Who goes to buy the bride. Ransom of the bride

The ransom of the bride is rightfully considered one of the main and striking traditions at the wedding. An original and funny start to a festive evening is the best solution for any celebration.

But what should be the modern ransom of the bride: in poetry or prose, serious or cool? Pay attention to traditional contests and jokes or choose original and not boring scripts? So many questions envelop the bride, and she receives so few answers if she does not visit our wedding portal!

Modern and funny ransom of the bride, or ransom of the bride in style

The ransom program, like the bachelor and bachelorette scenario, should be thought out to the smallest detail. After all, no one wants to lose face on such a crucial day. When choosing or composing the bride ransom 2019 (how to do it correctly, it is also described in the presented section), take into account not only your own desires, but also the preferences of the lovers, their sense of humor and the physical capabilities of the groom.

Among future newlyweds, stylized programs are gaining popularity. The original ransom of the bride will surely surprise and be remembered, set the guests in the right mood, which is especially important for themed weddings.

Therefore, we offer you the following scenarios:

  • "Fabulous" ransom;
  • In a pirate style;
  • In Russian folk style;
  • Based on the movie "The Lord of the Rings";
  • Puzzle style and much more.

When making a choice in favor of the original ransom of the bride, the main thing is not to overdo it. There are a number of unspoken rules that will help make the ceremony easy and relaxed. For example, do not stretch contests for more than 30-40 minutes, do not come up with too complex tasks, withstand light and neutral humor, etc. If candy / champagne / money is needed during the ransom, notify the groom or witness about this in advance so that they do not get into an awkward situation.

Ideas for bride ransom in poetry and prose

Be sure to choose a humorous and perky girlfriend as the leader of the ransom. After all, you have to "fight back" from jokes and even indignation of the guests from the groom! The main thing is not to start to panic! After all, everything that happens is fun and fun, and you shouldn't forget about it.

Our team offers a modern scenario of a ransom for a wedding in two versions: in the form of poetry and prose. Thanks to the ready-made texts, anyone will be able to rehearse the ransom at home in a voice. So the witness will surely understand what pace and style of writing is closer to her. After all, self-confidence will be very important on your wedding day.

So, the Svadbagolik.ru team advises to choose a script in prose for friends "with a hanging tongue." Such a text does not have to be strictly memorized, the main thing is to adhere to the general concept. By the way, there will be own jokes and, as if by chance, funny congratulations on the wedding. By the way, it is also better to prepare them in advance.

Cool ransom of the bride in verse is suitable for those who are afraid to make a slip and get confused in words. In this case, it is better to memorize the poems and, for safety reasons, write them down on a plate / paper / in a folder. Remember that any poems must be read with intonation, otherwise the ransom runs the risk of spilling over into monotonous mumbling. It is unlikely that this is the result lovers are waiting for.

Take the time to choose the bride ransom contests and jokes to be remembered with a smile on all upcoming wedding anniversaries! And we will be happy to help you with this!

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After analyzing the sad and, on the contrary, successful experience of the newlyweds in organizing the ransom, the main recommendations can be summarized as follows:

1 Do not use tasks on ransom that can spoil the groom:
a) health
b) suit
c) mood
Namely, you should not make the poor man eat lemons with a happy smile, drink liters of various liquids, climb trees, sing serenades (if the "star" has no hearing), etc. The ransom should be fun and easy for everyone involved!

2 Do not tighten. As practice shows, for the classic ransom, 20 minutes is the time limit.

3 Do not plan a ransom and a trip to the registry office "back to back". Throw in an additional 20-30 minutes. There is never enough time. And if there is an unwanted gap, it can always be filled with a light buffet table.

4 Use the ransom in verses if the person who will read them can do it with enthusiasm, only occasionally peeping at the piece of paper.

5 Make paper tasks (numbers, texts, pictures, puzzles, etc.) as large as possible so that the guests and, most importantly, the videographer can see them well.

6 Avoid inviting a lot of people to ransom, especially if space is limited. Those who wish can always watch the missed moments on video.

Where to spend the ransom

Traditionally, the ransom is carried out at the bride's home. However, if the house / entrance does not shine with beauty, you can arrange a redemption in a neutral territory, for example, in a nearby courtyard or park, at a hotel (you must first rent a room and agree with the administration) or even in a shopping center.

Where to find the original script for the bride price

If you want your ransom to go through especially and not "hackneyed", we recommend using the following sources:

1 Check out our library. We have not only collected many interesting, in our opinion, ransoms on the open spaces of the Runet, but also posted a number of our own unique scenarios, written especially for you! Here you will also find a large number of tasks for the groom, from which, if you wish, you can make your own original scenario of the bride's redemption.

2 Check out wedding forums. You may not find a ready-made ransom scenario, but you will surely find a number of fresh ideas.

3 Look for inspiration on various video hosting sites. For example, "YouTube".

4 If financial opportunities allow, you can contact the specialists who are in most wedding agencies for the development of an individual scenario. By the way, some firms specialize in non-standard buyouts (involving musicians, artists of various genres, etc.)

5 You can instruct the tamada to carry out the redemption for an additional fee, jointly discussing the desired scenario.

Alternative to traditional buyout

The traditional ransom scheme is as follows: “Bridesmaids block the path of the groom and his friends - they test the latter for dexterity / intelligence / generosity, etc. - hearts in love unite - champagne (if time permits) - a trip to the registry office ”.

If desired, the usual course of things can be disrupted. Here are just some of the ways:

1 Through the window. Grooms have long discovered and successfully practice this dangerous, but very effective way of appearing. Depending on the height of the window, ladders, aerial platforms, cables, etc. are used. Further, it is standard - the groom furtively wipes the treacherous drop of sweat from his forehead, kneels down, confesses his love, gives a bouquet, kisses the shocked darling. It is better, of course, that the bride knows about such intentions in advance and does not waste time preparing the ransom scenario.

2 Western style. Even if you do not plan to arrange on-site registration, you can stage certain moments of the ceremony. The groom is escorted to a specially prepared room / gazebo / garden, forced to wait for a while (i.e., to be nervous). Then the door opens, and the bride's father slowly brings his daughter to the groom to the touching music. For greater effect, you can instruct the children (if there are any among relatives) to sprinkle the bride's path with rose petals. Then the parents say parting words, the groom promises to take care of the bride in return. Applause. Buffet.

3 The bride buys the groom. This method is suitable for those who do not accept stereotypes. In this case, everything changes exactly the opposite - now the groom's friends interfere with the bride and her girlfriends on the way to the goal. This will certainly be remembered by everyone for a long time!

4 Quest style ransom. In such scenarios, the groom and his friends move around the city and perform various tasks, following the prompts that follow from one another, until they get to the bride. However, such a ransom is not suitable for everyone, since it will take quite a long time to implement it.

5 Parallel buyback. Some grooms are rightfully indignant why, in our emancipated age, it is they who should redeem the bride, going through a series of ridiculous and sometimes humiliating tests, while the bride tints her lips, sitting in her room. After all, the bride wants to get married no less than the groom wants to get married! You can also come up with an alternative to the classic ransom, so that both perform tasks and prove their "professional suitability" for family life on an equal footing! You will find an example of such a ransom.

6 Meeting in nature. The bride and groom can simply arrange a meeting at the agreed place: by a bench in a beautiful alley, in a park, in a blooming garden, etc. The meeting of lovers on the picturesque bank of the reservoir, where the groom can drive up, say, on a white ... boat, will look very impressive.

What can be used instead of money to buy the bride?

Many believe that taking money from the groom for ransom is vulgar and pointless, because the main goal of the event is to beautifully beat the meeting of lovers and cash settlements are not the place here. We offer some options for replacing real money:

1 Fake money (can be bought in shops selling holiday goods);

2 Sweets (sweets, chocolate coins, fruits, etc.);

3 Champagne;

4 Small tasks (sit down, push up, etc.). Examples.

5 Receipts with promises. The groom is given pre-prepared "receipts" with various promises (to have a massage, wash the dishes for a week, cook a romantic dinner, etc.). A signature line is drawn at the bottom. In case of failure in the performance of some task, the groom must sign one of the “receipts” at will, after which it is withdrawn for subsequent transfer to the bride.

The ransom of the bride is an old tradition. Now, during the visit to the bride, many onlookers and guests gather around the house. Usually in the morning with the fiancee's boyfriend and girlfriend. They can take over the organization of the foreclosure. It should be fun and interesting. Therefore, the buyback process itself is combined with contests and games.

The main thing in the article

Funny Bride Ransom Scenarios

First you need to decorate the entrance to the staircase. To do this, use an arch made of balls, fresh flowers and ribbons. If the bride lives in a private house, then decorating the territory is much easier. Prepare in advance everything you need for the contests and warn the groom to take with him a lot of small bills and one large one, coins and candies with champagne.

An example scenario:

  • First test. One of the ransom organizers meets the groom and the boyar. It is necessary to outline the feet of several girls in advance so that characteristic traces remain. The groom must determine where the trail of his beloved is. With every mistake, he puts money in his piggy bank
  • Second test. After the first test, the groom is allowed into the vestibule of the entrance. Here, photographs of the bride in childhood and her bridesmaids are pre-hung. The groom must choose his future wife. If he is mistaken, he puts money in the piggy bank. The piggy bank is prepared in advance. It can be a regular box, pasted over with ribbons and sequins
  • Third test. The presenter asks the bride's name in bills directly at the elevator. All the money then goes into the piggy bank
  • Fourth test. Having risen to the floor above, a basin of water is placed in front of the man and asked to put the most valuable gift for the bride. The groom must guess that it is him. At the same time, the guests in every possible way hint and give hints that the most valuable prize is the groom. When the man answers correctly, he should take off his socks and stand in a basin of water. Prepare a towel in advance
  • Fifth test. It is arranged directly on the last flight of stairs. The presenter asks the groom to write in chalk on the steps the reasons why he is getting married. Warn the man ahead of time to think about the answers. In some flights of 12-15 steps, the man must prepare himself. At the end, the presenter asks for a ransom in the form of sweets and champagne. The groom is allowed into the apartment to the bride

Modern bride ransom in verse

Of course, poetry has always been something out of the ordinary, so you can arrange for a bride price using poems.

An example scenario in verse:

Happy everyone, good afternoon,
Yes, the groom called the guests,
Do you want to show yourself
And take the daughter-in-law ?!
It won't be easy
But still, it will be decided
And first, rhyme
Don't be nervous, don't spit
I want to say one word
You will take it to the registry office with you,
And will it be the same ...?

(Groom's answer: ring)

A man must dance. And you need to depict three different dances. Different melodies sound for three minutes. For example, the dance of swans, gypsy and waltz. For every wrong dance, the groom pays money.

You went through everything with a bang
We give the title of a fellow
Now there will be a task,
Recognize prosperity in the mind,
I will give riddles,
And you answer correctly!

The bride needs her so much
Snow white ...?

(Answer: veil)

She will be with you again and again
This big, passionate ...?

(Answer: love)

And although life will be a little easier without her,
But she is very important, dear ...?

(Answer: mother-in-law)

And the sun will shine on you brighter
When will you have ...?

(Answer: children)

The groom pays the bride's ransom

And now there is one more condition,
You yourself must compose a verse,
And perhaps a witness can help
Here are my words to you: wife, needed, alone, tender,
Rather compose of them,
And take the bride!

Usually men are confused, so the presenter can discreetly hand him a sheet of verses:

Will you be my wife now
You will be with me alone
I need you more than anything
You are so beautiful and tender!

The groom reads aloud

It's time to finish the poems
The assignments were not easy
But you were able to fulfill all of them,
And it will be like a lesson
Now take your bride
Open the door to a new life
Love her and respect her
Then there will be paradise around you!

The future wife comes out to the man, he gives her a wedding bouquet, a mini-feast takes place, and everyone goes to the registry office.

Original contests for the buyout of the bride

Ransom becomes a boring rip-off for the groom without tenders. Accordingly, you need to try to make the action fun for the guests and the groom with the boyar.

Several contests for bride price:

  • Darts. It is necessary to attach a regular circle for playing darts at the entrance to the entrance or on the fence. On each circle, they write designations. The farthest from the center is a fur coat, then earrings, an apartment, a car, underwear, etc. The apple is everything. The groom throws darts, whatever falls out, he will give the bride.
  • The smell of the bride. For the competition, 5 napkins soaked in perfume are prepared in advance. Among them is the scent of the bride, which she regularly uses. The groom must choose the right napkin. If he is mistaken, he puts money in the piggy bank.
  • Photo report. The presenter prepares several photographs with some memorable moments in the life of the couple. The groom should briefly tell the story of the photo. That is, where she is captured, some interesting moments. Guests get to know the groom better and how future spouses usually spend time together.
  • Guess. For this competition, the groom is blindfolded. Several figures cut out of cardboard are hung on a ribbon or clothesline. This is the silhouette of Baba Yaga, a poker, a bride, a tree. The groom must choose the silhouette of the bride.

Let's get married style bride redemption

This program with Larisa Guzeeva has long won the hearts of many women. If you are a fan of this show, arrange a Let's Get Married ransom. For this, a table is set up in the courtyard and three women sit down at it. It is advisable that they do make-up and wear wigs like the hosts of the TV show. Almost all the ransom is improvisation, but there are also prepared contests.

  • At the very beginning, the groom is asked questions. For example, what is the purpose of getting married, what does the chosen one like. After that, a drawing competition is held. Friends of the groom participate in it. The presenter asks to draw some of the episodes of the groom's life. Anyone who draws a lie, for example, a groom in a library, pays a fine. It is better to discuss in advance what each person will draw, so that similar drawings do not turn out.
  • Further, an astrologer is consulted. It is necessary to prepare a funny horoscope of compatibility of the bride and groom. After that, the astrologer hands the groom a sheet of paper, divided into two parts, he must write the positive and negative qualities of his chosen one
  • After the contests, the presenter suggests pulling the most anticipated phrase out of the basket, but basically the groom will pull comic phrases like “let's smoke” or “let's eat” from the basket. At the end, the presenter gives the phrase "Let's get married" and the groom goes to the bride

Quest style bride redemption

This is a modern and fun scenario that involves traveling around town. Accordingly, it is better if the registration at the registry office is scheduled in the afternoon. To organize the ransom, you will need a city map. If you do not want the groom to travel around the city in search of his beloved, draw the map yourself. The bride can be with neighbors.

Brief instructions for organizing a ransom in the Quest style:

  • You need to draw on a homemade or purchased map a place where clues about the location of the bride will be located. Place the phone in the designated place. After the groom finds him, he must call the last indicated number. There he will receive the following hint.
  • Next, he goes to where the person sent him by phone. Hide the note with the following clue under the bench. You can use puzzles to encrypt the place of the next hint
  • Thus, the groom will walk around the districts, near the place where the bride is hidden. In the end, he will have to pay the last person who will tell you where the bride is. This is a very exciting ransom, however, the groom will get tired even before the registry office

Mafia style bride ransom

For redemption in this style, you need to prepare accessories. These are toy pistols, black hats and ties. The witness and bridesmaids wear accessories over their outfits.

Buyback scenario:

  • Witness: “Have you come to intermarry with our clan? Well girls look at the daredevil. To get our bride, you must prove to us that you are familiar with the history of the mafia. " The witness asks to name five films about the mafia
  • Witness: "Well, you know the history of the mafia, and now answer the questions related to the history of our clan." Carry out cards with a set of numbers. Each card contains a memorable date for the bride's family. It could be your mother-in-law's birthday, your parents' wedding day, etc. If the groom is wrong, he puts money in the piggy bank
  • Witness: “Now prove to us that you can protect the bride from a bullet. Prove your accuracy. " A dart board is hung on the wall and the man is given three darts. He should hit the bull's-eye with three attempts. If he fails, he pays the ransom. Then the boyar tries to correct the failure of his friend
  • Witness: "Now you have the last obstacle in front of you and you must open this door." She gives a hairpin and offers to use it to open the door. Of course, the groom does not succeed. The witness offers to burst the balls at the door and find the key. For each empty ball, the groom pays money. Finding the key, he opens the door and gets the bride

Ransom of the bride in the style of a fairy tale

You can choose any fairy tale you like. Prepare costumes from available clothes and wigs. Apply makeup, you can use masks.

An example scenario of a fabulous ransom:

  • This scenario requires characters: Hell, Angel, Water, and Gypsies
  • Angel: “Hello, guests, has a good fellow come to buy a bride? Come in, you will be a guest. We will feed, give water and warm up ”. The groom passes to the entrance. But then the devil pops up
  • Damn: “Well, what are you doing, what are you looking for? The girl's skin and bones, choose something suitable. " Gives the groom a photo of fat women
  • Angel: “Well, again you get confused under your feet, you fool people's brains. Leave, let the fellow take the bride "
  • Damn: "Well, okay, let it go, run like a tablecloth." Goes to pester guests, amuses them
  • Angel: “He took your beautiful Serpent-Gorynych, you will have to save her. Here is the first test. You must extinguish the fire that the Serpent started. " Candles are burning on the floor, the groom and his entourage must put out the fire
  • The groom goes up to the next floor. Gypsies pester him and ask him to gild the handle. The groom gives them money, and they give him a raincoat. After that, they ask from a heap of photographs of girls 2-3 years old to find their beloved
  • The groom goes up to the next floor and meets the waterman there. He offers to choose one of his daughters instead of the princess. The groom refuses. Then the waterman places cups of liquid on the floor, some of which has vodka. The groom and his entourage empty the cups
  • The groom rises higher. Copper colored ribbons are tied on the railing
  • Angel: "You went all the way well done, it remains to go through the copper pipes and fight the Serpent." The groom cuts the ribbons and the angel gives him a sword. A man enters an apartment, the door of which is covered with a sheet with a painted Serpent. The groom rips off the fabric and takes the bride

Scenario of the bride-to-be redemption of the groom

This is an alternative scenario. It is based on a primordially Russian lady who will stop a galloping horse. It is necessary to warn the bride in advance about the unusual ransom. The whole scenario is prepared by the future spouse and his friends. It is required in advance to prepare a disc with the kidnappers' address to the bride. They report that they have stolen the groom and demand a ransom.

  • A black car arrives, in which the bride gets in and arrives at the place designated by the robbers. The bandits offer to fulfill several conditions for the ransom. The bride must stop any three cars and ask the drivers for money to buy the groom
  • The bride is presented with a checkbook of the groom's wishes. After that, the bandits exchange the money received from the drivers for a rebus with the indicated street where the groom is hidden. If the bride cannot solve the puzzle, then she tears off the check from the groom's book. Desires can be very different. For example, drinking beer with a fish in the evening and watching football with the groom
  • The bride is brought to the house, where the groom is hidden. There are guards at the entrance. The bride should tie ties around the men's neck. If he does not cope with the task, he again tears off the check from the groom's wishbook
  • Further, a man runs out of the entrance with five notes written in different handwritings. The bride must recognize the handwriting of her beloved and come to the indicated apartment
  • After this competition, the bride is allowed into the apartment, behind the door of which the groom and his friends are sitting. The bride must guess which voice belongs to the beloved. Men say "I love you." After this, the groom is allowed to visit the bride

There are a lot of buyout scenarios, choose the most suitable one.

VIDEO: Cool bride ransom

One of the most interesting actions at a wedding is buying the bride. It is rooted in the distant past. In the old days, this custom was taken more seriously than now, because the bride left her home forever and very often left with her husband to another village. That is why no one wanted to part with the bride just like that. The groom should have understood that he would not be able to take his young wife to his home without making any effort. Often, the ransom was more like a whole performance with the groom and his witness in the lead roles. On the way to the bride's house, the groom faced many obstacles. Very often the road was blocked by a log. For the groom, a lot of contests, riddles, tasks were invented. The ransom process has always been accompanied by an abundance of jokes and jokes in the direction of the groom. After completing all the tasks, the groom could finally go to the bride's house. But even there surprises awaited him. The doors and windows were closed, of course, they were not allowed inside. Children were bustling about in the courtyard, and we had to pay off them too. Here sweets and small coins were used. The groom was greeted by relatives and bridesmaids. They asked riddles, organized various contests. After all the trials, the groom was escorted into the house and seated next to the bride. The feast began.

Nowadays, ransom is more formal and more fun for guests. Usually the bride's ransom is prepared by the bridesmaids. They come up with various questions and tasks for the groom. The witness can "bribe" the girlfriends with gifts, candy, money or champagne. It is very important that this action is not prolonged, but flew by in one breath. There are many options for buying a bride. They can be poetic, poetic, or they can look like a whole performance.

Tips for brides
Do not come up with impossible tasks for the groom, such as, for example, how to drink 3 liters of water to get the key, give your friend vodka from a shoe so that he cannot get to the registry office, etc. Also, do not demand bulky and unnecessary things (a huge bouquet for each girlfriend, a five-kilogram head of cheese, etc.). Having drawn up the scenario of the bride's redemption, do not forget to mark what needs to be prepared for the test of the groom, think over everything again and pass the list to the groom. Many do this - they prepare everything themselves and pass it on at the last moment through someone to the groom. Remember: this is not a betrayal, but help. You want that after the ransom, when the groom gets to you, he still looks like a prince.

Tips for grooms
Dear grooms, ransom may seem fun and interesting to you if you approach it with humor and wit. If the bride has provided a list of equipment for the ransom, there is no need to discuss it and think: “Why did they need a liter of milk? I can treat everyone with milk later, at the banquet! " Wrote - so it should be! If there is no list of necessary things, the groom must prepare the necessary arsenal himself.

... Cheat sheets. Affectionate words, housework, dates and numbers can be safely prepared in the form of little clues. Imagine the surprise and laughter when, before enumerating affectionate words, you take out an "accordion spur" about two meters long!

Trifle + Scotch = name of your beloved. At the ransom, they often ask to write the name of the bride out of money. In advance at home, glue the name of your beloved with a small change on a wide adhesive tape, secure it on top with one more layer. It's fun when a pre-prepared “name” is given to a given request, you can also add: “Do you need a surname and patronymic? I have! And the date of birth! "

Prepared poster: “There is no money and will not be! Contact tomorrow! "

If you know exactly the location of the bride's lip print, you can safely play a joke: try on other prints without touching with the words: “No! Not that they don't fit! " And so solemnly kiss the desired print. The big mistake of the groom's retinue is to help on this test. So the question arises: "How do they know the lips of the bride?"

The word "Verse" on a piece of paper. As soon as asked to read the verse, feel free to take out the sheet and read: "VERSE!"

Prepared film for serenade. When asked to sing something about love, take out the cassette recorder and turn it on.

Money trick. On the demand for "green" get a bunch of dill, parsley or a head of cabbage. The requirement for the exact amount is fulfilled as follows - a piece of paper is taken out and, with the help of a green felt-tip pen, the amount is written at the end with a $ sign.

Outfit of the groom for the ransom of the bride

Money (fake, real, Soviet, funny with cartoons, more coins);


Sweets and various sweets, even bagels on a string will be used;

Learn a couple of songs and poems about love, ditties will also come in handy;

Remember all the important dates in the life of the bride and her parents;

Look in the dictionary of synonyms - you will need a lot of affectionate and gentle words.

What shouldn't bridesmaids do on ransom
Many mistakes and misunderstandings happen during the bride ransom. Sometimes they are funny and ridiculous. - The most common mistake of bridesmaids is to keep the sheets of poetry covered with writing. It is very ugly when the girlfriends carry out the ransom, and they themselves are buried in the sheets and read monotonously. If you have not learned the poems, then you do not need to try to repeat them or read them. Better to speak in your own words, the main thing is to remember the ransom scenario. You can use little tricks: near each test site, put colorfully decorated leaflets or parcels, where tasks are listed on behalf of the bride: "Darling, I want you to call me affectionate words when passing this staircase." Another way, more modern. Brides often regret not being able to witness the ransom with their own eyes. Ask the videographer in advance to broadcast the ransom on TV. In this case, the bride herself will be able to direct the process. Call a friend on a mobile phone, turn on the speakerphone and go! If, nevertheless, the host has poems and leaflets, then let them not be simple notebooks, but leaflets in the form of hearts, flowers and multi-colored stars. - No need to get angry if the ransom suddenly went wrong. The groom, after all, is not aware of the scenario, and may turn the course of events in the other direction. Do not despair, better improvise on the go! - If the time allotted for ransom is not enough, try to quickly rebuild the scenario and reduce the ransom. - Do not demand from the groom what he certainly does not have. He did not bring a bottle of cola, do not drive his friends to the nearest store, because time is running out!

Time to buy the bride
The optimal time for redemption is 20-40 minutes. If less, then he may not be remembered at all, and if longer, then everyone may get bored.

Advice for brides: calculate the time so that before the redemption you are already completely ready to leave for the registry office. Advice to grooms: come to the ransom on time! We know the groom's trick - to arrive 20 minutes before departure to the registry office, so that they will be allowed to see the bride without testing. Cheat, then offend the girlfriends of the bride, and the bride herself - they were preparing! Conversely, do not arrive an hour before the ransom. Until the bride is dressed, you will not be allowed in anyway. The best thing to do when leaving is to inform the bride about it and arrive on time.

If you decide to arrange a ransom for the bride, do not delay it too much, 10-15 minutes is the best option. Thinking over the contests, think about whether your chosen one is able to complete this or that task (do not mock him too much so that the holiday is not spoiled by his bad mood). We offer a list of contests from which you can choose those that will appeal to both you and the groom.

1. Different letters are written on the steps, the groom must go up the steps to say affectionate words to the bride beginning with this letter.

2. Plates with questions about the bride and her family are laid out on the steps. In order to rise to the next step, the groom must answer the question correctly or pay a fine.

3. The witness is given an apple with matches, he must, pulling out matches, list the positive qualities of the groom.

A variation on the theme of the previous competition. The groom is given an apple studded with matches. One of the matches should be short. The groom should pull out one match at a time until he pulls out a short one and with each long match he should somehow affectionately, without hesitation, name his beloved.

4. Several hearts are made (just on the flight of stairs), and on each is written the reason for the marriage: "by calculation", "by flight", etc. The inscription "for love" is placed on the very top step. The groom must get to the top heart without stepping on the steps on which the wrong answers lie, without using the railing. The witness must guess to carry the groom upstairs in his arms.

5. On the stairs, lay out daisies of two colors. Stepped on the red one - say an affectionate word about the bride, stepped on the blue one - tell me how you will scold. And if you don't want to scold "- pay.

6. Freeze the apartment key in an ice cube. You can freeze a few more cubes with "fake" keys.

7. Papers are put into the inflated balls. One of them bears the inscription "key". The groom must burst the chosen balloon, if he guesses, he is given the key to the apartment, if he is wrong "- a fine. A variant of this task is possible when the name of the bride and the names of guests (including men) are written on pieces of paper.

8. The groom is greeted with a glass of water, and he must throw so many coins there so that the water overflows. In three glasses, you need to put what rustles, what rings and what splashes.

9. The groom is offered three glasses (with salty, sour and sweet water). With what face to drink - with such a bride to live.

10. The doors to the apartment and the apartment are all closed. There is a task on each door. The groom chooses the door behind which he thinks the bride is and answers the question. Answers correctly - the door opens, did not guess - choose another door or pay the ransom. At the same time, in any of the rooms there may be a person disguised as a bride, it is better if it is a man.

11. The groom should write the name of the bride in money on a tray or table.

12. The groom must identify the bride from children's photographs. Photos can be hung on strings, then the groom has to jump up and kiss the bride's photo.

13. A dartboard hangs on the door, the inscriptions "for love", "for convenience", "friends advised", "did a foolish thing ...", "how do I know?" etc. The groom must throw darts at them, thus explaining the reason for the marriage. You can shoot with a champagne cork.

14. From the deck, where funny pictures (photos from "Playboy", cartoons) and a photo of the bride are previously pasted on the cards, choose your betrothed. An unsuccessful attempt and decision to take a new card is paid. 15. The groom should read poetry dedicated to the bride or sing a love song with friends.

16. Make the groom with friends perform the dance of little swans to your own accompaniment or dance a gypsy.

17. Ask the groom to draw a bride (you can save some grandmother in advance and then give her away as the most similar to the drawing).

18. On a sheet of paper, all the women present leave an imprint of their lipstick. The groom must guess the lips of the bride.

19. Recognize the bride by the finger on which she is going to put on the ring. They pull on the sheet and several girls show one finger.

20. The groom makes his way into the room for a long time, and there a false bride awaits him "- a man or an old woman in a veil.

21. Offer the groom to put something for the soul in the basin. The groom must guess to get up there himself.

22. When the groom approached the bride's room, he must say magic words for the door to open. The groom must guess that these words - "I love you!"

23. You can glue wallpaper on the entrance to the bride's room. And pretend that there are no more rooms. And when the groom breaks through the wallpaper, take a ransom for the damage done to the apartment.

24. Several strings or ribbons stick out from under the last door; a bride and several other people are tied to them. The groom has to pull the tape and pull the bride out. If he is not pulling her out, but, say, her neighbor of retirement age, he must either pay off or marry what he pulled out.

25. The groom enters the bride's room - but she is without shoes! You need to guess which box this shoe is in (you can put slippers and men's shoes in the rest of the boxes).

Bride Ransom Scenario 2. Classic

The ransom of the bride is being prepared by a witness with her bridesmaids. They should keep in mind that they are "selling" the girlfriend, but they should not demand a lot of money from the groom. It is better to carry out the ransom in a playful way, make the groom and witnesses go through obstacles, show your intelligence and ingenuity. This must be done so that everyone is fun and interesting.

To redeem the bride, the witness must prepare:

Three footprints, painted on one side with any color (only, of course, not black), and on the other side write on one - "By calculation", on the second - "For love", on the third - "Out of need". These three tracks show the groom painted side up and he must choose.

"Hearts" colored red, their number should correspond to the number of steps on the stairs. Stool. The pelvis. Three mugs of water. One contains sugar, the second contains salt, and the third contains citric acid.

Hello dear guests! Why did you come to us?


For the bride.
Not a bride, but a queen, but such a craftswoman! We value the bride, we won't give it up just like that! We need such a ransom that cannot be expressed in price: Three bottles of lemonade and two bars of chocolate, vodka, beer - all like a river, and a gold ring.
Witness (on the street):

So that the bride at the window does not get bored alone, you must shout to her from here about your love. Witness:

And now, groom, you won't go anywhere: You will tell us frankly why you are getting married. Here are three footprints in front of you, choose any for yourself. ("By calculation", "by love", "by need" - you may not like the reason, and this is played up.) How bad is the reason, shouldn't you oversleep the groom? If you want to go up, buy off rich!
Witness (on the stairs):

How many hearts, so many affectionate words.


We do not know the groom at all, and we want to know everything about him. Let a friend-witness slowly enumerate to us the merits of the groom. If a friend does not name ten qualities in advance, there will be a complete turn from the doorstep to the gate. Witness (on the stairs):

This ladder of songs: For each ladder - a song.


We ask the groom to stand on a stool, now let's see - how is he dressed? Yes, dressed and shod in fashion. And the jacket is not a hoodie, as if it was sewn in "Siluet", it is just lovely how it sits. A fashionable tailcoat, a watch with fire, even a necktie with him. In general, we can be calm. In appearance, the groom is quite worthy.
Witness (on the stairs):

What do these numbers mean?

For the beauty of the bride - dance, groom, on our basin. And you, witness, do not be shy, dance for us the dance of swans.
Witness (at the apartment):

Now, dear groom, show us what kind of life you will have. Here are three mugs of water for you: One mug talks about a sweet life (with sugar), the second about bitter (with salt), and the third about sour life (with citric acid). Drink water from any mug, and by your face we will know What kind of life awaits you.
Witness (in the bride's apartment):

Well ... (groom's name), it's yours, only I have the shoe. If you don’t find a shoe, you won’t take (name of the bride) to the registry office.

The groom buys out the shoe, goes into the room where the bride is sitting, gives flowers and puts on her shoes.

The bride ransom is complete!

On the way of the groom there is an obstacle - a ladder. Each rung of the ladder is a challenge for the groom. He will be able to move from one step to another only when he answers the question asked. The questions asked can be very varied and unexpected. Here is a far from complete list of such questions. What else to ask the poor confused groom, your imagination and sense of humor will tell you.

What day did you meet your fiancee?

Where did such a significant event take place?

Do you remember the hour of your first date?

What shoe size does your tapered shoe wear?

And what is her waist?

What is the full name of your future mother-in-law?

On what day will you wish your future mother-in-law a happy birthday?

What are your bride's favorite flowers?

Which men do your spouse like best: handsome, smart, strong, or generous?

What does your father-in-law drink more willingly - tea or vodka?

What color is your bride's eyes?

Name your favorite color as your favorite.

Name your favorite season as your favorite.

What will your fiancee prefer: a candlelit dinner, a trip to a disco, or witchcraft over a new culinary recipe?

Where does she prefer to rest: at sea, in the mountains, in the forest?

What is your fiancee's favorite perfume?

What cuisine does your future wife prefer: Chinese, European or Russian?

What does your beloved prefer in the morning: a newspaper or coffee in bed?

What will come first for the wife: family or work?

How many children does your bride want?

What dish will your bride never eat?

What item would she never wear?

What animal does your future wife associate you with?

Are you dreaming about your bride in a dream?

Does your beloved believe in a horoscope?

What was your fiance's favorite subject at school?

What affectionate nickname did your fiance have as a child?

Name the first word that your future wife said.

Do you remember the words with which you declared your love to your bride?

According to your wife: who will be the boss in the house?

What does she like more: ice cream or cakes?

What do you think - if the opportunity presents itself, will your wife go to the resort on vacation without you or not?

What animal does your future spouse want to have at home?

What dream did she have as a child?

What does your fiancee love to do more than anything else?

Does she like to play sports?

What century would she like to be born in?

On which cheek does your beloved have a mole?

What surname will your wife have after the wedding?

How many non-girlfriends do you have?

Does she like talking on the phone?

How does she react to compliments from a stranger?

How much time does your future wife spend in front of the mirror?

What is her favorite car brand?

Does she like to dance?

What brand of wine does your fiancee prefer?

If your fiancee caught a goldfish and she promised to fulfill any wish, what wish would she make?

What book did your beloved wife-to-be have?

Who is her favorite movie character?

Does your fiancée agree with the statement that paradise is with the dear and in the hut?

What does your chosen one like more: giving gifts or receiving them?

What qualities does your chosen one hate in men?

What prefers your fiancee on the day off: sit in front of the TV, go to the theater or go to nature?

What's her motto for life?

What kind of music does your beloved listen to the most?

Describe your future wife in three words.

Who is her favorite writer?

If the groom does not know the correct answer to the question or does not answer quite accurately, then he pays the ransom. The test ends only when the groom is successful, i.e. after answering questions or paying a ransom that will suit the guests of the bride, he will overcome the last rung of the ladder.


For this test, the groom will need a pre-prepared wet towel. The host or one of the guests of the bride hands this towel to the groom and says: "Tie the towel as tightly as you will love your future wife." Of course, the groom will do his best to tighten the towel. The guests at this time support the groom so that he ties the towel as tightly as possible.

After that, the presenter, accompanied by the approving exclamations of the guests, says: "Now, untie the towel as quickly as you will quickly wind your quarrels out of the house." The groom will try to quickly untie the towel tied by him, and the situation turns out to be comic.


The bride, two or three girlfriends and grandmother are locked in the room. When the groom approaches the locked room, he sees several threads (their number depends on the number of people in the room), which are peeping out from under the closed door of the room. At the other end, these strings are tied to the fingers of people in the room. When the groom pulls the thread, the one to which this thread was tied comes up to him. The host of the competition says: "Take her as a wife or pay tribute." The competition continues until the groom guesses his bride or makes a new decision: to marry the bridesmaid.

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 6. Dormitory

At the entrance to the house (on the house) there is a sign: “Women's hostel. Male citizens are strictly prohibited! Commandant ". Ropes with linen can be stretched nearby, water from basins can splash out of the windows, at the entrance the girls “knock out rugs and mattresses”. When the groom appears, "activity" with shouts and screams "The men have arrived!" stops. The groom comes to the door, a watchman runs out to meet him (a woman over 50, in a sweatshirt, a scarf, with a mop and a sign "The watchman's aunt Dusya" on her chest).


Stop! Where to? After ten, the entrance to the hostel is prohibited! Who are you, man? And men are generally ordered to drive a filthy broom! All sorts of people walk around here, sigh, and then the girls' skirts don't fit! So turn around, or I'll call the police! (Pulls out a whistle, whistles) Police !!! Help, they are being raped! Well, why are you standing and not raping? Ah, so you didn't come for that ... Why else can you come to the women's hostel?

The groom replies that he came for the bride, whose name is ... (says name)


Which one ...? Of the 118th? Who has one eye and is lame?

The groom replies that to another, from the apartment ... (calls the apartment number)


Oh, to this one! .. Well, you surprised me by a guy! I sit here all day and night, and so that someone comes to her, I see it for the first time! .. And what do you want from her?


The groom replies that he wants to marry her.


Ish how he wrapped it up! Marry! Serious, so you're a guy? Good. Since he is serious himself, and you have serious intentions - so be it, I will not obstruct you, but I will not give up the girl - it’s too good - I just won’t give it up. I ask you riddles. But not for children - simple, but complex, adults. If you answer correctly - well done, wrong - you owe it. Agree? I will not miss it in another way, and do not hope. Well, answer!


1. The place where the strongest marriages take place? (Heaven)

2. What time of year does love most often bloom? (Spring)

3. What do real lovers like to look at when dreaming? (Stars)

4. A feeling that can be felt for a loved one, besides love? (Tenderness, jealousy)

5. A woman helping lovers find each other? (Matchmaker)

6. What sound background is most favorable for lovers? (Silence)

7. Who pierces the hearts of people with arrows of love? (Cupid, Cupid)

8. The wife's father? (Father-in-law)

9. What is the wife's contribution to the family household? (Dowry)

10. Who is the mistress of the head of the family and who is the head of the family of the mistress of the house, if the head does not have a head at all, and the mistress does not have all the houses? (Mother-in-law)

11. If a child was found in a cabbage, where were his parents at that time? (In the garden)


And he answered well, and did not leave me without income. Well, look around, you can't see the commandant? Then skip, just quickly, if that - I did not see you. And one more thing: be careful there, in the corridors, they are dark with us, and the girls here are cunning, many entered those corridors, but not all showed up.

Witness with her friends:

Well, hello, groom, hello! It's been a long time since we've seen people like you. Tell me which room, to whom and why? (The groom answers)


We know, we know this, she has been waiting for you for a long time, but just not in the room that you named, we hid her in another, take a closer look at the doors, maybe, by handprint, you will find behind which your bride is!

Several doors are painted on the Whatman paper, like a corridor. On each door is a woman's hand (circled). The groom must recognize the bride's hand and indicate it, for every mistake there is a fine.


Okay, groom, you found the right door. Only behind her can there be several brides, but all with the same name as yours. Go through this ladder, on each step call your bride by name, but every time so that it sounds different.

The groom, climbing each new step, calls the name of the bride: for example, Sveta, Svetlana, Svetochka, Svetik, etc.


Now tell us, groom, what your bride looks like, just without words.

As an answer to the questions, the groom gives the bill of the color that should be named.


What are the eyes of the bride? Green! Good. Does she have one eye? Two - so give me two pieces of paper. What sponges? Red ones - and also two. And what varnish is her nails painted today? So give me a bottle of white, okay, one for all your fingers. Well, groom, let's see how and what you will feed your wife, do you know what she loves, let's start with the first one. What do you think she will choose if in the menu:

Three options are given, the groom chooses one of them.

Now the second.

Three options for the second are given, the groom chooses one.

Now the third.

Three options, the groom chooses one.


Oh, girls, everything that the groom named, just today we have! It only costs ... (named by the groom) the first - 150 rubles, the second - 100 rubles, the third - 100 rubles. Total: 350 rubles. Get out, groom, money, and we will run off to buy, we will feed the bride. Isn't she hungry to go to the registry office? We are also very interested in the housing issue. Tell me, where will our friend live? What is the area of ​​the apartment? Who else is registered? Something from the words we do not understand well. You draw us a plan diagram. Not with a pen on a piece of paper, but with money on a tray.

The groom draws a diagram of the place where he and the bride are going to live. Girlfriends can ask you to zoom in or out, additionally indicate the placement of pantries, toilet, matrimonial bed, etc.


Tell me, groom, how close are you to your bride? Was he just holding her by the handle, or for what else? Did he grab it himself or did she allow it? Well, if so, then you can easily find your own by the written parameters! As soon as you find her, kiss her right away!

Several female figures are drawn on a large piece of paper, indicating sizes, such as 90-60-90. The groom searches among them for the size of his bride and kisses that figurine. If he is mistaken, then the girlfriends demand money from him for not telling the bride that he was kissing another, and in intimate places.


Well, well done, groom! I completed all the tasks, I approached the cherished door. But outside the door there is not one bride, but several, and each tied a ribbon of her favorite color to her hand ... every miss comes at a cost.

There are several other girls in the room with the bride. Each has a ribbon of a certain color tied to its hand, the other ends of the ribbons are behind the door. For whatever the groom pulls, that bride will come out to him.

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 7. Feats in the name of love

In this scenario of redemption of the bride, the groom appears in the role of a brave hero, a knight, a hero. His task is not just to solve any riddles, but to perform real feats in the name of love for his chosen one. The very process of redemption can take place first near the house, and then directly at the entrance.

The groom is given a bicycle (preferably old, barely moving) and is offered to perform the first feat - overcoming obstacles that are now and then encountered on the way. And the obstacles can be very diverse, ranging from various objects on the road and ending with some original route, walking along the grass, stairs and so on.

The next test is for loyalty to the future spouse. The groom is surrounded by seductive beauties (these can be oriental belly dancers, strippers in revealing outfits, and so on). The girls begin to seduce the groom using their charm. The task of the "young" is not to laugh and keep complete composure. The test is closely monitored by the bridesmaids.

Like any hero, the groom must defeat a terrible monster guarding the entrance to the "tower" where his bride is imprisoned. The role of the monster can be a friend of the bride, or her father with glued horns, nose or ears. All these attributes must be knocked down using an inflatable baton or an inflatable sword.

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 8. In search of the treasure

In this scenario of bride buy-out, the elements of orientation on the ground are involved. The groom and his friends are given a pre-prepared card (initially - only a part of the card), following the instructions of which, the groom can find his treasure - the bride.

The first part of the card can lead the “young” to the favorite cafe of his future wife, where he will meet with the bridesmaids and receive from them (of course, for a certain “fee”) the next part of the card. Following various prompts and directions (for example, on the fourth step of the fifth entrance of house number 22, you will find an indication of where the next part of the map awaits you), the groom with his "entourage" arrives at the next "checkpoint". It is better to choose the locality for passing this "test" that is closest to the bride's house - the nearest area, a park, or just a few adjacent houses and courtyards.

Only after collecting all the pieces of the card, the groom will be able to get to his beloved. Moreover, it is not at all necessary for the bride to be at her home. She can be in the apartment of a friend or neighbor.

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 9. Bride Hunt

The groom arriving at the bride's house is informed that his future wife is hiding in an unknown place and he has to track her down. And for this, undoubtedly, you will have to awaken your hunting instincts.

First you need to "hit the trail." In order to confuse the groom, imprints of different shoes were left near the house (on the ground or on the asphalt). The groom will have to find a trace of his betrothed among them. For each wrong answer, you will have to pay off and ask the bridesmaids for a new attempt.

Here the direction is determined, but on the way of the groom-hunter, wild animals await (funny photographs pasted on the wall, among which there must be some non-standard photographs of the bride). So that the animals do not interfere, the groom must hit them with a bow (an unusual weapon for a modern person, but effective against wild animals). As a result, the hunter must hit all the animals and leave the photos of the future wife untouched. If the groom gets into the photo of the bride, you will have to pay off.

A good hunter must have an excellent sense of smell, so the next task is to choose from various things and objects the one that smells like the bride's favorite perfume.

Bridal redemption in this style is very interesting and spontaneous, so get ready for a lot of laughter and unexpected situations!

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 10. Behind seven locks

The ransom of the bride is based on the principle of the famous Fort Bayard game. The groom is offered a series of tests (riddles from the elder Fura, a card game of "twenty-one" with bridesmaids, and so on), for which he receives keys. If the test is not passed, you will have to "redeem" the key with candy or money.

When the groom has collected seven keys and is in front of the door of the apartment in which the bride is hiding, he will have to pick up the keys to seven locks in a certain time. For every extra 10 seconds spent on this task, you will have to pay again.

You can complicate the task by deliberately hanging one lock, to which none of the keys already found are suitable. This mysterious key can be hidden under the rug, above the door - in general, in an easily accessible place. While the groom wonders what the matter is, the amount of the ransom will grow. True, there is always an opportunity to get a hint from the bridesmaids.

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 11. Japanese-style ransom

In order for this bride's ransom to go off with a bang, the witness and bridesmaids should try a little, and play their roles to the end - it will be much more effective.

The groom, along with his retinue, consisting of "samurai" drives up to the bride's house. He is greeted by a witness and bridesmaids.


What is it, sisters? The shadow of the sakura did not have time to fall on our faces. The disc of the rising sun did not have time to reach the top of Mount Fujiyama, but guests have already come to us. Well, we are glad to your arrival, about the sun like sansei and your moon-faced samurai! But we don't know why the Way of Travelers brought you to our monastery. Is it possible, your incinerating gaze, to turn the unworthy to us? Or maybe you, O Great, were attracted by the fire of the eyes of the beautiful (name of the bride) -syan? Ah, we humbly ask you to give us your answer as soon as possible. Why do you disturb us at dawn? Probably you came ...?

To the bride.


The beautiful (name of the bride) -syan did not close her eyes all night - she was afraid of the sunrise to miss the fiery disk, warming the world. She was waiting for a sign from above, given by the gods. I wanted to be sure once again that her choice fell on the best of all. And he was given to her - a sign destined by fate. In the dark sky, like a bottomless abyss, a bright scarlet star lit up. She showed (name of the bride) to Lunokoy that she would not see the smile of Destiny in her family life ... If her chosen one, Solntselikiy, does not test her feelings with her trials. So now listen to our question, about the bravest of all samurai, and think before giving your answer. Are you ready to go through obstacles so that the chosen one can see the face at the end? (The groom will most likely agree.) So let all that is destined be done. May your journey begin not easy. And remember, O most worthy one, that you will not pay for your mistakes with blood, but with your wealth you risk. But what do all the treasures of the world mean if only one smile of the bride is worth more than the gross domestic product of the entire land of the rising sun! What, will you throw all the treasures of the world and your immortal samurai soul at the feet of Lunolika? (The groom will most likely agree to this question as well.) So, let Fate be done !!!

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 12. Where have you been and what did you find?

To redeem the bride, you will need the following props: three glasses, ribbons, you can multi-colored, crayon or cards with letters, one on each, "chamomile" with memorable dates under the petals, ribbons for "pulling" out of the room, slippers, men's shoes.

The action takes place near the entrance. The groom is greeted by the bridesmaids and the witness.


Hello, fine fellow!

Why are you quiet as a rainy day?

Where have you been and what have you found

And why did you come here?

The groom is responsible for what he came for.


Do you speak for the bride?

Well, then don't excuse me.

Prepare to give ransom

To take your bride.

Show your mercy

Fill your glasses so I won't be ashamed.

In one, to rustle,

In another, so that it rings

And in the third, so that the stormy foam sizzles.

Quest "Desires"

The girlfriend holds glasses in front of the groom.

Put in this glass what rustles

Now put in this glass what is ringing

Put in this glass what sizzles.

If the groom does not fulfill any desire, then the previous one is offered to him again.

The groom and the witness are paid off with money, candy or wine. The groom is allowed into the entrance.

On the train on the first or second floor.


We don't know the groom at all,

And we want to know everything about him.

Let a friend-witness take your time

Will list us the merits of the groom.

If a friend does not name ten qualities in advance,

There will be a full turn from the doorstep to the gate!

The witness praises the groom. When naming each quality, one tape is cut.

If the witness does not know or thinks for a long time, he pays a ransom (for each ribbon)

From the second to the third and slightly the fourth it captures:


There are many tender words in the world

And their bride is worthy.

Step up the steps

Call the bride fondly.

The groom is offered a test. He must climb the stairs (if the building is multi-storey - up to the first floor). On each step of the staircase, the groom somehow affectionately calls his betrothed. The task can be complicated by writing a letter on each step and inviting the groom to name his bride affectionately for this letter. If he cannot think of anything for this letter, the witness and the rest of the groom's friends pay the ransom. After that, the groom goes to the next step, etc.

From the fourth to the fifth floor:


Here is a field chamomile,

Tear off the petal

Guess the number.

And now the question is different.

You are our dear bridegroom,

Break your head for a riot

And guess all the numbers.

Quest "Chamomile"

On the way of the groom stands a girlfriend with a camomile in her hands. On each petal of this chamomile, memorable dates of the young are written in advance:

Date of acquaintance

Bride's waist

Future wife shoe size

Birthday of the bride

Number of intended children

Bride ring size

Number of guests invited to the wedding

Before entering the apartment:


You have done everything ... Now ...

Ring your finger or your heel at the door!

If the "heel", then tell the groom to take off the shoe and call the heel of the shoe, this is necessary to avoid injury to the groom.

(In the apartment they are pulled out by the ribbon).

Pull one ribbon

And stretch out your narrowed one.

If you pull out the wrong one

Pay us money.

Or marry the one

What will you pull with you.

The competition with laughter and jokes continues until the groom pulls out his bride. When he is wrong, the guests loudly ask for a ransom or tell the groom that he should marry the one who came out the door.


Your fiance promises -

It will be gentle, it will be quiet.

He will not forget this day

He will give the money.

Will bestow on everyone, please,

He will not run away from worries.

He took everything, as they say.

How do you like the groom?



The groom enters the bride. They hug and kiss happily. And the bride is in one shoe!

Buying shoes. 1st girlfriend:

And the bride is barefoot

How are we going now?

Redeem your darling shoes

But don't open the boxes.

You pay first

And then take a look.

Quest "Shoe"

When the groom finds the bride, it turns out that she does not have a shoe. He is offered to find her. 3 boxes are placed. The groom must guess the one in which the bride's shoe is. One box contains slippers, the second contains a man's shoe, and the third contains the bride's shoe.


(If I chose slippers)

Secret thoughts of course

We know yours, dear one!

But, after all, in slippers, at last,

Doesn't fit under the aisle!

You already, dear, pay off

Grab another bag.

(If you chose male)

Oh, what a grief it is -

This is Moiseev Borya

He presented the shoe to us.

You were looking for that girlfriend?

No, you don't suffer from deviation -

The exit itself, it seems, you know.

Give us some money

And quickly grab another!

The test has passed

You have reached the bride!

And so now

You take the bride to the registry office!

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 13. Oh, you are guests, gentlemen, where are you from and where? ...

The ransom is carried out by a witness and girlfriends. Possible option with parents or the bride's aunt.

To redeem the bride, you will need the following props: a tray, three bowls, three glasses, an opaque liquid of your choice, the bride's shoes.

The groom is met by a witness with her girlfriends:


Oh, you, guests, gentlemen,

Where are you from and where?

And why would it be for the sake of

Are you in the parade today?

Or is it you today

They accidentally wandered over to us,

Or are you in our light

Did you find brides here?

We have one here,

Yes, she is painfully sweet, to be given away for free.

You must go through fire and water

To enter your bride!

When did a beautiful moment happened

When did you see (name of the bride) ours?

With the correct answer, the groom is allowed to walk some distance. And if it is wrong - the payment of the ransom.


How old are our (bride's name) years,

Give us so much candy.

To sweeten the father-in-law with the mother-in-law,

We need to silver it.


You are almost there, but there is a task,

We wish you good luck.

There are three filled bowls before you,

And the lips of the beloved are almost already yours.

You will look and, if you know, then

You will receive the key to her house,

And if you suddenly make a mistake, then -

You will have to drink it all to the bottom.

The groom chooses a glass, drinks a drink and takes out a key ... if he's right. Each next attempt is paid in gold.


For the bride's smile -

Give us a chocolate bar.

For the bride's face -

Give me a green piece of paper.

For beautiful legs -

Each girlfriend a three-ruble note.

For thin edges -

A bunch of carrots.

For (name of the bride) eyes are clear -

Present beautiful poems.

The groom reads poetry.


For (name of the bride) kind heart -

Sing us a song.

The groom sings a song, together with a witness and friends.


You are a guy singing gloriously -

But are you dancing okay?

You dance more fun for us

Dance of the Swan Crumbs!

To get the daughter-in-law

You must gallop like a goose.

Yes, ask your friends

So that we go with you!

There is a dance of "Little Swans" performed by the groom and his friends to their own accompaniment.

There are 3 bowls on the tray again, and this time they are empty.


Make it so that it rustles in one glass, rings in another, and murmurs in the third.

Before letting the groom into the bride's room.


Yes, now she's yours!

Only my shoes.

Or give me the ransom

Or you lead a barefoot in the registry office.

The groom buys out the shoes, gets the bride and both, happy and cheerful, leave.

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 14. Assemble the bride piece by piece

You can abandon the standard form of ransom - in verse, but try to make it rich.

To redeem the bride, you will need the following props: a photographed / drawn bride, a tape recorder with a backing track, Chupa Chups sweets, a sheet, red spray paint, nail scissors, threads.

Bridesmaids meet the groom at the doorstep. The task of the witness: to explain to him that the attitude to the ransom should be serious, and that from ancient times it is believed: the richer the ransom, the richer the life of the young after the wedding. This is so that the groom is not stingy.

Condition: the bride is given in the event that the groom assembles pieces from the drawn / photographed narrowed in a wedding dress. The day before, they are cut out by girlfriends or made to order. Puzzle pieces - five. They are redeemed by the groom in obstacle contests. For a failed test, the groom pays with "gold" and redeems the puzzle, otherwise the bride cannot be assembled and, accordingly ...

First test

The bride comes up with a song in advance that she would like to hear in his performance. But, which he knows well and sings more or less tolerably. The girlfriends inform the groom that the bride would like to hear this particular song and, in order to somehow facilitate the task, has prepared musical accompaniment. He, and he has nowhere to go, buys a tape recorder with a "backing track" - any "boom-box" on batteries. As a "bonus" are given the words of the song and ... Only the groom was ready to open his mouth, as it turns out that the ordered composition will have to be sung to a different melody. (Say, "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" or ... something well-known to your imagination). As practice shows, it turns out ridiculous, but insanely fun ...

Second test

The test is more directed to the friends of the groom. To get the second trophy, friends must vying with each other to praise the groom. They need, without skimping on words, to list all its advantages. Girlfriends can emphasize that the better the praise, the better the chance of success. Say, the bride does not need "at least someone", but the very best ... Friends begin to list his merits, and the task of the girlfriends is to urge them on: faster, more clearly, in turn ... Praise is carefully and patiently listened to to the end. After, friends are told: "Excellent, just to check the truth of what you are saying, you will have to do it all over again." Of course, they will repeat, holding 3-5 Chupa Chups candies in their mouths.

Third trial

The groom is asked to answer the questions as he climbs the stairs - each ladder is a new question. Moreover, the bride has already given answers to them. Here are the girlfriends and will test the knowledge of the groom of his betrothed. Questions like this:

What day did you meet your fiancee?

Where did such a significant event take place?

What shoe size does your tapered shoe wear?

And what is her waist?

What is the full name of your future mother-in-law?

On what day will you wish your future mother-in-law a happy birthday?

What are your bride's favorite flowers?

What color is your bride's eyes?

Name your favorite color as your favorite.

Name your favorite season as your favorite.

What will your fiancee prefer: a candlelit dinner, a trip to a disco, or witchcraft over a new culinary recipe?

Where does she prefer to rest: at sea, in the mountains, in the forest?

What is your fiancee's favorite perfume?

What cuisine does your future wife prefer: Chinese, European or Russian?

What will come first for the wife: family or work?

How many children does your bride want?

Does your beloved believe in a horoscope?

What was your fiance's favorite subject at school?

What affectionate nickname did your fiance have as a child?

Do you remember the words with which you declared your love to your bride?

For each wrong answer - a monetary equivalent until the staircase ends.

Fourth trial

In front of the entrance to the bride's apartment, a sheet is hung on which a heart is painted with aerosol paint. The groom's task is to cut him out and go to his beloved. And if you consider that he does not have scissors, girlfriends can offer to buy them for a nominal fee.

Fifth trial

The bride, two or three girlfriends and grandmother are locked in the room. A thread is tied to each finger, which will stick out from under the door. When the groom approaches the door, the witness offers to choose any thread and pull on it. The one to which the thread is tied comes out of the room. The witness asks: "Will you marry her or will you pay tribute?" The test continues until the bridegroom guesses the beloved.

After that, the groom and his betrothed - happy and contented - go on to the holiday!

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 15. A large number of guests from all different parishes

To redeem the bride, you will need the following props: a home broom, a bath broom, wedding flowers.

At the threshold of the house of the bride, the groom and his "entourage" are met by a witness, relatives and girlfriends of the bride.


A large number of guests

From all distant volosts.

At the parade, everyone is beautiful

This is a miracle, so a miracle!

Come on, guests, don't grumble!

Can I ask you a question?

Why are you like this, with the whole herd

Have you surrounded this house?

What attracts you to this place?

Answer me ...

Guest response: Bride!


Oh, bride, say

Well, then don't excuse me.

Prepare to give ransom

To take that bride.

There are countless guests in the house,

But the owner of the house is a father-in-law.

So worried, sick ...

If he does not drink, he will die!

You, guests, for decency,

Yes, according to our custom

Give him vodka -

So that there is no grief in the house.


Here are three bouquets with us,

Answer us now -

Which one will you take?

What will you give her as a gift?

The groom points to one of the bouquets, if it is taken incorrectly, the witness demands a ransom until the groom guesses correctly.


Apparently, they made a mistake,

If you took a bath broom.

For trying for the second

Give me some money ...


Oh, and this one won't do

You know, you have to pay.


Well, this bouquet is in place,

The bride will like him ...

(The groom is allowed to take the bride and he leaves with her).

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 16. What kind of holiday is this ?!

Bride Ransom Scenario
- Who is so happy here?
- And why is he so handsome?
- Don't you have a holiday today?
- Did you add a salary increase?
- Oh, yes, well, it really is joy!
- No, you say, but then what?
- Maybe your birthday?
- and then we screwed up the crowd!
- Then tell me, did you finally?
- Why did you come here, Yurets?
- What? What? Oh! Yes, well, exactly? Wedding!
- Are we going to walk on it ?!

We learned about your insidious plan !!
- And Sveta (you can use any name) was taken from you.
- We know your Shura-moors, we are not stupid girlfriends!
- Before you have time to get married, you won't let us approach the Light!
- Clubs, bars, restaurants,
- Guys, parties, baths you will immediately cover for us,
- But we came up with a plan !!!
- Redeem Svetika, and give us babos !!! (groom gives money)
- So be it, come on through,
- But know not all the obstacles behind !!!
- Here's a family fire!
- Take it and take care of it until the very end of the journey, and then give it to the bride !!!
- And if it suddenly goes out, you go out the door immediately out!
- Another problem, our fire is not priceless !!!
- you sweeten our life, treat us with chocolate! (we light a candle, must convey to the bride)
- It did not happen that mistakes,
- Tell us, our Dasha,
- Let everyone in the world know what they tell, these numbers
- And for all your mistakes, your friend will give 3 pieces of paper! (if they shove paper, then we say: “Don’t divorce, give us the money already!)

Competition with dates
- Do you want to rise up,
- Buy off as soon as possible!
- For the fancy dress of the bride, give us grape wine!

1st - 2nd floor
- Here's a letter for you, you take it
- to the destination, you bring it (letter from mother-in-law)

Among these kids, find the one that is sweeter than everyone
- Look carefully, kiss diligently
- If you kiss the wrong one
- You will indulge us with a fine
FINE: For the beauty of the bride, dance the witness on the pelvis !!!

2nd floor
- The task here is not easier
- About your beautiful love
- Tell everyone in the world
- Tell me on the street,
- what do you feel for the Light
EXPLAINING THE TASK: you need to collect signatures from passers-by, with confirmation that the groom loves the bride. The groom shows the photo to his beloved and says how much he loves her

2nd - 3rd floor
- And you, friends, what are you worth? Now praise your friend!
- If you suddenly do not name 10 qualities of the groom
- There will be a full turn from the doorstep to the gate
- But the condition is
- To speak beautifully
- You need to stuff your mouth with lumps

3rd floor
- Yurik, you tell us,
- Where is the guarantee in family happiness?
- Whose participation is needed here?
- Everyone knows that from the cradle
- Happiness brings home ………….
- Every day, coming tired,
- You will want to sleep,
- But don't be happy so early
- Lyalka needs to be swaddled,
- Do not forget to lull,
- Yes, chewing on the way!

EXPLAINING THE TASK: the groom swaddles the baby, sings a lullaby and eats a lemon

3rd - 4th floor
- Do you remember the magic envelope?
- At the beginning of your journey?
- You rather tear it
- It contains a message with advice, and with a mother-in-law's greetings!
TASK from the Mother-in-law, so that the glass hiss, rustles and rang

4th floor
- Are you by any chance an artist?
- If you are a hero today,
- Draw with your hand
- A portrait of your beloved, dear!

- give a bottle of VODKA for Sveta's gait
- for skillful money pens 2 piles
- for a beautiful neck a bag of VERMICHELI
- jump for beautiful fingers like bunnies
- ripe white apple for the face
- give us flowers for pink cheeks

4th - 5th floor
- Burning this thread, you must speak a word
- The word is not a simple tender, golden
- We all want to hear how you will call the bride

EXPLAINING THE TASK: it is necessary to scream for every thread burnt by the candles how he loves the bride.

5th floor
- Part of the barrier you passed
- Has now reached the door
- Try a miracle
- And to open this door

- Now you have to guess
- What key should you take?

At the door
- Did you bring the fire of love ???
- Light their heart to Svetochka!

HEATS HEART frozen into ice

Sveta's heart melted
- I opened the door to the heart
- We give scissors !!!

Now you hurry
- Make the door to your destiny!
A huge heart is glued to the entrance to the apartment, in which he cuts through the door and enters the apartment.

In the apartment
- You choose the path soon,
- The bride has been tired of waiting already! Let's!
- There is no entrance either here or there
- Yurik, work out a plan.
- How to get to the bride
- You will break through all the obstacles


Oh no no no! What a deal!
- Well, Yurik, you did it in your mother-in-law's apartment ...
- Buy a new one, now it's easier for her!
- Money you quickly come on
- And compensate her for the damage!
- Don't forget about us
- Give us something too!

You are perfect
- Your glorious path is already in the final
- And the heart beats dying away,
- After all, somewhere here is your dear
- The last step to the sweet bride
- Your strength will help you
- Pull one ribbon
- Pull your wife out
- If you pull out the wrong one,
- Pay us a ruble!
- Or marry the one
- What will you pull with you !!!

- All, consider, yours took
- Come here soon
- Honestly suffered the bride
- Take it, it's yours!

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 17. For all cases.

"Hello, dear guests! Why did they come to us?"

The groom with his retinue:
"For the Bride".

Witness - to the groom's friends:
"For the bride?
Not a bride, but a queen,
Yes, such a craftswoman!
We value the bride:
We won't give it up just like that.
We need such a ransom
What cannot be expressed by price:
Three bottles of lemonade
Yes, two bars of chocolate
Vodka, beer (all like a river!)
And a gold ring. "

Witness to the groom:
"Hello, falcon! Hello, clear!
What did you come with on a beautiful day?
Is it bad, did you bring good?
Answer my question.
Who are you called? Who are you yourself?
Why did you come to us? "
The groom introduces himself and announces the purpose of his arrival.

"Or maybe you're not who you say you are?"
Are you seeking a bride with malice?
To prove your right
You must describe the bride to us. "
The groom describes his bride's appearance using the most sophisticated comparisons.

Witness (in front of the door at the entrance to the entrance):
"Here is the first obstacle:
You need to open this door. Day and night she creaks.
And what does it require? ... ".
The answer suggests itself: "guilt." The groom should treat the bridesmaids with wine. Only in this case will they allow him to enter the entrance.

"On the threshold of the corridor
The apple of discord hangs.
I must get matches
It is affectionate to call the bride. "

A large ripe apple, studded with matches, hangs on a string in the stairwell. One of the matches is short, but stuck into the apple in such a way that the height does not differ from the other matches. The groom's task is to draw a short match. Each time he draws a long match, the groom must pronounce an affectionate address addressed to the bride. If the groom, carried away by the fun, draws out a short match and, by inertia, pronounces another affectionate word, then he must use this word to name his narrowed one until the end of the evening.

Further, on the way of the groom, a new obstacle-ladder appears. The more difficult this obstacle is, the higher the bride's apartment is. Each step is fraught with a challenge. You can go from one step to another, from one flight to another only if you answer a question, complete a task or pay a ransom. In a multi-storey building, one staircase is divided into several tests.

On the first flight of stairs, corresponding to one floor, the Witness offers the groom a new task:
"What are you going to do, groom, around the house?
Step on the stairs
Yes, call a great thing. "
Going up one step, the groom must name some family responsibility that he will fulfill. Thus, he passes one flight of stairs.
On the second flight of stairs the groom is waiting for the SECOND FRIEND OF THE BRIDE with the next task:
"You must convene the council:
__ (number) of wine brands to name ".
With each step, the groom names one brand of wine. If he cannot remember the name of the wine, and there is no use from friends, then the groom pays the ransom. In case of successful completion of this task, THE BRIDE'S FRIEND is interested in:
"How do you know so much?
Maybe you use it yourself?
Go back or sing a song! "
The groom, alone or in chorus with friends, sings a song.
On the next flight, the groom is asked a variety of questions about the bride, which he must answer without hesitation. If the groom does not know the correct answer or answers inaccurately, then a ransom is demanded from him. There should be as many questions as there are steps in a flight of stairs. The test ends at the last step.
Questions might be:
- Name the day you met your fiancee.
- Do you remember the hour of your first date?
- What is the full name of your future mother-in-law?
- What kind of men does your spouse like: beautiful, smart, strong or generous?
- What does your father-in-law drink more willingly: tea or vodka?
- Name your favorite perfume your beloved?
- What does your bride prefer in the morning: a newspaper or coffee in bed?
- What dish will your bride never eat?
- What animal does your future wife associate you with?
- Are you dreaming of your fiancee?
- What is the first affectionate word that your future wife uttered?
- How much time does your beloved spend in front of the mirror?
- In what century would she like to be born?
And so on and so forth. Questions can be the most unexpected and tricky.
On each step of the next span, you need to write a letter. If the bride lives very high and there are still many floors ahead, then the letters are drawn through several steps. In this case, the test can be "stretched" over any floor. Stepping on the step on which the letter is inscribed, the groom must give his bride some definition. For example: E - economical, U - smart, 3 - caring.

At the beginning of the next flight of stairs, the groom and his squad are awaited by the FOLLOWING FRIEND OF THE BRIDE:
"So that there is no mistake,
Guess on a camomile
And tell everyone in the world
What do these figures mean ".
The girl holds out a paper chamomile to the groom. There are numbers on the back of each petal. The groom must tear off petal by petal from the chamomile and guess what the written number means.
It can be:
- the age of the bride;
- her height;
- her shoe size;
- the bride's birthday;
- mother-in-law's birthday;
- bride's house number;
- the bride's apartment number;
- the day of meeting the bride and groom;
- date of application to the registry office;
- the height of the hairpin on the bride's festive shoes;
- the size of her wedding ring;
- the age of the witness, etc.
For each wrong answer, the groom must pay a ransom. The test continues until all the petals of the chamomile are cut off.
And so, in the end, the groom finds himself on the floor where the bride lives. Here he is met with a new task by the Witness: "And now, groom,
You can't go anywhere:
You will tell us frankly
Why are you getting married.
Here are three footprints in front of you
Choose anyone for yourself. "

There are three footprints on the floor, on the back of which it is written: "for love", "for convenience" and "for need." The groom must choose the trail "for love". For the wrong choice, the groom pays the ransom and chooses the next track. The Witness comments on every mistake of the groom with the words:
"How bad a reason!
Shouldn't the groom be chased away?
Do you want to climb up:
Get richer pay off. "

Once at the door of the bride's apartment, the groom receives another task from the Witness:
"Stop, groom! Behind this door
There is a bride, you trust me.
Only the key is here for now.
Get it first. "
The groom is presented with 3 balloons. Each ball contains a piece of paper, but only one of them has a key drawn on it. Piercing all the balls in turn with a needle, the groom must find the key. For the wrong choice, the groom traditionally pays a ransom. Having found a note with a key, the young man gets the right to enter the apartment. But in the opening of the open door, he stumbles upon another obstacle from the impassable wall of balloons. The groom must either pierce all the balls with a pin or pay the ransom. In the latter case, the barrier will be removed by those who prepared it.

"You opened the heavy locks.
Entering the maiden's room,
Well, speak louder:
"______ (bride's name), I love you!"
After that, the bridesmaids allow the groom to approach the room where the bride is supposed to be:
"You passed all the obstacles,
You reached the bride
Now come in boldly
Put the ransom on the table:
Quarter - for a place
A fifty-kopeck piece for the bride. "
The groom can bargain a little and cut the price .. After that he is brought to a table, at which several women are sitting, wrapped in bedspreads. The groom must recognize his beloved among them. For every wrong answer, the groom pays the ransom. However, there may not be a bride among the ladies (and not only ladies) sitting at the table.

"You reached the room,
But he couldn't find a bride.
So go and look
And show us the place!
Find a bride
And we will help you from the bottom of our hearts.
With the words "cold", "warm"
We will indicate the place,
Where is she waiting for you so
That will go with you forever. "

The groom goes to look for the bride in the rest of the apartment. During the search, bridesmaids who know the whereabouts of the bride help the groom with the phrases "warm", "warmer", "cold", "colder" and finally "hot". If the search for a bride dragged on, then the groom can pay off with money.

"The place where your bride is,
We will indicate without hiding
If you are next to a glass
You will put a tribute, not stingy. "

The witness hands the groom a tray with a glass of wine on it. Having received the ransom, the girl shows the groom the place where his betrothed is:
"All the tests passed
And you found the bride.
And so now
Together with her you will go to the registry office. "

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 18. Romantic-poetic

Oh, you are guests, gentlemen,
Where are you from and where?
And why would it be for
Are you in the parade today?
How are you, guests, bargaining?
And why are you coming here?
Bow to you, honest people.
What wind has brought you?
Do you care for us?
Or wandering around idle?
Maybe you want to steal?
Is it my girlfriend?
Don't hope and don't wait
I will not let you go to her
______- after all, a beautiful girl,
A jack-of-all-trades craftswoman.
He brews, sews and embroiders,
And he knows about everything in the world.
Young, slim, beautiful,
White-faced everyone marvels.
But in order to achieve her hands,
You need to work hard.
You, the groom, with all the people
Show what you are good for.

What are you, dear friend,
Do you think badly about us ?!
Trading is not in vain
Unspecified item.
There is a bride in the mansion,
It is impossible to avert your eyes.
In the afternoon, the light of God dims,
Illuminates the earth at night.
You bless us
Let it go now.

Are you the groom?
Are you a witness?
It means that you are responsible for everything.
Must help a friend
Answer questions.
Give us a quick answer:
For the reason why
Have you decided to get married?
Accuracy of the eye, sleight of hand
May come in handy here.

A large target hangs on the wall, each field of which indicates the reason for the marriage:

10 - at the call of the heart
9 - for love
8 - by calculation
7 - at the maternal behest
6 - by order of the party
5 - on the advice of friends
4 - according to need
3 - out of curiosity
2 - foolishly
1 - "devil beguiled!"
"milk" - try - not torture.

The groom must demonstrate his accuracy and hit 10 or 9. For each miss, the groom pays a ransom.

Why are you, groom, not cheerful,
Have you hung your head up?
And now your second installment
Put it on the tray.
Well, now the question is.
Take your time, groom, wait:
Remember where you met the bride
What is she wearing, as you noticed?
The next question is,
It is more complicated than the other:
What is the name of your bride
Tell me about it
write her name.

The groom must line out the full name of the bride in coins. Completion of the task is accompanied by jokes such as: "Write larger! Do not spare money."

You paid generously the money
And he didn’t speak about love.
So that no one doubts
Confess your love.
Shout it out loud, not melting:
"____________ (bride's name), I love you!"
We are bridesmaids
Pour us a mug.
Well, to be softer,
So as not to be judged severely,
They let go to live
Treat us to Coca-Cola.
How many days have you been together?
Have you looked the bride in the eye?
Now tell us
Tell us the color of those eyes.
Lips are red, you know them
You will certainly guess -
Those who are brides.
You will not leave your place otherwise.
Wrong - so be it
You will pay us the money.

The groom is presented with a poster with numerous lip prints, both female and male.
The young man must recognize his narrowed lips among them. Under each lip print, you can write some amount - the ransom that the groom will have to pay in case of an incorrect answer.

Announcement ahead:
Tear off the little ones
Read the lower letter
And call the bride.

There is a sign on the wall that reads "Call me, darling!" The bottom of the ad is cut into multiple strips. Only one letter is written on each strip. The groom should tear off the strips one by one and loudly call the bride with such affectionate words that would begin with the written letters. If the next letter causes a problem for the groom, he can turn to his faithful friends for help. If they cannot come up with an affectionate word, then the groom pays the ransom. The test continues until all strips are torn off.

Bridesmaids to the groom:
Bridegroom, do you need a bride?
Pay us in full
For maiden beauty
For the bride's braid.
That's the point, our dear:
If she had been with a scythe,
They ripped you off even more,
They didn't give it at all!

How old is our __________ years,
Give us so much candy.

For the bride's smile
Give us a chocolate bar.

For the bride's face
Give me a green piece of paper.

For beautiful legs
Give each girlfriend a three ruble note.

For thin eyebrows -
A bunch of carrots.

And for the hair of the Rusa
Give us a necklace.

For _________________ the eyes are clear
Give wonderful songs.

Bridesmaids to the groom's friends:

Our ears are on the top of the head
We wait a whole hour
Sing, guys, we ditties
We will then let you through.

Eat you, boy, nice.
But are you dancing okay?
You dance more fun for us
"Dance of the little geese!"
To get the daughter-in-law,
You must gallop like a goose.
Yes, ask your friends
So that we go with you.

The groom, along with his friends, must perform the "Dance of the Little Swans" to his own accompaniment.

Shout out to the whole world
That you love your bride more than anyone else.
For the noise in a public place
Pay a fine of thousands (or rubles) at _________.

Now for order
Guess, groom, a riddle:
"Once, in the cold winter season, you went to your mother-in-law,
how old is she?"
And now in an instant:
"When is your mother-in-law's birthday?"

Three glasses in front of you:
With sweet, salty and bitter water.
Which one you choose
This is what your destiny will be.

Here's another glass of water:
Put down the gold one.
As water spills over the edge,
So happiness will smile at you.

You passed a lot of tests
But I won't give you my bride.
To hiss, ring, rustle,
Fill three glasses for us.

The girls bring out a tray with three empty glasses, which the groom must fill with money and champagne.
You see this basin.
Put in it now
Not a kid, not a lamb
Not a skinny pig.
Put for the bride
What she needs for the soul.

The groom is required to guess what the Witness is talking about. It will be difficult for one to guess, so the bridesmaids in one way or another should lead the groom to the idea that the most precious thing for the bride is himself. When the groom understands this, he should fit into the basin. Finally, the groom is allowed to the door of the room, from under which several ribbons stick out. Ribbons are tied to the fingers of women sitting outside the door, including a bride, several girlfriends and, to heighten laughter, some old woman.

Pull one ribbon out -
Pull out your betrothed.
If you pull out the wrong one
Patches to us for the ruble.
Or marry the one
What will you pull with you.
The groom pulls any ribbon of his choice. If he makes a mistake and does not pull out the bride, then he is asked to pay the ransom or marry the one he chose. The test continues until the groom pulls out the bride's ribbon.

Yes, now she is yours!
I have only shoes.
Or do you give ransom
Or you lead a barefoot in the registry office!
Several shoe boxes are taken out to the groom. Only one of them contains the bride's shoe, the rest - torn slippers, children's galoshes, bath slippers, felt boots and similar shoe nonsense. For each wrongly guessed box, the groom pays a ransom. The test continues until the groom finds the bride's shoe.

The test has passed.
You have reached the bride.
And so now
You take the bride to the registry office!

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 19. Fabulous

1. "Stone".
At the entrance to the entrance lies a stone, from which three roads depart - the beginning of the possessions of Koshchei the Immortal. Choose the road, now we will find out with what thoughts you came, whether you are going to a sweetheart with a pure heart.
The first way is "marriage of necessity". Don't let it go. Pay and choose another road.
The second way is "marriage of convenience". Don't let it go. Pay and choose another road.
The third way is "marriage for love". Come on in.

2. "Dense forest".
Koschey the Immortal threw down the comb and the forest stood up like a wall. Do not pass, do not knock out. Stand up with cancer, whistle loudly, but through the forest and jump or fly. If you don't know how to fly, pay.

3. "Fiery River".
Koschey the Immortal threw down the towel - the river of fire overflowed. Neither swim nor fly. In only one place there is a ford: where the fire has died down, there are traces. (Drawn 4-5 tracks). But every trace will light up if the desires of the girls are not fulfilled. A well-mannered man will never refuse a woman. You have to follow the footsteps and pay the girls.

4 "Cobweb".
(From threads). Koschey the Immortal launched all evil spirits, poisonous spiders. They entangled everything around with their cobwebs. If you touch the thread, then the end will come to you. And none of your friends can touch.


We were going to the wedding
We tried to be beautiful
Everyone has run out of money,
To us sissy girls

Give me more money.
Give us money for earrings
On beautiful boots,
Alu's ribbon in the hair,
Otherwise, go back.
We are sweet girls
We love gingerbread, nuts.
To have slender legs
Give us a bag of potatoes.

5. "Dragon".
(Drawn on the poster). And here is the Serpent Gorynych in front of you. Chop his head off. Get out your kladenets sword, dummy spear. Yours is not - take ours. Yes, only he is frail. He must be chained in gold. You can also chain it in silver. (The groom places coins on the cardboard sword). And can you appease the dragon with something else?

6. "Mermaids".
Koschey the Immortal released seductive mermaids at you. This is what we are. And we do not wish to let you go to the bride.

Did we collect the bride for the crown?
In the bath, did you wash, comb your hair?
Did they dress up in a dress, put on a veil?
Have you tried on the shoes?
Not just any, but the best friend was given to you. The best seductress, the best seductress, the beauty of the beauties. Here is a stool, don't sit on it. Put the bride ransom on her.
There are many beautiful brides in this house. You tell the signs and write a portrait.
For a fancy dress, give us some grape wine.
For shoes with a boat - a bottle of vodka.
For each heel - we get coins from the cam.
For a white veil, give us ripe apples.
For the bride's ringing laughter - "sweet couples" for everyone.
(meaning "Twix").
And for a slender figure - a bottle of champagne for us.
Give us chocolate for the bride's tender glance.
For the bride's ears, give us a tub of mushrooms.
If not, serve the vinaigrette. And there is no vinaigrette, pay with money for it.
Do not spare ten rubles for the scarlet lips of a cute dove.
So as not to live without children, fill your pocket with sweets.
For the white bridesmaid's pens, get the stars from the cloud. (Cognac).
On this tray, the bridegroom will put the name of his bride out of rubles.
Sing a hearty song for the wedding dress.
For the bride's voice, give us a bag of seeds. And if not, then dance the "lady" once.
Here is a checked handkerchief, put a coin on each cell.
Break the plate with the strength with which you love Lyudmila. Now cover each shard with paper money.
Well, stamp your foot. And now another one. Don't wave your legs, let's dance.

7. "Chest".
Here is the cherished door. But there is no key. The key, like the death of Koshchei the Immortal, lies in the chest on a tree. You will get the key and Koschey will die. Then the door will open. In the chest - a hare, in a hare - a duck, in a duck - an egg, in an egg - a key.

8. "Plate".
In the corridor on the door there is a sign "There is a gray-eyed girl languishing in this mansion". If you find a mistake, you will immediately fall into the tower. (Find a mistake in the inscription. The catch is that the groom noticed a mistake in the word "languish", but did not notice that the bride's eye color is not gray, but blue).

9. "Table".
The table is in front of the largest room. Put every good on all four corners. You take a young wife, provide her, cover with a self-assembled tablecloth. If you put a lot on the table, then wealth will be added to life.

10. "The bride".
The bride is tied with a rope and sleeps in an enchanted dream. The groom unties the knots and disenchants with a kiss. The bride wakes up, but she has no shoes. The groom buys the bride's shoes.

The groom redeems the bride and takes her to the registry office.

Ransom of the bride. Scenario 20. Forensic

The ceremony of redemption of the bride takes place in the form of a court, at which the bride and groom are "prepared" for life together.

The case is being heard on charges of _____________________________ (full name of the groom) that he really decided to take away ________________________ (full name of the bride) from his family
To achieve his goal, he:
1. I applied the latest achievements of modern technology in the form of a tape recorder and urban transport, since it does not yet have its own.
2. Acted immorally:
- walked under the windows of his beloved's house,
- sighed and groaned,
- looked with a melancholy glance,
- from time to time broke the silence by singing serenades.
3. Used bribery in the form of buying perfume, flowers, ice cream and candy.
4. Invited to the cinema and theater.
5. Arranged walks in the park, ostensibly for a purely recreational purpose.
The court was provided with the testimony of witnesses who assert that ____________________ (name of the groom), being a student (employee, worker) of the institute of No. N, left classes (work) to see his beloved. During a conversation with her, he took her hand, looked into her eyes. And after that he even walked home.
So, defendant, do you plead guilty?


You, the accused, have pleaded guilty in full. A frank confession always relieves guilt. We will definitely take this fact into account, but this in no way relieves you of punishment! And the punishment for you is a very difficult path to the bride.
Punishment 1.
Defendant, you must climb the stairs. You have overcome it more than once before, but now it will be much more difficult. Look: there are steps in front of you. When you step on each of them, call your betrothed by the names that were called her time of carefully hidden "secret meetings". Proceed, defendant! "Punishment 2.
And now we will conduct an investigative experiment. We learned from reliable sources that you, the accused, know perfectly well the lips of your bride. Whether this is true or not, the investigation will help to find out. There are several lip prints in front of you. Find the lips of your beloved among them.
All subsequent challenges that can be taken from other buyback scenarios are played in the same way. The leader of the ceremony must withstand trial-style trials. Every time the groom does not cope with the task or gives the wrong answer, the judge says:
Defendant, you did not do your job well enough, and therefore you are charged a fine, the amount of which was previously agreed. This is ___________ rubles.
The last punishment:
Defendant, you have coped with all the previous assignments with flying colors. You will now be punished for the last time. There are several people in front of you. Among them you must find your bride. Take a closer look: every wrong answer will cost you and your friends a big fine.
When the groom recognizes the bride among the unknown figures in large headscarves, the judge pronounces the verdict:
Based on the fact that the defendant admitted himself completely guilty and withstood all punishments with dignity, the indictment commission, without leaving the courtroom for a meeting, immediately reads the protocol to those present.

from "___" ___________ ____ year
Based on the above, the Commission decided:
1. To find __________________________ (name of the groom) guilty.
2. Sentence him to life together with a citizen ___________________________ (name of the bride)
3. To settle a citizen _________________________ (full name of the groom) and a citizen ___________________________________ (full name of the bride) together in one apartment.
4. To collect from the citizen ________________________ (name of the groom) in favor of the victim 99.9% of earnings for life!

The indictment commission wishes the newlyweds a long married life.
The verdict is not subject to appeal.
Legal costs (in the form of glasses of wine) to be recovered in favor of the members of the court and guests IMMEDIATELY!

Bride ransom is one of the many wedding traditions.

Bride ransom is one of the many wedding traditions. Its roots go back to ancient times. The meaning of the ransom is not just to entertain the guests, but to prove that the groom is really worthy of the bride and is ready to perform feats for her sake, overcome obstacles, pay the ransom, demonstrate to everyone his strength, sharp mind, and ingenuity. The main purpose of the ransom is to prove love for the bride, honest intentions towards her.

In the old days, ransom was taken seriously enough, because very often the bride left her home and went to a foreign community. Then it was not accepted to give the bride to the groom just like that, he had to go through serious trials.

To date, the wedding has retained many rituals, including the ransom of the bride. But today, many want to arrange not a traditional, but cool bride ransom. We will try to offer you several options.

Traditional bride ransom is most often the same at many weddings. Therefore, many newlyweds would like to organize something new and different. In this article, we will offer various original, in our opinion, sweepstakes and contests that you can use to organize a buyout.

Who arranges the bride ransom?

More often than not, the witness and other bridesmaids arrange for the ransom. However, today it is more like the observance of traditions, a form of ritual. It is clear whether the groom guesses the mother-in-law's date of birth or not, the bride will still be given to him.

Modern cool bride ransom is fraught with many bright competitions, games, entertainment that give the wedding a special, romantic style and a major mood.

Wedding is one of the most beautiful and romantic ceremonies therefore, everything in it must be thought out to the smallest detail. Today, the ransom scenario may sometimes be based on ancient rites, but basically every year it takes on more modern forms.

So, a witness with the bride's friends should organize a cool ransom. All of the groom's friends should help the groom.

It is clear that the ransom scenario should be unknown to either the groom or his friends.

Buyout option 1

So, the groom is on the doorstep.

The witness and the bridesmaids show the groom some candid photographs of the beautiful bride. To prevent anyone else from seeing the photo, the groom is assigned a price for each photo.

If the groom agrees, then the witness should nod approvingly, yes, they say, our groom is jealous, loves the bride very much.

If he refuses to pay, then the witness should express her respect for his thrift and say that it is not a shame to show such a beautiful bride to others, let everyone envy!

To make it more fun, one of the guests may offer a higher price to take a look at the photo of the bride.

You can invite the groom to come up with a quatrain in which he confesses his love to his bride, or continue the lines. For example:

I am (name of the groom), an enviable groom

I came to pick up my wife ...

When I saw you

Love pierced my heart ...

The groom is offered to tie a towel as much as he loves his chosen one. After the groom has tied a towel, he is offered to untie it as quickly as he will settle all the problems in family life.

Bride ransom - short options

Another cool bride ransom

The groom is offered threads of three different colors. Regardless of which thread color he chooses, the false bride comes out first. She may be the groom's friend disguised as a girl. Accordingly, the "bride" needs to come up with a funny outfit. For example: bra, skirt, white tights. The "bride" begins to pester the groom and asks to marry her. The second comes out the beautiful woman dancing Belly dance.

She also persuades the groom to abandon his beloved and marry an oriental beauty. If the groom is satisfied with the "bride", he must marry her, if not, then pay off. And only after passing all the tests, the groom can see his real bride.

Remember not to drag out the ransom for too long. It should last no more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, the bride and groom may simply be late for the painting. The groom and his guests must be warned in advance so that they come to the bride's house at least 1-1.5 hours before the time of painting.