Review of the best mineral powders: MAC, Sweetscents, Kiko Milano, Dream Minerals, Tony Moly. The best baked powders. Foundation powder from Kiko Milano

Many girls use makeup and various cosmetics to improve their appearance, one of which is face powder. It helps to quickly mask all visible imperfections, even out the tone, and make the skin soft and velvety. However, most inexpensive synthetic foundations can clog pores, eventually causing unpleasant skin reactions, so the highest rating among dry foundations rightfully belongs to mineral powder, which is available in two forms on the cosmetics market - compact and loose.

What is Mineral Powder

The basis of mineral cosmetics is pure crushed natural minerals. They are ground to a powdery state, so you can use a tool to mask imperfections on the skin of the face - irregularities, acne, age spots, fine wrinkles, all sorts of rashes and irritations. Natural components in the composition of the powder do not bring any harm to skin cells, but help to cleanse them, while they have antiseptic properties and do not cause allergic reactions.


Natural face powder is made exclusively from natural ingredients. Mineral cosmetics usually include:

  • zinc oxide - is responsible for the antiseptic function of the product, protects the skin of the face from the harmful effects of UV rays;
  • titanium dioxide - has the ability to mask skin imperfections, while retaining moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • boron nitride - creates the effect of internal glow of the skin, takes part in obtaining different natural shades;
  • iron oxide - plays the role of a natural dye, due to which it becomes possible to create a whole palette of natural shades;
  • diamond powder - makes the skin radiant, fights the aging process of epidermal cells;
  • aluminosilicates (silicon, magnesium, mica, zeolite, etc.) - improve the general condition of the skin, make it soft and silky, strengthen the cells of the epidermis and the walls of skin capillaries, fight against their premature aging.

What is different from the usual

The main difference between mineral and conventional powder is the composition: natural cosmetics made from minerals do not contain synthetic components. Depending on the composition, other differences between these two types of decorative cosmetics are determined, because powder:

  • It allows you to quickly and easily create perfect coverage - it lies on the skin evenly and smoothly, leaving it matte.
  • It is hypoallergenic because it is created exclusively from natural ingredients.
  • It is universal because it is suitable for women of all ages and with different skin types.
  • Does not clog pores, so it does not interfere with the skin's breathing and prevents the appearance of acne, pimples and other skin troubles.
  • It retains moisture well, does not curl or spread, so it can be used on hot summer days.
  • It is very economical in consumption, and does not require the preliminary use of tinting or matting agents.
  • It is commercially available, but it is relatively expensive due to its natural composition and complex manufacturing technology.


Most girls prefer pressed compact powder, because it fits easily into a handbag, is easy to use and is always at hand. Different brands offer their own options, but it is better to look for a good mineral product either in a trusted cosmetics store or on a specialized website. It should be noted that purchases in online stores are always cheaper, more profitable and more convenient, because you can simply select and order the product you like from the catalog, as a result of which you receive it by mail. In addition, residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg do not need to pay for delivery.

The German cosmetics company Artdeco has established itself well in the makeup market, with most of the reviews for their products being positive. They have a natural base of minerals in only one model, but the manufacturer offers several different shades:

  • model name: mineral-based Artdeco Mineral Compact Powder;
  • price: 1034 rubles;
  • characteristics: 9 grams, a round silver-colored powder box with a mirror and a small powder puff;
  • pluses: suitable for all skin types, can be used at night as a remedy;
  • cons: no.


Excellent quality compact powder-bases from minerals are produced by the world famous company Clarins. For everyday use, you can take the version with a matting effect and an invisible finish:

  • model name: Ever Matte;
  • price: 2650 rubles;
  • characteristics: 10 grams, matte tone, four shades, for combination and oily skin, square-shaped powder compact, golden, without sponge;
  • pluses: invisible, light texture, instantly eliminates oily sheen;
  • cons: inconvenient packaging, not suitable for dry skin.

For a light tan and warm glow to your face, check out this mineral-based toner from Clarins:

  • model name: Bronzing Duo with tanning effect;
  • price: 2950 rubles;
  • characteristics: 10 grams, two shades for modeling, three options for shades, a brown powder box with a square tint;
  • pros: suitable for all skin types;
  • cons: relatively high cost.

Mary kay

The cosmetic company Mary Kay offers its own version of a natural compact toner for tone evening, which has conquered a large part of the decorative cosmetics market due to its high quality products and affordable prices:

  • model name: Mary Kay;
  • price: 620 rubles;
  • characteristics: 9 grams, 4 shades, suitable for all skin types, invisible, square powder box without a sponge;
  • pluses: light texture, lays down evenly, holds well;
  • cons: a brush or a puff must be bought and worn separately.


Although mineral foundations in loose form are not as easy to use as compact ones, they also have their benefits. Loose makeup is applied to the skin more thinly, evenly and smoothly, ideally complementing makeup and masking all skin imperfections. It should be applied with a special wide brush. You can search online storefronts for profitable promotions and discounts, then there is a chance to get a brush very cheaply or even free of charge as a gift.

Many girls in their reviews say that the best loose powder from minerals is produced by the famous American brand Max Factor. Only now it is very difficult to find it, because about a year ago, for some reason, it was discontinued:

  • model name: Max Factor Natural Minerals;
  • price: from 600 rubles;
  • characteristics: packing in the form of a jar of two parts, at the bottom the product itself, and at the top with a special brush;
  • pluses: convenient packaging, can be carried in a purse, fits well and holds;
  • cons: difficult to buy, synthetic components in the composition.

Fresh Minerals

A well-known American company that produces exclusively mineral cosmetics offers several options for loose mineral water powder. To begin with, you can take a mini-version, having previously decided on the desired tone:

  • model name: Mineral Loose Powder Foundation;
  • price: 983 rubles;
  • characteristics: 100% natural composition, 10 tones, waterproof, suitable for any, even sensitive skin;
  • pluses: versatile, affordable, large palette of shades;
  • cons: no.

If you want your face to shine always and everywhere, pay attention to the mineral matting agent with a shimmer in an unusual format - a powder pencil with a brush:

  • model name: with reflective particles with brush and automatic feeding Mineral Luminizing Brush Powder;
  • price: 1854 rubles;
  • characteristics: 4.8 grams, packaging in the form of a large pencil with a brush that is hidden under a transparent cap, 3 natural shades with a shimmer;
  • pluses: easy to use, suitable for all skin types;
  • cons: expensive, glitters on the face are not always appropriate.

The saem

Recently, Korean cosmetics have been very popular in the world. The girls speak well of the colorless, crumbly mineral base of The Saem brand, the main purpose of which is to mask enlarged pores:

  • model name: The Saem Saemmul Perfect Pore Powder;
  • price: 560 rubles;
  • characteristics: 5 grams, white, completely natural composition with extracts of different plants;
  • pluses: narrows pores well, soothes, hides imperfections;
  • cons: no.

For problem skin

Many girls have problem skin - oily or combination, with enlarged pores, prone to acne, redness, irritation. Their face needs special care, which should consist in constant cleansing and narrowing of pores, therefore, mineral matting cosmetics should be chosen as appropriate:

  • model name: Oil Control Powder by Face Value Cosmetics;
  • price: 199 rubles;
  • characteristics: 2 grams, neutral tone, suitable for any complexion, for oily skin;
  • pluses: perfectly mattifies, soothes, protects from UV rays;
  • cons: no.

Natural foundations for problem and sensitive skin are offered by various well-known brands. Natural loose powder-base from Vichy is in great demand among girls with skin problems:

  • model name: Vichy Aera Teint;
  • price: 1129 rubles;
  • characteristics: 5 grams, convenient packaging with a brush, several shades;
  • pluses: a large special brush for application in the kit, in addition to masking flaws, has a therapeutic effect;
  • cons: difficult to find on sale.

How to choose mineral powder

The choice of cosmetics is a very delicate and responsible business. This also applies to mineral-based powders. Such products cannot be cheap because of their composition, therefore, so that the money does not end up being wasted, and the cosmetics fit your skin perfectly, it is worth remembering some important points:

  1. Initially, decide on the form of the product: if you plan to use it only for home make-up, choose a loose powder-base. If you need a travel option for a handbag, take a compact one.
  2. Externally, the mineral water powder is very similar to the usual synthetic one, so when choosing, be guided solely by the composition. It should not contain talc or alcohol, but only natural minerals and plant extracts.
  3. When choosing the tone of the product to match your complexion, give preference to the one that is slightly lighter. Mineral powder with iron oxide in the composition darkens slightly upon contact with oxygen during application.
  4. Any mineral-based cosmetics dries out the skin, therefore it is ideal for oily and normal types. If you have dry skin, go for a moisturizing base along with a mineral tinting product.
  5. Considering the economical consumption of such cosmetics, pay attention to the shelf life of the product. A small package of natural remedy with daily consumption will last for almost a year, so take the product fresher. This is especially true for those who like to buy cosmetics on sales.


When the skin is problematic, you need to select makeup products that will help hide the existing imperfections and will not cause irritation. In this material, we will talk about what kind of powder matches the features, what to consider when choosing this tool, and what specific powders can help you out.

Features of powder for problem skin

Problem skin is distinguished by all sorts of imperfections. This is either excessive dryness and constant peeling, or, on the contrary, too much sebum secretion, which leads to clogged pores, blackheads, inflammation and other defects. Problem skin is often sensitive. The reasons may be different, but, as a rule, they are caused not so much by external factors as by "malfunctions" in the body: hormonal disruptions, decreased immunity and other disorders.

  • The powder is believed to have a light texture that does not overload problem skin. Moreover, she must have a special composition. It is important that it does not contain components that the skin can perceive as irritants. That is, no oils, waxes or fragrances. A positive point will be the content of substances that can heal and soothe the skin.

Mineral powder for problem skin

You can trust mineral cosmetics. Powders in this category are particles of crushed minerals. And no oils, wax, paraffin, emulsifiers, stabilizers, fragrances and other components potentially harmful to problem skin. And in the composition of such a powder there is no talcum powder, which, mixing with sebum, clogs the pores. This makes the mineral powder ideal for problem skin.

  • Separately, it is worth noting the dry texture of the mineral powder; this means that there is no breeding ground for bacteria. The possibility of negative effects of mineral powder on the skin is close to zero.

Cream powder for problem skin


Problem skin is characterized by an uneven relief. Enlarged pores, acne marks, inflammatory elements are to blame. Cream-powder will help to mask these imperfections, which smooths the relief by filling in the micro-grooves on the surface of the skin.

  • Yes, the dry texture is considered the safest, since it does not promote the growth of bacteria, but the obvious advantage of the cream powder is that it perfectly “lies” on problem skin, creating a feeling of comfort.
  • If problem skin is distinguished by excessive dryness, it is the cream-powder that will be a salvation for it - it will not only evenly cover imperfections, but also soften the epidermis.

Choosing a powder for oily and problem skin

Have you figured out the advantages and disadvantages of different tonal means? This means that you can choose cosmetics that are suitable for solving the problems of your skin, taking into account all its features.

List your skin problems. Does a greasy shine appear almost immediately after washing your face? Or, on the contrary, is the skin dry and flaky? Perhaps inflammation often occurs on it? "Initial data" is the main guideline when choosing funds.

Mineral powder is suitable for oily skin, and a soft cream powder for dry skin. Look for the following labels on the packaging: “sensitive skin”, “non-comedogenic”, “non-allergenic”. Read the composition: it is important that there are no potential irritants among the ingredients.

Be sure to test the chosen remedy - not on the wrist or on the back of the hand, but on the face (choose the area along the lower contour of the face, closer to the neck). You shouldn't feel any discomfort - once. The product should literally merge with the skin - two. If these requirements are met, then the powder is right for you.

Powders for problem skin: rating

Every woman strives to look her best at any age. The very idea of ​​beauty from season to season can change to completely opposite - take at least the shape of the eyebrows. But the main thing always remains the skin, which should look healthy, well-groomed and radiant - in this case, any makeup, from nude and imperceptible to dramatic and emphatically theatrical, will look amazing.

Unfortunately, nature has not endowed all of us with perfect facial features and smooth, silky skin, on which there are no imperfections, redness and wrinkles. Residents of big cities often see various rashes on their faces with chagrin, lament over small acne scars and enlarged pores, try to mask peeling, oily sheen and age-related changes. In such cases, it is most often customary to use a variety of matting and concealing agents, among which powder occupies a special place. This tool is in any woman's cosmetic bag, even if she practically does not wear makeup in everyday life.

Powder types

All powders, compact or loose, that can be found in cosmetics and perfume stores are of two types - mineral and organic. Mineral, that is, completely natural, powders have been used by women in different countries since the era of the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt - and this remained so until the penetration of chemical discoveries into the beauty industry, when it became convenient and extremely profitable for manufacturers to use synthetic components in the manufacture of powder.

Outwardly, there is practically no difference between these types of powder, but the sensations when using mineral powder are completely different. Cosmetologists and plastic surgeons were the first to draw attention to mineral cosmetics in the 70s of the last century: in particular, it turned out that mineral powder does not cause allergies and irritations on the skin after cleansing or tightening procedures, it does not clog pores and does not roll down in mimic wrinkles. face even after a whole day.

Composition and properties of mineral powders

In almost all cases, mineral powder is characterized by a friable consistency, although recently pressed versions can also be found without the addition of artificial synthetic ingredients; modern technologies allow manufacturers to release it in this form without additional harmful components. It must contain only mineral components of natural origin without the addition of oils and preservatives.

In the case of strict observance of this rule, mineral powder will be hypoallergenic, and its antiseptic and bactericidal properties will bring many benefits to the skin.

Real high-quality mineral powder assumes the absence of preservatives, it should not contain even the minimum amount of talc, fragrances, parabens, wax in any form, phtolates or oils of any origin.

There should be no dyes in high-quality mineral powder either - the shade that appears on the skin is achieved through the use of processed iron oxide, which is part of this beauty product.

Mineral powder components

Any of the powder options available on the market includes the following components, the number of which can vary, but nothing can be substituted for them.

Zinc oxide

This is a well-known antiseptic, it is able to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation - its SPF level is about 15.

Titanium dioxide

With its help it is very good to hide imperfections and unevenness of the skin. Its other great quality is to retain moisture in the upper layers of the skin. It is its presence in the composition that allows the use of mineral powder, achieving the effect of a foundation.

Boron nitride

It gives the skin a soft natural glow, gently and gently masking imperfections.

Diamond powder

It also contributes to long-term beautiful radiance of the skin, prevents the appearance of age-related skin changes, having antioxidant and protective properties.

Iron oxide

This is a natural pigment that is responsible for the variety of possible shades of powder, which also needs to be matched to the natural innate skin tone.


These substances remarkably soften the skin, making it very soft and silky, and at the same time have reflective properties. In sum, this greatly improves the appearance of the skin.

Other components

Some manufacturers, in an effort to improve the quality of a beauty product, add aquamarine, tourmaline and citrine to the composition - these stones, ground to a state of weightless dust, also have a number of healing qualities. They give the skin an extra even radiance without the effect of oily or unnatural shine, improve blood circulation in the upper layers and provide lasting protection from external factors throughout the day.

Mineral powder benefits

Mineral powder is very easy to apply, it allows the skin to breathe without clogging the pores, lays down in a very thin layer, while perfectly masking visible imperfections and imperfections.

This powder is suitable for all skin types, including very sensitive and prone to allergies, as it does not cause irritation and helps to get rid of flaking.

Mineral powder has a light water-repellent effect and at the same time effectively retains moisture in the upper layers of the skin, providing protection from ultraviolet radiation.

The main difference between mineral powder and foundation is to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria and infections on the skin.

Mineral powder can be applied directly to cleansed skin without first applying foundations, fluids, base coats, or foundation. But if their use is necessary, it greatly enhances their useful and protective properties.

Mineral powder application

The puff is most often not used: it is customary to apply mineral powder with a large thick brush made of natural bristles. It is worth buying the best available one, without saving, and regularly clean the brush with mild baby soap under running water, followed by thorough drying.

Top 10 Mineral Powders

Let's talk about the best offers of mineral powders to date: they protect from ultraviolet radiation, perfectly matte, illuminate and are able to replace foundation.

Jane Iredale Pressed Base

This is a powder created using the latest technology: with all the beneficial properties of mineral powder, it is packaged in the same way as pressed. Creates a soft translucent finish that can be layered to a near-opaque and dense finish when needed with makeup. The line includes several shades of cold and warm undertone.

Price: 3480 rubles

Mineral Powder by M.A.C.

Slow-baked powder that preserves all the pearlescent pigments of the minerals. It illuminates the skin very delicately without looking like a highlighter. Creates a long-lasting satin finish, evens out skin relief, mattifies and prevents oily sheen even on problem skin.

Price: 2450 rubles

Clarins Mineral Loose Powder

It is most convenient to type it from the lid: it is specially made so that it can be used as a palette. This powder is very pleasant to use and can be applied very sparingly with a brush. Creates a soft, natural finish with a reflective effect, leaving the skin satin-free without excess shine.

Price: 2850 rubles

Loose Mineral Powder by Colorescience

Waterproof, transparent and almost invisible on the face powder with a lot of undoubted advantages. The stylish case has a built-in brush of excellent quality, so it is very convenient to take it with you. Perfectly evens out tone, tightens pores. A very high SPF index - 50 - makes it indispensable for a vacation in a hot country, it will not roll or run off stains even on the beach, since it contains no oils and preservatives.

Price: 6720 rubles

Compact Powder by Make Up For Ever

Colorless mineral powder in a compact format. Suitable for daily use and completing makeup, very good for creating natural and invisible makeup. It fits quite tightly on the skin, remarkably masking enlarged pores and redness, but at the same time it is visually indistinguishable with good shading.

Price: 2061 rubles

Clinique Sunscreen Mineral Powder

The kit includes a comfortable sponge - the very case when the deviation from the generally accepted rules refers to the merits of the product. The texture of the powder is great for dry, dehydrated skin with signs of fatigue and age, masking them and evening out the tone. The skin is visibly hydrated in a natural way, and the mattifying formula prevents the oily sheen from spoiling the mood all day.

Price: 2800 rubles

Multifunctional Powder by Becca

This powder also has all the advantages of a waterproof product with an incredibly light texture, which allows it to be layered to the desired density and shade. This is both a powder and a base: the concealer is set, the skin is highlighted, and the face gains a beautiful and lasting contour.

Price: 3500 rubles

Mineral Powder by Cinema Secrets

This powder has been pleasing the owners of oily and problem skin all over the world for 30 years, during this time several re-releases of the best-selling American brand have been made. Creates a translucent matte finish, perfectly fixes makeup or evens tone on the skin without makeup.

Price: 2199 rubles

Foundation powder from Kiko Milano

A dense powder that perfectly conceals imperfections of the skin can be used in two ways - dry with a brush or wet, for this there is a special sponge in the kit. In the latter case, it will perfectly replace a high-quality foundation. The powder does not dry the skin, perfectly fits in a thin layer and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Price: 1100 rubles

BareMinerals Powder Foundation

This powder is a real find for those who suffer from excessive oily skin. It contains tea tree oil. This contradicts the concept of mineral powders in the classical sense, but in this case makes it simply irreplaceable in case of need for skin treatment. It will not work to mask too bright redness or defects with it, but you can and should take care of it and prevent the appearance of oily sheen. The collection contains 12 shades.

Price: 3808 rubles

Among the variety of decorative cosmetics, a separate niche is occupied by mineral cosmetics. It has a completely natural composition and protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment. But its main advantage over other products is texture, minerals are practically not felt on the skin and cover it with a thin veil. The best mineral powder is a great gift for any girl, and in today's article, we'll take a look at the top 9 of the best.

Among the professionals, the products of the American brand MAC stand out. Mineralize Skinfinish comes with a mirror, but no brush or sponge. The product itself weighs 10 grams. produced by baking, i.e. it does not crumble and has a dense but silky texture. At the same time, it is easily typed on a brush and gives off pigment well.

Action: the powder lays on the skin in a thin, even layer, does not emphasize imperfections, but, on the contrary, hides them. The manufacturer promises a matte finish, but in fact it turns out to be a little satin. The powder is great for all skin types, the combination mattifies during the day and removes oily sheen without clogging the pores, does not irritate sensitive skin and does not emphasize peeling, but evens out the tone of dry skin.

Price: 2450 rub.

Sweetscents Bamboo Silk Powder

Sweetscents is another American brand. The powder is packaged in a 10 ml jar equipped with a sifter (a plate with holes that allows the product to be consumed more economically). The texture of Bamboo Silk Powder is crumbly, grains of medium grinding, reminiscent of starch.

Action: in addition to the decorative function, the powder created on the basis of bamboo shoots has a caring effect. It moisturizes, softens and gives elasticity to the skin. It is applied to the brush easily and without difficulty, it is applied to the skin, but it may dust a little. It is white in color and the pigment does not appear on the face, adjusting to the natural tone, mattifying and regulating the production of sebum. Does not emphasize flaking and can be used as a primer or solo.

Price: 350 rub.

CLINIQUE Redness Solutions Instant Relief Mineral Pressed Powder

Pressed powder from the CLINIQUE pharmacy manufacturer is packaged in a case with a mirror and a brush for application. Product weight - 9.6 g.

Action: the powder is yellow and ideal for problem skin. This tone allows you to mask inflammation and hide redness. Despite its dense texture, it envelops the skin in a thin, airy layer and is not noticeable on it. Has an excellent matting effect, does not fall into pores and folds. In addition to masking the problems, the manufacturer promises to fix them. You can apply the product on its own or over tonal ones.

But there are also disadvantages, it does not suit girls with a dark complexion, in this case it turns yellow, and does not even out the tone. Also, the components of the product can cause allergic reactions.

Price: 4500 rub.

Finishing powder satin KM Cosmetics

KM Cosmetics is a Russian manufacturer of middle-class cosmetics. The product is packed in a small plastic jar, weight 5 g. Suitable for the final stage of makeup. There are three shades in the line that are invisible on the skin and have a light undertone - neutral, cold and warm. It is ground very finely, due to which it has the most delicate silk texture.

Action: satin powder gives a slight shine and evens skin tone, can be used both on the entire surface of the face, and on certain areas as a highlighter. A good option for dry, because hides peeling and gives it a healthy look. Slightly whitens the skin. The powder has only one drawback - for the first 5-10 minutes, part of the product is kept on the so-called cannon, creating not the most pleasant effect of flour on the face, then it goes away.

Price: 620 rub.

Magical halo long

Light mineral powder, ideal for summer, covers the skin with a velvety veil. Does not mask imperfections, but at the same time does not clog pores, but perfectly mattifies! Apply using the soft sponge included in the package.

The main plus is that the powder is sold on Aliexpress, it costs 160 rubles, while it does not crumble during the day. Comes in a handy jar that you can later use to create powder at home.

Kiko Milano Soft Focus

Mineral powder-base of the Italian brand Kiko is packed in a round jar with a volume of 10.5 ml. Its design is interesting, a kind of sponge applicator is built into the lid, which allows you to apply the product to the skin. A convenient option for use on the road, for example, when it is not possible to use a brush.

Action: hides minor imperfections, it cannot cope with more pronounced problems in the form of redness and inflammation. Gives the skin a delicate natural glow. Among the disadvantages can be noted its ability to make the natural skin tone darker, so you should carefully choose a shade, preferably a little lighter than usual.

Price: 1230 rub.

Dream Minerals Pearl Powder

Dream Minerals is a Russian manufacturer of mineral cosmetics. The product is in a small 3 g jar. Loose in texture.

Action: Pearl powder is known for its beneficial properties. It has a wound healing and regenerating effect, thanks to which it fights traces of acne and inflammation. Can be used as sun protection. In addition to caring properties, it is used as a tone leveling and pore smoothing agent. May whiten skin.

Price: 990 rub.

Powder LIDEAL AliexPress

The powder not only has a good composition, but also has a memorable design. You want to take such powder out of your purse every half hour. It has 2 compartments: in one, the powder is lighter, in the other a tone darker, which allows you to make a light structuring of the face.

Lays down evenly, does not crumble during the process of wearing, does not dry! Powder mattes and hides red spots. It copes with its work 100%, while cheaper than well-known Korean competitors.

Price - 300 rubles, a choice of 3 shades.

Tony Moly My Sunny Tok Tok Sun Powder

Korean Sun Powder is packed in 3 gr. a jar with a sponge lid. Loose, finely ground.

Action: it is not very convenient to apply with a native sponge, because he does not shade the powder, but slightly smears it. Suitable for normal skin without obvious problems, the powder removes light imperfections and slightly hides the pores. Removes oily shine and has a matte finish. Its durability is small, after 2-3 hours it requires reapplication. Ideal in the summer as has UV protection.

Price: 1150 rub.

The best mineral powder can be a great help for matte, even tone and smooth pores. The main thing is to match it to your natural skin tone. I also tried to do it, it worked out well.

  • Features of mineral powder
  • Compact or loose?
  • How to choose mineral powder
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Mineral powder composition
  • Application rules
  • Funds overview

Features of mineral powder

Mineral powders are perhaps the most popular product in the foundation category. By concealing imperfections in the skin, the minerals do not irritate it or clog the pores. For this, the owners of sensitive and problem skin are so fond of mineral powder.

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Initially, powders made from ground minerals were used in aesthetic medicine clinics to mask redness and accelerate rehabilitation after traumatic procedures. Nowadays, there is powder labeled mineral in almost every cosmetic bag. But before talking about the benefits of this tool, let's find out what kind of powder can be considered mineral.

Compact or loose?

Loose powder

Strictly speaking, only loose powder has the right to be called a mineral powder, since it is a powder of crushed minerals, without any impurities. There is no such powder:

  • preservatives;


Loose mineral powder is fine enough to even out skin tone and texture, but its particles do not react with epidermal cells. That is why for the owners of capricious or inflamed skin, this is just a godsend.

Compact powder

Contains mineral particles in a certain concentration and is not mineral, but mineralized product. The composition of compact (as well as liquid) formats of mineral products always include additional ingredients:

    technical giving the texture plasticity and varying degrees of density;

    caregivers- for different skin types.

Mineral Compact Powder and Mineralized Cream Powder are applied with a sponge. They can be used as independent foundation.

How to choose mineral powder

Mineral powder is considered a versatile product that any skin will gladly accept. We do not argue, but we will outline some important nuances.

For dry skin

The most acceptable option is a compact cream-powder, enriched with minerals. But mineral powder in its pure form (that is, loose) is not suitable for dry or flaky skin. Why? Explains Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva:

Loose mixtures without caring additives accentuate imperfections by absorbing residual moisture and sebum. If you cannot do without mineral powder, you need to thoroughly moisturize your face with a cream and wait until it is completely absorbed, otherwise the makeup will become stained. "

For oily skin

Mineral powder is the best option for skin with greasy shine, inability to "hold" makeup and prone to breakouts. Minerals absorb excess sebum, mattifying the skin, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect. That is, they solve the main problems of oily skin.

For combination skin

Along with oily, combination skin gratefully accepts a powder with minerals, especially in a compact version, combining a matting effect with a firmness without an emphasis on the therapeutic effect.

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Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages include the ability of certain minerals to dry out the skin. Otherwise, they act in the interests of the skin:

    copper and zinc have an antibacterial effect;

    silicon has a sebum-regulating effect;

    kaolin, perlite absorb sebum;

    titanium dioxide reflects UV rays;

    selenium protects against free radicals;

    calcium soothes the skin.

Mineral powders generally have good hiding power and long-lasting makeup.

Mineral powder composition

In decorative cosmetics, mineral components from various sources are used, such as:

  1. 1

    volcanic rocks;

  2. 2

    thermal water;

  3. 3

    crystals grown in the laboratory.

Genuinely mineral loose powder contains nothing but mineral powder. But the formula of the compact powder can be supplemented with components for care. True, the list is not long.

    Oils, waxes and light silicones Provide easy application and skin protection.

    Plant extracts soften the skin.

    Vitamins have an antioxidant effect, protecting the skin from free radicals, and the formula from damage.

    Acids fight with imperfections of oily and problem skin.

Application rules

There are a few rules to follow when applying mineral powder.

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  1. 1

    Moisturize your face with a cream or fluid according to your skin type.

  2. 2

    Wait until the product is completely absorbed.

  3. 3

    Apply the powder in layers, in small portions.

  4. 4

    For loose powder, use a brush, for compact powder, use a sponge.

Any mineral powder can be used as the main makeup tool; it does not require preliminary application of foundation. Also, with the help of powder, you can fix makeup or matte the skin.

Remember: mineral powder is decorative cosmetics. And despite all the useful properties, it must be removed in the evening. Leaving your makeup on overnight runs the risk of clogging your pores, blackheads and even inflammation.