Why Men Don't Marry Older Women Men prefer young, energetic women. Why

There is a stereotype that a man should marry a girl who is at least 5 years younger. And many uncles (especially when they marry a second time) generally rave about girls who are at least suitable for a daughter! And here is an example of what SOMETIMES (!) Turns out from this: (taken from one site) -
We have a difference of 15 years, I married him when I was 30 years old, then he seemed to me not a bad candidate for husbands, he looked solid, looked after beautifully, spoke correctly.
Now I am 42, he is almost 58. I still feel like a young woman, I will not show a photo, but take my word for it, I don’t even dye my hair, not a single gray hair, a slender figure.
I can’t look at my husband anymore, I don’t want sex, sometimes I feel sorry for him when theatrically grabs his heart. I understand that divorce will not be easy, I know, I can take extreme measures, but I have already decided everything
The last straw was his statement made the other day.
He says that he will soon retire, and I will already support him, and not he me (!!!). And this despite the fact that I did not work for only three years on maternity leave and my salary is no less than his, plus there is an additional income that I save on a secret account.
There is no question as such, I just want to speak out, to warn women who marry men with a large age difference.

Don't get a divorce, it will change soon enough, otherwise you’ll lose half your apartment in vain. Give him horns ... He will drink from grief, and then there is a stroke and a bunch. Listen to us, we will not advise bad

Did you take your 45-year-old uncle straight from your mom and dad or what? He probably has some 35-38-year-old children to whom he paid alimony. So let them contain it.

Hmm ... well ... one more confirmation that it is better for spouses to age synchronously. The man miscalculated with his wife, he probably wanted to be younger .. here is now the reckoning.

Well, my husband is 23 years older, when they played the wedding, I was 23, he was 46, then he looked good, at most 35, he was so energetic, also with practically no gray hair, thin, etc. The problems began a couple of years later, when I really wanted a child. It turned out that my husband, due to his age and STDs suffered in his youth (well, who didn’t walk around in his youth, especially since my husband was a walker in his young years and had a lot of women in his time) the quality of sperm is already otherwise, the chances of conceiving a child naturally are very small. In short, we did IVF, but my husband categorically forbade anyone to talk about it! And to all his friends and acquaintances he boasted that at the age of 50 he could still have a child for a young wife. So Konchalovsky, Tabakov, Zolotukhin - personally, I'm not sure that their children were conceived naturally. But that's not the point.

Now I am 37, and my husband is 60, and he is already in bed, zero without a wand, and my most Wishlist just now started. Of course, I'm cheating on him. There is a constant lover, 28 years old. The husband guesses, hysterics, scandal, scenes of jealousy grabbing the heart every day! If not for my son 10 years old, I would have left for a long time, but my son keeps me, and not only in material terms (I work, I earn good money), it's just that my husband is really cool dad and actually devoted his life to late child, for his sake I’m ready for anything. There is no love for a long time, we somehow tolerate each other. If we could turn back time, I would not have married him. Yes, I would have been his mistress for several years, yes, maybe I would have given birth to a child from him, but not married with such a difference in age!

Do you even imagine what it would be like to kiss an old husband who already stinks from his mouth (no, he brushes his teeth, looks after himself, although his teeth have already been used up once or twice, but there are stomach problems), stroking his bald head, fiddling with his dried flowers, so that the pistil would rise at least once a month ... without a young lover, you can simply go crazy next to an old, already unhealthy, already ugly and yes, not a sexy husband-grandfather ... I don't believe that young wives are old fighters producers, directors, actors and others like them do not have young lovers ... I DO NOT BELIEVE!

Author, AS I understand you! I am so sickened with my pensioner, ashamed to go out with him, he is already bald, wrinkles on his face, and he also has flatulence, he suffers! Girlfriends have husbands that are not so wealthy, but they look like people, not mummies. (((This is what I will tell those who meet with daddies - you can walk with them, suck money off them, even give birth to them, such as a rule children recognize and provide, BUT NOT MARRIAGE! ... (((((((

I remember a friend wanted to introduce me to a friend of her man. I was 20 years old then, and that man was about 45. They brought me to the penthouse, laid the table with delicacies, and let him tell me about his apartments and cars. I just had a fight with a guy. In short, I’m glad that the whole escaped from there. When I arrived back in my rented living room, I was ready to kiss the walls and floors there for joy that I got off with a slight fright. Although I know girls who really like older men. It is incorrect to ask such questions to friends, but on the forum I want to ask - why? After all, crowds of young and cute guys are walking around.

They say that a man is as old as his chosen one looks like. "StarHit" has compiled a rating of star couples who, despite the age difference, look organic.

The survey was conducted on the Starhit.ru website.

mother's proverb

Acquaintance: In 1996, at the Sochi Kinotavr festival, the director saw a girl in a hotel elevator and ... followed her to find out which room she lived in. And having learned her name, he called and invited to dinner. “I think I am wildly lucky that I met the woman of my life, when already
I understood what it meant, ”Andrei Konchalovsky admitted in an interview. In 1999, Andrei and Julia had a daughter, Maria, and in 2003, a son, Peter.

About age:“There are no disadvantages to unequal marriage. This concept exists only in the minds of people. If two people love each other, then they are two halves, ”the couple said. And Yulia Vysotskaya reflects: “It happens that a boy is 25, but it seems that he is 80. And not because he knows a lot. He knows nothing and does not want to know! Andrei loves life, he is interested in everything. The Art of Living is about him. "

Acquaintance: Singer Vera Brezhneva arranged for her younger sister Vika to be an assistant to the Ukrainian designer Olga Navrotskaya. At one of the fashion shows, Victoria Galushka met Alexander Tsekalo. And no other girls existed for him anymore. The novel ended with a wedding.

About age:“I have at least two reasons to hurry home: I really love my wife and adore the child,” Aleksandr Tsekalo told Antenna when Vika gave birth to his daughter Sasha (now the baby is 4 years old). And three months ago, the son of Misha was born. doubling their happiness. Both spouses value family relationships and rarely allow themselves to speak out about them.

Acquaintance: In February 2006, Yulia approached Igor after a concert in Yekaterinburg: "Can I sing for you?" - and performed something right on the career ladder, surrounded by other singer's fans. Igor left her his phone number, then they phoned, and then met. After a while, Julia moved to Moscow, and there the romance flared up in full force. For four years they tested their feelings. “In my environment, Julia was not accepted
straightaway. And I myself doubted ... "- Igor said in an interview. However, in September 2010, they got married.

About age: For harmonious relations, it does not matter how old who is, Nikolayev is convinced. And as proof he likes to give an example: “My daughter's husband John is a year older than me, and my wife is two years younger than my daughter. When we all get together, we are very happy together. "

“I don’t feel that there is a man over 60 next to him. He’s not an old man,” Anna Grachevsky’s wife assures everyone // Photo: Sergey Milansky

Acquaintance:“We met by chance,” Grachevsky told his friends in 2007. In September, he attended a private party in GUM and watched young artists entertaining guests with 1950s-style dances. - I noticed a bright girl ... I could not resist - I went to get acquainted. This was Anya. " In May 2010, the couple played a wedding, and in September 2012, Anya gave birth to Boris's daughter Vasilisa.

About age:“A husband for me is both a best friend and a lover,” Anna admitted. - Sometimes he replaces my mom, sometimes he cares like dad. I don’t feel our age difference, I don’t feel that there is a man over 60 next to him. He’s not an old man. ”

courage in Russian proverbs

Once a gypsy woman guessed to Sveta that she would meet a man much older, ”says Shainsky // Photo: Press service archives

Acquaintance: Vladimir saw her at the Union of Composers in 1983, the girl worked there in the accounting department. “I courted her very impudently. Once I said to her: “Come to me” - and made her sit in my “Niva”. She was then 17. And I am 58 - an old devil, ”Shainsky recalled. Two children were born in the marriage: son Slava (25 years old) and daughter Anya (21 years old).

About age: Once a gypsy woman guessed to Sveta that she would meet a man much older, his name would begin with the letter "B". “Svetlana is a fatalist,” says Shainsky.

monday proverbs

Acquaintance: In 2002, Anya, who studied at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, attended a meeting of the actor Selin with students. And then Sergei gave Anya a lift home and took her phone. A few years later, he divorced his wife and went to Anya. “Seryozha is my first love,” the girl admits. In January 2010, the couple had a daughter, Masha, and in January 2012, a son, Makar.

About age:“When Masha was born, the newspapers wrote: at the age of 50, Celine gave birth to a child,” the actor shared in an interview. - Actually, I was 48. And everything was presented as if a young wife gave birth to a decrepit Celina. But I'm not 85! And I'm not complaining about my physical form yet. "

Acquaintance: In the spring of 2007, 19-year-old Polina Nagradova won the Beauty of the Body beauty contest. Dmitry Dibrov was the chairman of the jury. In March 2009 they got married, and in February 2010 their son Alexander was born.

About age:“I was unhappy with my peers when I was 18, and I'm happy with Polina now. The age difference is not a hindrance and not the basis of happiness, ”the TV presenter admitted in an interview with StarHit. And Polina said: "It's more interesting with Dima than with some 20-year-olds."

Gradsky's acquaintance with Marina began with the phrase: "Girl, you have a chance to touch the history" // Photo: Archives of press services

Acquaintance:“I met her on the street. I drove up in a car to a girl, as it seemed to me, of heavenly beauty. Said a sacramental phrase: "Girl, you have a chance to touch the story." Marina grinned, because she did not know who Gradsky was, but she took my phone. And two weeks later I called back ”- said the musician. The couple is not officially married, although they have been together for 8 years.

About age:“Sasha is the best, no one can compare with him, he is unique. Therefore, age in this case does not matter to me, ”says Marina.

"If Providence sent me an 18-year-old beloved, then I think it is right to live with her only in a legal marriage," - said Gordon // Photo: Starface.ru

Kazakh proverbs on the topic of nature

Acquaintance: Nina was a student at the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, where Alexander Gordon teaches. The TV presenter did not hide his affair with a student for a long time. Soon they began to appear together.

About age:“I could probably limit myself to a civil marriage, having a close relationship with a 35-year-old woman, with a 30-year-old, even with a 25-year-old, but if Providence sent me an 18-year-old beloved, then I consider it correct to live with her only in legal marriage, "- said Gordon in an interview.

Acquaintance: the young wife of the famous writer was a fan of Erofeev and worked as a secretary in his own book publishing house. In February 2010, Victor broke up with his former common-law wife Eugenia Durer. And almost immediately Katya appeared in his house, who had been just a good friend to him for three years. In the same year, Victor and Ekaterina were married.

About age:“The difference is not important, you may not find a common language with a peer,” argued Erofeev last year. - The experience of a young man is important for me - fresh, bright. I have passed the period of youth long ago, and it is interesting for me to return to this ”.

Unequal marriage is a shame and a shame for both the old man and the girls! And the girls, well, no one liked it, I agree to stay with him, for that he will provide for a while, What to do, well, he does not bite, well, they are not able to captivate with anything - neither mind, nor talent, nor profession, nor beauty. ready to stick to anyone. And most importantly, the men are frail, unable to solve problems, rake family squabbles and run away. anywhere Not to charm, but to hide from problems that they cannot solve Do they play with "their" young children? It's hard to raise children. will leave poor orphans And the girls still cheat on the old. even in my thoughts, you can't argue against nature. And as soon as they leave the coffin of the deceased papa, the problems of dividing up to the last spoon will begin. will run to Malakhov - Judge us people - I was the last one who changed his diapers. Look at their faces - No dignity, no pride. self-esteem - out of misfortune agreed to live together, as long as there is enough.

Love has no age …. I looked at the stories about unequal marriages with curiosity, I find it interesting that the “first meeting” of these couples was accidental, and the faces in the photographs radiate happiness…. I was struck by the bile with which the comments were written, in this connection the thought comes to mind…. do not judge, but do not judge, you will, but also…. You will not see the main thing with your eyes, only the heart is keenly sighted, and if these people are happy today, then why condemn them or look for commercialism in their actions ... ... It's just love or the desire to love and be loved .... and the rest is the difficulties that each one overcomes in his own way …….

fuuuu, stariki. feee, mne interessno po4emu oni sebe ne vyberut tu, kotoraia postarshe, a ne mladshe.

proverbs aphorisms valor

In these unequal marriages, children are born who do not live in poverty, their wives do not work in factories and do not live on a penny, when there is nothing to feed their families, these wives are happy, because such adults, wealthy men can teach them a lot, suggest, help. look at the faces of women, everyone is shining, their eyes are full of happiness, and your eyes are shining with happiness or fatigue, who got married at 20 and lived at least the same 20 years. these are strong families and children will be a good role model.

As old as the world. The "granddaughter" will not marry a clever and interesting, but beggar old man. In this article, all the "Santa Clauses" are far from poor. The girls will have a little patience, but then - a consolation prize - with the money they really earn, they can buy themselves the love of the young macho they like.
The main thing is to regularly play the role of a loving wife. otherwise it will turn out, as with Barykin's wife - all the elderly "grandfathers" - the former pop stars began to persecute her after his death, which she could not bear, fell out ahead of time.

well, elderly men, I can still understand - craving for a young body and revival of feelings)))

reveal the meaning of the proverb

But what motivates the girls. - at any price. greed. expensive prostitution.
These marriages do not always end with a "consolation prize." as above. You can stay with your nose. to put it mildly. well, except that the child will be unfastened (if not taken away!) Unfortunately, these dads will leave their offspring orphans too early.
But in the world. where everything is measured by money - this is of course a chance "not to work at the factory" But how to go to bed day after day with this flabby body. (Shainsky looked especially disgusting in the bath. GOD DON'T GIVE ANYONE.)

elena-I appeal to you. -and you know something else about Shainsky. why are you judging him. but isn't it better to remember his works and understand how much joy he brought us and be glad that he is still able to make someone happy, even if the material part is present here. and how happy he IS next to such beauty .. is he really not allowed to do as he sees fit. who judges him .. who. you must be tired at the = turning plant = quit. compose poetry music. f and in and f.

Thank you girls! I read the comments with pleasure, and then with the mood, well, it was just a disaster. I don't want to go to the plant. but on. unequal marriage, the expiration date has already expired. And here is so much positive!
The sun was covered with clouds, and snow fell.
Oh, what is this scarecrow? Yes, this is the groom!
Squat, shabby, with a watermelon belly,
But they speak with money and with fasting, moreover.

The bride is without dowry, but she is pretty

two-language proverbs

With a chiseled figure, with a naive soul.
Ah, the doll's face with the sadness of blue eyes ...
And in terrible dreams such a misalliance is not found.

Lace on the dress, in the ribbons of Mercedes.
Everyone chooses a personal interest.

Turkmen proverbs about family

Now there is no time for romantics - chase them away.
Do not trust those who love - the rich are needed more.
Instantly disliked "paradise with a sweetheart in a hut"
But the need will remain a sediment on the soul.

proverbs in an empty barrel

Another thing with "plump" - reverse calico
Well, it will take long to get by, again, there is food.
The heart will calm down in the oblivion of sweet dreams,
And enough room in the rooms for husbands' horns.

An unequal marriage? And why unequal? ​​Judging by age, then of course, but if the interests coincide and it’s not boring together, and even with such interesting people, what is unequal! Appearance! God be with her! This appearance! But where are you, young people? There are so many beautiful, bright, smart girls around! They do not find you, YOUNG, DO NOT FIND you.

Pidefiles and prostitutes. The smell changes over the years, and yet old age smells, especially men, even if they douse themselves with perfume and do plastic surgery. physically they have shorter eyelids than women. And the aunts are becoming. I feel sorry for them, they work off their money, I really feel sorry for the children. Men panties

You noticed girls that only one man commented and the rest were women. My ex also took a young one, who is 2 years younger than our deceased daughter. And ugly, and illiterate, and slob in everyday life. The village girl, whom even her fishermen-friends are ashamed to present. But he looks into his mouth, how smart he is, not poor. Yes, kaka-taka love, what are you talking about. Ready even with the old devil to go to bed, if only fed and watered. And they can portray love, these young prostitutes. And the peasant thinks that youth has returned to him. Yes, these young people will wear you out ahead of time and squeeze your money out of you, and then the horns will instruct you. Serves you right. old fools. They love you, how can they be illusions. And Dibrova has already been abandoned by his youngster and is sharing property with him - this has already been shown on TV. Old article.

It is strange why this article provides examples of only one type of marriage: the husband is older and the wife is younger. Let's be fair, other marriages are on the rise. the wife is much older, and the husband is younger. What do you think of it. In Moscow, in my opinion, they just rage with fat. They should have gone to live somewhere in the provinces, to make a sort of rotation for a year. So that all these dibrovy, tsekalo, etc. do not break away from reality.

Of course, there is little smell of love in these couples. No matter how brave the "old men" are. and no matter how lovers are portrayed by the "youngsters". There is a moral and economic union, mutual support, PR. These are, undoubtedly, important components of family relationships, but they will never replace the physiology for the younger members of these couples. Hence - dormant so far (or carefully hidden) neuroses, dissatisfaction, and all health problems that will inevitably appear on their soil. But there will be enough money for the treatment. If they leave.

I do not find anything bad in this. All OK! But I can't help but admit that for the most part such a marriage is just a business, but for others it is PR and wishful thinking.

A man is as old as his bank account pulls. The ugly sight of venality and elementary cheap prostitution in all these photos! Not a single face with eyes full of love. What kind of love is there to talk about when a man has been in menopause for a long time and only thinks how to cover up his terrible wrinkles and raise potency. and the girl, as if not to spit and survive the wedding night. What you won't go for when you don't want to work, but to live well is yes!

Da, starikov, to poniat mowno. spat s molodim telom priatnie, chem so starim. no wenschini, kak im ne protivno radi deneg, izza leni samim truditsia, spiat i vixodiat za dedushek. a potom zavodiat molodix lubovnikov. torguyt molodostiy

puzzles from proverbs and sayings

I can't say that I share the enthusiasm of the aforementioned couples, but if they find a similar age difference for themselves comfortable, then it is their will, and internet gossips approve or disapprove of their decision - it doesn't matter!)

Hello everyone. My opinion: basically, the calculation on the part of the woman, in such cases, of course there is. But it’s better this way: people, though interesting, famous, smart and wealthy; than to marry a stupid beggar youngster, or a boring 30-40 year old unpromising office plankton, or the same drunk or previously convicted. And it's also very boring to fly (and humiliating for both partners). In general, this is a personal matter for everyone. And in this collection, not all men are really that old. By the way, although I am not poor and not alone, I do not need a daddy-keeper, but I would marry V. Pozner even today (although I am fit to be a granddaughter). Just imagine, not only the body is sexy, but the intellect and fortitude of a man. Happiness to everyone.

Yes, everything is clear here!
These men did not have love for their aged, stale wives. And maybe the wives have long extinguished their views with family squabbles and commotion.
I also understand these men, who are older than their wives, daughters, granddaughters, and I also understand women who choose their children's peers as husbands. They all just want to LIVE. Not to live with old people the same as themselves, without love and joy, but to live, though not long, but loud, juicy and fragrant with young partners. The old one will no longer give birth to another child and will not be able to rejoice in this happiness as selflessly, but the young one will. But what can I say, everything is already clear, probably

This is when you grow old with your husband, you don't see his wrinkles. you can't smell it. and if you look at your one-year-olds (51 years old), they seem so old (especially men). tin. in their 20 thirties were considered so ancient. well, you will never believe that there are some feelings here. as they say. the fat wallet plays the erogenous zone here.
I liked Gradsky. after this article as something is no longer the same.
Does not matter. these mesallants have something wrong with their heads.
What does envy have to do with it, what does intelligence have to do with it? I have seen women with less difference. how unhappy they are. and play happiness in the eyes. you don't even have to be an actress.

15 proverbs health

P / S. the time is now. was on a dating site. mostly requests. I will meet a man from 20 to 60. and not necessarily an artist. glad to any guy. so what can we say about these

with a few exceptions, all of you are just shaking with envy for these women. and according to the standard - according to the stamp and the drool themselves to the heels. bigotry. and squeal from the squalor of feelings. ah-flabby body. ah lame curve. tell me honestly. I am stupid and disagree. in your 35 - 40s you have only mastered the book about = kolobok =. and there are others. Hi all
For Olga Kravchenko. funny for your quotes. I wish you to find such a "grown-up" and poor and live with him for at least a year. well for you it's easy. You've read more than the TALE ABOUT THE KOLOBOK.

Of course, it is more interesting with Dima than with a 20-year-old: no need to work, free "pies". maids, nannies, provided for old age

The older a man is his woman, the more problems he has with potency. It is a fact. So that old husbands should hide their young wives, so as not to flaunt their masculine inconsistency, because his pepper rises only if it is stimulated by a young elastic body.

how the muschins have achieved a rich life in life and returned to their youth, but you cannot throw off old age from such young people.

My Love is 12 years younger. In my opinion, normal.) And these are pedophiles in revelry. By the way, where are our actresses with their young husbands.) Will he lay out?

loneliness proverbs

I'm not a prude and everything in this life happens. Men who look and feel normal often marry young people. God grant them happiness. But, something is not observed big love of ordinary Russian women for adult men .. Here is love. Or is it something else.

It seems to me that you do not need one size fits all - some of them may have tied their destiny for some time with a famous person. And someone is not excluded, as for love. Read carefully: one girl did not know at all who the man who approached her with an offer to meet, and the other fell in love with her teacher, which is not such a rarity. Someone was brought together by doing a common thing - they met at an event or corporate party. Does this rarely happen in our life? Well, but someone. quite possibly, he was seduced by the "light in the window", the chance to escape from the province. God is their judge, they have disposed of their lives in this way. Does any of you know if it is easy to carry such a burden? You were in their shoes, gentlemen "judges". And as for the "sloth-loving grandfathers", this is the male nature! As the saying goes, "H. does not look for peers and does not recognize relatives!"

I don’t know, all this is quite complicated. And it’s difficult to live your whole life in an unequal marriage, but young people run away much more often than older people. I know this not by hearsay and do not want to offend either side. In the end, I did not have a very bad family. The children have already grown up and even have grandchildren. So that an adult man has every chance of raising his children. On the other hand, I am deeply convinced that a man should be older than his chosen one, maybe not by 30-40 years, but still. This is good in many ways.

Envy in silence. I want to tell some, but for the other half, I’ll just rejoice and wish you happiness! And children, let them surpass their parents in talents.

The unforgettable Faina Ranevskaya said that the pill and the ass have a half, so in search of a half and choose who you are. It would be something to envy. People simply state their opinion and if it does not coincide with yours, this does not mean that it is wrong. Gordon is already changing the fifth and each next one is younger than the previous one. They are all happy, but some are unpleasant to look at.

I will not comment too much. I wish the "green commentators" to meet their soul mate and not be disappointed in the speed. And for those who are older I will say this: - People always need someone to condemn in order to feel like turnbags at the gates of paradise. This is not my metaphor, but it is very correct. And as for the potency, these "fart" as some affectionately called them, sometimes any young man will be given a head start. After all, as time passes, you realize that intimacy is not a sport, but an enjoyment.

the difference in 20 years - wherever it went, but in 40 - sorry. Ivanov's painting do you remember? "Unequal marriage" is called .. there the bride is very sad .. decrepit are unpleasant, the contrast with young wives is striking ..

In vain girls do not look at old men

wise advice proverbs speech

And they do not want to please with affection,
The boy sleeps - and he was
And the old one is unable to escape.

This topic of unequal marriages is as old as the world! And everyone finds something of their own in it. Some need to grumble, others to sarcastically, and no one is indifferent! As for me, this is sheer idiocy! After all, God blesses us in marriage with love, "so that two flesh become one!" young stallions!

Let them amuse themselves as they want, But these "old men" are famous, popular and rich enough, And after their death, you can buy yourself a young husband. My son and I have a difference of 34 years (this is my youngest son), our views on life are different, despite the fact that until the age of 25 we lived together (before his marriage) in perfect harmony, but our feelings of social life were different. So this is a mother and son, but what can we say about a stranger who spent his youth in completely different times, especially in Russia. where the changes over 20 years are so dramatic.

Of course, men who have gotten young and even young girls will say: age is not a hindrance, but what the interviewers wanted to hear. Moreover, mind you, the richer and more famous, the greater the difference. Aging men are attracted not only by young meat (read - body), but the opportunity to live, as it were, another youth.

What kind of love can we talk about? Why envy? This is just a rampant pedophilia among old senile people. And all the young ladies are just prostitutes. Only some are on the track, while others hit the jackpot in the lottery. That's all. What would Vysotskaya be without this old grandfather ? People should be suitable for biological age. Marry together, grow up, and grow old too. Life and prosperity need to be created by a family. Why do some people think that such statements are written by poor people? with one of these or similar pedophiles. My husband and I have a difference of 4 years, he was married at 22, and I was 18. We have 2 adult children, with a decent education, and a fairly large business, which we created ourselves. This is what I comment on, that only beggars who work in factories are jealous. Probably the parents of this young lady in childhood did not give any morality or upbringing.

The soul has no age. Love needs no evaluation. As for the "institution of marriage," I can only say that it is very imperfect.

We were told that people can be happy with any age difference. This is a guide to action, women. In response, envious comments poured in: Why can't we rejoice in the well-being of others?
The man must be older. In this case, he will be the support for the woman and their family. With such a man it is calmer, safer, more interesting!

Old guys, why do you need granddaughters? You do not have your own grandchildren? So you are bad husbands, but the wives of your old priest. kov tolerated, and you ask. whether everything. Give your money to your granddaughters and march home to your wife.

proverbs about summer in Kazakh

and they also say that a man's old age can be seen by the age of his companion, how he is older then the companion is younger. will remember Mikhalkov's dad. The last one was good for him as a great-granddaughter. but in general with young fools, forgive and no obligations and requirements. there is only one expectation - to die. what a mutual joy. but in general what all this is abomination and perversion.

A special kind of vampirism. MAY BE RUDE. BUT TRUE. Young women feed! Life takes on a different color! it's like looking in a mirror. You look at your companion - she is young and you do not feel your age, your wrinkles, your drooping long ago. "bro". Men feel their strength and confidence, arrogance (permitted by age). And a woman has nowhere to go.! On the one hand, a strong male. A woman knows that she is protected materially. On the other hand, she understands, if this comrade is not there, whether she will be able to count on another, but she is humiliated from the very beginning. Do not touch him - "They think." Don't touch him - they are. and so on and so forth. God. Why. We (women) are much smarter in life, more calculating and must obey and adapt to power, material well-being, and so on. Why you can't listen to each other. Maybe our statements (by the way, over a cup of tea, after sex, etc.) will be useful to you- Older men. that you are always sticking out yours. After all, you cannot understand and do not want that in 80% - you are not up to the mark for your wife. somewhere deep in your soul, it is you, or rather, you anger her and do not suit you. Oh well. All will return. Exactly. You may not want a glass of water before you die. And maybe the hand of the woman you humiliated "loving" will not rise to give you this glass. Although we are kind women. We give you youth and joy, appreciate it. Otherwise - burn in hell! Let's see how you will be spinning there with your "grandmothers"!

Wealthy, dissolute little men - remember your first wives. Got abandoned, divorced, not the same, not that old. The children have grown up, they do not understand you. Are you sure of that. that young women love and adore you "passionately"? and small children. which you "produced" for 60-70-80 will cry at your graves. The whole world is a theater! It has good actors - these are the same new, young wives, only 2nd; 3rd; 10th and so on. Blessed is he. who believes. on your deathbed, remember the first!

family jealousy proverbs

My ex-husband is 25 years older. When they got married - 20 years ago, of course, there was a calculation (he was then with money) and feelings were also there. We never lived well. since in return for security, he demanded complete submission and execution of his will. and I resisted it. We have two children in common. Divorced. after the divorce, I had to work. which I'm not used to at all. He did not leave me any wealth after the divorce, I receive alimony 1000 rubles a month from his pension. He threatened me with his lawyers if I decide to sue him for normal alimony. Getting married at my age is almost unrealistic - after 40 all men are normal married, and young guys do not consider me as a potential wife.
So you have to pay for everything in this life - but I lived carefree in the 90s, when some were even starving.
Life is not easy as a straight line - there are different periods in it.

I think .. that envy .. of these .. couples .. a little. Perhaps .. stupid young people will envy. What? Money ... of course. They have something else to get settled in life. A..women. middle-aged. money is no longer so important. them .. self-sufficient (* as a rule at this age) .. already need .. other. Soulful. RAVY. and a respectful relationship. where comes first. SOUL. not a wallet. I. would ask. these girls with photos. And you were ... for this interesting. smart .. dear. BUT POOR. I think the answer is clear.

Joke about the PARADOX:
The husband came home from the factory and asks his daughter
- You would have slept with a neighbor. She answers - "Nooo, no way."
- And for a Million. Nuuu. would have slept, - answers.
Then my wife. - The same.
Then my mother-in-law - she, too, would have slept for a million.

end the proverb shot sparrow

He sits and thinks - "Paradox. Full house of prostitutes, but we live like beggars!"

On our honeymoon, my peer husband and I did not get out of bed. Life was not easy. But there is something to remember. True Love is the main thing. Will the aforementioned young people be praised by such memories)))?

It is not difficult to give an explanation about this or that, but there are, after all, TABOO-and moral norms. A man looking at a girl-child with lust, how do you like such an eagle? speaking, insanity. Love your wives with whom you have lived your life and, believe me, you will not regret it.

In our time, it is not easy to break into people. not even speaking about. to become famous, and men who have made a name for themselves in the past can help. Indeed, among women, on average, one in three could broadcast "Let's eat at home", but who will give them such a studio, and most importantly the audience. And PR plays a significant role in this, I don’t know what Julia is the wife of a famous film director, but the audience is going to be quite large thanks to his name. And if just some kind of fan of "cooking at home" comes, then most likely she will not be allowed outside the studio, not to mention more. And the youth learned this well, but in Soviet times it was the same. Therefore, you can be patient if you acquire wealth and fame.

you know, for Posner and I would go.))). When I was 25, I fell in love with a man 15 years older, he seemed so reliable, so knowledgeable in life, in comparison with my one-year-old husband)) I still remember him very warmly. But he died. And the difference is 40. And they still manage to give birth to children. poor kids, that's who these old people don't think about. They want to show everyone that they can do something else. Looks really funny. But then again, if you have money .. this is their moral right to buy whatever they want, and let’s not talk about morality) But the girls. bravo.) such a lack of disgust. you would then be nurses in a nursing home. they are always needed there. (I adore these people) .. I wanted to briefly did not work out)

Weird. See how many women's comments and all with indignation. And who cares about such love. people live and gloriously. they like it, but they deeply do not care about the opinion of other envious people. Well done. If you focus on morality and the foundations of life: this is possible, but this is not possible, then life will be insipid and boring. Why think for a lifetime, if you do not clearly know how much the Lord has measured for you. A grown man has a special love for a young woman. And there are no barriers in the age difference. The main thing is that they feel comfortable and comfortable in this life. May God grant everyone health and long happy years of marriage!

Thank God that the age difference is positive, i.e. older man. I think there are much fewer examples of the opposite, when a woman is 30-40 years older than a woman who is not capable of reproductive function. And so, if only in joy.

It is unlikely that Yulia Vysotskaya, Yulia Proskuryakova and others married with such a difference in age, if their husbands were not Konchalovsky and Nikolaev. These are specific personalities, and not just men with whom there is nothing to talk about and who often look to eat at the woman's expense and sleep for free. These are Men with a capital letter. My husband, too, was much older (unfortunately he died). After his death, his peers offered to marry. They did not understand that they were not personalities, but so-so, little men. And they were younger than me, but not that.

proverbs about finance

The problem here, in my opinion, is that these people are limited to communicating with each other. Since they belong to different generations, they will never have a common "do you remember!" In addition, automatically in such an alliance, the wives of her friends look a hundred times at the young damsel braid. After all, if their friend was able to go to the young one, then her husband should be kept away from such. Alternatively: a romance at a distance)

Here, one truth sounded - there is not a single marriage - where the husband is a steelmaker, a combine operator, a locksmith - and all men are worthy people - who have achieved something in life, but if they believe in such love, happiness and prosperity for them, and it's good that these families have kids

Socrates also said that a relationship with a young girl is good for the health of an elderly man. As for women. When I was young, I was a tutor. It so happened that several times I ended up in families where husbands were much, 30 years older than their wives. All these women suffered from terrible migraines. One even vomited. How they hated their old men. How they wanted me, the young one, to stay in the house longer.

The fact that the husband is much older is still acceptable. But, when the wife is 20-30 years older, it is completely absurd. And if he lives with an old woman, then he suffers from HERANTOPHILIA, sexual attraction to women of old age. Example: Galkin with Pugacheva, the marriage is doomed: there will never be children from Pugacheva, I don't understand what keeps him, he is self-sufficient, young, handsome, no, he clung to an old 64-year-old woman. Seeing them together is laughter and more!

Well, with the stars, everything is clear from fat, they rage, they want to prolong their miserable existence. When a man is normal, but a woman is a ridiculous decrepit body to endure and enjoy life, this is not normal on my part. A man should have his children to extend his family line and in this marriage what the hell children.

Yes, if these old fart were janitors, then these loving beauties would not even turn their heads in their direction.

Times of the enterprising. Some - money and fame, others - always fresh meat. Yes, and the previously missed "wushi-pusi, how smart, how great pusi-musi, how brilliant sushi-musi."

verses in proverbs

After all, like or not - in husband and wife. And even at 65, my husband sometimes wants and needs to. Not to mention the 20-year-old "wives". Take a closer look at the photos and just imagine them in bed. White delicate smooth beautiful. Flabby angular wrinkled sinewy with pimples sweaty peeling. ugh what an abomination.
In this case, as one colleague of mine said, "Marriage is legalized prostitution."
PeSe. I would be very, very glad to be mistaken. But if I am mistaken, then of all the presented cases - in one or two. And they are a confirmation of the general rule.

I have an example in front of my eyes, when a young girl got along with a man older than her dad. Yes, he is wealthy, enter into many and many things. She has a lot of clothes and tweets, a new position that she herself would not have achieved. The result, they are 7 years together, yes, he began to bloom and smell. she, but here. no matter how she looks after herself, no matter what procedures she does with herself, it looks pretty bad. this is not envy, God forbid, this is a description of what is. she is docile, not stupid, cute (height 172 cm and model parameters), he he uses her safely both as a secretary and as a mistress, a housewife, etc., on an au pair, he simply saves, why, when a young woman is around, he has to keep up with everything. Why am I all this, but the girl does not crawl out of the hospitals, she has become mentally ill problems, and she is not yet 40. she no longer dreams of a child. In general, everyone in this life has his own. It's easier for me, my husband is the same age, married for almost 20 years, we have children, we keep each other in good shape, we look younger than our years. and achieved in this life all by ourselves. And to be honest, I cannot understand such marriages, although, again, I repeat, to each his own.

Yes, there is, of course, love and in unequal unions. Who would argue.
But this is not a special case, here is a tendency. As rich and famous, Lolita immediately gets it.
And for all the polls, hurt yourself, love. Something thirty years ago was not observed such a massive passion of "stars" for pionErks. What to say. high, high relationships.
Well, figs would be with them. But in a full phallus, the question arises - what about us, babes of pre-Balzac and Balzac age, where do we go? After all, this infection has already spread to simpler men. I observe in my environment all the increasing cases of culling aged wives and replacing them with fresh meat. No, I, of course, and Jack Nicholson herself are very impressed, although he is the same age as my mother. But at the present time he turns out to be too young for me. It turns out that in order to keep the age difference set now, I need to look for a party among Shainsky's peers? Yes, that's bad luck - I'm afraid, until I choose, but I will spin it for love. already and there will be no one to cheat. So I ask, where do we, 40-50 year olds go?
Or is it necessary to turn your gaze in the other direction - to the Galkins? It’s not sweet for them, the poor fellows either. It is difficult to choose a wife thirty years younger when you yourself are exactly that old. Dilemma.


This is a good and offensive question for many, although recently women are increasingly choosing young and vigorous companions as companions, so the imbalance is slightly leveled.

But back to the answer to the question posed. It is not at all difficult to understand why some men are looking for young blood and why their peers are not so attractive to them.

Firstly, men are even more afraid of aging than we are, they just do not admit it, but what is there - do not like to talk about this topic at all, unlike us: "Oh, my mimic wrinkle has come out!" or "Help, cellulite!" The guys have other troubles: the worst thing for them is to become powerless and sick, because men should always be at their best. And if we run to a beauty salon or a plastic surgeon, men are looking for another medicine - a young companion.

Secondly, thanks to novels with young girls, men themselves feel as if they have returned twenty years ago, and not only internally, but also externally. Immediately they change their wardrobe, buy a prestigious car, a villa in the Bahamas (who cares for what) - and that's it, again twenty-five. In addition, it greatly increases social status, and young companions are always financially dependent, this also warms the soul: "I am just a god for her!"

Thirdly, bed, of course. This does not mean that sex with a peer is not so bright, on the contrary, more often it is just even better. Here are just the feeling of a young body intoxicates and pleases the male eye. Next to a young nymph, a man feels a surge of vital energy. His sexuality and sensuality come to life, and he again sees himself attractive and capable of many things.

A pretty picture is emerging, isn't it? Maybe men don't have to marry their peers at all, but wait 40-50 years and marry young girls? And girls, on the contrary, should immediately marry applicants 15–20 years older and everyone will be happy?

But, alas, this does not happen. Yes, and this "love" ends often not at all as enchanting as it began. I will cite as an example my old friend Yaroslav.

At first, he was in seventh heaven with his new Victoria, who was 22 years younger. Regular sex life, eyes were burning, friends were jealous. He said that he felt younger and that he had a second wind, but his young wife, after five years, closed this “breath”. The girl howled with melancholy, she wanted to meet with her friends and have an active rest, and he gathered his last strength and in every possible way set himself up for sex with her. The only thing he wanted was to spend a quiet evening in a restaurant with delicious food and seafood, and she wanted to have fun with her friends in the club until the morning.

The result of the relationship is a broken heart and the return of age complexes, from which Yaroslav so fiercely tried to escape by marrying a second time.
In general, for men, marriage with a young girl is like going to a plastic surgeon for us: rejuvenation and the desire to lose a few years. And is it worth condemning the poor for this?

There is even an anecdote on this topic, cynical, but it shows the picture "gray hair in the head, devil in the rib" in all its glory:

A 20-year-old girl marries a 60-year-old rich man and asks him coquettishly: "Darling, are you not embarrassed by our age difference?" He replies: “Let's estimate: I'm 60, and you are 20. So, in 20 years I will be how old? That's right, 80. How old are you? " She: "40!" He: "Yes-ah, I don't sleep with forty-year-olds ..."

Under the cerebral cortex, we have it written that only peers of the same age can marry. Therefore, when we see a couple of different ages, it seems unnatural and surprising. There are families where a man is 10, 20, or even 30 years older than a woman, and there are not so few of them.

Let's try to understand where these exceptions come from. Let's start with female psychology.

Women are divided into three groups according to their behavior in marriage:

  1. The "wife" is the most common type of woman in marriage. Such women tend to marry their peers. In marriage, they behave like equal partners.
  2. "Mother". Such a woman in marriage often has a leading position. The spouse in such a marriage plays a less significant role. A woman-mother often takes care of, decides, controls. In such families, it is not uncommon for a man to be younger than a woman.
  3. "Daughter". A woman-daughter chooses a person who is much more experienced and, accordingly, older than herself as her companion in life. The reason is the need for custody, protection and patronage.

A man is 10 years older

A woman develops faster by nature. And it turns out that peers do not meet either the psychological or intellectual needs of girls.

Therefore, they like men much older. Girls in their twenties are interested in young men in their thirties. They are drawn to them for experience, intelligence, maturity.

Such a couple can hardly be called peers, but they are both representatives of the same generation. They share music, movies and characters. In this pair, the man is a more experienced partner, he knows a lot and much better.

Such couples are not uncommon in society and are not surprising. In the traditions of the past, the age difference of 10 years was considered the reference.

A man is 20 years or more older

Such a man will be chosen as her husband by a woman who largely needs protection, support, patronage.

Definitely, this is a woman daughter who in adulthood still feels like a child, weak and defenseless. Perhaps the feeling of insecurity was born in childhood, especially if there was no father in the family. Latently, the "little girl" is looking for this strong image in a man - the image of a father. Therefore, a man 15, 20, or even 30 years older will attract her.

Common factors in choosing a relationship with an older man

  • Personal and financial solvency.

A man of forty or more years already has financial well-being, a successful career and material well-being. With such a man, it is initially comfortable to start a family life. A woman realizes that a well-to-do, serious adult man can fully guarantee a stable, serious marriage in which children can be safely planned.

  • Marriage readiness, maturity.

A man 15 years or more older is attracted by his serious attitude to life and marriage. He appreciates more family comfort and all the preferences of the family as such. Such men are wiser, they have previous experience of personal relationships. They are capable of compromises.

  • Ability to look after beautifully.

If a man is much older, he is more experienced in dealing with women. Knows how to make something pleasant, what gifts and flowers to give.

  • High social status.

There are also cases when women choose a husband much older than themselves, focusing on his professional and life success. For example, young actresses marry old venerable directors. Nurses are for famous surgeons, and so on.

Here the image of a spouse is idealized due to his high objective assessment. A man as a luminary of science or art is attractive precisely for this. A person who has earned the honor and respect of a huge number of people evokes respect and interest. The authority of such a husband for a wife is enormous. As well as admiration for his professional skills.

Relationships with an older man promise help for a young woman in her own career or work.

  • Feeling secure

By marrying an older man, a woman feels herself under the tutelage and patronage. Almost 100% of the leader in such a union will be a man. It will be responsible for decision-making and leadership. This is very appealing to the pronounced "daughter" type women who are afraid to be decisive and adults.

There are significant disadvantages to marriages where the husband is older than his wife.

  • Difference of interests

The obvious gap in interests is becoming one of the main problems. This is due to the fact that if a man is 13 years older, the husband and wife are people of different generations. Each of them grew up on different music, different fairy tales, read different literature. In adulthood, they form a different social circle according to their age.

At the initial stage of family relationships, this is imperceptible. The couple are passionate about their passion. A few years later, when the first flair of love passes, these problems appear in almost every family of different ages. They find it difficult and bored with each other.

  • Physiological (sexual) problems

If at 20 the wife quite normally perceives the difference with her husband at 20 or more years, then after 10 years this difference can turn into a problem.

A 30-year-old woman at her peak and a 50-year-old man in the process of sexual decline: how can they be fully together? The sexual appetites of a young woman and the desire for peace in a 50-year-old husband create conflicts in the family.

  • Different energetics

This is directly related to age. A young partner longs for development, growth, movement, while the other is already tired of the race in life and, conversely, is looking for a safe haven and peace.

It turns out that by the age of forty, the young wife has built a successful career, is full of energy and positive, and her elderly husband is already a pensioner, who prefers a sofa and a book. The different rhythm of two people is a threat to such a marriage.

It is good if the adult spouse is active and active to match the young spouse. In this case, the marriage will be lasting.

  • Premature aging

It is noticed that a young wife next to her older husband is getting older purely visually and internally. They seem to be changing with energy. She gives him youth, and he gives her maturity. A young wife with an adult husband becomes calmer, slower, more sedate.

  • Jealousy

In such a relationship, there is almost always a place for jealousy. Unequal positions of both lead to the emergence of distrust, neurosis. An elderly spouse may be jealous of a young spouse, realistically assessing his and her sexual needs.

  • Unequal marriage. Rejection of relationships by relatives, friends and society at large.

The family of a young girl will dissuade from such a marriage, emphasizing the increasing age difference over time. Friends of an adult man will suspect the young spouse of self-interest.

  • The past of a man

Another disadvantage in a relationship with an adult man is his past. As a rule, behind the shoulders of a man is an unsuccessful marriage and, possibly, children. This relationship will not disappear without a trace from his life. The young wife will have to come to terms with the fact that the ex-wife and children from the previous marriage will constantly emerge in their family life. And this is a difficult burden.

To create normal intrafamilial relationships from a young spouse, a great deal of wisdom, tact and patience are required.

Why do men marry young women?

  • Increasing self-esteem in one's own eyes and in the eyes of society.

A man who has married a woman much younger than himself thus proves his worth in many areas of life, for example, in sex, in social status. A young wife nearby is proof of a man's success.

  • The ability to cheat age, become younger.

With a young wife, a man feels much younger. He begins to monitor his health and appearance in order to match his wife. He has an influx of energy and positiveness.

  • Raising the perfect wife.

An adult man, as a rule, already has experience of family life and divorce. His attitude to the female sex was formed under the yoke of negative personal experience, where a woman acted as an irritant and a source of problems. In this regard, a man is pessimistic about his peers, considering them already formed personalities with whom it is not easy to find a common language and build good relationships.

With a young girl, everything is much easier. The character is not fully formed, the young diva looks at an experienced man with undisguised delight and admiration. In such a pair, a man feels more confident and stronger. He plays a leading role. He takes care of, patronizes, manages, teaches.

Still, many men, marrying a young girl, idealize the upcoming marriage and see in their spouse only a kind, caring hostess who will constantly bustle around the family nest.

Sometimes such men hardly see in their wife a mature adult who needs a career and their own separate life.

Having described all the pros and cons of a relationship with an older man, it should be noted that there are plenty of examples around us where a man is much older than his wife.

Here are some of the famous couples:

  • Lydia Tsirgvava and singer Alexander Vertinsky. The age difference is 34 years. In marriage, 2 daughters were born and raised: the wonderful actresses Marianna and Anastasia Vertinsky.
  • Director Oleg Tabakov and actress Marina Zudina. The age difference is 30 years. Married for over 20 years, two children: Maria and Pavel.
  • Director Andrei Konchalovsky and actress, TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya. The age difference is 36 years. Together for over 20 years. In marriage, two children were born: Mary and Peter.
  • Hollywood actors Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. The age difference is 25 years. They are raising two children: 12-year-old Carey and 15-year-old Dylan. Together for over 15 years.
  • Fashion designer Roberto Cavalli and model Lina Nilson. The age difference is 47 years. Together for over 6 years.
  • Directed by Woody Allen and Sun-Yi-Previn. The age difference is 35 years! The couple have been happy together for many years and are raising 2 children.
  • Singer Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko. The age difference is 32 years. Together for 12 years, and last year the couple had a son, Alexander.

All of the above couples have proven their love over time.

And how many examples of new unions, where husbands suit their wives as fathers, or even grandfathers. Only time will tell how strong such an amazing relationship turned out to be:

  • Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya (age difference - 45 years)
  • Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel (age difference - 60 years)
  • Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova (age difference - 40 years)

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote back in the nineteenth century: "All ages are submissive to love ...". Centuries succeed each other, but love remains. Only mutual respect, tact and wisdom will help keep this feeling for years.

And the age difference is just numbers. Let them remain with them, on paper!

They say that a man is as old as his chosen one looks like. StarHit has compiled a rating of star couples who, despite the age difference, look organic.

1st place. Andrey Konchalovsky and Julia Vysotskaya

Age difference: 36 years.

Acquaintance: In 1996, at the Sochi Kinotavr festival, the director saw a girl in a hotel elevator and ... followed her to find out which room she lived in. And having learned her name, he called and invited to dinner. “I think I am wildly lucky that I met the woman of my life, when already
I understood what it meant, ”Andrei Konchalovsky admitted in an interview. In 1999, Andrei and Julia had a daughter, Maria, and in 2003, a son, Peter.

About age:“There are no disadvantages to unequal marriage. This concept exists only in the minds of people. If two people love each other, then they are two halves, ”the couple said. And Yulia Vysotskaya reflects: “It happens that a boy is 25, but it seems that he is 80. And not because he knows a lot. He knows nothing and does not want to know! Andrei loves life, he is interested in everything. The Art of Living is about him. "

2nd place Alexander Tsekalo and Victoria Galushka

Age difference: 24 years.

About age:“A husband for me is both a best friend and a lover,” Anna admitted. - Sometimes he replaces my mom, sometimes he cares like dad. I don’t feel our age difference, I don’t feel that there is a man over 60 next to him. He’s not an old man. ”

5th place Vladimir Shainsky and Svetlana

Age difference: 41 years old.

Acquaintance: Vladimir saw her at the Union of Composers in 1983, the girl worked there in the accounting department. “I courted her very impudently. Once I said to her: “Come to me” - and made her sit in my “Niva”. She was then 17. And I am 58 - an old devil, ”Shainsky recalled. Two children were born in the marriage: son Slava (25 years old) and daughter Anya (21 years old).

About age: Once a gypsy woman guessed to Sveta that she would meet a man much older, his name would begin with the letter "B". “Svetlana is a fatalist,” says Shainsky.

6th place Sergey Selin and Anna

Age difference: 24 years.

Acquaintance: In 2002, Anya, who studied at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, attended a meeting of the actor Selin with students. And then Sergei gave Anya a lift home and took her phone. A few years later, he divorced his wife and went to Anya. “Seryozha is my first love,” the girl admits. In January 2010, the couple had a daughter, Masha, and in January 2012, a son, Makar.

About age:“When Masha was born, the newspapers wrote: at the age of 50, Celine gave birth to a child,” the actor shared in an interview. - Actually, I was 48. And everything was presented as if a young wife gave birth to a decrepit Celina ... But I'm not 85! And I'm not complaining about my physical form yet. "

7th place Dmitry Dibrov and Polina

Age difference: 31 years.

Acquaintance: In the spring of 2007, 19-year-old Polina Nagradova won the Beauty of the Body beauty contest. Dmitry Dibrov was the chairman of the jury. In March 2009 they got married, and in February 2010 their son Alexander was born.

About age:“I was unhappy with my peers when I was 18, and I'm happy with Polina now. The age difference is not a hindrance and not the basis of happiness, ”the TV presenter admitted in an interview with StarHit. And Polina said: "It's more interesting with Dima than with some 20-year-olds."

8th place Alexander Gradsky and Marina

Age difference: 33 years.

Acquaintance:“I met her on the street. I drove up in a car to a girl, as it seemed to me, of heavenly beauty. Said a sacramental phrase: "Girl, you have a chance to touch the story." Marina grinned, because she did not know who Gradsky was, but she took my phone. And two weeks later I called back ”- said the musician. The couple is not officially married, although they have been together for 8 years.

About age:“Sasha is the best, no one can compare with him, he is unique. Therefore, age in this case does not matter to me, ”says Marina.

9th place Alexander Gordon and Nina

Age difference: 30 years.

Acquaintance: Nina was a student at the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, where she teaches. The TV presenter did not hide his affair with a student for a long time. Soon they began to appear together.

About age:“I could probably limit myself to a civil marriage, having a close relationship with a 35-year-old woman, with a 30-year-old, even with a 25-year-old, but if Providence sent me an 18-year-old beloved, then I consider it correct to live with her only in legal marriage, "- said Gordon in an interview.

10th place Viktor Erofeev and Ekaterina

Age difference: 40 years.

Acquaintance: the young wife of the famous writer was a fan of Erofeev and worked as a secretary in his own book publishing house. In February 2010, Victor broke up with his former common-law wife Eugenia Durer. And almost immediately Katya appeared in his house, who had been just a good friend to him for three years. In the same year, Victor and Ekaterina were married.

About age:“The difference is not important, you may not find a common language with a peer,” argued Erofeev last year. - The experience of a young man is important for me - fresh, bright. I have passed the period of youth long ago, and it is interesting for me to return to this ”.