Peeling of problem skin in the salon. Chemical peeling of the face - what is it and what is it for. When do you need cosmetic gloves for facial peeling?

Chemical peeling is the best way to renew and refresh your skin. With the help of this procedure, the upper layers of the skin are well exfoliated, regeneration processes begin, and this leads to an improvement in its condition as a whole. Peeling gives an excellent result without the help of surgical cosmetology. This procedure is performed when wrinkles, scars and scars are concerned. The best way to do the exfoliation is in a medical beauty parlor with good equipment and an experienced beautician.

Varieties of chemical face peels in beauty salons

Chemical peels are of the following types: yellow, enzyme, phenol, glycol. Medium chemical peeling gently penetrates under the entire top layer of the skin and is used to rid the skin of such strong defectslike scars, stretch marks and even deep wrinkles.

Deep chemical peeling is already a more serious cosmetic procedure, leading to the regeneration of epidermal cells and deformation of the membrane. If you want to do peeling, you need to consult a highly qualified dermatologist who will answer how often you can do the procedure for you.

Description of the procedure

1. A specialist with a cotton swab dipped in a chemical solution, rubbing the composition gently on the entire surface of the face. This processing takes at least half an hour. Sometimes there is a slight burning sensation, often there is a temporary severe swelling.

2. Using a special technology, several layers of adhesive plaster are applied to the face, first cotton, then silk. This helps keep the solution in place for a longer period. The procedure takes about two hours. The resulting mask must be left on the face for two days. The next day, she will disappear on her own.

3. On the day of removing the mask, the skin is treated with iodine, which improves the ability of cell regeneration. After 5-7 days, the swelling will decrease, and a crust will appear.

4. Here the beautician will cover the face with a large layer of cotton wool, for about a day, then it is removed, after which you can continue to take care of your skin on your own, but only with the use of special cosmetic preparations.

For the best effect on dry skin, it is necessary to do at least 4 sessions with a break of several weeks, and for the effect to be long lasting, about a year.

Facial peeling in the salon: reviews

"Personally, I prefer to entrust such a procedure to the master in the salon, so that there is competent observation and a good result."


“I did chemical peels both with a beautician and at home on my own. The result of the salon procedure is much better and more effective, I don’t even know how they do it, I would like to be able to do this ”.

“A few days ago I tried a deep chemical peeling in order to properly get rid of the scars left after acne. On the first day, the face was very red with a slight burning sensation. The second day showed peeling, especially on sensitive areas, the skin came off in whole layers. I'm not very happy yet, but I'm waiting for the complete final result. "


“After the accident, I have scars on my face. I was advised to deep peel to fix my problem. I visited a salon, chose a master and did a full course. As a result, after the reduction of redness, the skin recovered, no scars remained. I did not expect such a result, I wanted to resort to plastic surgery. I am pleased with the effect, thanks to the master, it is the most for dry skin. I recommend everyone to do it with specialists in order to avoid problems. "

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Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

To preserve youth and beauty for a long time, women resort to a variety of cosmetic procedures. Facial skin peeling is skin cleansing using chemical or gross physical substances. The process benefits the body, helps to maintain beauty, and fight premature aging. However, before the start of the session, it is worth knowing the features of cleaning, methods and contraindications.

What is peeling

This procedure is a cleansing of dry keratinized cells of the epidermis. The face after peeling becomes fresher and smoother. Cleaning helps to get rid of acne, age spots, freckles, and tighten pores. With the help of regular procedures, it is possible to improve the texture of the dermis, smooth out fine wrinkles. Physical or chemical facial peels at home have a milder effect than salon treatments due to the low content of active ingredients. This significantly reduces the risk of injury and scratches.

What is it for

Renewal of the epidermis by removing dead skin cells is essential. The body is not always able to get rid of them by itself, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and other problems. If you do not use different cleaning methods, then the pores become clogged, inflammation occurs, blood circulation and metabolism are disturbed. The procedure is useful for women who want to make wrinkles less noticeable, refresh their appearance, and even out the relief.

After cleaning, the self-rejuvenation process starts. The dermis renews itself and begins to secrete substances that help smooth out wrinkles. The result of this cleansing:

  • improved color;
  • deep hydration;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • alignment of the relief;
  • lifting.


Before doing facial cleansing in the salon or at home, you should consult with a beautician or dermatologist. Contraindications for cleaning are:

  • progressive rash;
  • thin and sensitive skin;
  • scratches, abscesses;
  • herpes and inflammation;
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • neoplasms;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Peeling types

There are a huge number of cosmetic cleaning methods. The procedures differ among themselves in how they affect the epidermis and the degree of elimination of impurities. The following types are found:

  1. Surface (physical, mechanical, ultrasonic, biological). This option is especially relevant for people with acne, enlarged pores. The method does not provide effective correction of age defects. Cleansing is used to get rid of impurities, helps to intensively moisturize the skin.
  2. Median (laser). This type is used as a way to correct pronounced age-related changes, for example, with overhanging folds, deep wrinkles, stretch marks on the body. In addition, such a procedure is prescribed before plastic surgery.
  3. Deep (chemical). This procedure is the most aggressive and is sometimes performed under general anesthesia. However, the effect of such cleaning will not be long in coming. The session helps to get rid of pigmentation on the face, create a powerful lifting, eliminate deep wrinkles. However, this type can lead to serious complications, therefore it is used after consultation with a specialist.

Carrying out technologies

It is worth choosing a cleaning method based on what effect you want to achieve. Depending on the specific method, cleaning is carried out using special equipment, exposure to cosmetics or rough surface exfoliation of the dermis. Beauty salons offer a whole list of different cleaning options, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.


The principle of this type is to loosen the epidermis with special brushes. Before the session, be sure to cleanse and steam the face. Peeling in brosage technology resembles massage and is very useful. Cleansing helps to eliminate dead cells of the epidermis, improve blood circulation, and activate metabolism. This procedure can be carried out in the salon or at home on your own, while it is important to observe the direction of movement of the brushes so as not to harm yourself.


This type is available only in beauty salons. The main advantage of this method is that it is absolutely painless. A special device acts on the face, helps to restore, smooth the skin without causing burns and injuries. As a result, you get an excellent metabolism in the cells of the epidermis, accelerated protein synthesis, and beauty for a long time.


This type of cleaning requires a special apparatus. It should be noted that the procedure is painless, does not injure the dermis, and at the same time gives a good result. During peeling, the apparatus creates a vacuum effect, the pores open and impurities, along with dead cells, are removed according to the principle of a vacuum cleaner. Such cleansing helps to reduce the number of blackheads and comedones, evens out, improves tone, and improves color.

This type of cleaning is a laborious and time-consuming process. Microdermabrasion is a whole course of cosmetic procedures. It is important to consider that the method injures the skin. Peeling is carried out according to the grinding principle. Small particles of aluminum are thrown onto the skin, with the help of which the upper layers of the skin are renewed, wrinkles are smoothed, and defects are eliminated. After the first sessions of microdermabrasion, consequences in the form of redness and irritation are possible.


This type of cleaning is one of the most effective. The advantage of this method is that it can be used to deeply cleanse and renew the cells of the epidermis without harming the skin. Laser peeling helps to fight many imperfections, such as pigmentation, age-related changes, post-acne. Another plus of this method is that it allows you to cleanse the skin around the eyes, which is inaccessible to other types. However, after the session, it takes several weeks to restore the skin.

Not many people will like this type of face cleansing. The fact is that during the procedure, the skin is exposed to low temperatures, after which it turns red. In fact, the session causes a burn, which provokes the regeneration of epidermal cells. Due to the intensive blood circulation in the skin, collagen begins to be produced, the color and relief of the face improves. A safe alternative to this cleaning is to wipe the skin with an ice cube at home.


This method is not as popular as others, but it is very effective. Enzymatic cleaning is carried out in several stages. Beforehand, the face is cleaned, steamed, after which a special composition of natural enzymes can be applied. The period of exposure of the product to the skin lasts 10-30 minutes, after which it is washed off. At the end of cleaning, it is recommended to apply a nourishing mask to problem areas. As a result of this procedure, the skin of the face is deeply cleansed, the cells are regenerated.


The presented method consists in applying special funds to the face, which will act for a certain time. Active substances penetrate deeply into the skin, destroy dead cells, and start the renewal process. After the session, the face becomes noticeably fresher and younger. Chemical peels are performed using special creams or acids. It is important to pre-consult with a beautician, because the session can cause serious burns.


This method is the most popular. Cleaning is carried out using special products containing small exfoliating particles. These can be natural ingredients: ground apricot pits, nutshells, clay, sand, algae, and more. It is worth noting that this cleaning is rough, so it is not necessary to conduct frequent sessions. Beforehand, the skin must be cleaned and steamed. Do not rub your face too vigorously to avoid damage and scratches.

How to peel at home

It is recommended to cleanse your face at home in the evening. During the night, the skin will have time to recover and rest. For the session, you will need a pre-prepared tool. For example, you can use a pharmacy solution of calcium chloride 5%, clay, natural ground coffee, etc. Beforehand, the face must be cleaned of make-up, dirt and dust with the help of a foam for washing or tonic.

Cleansing for oily or normal skin can be done daily with a gamma-ray or a scrub. Chemical compositions are allowed to be used only by women over 30 years of age because of their strong effect on the dermis, no more than 1 time per week. After cleansing, the skin becomes vulnerable to negative external factors (wind, ultraviolet radiation). In this regard, it is important to provide complete hydration and facial care.

Peeling recipes

There are many ways to clean your face at home. One of the most effective is the following recipe:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream.
  2. Add 1 tsp. salt and soda.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture (along massage lines, in a circular motion).
  4. Wash off the product with warm water.

Oat peeling is an equally effective, harmless and useful procedure. To carry it out you need:

  1. Grind the rolled oats in a coffee grinder.
  2. Prepare your face.
  3. Take a handful of ground oatmeal.
  4. Add some water. Wait 10 minutes for the mixture to swell.
  5. Apply to face.
  6. Massage for about 10 minutes.

For dry to normal skin, the following recipe is suitable:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of ground almonds.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of buckwheat flour, 10 ml of cream and 5 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  3. Mix the components.
  4. Apply to the prepared face with massaging movements. Wash off with warm water.

If you have oily skin, try the following home cleaning method:

  1. Mix egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of crushed eggshells.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream.
  3. Apply the composition in circular massaging movements.
  4. Rinse off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

How to care for your skin after home cleaning

Compliance with certain care rules will help to maintain the effect after the session. It is important to provide intensive moisture after coarse sanding. Exfoliation increases the sensitivity of the dermis, so it needs nutrients and moisture. In addition, the following rules should be observed:

  1. After cleaning for several days, you need to apply quickly absorbing foams and tonics.
  2. 5 days after the session, it is worth starting to use the regenerating creams.
  3. Cleaning with rough means injures the dermis, so you should not touch your face often so as not to infect.
  4. For the first 7 days after deep cleansing, it is recommended to protect yourself from the sun's rays with a cream with spf, limit visits to the sauna or bath.


How much does a face peeling from a beautician cost depends on which salon you go to, the type of procedure, the drugs used. Sample data are presented in the table below:

Cost in Moscow salons

Cosmetic (gamma, scrubs)

Up to 1000 rubles



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Peeling is a well-known means of skin rejuvenation and renewal. Skin condition is improved by exfoliating the upper layers of the epidermis and stimulating cell regeneration. The "Chemical peeling" procedure in a beauty salon is in great demand among clients of all ages.

What is chemical peeling

The name of this procedure comes from the verb "to peel", which means "to cleanse." This is the principle underlying the "Chemical face peeling" procedure. Dead skin cells are removed by the action of acid, which makes the skin surface smooth, elastic, radiant, that is, healthy and beautiful.

Organic acids are used for the procedure. Compared to mechanical exfoliation, this is a more gentle procedure, since the integrity of the skin is not disturbed under the influence of acids. After chemical peeling, dead cells give way to new ones.

Beauty salons offer chemical peels for face, body, hands. Typically, clients are advised to have 4 to 6 sessions two weeks apart. The final result, visible 8-10 days later, lasts up to six months. After 6-12 months, sessions are repeated. To demonstrate the effect of the "Chemical peeling" procedure, photos are posted on social networks or on relevant resources.

When opening your beauty salon, take care to equip it

Why is chemical peeling better done in a beauty salon than at home

For best results, see a good professional. Diagnostics, determination of skin type, competent selection of peeling - - these wisdom are clear only to a professional. Alas, an amateur can harm both himself and the client.

The beautician will select suitable acids, make proportions, and ensure the safety of the intervention. So, chemical peeling in the salon is about taking care of yourself, because the risks when servicing in a decent establishment are minimal.

In addition, professionals always use only high-quality products when performing the "Chemical Skin Peeling" procedure. A specialist will not only put your face and body in order, but will also advise on how to care for your skin after peeling.

What are the types of chemical peels

Superficial peeling allows you to remove the upper layers of the skin. This is the most gentle chemical peel for the salon. After the procedure, clients lead their normal lives. This peel is suitable for young people with acne. Additional sessions will help to consolidate the result.

Medium peeling- chemical peeling with acids, during which the epidermis is affected up to the basement membrane. At the end of the intervention, exfoliation of small and large skin particles continues for some time, and recovery occurs within 14 days. All this time the client is at home. The method is effective for eliminating age-related changes, solving serious dermatological problems. The result lasts for about a year.

Deep chemical peeling- a procedure associated with exposure to the basement membrane. The effect is achieved through the regeneration of the epidermis. The method allows you to remove deep wrinkles and scars. Rehabilitation lasts 5 months, and the results remain visible for several years.

What do customers get after a chemical peel

The procedure will help eliminate almost any skin imperfections. Even if only a superficial chemical peel was performed, clients notice the following effects:

  • the skin looks noticeably better, as it becomes softer and smoother;
  • acne, scars, age spots disappear;
  • the acid-base balance of the skin is normalized, the sebaceous glands work more intensively;
  • deep chemical peeling promotes collagen production. the substance increases the firmness, elasticity of the integument, smoothes wrinkles;
  • clients' mood and self-esteem are improved.

Indications and contraindications for chemical peeling

Indications for chemical peeling

1. Acne, comedones. The skin is cleansed after chemical peeling.

2. Hyperpigmentation.

3. Low tone, flabbiness of the skin.

4. Skin changes caused by the aging process.

5. Excessive ultraviolet irradiation of the skin, photoaging.

6. Scars and ingrown hairs. Median chemical peeling is used to remove them.

7. Oily skin, enlarged pores.

8. Thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin.

9. Dull skin.

10. Preparation for longer procedures.

Indications for chemical peeling by age

Contraindicated in boys and girls under 14 years old, and upon reaching this age, the procedure is carried out only if there is a medical indication.

People from 25 to 30 years old, suffering from acne, post-acne, hyperpigmentation, photoaging.

Clients over 35 are offered salicylic chemical peels and other types of peels to combat skin imperfections or prepare for an upcoming cosmetic surgery.

Contraindications for chemical peels

1. Period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.


3. Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

4. Hypertrophic and keloid scars, a high probability of their appearance.

5. Radiation therapy or preparation for it.

6. Darkening of the skin from sunburn.

7. Cleansing of the face, mesotherapy, laser treatment of the face and other similar procedures carried out in the last 2 months.

8. Diseases of the psyche.

9. Intolerance to components, for example, oxyacetic acid, if it is a chemical glycolic peeling.

10. Taking immunosuppressants, retinoids, photosensitizing drugs.

11. Couperose.

12. Oncology.

13. Skin phototypes according to Fitzpatrick IV, VI.

14. Aggravation of dermatological diseases: eczema, psoriasis, etc.

15. Injured skin, violation of the integrity of the integument.

17. Increased pressure.

18. Diabetes mellitus.

Relative contraindications for chemical peels

1. Many moles (nevi) on the body.

2. Excessive hair growth on the part of the body that is subjected to peeling.

3. Skin sensitivity.

4. Age before majority.

5. Period of menstruation.

How chemical peels are done. Procedure steps

1. 1-2 weeks before the procedure, pre-peeling preparation is carried out, which consists in the fact that preparations containing a small amount of acids are applied to the skin. This is done to allow the skin to adapt to the acid.

2. The specialist acts with acid on the skin in order to obtain the desired result. The type, concentration, pH of the substance and the duration of exposure are determined by the specialist.

3. The last stage is post-peeling care. It is necessary to prevent possible complications and to consolidate the result. The client should follow the instructions of the cosmetologist, use the recommended products, including sunscreens of at least 30 SPF.

What acids are used for chemical peeling

Fruit acids gently affect the skin without causing discomfort. Superficial peeling, which is most often performed with the use of fruit acids, is very popular, because the procedure gives amazing results, but does not cause any discomfort. These acids are called fruit acids because fruits are their main source. Of course, the content of the substance in one fruit is very small and cannot be compared with what is needed for peeling.

Glycolic (oxyacetic) acid smoothes the relief of the epidermis, normalizes the production of collagen, keratin. The skin becomes firm, elastic due to enhanced collagen synthesis. The anti-aging effect is achieved as a result of the anti-inflammatory and stimulating action of the acid. This acid relieves such an unpleasant skin disease as molluscum contagiosum.

Also suitable for superficial exfoliation lactic, almond, malic, pyruvic acids. They are excellent exfoliators, but each is designed to address specific concerns. In particular, pyruvic acid is best offered to clients with sensitive skin. The action of acid makes the skin more elastic, protects against moisture loss, and stimulates the skin's barrier function.

By the way, chemical almond peels are also superficial. It helps to even out the relief of the skin, eliminates redness, acne, comedones, wrinkles.

Lactic acid regulates the hydrobalance, softens the skin, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Peeling with lactic acid is done at any time of the year without the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Fruit acids are suitable for young people whose skin is able to regenerate in a short time. More powerful substances act on mature skin.

Acids used for mid peeling.Trichloroacetic acid (TCA peeling) and salicylic acid- substances intended for deep penetration into the skin. Peeling with salicylic acid, the concentration of which is 35-40%, is suitable for medium and deep peeling.

With the help of a median peeling with the use of special acids, wrinkles around the eyes, lips, on the forehead are removed, striae, scars, and age spots are eliminated. The result is about the same as with laser skin treatment. All equipment and materials are offered by a chemical peel shop.

Trichloroacetic acid provokes the frost effect: a white bloom similar to frost appears on the treated area. This is how the protein is denatured. The formed barrier film prevents the penetration of acid into the body. The time of chemical peels is regulated by a cosmetologist. Sensitive skin whitens in the first two minutes of exposure, and frost-effect appears in the place of postpartum stretch marks after 10-15 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, the skin must be well moisturized, protected from ultraviolet rays, and also apply a remedy that stimulates tissue regeneration. This is the middle chemical peeling, the contraindications to which must be studied, for example, such a procedure cannot be done in summer and spring in order to exclude the possibility of hyperpigmentation.

Salicylic acid causes severe flaking. Most often, the skin is exposed to a 20-25% solution in isopropyl alcohol. Stronger solutions with a concentration of 30% are also used. Salicylic acid not only perfectly exfoliates, but also removes excess fat, prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

The epithelium is rejected one day after the procedure and flakes off within 5-6 days. The skin becomes especially soft. Remember to moisturize and protect your skin thoroughly from the sun. The chemical peeling procedure can be repeated after 2 weeks.

What is needed for chemical peeling in a beauty salon

Materials without which chemical peeling is impossible:

  • skimmer;
  • micro hook;
  • slotted spear;
  • combined spoon;
  • uno-spear;
  • Vidal's needle;
  • a spear;
  • Magnifier Lamp;
  • range.

During the session, carefully monitor the condition of the visitor to the salon, because in fact chemical peeling is a light burn of the skin.

A specialist with the education of a doctor or a medical worker in the areas of "Cosmetology", "Dermatology", who has completed the course "Peeling Technique", has the right to perform the procedure. The cost of training is 5000 rubles for 8 hours of classes. Chemical peeling of the body is a difficult, responsible business, and amateurism is unacceptable here.

The room for the procedure must be at least 12 square meters, have a window, an additional light source (lamp), a sink. The floor and walls should be cleaned regularly with special compounds.

Regardless of their age, women are always very sensitive to facial skin care procedures. Many people choose to do this at home using old proven folk recipes. But modern cosmetology is improving its methods and making procedures more and more effective. One of the points in proper facial skin care is peeling.

What kind of peeling can the salon offer?

Peeling is a complex of procedures for cleansing the face from dead skin scales and waste products. In addition, after such a manipulation, increased production of collagen and elastin is triggered, which helps to smooth wrinkles and increase the tone of the facial skin.

Facial peeling, in the salon, is presented in three main options:

  1. To influence the upper layers of the skin, carry out superficial peeling... Its goal is to combat acne, the first age-related changes. They are used most often for oily skin, and also as a preparatory stage for moisturizing. This light facial peeling in the salon is done with fruit acids, mechanical and ultrasonic methods.
  2. Peeling of the middle layers of the skin - median- produced using a laser device. This type of peeling is recommended in the presence of age-related changes, scars, sagging skin, as well as before plastic surgery.
  3. The most effective and aggressive - deep peeling... This type of face peeling is not done in the salon, because it has a high risk of complications and is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting, with the help of chemicals. It can help you get rid of deep wrinkles,