The cat urinates with blood treatment at home. Blood in the urine of a cat or cat, what to do. Normal urine appearance

If the animals knew how to speak, it would be much easier for us to find a common language with them and take care of them. However, cats and dogs cannot speak. Therefore, you and I can only guess about how our pets feel, relying on the behavior of the animal (knowledge will help to understand the cat better).

Today we want to consider with you a situation in which our observations alone will not be enough. Quite often, many owners of domestic cats, both neutered and non-neutered, complain that they notice blood or blood clots in the pet's urine. What does this mean? What disease can it be a symptom of? How to behave in this situation and how to help the cat? We suggest finding answers to all these questions on the pages of our publication ...

Where does the blood in the urine of the cat come from?

In veterinary practice, the appearance of blood and blood clots in the urine of animals, particularly cats, is called hematuria. Translated from Latin, such a term sounds like bloody urine... If your animal has this kind of urine, this is a serious symptom that should not be ignored. And, he testifies that your four-legged furry friend has big health problems. But before we look at these problems with you, let's find out what the urine of a healthy pet should look like.

So, urine is the liquid that is formed in the kidneys and is excreted through the urethra system. At the same time, along with such excretion, harmful metabolic products, foreign substances, salts, enzymes, vitamins and even hormones are removed from the animal's body ... In principle, this is a completely natural and normal process that helps to maintain a normal internal environment of the body, which we we call homeostasis.

In a healthy animal, urine should be clear, it can be yellow or even orange.

By the way, the latter depends on the cat's diet (find out) and the nature of the metabolism in his body. If a malfunction occurs in the body (which we will find out a little later), the color of urine changes, it becomes cloudy, and bloody cords or clots can be observed in it.

Depending on the condition of the cat, the appearance and smell of its urine also changes.

Causes of the appearance of blood in the urine

Diseases of the genital tract, as well as systemic diseases and various pathologies (including heart failure, diseases of the blood, liver, overheating) can also lead to hematuria ...

As a rule, a symptom such as blood in the urine is often accompanied by a pet's refusal to eat, a general depression, and an increase. Often, a cat experiences pain during urination, so it meows loudly, rushes around the apartment and tries to go to the toilet where it is not worth doing.

If you notice such symptoms and similar changes in the pet's behavior, do not ignore them. It's time to seek advice from a veterinarian. And, it is better to go to the doctor's office right away not with empty hands, but with collected urine.

How to collect cat urine for analysis

In fact, collecting the urine of an animal, especially your pet cat, for analysis - it will help determine the cause of this condition of your pet - is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow our recommendations and take some precautions. Regarding the latter, it is better to carry out all manipulations with gloves in order to protect yourself from possible infection with an infection, if it is in it.

Disinfect the litter box before and after urine collection, remove it from the litter box and leave the grate. When your pet goes to the toilet again, you must carefully collect the urine with a syringe and pour it into a special container (you can buy it at the pharmacy).

Urine should be collected 3-4 hours before testing. If you collect it in the evening and go to the veterinary clinic only in the morning, the test results may be biased.

If the animal has problems with urination, then in order to collect a urinalysis, he will need to insert a catheter, however, this procedure must be carried out in a veterinary clinic.

How to treat hematuria in a cat

Sometimes, a visual examination of urine may not show the presence of blood clots and impurities in it, therefore, the animal's urine must be taken for analysis to a veterinary clinic. There, with the help of special methods, specialists will be able to establish whether erythrocytes, protein, leukocytes, acetone, pus, microbes, epithelium are present in the blood of a mustachioed pet, microbes, epithelium ... Based on the test results, as well as, in combination with the data obtained as a result of a clinical examination , it will be possible to diagnose and identify the cause that led to the appearance of blood in the urine of the animal. Depending on the diagnosis, an appropriate course of treatment will be prescribed. As you can see the participation of a veterinarian in this process is mandatory, therefore, it is not worthwhile to self-medicate the animal.

As a rule, in the case of hematuria, the animal is prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic drugs. If the condition of the animal is neglected, you delayed too long with an appeal to the veterinarian, the cat may be prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy. , immune drugs, herbal infusions are prescribed depending on the condition of the pet and their appointment should be dealt with by the veterinarian, not you. This should not be done even by those people who are interested in medicine or have a medical degree.

Veterinary medicine is a completely different field, and although it has some similarities with "human" medicine, there are a number of drugs that can kill an animal, rather than help it.

Many of us keep cats as our favorite pets. We always worry when they start to hurt. Often we just don’t know how to behave in different situations. One of the most common occurrences is blood in the urine of a cat.

Possible reasons

To begin with, it is important to note that urine is considered normal if it does not have a strong odor, color and is transparent. If something is wrong, then this suggests it may be a consequence of urolithiasis or cystitis. Both of these diseases need to be treated urgently. However, first of all, you should go for a consultation with a doctor. He will make the necessary tests and diagnose. Further treatment will be prescribed with the help of immunostimulants, diuretics and antibiotics.

Development of urolithiasis

This pathology is considered one of the most common. It should be noted that sand and stones do not form in the kidneys, but in the bladder. Moreover, in cats, this disease occurs much more often than in cats. Usually animals begin to get sick at the age of 2-6 years.

Here you can trace the formation of stones of two types: struvite and oxalate. Features of urolithiasis are somewhat different, in contrast to dogs or people. Improper feeding can be cited as the cause of struvite. The feed should not contain a lot of phosphorus and magnesium. Also, the acidity of urine changes during the course of the disease. Many people mistakenly believe that cats should be fed with fish. And such food contributes to the development of urolithiasis, after which the cat goes to the toilet with blood.

Obesity is also a serious risk factor. Some are sure that dry food contributes to this disease. However, it is not. Many feeds are created specifically for the preventive purpose of such a pathology and contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The main thing is to provide the animal with the right amount of water. As a result of the use of poor-quality food, its components can acidify in the urine, and oxalates precipitate in older cats. Fortunately, this phenomenon is not considered to be too common.

Clinical signs of the disease

Blood in the urine of a cat is not the only symptom of this pathology. The animal begins to go to the toilet more often and experiences obvious discomfort. Such a disease is extremely dangerous, because grains of sand are converted into a cork, which prevents urine from freely leaving the bladder. In order to be sure how full the bladder is, you can simply feel it. Normally, it should not exceed the size of a walnut.

If it is more, then you should immediately go to the veterinary clinic. This condition is very dangerous for the life of the animal. It starts to feel very bad. Due to the fact that it is too stretched, its blood vessels begin to burst, urine is in the blood, as a result of which there is a strong intoxication of the body. The cat stops drinking and eating, almost does not move, and after it begins to vomit, the muscles cramp, and tremors appear. That is why, as soon as blood is found in the urine, treatment should be started immediately. So you can manage to completely cure the animal from an evil ailment. And if nothing is done for a long time, then the pet will die very soon.

Blood from a pregnant or giving birth cat

You should be especially careful with pregnant animals. If blood appears in the urine of a cat that is expecting offspring, this should seriously alert its owners. Until the very birth, she should not have any such discharge. If something like this occurs at any stage of pregnancy, the animal should be immediately shown to the veterinarian. The specialist must first examine the patient and make him an ultrasound. This examination will help determine the state of the fetus.

In order to stop the bleeding, the doctor must inject a hemostatic drug. It can be "Vikasol" or "Dicinon". It should be noted that cats are quite unusual creatures. Even if after 1.5 months of pregnancy they lose one kitten, they are able to bear and give birth to those who remain completely healthy. Therefore, if you find blood in the urine of a cat, you should not immediately panic. You just need to show the animal to a specialist. After giving birth, the uterus bleeds for about two weeks. This phenomenon is considered completely normal. The main thing is to change the litter of a woman in labor in time and to prevent discharge that has an unpleasant odor.

Immediate help to the pet will be needed if the owner finds blood in the urine of the cat. The correct diagnosis of the animal will be made by the veterinarian when he examines him and does a blood test. The medical name for blood in urine is hematuria, both in animals and in humans.

Such a diagnosis can be a wake-up call to many animal diseases. Do not forget that the pet will not complain of pain, therefore, if hematuria is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. In order to get a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to collect urine immediately from a sick animal and take it to the clinic.

It should be remembered that urine is subject to medical analysis, which is only 2-4 hours.

Causes and Treatment of Cats with Blood in Urine

  1. Inflamed kidneys... Such symptoms can be obtained with any inflammatory process that has touched the renal tissue. Urgent treatment of a cat with blood in the urine is necessary for a progressive infection that affects the pelvis and calyx of the organ. Most often, the kidneys in pets suffer from injuries resulting from bruises. So it turns out that in this case, blood clots appear in the urine.
  2. Ureters affected by the inflammatory process... This happens because all parts of the genitourinary system are poisonous and are not protected from inflammation.
  3. Oncological processes... Bleeding can be caused by a neoplasm. Such symptoms indicate that the oncological process is at an advanced stage and you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The appearance of blood in the urine will be a sign for immediate medical attention.
  4. Injured bladder... This symptom is possible with a bruise. At the first signs of blood in the urine after a bruise, you need to see a specialist. After a bruise, a rather heavy bleeding may also open.
  5. Urolithiasis... This disease occurs when coral stones form as a result of hematuria. Pain symptoms can be localized in the kidneys, cups, pelvis or bladder. When walking or cornering, they injure the tissues of the animal with sharp edges. That is why bloody clots appear in the urine.

Animals suffering from urolithiasis should be immediately referred to a specialist. Stones enter the ureters with the urine stream, they themselves cannot form there. In pets, the urethra is very thin and narrow. Moving salt or limestone formations can sometimes move along the urinary tract. The outflow of urine can be blocked in whole or in part, while the wall of the ureter is injured by a foreign body. In this case, bloody discharge appears in the urine.

Medicines can affect cats negatively and even poisonously. The appearance of blood as a result of problems with medicines requires special attention.

If you use medicines that are intended for humans, then they can affect the body of cats in a paradoxical way. Medicines can cause blood in the urine, turn it pink or dark, and in rare cases open bleeding. It is not recommended to give paracetamol or aspirin to cats.... Gentamicin can cause nephrological diseases or infect the parenchyma. Therefore, it is considered especially dangerous for cats.

Cat urine color: is it hematuria?

Each owner wants to know what is wrong with his pet when he sees a changed color of urine. You should be aware that this is not a mandatory symptom of the disease. To change the color of urine, it is enough that the pet simply overheats.

Also, color changes can be triggered by a change in diet or a reaction to the use of drugs. If none of the above works, then dark or pink urine may indicate a serious medical condition. In such situations, the pet needs careful care, for this, stock up on endurance and patience.

By itself, hematuria is not dangerous. With it, the animal usually does not lose a lot of blood, traumatic cases with internal bleeding are an exception.

Hematuria in pathology in cats

If blood is found in the urine of cats, treatment is mandatory. Since this can be a sign of an acute or chronic illness.

Several pathologies in cats:

  • Renal polycystic disease. For a long time, this disease does not manifest itself, but it belongs to severe ones. Disruption of the kidneys, a cyst forms on them. With an advanced, difficult case, hematuria occurs. In such advanced cases, there are no radical healing measures, most often the outcome is fatal. The method of treatment is used only supportive.
  • Disease of the genitals. Most often, blood in pets enters the urine with inflammatory or oncological diseases of the reproductive system. In cats, this is oncology of the uterus or ovaries, and males suffer from inflammation or pathology of the prostate.
  • Blood in the urine of a cat appears with an acute form of cystitis. It is possible to determine this disease if pink stains or drops of blood appear during the final urination.

Each owner should be aware that all inflammatory processes in an animal are accompanied by intoxication. Most often, the pet will not show signs that something hurts him during the period of inflammation. Poisoning is the same intoxication, it can be caused by internal causes.

Methods for treating hematuria

When a cat has urine with blood, you should consult a specialist, he will tell you the correct method of treatment. With the correct diagnosis, treatment tactics are selected.

The most important thing is to find out the reason why the animal has a pathology.

The veterinarian will carry out a full diagnosis, prescribe a diet, and select medications. Experts establish the cause of the disease not only in appearance, but also take into account the results of the analysis made during the examination. Treatment tactics are selected individually for the pet, after the etiology is clarified:

  • It will cure a sick urinary system.
  • Will deal with the elimination of problems with the reproductive system.
  • The task of the veterinarian is to neutralize the consequences after an injury in an animal. If it is not just a bruise, but internal organ damage or rupture, he makes a surgical intervention.
  • Supportive treatment is used for polycystic disease in pedigree cats, as they are susceptible to this disease. With such a diagnosis, special care for the animal is required. Polycystic disease cannot be completely cured, therefore, constant monitoring and medical support for the animal is necessary.

Treatment technique for a castrated cat

The reasons for the treatment of blood in the urine of a castrato cat may be different. In some cases, castration is the prevention of the disease. But most owners castrate their pets so that in the future there will be no problems with reproduction. It should also be remembered that castration as a prevention of diseases does not affect all types of diseases.

Urolithiasis accompanies both neutered cats and neutered females. This is because the urethra narrows after this type of surgery.

Salts and limestone sands are difficult to drain through the narrow channel. With hematurgy of castrated cats, the urine darkens... Also, after such operations, the animal needs proper nutrition in order to avoid the formation of urolithiasis.

Preventive actions for hematurgy

Having analyzed all the factors that lead to hematuria, we try to eliminate or minimize them.

  • Risk group. This category includes spayed and neutered animals transferred to special food. The composition of the food must be balanced so that in the future there are no health problems. Keeping the acid balance at the same level is also considered prevention. It should be remembered that most dry food is harmful to the pet's body.
  • Cats need not only protein, but also carbohydrates. With a one-sided diet, metabolism will be disrupted. Therefore, the cat's diet should be varied. It is necessary to cook porridge with vitamins and vegetables.
  • It is not recommended to feed castrated cats with sea fish, and river fish should not be abused either. It contains a lot of salts, which will negatively affect the health of the animal. Since the accumulation of salts forms stones.
  • It is useful to give milk to cats so that calcium gets into the body.
  • Dairy products.

For whatever reason hematuria occurs - this is the name for the release of erythrocytes along with urine - in a pet, this indicates pathological processes developing in the animal's body.

It is impossible to prescribe treatment without finding out the reasons if blood is found in the urine of a cat.

This symptom may indicate the occurrence of diseases of the genitourinary system, and about malignant neoplasms, and about the consequences after injuries.

It is especially dangerous when blood appears in the urine of a cat after sterilization or castration. In this case, you should consult a doctor immediately, and not wait until "everything goes away." This sign indicates the development of complications, and the sooner treatment is started, the more chances are to save the pet's life.

Causes of blood in urine in cats

Hematuria in animals can appear for the following reasons:

In small kittens, the appearance of blood in the urine often indicates an abnormality in the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system.

It is not so easy to detect blood or mucus in a cat's urine if it goes into the tray - the litter absorbs natural secretions well. It is difficult to identify the disease at the very beginning if the animal leads a free life and walks on the street. It is very important that owners pay attention to changes in their pet's behavior.

If the cat becomes lethargic, aggressive or overly agitated, refuses to eat, tries to hide in a dark place, you should examine it for damage and check the litter box. In some cases, drops of blood can be seen on the coat immediately after urination, in other cases blood clots are found in the urine of a cat, or urine with mucus and the animal, experiencing frequent urges, is attached in the wrong place.

However, a good owner knows the peculiarities of his pet's behavior, and detects the disease at an early stage.

Conditions in which blood appears in the urine

One should not be alarmed in only one case with hematuria: if the reasons for its appearance are catheterization of an animal in a veterinary clinic. It is impossible to take urine for analysis when the animal is not accustomed to the litter box.

The cat's urethra is tender, and if there are diseases, for example, cystitis or pyelonephritis, then the delicate mucous membrane can be injured during the procedure. In this case, the release of blood will be of a short-term nature, and should end in a few hours.

To prevent injury to the urethra, an experienced veterinarian always uses antispasmodic drugs to relax the animal as much as possible and to numb the procedure.

In a healthy cat, blood in the urine may appear only in the first day after giving birth. Bloody discharge enters the urine from the uterus.

If bleeding does not stop on the second day after childbirth, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian - this is how phlegmonous vaginitis manifests itself at the initial stage.

There should be no hematuria during estrus. This is evidence of a disease.

But if a cat after estrus has urine with blood, then this is not necessarily a sign of inflammation of the reproductive system. Some overlaps are possible.

Hematuria in cats almost always appears with intoxication of the body, caused by both poisoning with various poisons, and the use of drugs and detergents.

  • One might wonder: where can a pet get poisoned? On a walk, a cat may eat bait that has been prepared for rats or mice;
  • The owners can believe the inscriptions on the tube with "Dichlorvos" or other poison acquired for the destruction of insects: cockroaches, flies, bedbugs, mosquitoes, - "Absolutely safe for children and animals, hypoallergenic"... They will hide the tube from the children anyway, but finding the cat when processing the room can be neglected. If it enters the bloodstream directly, the poison can cause a similar reaction in the body;
  • If, when using drugs for the treatment of another disease, the owners notice a change in the color of urine, it is better to refuse the medicine - this is a sign of a side effect.

After a fall or bruise, blood clots in the urine indicate serious kidney injury.

Pyelonephritis, cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system in cats appear quite often. The symptom of these inflammatory processes is hematuria. Urolithiasis often occurs in older cats after sterilization. The resulting calculi significantly impair the quality of life of the animal - to maintain health, and sometimes life, in these cases, only surgical treatment will help.

The fact that the old cat has blood instead of urine indicates its extinction. It is hardly possible to help the animal. In this case, the owner can only alleviate the suffering of the old cat.

treatment for blood in urine in a cat

The owner will help the animal if he collects tests at home so that the catheter does not have to be inserted.

To do this, shake out the filler from the tray, wash it, and reinstall the grate. The analysis is collected in a clean jar.

Before visiting the veterinarian, it is advisable to drink the animal with herbal decoctions - tea made from parsley or bearberry - or give a Furadonin pill. This will disinfect the urinary tract.

At the clinic, the owner will be asked to tell about the behavior of the animal, about how much his habits have changed due to the disease.

Laboratory diagnostics will help to finally identify the cause of the disease.

If hematuria has arisen due to cystitis, then the color of urine is uneven - the first and last portion are the most colored. In case of kidney disease, urine is the color of meat slops.

In order for the animal to recover faster, it should be placed in comfortable conditions, make sure that there are no drafts. Access to water must be free.

Very often atypical symptoms serve as a signal of a disease, which are not always easy to spot. However, if a kitten has blood in its urine, it means that it has a number of abnormalities or pathology that needs urgent treatment. Otherwise, there is a risk of worsening the disease and even death, which is not uncommon with such rather serious symptoms.

For any abnormalities or signs of illness it is required to call the veterinarian at home. He will conduct a detailed diagnosis and study of the pet, after which he will prescribe a course of treatment. Any express analyzes are carried out within fifteen minutes during check-out, so you do not have to spend extra time and money waiting and getting results during the next check-out.

Blood in kitten urine: what it means and how to collect urine

If blood was found in the urine of a cat or cat, then this is not the most pleasant signal, to him be sure to listen... In medical terms, the appearance of blood in urine in pets or in humans is called hematuria and the reasons for it vary. In this article, we'll talk about what healthy urine looks like, what hemutria is and what types there are. We will answer to main question: "The kitten has urine with blood, what to do?"

It is important to remember and keep in mind that animals are not able to tell about what hurts and in what place. You can only observe the symptoms and signs in order to call a veterinarian at home on time and get qualified specialist help. Before the arrival of the doctor it is important to collect urine for analysis. We will talk about how to most effectively collect the urine of a cat, cats for analysis will be discussed further, but now let us mention that urine is stored no more than four hours... If you give the veterinarian an older urine, there is a risk of being misdiagnosed and leading to the wrong course of treatment. but experienced doctor will never take old tests, because he knows the risk that faces him.

The analysis itself is allowed to be taken only on an empty stomach, otherwise there is a risk of spoiling the analysis. Also, the ultrasound procedure is carried out on an empty stomach, so that nothing is mixed and does not distort the result, which should be as clean as possible.

How to collect urine from a cat

To begin with, it is worth saying that in no case do not collect urine from the floor with rags or even sterile cotton wool. The fact is that all the signs of the disease remain on the cotton wool, even if it is squeezed out. The same applies to the rag, which, moreover, is capable of mixing something into the analysis.

The urine itself is collected in a sterile and thoroughly washed with boiling water tray. It cannot be washed with household chemicals. The urine is then collected in a needleless syringe, which is sold at any pharmacy. It is important that it is packed and not used before. It is worth protecting yourself from infection and infections, therefore, it is recommended to carry out the entire procedure with sterile rubber gloves.

The liquid from the syringe should be transferred to a sterile test collection bottle, which is also sold in pharmacies.

If the individual characteristics of the cat do not allow the procedure and the collection of urine correctly, the hand of an experienced veterinarian is required. He will collect the test using a catheter.

What does the urine of a healthy kitten / healthy cat look like?

By itself, urine is a fluid that is formed in the kidneys and excreted outward by the urinary system. Thanks to this activity, harmful substances that are obtained from the product are removed from the pet's body. In general, metabolic products break down food and liquids, from which salts, enzymes, hormones, vitamins and various other substances are obtained.

If we talk about the shade, then the urine has a transparent, yellowish or orangeish color. Making it this color is considered the metabolism, food, as well as the health of the pet.

What does the urine of a cat / cat / kitten look like with hematuria?

With hematuria, of course, the disease is visible much stronger, even with the naked eye. The standard color changes to red or brown. Color saturation depends on the number of red blood cells and ranges from the brightest to the most subtle. Sometimes there is a discharge in the form of blood clots.

However, very often blotches of blood are not visible on a superficial examination and it is possible to determine them only with the help of research and taking tests, in which erythrocytes are found on the urine sediment. It is worth noting that the doctor sees that the red blood cells are distorted and have a deformed shape: shrink, swell, and so on.

Sometimes urine turns brown and dark, but it happens without disease. This happens if the animal decides to eat beets or carrots. If these foods were in the diet, then you shouldn't panic.

Causes of blood in cat urine

There are four main causes of blood in the urine of a kitten, we will consider them further.

  • Firstly, it is parenchymal hematuria, which occurs when a pet's kidneys are affected. It appears because of:
  • High proteinuria - an increased state of proteins.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys or areas near the kidneys.
  • Bacterial infections or viral infections, then bacteria appear in the urine.
  • Kidney tumor due to lyphosarcoma.
  • Getting into an accident, falling from a height, and so on.
  • Kidney infarction or vascular problems.

If we talk about lyfosarcoma, then it does not occur often and to a greater extent in dogs. However, after a cat falls out of a window or from a tree, or as a result of an accident, symptoms appear, which we will talk about further.

Diseases of the urinary tract in cats. This deviation is diagnosed if the kidneys are in complete order, but there is blood in the kitten's urine. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Inflammation of the bladder in cats and its infectious deviation. In addition to the bladder, it can be the urethra, ureters, and so on. There is pyuria or, as it is otherwise called, dysuria. This term covers the fact that it is difficult for an animal to urinate. The kitten went to the toilet, but was in pain. Moreover, the cat went to the toilet with blood. With pyuria, bacteria also appear in the urine during inflammation and infection, as already mentioned, of the bladder, urethra or ureter.
  • There is an acute form of inflammation, which is formed due to the toxic effect of medications. Due to the tumor, the pet develops bleeding inside the organs, which can even lead to death. It is worth urgently contacting a veterinarian, but in this case, no one guarantees one hundred percent recovery.
  • The bladder changes its shape, because polyps or calculi appear, and otherwise - stones in the ureter, urethra or bladder. This happens due to problems with the mucous membrane, with irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • The bladder is able to get injured from the outside and react sharply to receiving it. Hematuria appears, in which case veterinary care is very important, and immediately. Otherwise, there is a risk of death.

All of the above are symptomatic of altered animal behavior. The kitten becomes very passive or, on the contrary, active, restless. In the urine of a cat, there is an impurity of blood, which is an important signal for the disease.

If symptoms are found and deviations should be called a veterinarian who will conduct a full examination and diagnosis, after which he will prescribe a course of treatment. The veterinarian of the center "Ya-Vet" is ready to help you within an hour after the call, because in Moscow and the Moscow region we have many support points. If analyzes are required, they will be done by express way immediately on the spot. Do not delay the treatment of the animal, because with such dangerous symptoms every day and even every hour counts.

  • Diseases of the genitourinary tract in cats should be distinguished. During inflammation of the prostate, blood will enter the urine, hence the observation of symptoms. The urine becomes contaminated, fluid and blood are secreted from the genitals. With inflammatory processes in the cat's prostate, blood can also enter the urine.
  • Separately, a systemic disease is distinguished. But with him, you also need to see a veterinarian who will determine the cause of the disease and tell you how to treat it correctly and what are the chances of recovery.

Time is the main resource in the treatment of any diseases, but especially those related to diseases of the genitourinary system, when blood is secreted from the genitals. Most often this is a sign of a serious pathology that needs to be treated.

First aid if there is blood in the urine of a kitten

Self cat owner will not be able to provide adequate assistance. Traditional methods and "medicines" do not work here. And drugs without knowledge of their dosage or course of administration will not bring any benefit, but rather only harm the body even more. The owner of the cat should contact the veterinarian at the first deviation and in case of illness. Not worth it engage in diagnostics yourself.

By phone it is required to explain and tell the veterinarian the symptoms that are found. So the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis at the entrance to the place of the call and the diagnosis will end much faster. It is important to provide a medical history that can help and suggest what exactly the kitten is sick with.

But remember that only after the doctor personally examines the animal, he will be able to guarantee one hundred percent diagnosis of a particular disease.

What to do for the owner during the period of illness:

  • The kitten should be at rest, not touching or jerking. Provide bedding in a warm, draft-free area and change water frequently, which should be available on a regular basis.
  • Give the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Forgetting to give boring medications, there is a risk that the disease will only worsen.
  • Do not give the animal solid food, follow the diet prescribed by the doctor.

For such diseases, antibiotics are not often used, but if necessary, then it is worth especially careful listen to doctor's prescription and fulfill them. After all, antibiotics are dangerous for the animal, but they can lead to a complete cure.


Highly important monitor the condition of the pet, pay attention to the slightest deviations or symptoms that are unusual for the animal. If detected in urine foreign elements or unusual components, it is required to collect urine for analysis and call the veterinarian at home. After all, only the owner is able to see deviations, blood in the urine of the kitten and others, and inform the veterinarian about them in time, who will already take the main actions and prescribe a course of treatment... He will also supervise the course of the disease until the animal is fully recovered.

Veterinary center "Ya-Vet" provides the service of calling an experienced specialist home. The veterinarian will arrive within an hour, because the veterinary clinic has several reference points in Moscow and the Moscow region. After a thorough diagnosis, which includes, among other things, express analyzes using innovative technologies, the expert prescribes a course of treatment for recovery.

Working according to European quality standards with the best veterinarians, we guarantee that your animal is in the safe and loving hands of veterinary professionals.