Pig mask for children: do it yourself, templates. Pig mask Make a pig mask with your own hands from cardboard

In the latter case, as an option, you can choose not only numerous cool events, but also.

The homemade mask can be used as part of a piglet's New Year's costume or as an independent decoration. If you are preparing a children's costume, try to make the mask the same color as the rest of the clothing. Optionally, the mask can be made of pink, the traditional Piglet color, or use the symbolic colors of the year: yellow, brown, all shades of beige or gold.

Original Pig paper mask

This version of the mask is perfect for a child and an adult and will perfectly cheer you up, and it will not be difficult to make it at all. To create a mask, you will need heavy paper, scissors, glue and a little neatness. Cut out the muzzle of the selected animal from paper, and then the ears. The nose, like the rest of the parts, you can draw or glue from other paper. Everything to your taste. Do not forget to leave some paper at each element in order to glue them later. When both parts are ready, we fasten them with glue and wait until they dry completely. After that we cut out a strip, which will be the basis of our mask (it will help to “dress” it on the child). We glue the strip into a circle and glue the animal's muzzle on one side. In just a few hours, your mask will be ready. Remember that before cutting out the elements of the mask, you should first draw them with a pencil.

If you have your own unusual idea and idea, then try to make every effort to translate it into reality, especially since nothing is impossible, but it will cheer you up and your child.


Paper plate mask

Disposable tableware is very often used for home crafts. Round flat plates made of thick paper are ideal for making an original mask. You can make a Pig mask with your own hands from a plate even without a template.

Make small round holes at eye level, and you can draw a patch and a mouth by yourself expressing any emotion. Ears are glued separately - small triangles that can be cut from a second plate or cardboard.

Felt mask

This is a kind of craft that will be perfect during the New Years celebration. But, as in each individual case, you should initially prepare the appropriate materials.

  • Light pink felt. Additionally, a black shade is chosen, as well as a dark pink.
  • The color is also chosen for a specific option.
  • Satin ribbon. A width of 15 mm will suffice.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Prepared templates. They can be made, including independently, for specific parameters of a person. For them, the mask itself with slits under the eyes, a rounded patch, and also hearts are drawn on paper. The latter will act as ears.

When all this is available, you can start the process itself. Once the templates have already been cut out of paper with scissors, they are applied to the pieces of felt, depending on the specific color. There must be two copies of each element. Don't forget about the cutouts for the eyes. After that, they stick together together, tightly pressing against each other. At the same time, the edges must coincide with each other so that everything is really beautiful. But don't worry if the edges stick out. They can be easily trimmed with scissors later. The nose should be dark pink with black holes, the mask itself should be pink. The dark pink is also suitable for the ears.

Satin ribbon is used for strings. It will be optimal to pick up a pink shade. The pieces should be the same length, about 50-60 cm. During sewing, care should be taken so that the seams themselves do not catch the eye. You can sew ties between the two fragments of the mask itself, which will give some reliability to the whole structure. Ears in the form of hearts are sewn to the main part, as well as a patch. In this case, accordingly, it is necessary to select the color for the thread while sewing.

As for the holes for a patch of black felt, it will be enough to glue them with ordinary all-purpose glue. They are made in the form of ovals, about 20 mm long and no more than 10 mm wide. It will remain to wait a while for everything to dry up and the composition will be ready. You don't have to spend a lot of time and effort, and the number of masks performed can be the same as is required for all participants in the New Year's Eve.

It is worth noting that the very face of the future pig can be drawn independently or you can use ready-made templates. The pattern should not only like it, but also be of high quality in the future. For the task, you can also involve children, which will create even more mood for everyone around you.

Hello comrades!

At the request of the readers, I am writing an article "How to make a wild boar mask." Making masks for all kinds of exotic animals is my hobby. I made a wild boar mask one evening just to prove to myself that I can do this too (and for fun). Well, she boasted of a photo on the site and suggested: who is interested - ask, and I will tell you how to do it. Then I forgot safely. And now - it turns out that the wild boar is in demand!

Greetings to all who wish to "reincarnate" in Mr. Chro-Chro.

So how to make a wild boar mask? The first one I made from wrapping paper. To be honest, you need to check how this model will show itself in the cardboard version. By the way, which cardboard to choose? I have a set of black-yellow-blue ... hmm, no brown! I agreed with myself: I'll take a white one, the reverse side is a grayish one, let's see how this grayness will look like a boar suit.

She took out the old wild boar mask, pasted it up, laid out the details on A3 cardboard, circled it, cut it out.

I bend my nose, even crush it. Here it is already necessary to show dexterity and resourcefulness: the cardboard must be bent both along the nose and across, so that the long snout becomes slightly slightly folded and not flat, but like a rounded gable roof. In general, first it is better to practice bending just a large piece of cardboard.

The darts on the forehead had to be lengthened - the cardboard is harder than paper. I didn't have to glue it either, but. I note that the edges of the darts should be inclined towards the midline of the muzzle - this visually narrows the forehead of the beast. If it were a human mask, the darts would stick together in reverse, so that the forehead would appear wider.

I cut the outer edges of the ears with a fringe and ruffle them. I bend the inner edges and staple them at the base with a stapler - the ears have acquired some volume.

I take a "false" nose - one that should mask the actor's nose well and conveniently (this was used in), bend it and try it on myself. Fine. I glue it under the boar's nose with a thermal gun. Again I try it on and right on my face, bending and pressing down I give this lining nose the correct shape. Is sitting?

On the boar's nose, from the inside, I apply two large drops of glue to the folds on both sides and glue it to the lower nose. Now the upper nose does not dangle randomly, but it does not exactly lie on the lower one, there is a gap between them so that you can bend and "shape" the outer nose further. I glue my ears and bend them forward strongly. I glue the patch.

Everything , the boar mask is ready. Oh, I forgot my fangs! I cut out the fangs from whatman paper so that both sides are white (in fact, it should be yellow, but ... it didn't work out very well with color - the boar came out as albino).

Nevertheless, if such a beast appears in and says "Chro-chro", respect and respect for him, the fact, are guaranteed.

Kibets Marina Yurievna

Second option

Every child wants to be the most beautiful, interesting and original at a creative event. Mask Is a stunning accessory that complements any look. We will make an original New Year mask do it yourself in the form of a head pigs, which is very symbolic on the eve of the new 2019 year pigs.

For makingthis craft will need the following materials:

1. Paper of light pink, dark pink color;

3. Satin ribbon 1.5 cm wide;

4. Scissors; simple pencil;

5. Universal glue;

6. Template of paper parts.

1. Cut out templates of parts from paper using scissors.

2. Apply the template of the part itself masks to light pink paper and cut out two identical parts. Carefully cut holes for the peephole. We put both parts together and see that all the edges coincide equally.

If some parts protrude, carefully cut them off with scissors.

3. Apply the lug template (heart) to dark pink paper and cut out 4 identical parts.

4. Likewise, attach the spout template to the dark pink paper and cut out two identical shapes. We put two hearts together and make sure that all the edges are equally even and there are no unnecessary protruding parts.

6. Cut off two identical pieces from a satin ribbon, 50cm / 60cm long, glue it.

After the glue is completely dry, the New Year's craft is ready.

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Holidays and carnivals in a kindergarten or school are not only a joyful and fun event for children, but also a headache for adults who do not know how and where to get the right costume or mask for a child.

Of course, constantly buying or renting a suit is a rather expensive pleasure, so you should consider making it yourself. Do not rush to give up, even if you are far from needlework and sewing. A creative approach to business, and imagination will help you bring any daring idea to life.

A popular costume is a pig or a pig.

We decide on the character and think over the image

What's the first thing that comes to mind? Pink color, a nose-patch, funny triangular ears or a ponytail with a donut? All these are integral components of the piglet's image, which means that to one degree or another they should be reflected in his costume or accessories.

You can make any pig costume you want: perhaps it will be a perky and cheerful Funtik, or a cute and charming Piglet (even from the Disney version of the cartoon, even from the Soviet one), or one of the three piglet brothers from a famous fairy tale, or a funny and resourceful pig Peppa, or a capricious beauty and imagining Nyusha from Smeshariki. As you can see, there are a lot of options to choose from.

It is necessary to select a character based on the child's personal preferences (maybe there is a favorite cartoon or fairytale hero, a pig), and also take into account his age. For example, if your baby is still very tiny, then there is no need to make bulky suits or think about the many details, because the outfit is most likely needed more by you than by the child.

For babies or children who have not yet walked, you can make a funny pink jumpsuit with a hood in the shape of a pig's face, and if you are familiar with knitting, you can knit panties and a hat with ears on his head.

Much more scope for creativity opens up when creating costumes for older children.

Several ideas and options

Children's outfit for the holiday can be the simplest. Perhaps you simply designate the image of a pig with a headdress or mask, and the role of a costume will be played by ordinary clothes, skillfully selected and suitable for this character.

For example, if you dress a boy in a beige or light pink shirt / turtleneck with a bright vest and short pants or harem pants with shoulder straps / suspenders, then you get one of three brothers-pigs. You can complete the look with a mask, which is very easy to make.

  1. The piglet mask can be made of paper. Then you just need to find a beautiful mask template and print it, then cut out holes for the eyes, paint and attach an elastic band. If you don't want to color, you can print a color template right away, and in order to make the mask stronger, glue it to a solid base or cardboard. Decorate the mask with sparkles or other decor if desired.
  2. A pig mask or headdress is also made from other materials. You can make it in the same way as paper, only from felt, sew it from fabric (taking any hat as a basis), make it from foam rubber or papier-mâché, etc. Face painting will also be appropriate for the holiday.

If you know how to sew, you can use the sewing patterns and sew the whole suit. It can be either a one-piece jumpsuit, or pants with suspenders or a skirt (for a girl), described in the first version, but already made specifically for this image.

Choose materials that are light and voluminous so that they keep their shape well and look beautiful, for example, thermo-Velor, fleece, organza or taffeta. It will turn out very great if you duplicate the material with a padding polyester. Be sure to attach a ponytail to the suit (you can twist it out of wire and cover it with fabric), there may be pink socks or golf shoes on the legs.


If there is a costume competition or an important performance, you can make some original or interesting costume, for example, Peppa's pig costume or Nyusha's smesharik costume. Such costumes will be, by the way, even for adult animators. Peppa may have a pink dress or a sundress, but you will have to fiddle with a headdress. Try cutting it out of foam and coloring it or making it out of felt.

For Nyusha's costume, you will need to sew a "round dress" (cut out like a sundress or a dress on a yoke, but add a tulle lining down and pull tight to make a ball). Decorate the dress with appliqué or other decor. You can wear a pink headband with ears and a pigtail on your head, or make a full-fledged Nyusha headdress (more suitable for animators or for creating life-size puppets).

Let the image of a pig, created with your own hands, be the brightest and most beautiful at the upcoming holiday!

Pig - the mistress of 2019 - a lady with a temper. She favors those who show attention to her, and can get angry, defiantly turning her crochet tail, if not respectful. To cajole her is as easy as shelling pears. But not trivially purchased, but original and man-made. You can easily make an exclusive symbol of the 2019 Year of the Yellow Pig with your own hands using our master class.

DIY pig mask

Making a piglet mask with your own hands is very simple. The first thing that comes to mind is paper / cardboard. It, of course, has its own advantages: it is quickly cut, glued. But there are also disadvantages: it breaks, crumples, sits rigidly and somewhat uncomfortably on the face. So it's better to make a mask out of a cloth.

Would need:

  • any fabric (chintz, satin, cotton, silk, flannel);
  • non-woven fabric (soft lining);
  • needle and thread to match the selected material;
  • scissors;
  • elastic band for sewing (narrow or wide - at choice);
  • pencil, crayon;
  • tape measure;
  • sewing pins (round head).

How to do:

1. We measure the sizes with a tape - from temple to temple, from the middle of the forehead (and if you like - higher) to the middle of the nose, from the bridge of the nose to the eyes.

2. Put the measured points on the non-woven fabric with a pencil / chalk and connect them with a soft curve in the form of an oval. We increase the "eye" points by drawing circles around them at our discretion (as a rule - no more than 3 cm in diameter).

Tip: do not rush to cut the workpiece. Try it on to your face while standing in front of the mirror. Non-woven transparent - you can immediately make adjustments.

3. Cut out the transparent base and use pins (at the very edge) to attach it to the wrong side of the fabric so that it does not slip. We circle, adding one centimeter. We also fasten the eye sockets with pins, and draw a new oval on the wrong side of the future mask, without adding centimeters, but decreasing - 0.5 cm inward. Cut out the pattern.

Tip: do not remove the pins during cutting - they will keep the fabric from slipping and displacement.

4. Turn the pattern with the right side facing you. We lower the pins and, bending the protruding edges inward (the edge of the substrate - the border of the fold), sew the cut layers.

Advice: you can get by with a basting stitch, but for reliability (if you are sewing by hand, not with a typewriter), it is better to use the “back with a needle” technique - it is similar to a machine stitch, elastic and neat, the fabric under it does not puff up.

5. Cut out the triangles of the ears and the patch from the non-woven fabric. We attach them to the wrong side of the darker fabric, pin them and repeat the same steps as we did with the large base. We sew, bending the allowances inward. We fix the details on the mask: ears - on the sides, patch - in the middle (where the nose is supposed to be).

Tip: if you want the ears to wiggle when moving, sew them only along the edges (top). The piglet will look more spectacular if you do not completely sew it to the mask, but only the upper half. For expressiveness, we direct the nostrils of the patch with a dark marker or embroider the circles with satin stitch - whichever is more convenient.

6. Slightly stretch the elastic, measuring its length so that it does not squeeze the head. We make centimeter stocks. We sew them to the mask, starting from the seamy side. The mask is ready.

Ears with a snout - joy in the house

Don't feel like messing around with the mask? You can do a little - sew a piglet with your own hands. To do this, you should look into the kitchen and take a new round foam sponge from the shelf. She is almost a ready-made penny.

Would need:

  • sponge;
  • scissors;
  • hat elastic (round, thin elastic cord);
  • needle and thread.

1. Cut off the abrasive part of the sponge. With a flat cut, we turn the round piece towards us and make a deep notch with scissors (the nose will fit into it), carefully shaking out the crumbs of foam rubber.

2. Turn the workpiece with the convex side towards you. With a marker, draw large peas-nostrils.

Advice: if there is a fear that the notch will not be enough or the fear of breathing in the foam rubber remains, instead of drawing, make round holes at the level of your nostrils, and already circle them with a marker.

3. Slightly pulling the cord, wrap it around the head and measure the segment to the wings of the nose. We make allowances of 0.5-0.7 mm. Cut off. Sew on the back side (on the flat part of the patch that will fit to the face) with an overcast seam. The handmade piglet (which is suitable for girls and boys, adults and children) is ready.

But do-it-yourself pig ears are best done on a regular hair band with a fabric base.

You will need:

  • bezel;
  • felt (for ears);
  • glue.

1. Cut out the ears from felt (it perfectly holds its shape without any backing) and fix it on the rim.

2. In the middle, glue a light felt corner.

Felt pig

Such a pig will be a great New Year's decor or decoration for a New Year's tree.

You will need:

  • fabric and filler,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • 2 pairs of buttons (for eyes and nostrils),
  • a bunch of threads
  • butterfly (bow),
  • thread, needle, pins.

1.Cut out a piece of the face according to the pattern, folding the fabric in 2 layers. After securing both parts with a pin, sew them as shown in the photo. Fill the muzzle with filler through the remaining hole from the bottom, then sew the hole.

2. Make a pig's patch using the same principle.

Tip: The stitches are made on the outside of the toy, so try to keep them as straight as possible.

3. Sew on the nickle 2 buttons - nostrils, glue the nickle to the muzzle with a pistol, sew on the eyes. Use a couple of stitches to draw eyebrows on the pig.

4. From a bunch of threads, make a "broom" that will serve as a bang.

5. Glue the bangs and bow.

Scops-owl pig

Loves the Yellow Pig and a good sleep. So the do-it-yourself piggy pillow will please her for her sweet soul. And it will become the greatest mascot of the year. The most pleasant thing is that you can make it not only from the fabric you just purchased, but, for example, from an old sweater, an out-of-fashion velvet blouse or a satin blouse. And even a pattern, in fact, is not needed.

Would need:

  • a piece of fabric of any length and width (standard version - 50x100 cm);
  • contrasting fabric for decoration - versatile pieces;
  • filler (batting, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer);
  • scissors, thread, needle, pins.

1. Fold the fabric in half (wrong side facing you), fasten it with pins, draw a circle / oval / rounded square and cut it out.

2. We also fold the contrasting fabric pieces in half (front side inward) and cut out the ears - slightly rounded isosceles triangles, hooves (squares or rectangles with rounded corners), a tail.

3. Sew the ears, paws, triangular tail on the sides - turn it out. We fill them with the selected filler.

4. Sew the body of the pig, leaving gaps for the contrasting details that have just been sewn. Fill with filler so that the pillow remains comfortably soft. Insert the hooves, ears, tail into the left armholes and sew with a blind stitch. We fix the knot.

5. Cut out a round patch (fleece, felt, flannel - everything is appropriate) and sew it on the front side of the pillow. Inside the circle there are two darker ovals.

6. Eyes can be embroidered with a soft floss or woolen thread (if they are closed), or sewn on multi-colored rounds of different shapes - so the pork face will come out even more fun.

Tip: an interior mascot pillow may well do without hooves and a tail, the main thing is to sew on a larger characteristic penny, and make your eyes more expressive.

Do-it-yourself pig craft options are a great variety. The Yellow Pig will appreciate not the number of limbs, but the warmth put into the craft. And the one who will receive such an exclusive gift - and even more so.