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Social Security Service and the Federal Tax Service.

Almost all women from the first days of pregnancy try to calculate the date of maternity leave. Moreover, this question can be asked by the most inveterate careerists only in order to plan the embodiment of all production thoughts and ideas in life and have time to complete all unfinished business.

To calculate the date of leaving on maternity leave, you first need to determine whether your gynecologist can become an assistant in this matter. This period is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation, and it is calculated in weeks. You can more accurately determine the day of birth using an ultrasound examination. It is prescribed by a gynecologist in a planned manner while monitoring the course of pregnancy.

Once you know your correct date, you don't have to worry about how to calculate the date of leaving on maternity leave. The calculation in this matter is very simple. The due date calculator is as follows: the duration before delivery is 70 days and the same - after delivery. The total duration is 140 days. If a woman has multiple pregnancies, then the prenatal leave is increased to 84 days and the postnatal leave to 110 days. When using a cesarean section or in case of complications during childbirth, the recovery time is extended by 2 weeks.

You can calculate the date of maternity leave yourself. This period occurs at 30 weeks or 210 days of pregnancy. Have you already got the right deadline? Then it's easy to count. It will be more difficult to calculate if you have not yet contacted the clinic. We count like a doctor: add 210 days to the first day of menstruation. But if a woman has problems with the regularity of the onset of menstruation, or she simply does not remember the date of its end, then we will be based on the results of the ultrasound. This diagnostic method allows you to better determine the duration of pregnancy, based on the normative indicators of fetal development, and therefore the beginning of maternity leave.

For a pregnant woman, the HR department at the place of work will help you calculate the date of maternity leave. You may still have unused annual leave, then you can use it first and then maternity leave. This way, you can go off to rest before 30 weeks of pregnancy.

The allowance is paid once for the entire period of maternity leave, regardless of when you went on maternity leave. You must be paid at least 140 days in advance, depending on certain circumstances. Payments must be made on the day wages are issued at the enterprise. In the accounting department, the amount is calculated based on the average salary for the last 2 years.

If during pregnancy it is difficult for you to perform the functions that are entrusted to you, then the management has the right to transfer you to an easier section of work. If you feel unwell or unwell, the best solution would be to take a sick leave. There is no need to overwork or overwork, based on financial problems, to the detriment of health. After all, the most important thing for a woman is to carry a healthy baby and give birth to him without problems.

Maternity leave is the time of rest given to a pregnant woman to prepare for the birth process as well as to recover from childbirth. Appointed only to working women on the basis of the order of the head. Every pregnant employed woman wants to know when to take maternity leave, what day the maternity leave corresponds to, and also the date of leaving it. To calculate the date of maternity leave, you must first find out the approximate date of birth, you can find it out from the gynecologist who has a pregnant woman.

The due date is approximate and is calculated based on the data provided by the woman herself about the last ovulation. The latter indicator is said at the first admission to the antenatal clinic in connection with pregnancy and can be clarified in the future when conducting an ultrasound scan and obtaining more accurate information about the age of the fetus. Each woman has a different pregnancy, but the term is the same for all. The date of leaving for maternity leave depends on the number of expected children.

Who can go on maternity leave and what week

Maternity leave is granted:

  • A woman who is officially employed;
  • A woman who is listed at the labor exchange;
  • A woman serving in the army;
  • Full-time student;
  • A woman who was laid off at an enterprise.

Maternity leave is divided into two parts, which are enshrined in legislation - for pregnancy and childbirth and childcare:

  • The first part is preparation for childbirth and recovery after it;
  • The second part is caring for the baby after birth.

Until a newborn baby is three years old, a woman may not go to work. After three years, she is obliged to take up her job duties.

Many women are looking forward to going on maternity leave.

Important!!! A woman has the right to stop performing her work duties during the last 2.5 months of pregnancy.

To determine the date of maternity leave, you need to know the estimated date of birth, it is also conventionally referred to as PDR. The period for which the pregnant woman has the right to go on maternity leave is reported from him.

When to go on maternity leave:

Procedure for registration of maternity leave

To obtain maternity leave, you must go through a certain procedure, namely:

  • Contact an antenatal clinic to register for pregnancy;
  • After examining and providing information to the pregnant woman, the gynecologist establishes the estimated date of delivery (briefly - PDR);
  • When the period of maternity leave has approached, the doctor issues a certificate of incapacity for work, which reflects the beginning and end of the leave for variability and childbirth;
  • At the place of employment, a woman writes a vacation application with a sick leave application;
  • The employer issues an order for taking leave of the duration specified in the sick leave;
  • All the necessary documents for future settlements are transferred to the accounting department;
  • The employee must read the order against signature and calmly go on maternity leave.

Methods for calculating the date of leaving on maternity leave

There are two ways to calculate the date of leaving on maternity leave:

  • Self-calculation;
  • Using an online calculator.

Let's consider each method separately.

Self-calculation of going on maternity leave

PDR is calculated in one of the following ways:

  • Obstetric - the date is calculated based on the date of the last ovulation and examination by a gynecologist
  • Gestational - the date is calculated based on the result of the ultrasound. This method usually delays the maternity leave by two weeks.

If you know the PDD, which was set in the consultation, then you can calculate the day of the decree, counting from it ten weeks ago on the calendar - if one child is expected. The beginning of the 31st week is considered the approximate date of maternity leave.

If it is known that there will be two or more children, then you need to count 12 weeks ago, and then maternity leave will begin from the 29th week of pregnancy.

If the timing of pregnancy is corrected by ultrasound, then it is necessary to count the required number of weeks to thirty from the final term of pregnancy.

Employee Yaroshchuk L.P. in the Polyclinic №12 issued registration for pregnancy. The gestational age was determined by the obstetric method. The sick leave period is defined as the 30th week from the date of the last menstrual period (Wednesday, 10/19/16). The sick-list was opened by the doctor on 05.24.17 (Wednesday, 30th week - 10.19.16). Thus, Yaroshchuk L.P. goes on sick leave on 05.24.17 for a period of 140 days.

Yaroshchuk L.P., gave birth to a child 08.08.17. Sick leave for Yaroshchuk L.P. expired 10.10.16. L.P. Yaroshchuk applied to the accounting department of the enterprise on 10.10.16 and issued an application for maternity leave for 1.5 years (until 02/08/19)

Calculation using an online calculator

Using an online calculator, it is much more convenient and faster to calculate the date of leaving for maternity leave. When calculating, it is necessary to enter certain data in the necessary windows:

  • date of PDR or PDMP;
  • the duration of the vacation is determined by the number of expected children;
  • whether to take a vacation.

After entering all the data, the calculator shows the result:

  • day of maternity leave;
  • how many days are left before it;
  • current gestational age.

Calculation example:

Employee Kucheryavaya E.V., registering with the antenatal clinic, found out that the birth would presumably take place on October 28, 2017. E.V. Kucheryavaya, is expecting one child and wants to know when she will go on maternity leave.

We will use the calculator for calculating the date of departure on maternity leave - enter:

  • delivery day 10/28/2017,
  • duration 140,
  • the calculator automatically calculated when to go on maternity leave - 08/19/2017,
  • end date - 01/05/2018.

If there is no calculator at hand, but there is a calendar, then when on maternity leave, we calculate as follows:

  • day of leaving - from October 28 we subtract 70 days (October 28 is not taken into account), the seventieth day is the start date of maternity leave;
  • end day - add 140 calendar days to the day of the beginning of the decree.

The calculation result should coincide with the one carried out in the calculator.

Sick leave after decree

An employee who has suffered from illnesses requiring treatment during maternity leave needs compensation beyond the payment of maternity benefits. During the early stage of motherhood, a woman is completely deprived of the opportunity to support herself independently and is recognized as incapable of work in the eyes of the law.

Sick leave is paid based on the employee's insurance record in percentage terms. For women who have worked for more than 8 years, payment is made at 100% of the payment for labor. With less seniority, the percentage of salary that will be paid for sick leave falls. For women with less than six months of insurance experience, sick leave will be paid according to the current minimum wage.

If a woman is not satisfied with the salary for the past year, or it is less than in previous years, then the employee has the right to write a statement to the management with a request to calculate the sick leave payment with the calculation proceeding from the salary for the selected periods of time. Sick leave after maternity leave is calculated according to the general formula, as for other employees recognized as temporarily disabled or on maternity leave.

Important nuances

This legislation defines one hundred and forty days of rest for singleton pregnancies - seventy days before and after childbirth. The legislation provides for cases of changing the duration of the decree. For example, childbirth can be difficult, accompanied by complications.

In such cases (if it is recorded by doctors), the vacation can be extended by 16 days. In this case, you need to re-write the application, and the employer must prepare an order. Also, if there is a disease or a threat of miscarriage, a woman should go to the hospital for referral to a hospital and receive a sick leave.

Important! If the woman in labor has not used the annual calendar leave before, she can go on it immediately after the end of the maternity leave.

In order for a woman to leave on maternity leave legally and without troubles, you should write a statement addressed to your manager. The application must indicate the reason and the period of absence from the workplace. Such a statement must be recorded by the management, since this document serves as the basis for drawing up an order.

A woman should leave the decree after 70, 110 (for twins) or 86 (for difficult childbirth) days. The maternity allowance is assigned within 10 days from the date of the sick leave and is paid on the day the salary money is issued.