Flu for pregnant women. Onions and garlic are natural antibiotics. Intestinal flu during pregnancy: causes and symptoms

Every one of us is afraid of getting the flu. The experience of numerous epidemics has shown that this acute infectious disease can be caused by a wide variety of influenza viruses, including poorly studied ones.

And according to the classification, influenza belongs to the ARVI group (acute respiratory viral infections). From time to time, the flu spreads around the world in the form of powerful epidemics, mowing down everyone - old and young, including the most vulnerable part of the population - pregnant women.

Why do we have the flu?

Sometimes we mistakenly refer to the common cold as the flu, which we managed to catch by getting our feet wet. But if we happened to sit next to a person infected with the flu, and he coughed in our presence, the infection may well enter the body. That is, we contracted the flu by airborne droplets. After a while, we feel weakened, and later - frankly sick. What's happening? The virus rapidly multiplies in the body of a sick person, spreads to all parts of the body, poisoning each one.

The virus can infect the mucous membrane that protects our airways. And this can end with pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis. In addition, the cardiovascular system of a person may also suffer, for example, the development of heart failure is possible.

Influenza during pregnancy is a very dangerous disease... The most serious complication after suffering the flu is premature birth or, worst of all, the threat of miscarriage. But this is not all the intrigues of the flu that threaten the expectant mother. Staphylococcal, hemophilic and pneumococcal infections are not excluded.

In addition to the troubles that these infections will bring, against their background, chronic diseases of a woman can worsen: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, metabolic problems, kidney or heart disease.

During periods of flu epidemics, a pregnant woman should be alert. Influenza immediately manifests itself with high fever, chills, aching joints. Even photophobia, nausea and vomiting may appear. All these are signs of body poisoning. If you don't call a doctor or an ambulance right away, the flu will give you a dry cough, runny nose, and sore throat.

The high temperature continues to hold, it can reach the 40-degree mark. A woman will experience this condition for at least a week. Even if everything went without tragic consequences, a pregnant woman will feel bad for a long time: to experience weakness, rapid fatigue and general malaise.

For women in a position, a depressive state is characteristic at this time, a change in the usual demeanor. She becomes irritable, dizzy and tinnitus worries, and can hardly tolerate bright light and any conversations of others.

Most of the time, a pregnant woman gets rid of the flu at home. Of course, with strict adherence to certain rules, and above all, strict bed rest, daily wet cleaning and hourly airing of the room where it is located. And such a trifle: the dishes used by the patient are rinsed with boiling water without fail.

  • Nutrition

It should be complete and rational, with a predominance of fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products. If a woman does not suffer from edema, she is shown an abundant drink in the form of compotes, fruit drinks, juices. All this will help to quickly rid the body of toxins.

  • Temperature

If the body temperature does not drop below 38 degrees, and the woman complains of headache and muscle pain, the doctor will recommend taking an antipyretic agent - Paracetamol, but you can take the medicine after 4 to 6 hours, a total of no more than four times a day.

  • Throat treatment

The throat will quickly stop hurting when rinsing it with a solution of furacilin in warm water (1: 1). If there are only furacilin tablets in the house, you can make a rinse solution yourself (dissolve 4 tablets in 800 ml of boiling water and cool).

A good remedy for throat treatment is baking soda (1 teaspoon) dissolved in a glass of water.

  • Runny nose

When treating a common cold, vasodilating drops are indispensable. Not all of them are suitable for pregnant women, so you need to choose in consultation with your doctor.

  • Cough

Until the cough becomes debilitating, you need to start drinking the expectorant mixture, which the doctor prescribed. This remedy usually contains marshmallow root or thermopsis. It should be taken four times daily, one tablespoon each.

A pregnant woman should know that she should not prescribe antibacterial agents on her own, especially since there is no benefit from them in the treatment of influenza. In rare cases, with a bacterial complication (pneumonia, sinusitis, encephalitis, otitis media), an antibiotic may be prescribed.

In addition, expectant mothers need to remember that it is impossible to take little-known drugs without advice from a specialist, even if the media present them as the most effective and safe, capable of effectively curing the flu.

Home treatment usually cures the flu quickly in a pregnant woman. And only a severe form of the disease can cause hospitalization.

How do you feel after an illness?

Of course, having the flu is not a good prospect for a mother-to-be. And even if the treatment worked, and the woman feels great, the doctor often sends her to research that will determine how the baby suffered from the mother's illness.

In the first half of pregnancy, a triple hormone test is usually done. He will answer the question: are there any defects in the development of the child? In this case, a consultation with a geneticist is also possible.

In the second half of pregnancy, a woman goes through a second ultrasound, special equipment examines the fetal cardiac activity and blood flow in the placenta.

As you know, in order not to engage in long and unpleasant treatment, any disease must be prevented. Moreover, when it comes to the flu. As soon as a flu epidemic begins, a pregnant woman must do everything to avoid danger. This is especially true for women in the first three months of pregnancy.

In winter, use public transport as little as possible. During an epidemic, do not leave the house without lubricating your nose with oxolinic ointment. And most importantly, pay special attention to the intake of special multivitamin complexes that strengthen the body's resistance to viral infections.

If one of the family members is sick with the flu, the expectant mother should immediately put on a gauze mask and change it as often as possible.

Vaccination of pregnant women is voluntary; they are carried out in clinics when a flu epidemic begins. There are ladies who have a persistent prejudice to this measure of prevention. In this case, you should talk to your doctor, who will convince you that this vaccine is equally safe for both the mother and the baby. But vaccination is carried out only if the gestational age is less than 14 weeks.

Herbal medicine can help cope with the flu

Folk recipes support well the medical treatment of influenza. Pregnant women may well trust some of them.

  • Gargling with chamomile infusion... You can prepare it very quickly: boil a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, strain, cool.
  • Infusion of calendula is prepared in the same way as chamomile... Also very useful for gargling.
  • Sage tea... A tablespoon of dry leaves is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for half an hour. Then strain the infusion, and you can use it.
  • Elderberry infusion... Boil a few tablespoons of dried flowers for a quarter of an hour over low heat in a glass of water. Strain, cool, and then periodically gargle.

For reference: The word "flu" came to our language from France. And the French borrowed it from the Latin language: "influre" - that is, "to invade." Therefore, for a long time influenza was called influenza everywhere, and later, again in France, it was renamed “grippe”, which means “to grab”.

Any woman is afraid of getting the flu during pregnancy, because the list of safe medicines is limited, and the consequences of the disease are very dangerous. What to do if you still had to face a formidable virus and get sick ?! First of all, you need not to panic and start treatment. And we will tell you about how the disease will proceed, how it can be cured faster and what to fear.

Influenza is the most common infectious disease caused by different strains of viruses. Three known types of virus are dangerous for humans - A, B, C. They have their own specifics of interaction with the human body and affect all categories of the population, in particular, and pregnant women.

The virus has the ability to massively spread by airborne droplets and in the shortest possible time to infect the body with a minimum incubation period. The virus enters the respiratory tract or mucous membranes, then binds to epithelial cells and triggers the mechanism of their destruction. This manifests itself in the form of coughing, redness of the eyes, sneezing.

Since the immune system of pregnant women works in a weakened mode, the virus affects masturbation much more actively, because the immune system is not able to restrain it. The flu is especially difficult and with consequences during pregnancy in the first trimester, when the immune function is most weakened.

During pregnancy, influenza infection proceeds very clearly with pronounced signs of intoxication, a sharp deterioration in the condition, exacerbation of chronic pathologies and often with the addition of other infections. For this reason, the flu in this period is treated mainly in a hospital.

How does the flu manifest during pregnancy - symptoms

In the early stages, the flu can be confused with a simple cold. But very quickly, specific symptoms grow and the woman literally in a few hours notes a significant deterioration in well-being. When these symptoms appear, you can immediately suspect the flu:

  • Sharp sore throat.
  • Headache.
  • Fever (temperature rises to 39⁰C and above).
  • Muscle aches.
  • Lachrymation and redness of the eyes.
  • Runny nose (may appear only for 2-3 days).
  • Pallor of the skin.
  • Weakness and dizziness.
  • Photophobia.
  • Chills.
  • Vomiting and nausea are possible.
  • Dry cough.
  • Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle.
  • Painful blush.

Important! For the first 24 hours, the flu can only cause headaches, chills, and weakness. And only the next day to fully express themselves.

Why flu is dangerous during pregnancy

Influenza, regardless of age and pregnancy, is always dangerous with complications from all organs and systems. But during the period of bearing a baby, the risk increases, besides, the danger threatens not only the woman, but also her unborn child.

Effects of influenza in early pregnancy

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman and a fetus are most vulnerable, therefore, the influenza virus can cause such complications in a woman as pneumonia, renal and heart failure, purulent sinusitis, neurological disorders, otitis media. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the flu often causes miscarriage.

Since at this time the embryo is just forming, the penetration of viral RNA into the ovum can become a catalyst for congenital malformations, which will be concentrated in the central nervous system.

Important! A woman who has had the flu in the first weeks of gestation must be sent for an additional screening study to exclude fetal defects. Diagnose for a period of 16-18 weeks.

The consequences of influenza in late pregnancy

After 14 gestational weeks, the flu is more easily tolerated, but the risk of intrauterine death of the baby, as well as infectious complications, remains in the woman. There is a possibility of damage to the placenta, as well as intrauterine growth retardation. In addition, the baby has a significantly increased predisposition to chronic diseases.

Important! If a woman contracted the flu in the second trimester of pregnancy, after recovery, she is recommended to undergo an amniocentesis procedure. The study of the amniotic fluid allows you to detect fetal malformations caused by the virus. Additionally, doppler ultrasound and fetal CT are prescribed.

Influenza during pregnancy in the third trimester is difficult. A woman can get complications in the form of heart failure or neurological disorders. The fetus can be infected with a virus, it can disrupt the work of the endocrine and nervous systems. The risk of premature birth is also increased.

Features of the diagnosis of influenza in the gestational period

If a woman gets sick with the flu during pregnancy, she is diagnosed to accurately confirm the presence of the RNA virus and its type. The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on this.

As laboratory methods, a serological blood test is used to detect the RNA of the virus, as well as the study of smears taken from the mucous membranes to detect antibodies of the causative agent of the disease.

If the influenza virus has been detected, after recovery, the woman is prescribed studies to identify complications:

  • Triple screening test - performed only in the 2nd trimester to exclude genetic mutations in the fetus.
  • Ultrasound - done at any gestational age to assess the physical development of the fetus.
  • Amniocentesis is the study of amniotic fluid, which allows you to objectively assess the condition of the fetus.
  • Cardiotocography - monitoring the baby's cardiac activity.

On a note! In the early stages of gestation, if malformations are detected, abortion is indicated to prevent the birth of a baby with a disability.

How to treat the flu during pregnancy

Influenza, which is mild and without complications, allows treatment at home, provided that all prescribed therapeutic measures are followed. If the condition of a pregnant woman is severe, emergency hospitalization is required.

Remedial measures include strict bed rest, taking medication, and drinking plenty of fluids. Depending on the accompanying symptoms, a woman may be shown taking antibiotics, antiviral drugs, nasal spray, rinsing with antibacterial solutions.

Flu medications during pregnancy: what can you drink?

All medicines that speed up the healing process and relieve flu symptoms are prescribed with caution during pregnancy. Most of them are potent and are strictly prohibited in the gestational period, especially in the 1st and 3rd trimesters.

Only a few groups of drugs can be prescribed to a pregnant woman:

  • from fever;
  • to reduce respiratory manifestations of influenza (cough, rhinitis);
  • to relieve inflammation if complications arise.

Immunomodulators, homeopathic medicines and local antiseptics remain a priority.

Influenza During Pregnancy - Permitted Pills:

  • Paracetamol is a complex drug that can reduce fever, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation. Not recommended for use in the first and last trimesters. This drug is indicated if a woman has flu during pregnancy with a temperature that cannot be reduced by traditional methods.
  • Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic remedy with a pronounced antiviral effect. Contains natural ingredients, allowed during pregnancy.
  • Transfer Factor is a multicomponent immunomodulator. Allowed in the early stages, it helps the immune system to fight the influenza virus on its own.

For the symptomatic treatment of influenza, various nasal drops, cough suppressants, inhalation, and rinsing can be prescribed. The treatment tactics are selected by the doctor, taking into account the gestational period.

What to drink with the flu during pregnancy in the 1st trimester:

  • For a sore throat: spray Ingalipt, Lizobact lozenges.
  • For cough: Mukaltin tablets, inhalation based on breast collection.
  • For a cold: spray Aqua Maris, Salin, sea salt solution.

Important! Antibiotics, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs in this trimester are prescribed only in extreme cases, if the lives of women are in danger.

Flu medications during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester:

  • For sore throat: Hexoral aerosol, Ingalipt.
  • Cough: syrup Dr. Theiss.
  • From rhinitis: Pinosol, Tizin, Vibrocil, Aqualor.
  • Antiviral agent: Viferon suppositories.

What can you do with the flu during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester:

  • For sore throat: Faringosept, Ingalipt, Hexoral, Boparox aerosol.
  • For cough: syrup Doctor IOM, Herbion, Althea Root, Sinekod.
  • For rhinitis: Advance, Tizin, Isofra, Polydexa.
  • Antiviral drugs: Arbidol, Viferon.

In addition to the main treatment, a woman is prescribed inhalation with a nebulizer. Taking into account the severity of the disease and the external symptoms of influenza, the following are prescribed for inhalation:

  • Ambroxol (for sputum discharge).
  • Interferon (to increase local immunity).
  • Glucocorticosteroids (for inflammation or allergies).
  • Fluimucil (antibiotic for the reorganization of ENT organs).

Important! If the flu proceeds with complications, a pregnant woman may be prescribed antibacterial drugs - Ceftriaxone, Fluimucil, etc.

Treatment of influenza during pregnancy with folk remedies

To activate the protective properties and the fastest recovery, a pregnant woman can resort to folk methods:

  • Horseradish root. Grate the peeled root, add sugar (1: 1), let the components react for 12 hours. Then strain the infusion, take in small portions throughout the day. Continue treatment until recovery.
  • Chamomile broth. Pour 10 g of chamomile inflorescences with a glass of boiling water, soak for 10 minutes, strain. Gargle up to 5 times a day.
  • Saline solution. Dissolve a few crystals of sea salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle and rinse your nose up to 4 times a day.
  • Berry juice. Take 100 g of blueberries, cranberries and lingonberries, 2 liters of water and ¼ tbsp. rosehip syrup. Bring the ingredients to a boil, strain after an hour. Drink 2-3 glasses of fruit drink per day.
  • Iodine salt solution. Dissolve ½ tbsp in 200 ml of water. l. soda and 5 drops of iodine. Gargle with the solution throughout the day.
  • Herbal tea to reduce fever. 2 tbsp. l. raspberries, 10 g of lime blossom and 1 tbsp. l. mother-and-stepmothers brew in a glass of boiling water, strain, drink warm.

Intestinal flu during pregnancy: causes and symptoms

Intestinal flu is caused by a special virus called rotavirus, which infects the digestive tract. The microorganism quickly disrupts intestinal function, causing symptoms of food poisoning.

Infection takes place in several ways:

  • From person to person.
  • If hand hygiene is not observed.
  • From contaminated vegetables, fruits.

Unlike ordinary flu, intestinal flu shows up in a completely different symptomatic picture. At first, intestinal flu resembles an exacerbation of toxicosis. But already on the 3rd day, a viral intestinal lesion can be identified. Specific signs of intestinal flu are as follows:

  • Feverish symptom (temperature reaches 40 ° C).
  • Diarrhea, blood in the stool.
  • Abdominal pain of varying intensity and character.
  • SARS symptoms - sneezing, runny nose, cough.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Pale skin.

Important! Rotavirus can provoke miscarriage, hypoxia, thrombosis, premature onset of labor.

Intestinal flu during pregnancy: what to do?

If a woman does not show signs of dehydration and her health is within normal limits, treatment of intestinal flu is carried out at home. The doctor gives general recommendations, prescribes a therapeutic course, a diet.

After confirming rotavirus infection, a woman is recommended:

  • Get more rest, observing bed rest.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • Follow a diet so as not to irritate the digestive tract. Spicy and fried foods are excluded, as well as dairy and sweet foods.
  • Given the infectiousness of rotavirus, a woman is given a separate dish.

Important! Self-medication in the case of intestinal flu during pregnancy is unacceptable. At the first manifestation of rotavirus, seek medical attention.

The medical part of the treatment consists in taking such medications:

  • Rehydration solutions - Regidron, Humana Electrolyte.
  • Antipyretic - Paracetamol.
  • Sorbents - Smecta, White coal, Enetrosegl.
  • Enzymes - Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon.
  • Lactobacilli - Khilak Forte, Lactovit.
  • Antidiarrheal drugs - Loperamide, Imodium.

Prevention of influenza during pregnancy

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from a viral infection, but by observing preventive measures it is quite possible to reduce the risk of contracting the flu during pregnancy:

  • Avoid crowded areas during seasonal infections.
  • Wear medical masks when in public places.
  • Follow the diet, filling the diet with healthy foods.
  • Avoid people with signs of SARS.
  • During flu outbreaks, rinse your nose and mouth with saline after walking outside.
  • Get a flu shot if possible.

Influenza during pregnancy, although it is a dangerous disease, but subject to medical recommendations, proceeds relatively safely and without serious consequences. Only in advanced cases is it possible to terminate pregnancy and disrupt intrauterine development. Therefore, at the first manifestation of the flu, call your doctor immediately.

Influenza and pregnancy. Video

Getting sick with the flu during pregnancy is a terrible dream for every expectant mother, because this disease can negatively affect the development of the child. It is important to remember that in the later stages, the risks that the virus will harm the baby are reduced. Let's talk about how to treat the flu in the 2nd trimester, why it is dangerous during pregnancy, and what preventive measures can help you avoid getting sick.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is responsible for two, all the diseases that she suffers can negatively affect the development of the baby. During pregnancy, even a banal flu can cause negative consequences, but do not rush to panic: if you get sick in the 2nd trimester, then everything is not so scary. At this time, the organs and systems of the baby are formed, so the virus is unlikely to be able to harm, but such a probability still exists. Risks can be minimized with proper and timely treatment.

Swine flu is especially dangerous during pregnancy: it proceeds with complications that can affect the baby, even if the second trimester has already begun.

Flu treatment during pregnancy

At the first sign of flu, you need to see a doctor immediately. This advice is relevant not only for pregnant women, but in an "interesting position" the timeliness of solving the problem is especially important. Since the 2nd trimester is considered safe, often expectant mothers, feeling characteristic malaise, postpone going to the doctor, but in vain: during pregnancy, effective treatment of influenza should be carried out as early as possible, because the baby's health depends on it. With a viral disease, self-medication is strictly prohibited: this can aggravate the situation.

How can the flu be treated during pregnancy if the term is 2 trimester? Most drugs should not be taken by pregnant women. Even harmless folk methods may not be safe for the expectant mother. The only way out is to call a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

Uncontrolled intake of medicines in an "interesting position" is fraught with serious consequences.

Simple tips will help you get rid of the virus. During the period of illness, it is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible: drinking plenty of fluids will help "flush" the virus from the body. Drinks containing vitamin C are optimal for this: berry fruit drinks, rosehip drink or lemon tea. You can gargle with a baking soda solution or chamomile decoction. Steam inhalation using herbal preparations will help cough. At high temperatures, paracetamol can be taken: it is safe for pregnant women, but the dosage must be strictly observed. Any other antipyretic or antiviral pills should be discussed with your doctor. Remember to ventilate the room and stay in bed.

What is the danger of influenza in the second trimester: the consequences

All expectant mothers are afraid of getting the flu during pregnancy, 2 (as it is considered safe) trimester is not a guarantee that the consequences of the virus will not affect the child. Even in the late stages, the flu can lead to infection of the baby. Although it is more difficult for viruses to cross the placental barrier after the first trimester, such a possibility exists. The disease can affect the course of pregnancy, up to and including termination.

Influenza in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is dangerous for the health of the baby and mother with its complications: if it is not treated in a timely manner or treated incorrectly, then the consequences can be the most unpredictable. For example, a virus can cause damage to the placenta, and this will lead to stunted growth of the child, oligohydramnios.

Prevention of influenza during pregnancy

If the 2nd trimester falls on a period of exacerbation of viral diseases, then you need to play it safe: during pregnancy, the prevention of influenza is just as important as proper treatment. In an "interesting position", you should avoid crowded places. Before leaving the house, you need to use oxolinic ointment, and upon returning, wash your hands thoroughly and rinse your nose with saline. If someone from the household is sick, then you need to be very careful not to get infected: minimize the time spent in the same room with the patient, do not use the same dishes. If you don't want to get sick, improve your immunity: eat right, drink vitamins, exercise - and viruses will bypass you.

Flu- an acute highly contagious disease transmitted by airborne droplets and caused by viruses of types A, B and C. Influenza is characterized by fever, symptoms of intoxication and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

For influenza viruses genetic lability is characteristic - constant and progressive variability of their structure (that is, the structure of genes contained in influenza viruses changes), which explains the emergence of new varieties to which the population does not have immunity. The influenza type A virus is the most variable. The type B virus is less variable. No antigenic variability was found in the type C virus.

In the last months of pregnancy and before childbirth, pregnant women are less resistant to infections, and therefore more prone to getting sick with the flu... The sensitivity and susceptibility of pregnant women to infectious diseases is increased, more often severe and complicated forms are recorded flu during pregnancy... Under the influence of influenza infection, the resistance of the pregnant woman's body sharply decreases, the functions of the endocrine and immune systems are disrupted, which contributes to the activation of chronic diseases (exacerbation of tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.) during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Flu symptoms

A characteristic feature of the acute period flu during pregnancy is the severity of intoxication with mild symptoms. The incubation period of the disease is short - from several hours to 1-2 days. The vast majority of patients have an acute onset of influenza, accompanied by a rapid rise in temperature to high. The highest temperature (up to 39-40 ° C) is observed in the first two days of the illness, then its rapid decrease occurs.

The duration of the febrile period usually does not exceed 2-4 days. In some patients, 1-2 days after the drop in temperature, it again increases by 1-2 days (second wave of influenza). By the end of the first day, there is already a developed picture of the disease, a distinctive feature of which is the prevalence of general phenomena of intoxication (headache, muscle pain, a feeling of aches in the muscles), the most constant early symptom flu during pregnancy is redness and dryness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nasal congestion (mucous discharge appears on the 2-3rd day of illness). The throat graininess is also characteristic - the presence of small lymphatic follicles protruding above the surface of the mucous membrane, which persist even after the temperature drops, until the 7-8th day of illness. The posterior wall of the pharynx is also red, dry, often with coarse granularity. Simultaneously with an increase in temperature, headache, dizziness, pain with eye movement, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting (usually one-time), sleep disorders appear - almost constant symptoms of the first day of the flu. A patient with influenza has a characteristic appearance: puffiness, pallor, sometimes bright color of the cheeks; cyanosis (bluish tint) of the nasolabial triangle and lips.

The pathogenic effect of the virus is primarily associated with its biological properties: a predominant lesion of the mucous membrane lining the respiratory tract, and toxicity. The virus enters the respiratory tract, settles on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, especially the trachea, and begins to release toxins (a kind of poisons), which are carried throughout the body with the blood stream. Penetrating through the placenta, damaging it, the virus enters the fetal circulatory system with blood flow.

Influenza during pregnancy

V I trimester of pregnancy(up to 12 weeks), when the internal organs of the child are intensively laid, the influence of the virus can adversely affect the formation of the systems and organs of the fetus. There is a risk of malformations and even intrauterine fetal death. There is information that the virus flu during pregnancy more affects the nervous tissue of the embryo, causing malformations of the central nervous system.

At a later date pregnancy flu still can cause infection of the fetus, lead to an unfavorable course of pregnancy and create a threat of termination of pregnancy, but less than in the first trimester.

Damage to the placenta can lead to the development of circulatory failure in the placenta. More often, this disorder is treatable. In these cases, pregnancy can result in a timely delivery of a viable baby. However, oligohydramnios, intrauterine fetal growth retardation are possible. As a result, the baby is born with a small mass.

The study of adaptation of newborns and young children infected with the influenza virus in utero showed that 60% of them had developmental disabilities. Many children had late teething, endocrine disorders, skin-allergic diseases, acute respiratory infections during the neonatal period, pneumonia against the background of a viral infection.

Influenza diagnostics

A bowl flu diagnosis set on the basis of characteristic clinical signs, but in case of difficulty in making a diagnosis, the nature of the disease can be clarified using additional research methods.

Currently to confirm flu diagnosis in medical institutions, the method of fluorescent (glowing) antibodies is used to detect a viral antibody in an infected material (for the study, the doctor takes a swab from the nose or throat).

If the flu was transferred in the first half of pregnancy, it is recommended to do the so-called "triple test" at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy - for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estriol (three hormones must be taken, since it is often impossible to assess the risk of pathologies by two or one). These tests suggest the presence of fetal malformations. However, it must be remembered that the results of this test are indicative and if deviations are detected, a number of studies are carried out, as well as a consultation with a geneticist. Along with the triple test, an ultrasound examination is performed after recovery. Depending on the results of the "triple" test and ultrasound, you can either calm down or be examined further.

Further examination includes the procedure amniocentesis... During amniocentesis, a sample of amniotic fluid is taken and examined for the presence of pathologies in the child. Although the procedure is carried out very quickly, almost painlessly, under ultrasound control, in about 1-2% of cases there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

If the flu was transferred in the second half of pregnancy, then to clarify the state of the fetus, an ultrasound examination is also required, Doppler ultrasound - a study of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, placenta, umbilical cord, cardiotocography - an examination of the fetal cardiac activity.

Glossary of terms

Bronchitis- inflammation of the bronchi.

Intoxication- poisoning of the body by toxic substances formed in itself or from outside.

Contagiousness- contagiousness.

Pandemic- an epidemic characterized by the spread of an infectious disease throughout the country, the territory of neighboring states, and sometimes many countries of the world (for example, cholera, influenza).

Pyelonephritis- bacterial inflammation of the urinary part of one or both kidneys. Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils.

Tracheitis- inflammation of the tracheal mucosa.

Epidemic- the spread of any infectious human disease, significantly exceeding the level of usual (sporadic) morbidity in a given territory.

Flu treatment during pregnancy

Flu treatment during pregnancy carried out at home. The patient is provided with bed rest. Ventilation of the room is carried out (preferably every hour), its regular wet cleaning, personal dishes of a patient with influenza must be rinsed with boiling water.

With the flu of a pregnant woman a balanced diet should be provided, the diet should be complete and rich in vitamins. The predominance of milk-coal-water food with a restriction of the content of table salt is desirable (fermented milk products are recommended). In the absence of edema, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (fruit drink, compote, fruit juices, etc.). It is necessary for the elimination of toxins from the body.

At high temperatures (above 38 ° C) and severe pain syndrome (headache, muscle pain), PARACETAMOL is recommended. However, you should not abuse antipyretic drugs - you cannot use them more often than once every 4-6 hours, limiting the number of doses per day to 4 times. It should be remembered that fever contributes to the early death of the influenza virus.

For rinsing the throat, it is recommended to use a solution of FURACILIN. In a pharmacy, you can purchase a ready-made solution and dilute it at the rate of 1: 1 (half a glass of solution for half a glass of warm water) or make a solution yourself, at the rate of 4 FURACILIN tablets for 800 ml of water. The tablets must be poured with boiling water and wait until they are completely dissolved.

Rinse with baking soda -1 teaspoon per glass of water is also used.

With a runny nose, you can use vasoconstrictor drops. When coughing, an expectorant mixture containing thermopsis or marshmallow root is prescribed, a tablespoon is prescribed 4 times a day.

There is a misconception that antibiotics help against all diseases, and the stronger the drug, the better. You cannot use antibacterial agents on your own! Application antibiotics for flu it is generally irrational, since antibacterial drugs do not act on viruses that are located in the nucleus of cells - antibiotics cannot "get" the virus. At the same time, the use of antibacterial agents leads to the formation of anti-biotic-resistant microorganisms and is accompanied by a large number of unwanted side effects. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor, and they are needed only for such bacterial complications of influenza as bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, encephalitis, otitis media.

During flu treatment during pregnancy the use of immuno-modulating drugs must be discussed with the attending physician in each specific case, since the issue of their use remains controversial.

Hospitalization pregnant flu in the hospital is carried out in severe forms of the disease:

  • in the presence of complications (pneumonia, damage to the nervous system, etc.);
  • in the presence of aggravated concomitant diseases (chronic pneumonia, chronic tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, cardiovascular diseases, etc.);
  • in the absence of an opportunity to provide good care and the necessary sanitary regime at home.
  • chamomile infusion (pour 1 tablespoon with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, then strain the resulting solution and gargle);
  • infusion of calendula (the method of preparation of the infusion is the same as for chamomile);
  • infusion of medicinal sage (1 tablespoon of chopped leaves, brew 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain the solution and gargle);
  • infusion of Siberian elderberry (3-4 tablespoons of flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes, then strain and gargle).

Prevention of influenza during pregnancy

It is known that many diseases are easier to prevent than to cure. During an epidemic of acute respiratory infections, and any other disease, try to take all possible measures to reduce the risk of getting sick. This is especially true for the first three months of pregnancy. For example, limit travel on public transport during the cold season (since the greatest chance of getting infected occurs precisely in crowded places). Before going out into crowded places, especially during periods of an epidemic, lubricate your nose with OXOLIN OINTMENT.

To increase the body's resistance, and, consequently, to reduce the susceptibility to viral infections, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.

In the event that someone from your household got the flu, try to limit contact with him, put on a gauze mask, change it every 2 hours, carefully observe personal hygiene measures.

Medicines during pregnancy

  • Use medications only as directed or after consulting your doctor.
  • If your doctor has prescribed a drug for you, then before taking it, be sure to ask about the possible undesirable consequences for the fetus. Feel free to ask questions like this!
  • You cannot use unknown or unfamiliar medications on your own. Absolutely not necessarily a drug recommended by the media as the best and fastest way to get rid of all the signs of the disease, will allow you to achieve a cure. It is best to see a doctor who can provide you with qualified assistance.
  • Be careful when reading the instructions for the drug (this is an informational accompanying leaflet that is in the packaging of the drug) - it may contain information about whether it is allowed to take this drug during pregnancy.

Flu shots

Vaccination is the main way to prevent influenza. It is carried out in medical institutions at will during epidemics. Modern vaccinations contain an inactivated (killed) influenza virus, so it is believed to be safe for both mother and baby. However, if you are less than 14 weeks pregnant, you should not get the flu shot! Moreover, none flu shot does not guarantee that you will definitely not get the disease, since the influenza vaccine is highly effective against viruses that are antigenically similar to those used to obtain this vaccine, but does not work against other types of viruses.

The composition of the vaccines changes every year in order to provide maximum protection against the virus, depending on the predictions of the WHO (which type of virus will circulate in the next season). The high variability of influenza viruses does not allow providing full-fledged protection, although the appearance in the new season of varieties that differ significantly from their predecessors is not a frequent phenomenon. Thus, there still remains, albeit a small, but unpleasant opportunity to transfer the flu, often in an erased form, so an increase in immunity will not be superfluous. And this is hardening, and a healthy lifestyle, and proper nutrition, and physical activity.

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Influenza is an acute viral infection that mainly affects the respiratory tract. It is necessary to treat this disease in every person, because it can lead to the development of complications. Subject to mandatory therapy and influenza in pregnant women. However, not every antiviral drug is allowed to be taken during pregnancy. Therefore, when treating, it is necessary to take into account the gestational age and the presence of contraindications.

Complications of influenza in pregnant women

An infection such as the flu can often complicate anyone. Their appearance in a pregnant woman is the most dangerous. Common complications of influenza during pregnancy:

  • pneumonia;
  • meningitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Complications of the flu cannot remain without consequences for a pregnant woman. The most severe consequences include early miscarriage or premature birth.

The greatest danger of influenza to the fetus is observed in the first trimester. In the first 6 weeks, the most intensive growth of the embryo occurs, all organs and systems are laid and formed. The infection can disrupt the development of the fetus during this period.

During the next two trimesters, only the growth of the fetus occurs, so there is no pronounced effect on it. However, the infection is dangerous for the women themselves - up to and including death.

If a woman gets the flu just before childbirth, it can negatively affect the baby.

Delivery against the background of an acute viral infection worsens the course of the process, promotes fetal hypoxia, and weakens contractions.


The main goal of treating influenza during pregnancy is to prevent the development of complications and the effect of infection on the fetus.

Outpatient treatment of influenza in pregnant women is allowed only with a mild course of the disease. During an epidemic of infection, hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital is indicated in the following situations:

  • moderate and severe course of the disease;
  • fever over 38 * C, severe intoxication;
  • the presence of concomitant chronic pathology;
  • signs of the development of pneumonia.
  • M2 channel blockers - Rimantadine;
  • inhibitors of viral enzymes - Oseltamivir.

The use of Rimantadine is not recommended, since today there are a large number of virus strains resistant to this drug. Similar drugs are Umifenovir or Arbidol. They affect all strains of the influenza virus. When using them, no negative effect on the fetus was found.

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is the safest and most effective anti-flu drug for pregnant women. Can be used as a tablet or suspension. The maximum course of treatment is 10 days.

Interferon preparations are also allowed for pregnant women - Viferon, Genferon. They are used in the form of rectal suppositories, the dosage and frequency of administration are determined by the severity of the course of the disease:

  • with mild flu - 500,000 IU twice a day for five days;
  • moderate - 500,000 IU twice a day for five days, then 150,000 IU twice a day, 2 times a week for a month;
  • severe course - 500,000 IU twice a day for ten days, then 150,000 IU twice a day, 2 times a week for a month.

Recently, pregnant women have been actively prescribed homeopathic medicines - Oscillococcinum, Naturkoksin. The effectiveness of them has not been scientifically proven. There are no contraindications to taking it during pregnancy.

Antibacterial agents are used only as directed by a doctor with the development of bacterial complications. The most common complication is pneumonia. The choice of the drug depends on the type of pathogen. Oxygen therapy is an obligatory component of the treatment of pneumonia in pregnant women.

Home treatment for mild flu includes the following:

  • bed rest for the entire period of fever and two days after the temperature has returned to normal;
  • regular ventilation and wet cleaning of the room;
  • a dairy-vegetable diet, limiting the use of table salt;
  • plentiful acidified drink, provided there is no edema - mineral water with lemon juice, fruit drink, herbal tea.

Medicines are used only as directed by a doctor.

Symptomatic medications are represented by drops for the common cold and cough suppressants. With abundant nasal discharge, it is allowed to use Nazivin or Tizin vasoconstrictor drops for no more than 3-5 days. The well-known doctor Komarovsky recommends regularly rinsing the nose with a solution of sea water - Aqualor or Aquamaris.

When coughing, herbal remedies are allowed in the form of syrups and oral solutions. In case of sore throat, it is allowed to rinse with a solution of furacilin, Aqualor for the throat or a decoction of chamomile. Difficulty breathing, sore throat - an indication for steam inhalation with a decoction of chamomile or sage.

It is important that the air in the room is constantly changing and humidified. The optimum air temperature is no more than 20 * C. It is better for a woman to dress warmly, but so that the room is regularly ventilated and ventilated. To humidify the air, you can put a basin of water in the room or hang a damp cloth on the battery.

Preventive actions

Flu prophylaxis is divided into specific and non-specific. In the first case, the introduction of a protective vaccine is implied, in the second - measures aimed at preventing infection.

Non-specific prophylaxis for influenza is as follows:

  • public places and crowds should be avoided, especially during a flu epidemic;
  • if you need to visit any public place, you need to use protective disposable masks;
  • eat properly and fully, the diet should be enriched with vitamin C;
  • avoid close contact with people who have signs of a respiratory infection - runny nose, sneezing, coughing;
  • carefully observe personal hygiene - constantly wash your hands and face, after visiting public places, rinse your nose with saline solutions.

To prevent viral particles from settling on the nasal mucosa, it is necessary to apply a fatty ointment to it. It can be either an antiviral drug (oxolinic ointment or Viferon) or ordinary petroleum jelly.

Specific prophylaxis - influenza vaccination - is more effective. However, vaccination of pregnant women is still a controversial issue. On the one hand, the flu vaccine is the most effective way to protect yourself from illness. On the other hand, vaccination is fraught with complications for the woman and the fetus.