Detailed calendar of pregnancy and woman's feelings by week. The most detailed pregnancy development calendar

The first month of pregnancy for most women passes almost imperceptibly, because they will know about their position by the end of this or even the beginning of the next. But it is during the first month that the most global events take place in the development of the embryo. Although you do not even realize that a new life is being born within you. In obstetrics, the gestational age is considered to be from the day of the last menstruation, although ovulation and conception occurs about 2 weeks later than menstruation. Therefore, pregnancy is considered an average of 40 weeks (280 days) or, as we are more accustomed to, 9 months.

Changes in the mother's body in the first month of pregnancy.

In the first week of the month, a woman is menstruating, and the brain is already actively rebuilding the woman's body to meet with the baby. One of a thousand oocytes begins to ripen, and the mucous membrane of the uterus rejects its already obsolete mucous layer and begins to form a new one. In the second week, the leading egg cell is outlined, located in a special bubble, on the surface of the ovary. By the end of the second week of pregnancy, ovulation occurs, the bubble ruptures and the egg is released into the abdominal cavity. It is immediately caught by the "paws" of the fallopian tube and gets inside it, remaining there intact for about 1-2 days. That's it, the moment has come - it's time for my father's sperm to set off on a long journey, the result of which will be the birth of a new life. On the day of ovulation, some women may notice stretching in the lower abdomen, and an increase in basal temperature (in the rectum) occurs.

If a meeting of sperm with an egg has occurred, the corpus luteum of pregnancy begins to form at the site of the egg that leaves the follicle. It is very important in the process of maintaining pregnancy at first - it releases progesterone and estrogens necessary to maintain pregnancy. In addition, the appearance of toxicosis is also associated with the work of the corpus luteum; from the moment the powers of the corpus luteum are transferred to the placenta (by 14-16 weeks), toxicosis usually passes. At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is introduced into the thickness of the uterine mucosa. Then the cervix changes, it becomes softer and thicker, the lumen of the cervix is ​​closed with a thick plug of mucus, reliably keeping the baby from infection. In addition, your entire body begins to actively rebuild itself to the miracle that happened in your body - life has arisen, now you need to give it the opportunity to grow and develop!

Feelings of the expectant mother in the first month of pregnancy.

Many women in the first month do not even know about their position, although with careful attention, an increase in sensitivity and a slight swelling of the breast can be noted, sometimes there are slight stretching in the lower abdomen, and at the time of implantation, a slight smearing discharge may appear. However, the body is already rebuilding its work with might and main - it increases the volume and fluidity of blood, the kidneys work more actively. And progesterone makes a woman go to the toilet more often in a small way. There may be a metallic taste in the mouth or a desire to eat new foods - salty, spicy, sensitivity to smell may change. Fatigue and drowsiness often appear, especially in the transitional seasons of the year, nature gives a signal to reduce the frantic rhythm of life and allow the barely born life to take root in the mother's body. sometimes in some women, the onset of pregnancy is manifested by an increase in body temperature to 37-37.5 degrees (however, there should be no signs of a cold).

For women who have not planned a pregnancy, psychologically, the first month passes calmly, they simply do not even suspect about their situation. But the moment the second line appears on the test with a delay can become real stress - joyful or not. For a woman who has carefully planned conception, waiting for the result at the end of the month can become difficult - nervous about the result. A woman increases the level of adrenaline and stress hormones in the body, which can place normal implantation and the formation of a corpus luteum - therefore, doctors often advise a couple to take a "day off" during the planning period and go to a resort. But don't protect yourself. Often the three of them come back from there!

Your baby (fetal development in the first month of pregnancy).

At the moment of conception, the egg and sperm, each containing half of the genetic information, merge and give rise to a new organism, where 50% of the signs are received from the father, and the same amount from the mother. But in what combination they were mixed is a matter of chance - therefore, the eyes may turn out to be mother's, and the hair and nose of the father's. Both external features and character, developmental features and even a tendency to certain diseases or disorders are inherited. In addition, only the dad determines who will be born to you - a boy or a girl, since the sperm carries information about the baby's gender. If it is a Y-sperm, a boy will be born, if an X-sperm, there will be a girl.

From this moment on, your baby, still unicellular, will make a grandiose journey - in a day there will be two. Then 4, 8 and 64 cells, they will quickly begin to divide exponentially. By the end of the week, the embryo resembles a ball with a liquid inside; it moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus and penetrates into its wall. It protrudes special villi, penetrating into the lining of the uterus, giving rise to the germ of the placenta. Now he will feed on the supply of nutrients to the uterus, and when the placenta is formed, it will deliver food to the baby. If everything went well, the baby will begin to grow and develop. If a woman is sick, the embryo was affected by harmful substances or something is wrong in its structure, nature triggers the rejection mechanism - menstruation begins and an unviable embryo emerges.

From the third week, when the embryo has settled in the uterus, the mother's body begins to intensively produce a special hormone - hCG, which progressively grows according to the gestational age until about the second trimester. By its level in the blood, you can determine the duration of pregnancy, and by its appearance in the urine, the presence of pregnancy is determined using a test strip. By the end of the first month of life, the embryo becomes an embryo. In it, three special "leaves" are already distinguished, the rudiment of tissues, from which organs and systems will then be formed. The ectoderm or outer part gives rise to the skeleton, muscles and skin, the mesoderm or the middle part is transformed into a circulatory system with the heart, kidneys and genital area, endoderm or internal part gives rise to digestion and respiration.

In addition, at this time, two more important organs are formed - the chorion - from which the placenta grows, and the amnion - from which the membranes are formed, without them the development of the embryo is impossible. Your baby is still very tiny, and does not yet look like a person - more like a worm 0.5-1 mm in size.

Dangers of the first month of pregnancy.

The first month is one of the critical periods in pregnancy, therefore, you need to be aware of the possible difficulties. The most dangerous of them is an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs if the implantation occurred earlier than the term, and the embryo did not have time to reach the uterus. the conditions for the development of the ovum outside the uterus are unfavorable and such pregnancies are interrupted, sometimes with a threat to life. Therefore, if you suspect the development of pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor and conduct an ultrasound scan to clarify the position of the ovum and the timing.

Medical supervision.

In a normal pregnancy, no medical manipulations are required during the first month; the fact of pregnancy is established by a pregnancy test carried out at home. In them, the main principle is the determination of hCG in a woman's urine, and it is possible to accurately confirm pregnancy at an early stage only by ultrasound. The main thing that the doctor will recommend is to take care of yourself, start taking multivitamins - vitamins A and E, and folic acid are especially important.

When recommending a particular complex to expectant mothers, doctors are guided primarily by the individual characteristics of the woman's body, the results of her analyzes and research data. Experts always pay attention, first of all, to the composition, production quality and reputation of the manufacturer. Therefore, they are increasingly recommending the "Minisan Multivitamin Mama" sold in Russian pharmacies, developed and manufactured in Finland, in whose pharmacies it is drug No. 1. Moreover, "Minisan Mama" can be used both in planning pregnancy and during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because all the necessary elements are contained in the preparation in the necessary and harmonious balance.

Pregnancy calendar: second month

Second month of pregnancy... Most likely you already know about your position and are very happy about it. However, there is a long and difficult path ahead, you need to tune in to a positive mood and create favorable living conditions for yourself and your baby. When the pregnancy calendar points to the second month, there comes a time when you need to critically look at your lifestyle, nutrition and even your wardrobe, now the main thing in your life is a tiny miracle inside your uterus, which you do not even feel yet, but thoughts about which are already have completely taken over your brain, and love for it has completely taken over your whole heart! You will soon get used to your new state, you will enjoy the process of carrying a pregnancy. This month is very important for you and your baby, the health of the baby in the future largely depends on how this time passes.

Changes in the mother's body in the second month of pregnancy.

The beginning of the month will be marked by the absence of menstruation and confirmation of your pregnancy. Therefore, there should be no discharge; if smearing or bloody excretions appear, consult a doctor. This month, the corpus luteum of pregnancy reaches its maximum development, in place of the ovum released from the ovary, it produces progesterone, a hormone that keeps your pregnancy. Under its influence, the cervix thickens, becomes like a cylinder, and its lumen is closed with thick mucus. The uterus begins to grow, and by its size, the doctor, when examined on a chair and probing it, can quite accurately determine the timing of pregnancy. If before pregnancy the uterus was the size of a pear, at 6 weeks it becomes the size of an orange, by eight - the size of a grapefruit. The uterus grows, and the ligaments stretch, slight discomfort in the sides may appear due to the tension of the ligaments. But they are unobtrusive and not painful.

Progesterone also affects the entire body - many manifestations in the body of pregnant women are due to its action. Together with it, a special hormone of the developing placenta - lactogen - acts. Together they enhance metabolism, forcing the body to reduce protein synthesis. Switching to glucose and fatty acids. This increases the supply of nutrients for the fetus and its costs for growth and development. The load on your organs and systems gradually increases - the kidneys and cardiovascular system work especially hard. The endocrine system is undergoing a difficult test - it needs to balance the increased production of androgens in the adrenal glands, so as not to provoke a miscarriage, and the thyroid gland must accurately release the amount of hormones. if there are few of them, the baby will lag behind in development, if there are many, the pregnancy may terminate. The production of hCG is increasing, according to which the doctor determines the exact period and state of pregnancy.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the second month of pregnancy.

You already know about your situation, and if in doubt, thanks to the action of hormones, toxicosis will tell you. Toxicosis is manifested by morning sickness, vomiting, severe salivation. Progesterone has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, so the muscles of the esophagus are out of tone, and the stomach works more slowly - heartburn, belching and discomfort can occur. These are temporary and usually go away by the end of the first trimester. In the meantime, you need to help yourself to more easily get through the unpleasant moments of pregnancy. To relieve the condition, do not overeat. Eat small meals often. Eat breakfast without getting out of bed, and have dinner right before bedtime. It is necessary to drink enough and eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, they reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.

Do not bend over sharply, lift weights, sleep with your head held high, do not carry tight things. Strong smells cause nausea - protect yourself from them, and try to avoid smoky rooms and do not smoke yourself. Brushing teeth with mint paste, citrus fruits and sour juices helps with nausea.

If travel is necessary, avoid rush hour in transport, it is stuffy and crowded - they are dangerous for you. If the toxicosis is mild. You may have very strange food addictions - you may want those foods that you did not like before, or you may want to eat only certain types of food - sweet, salty, sour. If these are not harmful products, eat them calmly, but know when to stop, but chocolates, chips, crackers should be replaced with more useful products. If you are drawn to "special delicacies" - chalk, earth, whitewash - check with your doctor, this usually indicates a deficiency of iron and calcium.

You may experience headaches, dizziness, lethargy and drowsiness, and low blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about how to alleviate your condition - ordinary pills "from the head" can hurt you now. Weight this month can either increase by 0.5-1.5 kg or decrease due to toxicosis. In addition, hormones make you bloom, breasts become more appetizing, hair and nails are stronger and more beautiful. The skin becomes more oily.

In the mental sphere, changes are also taking place - especially if the baby has become a surprise to the parents. There are doubts and fears “can I handle it”, “what can I do?”. You start to scroll through all the options in your head, fear not the same as you would like, the reactions of relatives and friends, doubt. This is normal - all women go through this period and there is no need to be afraid of it. dream of joyful moments. Imagine the face of your baby and all doubts will disappear by themselves. If you are anxious, talk to your husband or a psychologist, for a pregnant woman of your period, mood changes are characteristic - tearfulness, sensitivity, and this is also the action of hormones. Everyone will understand your position and treat you with understanding. But, do not give free rein to whims and emotions - loved ones are also experiencing a difficult moment, do not be offended by them, they cannot perceive everything in the same way as you yourself! take care of your nerves - you still need them! If the anxiety persists, your doctor will prescribe you a mild sedative.

Your baby (fetal development in the second month of pregnancy).

This month, the most important changes take place in the child's body. It is from 5 to 8 weeks that all organs and systems are laid. If something goes wrong, severe malformations will form. In the fifth week, the child's heart begins to beat, blood vessels appear, the liver, larynx, trachea, pancreas are formed, and the rudiments of fingers appear on the arms and legs. From 6-7 weeks, the main immune organ appears - the thymus, and at six weeks the liver begins to produce the first blood cells. A baby with 5 mm will grow up to 2.5 cm by the end of the month.

By the beginning of the seventh week, the child's head and brain are formed, eyes, nose, ears, lower and upper jaws appear, and the first bones appear. From the seventh week, the baby begins to move, but he is still small and you do not feel it. His brain and primitive reflexes are already working, the adrenal glands and chambers of the heart are forming. the kidneys begin to work, hepatic flows are formed, the neck, joints appear, and the testicles and penis form in boys. Its head is very large and its body is small. It looks like a tadpole, but very soon it will grow into a pink-cheeked toddler. By the end of the second month, it is already a fetus, not an embryo.

Dangers of the second month of pregnancy.

This is a very important time - a critical period of pregnancy, and it is better to take a vacation and devote time to yourself. If this month you are exposed to harmful factors - viruses, microbes, toxins or drugs, your baby may develop malformations. Therefore, protect yourself as much as possible from diseases, contact with chemistry and harm. The second problem may be the threat of termination of pregnancy due to hormonal disorders and diseases of the mother - therefore, regularly visit the doctor, monitor your well-being. If there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, pressure on the rectal area. Abdominal pain, the appearance of unusual or bloody discharge from the genital tract - urgently see a doctor, this may be a threat of interruption. If you start therapy on time or go to save - the baby can be saved.

Medical supervision.

In the second calendar month of pregnancy, women usually register for pregnancy - if you feel good - this will be around 7-8 weeks. The doctor will order you blood and urine tests, examine you in a chair to determine the length of your pregnancy, and send you for an ultrasound scan. They will also write you a list of doctors. to which you should show up in the first trimester. Especially if you have health problems, this will allow you to fully compose a picture of your condition and plan the management of your pregnancy.

The doctor will advise you to get plenty of rest, be outdoors and eat right, give up fast food in favor of natural products. Eat plenty of meat and fish, dairy products and fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, you will be prescribed special vitamins for pregnant women, iodine and iron preparations, calcium. They are given to you on a birth certificate and will be issued at the pharmacy with a prescription. If it is a cold season and there is a high risk of colds - try to avoid crowded places - colds are extremely dangerous for you now.
But you don't need to give up your intimate life, if you feel good, you can leave everything as usual - pregnancy reveals a woman in a different way. And affection is very important for her now. But do your household chores in moderation - no need to make repairs, rip out the apartment and wash all the laundry at once - this can tire you and cause a threat to the baby. Do not lift bags weighing more than 2-3 kg, move furniture and play sports involving vibration, jumping and running.

Pregnancy calendar: third month

Third month of pregnancy... Finally, you got used to your new position, and even the toxicosis began to subside a little, however, exciting thoughts often visit you. In addition, you have to go to work, and getting up in the morning is difficult, you need to go through a lot of examinations and doctors, and you are constantly lethargic and drowsy. Advice on nutrition, behavior and everyday life of a pregnant woman is pouring down on you from all sides as if from a cornucopia, learn to treat everything positively. The most basic thing that is needed from you now is calmness and health.

Changes in the mother's body in the third month of pregnancy.

Toxicosis still does not let you go, although you have already learned how to cope with its manifestations. It will be gone by the end of this month, so do it some more. You are still drowsy and tired faster than usual, but remember - this is a defensive reaction of the body. He tells you that it's time to calm down and change the frantic pace of life to a more measured one. By the middle of the month, the corpus luteum of pregnancy, which produces progesterone, reached its peak, and by the end of the month the placenta gradually begins to take over its functions, it grows and actively secretes hormones.

Your breasts also change - they may tingle, change in size, and darken the halo. This is the preparation of the breast for full breastfeeding after childbirth. Inside the breast, the fatty tissue is replaced by the glandular tissue, lobules, ducts are formed, and the processes of preparation for milk secretion begin. Breast volume can increase from one to three sizes. Take care of the right underwear for your breasts. With a sharp increase in volume, stretch marks may appear on the chest. Therefore, in order to increase the elasticity and hydration of the skin, use special products for stretch marks.

The volume of circulating blood increases and veins on the chest, abdomen and legs may become noticeable, but you should not be afraid - this is a physiological phenomenon that makes it possible to deliver nutrients and oxygen to both mother and her baby. Therefore, your doctor will constantly monitor your blood count and hemoglobin levels. Along with the increase in blood volume, it is responsible for your well-being. This month, your weight may become a couple of kilograms more than it was before pregnancy, and if you have a sufficiently pronounced toxicosis, it may not change - this is not dangerous, but the constant increase in body weight will continue - the uterus and the baby are growing, nutritional reserves are accumulating.

If your family is predisposed to varicose veins, it's time to start prevention - from the third month, initial manifestations may occur. This is associated with a decrease in the tone of the veins in the legs under the influence of hormones and an increase in blood volume. To avoid its manifestations, you need to control weight, do not sit cross-legged, do not stand for a long time and rest with raised legs. Wear special varicose tights or stockings, change your heels to ballet flats. Light exercise is helpful.

Your emotional background also changes, your mood changes so often that even you yourself get tired of it. Hormones are to blame for this, but you need to pull yourself together - get distracted by household chores, find a hobby, meditate, listen to music, go shopping. It is useful to talk with your husband or girlfriends about the baby, about what worries you - if this is not possible or you do not want to discuss it with them. You can see a psychologist or take a childbirth preparation course. If there are still babies in the family, now is the time to start preparing them for the birth of a baby.

Your baby (fetal development in the third month of pregnancy).

This month is quite important - the main organs and systems of the baby are being formed, it is already surrounded by the fetal bladder, it is filled from the inside with amniotic fluid (an analogue of amniotic fluid in the future). It floats freely there, attached to the placenta with a thin cord - the umbilical cord. It bounces off the walls and tumbles in the stomach, but you can't feel it yet. There is still little amniotic fluid - only about 20-30 ml, but their volume will increase with the growth of the baby. Outwardly, the babies still very remotely resemble a person, his head is huge and his eyes are open on it. The arms are very long, and the legs are short, the tail that the embryo had earlier as a memory from ancestors almost disappears. By the end of the month, it already grows to 9-10 cm and weighs as much as 15 grams.

He has already formed a skeleton, however, while mostly cartilaginous, the main joints are already bent, fingers and toes are already distinguishable, you can see ears, nose, lips, all milk teeth are already laid. The eyes of the crumbs are not covered by the eyelids, but he still does not see them, since the iris of the eye and its inner chamber are just forming. In the child's brain, the pituitary gland begins to work - the main endocrine organ of a person, which regulates the work of the entire endocrine system. In addition, lymphatic vessels are formed, and the pancreas of the crumbs begins to produce insulin, which is responsible for the breakdown of glucose. The kid trains in digestion - he swallows amniotic fluid, he passes through the intestines, and his walls are trained in a rhythmic contraction. It is possible to distinguish the sex of the child by the end of the third month, if the doctor's eye is trained and the ultrasound machine is powerful, however, there may still be mistakes - the girl's labia and clitoris can very much resemble "manhood".

Medical supervision.

Your visit to the gynecologist will now become a regular procedure - while you still meet on a monthly basis, this month you will have to get tested and undergo specialist doctors, if you have not done so earlier. The doctor will examine you on a chair and specify the gestational age on examination, measure your height and weight, fill out your exchange card in detail and completely, which you will now visit the doctor with on a regular basis. The card will include all the data about you - your diseases, family characteristics, drug allergies, operations, and other important information for doctors.

In addition, this month you will see your baby for the first time - you are supposed to have a scheduled ultrasound examination for a period of 11-12 weeks. The doctor will examine the baby and the condition of the membranes, placenta, and if you have twins, he will confirm the presence of two babies. An ultrasound scan specifies the gestational age, the expected date of delivery and the weight of the fetus. But the most important thing in ultrasound is the identification of severe genetic and congenital anomalies that prevent a child from living and developing. If suspicions are high, a detailed examination is carried out by taking a piece of membranes or amniotic fluid. If everything is confirmed, the question of prolonging pregnancy is raised.

In addition, a general analysis of blood and urine, blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, as well as special TORCH infections, determine the blood group and Rh factor, conduct a biochemical analysis and study blood coagulation. All this gives a complete picture of the woman's health status and, based on the analyzes, the doctor gives recommendations and prescribes treatment, if necessary. In addition, you will need to undergo an EKG and receive the opinions of specialists - a therapist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist and dentist.

You need regular walks - give yourself at least half an hour a day to be outdoors. If time is sorely lacking, at least go from work to work a couple of stops on foot, only away from roads with car exhaust. If the doctor does not express concerns about health, you can be like fitness for pregnant women, swim, do gymnastics and exercises. Start strengthening your pelvic floor muscles and doing Kegel exercises - this will make it easier to give birth and get in shape. Change clothes and shoes for more comfortable and spacious ones. Now is not the time to flaunt in heels and tight jeans, the center of gravity is changing, the uterus is growing - the pressure on it can damage the baby. Also, pick up some nice underwear - maternity bra and panties - thongs are not the most suitable panties for this period. The linen must be elastic and breathable, the skin changes its properties.

Follow simple precautions - place a rubber mat on the bottom of the tub. Try not to step on wet or slippery floors - falls are dangerous for you. You cannot lift weights, wash the floors with your hands, sit or stand for a long time, be in stuffy and smoky rooms. Protect yourself from hard, exhausting homework. In addition, now it is already possible to notify loved ones and relatives about your situation.

So, the first trimester of pregnancy is behind us, we are very close to the second trimester - when the secret will become clear! Good luck!

Pregnancy calendar: fourth month

Fourth month of pregnancy... The calmest and most carefree time. Toxicosis has already receded and you have become more active and cheerful. Tests and examinations have been completed, you have already seen your baby on an ultrasound scan. The baby has already formed the main organs and systems and external unfavorable factors are not so terrible for him. Now is the time to take care of yourself, rest a lot and enjoy your position, which becomes noticeable to others.

Changes in the mother's body in the fourth month of pregnancy.

This month, the growth of the uterus is already becoming noticeable - it goes beyond the pelvic area and grows in the abdominal cavity. At the beginning of the month, its bottom is above the bosom, and by the end of the month it reaches the navel. In thin women, the tummy is already clearly contoured by the end of the month, while in plump women it may not be so noticeable. To provide mother and baby with adequate nutrition, the body increases blood volume by 30-40%, but if your heart is healthy, it will go unnoticed for you. But you will clearly perceive changes in appearance - hair and nails become stronger and more beautiful, but moles and freckles become darker, age spots may appear on the face and body. A dark stripe appears on the tummy that runs from the navel to the pubis along the midline. This is the action of hormones, due to which melatonin, a special substance, is deposited, after childbirth all this will disappear - do not worry. In summer and spring, when the sun is active, use sunscreen to reduce pigmentation. If the stains are very noticeable, you can make whitening masks with lemon and milk. Your breasts grow and your halos darken.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the fourth month of pregnancy.

Finally, your tummy will become noticeable not only to you, the waist is smoothed out, and it gradually grows. Besides. you began to feel better, the appetite appeared and you want to try everything and a lot. But a measure is needed - otherwise there is a risk of gaining extra pounds - it is optimal to add from the beginning of pregnancy for this period from 1 to 4-5 kg. The usual clothes have become cramped, and you need to update your wardrobe - buy clothes in special departments for pregnant women or simply more spacious. The growth of the uterus is accompanied by a stretching of the ligaments, which is perceived as a pulling feeling in the groin and wings of the iliac bones, but it is not very pronounced and passes quickly.

Fluid retention in the body leads to increased sweating and more profuse vaginal discharge. It is not dangerous, but requires more active hygiene. Now the mucous membranes are heavily burdened. nose or gum bleeding may occur. Therefore, monitor the humidity of the air so that the nasal mucosa does not dry out, regularly brush your teeth and rinse them with special balms.

This month can also bring an unpleasant surprise in the form of constipation - you began to move less. And the tummy presses on the intestines, hormones reduce its tone - hence the trouble. Constipation is more unpleasant in itself, but it can also cause hemorrhoids and fissures in the anus, which are extremely unpleasant and difficult to treat. Watch your food and drink, eat lots of greens and fiber, and exercise more.

The most pleasant thing this month is the first movements of the crumbs, which can be felt from 17 to 20 weeks. Many women say that they are fully aware of their position only with the first movements of the baby and this is unforgettable! Now your emotional background has settled down a little, you have become mysteriously romantic, a mystery has appeared in your eyes! A pregnant woman can be seen in the crowd - her gaze is detached, calm and directed inward! now you are happy and looking forward to seeing you!

Your baby (fetal development in the fourth month of pregnancy).

This month, the placenta finally takes on the role of a feeding organ; now, thanks to it, the baby receives everything he needs for growth and development. It also acts as a filter and neutralizes harmful substances, secretes hormones, and protects the fetus from infections.
The baby acquires new skills - he tries to suck and swallow, although it is still quite weak, but these are the first steps towards further independent life. The baby's arms and legs are actively bent at the elbows and knees, he squeezes and unclenches his fists, can grab the umbilical cord, perform swimming movements, tumbling and pushing against the walls of the poppy. You will already feel the first timid tremors of it this month, in the last week. A special fluff appears on the baby's skin - lanugo, which performs a protective function, it keeps special fatty substances on the surface of the skin, preventing it from getting wet. On naked lanugo it will change to longer hairs, and eyebrows, cilia appear on the face, marigolds begin to grow on the fingers. Your little ones are becoming more and more like you.

The baby swims in the amniotic fluid, which he swallows, in which he urinates. They are renewed every 2-3 hours, act as a shock absorber, are sterile, and participate in the metabolism of crumbs. Boys have a prostate this month and testicles are still in the abdomen.

In girls, ovaries with millions of eggs are formed, they descend into the pelvic cavity, the external genital organs are already quite clearly formed and you can determine the gender. The child already hears sounds from the outside, as his inner ear is already sufficiently developed. He freezes at harsh sounds, and pushes at pleasant ones. At the end of the month, he knows how to open and close his eyes, the retina begins to respond to impulses. For a month, the baby grows from 10-12 to 20 cm, its weight approaches 200-250 g.

Dangers of the fourth month of pregnancy.

No matter how calm this time is, it also has its dangers. If there is a predisposition or there were injuries to the cervix - cervical insufficiency may form - the cervix cannot hold the increasing weight of the fetus and a miscarriage occurs. If you feel pain in the lower abdomen of a stabbing or shooting character, discharge intensifies - see a doctor immediately, the imposition of a pessary or sutures will allow you to deliver and give birth peacefully!

Medical supervision.

This month you have one visit to the doctor, the doctor will tell you about the test results, talk about nutrition and exercise. If there are deviations in health, it's time to treat them. This month you will have a special triple test for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and unconjugated estriol (NE). These indicators change with some congenital and genetic abnormalities, and if the risk of abnormalities is identified, it is performed twice at intervals of several weeks, this will allow the woman and the doctor to decide whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy. If there are problems with the teeth - the second trimester is high time to treat the teeth - pregnant women are given special anesthesia and the treatment is completely painless. But leaving your teeth without treatment is dangerous - this is a hotbed of chronic infection that can fall to the fetus. At this time, many pregnant women with an unfavorable background are sent under targeted federal programs for a course of rehabilitation and treatment in a sanatorium for pregnant women.

This month, the doctor will recommend switching to taking multivitamins with iron and calcium, and it is better as part of a special "pregnant" complex - this is the optimal composition. Review your diet - you will need about 2-00-300 kcal per day more than before pregnancy. But it is better to eat often and little by little. The diet should always contain meat and fish, eggs, cereals, dairy products and cereals. Be sure to fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dishes from them. Pregnancy is not the time for diets and restrictions - remember, you are now responsible not only for yourself, you need to give life and health to a new man! Walks, fitness for pregnant women and an active lifestyle are useful - travel, travel, swimming. Pregnancy is not a disease and does not impose restrictions on a woman. Women are worried - is it possible to do manicure and paint during pregnancy? Of course you can, just pick up special sprays and hair dye. You can also go to cosmetic procedures, use creams and masks for hair and face - the expectant mother should be beautiful. It becomes more difficult with sleep - it is no longer possible to sleep on your stomach, and on your back the pregnant uterus presses on the spine and vein. Buy a banana pillow and sleep with it between your legs or under your side to help you feel better. It is better to sleep on the left side.

So, we have reached the equator, we are entering the second half of pregnancy!

Pregnancy calendar: fifth month

Fifth month of pregnancy... This is the equator of pregnancy, you will find out the gender of the baby (if you want, of course), and those around you will notice your rounded tummy. You already clearly feel the movements of the baby, communication with him is already acquiring the character of a dialogue. You are opening a wonderful new world - motherhood, it will take over you completely and all problems will recede into the background. And more and more often you will be haunted by thoughts of an imminent birth.

Changes in the mother's body in the fifth month of pregnancy.

The uterus grows rapidly and your pregnancy is hard to miss. If at the beginning of the month the bottom of the uterus is in the middle between the pubis and the navel. Then by the end of the month it can be felt already a couple of centimeters above the navel. And the navel itself can stretch and flatten.
The volume of circulating blood constantly increases, it helps you and your baby to get everything you need for growth and development. Due to the discrepancy between the amount of the liquid part of the blood and its formed elements, especially erythrocytes, physiological anemia of pregnant women may occur. This is normal - but your doctor will most likely prescribe iron supplements for you to replenish iron stores. To find out your hemoglobin level, your doctor will prescribe a fingertip blood test.

Due to the action of hormones, the joints and ligaments have become weaker. Therefore, pain in the lower back or in the area of ​​the joints is possible, this is not dangerous. The baby's skeleton is growing and you need calcium, otherwise the baby will take it from your skeleton.

The placenta is now located on one of the walls and is already fully functioning - however, the doctor will clarify its location, sometimes there are abnormal attachments. However, the placenta tends to "rise", so even if it is still low, it is not scary.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the fifth month of pregnancy.

This month you will fly on wings - your baby "speaks" to you with body language. he knocks with his feet. Handles in response to your words, pushes you in the tummy. These feelings are difficult to describe in words - but they are unforgettable, involve dad in communicating with the baby. Let him whisper to him gentle words into the "microphone" - the navel area is the thinnest and the sounds are conducted better.

The activity of the baby and its movement depends on many factors - on the amount of your movements, nutrition, stay in the fresh air. At rest, you listen to yourself more and movements are heard more often. If the baby is very "rowdy", this may indicate a lack of oxygen - go get some air.

The growing uterus supports the internal organs, and they are displaced, including the stomach. Due to a change in position, heartburn, an unpleasant sensation in the esophagus, may appear. It can increase with the growth of the uterus, and it goes away after childbirth. Usually, heartburn is not severe, and a change in diet helps to cope with it - seeds, milk, yogurt often help, but if it is hard for you to endure, the doctor will prescribe means of relief.

An unpleasant symptom may appear this month - itchy skin, especially on the abdomen and thighs, where it is most stretched. This sensation is unpleasant, but not dangerous for you and the baby, however, do not scratch the skin - it is better to smear it with a soothing lotion or cream.

Due to the growth of the uterus, there is also the appearance of a "symptom of the inferior vena cava", dizziness and lightheadedness if lying on your back. This is due to compression of a vein running along the spine and impaired blood flow to the head, therefore, try to rest more often on your left side or with your legs raised - half-sitting.

Changes occur in the breast, and the first colostrum may appear - yellowish droplets, this is a preparation for feeding. If there is a lot of colostrum, use breast pads. But if it is not there - this does not mean that you will not be able to feed - everyone has their own term for the appearance of colostrum.

Your emotions also change, you realize that half the way has passed and the birth is getting closer. They can scare you, and a good way to overcome fear is to take a childbirth preparation course, now is the time. They will teach you everything - breathing and relaxation, prepare your body and mind.

Now you have become calmer, slower, time flows steadily - this is a feature of the nervous system, the dominant of pregnancy. It protects you from negativity and gives you peace of mind. If anxiety does not leave you, it interferes with a normal life - this is a reason to talk to a psychologist, do art therapy, or just get distracted by a hobby.

Your baby (fetal development in the fifth month of pregnancy).

Your baby has already grown up to 20 cm, and he weighs almost 250 g. He grows very quickly, never in his life does a person grow so fast. Within a month, his growth will become 10 cm more. reaching 30 cm and the weight will double, become about 500g. The doctor will use a special apparatus to listen to his heartbeat.

Now his skeleton is actively growing and he needs a lot of calcium, his nails are growing. The phalanges of the fingers are formed, the rudiments of already permanent teeth have appeared. The skin differentiates - sweat glands appear in it, subcutaneous fat accumulates, which will retain heat. Skin cells and hairs are constantly dying off, a special cheese-like lubricant is formed from them, which covers the baby's body at birth - it is creamy in color.

While the baby's body is still disproportionate - the head is much larger than all parts of the body, the brain is developing very actively. The child learns to control his movements, and the role of the brain in this is dominant. The baby can already suck his finger, touch the body and the walls of the uterus, change position inside the uterus several times a day. Sometimes he can make movements like cough or hiccups, and the mother feels it through the abdominal wall.

The baby's face is already changing its expression, and this can already be seen on an ultrasound scan, he already has a taste and he is pouring into the amniotic fluid that his mother ate. His bone marrow is already producing blood cells, and there are already enough red blood cells in it to meet his needs for oxygen, which he receives through the placenta. Contrary to popular belief, the fetus and the mother do not have the same blood, each has its own, and may even differ in group and rhesus. In addition, the baby is already creating its own protective cells, leukocytes, to fight possible infections.

Dangers of the fifth month of pregnancy.

The uterus grows and presses on the internal organs, the ureters are pinched, which, under certain conditions, can cause pyelonephritis. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to regularly empty their bladder and take a urine test - this will prevent a formidable disease.

The expectant mother may be bothered by bleeding gums, sensitivity of the teeth, pain in the pelvis and muscle cramps - these are the consequences of a lack of calcium, which goes to the growth of the baby, it is necessary to take additional calcium supplements. In addition, you need to eat enough calcium-containing foods - this is milk and dairy products, as well as nuts, cabbage and much more.

Another danger can be a violation of the position of the placenta - its complete or incomplete presentation. This may be due to abnormalities in pregnancy or the structure of the uterus. This is dangerous because placental abruption can occur, which is life-threatening. If there is bloody discharge from the genital tract or bleeding - urgently call an ambulance and a hospital.

Medical supervision.

Now you will have to visit the doctor more often - this month you will come to the doctor twice, more frequent observation is due to the increasing load on you. You will have a urinalysis before each visit. At the appointment, they will weigh you, measure the pressure and size of the tummy, the height of the fundus of the uterus, examine you on a chair and take a smear.

This month, you will again see the baby with your own eyes - at the second scheduled ultrasound scan, which, by the way, can be used to find out the baby's gender. In addition, the baby will be measured and determined weight, length and development. The condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid and the condition of the cervix will be assessed.
In addition, during the study, you will also undergo Doppler ultrasound - this is a way to study blood flow in the vessels inside the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord and baby's body.

Your appetite increases. But you need to show moderation in everything - weight gain should be about 5 kg from the moment pregnancy begins, excess weight will not be beneficial. in ordinary life, there are almost no restrictions - you can swim in the shower or take a bath, go to the pool, go to fitness for pregnant women, travel.

Now your sexuality has blossomed. If there are no medical contraindications, intimate life continues in the same rhythm. The baby is well protected by the fetal bladder and the uterus, and you will not harm him in the slightest.

Rest often during the day, walk for at least 1-2 hours a day, sleep during the day if possible. If you are still working, it is time to discuss your upcoming maternity leave with your superiors. Plus, you get substantial work perks, light work, and extra breaks.

You can start thinking about a dowry for the baby, especially since most likely you already know his gender, plan purchases and buy little things little by little. But don't turn shopping into a long marathon. Shopping for crumbs is a very pleasant thing, share it with your dad-to-be.

We have passed the equator of pregnancy, there are four months left before the birth!

Pregnancy calendar: sixth month

Sixth month of pregnancy... Your tummy grows very quickly and you walk proudly carrying it in front of you. Your baby is already actively communicating with you and the future dad. You feel its movements very actively. It's time to take up his prenatal upbringing - listening to music, going to exhibitions, doing creative work - all this will help you raise a good person.

Changes in the mother's body in the sixth month of pregnancy.

You are now feeling very good, you are enjoying your pregnancy. However, the thought of childbirth is already overwhelming you, and sometimes the state is already tiresome - especially when evening comes. Your hormonal background changes, changes affect immunity - it decreases so as not to reject the baby. Therefore, the microflora of the genital tract may change and an unpleasant thing may appear - thrush or candidiasis, and sometimes vaginitis occurs. This is accompanied by unpleasant itching and increased vaginal discharge. This is a conditionally pathogenic flora, which, due to a decrease in immunity, is activated and begins to cause inconvenience. Then the smear changes, and the doctor will resort to prescribing special suppositories that are safe during pregnancy or other medications to level the microflora and treat unpleasant symptoms. After treatment, your doctor will give you a flora test to make sure everything is in order. It is imperative to treat this, in addition to unpleasant symptoms, it can become dangerous for the crumbs - lead to the threat of premature birth.

At this time, the load on the heart and the vascular system increases, because the volume of blood in the vessels has increased by almost half. Regular monitoring of blood pressure is necessary, as well as the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. If anemia occurs, the doctor will recommend that you increase the amount of protein and meat products in your diet - beef, chicken, offal, and also take iron supplements.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the sixth month of pregnancy.

Your tummy grows and rounds quickly. By the end of the month, the bottom of the uterus rises 2-3 cm above the navel. Your wardrobe has already been significantly revised and changed, however, this is not a reason to wear baggy T-shirts and wide pants. Now there are many salons for pregnant women that can pick up clothes for you at any time, even an evening dress so that it will emphasize all your charms!

It's time for you to wear a bandage. If you haven't started doing it even earlier. It will support the tummy and reduce the stress on the spine, and due to the fact that the belly is supported, there is less risk of skin stretch marks. Your bond with your baby is so strong. What do you feel in his mood - when he is happy and when he is not. You like to play with him - he pushes into your hands, applied to your stomach, reacts to your voice.
Your weight is gradually increasing - the average gain is from 250 to 350-400 g per week, your weight will be monitored by a doctor, there is no point in weighing yourself every day at home.

Minor swelling may appear in the area of ​​the feet, face or hands, you do not need to be afraid - this is fluid retention due to hormones. Try not to drink a lot of fluids, but you don't need to limit yourself in it, do not lean on salty. Hot and spicy - it makes you thirsty. Remove tight rings and bracelets, do not wear elastic bands on the body and narrow socks.

The skin on the abdomen and chest is strongly stretched, and stretch marks (striae), purple stripes may appear due to the separation of skin fibers. There is no need to be upset. They will turn white after childbirth and become almost invisible, their appearance depends on the characteristics of the skin and heredity. It is almost impossible to prevent their appearance, but they can be reduced by using special remedies for stretch marks. Control your weight, keep yourself in shape - good spirits are the main thing now.

Your baby (fetal development in the sixth month of pregnancy).

In this month of pregnancy, the child will grow up to 30-35 cm, and the weight will gain up to 800-1000g. While he is still a toddler, he already knows a lot. His skin is still very thin, red, wrinkled like an old man's. The body is coated with a cheese-like lubricant that protects the baby from the effects of amniotic fluid, which can soften the skin. The child actively moves, opens and closes his eyes, swallows amniotic fluid. There is still very little subcutaneous fat, it is just beginning to accumulate and round up. There is a lot of vellus hair on the body of the crumbs, its cartilages in the ears and nose are still thin, the marigolds have not yet grown. The boy's testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum. However, if childbirth suddenly begins and the child is born prematurely, from the sixth month the doctors can already leave him and he will live.

Dangers of the sixth month of pregnancy.

The danger can be the threat of premature birth, which can arise as a result of intrauterine infection, therefore. it is extremely important to protect yourself from colds. Contact with animals and infectious patients - especially if it is mononucleosis, herpes, cytomegaly, toxoplasmosis.

Besides. during this period, gestosis - or toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy can make itself felt. It occurs due to malfunctions in the body and is manifested by an increase in pressure, edema. Protein in urine is a common bad condition. Due to this, the normal work of the placenta and the entire mother's body is disrupted. Severe gestosis can be dangerous to the life and health of the mother and baby and requires hospital treatment.

At the end of this month, placental insufficiency may develop, this is a condition in which it cannot fully fulfill its function - to provide the fetus with nutrition and oxygen. Then, treatment will also be required, as well as a detailed ultrasound and Doppler examination.

Medical supervision.

In the sixth month, you will see your doctor twice, and your blood and urine tests will be ordered. Eliminate anemia and urinary tract inflammation. On examination, the doctor will determine your weight, gain in a month, the height of the fundus of the uterus, the circumference of the abdomen, and from them he will calculate the estimated weight and height of the crumbs. He will listen with a special obstetric stethoscope or a crumbs heartbeat apparatus, determine his position. He will carefully ask you about the movements and your feelings. Then the doctor will ask you to show your arms and legs - if you have edema, especially if you are gaining a lot of weight.

Do not hesitate to ask the doctor all the questions that worry you, even if they seem stupid or naive to you - this is your health and your baby, everything should be fine with him. The doctor will advise you to get ready for childbirth, take multivitamins, walk a lot and rest more, maternity leave is coming soon - if you are still working, it's time to complete all the cases.

During this period, your metabolism and your sweating increase significantly, dress lighter for walks and use odorless antiperspirants and dyes. You may want to drink more as some of the fluid is lost in sweat. Just give preference to pure mineral water without gas, juice diluted in half with water or compotes, fruit drinks. You shouldn't consume soda, even if it's mineral water. It can trigger heartburn, and soda can make you thirsty and make you swelling.

It's time to start gymnastics and breathing exercises for childbirth, this will give you the opportunity to prepare well for them. Just do it in special courses or under the supervision of an instructor - you can do something wrong on your own and it can be harmful.

Often in the sixth month there are cramps and spasms of the muscles of the legs - these are signs of a lack of calcium. Start taking a multivitamin to help you manage your cramps.

Eat a little, but often, do not go on diets - you don't need them now. Wear clothes that do not press, rub, or irritate the skin, made from natural breathable fabrics.

It is important to monitor your stools and regularly empty your bowels, so eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products.
Walk, relax, be creative, buy a dowry for your baby - now is the time.

The third trimester begins - reaching the home stretch.

Pregnancy calendar: seventh month

Seventh month of pregnancy... There is not much time left before the birth - you have entered the third trimester of pregnancy. You go on maternity leave and it's time to take care of yourself and collect a dowry for the baby, prepare the house for his arrival - "make a nest." In addition, now is the time to decide on the maternity hospital and get acquainted with the doctor who will lead your childbirth, especially if you plan to give birth with your husband.

Changes in the mother's body in the seventh month of pregnancy.

At the beginning of the month, the bottom of the uterus is located 2-3 cm above the navel. And by the end of the month, it is already determined in the middle between the navel and the xiphoid process, all this is from 28 to 32 cm from the pubis. The uterus compresses the internal organs of the woman and shifts them up. Therefore, the diaphragm is also compressed and can no longer move so freely, there is difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath when walking quickly or climbing stairs. Unpleasant sensations may occur under the ribs due to pressure from the uterus.

The area around the nipples grows and darkens, age spots and a line on the abdomen become dark and visible. Pregnancy hormones change the properties of the skin, affecting proteins - collagen and elastin, they give the skin the ability to stretch during childbirth. If these proteins are not enough, the skin begins to stretch excessively, and stretch marks form. This became especially noticeable now - when the stomach has increased and the chest has become heavy.

Lobules and ducts continue to form in the breast, and colostrum, the precursor of milk, can be secreted. It is necessary to feed the child in the first 2-3 days, now is the time to choose the most comfortable bra - without seams and with a stretchable cup.
This month, you will add 300-450 g per week, by the end of this month, the total weight gain may leave from 7 to 12 kg, depending on the initial build.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the seventh month of pregnancy.

You have gained a lot and your tummy has grown, therefore, you began to feel like a small hippo - round and clumsy. During this period, back pain may occur due to an increase in the concentration of the hormone relaxin, which prepares the ligaments and tissues for childbirth. Because of it, your ligaments and joints have become more loose. Your gait has become peculiar, waddling like a duck. During pregnancy, the muscles of the veins also relax, so varicose veins may appear, the muscles of the esophagus relax and heartburn occurs more often, and if the muscles of the bladder relax, there may be mild urinary incontinence. All these are temporary difficulties and they will pass after childbirth. Pay attention to your posture - this will prevent your back muscles from hurting.

You began to dream about the baby and childbirth, you began to wake up at night for frequent trips to the toilet. In addition, your toddler will often push harder at night when you are at rest, especially if you are uncomfortable for him or her.

The future dad can now not only feel, but also see the baby's movements with his eyes - from time to time, bulges appear on the surface of the abdomen, which are the handle, leg or other parts of the baby's body. If the baby moves a little, you may be walking or moving a little, but if the child dramatically changes the number of movements, this is a reason to see a doctor. During this period, if the baby is lying head down, his tremors in the area of ​​the liver or ribs can be quite strong and even painful. Lie on your side to reduce discomfort.

Your feelings have become special - you are no longer interested in everything that does not concern the baby and pregnancy - this is a "narrowing of interests." You can read for hours about babies and care products, study films and materials on childbirth, but you are not at all interested in everything around. This is normal - this is how the body attunes you to motherhood - but remember about those around you. They may not always appreciate the lengthy conversations about diapers, accept that people have other interests besides your future heir. Find a forum for your interests, a friend with a child or in a position and communicate.

The child has occupied almost all the free space in the uterus, its proportions begin to level out, the head is no longer as large as it was before. During this month, he will grow up to 40-42 cm and gain weight up to 1600-1800 g. His skin becomes pink due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, he already has rather long hairs on his head. There are eyebrow eyelashes, marigolds grow, but have not yet reached the edge of the fingers, ear and nasal cartilages are still soft.

The brain is actively growing and developing, nerve cells are actively working, and protective myelin sheaths appear around the fibers - a kind of isolation. A baby at seven months can feel pain, can learn, and reacts to all stimuli almost like an ordinary baby. If a loud noise is heard, he begins to worry, if you press on his stomach, he pushes, and with monotonous sounds he calms down and falls asleep. In addition, the fruit can taste and taste. Therefore, if the mother eats something tasty, the baby will thank her with pushes in the tummy. His eyes distinguish between light and darkness, only there is nothing to look at in his stomach - it’s always dark there.

The kid already knows how to regulate his body temperature, although not very well yet. His bone marrow is already formed and is responsible for the production of blood cells. He has completely soy blood, although he replenishes his reserves through the placental barrier - there is an exchange of gases and nutrients, and the baby gives his mother the waste substances. The baby begins to train breathing, actively contracting the muscles of the chest, which sometimes leads to the ingress of amniotic fluid into the respiratory tract, then the baby begins to hiccup.
The kid has become strong and energetic, he pushes clearly and can even be discerned. How does he do it - with arms or legs. From about 28 weeks, he takes up a position upside down in the uterus, although he can still turn.

Dangers of the seventh month of pregnancy.

In this period, intrauterine growth retardation may be found - this is a lag in the fetus in height and weight, which frightens pregnant women. However, this may be due to an error in determining the timing and does not mean that his brain is developing poorly and the child will be defective. It is worth worrying and being examined if the delay is 2 or more weeks. The causes of this condition can be - genetic characteristics, parents and the whole family are short, mother's anemia or her bad habits, toxicosis, illness, and so on. More precisely, the doctor will tell you after the ultrasound and tests. If necessary, you will be admitted to a hospital or treated at home - they will prescribe drugs that improve the delivery of nutrients to the fetus and vitamins.

In addition, from this month on, the doctor will determine the position of the fetus - if it lies across or head up. This can complicate childbirth, and the doctor will prescribe gymnastics, which will "persuade" the baby to turn head down. In addition, the doctor will ask you to wear a brace after the baby is turned around.

In the seventh month, women at risk can sometimes experience preterm labor. If there is a threat, you should beware - watch your weight. Refrain from intimate life, stop working. Listen to the advice of your doctor and get plenty of rest, if you need to lie down on conservation - do not refuse.

Medical supervision.

From now on, doctor visits will take place every two weeks. In addition, it will be necessary to repeat all tests and undergo medical examinations. Blood is donated - general and biochemical tests, urine, examination for syphilis and hepatitis, consultation of a therapist and ophthalmologist is indicated. If a pregnant woman has the first blood group and a negative Rh factor, she is also tested for the level of antibodies.

At 30 weeks (or at 28 - if you are expecting twins), you will be issued a sick leave and a birth certificate. From now on, your maternity leave will begin. Its term is 70 days before childbirth and 70 after them. To obtain these documents, you need a passport and a policy, a pension certificate and a compulsory medical insurance policy, if you work. With this birth certificate, you will receive help at the maternity hospital and pediatrician care after the baby is born.

Your weight is gaining. And the tummy is leaning forward more and more, the center of gravity is shifting - therefore, choose comfortable shoes so as not to fall and not get tired. Your movements should be unhurried, be careful - your tummy can touch the door handles, the corners of the tables. Try to avoid commuting on public transport during peak hours and shopping during sales days, as you may be pushed inadvertently.

You need to continue regular classes at school for pregnant women or at fitness, do breathing exercises and stretching at home. Now it is important to regularly visit the toilet in a small way, so as not to create stagnation of urine and prerequisites for infection.
Rest more often with raised legs, getting out of bed, first roll over onto your side, and then stand up without straining your abdominals. Walk often outside of nature, near the water or in the park.

Of course, you now want to renovate your house - but shift these concerns to your family, it won't do you any good. But make a shopping list for the crumbs and buy little things in stores.

Yes, you are already pretty tired. But only a little bit is left - two months ...

Pregnancy calendar: eighth month

Eighth month of pregnancy... It's already hard for you to carry your big tummy and the expectation begins to weigh on you. But do not be discouraged - there is already a little left before the meeting with the baby and it's time to collect the bags for the hospital. Keep a pregnancy diary and write your feelings and wishes for the baby in it every day. Maintain a positive attitude towards meeting your baby.

Changes in the mother's body in the eighth month of pregnancy.

During this month, your belly will increase in size almost to the maximum, the uterus has risen almost to the level of the ribs and you may experience a feeling of shortness of breath and shortness of breath. The kid pushes with his legs quite sensitively, kicking you in the ribs or liver. The height of the fundus of the uterus from the pubis reaches 39-40 cm and takes the highest position. All pregnant women have a different shape of the abdomen and sizes, in addition, by the size of the abdomen, one cannot judge either the size or the gender of the baby. It depends only on the characteristics of the figure and the capacity of the pelvis.

Your weight arrives at 300-400 g per week, and if your gain is more than half a kilogram per week, the doctor will look at urine tests and blood pressure, it is possible that weight is a sign of fluid retention. On average, weight by 8 months of pregnancy increases by 8-14 kg. the less weight was before pregnancy, the more a woman usually gains.

In the last months of pregnancy, due to hormones, excess hair can appear, which is very upsetting for expectant mothers. It depends on the fact that hair falls out much less than in the pre-pregnant stage, and they grow stronger than usual due to hormones that help the baby grow. After childbirth, excess hair that has not fallen out will begin to fall out, and everything will return to its previous rate.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the eighth month of pregnancy.

This month is difficult morally and physically, you are uncomfortable in such a large body. The tummy interferes with movement, fatigue accumulates, and a large belly and frequent trips to the toilet, insomnia and baby's points interfere with sleep. In addition, lying down is quite difficult to breathe, your back hurts, and you are looking for a comfortable place for a long time. However, it is comforting to think that there are only a few weeks left before the meeting with the baby.

During this period, you can feel the so-called training contractions - these are not painful and irregular contractions of the uterus that appear in its upper segment and spread downward. They prepare the uterus for subsequent labor.

At this time, heartburn may bother you, even if you eat a little, remember our recommendations - drink milk or yogurt. Eat small meals, bend less. If heartburn is excruciating, ask your doctor for a prescription for it.

Walking is now more difficult - however, walks and fresh air are still needed. The kid is very active on a walk. He likes fresh air, and he sensitively kicks you in the ribs, or in the navel with his handles. Try to talk to him and calm him down, pig him not to kick so much.

Your psychological state also changes, you become anxious and anxious, emotional. It seems to you that no one loves and understands you - this is a normal condition of a pregnant woman. In addition, fear for the baby is mixed in, the fear of not coping with the responsibilities of the mother. You start to "nest" - this is early labor syndrome. The woman "is building a nest with a baby". However, do not move furniture or paint the ceiling, washing windows - this can harm you, ask loved ones to help you, or limit yourself to light room decors.

Talking to the future dad and family about everything that you would like or what worries you will help. Go to school for expectant mothers, talk to the same pregnant women and you will understand that you are not the only one - all women go through this stage. If you feel good, go out of town on vacation, go to the movies or for a walk, in a word, take a break from your everyday routine.

Your baby (fetal development in the seventh month of pregnancy).

The baby has grown significantly and it is cramped in the uterus, it is necessary to tighten the arms and legs strongly. It is no longer as active as it used to be because of the tightness, its tremors are felt mainly in the limbs, or it is tossing and turning with the head and body. His movements are especially sensitive in the area of ​​the ribs.

Most babies have already taken a head-down position at this time, and this will remain so until delivery. This is determined by the doctor, but sometimes, with the help of exercises, you can persuade the baby to turn around if he has not yet occupied the required room.

The baby's organs are finally formed, the roundness of the cheeks, shoulders, hips and butt appears. These are fat deposits that will keep your baby warm and look so cute. The nails on the fingers have almost grown to the edge of the phalanges, the cheese-like grease covers his body in a thick layer, but the fluff on the body gradually disappears, the cartilages of the nose and ears become harder.

The child has already formed the basic reflexes - breathing, sucking, he sleeps and sees dreams, the nervous system and connections between neurons are actively formed. Between the bones of the skull there are cartilaginous membranes - sutures, due to which the head in childbirth is configured for the birth canal and does not injure the child's brain. The body of the crumbs began to accumulate iron, calcium is deposited in the bones. The fetal endocrine system is actively working and producing hormones. In a boy, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

The baby's lungs are fully formed and there is already enough of a special substance - a surfactant, so that the baby can breathe himself in case of premature birth.

In a month, the baby will grow up to 45 cm, his body weight by the end of the month will be 2.5 kg, he adds 30 g of weight per day.

Dangers of the eighth month of pregnancy.

The most dangerous complication now can be gestosis - this is pressure, edema, kidney failure and toxicosis. The exact causes of gestosis have not yet been established, but this condition is dangerous for the mother and child, usually in the case of the development of gestosis, urgent delivery is indicated in order to save both lives.

If you have flies in front of your eyes, swelling occurs, blood pressure has increased, a headache appears - this is a reason to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Without treatment, it can result in eclampsia - convulsions that turn into a coma and death.
In the case of a timely start of treatment, everything ends happily and you can safely report the pregnancy.

Medical supervision.

A visit to the doctor is mandatory every two weeks with a preliminary urine test. The doctor will monitor your pressure and weight, the height of the fundus and abdominal circumference, the heartbeat of the baby, and the presence of edema.

At the end of the eighth month, you will have to be examined on a chair with swabs for flora if it is restless. The doctor will suggest that you be treated with drugs that are safe for the baby. Now, always carry all documents and an exchange card with you - childbirth is an unpredictable thing and can begin at any time - the documents contain all the necessary information about you. In addition, you will undergo a routine ultrasound examination, where you will see your baby again, and the doctor will assess his condition and the condition of the placenta, the amount and nature of amniotic fluid. At the same time, CTG of the fetus is also carried out - a recording of its movements and the work of the heart. It will allow you to assess the state of the crumbs - whether he is experiencing discomfort in the mother's stomach.

Gradually, the doctor prepares you for childbirth, plans its course and conduct - whether they will pass on their own or are there indications for a cesarean section.

Now it is important to monitor your weight and your condition, to rest more and more often. Eat often and in small portions, drink only clear unsweetened water - salty and carbonated drinks increase thirst and provoke swelling. Limit salt and sugar in your diet, give preference to food proteins, and reduce carbohydrates and fats. Be outdoors more often, take a leisurely stroll, or sit on a park bench with a book or magazine.

Collect packages in the maternity hospital - there should be three of them - the first one for childbirth. the second for the postpartum period and the third for discharge and put them in prominent places. The composition of these packages differs in different maternity hospitals and therefore they will definitely tell you about it in the courses on preparation for childbirth.
At home, do not overwork yourself with work - do not stand for a long time in one position and do not sit with your legs crossed. It's time to think about choosing a maternity hospital and about whether you will go to give birth alone or with a partner. If you are going to give birth together, it's time to sign a contract for childbirth and send your partner for examinations, without them he will not be allowed to the hospital.

So, the last month of pregnancy comes, at the end of which a long-awaited meeting is coming - the birth of your baby !!!

Pregnancy calendar: ninth month

Ninth month of pregnancy... We are at the finish line - childbirth can be expected, in principle, any day and the baby will be fully viable and complete. You are listening more and more to your body, expecting hints of an imminent birth, dreaming of meeting a baby, especially since it has become easier for you to breathe and eat due to the sagging belly. There are only a few days left, and you will become a mother !!! You will remember this moment forever.

Changes in the mother's body in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Your tummy is no longer growing, its size has reached its maximum - from the pubis it has risen to a height of 35 to 40 cm, depending on the capacity of the pelvis and physique. Your weight has increased by 8-15 kg from being pregnant, although it could be a little more, especially if you were thin. In the last weeks of pregnancy, your weight will not increase, and may even decrease - excess water leaves before childbirth and the body prepares for a happy event. Now everything works not for the growth and development of the baby, but for preparing him and his mother for childbirth - the placenta rebuilds its work and "grows old". From 36-37 weeks, the placenta begins to reduce the level of progesterone, due to which the pregnancy continues, which begins to gradually start the process of childbirth. The fetus grows rapidly and the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, the uterus very closely embraces the fetus, its adrenal glands react to the pressure of the uterus, releasing cortisol, a stress hormone. This triggers labor.

In the mother's brain, a "generic" dominant is formed by analogy with a pregnant woman, this is the mood for childbirth, the inclusion of all the necessary hormones and organs in the process, the disconnection of the mother from all other problems and worries. Only this will be able to accurately coordinate the process of childbirth - if something mixes during the formation of a generic dominant, the process of childbirth will be disrupted.

Due to the generic dominant, the level of oxytocin increases - this pituitary hormone is responsible for contractions that begin to open the cervix. By the time of childbirth, the cervix "matures", becoming soft and elastic. That will give her the opportunity to stretch by 10-12 cm. The circulatory system redistributes blood through the vessels, increases the release of blood cells to prevent anemia.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the ninth month of pregnancy.

This month you will learn about the "harbingers of childbirth", a special state of the body, indicating the imminent onset of labor. They appear at different times - from a couple of weeks to a couple of days before childbirth. So how can you feel?
We already talked about a slight decrease in body weight, before childbirth you can lose weight by 1-2 kg due to a decrease in appetite, bowel cleansing (feeling like before exams) and more frequent urination. This is the preparation of the body for childbirth. The loosening of the stool occurs quite pronounced, especially given the tendency of pregnant women to constipation, and is perceived as relief. Often you have to go to the toilet for a small one due to the lowering of the fetal head into the small pelvis and pressure on the bladder, but it will become easier to breathe and eat, heartburn will be relieved. This is called "the belly sank", and it can be seen sometimes even visually - the shape of the belly changes and it becomes lower.

Another of the symptoms of an early birth is the discharge of the mucous plug, however, you should not wait for a piece of mucus right away - for some it leaves in a day as a lump of gray-yellow color, for others it gradually leaves over the course of a week with increased discharge. What shouldn't be in the traffic jam is blood.

It became cramped in the uterus, and the fetal head was placed in the small pelvis and it is no longer so active in the abdomen, this is also a harbinger of childbirth. However, you should still feel it regularly in the form of light fidgeting or swaying. Harbingers in all women manifest themselves to varying degrees, and if you did not feel them, this does not mean that you are not preparing for childbirth.

Your psychological state has also changed. You have become slower, scattered, forgetful and often withdrawn into yourself, the body sets you up for childbirth. Your mood often changes - sometimes you are scared before childbirth. And sometimes activity and gaiety attacks, cry or laugh, give free rein to your emotions - this is not dangerous and will give you the opportunity to feel the care of loved ones. you are driven by nesting syndrome and are attacked by periods of mass cleaning, shopping or household chores. Try not to overdo it or overwork.

Now it is definitely necessary to decide on the maternity hospital and the method of childbirth, prepare everything you need and put it in a prominent place.

Your baby (fetal development in the ninth month of pregnancy).

The baby takes the position in the uterus for childbirth - his head is bent to the chest and located in the pelvic region, his arms and legs are brought to the body and bent at the joints, in this position he is most compactly located in a cramped uterus and so it is easiest for him to be born.

By the end of the month, the baby will be fully mature, his weight will be from 2600 to 4000 g, and his height from 48 to 55 cm.Every day, the child gains weight from 15 to 30 g, but it is very difficult to determine his weight for sure - even on an ultrasound scan he is put approximately.

The baby's skin is already light, there is almost no cannon, and the subcutaneous fat gives the baby puffiness in the area of ​​the ass, cheeks and back. The grease remains in the folds, almost disappearing on the body. At birth, the baby will scream loudly, will be able to suck and breathe actively.
There are strong bones on the head, connected by seams and fontanelles, due to which it is easier for the baby to be born. The cartilage on the nose and ears is hard, and the nails have grown to the edge of the toes.

In the boy, the testicles are descended into the scrotum, in the girl the large labia are covered by the small ones. The baby's intestines have accumulated the original feces - meconium, which the baby will empty in the first days after birth. The baby is already completely ready for extrauterine life, his liver stores iron for his expenses after birth in the first six months of life. The lungs are ripe and will be able to fully open during the first breath, the heart is preparing to work in a new rhythm. After birth, special detours will be closed in it, and there will be 4 completely fenced off chambers. Only the immune system has not matured - but the mother will protect the baby with antibodies transmitted through the placenta and milk during the first months of life.

Dangers of the ninth month of pregnancy.

In late pregnancy, stuffy rooms can be difficult for you, especially if you are lying on your back or sitting uncomfortably. Rest on your left side more often with a pillow between your legs. In addition, the balance of the body decreases in later periods - so walk in comfortable shoes so as not to fall and injure yourself. While climbing the stairs, hold onto the railing. In the last month, the issue of prolongation of pregnancy becomes relevant - however, sometimes this is not a true prolongation, but an incorrect due date. true overdue is a period of more than 42 weeks and it is dangerous for mother and baby, then labor will be stimulated or a cesarean section will be performed. The reasons for prolongation are not exactly known - but this is the risk of hypoxia and stillbirth. Therefore, such women are carefully watched.

Medical supervision.

Now appointments with a doctor will become weekly, you will be carefully examined and weighed, and your blood pressure measured. The doctor will observe the appearance of the harbingers of childbirth and will transfer you under the supervision of the maternity hospital. if necessary, you will be admitted to the hospital in advance.
Additionally, you will undergo a blood test, a smear for flora and an examination on the chair, if there is inflammation, you need to urgently treat it. The placenta is assessed weekly and the condition of the fetus, if necessary, the doctor will do CTG - assess the condition of the fetus, whether it is experiencing hypoxia.

When to go to the hospital? This is usually necessary if the water has receded or when regular contractions have begun. If in the waters it is clear - this is a stream gushing down the legs, which is difficult not to feel, then what contractions are is not clear to everyone. These are rhythmic contractions of the uterus with equal intervals between them, increasing in intensity and strength. When the contractions are reduced to an interval of every 10-15 minutes, an urgent need to go to the hospital.

Finding that the long-awaited pregnancy has come, many women experience a surge of enthusiasm and at the same time a desire to learn as much as possible about their new condition. Since changes in the body of a woman expecting a baby occur constantly, it is very convenient to calculate the pregnancy calendar by weeks and monitor your condition by consulting it.

Calculate pregnancy calendar and gestational age

To calculate the pregnancy calendar and term, special online services have been created. Using our calendar is simple: just enter the date in the special window when the last menstruation began - and in a few seconds you will become the owner of your personal calendar. The calculator will break the duration of your pregnancy into weeks, indicating the time frame for each of them: the start date and the end date of all weeks of your pregnancy separately.

It is very convenient and useful: referring to your personal calendar, you can adjust your lifestyle and nutrition, taking into account the needs of the body of the mother and child at different periods. You will also know in which of the periods the laying and development of your baby's organs takes place, your own condition and well-being changes, and this will make it easier for the doctor to monitor the well-being of your pregnancy. In addition, with the help of this calendar it is easy to figure out when one trimester ends and another trimester begins.

Calculate pregnancy calendar and due date

This pregnancy calendar also allows you to calculate your approximate due date. It falls on the date of the end of the fortieth week of pregnancy.

Of course, absolute - up to a day - accuracy cannot be obtained with this and any other method of calculation, because the duration of the menstrual cycle for different women can fluctuate, and the duration of the period of bearing a child is an absolutely individual indicator, despite the fact that there are averaged norms.

In any case, by calculating the pregnancy calendar by week, you can find out what has changed in your body and what happens to your baby in one week or another, as well as when you can approximately prepare for childbirth and expect the birth of the most beloved creature in the world !

Pregnancy is a physiological process in which a new human body develops in a woman's uterus, resulting from fertilization.

Pregnancy in women it lasts on average 280 days(40 weeks, which corresponds to 9 calendar months or 10 lunar months). It is also customary to divide pregnancy into 3 trimesters of 3 calendar months each.

Early pregnancy signs

In the early stages, pregnancy is diagnosed on the basis of doubtful and probable signs.

Doubtful signs of pregnancy- various kinds of subjective sensations, as well as objectively determined changes in the body, outside the internal genital organs: taste whims, changes in olfactory sensations, easy fatigue, drowsiness, skin pigmentation on the face, along the white line of the abdomen, nipples and areola.

Likely signs of pregnancy- objective signs on the part of the genitals, mammary glands and when staging biological reactions to pregnancy. These include: the cessation of menstruation in women of childbearing age, an increase in mammary glands and the appearance of colostrum when squeezing out of the nipples, cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, changes in the shape and consistency of the uterus, and an increase in its size.

You can preliminarily verify the presence of pregnancy at home using an express test for the content of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in a woman's urine (the test is carried out from the first day of the delay in the next menstruation).

It allows you to confirm the fact of pregnancy.

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman

Numerous and complex changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. These physiological changes create conditions for the intrauterine development of the fetus, prepare the woman's body for childbirth and breastfeeding of the newborn. Menstruation stops, mammary glands increase in volume, nipples darken.

Many pregnant women in the first trimester have nausea, sometimes vomiting - these symptoms are commonly called. Weakness, drowsiness, heartburn, salivation, change in taste, and frequent urination are common. These disorders of well-being are characteristic of a healthy and normal pregnancy.

Especially great changes occur in the genitals of a woman. The uterus increases with each, the blood supply to the internal and external genital organs increases. The tissues swell, acquire elasticity, which contributes to their better stretching during childbirth. In the mammary glands, the number and volume of glandular lobules increase, their blood supply increases, they become tense, from the nipples. The amount of gonadotropic hormones, as well as estrogens and progesterone, produced first by the corpus luteum (a temporary gland formed at the site of the follicle, from which the mature egg came out) and then, sharply increases. The hormones secreted by the corpus luteum (progesterone and, to a lesser extent, estrogens) contribute to the creation of conditions for the proper development of pregnancy. The corpus luteum undergoes reverse development after the fourth month in connection with the formation of the hormonal function of the placenta.

For the management of pregnancy, it is necessary (after 3 to 4 weeks after a delay in menstruation), where the doctor examines and examines the external and internal genital organs, and if necessary, additional examinations are prescribed.

Genitals during pregnancy

Uterus. During pregnancy, the size, shape, position, consistency and reactivity (excitability) of the uterus change. The uterus gradually enlarges throughout the pregnancy. The enlargement of the uterus occurs mainly due to hypertrophy of the muscle fibers of the uterus; at the same time there is a multiplication of muscle fibers, the growth of newly formed muscle elements of the reticular fibrous and argyrophilic "frame" of the uterus.

The uterus is not only a fruit receptacle that protects the fetus from adverse external influences, but also a metabolic organ that provides the fetus with enzymes, complex compounds necessary for the plastic processes of a rapidly developing fetus.

Vagina during pregnancy, it lengthens, expands, the folds of the mucous membrane protrude more sharply. The external genitals are loosened during pregnancy.

Pregnant woman lifestyle, regimen, nutrition and hygiene

The developing fetus receives all the necessary nutrients from the mother. The well-being of the fetus depends entirely on the health of the mother, her working conditions, rest, the state of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Pregnant women are released from night shifts, heavy physical work, work associated with body vibration or adverse effects on the body of chemical. substances. During pregnancy, jerky movements, heavy lifting and significant fatigue should be avoided. A pregnant woman needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Walking is recommended before bed.

A pregnant woman must be carefully protected from infectious diseases, which pose a particular danger to the pregnant woman's body and the fetus.

During pregnancy, you must especially carefully monitor the purity of the skin. Purity of the skin promotes the elimination of metabolic products harmful to the body through sweat.

A pregnant woman should wash her external genitals with warm water and soap twice a day. Douching during pregnancy should be administered with great caution.

During pregnancy, you should carefully monitor the state of the oral cavity and make the necessary.

The mammary glands should be washed daily with warm water and soap and wiped off with a towel. These methods prevent cracked nipples and mastitis. If, then you should massage them.

Pregnant clothes should be comfortable and loose: do not wear tightening belts, tight bras, etc. In the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a bandage that should support the abdomen, but not squeeze it.

The pregnant woman should wear low-heeled shoes.

You already know how a baby develops in the womb of an expectant mother, what an embryo looks like at each term. And what does a woman feel during pregnancy, how does her condition change, except for the cessation of menstruation, swelling of the mammary glands and an increase in the abdomen? A complete pregnancy calendar will help you find out - from the day of conception to the crucial moment of delivery.

How is a normal pregnancy in the early stages from the first days to 6 weeks

1-5th week

In 1-2 weeks, the oocyte matures. On the 3-4th week, it is fertilized and implanted into the uterus. At 4-5 weeks of the sex calendar of pregnancy, a change in appetite may occur. How is early pregnancy going and how does a woman feel? During this period, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting are possible. Engorgement of the mammary glands occurs. Menses are absent. You can reliably diagnose pregnancy by laboratory and test methods.

Women with thyroid diseases require special attention during this period. They urgently need to see an endocrinologist. Timely prescribed treatment will ensure the correct development of the thyroid gland of the unborn child. We must not forget about medical recommendations.

6th week

For some women, the discomfort this week of the pregnancy calendar may worsen. But what can you do, the reason is hormonal changes in the body, aimed at creating the best conditions for the development of the baby.

If you suffer from heartburn (the reason is the ingress of gastric contents into the esophagus), then eat more often, 6-7 times a day. Try to bend over as little as possible. After eating, walk around the room rather than go to bed right away.

Of course, the condition of some women in the first weeks of pregnancy is far from ideal. If you feel sick, try a simple but effective remedy. As soon as you wake up, without changing your body position (horizontal), immediately eat something - an apple, an orange, a bun, and you can also ask for a glass of milk or your favorite juice to be served in bed.

Regardless of how the pregnancy proceeds, from the first days try to get more rest, go to bed early, and get up later. It has a positive effect on the nervous system. If you are worried about constipation (the reason is the flaccidity of the intestinal muscles), drink more fluids, eat prunes and do special exercise.

If odors are annoying, just try to avoid contact with substances that are unpleasant to you.

If you are scared of how early pregnancy progresses, and you become very irritable, do auto-training (or relaxation) - it helps a lot. In no case do we resort to self-medication.

Do not forget that according to the pregnancy calendar, a woman's sensations such as nausea and intolerance to certain odors may increase.

In the process of how the first weeks of pregnancy proceed, a feeling of heaviness and periodic tingling in the mammary glands appears.

Your weight has not changed yet.

Since the cause of your worsening condition cannot be eliminated, you will have to adapt to it. Therefore, the recommendations of doctors remain valid. Sometimes the methods of oriental medicine (acupuncture, finger acupuncture) can cope with many ailments.

The emotional and physical state of a woman during pregnancy from 7 to 9 weeks

7th week

How does a woman feel in early pregnancy by the beginning of the seventh week? At this time, there is a gradual increase in the mammary glands, they acquire a rounded shape.

Dark brown discoloration of the nipples and areolae (areola) of the mammary glands is common during pregnancy.

8th week

Changes in the woman's physical condition during pregnancy at this stage, in the first place, can affect your skin. The body temperature rises, there is increased sweating and an increase in the formation of sebum, but it can be vice versa. In some pregnant women, the skin becomes firm and clean, while in others it becomes dry and itchy. Try to keep all the troubles to a minimum, limit the use of decorative cosmetics. It is categorically contraindicated to use cosmetics containing hormonal preparations.

For many, the first weeks of pregnancy pass like one breath - before you have time to look back, the third month of this quivering period has gone.

9th week

Pregnancy cannot go smoothly. Frequent mood swings bother you. Don't be alarmed. The release of pregnancy hormones not only changes your body, but also your emotions. Mood changes will occur in the first 3 months, when the level of hormones in the blood is changing especially strongly, as well as in the last weeks of waiting for childbirth. The emotional state of a woman during pregnancy at this time is somewhat depressed: you are constantly tired, you want to sleep all the time. This is fine. A new life is growing in you and this requires a huge expenditure of energy. Make sleep your top priority. Go to bed when you are tired, not after the end of your favorite TV shows. At work, during your lunch break, try putting your head on your desk, closing your eyes, and taking a 15-20 minute nap. After that, you will immediately feel better.

Take a closer look at your chest.

Pay attention to the photo of the pregnancy calendar - it is noticeable that the saphenous veins begin to shine through the skin in the form of a blue mesh, which means that the walls of the blood vessels are prone to varicose veins:

The same reason can lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids. Another reason for the formation of hemorrhoids is the enlarged uterus, which presses on the veins of the rectum. All previous recommendations remain valid.

To know in detail how a normal pregnancy proceeds in the early stages, it is not enough to get knowledge on the Internet - you definitely need to register with a antenatal clinic.

The condition of a woman in early pregnancy in the first trimester (from 10 to 12 weeks)

10th week

Nausea is still present - hold on, you just have to be patient a little, and your condition will improve.

In the area of ​​the areola of the mammary glands, small, lentil-sized nodules may appear. These are the so-called Montgomery nodules - enlarged sweat glands - which is also one of the signs of pregnancy.

According to the pregnancy calendar, by week at this time, the uterus has increased in width by about 10 cm, it rises into the abdominal cavity. With the help of an ultrasound examination of the size of the fetus, the doctor can more accurately determine the duration of pregnancy and the upcoming birth.

The gynecologist in the antenatal clinic, to which you should regularly go for check-ups, will explain in detail how an early pregnancy should proceed.

11th week

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the condition of some women leaves much to be desired. Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn in the morning. The best way to get rid of it is any position in which the entrance to the stomach is higher than the exit, as this helps to reduce the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. Try to stay upright after eating or lie on your right side. If you lie on your back, the likelihood of heartburn increases.

Given the condition of a woman in early pregnancy, the duration of a night's sleep should be at least 8 hours. Before him, you need to take a walk for 1-2 hours. The bed should be comfortable. Bed linen should be changed frequently. You should sleep on your back or on your right side.

12th week

The condition of a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy at the 12th week gradually improves, the nausea begins to pass. Take care of the prevention of varicose veins in the legs. If you have this disease or a predisposition to it, wear tight-fitting tights.

How early pregnancy should proceed and what a woman feels from 13 to 15 weeks

13th week

What happens in the 13th week of pregnancy when the first trimester ends? The problem that most often appears at this time is constipation, which causes very unpleasant sensations in a pregnant woman. Feelings of fullness can still be tolerated, but bloating with gas and associated pain, as well as some other difficulties, can be quite excruciating. It is good for the intestines to empty at a certain time and without haste. Eternal haste and lack of time, mainly in the morning after breakfast, when the intestines usually begin to work, stops the urge to empty (defecate), which after that do not appear for a long time. If the remnants of undigested food are not excreted daily with feces, some of the toxins formed from them are absorbed into the blood. These substances are very harmful to the body. They begin to be secreted by the kidneys, which already work with increased stress.

When the urge to defecate appears, the woman, due to lack of time, does not always respond to them and thus teaches the intestines to work irregularly and lazily. Only one thing can help here: the eradication of this habit. It is necessary to regularly visit the toilet and make the intestines work at the same time. Another cause of constipation is poor diet.

14th week

According to the detailed pregnancy calendar, changes in the skin continue during the 14th week. Pigmentation (brown coloration) appears in some of its areas.

Look at the photo of how the pregnancy proceeds at the 14th week - the "pregnant woman's mask" is clearly visible (staining of the skin of the forehead, temples, bridge of the nose, chin and upper lip in the form of a butterfly, which disappears immediately after childbirth):

In the calendar of this period of pregnancy, an increase in the volume of circulating blood is noted. You may be worried about urinating more often.

The whole body must be washed daily. This is necessary for both pleasant well-being and health. After washing completely in warm water, you will feel refreshed and healthy. During pregnancy, your baby receives 20% of oxygen through the skin, so it is important to keep it clean. Bathing water should be warm, never hot or cold. Both of these extremes can cause seizures and premature termination of pregnancy. Swimming in the bathroom is strictly prohibited. Place a rubber mat on the bottom of the tub when you shower. Without it, you can easily slip and fall. Injury should be avoided during pregnancy.

15th week

As the pregnancy progresses, this week the discomfort is over. You feel great. Your family fully appreciated your condition and is trying to help you in everything.

A healthy woman can do her usual work up to the seventh month of pregnancy. The ability to continue at a later date will depend on the type of activity. From the very beginning, it is imperative to avoid heavy physical labor (do not lift or carry weights), do not perform work related to bending the body (washing, cleaning the floors), give up sudden movements, jumping, quickly climbing or descending stairs. In the normal course of pregnancy, a woman can do normal work, since everyday moderate physical and mental stress has a beneficial effect on the body, and also prevents obesity, weakening of the muscular system, and does not lead to weakness of labor forces. When compiling a complete pregnancy calendar, it is especially noted that any overload can have an adverse effect on a woman's body.

Pregnancy calendar: what happens from 16 to 19 weeks

16th week

Metabolism during pregnancy changes significantly, this is due to the restructuring of the nervous system and endocrine glands. During pregnancy, the number and activity of enzymes increase. At the same time, the amount of metabolic products that need to be removed from the body increases. Basal metabolism and oxygen consumption increase.

17th week

At this time, the fundus of the uterus is 6 cm above the pubic articulation. Your pregnancy can no longer be hidden from others.

How should pregnancy proceed during this period? In the body of a pregnant woman, the volume of circulating blood increases. This is essential for a growing fetus. The work of your heart has increased, its pumping function increases by 20%. For a woman's body, this does not pass without a trace - the heart rate increases, sweating increases, discharge from the genital tract appears.

What does a woman feel during pregnancy in the 17th week? Discharge from the genital tract is unpleasant. Only a doctor will prescribe the correct treatment.

Leucorrhoea, in addition to other troubles, causes itching, which can be very excruciating, and sometimes painful. Sometimes, even without them, during pregnancy, the itching sensation is felt in the external genitals simply because they are overflowing with blood. In both cases, a sitz bath or just a wash will help. As a medicine for it, you can use a decoction of chamomile flowers or oak bark. But if the itching is especially painful, only your doctor will give you all the recommendations. Do not rub or scratch itchy areas, as irritated mucous membranes can come out, swell and become a dangerous source of infection for a pregnant woman.

18th week

This week, you may feel the fetus move for the first time. You will receive incomparable sensations, be surprised and delighted. But keep in mind that during this stage of pregnancy, wiggling may be inconsistent, so do not worry. It should be so. They will soon become regular and familiar.

The day of the first fetal movement can be used to calculate the date of the expected birth.

The assimilation of phosphorus is enhanced, which is necessary for the development of the nervous system and the skeleton of the fetus, as well as for the formation of protein in one's own body. Iron, which is a constituent part of hemoglobin, passes from the mother to the fetus. During intrauterine development, the fetus accumulates iron in the liver and spleen. With insufficient introduction of this element with food, anemia occurs in pregnant women, and development of the fetus is impaired. There is a delay in the body of a pregnant woman of other inorganic substances (potassium, sodium, trace elements). This has biological significance for the mother's body, in particular, for preparing for childbirth and.

19th week

The uterus continues to grow and takes up more and more space in the abdominal cavity. It becomes difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping and resting. At this time, it is better to start attending classes at the School of Motherhood. Pregnant women who have undergone psychoprophylactic training have much fewer complications during childbirth.

The accumulation of inorganic substances affects water metabolism, which contributes to water retention in the body. The juiciness of tissues inherent in pregnancy determines their easy extensibility, which is of great importance for the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. During the normal course of pregnancy, there is no significant retention of water and chlorides, the liquid is quickly excreted from the body. With the pathological course of pregnancy (late gestosis), fluid secretion slows down, the accumulation of water and chlorides in the body increases, and edema occurs.

Weekly pregnancy calendar in the middle of the second trimester from 20 to 23 weeks

20th week

The uterus has risen even more, its bottom is 12 cm above the pubic articulation. Congratulations, half of your pregnancy is over, you are in the middle of the second trimester. However, the condition of a woman in a given week of pregnancy may cause concern, since at this time, uterine contractions can sometimes be observed. These are the so-called Braxton-Hicks false contractions, that is, the uterus begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. While this is completely normal, care should be taken not to overload the body.

Vitamins are essential in the metabolism of pregnancy. The need for them increases in connection with the growth and development of the fetus, as well as the need to maintain their own metabolism. Increased need for vitamins A, B, D, E, K, PP and C. Vitamin C affects the development of the fetus and placenta, its daily requirement increases by 2-3 times. With an irrational diet of a pregnant woman, there is a lack of vitamins, which can lead to disruption of physiological processes in the female body. With hypovitaminosis, the development of the placenta is disrupted.

21-22nd week

The changes occurring in the woman's body at this time also apply to the genitals. The ovaries are enlarged, blood circulation in them increases. The uterus grows and grows in size. In the myometrium (the muscle layer of the uterus), there is an increase in the size and number of muscle fibers and connective tissue. Each muscle fiber lengthens 10-12 times and thickens 4-5 times, the thickness of the walls of the uterus reaches 3-4 cm, its connective tissue grows and loosens. The number of elastic fibers increases. The size, capacity, tone, excitability and contractility of the uterus increase. Irregular contractions of this organ may appear - rare and painless. They are not felt by the woman herself, but are registered only with a special study. This signals that the body is starting to prepare for childbirth. The position of the uterus has changed, the angle between her neck and body has disappeared, as she has deviated anteriorly. The consistency of the uterus becomes soft, especially in the lower segment. The fallopian tubes
take an upright position, thicken and more intensively blood supply. The cellulose of the pelvis becomes loose, extensible. At the same time, the blood supply to the vagina increases, its walls are loosened, become extensible, folds are more pronounced. The vaginal opening takes on a blue-purple (cyanotic) hue.

23rd week

In accordance with the exact calendar of pregnancy, this week the uterus has risen by another 4 cm. The enlargement of the mammary glands continues. If you massage and squeeze your breasts, colostrum will be released.

It is safe to say that every woman strives to breastfeed her baby and, thanks to this, create all the prerequisites for his further healthy development. In order to avoid any unpleasant surprises in the future, you need to take care of the mammary glands and nipples already during pregnancy, first of all, observe hygiene. It is very possible that many of you would find it a personal insult to mention the need to keep your nipples clean, but in reality, a small number of women practice their hygiene. In most cases, colostrum mixed with sweat and dust dries up on them in the form of crusts. This is due to the fact that many women have too sensitive nipples. For future painless breastfeeding, it is simply necessary to reduce their sensitivity.

How a normal pregnancy should proceed at 24-26 weeks

24th week

At this stage of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus is 20 cm above the bosom (at the level of the navel).

If you pay attention to the photo of the pregnancy calendar by week, you will see that the belly has grown noticeably at this time, the woman has grown stout:

The state of health is good. You feel when he changes his body position, stretches his arms or legs. You notice that the fetus has periods of rest and periods of activity. Mom and Dad can calm him down with gentle, rhythmic strokes. Sometimes painful cramps appear in the calf muscles, most often they occur when stretching the legs while stretching in bed. The reasons for this may be hormonal disorders in combination with a lack of vitamin B1.

How is pregnancy in women going at this time? An increase in intra-abdominal pressure makes it difficult for venous blood to flow from the lower extremities to the heart; it accumulates in the veins that cannot withstand pressure and expand.

If your leg cramp while you are standing, immediately sit down, or at least lean your elbows on something and bend your knee. If you are at home, lie down. Quickly massage the muscle of the bent leg to the very depth, as if you were kneading dough. The pain will quickly pass, but the muscle will still have increased sensitivity for a day or two. Try this while lying on your bed. You need to put something under your feet so that they are slightly raised.

If you want your legs to be healthy both after childbirth and throughout your entire life, take care of them during pregnancy, when they are heavily loaded. Avoid wearing round, tight garters that obstruct blood circulation. From time to time, let your legs rest - lie on your back for a few minutes across the bed, vertically against the wall and rest your raised legs on it. The blood will drain better from the veins, you will feel relief. In summer, it is recommended to walk barefoot on water or grass.

25th week

Your belly, in which the fetus is developing, has grown even more. For a while, you will have to forget about the wasp waist. The well-being is maintained. It's time to think about a dowry for your baby.

You get tired more often and sleep more. Some pregnant women start to feel pain in their back as more and more stretching of her muscles. These pains are most often observed in those women who previously had a severely curved lumbar spine and had pain during menstruation. During pregnancy, the curvature of the spine in this section increases even more, in connection with which painful sensations arise.

In order to get rid of them, or at least reduce them, start doing physical exercises in time. If you lie on your back and bend your knees, then these pains usually go away. Remain in this position for 10-15 minutes. Lying on your side with bent knees also relieves pain.

If the pain is too severe and you have not experienced anything like this before, see your doctor right away.

26th week

New, not entirely pleasant sensations appeared in the form of a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor, eat a little and more often (since the heartbeat can be associated with a full stomach), walk more, learn correctly, breathe.

The heart of the pregnant woman gradually adapts to the load. Due to the high standing of the diaphragm in the last months of pregnancy, it is located more horizontal and closer to the ribs. The heart rate increases moderately in the second half of pregnancy.

Exact pregnancy calendar by week in the third trimester (from 27 to 40 weeks)

27th week

How should a normal third trimester pregnancy proceed? During this period, a woman may begin to gain a lot of weight. The mammary glands are enlarged and engorged, imbalance and decreased mobility are often observed. Weakness and dizziness may appear.

Extreme care must be taken. Take care of yourself and your baby. If there is a trouble and you fall, immediately consult a doctor who will find out if everything is in order, and if necessary, will conduct a deeper examination.

During pregnancy, lung function increases due to the increased demand for oxygen. Although the uterus shifts the diaphragm upward at the end of pregnancy, the respiratory surface and vital capacity of the lungs do not decrease due to the expansion of the chest. Breathing in the last months of pregnancy becomes somewhat more frequent and deeper, gas exchange in the lungs increases. Sometimes congestion in the larynx and bronchial mucosa is noted. This increases the susceptibility of pregnant women to influenza and other common infectious diseases.

28th week

The uterus is growing. According to the Monday pregnancy calendar, at this time, the fundus of the uterus rises 4 cm higher from the level of the navel. Body weight also increases. Some women who are at risk of developing Rh-conflict with the fetus are injected with special drugs at this time to reduce the consequences of incompatibility between organisms.

During pregnancy, hematopoiesis increases, the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and blood plasma increases. An increase in the volume of circulating blood, the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin in them begins in the first months and continues until 7-8 months of pregnancy. Before childbirth, the intensity of hematopoiesis decreases. The volume of circulating blood by the end of pregnancy increases by 3 5-40%. An increase in the volume, number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin in the blood is of great importance for the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and tissues of the pregnant woman. Changes of an adaptive nature occur in the blood coagulation system, in particular, the coagulation potential increases, especially in the last months of pregnancy. This helps to prevent significant blood loss during childbirth (with placental abruption) and the early postpartum period.

29th week

You are in a quiet period. All the ailments, the unpleasant sensations of the beginning of pregnancy were left behind. The volume of the abdomen has increased, but not enough to greatly interfere with you.

The uterus becomes larger and you may experience some discomfort. This is normal as there is less and less free space for neighboring organs. The amount of cholesterol in your body increases, it is necessary for the production of progesterone, which is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Try to get more rest to reduce discomfort in your body. For a while, give up your homework, it is better to lie in bed, read an interesting book, listen to classical music. Get positive emotions, they will benefit not only you, but also your baby.

Blood glucose levels may rise, especially if you consume too much carbohydrate. When glucose appears in the urine, the pregnant woman must be carefully examined.

With the growth of the uterus, the bladder stretches, shifts upward, the urethra stretches and straightens. The tone of the ureters decreases, their lumen becomes wider. At the end of pregnancy, the fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis, in connection with which pressure on the bladder may increase and the urge to urinate may become more frequent.

30th week

The center of gravity of the body shifts, it becomes more and more difficult to carry the child. Therefore, to reduce discomfort, you need to continue to monitor your posture and do not forget about the bandage and exercise. They will help you maintain your posture, feel well and properly prepare for childbirth. But don't overdo it, especially if you haven't exercised before pregnancy. Walk more outdoors.

A set of gymnastic exercises corresponding to the exact calendar of pregnancy by week will be selected by specialists in the antenatal clinic.

While taking care of the unborn child during pregnancy, a woman, however, should not overstep boundaries. You should not think that it will be good for him if you take different pills, powders, or all kinds of tonics. During pregnancy, women like to use calcium supplements and various vitamins, which are often bought by their loving spouse, friends, and parents. This is completely unnecessary unless prescribed by a doctor. Ordinary (mixed) food contains a large amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins necessary for a healthy woman, so it is completely in vain to add them to the body. If you still have a need for vitamins and minerals, your doctor will help you choose them. Sometimes a woman is afraid of harming the fetus by taking medication. Some caution in this regard is appropriate, especially with regard to hypnotics and antibacterial agents. But if your doctor prescribes medication for you, he will certainly take your condition into account. Always, and especially during we take
neness, it is better to do with natural means, to improve the diet and not to take medications in vain. However, all medications prescribed by the doctor must be taken.

31st week

The uterus has risen above the pubic symphysis by about 31-32 cm. The weight gain ranges from 9.5 to 12.2 kg. Disturbed by discomfort in the chest and pelvic area. Maintaining good posture and exercising can help relieve pain. Lightly stroking your back should be a pleasant responsibility of your spouse.

As a result of the resulting hormonal changes, the pubic bones diverge to the sides by 0.5-0.6 cm.A more significant discrepancy (1-2 cm and more) is considered pathological (for example, if you have a narrow pelvis and a large fetus) , especially when pain occurs. Physiological changes in the joints of the pelvis contribute to the normal course of labor. During pregnancy, the chest expands, the costal arches are raised, the lower end of the sternum moves away from the spinal column.

In the photo, how the pregnancy proceeds by week, it is clearly visible that the woman's posture changes at this time:

As the uterus grows and the abdomen grows, the spine straightens, the shoulders and the back of the head are reclined backward, the bending of the back in the spine increases, and a specific gait of the pregnant woman arises.

32nd week

At 32 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is 28-30 cm above the bosom. Your weight is gaining quite fast. It is more and more difficult for you to find a comfortable position during sleep, more and more thoughts about the upcoming birth arise.

Be sure to check with your doctor about any doubts you have. It is very important that the woman is in a good mood during pregnancy. A contented and cheerful person is better able to handle all sorts of little troubles. A sense of fulfillment is given by the consciousness of a fulfilled duty, and small entertainment is also useful, which will distract you from the monotony of life. A woman's good mood has a positive effect on her metabolism and the activity of the whole body, which has a positive effect on the unborn child. Thus, keeping the mother happy and cheerful will benefit her baby as well.

Do not be disingenuous or judgmental that your best entertainment is homework. Trust that broadening your horizons will make you a better housewife and will benefit not only you, but your family as well. Theatrical performance, film, concert, lecture, book - all these are pleasant and affordable entertainment. Avoid large crowds, especially in poorly ventilated areas where breathing is difficult, as this increases the likelihood of respiratory illness. If you are in a smoking area, convince those present that cigarette smoke is bad for you and ask them to stop smoking.

33rd week

At 33 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is 30-32 cm above the bosom. The child occupies the entire uterine cavity. You put on a little more weight. By the end of pregnancy, a woman's weight gain reaches 10-15% of the initial weight. Small deviations from this rule in both directions do not really matter.

Every woman with poor eyesight should see an eye doctor twice during pregnancy. The fact is that pregnancy can sometimes cause visual impairment. It is advisable that in such cases, qualified specialists provide assistance on time. A woman with poor eyesight should avoid frequent bending. If necessary, it is best to squat down. A pregnant woman should not lift weights, do such work and exercises in which there is a rush of blood to the head. The fact is that with all these movements, intra-abdominal, intracranial, intraocular pressure increases, which has an adverse effect on the retina. Monitor your vision during pregnancy. Go to the doctor for a check-up, and you do not have to fear that your vision will deteriorate.

34th week

Your body continues to prepare for childbirth. You notice that the uterine contractions start to differ from what you have felt before. Regardless of the fact that you are calm and happily expecting the birth of a child, you will still have a feeling of anxiety, and sometimes just anxiety and fear, and for no reason. You feel cheerful and happy, and suddenly such a strange feeling. In the old days, you would have been frightened and believed that your feeling of fear was a premonition of a bad ending. There have been many such cases reported in the literature in the past. Throughout pregnancy, the woman was deprived of joy, she drew in her thoughts a bad course of childbirth. She paralyzed her strength and will, and she, of course, was less likely to cope with the difficulties that could arise during childbirth. But you will be reasonable, and you will try to overcome your unreasonable fear with your reason. The feeling of such fear is far from every woman. However, we draw your attention to such a phenomenon, so that if it occurs, you are not afraid.

Share your concerns with your doctor, who will try to find the reasons for your fear by researching your health status. This is not always easy, because the feeling of fear can be caused by hormonal processes in your body that affect the nervous system.

35th week

This period on the calendar of pregnancy is characterized by frequent urination, which makes you forget about restful sleep. You have to go to the toilet every 45-60 minutes. To cope with this, a pregnant woman needs to drink less fluids, make rotational movements of the pelvis before going to bed, and engage in some not very hard work during the day. If you adhere to these recommendations, you are guaranteed a night's rest.

36th week

The fundus of the uterus rises higher from the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum, which makes it difficult to breathe, and there may be a feeling of discomfort after a hearty dinner. What does a woman feel during pregnancy at this time? Rapid fatigue appears. In the evening, cramps in the ankles may be felt. Your body continues to prepare for childbirth. You have noticed that you have increased sweating. Take a shower every day, try to wear only cotton underwear, do not eat too fatty and spicy foods.

37th week

If, for some reason, you are about to start labor, the doctors are unlikely to stop them, since you have a full-term pregnancy. You should go to the antenatal clinic every week until your birth. Now the child should normally be in the uterus with the head down (this is the so-called cephalic presentation), but in 3% of pregnant women, it is possible that the fetus is in a different position in the uterus - with the legs or buttocks down (breech presentation). In this case, there may be some problems in childbirth. In order to avoid possible difficulties, obstetricians warn the expectant mother that the possibility of delivery by performing a caesarean section is not excluded.

38th week

You are completely in anticipation of the greatest event of your life and no longer pay attention to the pigmentation of the navel, external genital organs, the line of pregnancy (the brown line in the middle of the abdomen - from the navel to the pubis). At the end of pregnancy, many pregnant women develop stretch marks on the skin of their abdomen, breasts and thighs - stretch marks, or stretch marks. These are red streaks that appear where the skin is overstretched. The reasons are the growth of the abdomen and the enlargement of the glands. After childbirth, striae gradually turn pale, become silvery, barely noticeable, but do not completely disappear. The main thing for you now is a positive attitude. Not only you are worried, but all your family members, and each of them is trying to give you their advice and recommendations.

It often happens that a pregnant woman, especially one who is expecting her first child, is given advice by everyone she meets. This is done, of course, with the best intentions, but the results are often negative. Only the advice given by the doctor in consultation is of decisive importance. Only he can take responsibility for both your health and the health of your child.

39th week

How is a healthy pregnancy going in the penultimate week? The fundus of the uterus dropped to the level of the 32nd week in primiparous 2 weeks before childbirth, and in multiparous this happens immediately before childbirth. It becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe. This is due to the omission of the presenting part of the fetus (head or pelvis) and pressing it against the entrance to the pelvis. The cervix begins to soften.

40th week

There is very little time left until the moment of meeting with the long-awaited baby. Your body has been preparing for this moment for a long time. Now you are tormented by only one thought: how will everything go? Everything will be fine. Set yourself up for this, because you have done everything possible for this.

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I briefly describe the situation. I have a cousin. He may be a good person (there is in him both good and bad, probably like everyone else), but he is not very constant. Now he is almost 45 and has been shaking him all his life, then everything is fine with him: work, good salary. and all the attributes of a good life, then everything is completely bad: there is no work, lives at the expense of relatives, is constantly looking for something. These periods are of different duration, but the frequency is such and, most importantly, extreme. There is no middle ground.
Married for the second time. There is a BZ. There is a daughter from her first marriage, she is now 17 years old. The second marriage has 2 daughters (7 and 5 years old).
At first, after the divorce, he did not pay alimony for the eldest daughter regularly or did not pay at all. He motivated this by the fact that during the divorce (and he was stormy and dramatic) he left money in the amount of 200,000 rubles, and he had no income. BZ is a fighting woman, insisted on paying alimony, he went into hiding, traveled around the Russian Federation, tried to make money (I am not making excuses for him, just describing the situation as it is), as a result, he moved to live in another region. He got married there. They tried to settle mutual passions and claims with the BZ after a few years and came to an agreement that he pays 7,000 rubles a month as alimony. It was 7 years ago. He paid this money regularly as alimony. Sometimes this amount was more than 25% of his income, sometimes less. Sometimes, as I wrote above, there was no income at all and alimony was paid by the grandmother from her pension (I ask you not to comment on this at all, I do not think that someone thinks that this is normal, but alas it is).
2017 - 2018 went very well for him. There was a small business that brought in a good income. At the beginning of the school year in September, he promised his eldest daughter to pay for the full graduation from school. The amount discussed was from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles. At that time, finances allowed, and he promised. At the end of the year, something went wrong, as a result of debts to suppliers, the business went bankrupt. Now he taxes, his income is no more than 20,000 rubles, which only covers the mortgage payment. Alimony is again paid by the grandmother from her pension. Now the eldest daughter is asking for the first money for her graduation.
And now the question. Do you think he should pay for the graduation time there is no money and there is no place to take it yet. They do not give a loan because of the bad credit history and the courts. He asked me to lend, I refused. The first and most important reason, we ourselves have no money. We pay the loans ourselves and it’s hard with money. If we strain, we can of course take this loan for him, but I understand perfectly well that we will repay it and return it to us (if it is not returned soon). Now he goes to his relatives and asks for at least 5,000 rubles (like from the world on a thread and a naked shirt). And relatives refuse, motivating, among other things, by the fact that parents should pay only those expenses that they can. Since he cannot pay for the graduation, let him tell his daughter so.
I'm honestly in thought. I am inclined to give 5000 knowing that they will not be returned, but this is a feasible amount for us and I am ready to give it at the prom just like that. But while we are alone, others just have a different financial situation, and not everyone can allocate even 5,000.


Olga F

Hello! The situation is this: with my husband for 8 years together, not a single unplanned pregnancy and then a shock! They took my son, 6.5 years old, to my grandmother and hung out all night, then at home they “hung out” the result: two strips - shock shock shock. In general, they did not want the second. We just exhaled, my son has grown up, he will go to school in September. I gave birth so badly, 18 hours of hell. Then diapers, teeth, colic .... As I can imagine, it casts a fever. I immediately ran to the doctor, a medical abortion is scheduled for tomorrow. The husband said he would support in any case, although in principle he is not against the second, since it worked out. We have always protected ourselves. How? How did it happen? Pancake came off. I never wanted a second. I don’t want a lyalka ((((I don’t want to give birth (((But now I’m suffering the second day, I don’t, I don’t sleep, maybe fate wants it?) No wonder it’s so ... But everything is so smooth with us, the three of us are comfortable .. .. Suddenly I will regret that I didn’t have an abortion, I won’t be able to love the second. Again, all over again .... I don’t know what to do, until Monday morning. If my husband and I didn’t get drunk like two idiots, there would be no pregnancy. ... ps: financially, I do not work, there is an opportunity to be lazy at home. My big house. Car. But I'm a lazy asshole.



A fifth-grader from Bolshoy Kamen (Primorsky Territory), over whom the adults had earlier lynched, was accused of bullying the townspeople.

The parents of the boy's classmates claimed that he beat other children and extorted money from them. Even complaints to the police were allegedly unable to stop him. On February 20, the parents came to school, took the boy to the toilet and dipped his head into the toilet. They called their actions a punishment for beating a girl who was hospitalized.

The mother of one of the students said that after the incident, the boy "allegedly beaten, on sick leave" does not go to school, but still walks around the city.
“People wrote to me who saw him throwing bombs at passers-by, he generally throws them into bags for pensioners,” she said.
According to her, the teachers sided with the boy. The woman noted that the certificates of injuries allegedly inflicted by him on other children were called fakes at school, and the parents' repeated complaints were ignored.

If the situation is not tried to somehow normalize, then in the end, from his own impunity, that boy, having matured a little, will surely kill someone.

But there is such a moment. There is simply nothing to influence such people. Therefore, I am in favor of organizing boarding schools in the country like the educational colonies of Makarenko, where they will send such comrades who, from an early age, cause only trouble to others. The work of psychologists, behavior correction specialists, can somehow make a difference. But I understand that this is a utopia, there is no money for this, no one will be involved in organizing such institutions. After all, it is much easier to wait until such a boy really kills someone, then he can simply be imprisoned and that's it. When he turns 14, not before.



yesterday I came across an article about the relationship of a psychiatrist, psychotherapist Mikhail Litvak. so in the paragraph 10.children must be three:
Children in the family must be present. You have to understand that it is impossible to live forever, you will have to die sooner or later. You can save your life only in children. Half of the child consists of me, the other half of the wife. But one child is a genetic dead end. So, I gave my half to the child, he then marries and will give half of my wife to his child, and that's it, I'm not there. Two children are better.

In general, it is believed that three children are the minimum that is necessary to keep your life forever. That oligarch who married a young hairdresser has practically sunk into oblivion, because he gave birth to only one child, and it is not known whether this girl will pull him out or not: they now have nothing to live on.

In general, my friend also remembered that she had heard somewhere that the third child is a spare, if something happens to the first two .......
what do you think of that?
if interested, then I will publish the rest of the points in another topic



Now my husband has 12 hour shifts, either from morning to evening, or night. Every second weekend it works and holidays almost always, vacation is only 24 days a year. To go very far, 2 hours before the start .... naturally comes too late too .... but a good salary. There is an option to change the place of work, a full, 8 hour day, weekends at home, holidays at home and very close to home. But the salary is noticeably lower. We both doubt it, because the money is naturally not superfluous, I am still on maternity leave until the end of the year. But on the other hand, the working conditions are much more human .... well, they seem to promise to increase salary over time.
Of course, it's up to us to decide, but the forum often has smart thoughts and advice. 109