Birthday greetings to your little son. Happy birthday greetings to little son

My dear son
Under a happy destiny
You grow to our joy
And one more thing: be happy yourself!

Sonny, dear, congratulations,
On your anniversary birthday
Be strong, always brave
Let a bright star illuminate the path.

So that luck will always be there,
And the bird of happiness brought its gift,
And so that you have enough strength for everything
May God bless your deeds!

Health of the Caucasian,
Beautiful moments
Good luck unprecedented
The most sincere love
For a life of luck.
Happy birthday, son!

Son, I congratulate you
You were born for happiness!
I wish you love and joy
So that you keep honor and be strong!

My birthday boy, my son!
Let in this world
To be all good things at your feet -
In spring, winter and summer!

Happy birthday greetings to son short sms

Happy Birthday honey.
Be happy, my dear!
May success accompany!
You, son, are the best!

Happy birthday, son,
We wish you good health, vigor, strength,
Believe in your cherished dream
May the Lord keep your fate.

We wish you to become a patriarch,
And maybe even an oligarch,
To give goodness and light to everyone
Many, many long glorious years!

Although the polarity of life is limitless,
I wish you a golden middle, son.
Let the mood rise. Fine!
On your birthday, be the conqueror of the peaks!

We wish you happiness, son,
Love, health and good luck!
Be honest, kind and just
After all, there is no point in living differently!

Happy birthday, son!
I wish you good luck and good!
May cherished dreams come true
And everything in life will be as you want!

Sonny, happy birthday,
We sincerely wish you all the best, prosperity,
Be optimistic, don't be discouraged
Meet every day with a smile.

So may this birthday
Will give joy forever
Happy moments of love
Love is magical years!

Son, you have already become a man
Adult, strong and big,
So that the road of life is long
And good luck - day and night!

Short poems happy birthday to my son

Sonny, today is your holiday
My best congratulations
Always be kept by fate
I wish you well-being, health and inspiration.

We wish you bright, long years
And good health,
We send our sincere greetings
With great love.

Sonny, a holiday is coming for everyone
You are so important to your parents
There are many different happy minutes
Let what you dreamed of come true!

Son, look for happiness in life,
Do not rush to catch a tit,
Prepare the tackle for the crane,
Make haste to make your dream come true!

You are very dear to us, our dear son,
Appear on your own doorstep more often
Your birthday to us is the brightest day
Be healthy and happy, God bless the children!

The best holiday for us is the birthday of our son!
Let a very kind man grow out of you:
Conquer the whole world with your wisdom, strength,
And let the soul remain kind and sweet!

Sonny, today is a holiday - your birthday,
Day of smiles, joy, joy,
Good luck haunt you again and again.
Let hope, faith and love be the support.

Today and always we wish you happiness
May fate save from grief and bad weather,
From the worst enemy and petty friend,
From an evil tongue and a serious illness.

Live and laugh with a ringing laugh
Know neither sorrow nor worries,
Be moderately affectionate and kind,
And time will lead to adulthood.

You are our sun, you are our joy,
You are growing up, our dear son,
You are reaching out for new knowledge
Like a young sprout.
On your birthday, accept congratulations
With you we will dance the birthday Korovai,
Grow up healthy, funny and smart
Build up your strength to go to school.

Happy birthday, our little son
Happy holiday to you, our bear,
May life give you only happiness
Our beloved, glorious child.
May the sun give you a ray of warmth
Let the fairy tale amuse you
Happy birthday, our dear son,
Mom and Dad congratulate you.

We love you for no particular reason
Just because you are our son
For growing like a fungus
Because he looks like mom and dad.
Happy birthday to you, darling, congratulations
We wish you a carefree childhood
Grow healthy and strong always
May the golden angel keep you.

Our beloved little son
Accept congratulations from mom and dad,
May every bright day
It only brings you admiration.
May the toy world make you happy
After all, you learn life by playing
We wish you happiness, joy, warmth,
We sincerely wish you good health and good luck.

Son, our beloved, dear,
Know that we are always happy with you
Grow healthy and always make us happy
Let your life be a fairy tale.
Blow out the birthday candles
And take the gifts of the sea,
May your childhood dream be bright
Let it be realized by all means.

You grow in love and affection
Our little, dear son,
Today the eyes are shining with happiness,
After all, birthday is knocking at the gate.
Accept congratulations on your holiday,
May all days be happy
Let luck do not leave you
Let the Lord always protect.

My dear son, on your birthday,
I wish you a lot of sweets, cookies,
Let your life be easy and carefree
I wish I was an excellent student at school.
If you need help, I will always help,
I can always lend my shoulder to you.
Have fun, joke on this holiday, have fun,
Grow the whole family for joy, live and smile!

My little son, you are happy with a holiday,
I will hug you tightly and kiss you in love!
Grow healthy and big, always learn by five,
I want to wish you all the best!
Angel let the Guardian illuminate your path,
We love you very much, remember, do not forget!
Now you will joyfully open gifts,
We will celebrate your birthday!

My beloved son, Birthday is a holiday,
I want to wish you all kinds of gifts!
Always study at five, be the most courageous
We all love you very much, remember, do not forget!
Let your ringing laughter always sound joyfully,
You are the best in the world, relatives, beloved by all!
Once again, we sincerely congratulate you today,
We also wish to become a good person!

Not always adult children live next to their parents, which makes it difficult to jointly celebrate this important event for each person. However, modern communication methods will help to shorten the distance and congratulate your son in an original way, even if he is currently in another city or in another country.

All moms and dads in an already grown son always see their little boy, whom they want to congratulate in a special way on the day of his appearance. A beautiful wish will be pleasant to the birthday man, especially if it is received from his beloved mother and father.

Not sure how to please your sons on their birthday? Congratulate them in an original way by writing a memorable parting word. Each parent will be able to compose their own original birthday greetings for their son in verse or in prose, taking into account the age of their child, especially his character, the circumstances of the holiday and family traditions.

With the help of such warm messages, expressing love and pride in their sons, mothers and fathers can give adult children a piece of their feelings, make their adult life brighter and more emotionally rich.

Not a single, even the most expensive, gift for boys is complete without written or oral wishes and birthday greetings. A son, small and large, is always delighted with warm parental words of love, in which he finds support and support for himself at any age.

If you want to make a beautiful gift for your boy, think over your congratulation and choose the appropriate text. A cheerful or beautiful birthday greetings to their son, in which parents can wish him everything that he wants and what they expect from him, gives meaning and significance to such a holiday, allows you to please your beloved son.

Parents today can wish their son a happy birthday in different ways, depending on the age of the birthday person and family traditions. For the best forms and options for greeting texts, any format is available, if it comes from the heart and gives the hero of the occasion joy and elation. Here are examples of the best, according to users, options for wishes.

“What to wish you on your birthday, dear and dear son? Traditionally, on this day, wishes are expressed about health, academic success, work and personal life. We all wished you this from the first minutes of your birth. But sometimes all this is not enough to live a really good and bright life. We want you, first of all, to become a real person. Everything else is secondary. We love and are proud of you, our dear boy. "

Such parental words in honor of the son's majority will become a real parting word.

“Dear son. On this day, you were born 18 years ago, and it became for me and dad the happiest moment in our life. I was ready to give you the whole world and all its possibilities, but this is not in my power. I could only give you life, my boy. Use it so that the world around you, my son, becomes more beautiful and kinder! "

It is often required to compose a short congratulation, which is usually attached to a gift. It is written on a small themed postcard. It is not always possible to fit in a small field of such a postcard all those words and wishes that a mom or dad would like to say to their beloved son when presenting a gift. Here are examples of short birthday greetings for your son.

Happy birthday, son!

May your eyes always burn with passion for life,

Your cherished aspirations of fulfillment,

Love, health, goodness and good luck to you, as well as pleasure!

Our dear son, dear, you are our pride and joy,

We will be happy to congratulate you on your birthday!

We wish you happiness, joy, success and health.

“Beloved son, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you the embodiment of all your hopes and desires, significant achievements and joy in your heart. Your mother".

In verse

If you want to congratulate your heir in an original way and not write traditional words like "dear son", then choose congratulations in verses, for example, of such a plan.

We wish the son health and strength,
So that these gifts are enough for 100 years.
And if, fortunately, there are enough of them for 200,
Then we would like to live them with you together.

Beloved son, you will soon become strong and big

And I wish that along with growth

The kindness of the soul would come to you.

Walk with her through life together in step

And do not be sorry for the good you are for people.

In prose

This is how festive mailings to a son from a mother and from a father may look like in prosaic form.

“Our beloved tomboy, we kiss and congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. Our whole family celebrates this day as a holiday, because we always believe in you, love and pin our hopes on our growing son. The whole point of parenting is in you. We are happy to watch your takeoffs and are saddened by your temporary failures. We wanted you to achieve everything you want out of life. But remember, we love you any, because you are our blood and flesh, the continuation of our life. "

“We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good health, happiness, good luck in all your endeavors and great love. May fate always be favorable to you, and troubles bypass you, may all your cherished dreams and hopes come true. "

SMS congratulations

By phone, you can send your son short and capacious messages of this content.

Dear son, happy jam day to you!

I want you to swim in happiness today,

For people to love, respect and appreciate you,

And you have always remained strong and kind.

“We would like to wish the best son in the world from all of our parental heart the fulfillment of all plans and plans, happy and mutual love, as well as increased health and well-being. We appreciate your attention and support. Happy birthday to you, our cute siskin! Your mom and dad. "

“Please accept our sincere wishes and congratulations, son. We love you and are proud of you. Be happy and healthy, dear, and surrounded by the love of loved ones. Everything else will come to you because you are strong, talented, hardworking and incredibly persistent. May our love with father be your protection from adversity and sorrow. May loving household members always wait for you at home. Without a reliable and warm hearth, a man does not need achievements. May you, like my mother and I, have those for whom you will move mountains. "


You can write a congratulation in a cheerful poetic form, which will certainly cause a smile not only from the birthday person, but also from the senders themselves. Cheerful congratulations make such a holiday more "intimate" and bring parents and children closer together. Cool words can be like this.

You are our pride and joy

Happy birthday, dear son!

We all love you very much!

You are the only one with us!

Beloved son, don't whine, don't cry,

Live easily without hunching your back

After all, if you are a man

Then you can easily achieve everything.

Wise and philosophical wishes

This holiday can also be celebrated as an epoch-making date in his life, as the beginning of a new adult stage, when parents must give their child important parting words. In this case, wise sayings and philosophical statements about the upcoming adult life, which will have to become a life guide for him, are suitable. Here are examples of rhymed wishes.

My son, I wish you this day

Health, good luck and happiness.

Strive for justice, kindness and be generous to participate

In the fates of other people who ask for help.

This will help you to survive the misfortune yourself in difficult times.

And this is how you can give a parting philosophical testament in prose to your matured boy.

“Son, you greeted the world for the first time on this day with your cry a few years ago. You became for us the most beloved and dear little lump, my mother and I strove to teach you the best and always tried to make you smile, drying your tears. Be generous to your loved ones, do not spare kindness for others. This is the meaning of the happiness that we wish you. "

Ways to send congratulatory texts

You can send such congratulations by regular mail, via cellular communication, e-mail or in any messenger. A variety of sending options allows not only to send a congratulation in a timely manner, but also makes it possible, if necessary, to do this more than once during the day, if parents want to celebrate this significant day for all relatives in a special way.


To make your son's birthday brighter and more memorable, it is often enough just to choose beautiful and warm words for congratulations. They can be formalized in poetry or prose, in short or long messages, in writing or orally. You just need to put in a little imagination and desire to please your boy.

But in order for a son to become really happy on his birthday from the congratulations received, a large number of a wide variety of factors must be taken into account. Congratulations should always be individual in nature and celebrate the characteristic features of the person.

Each parent will be able to choose the most suitable congratulation format for themselves:

  • solemn;
  • comic;
  • philosophical;
  • in prose;
  • in verse;
  • in the form of a fun prank.

The best will be the congratulation that will bring joy to both the birthday person and his parents. After all, a happy son is happiness for the parents themselves. On his birthday, they will be able to wish him all the best and rejoice at his successes, to which they are directly related.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

My dear, my dear son,
You are so big, beautiful!
You are so successful, glorious
The kindest, wayward ...

Happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish
Be happy and healthy
Be always ready to help.

Be sympathetic, polite, dear,
So that you appreciate your life,
I loved those around me
He lived happily and for a long time!

Sonny, happy birthday! How time flies!
Today we want to wish you
Success in business, cheerful mood,
A beautiful dream of a free flight
Always on the shoulder, let any task
And in life, may only luck await you,
Prosperity, health - it will always come in handy,
And we will be proud of our beloved son.

My dear son, you are my hope and my support! I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you, my dear son, to go through your life's path easily and simply. Let only kind and sympathetic people meet on it. Be honest, fair and smart. Let everything that is conceived work out, what is dreamed of - come true. Be polite and grateful, love and appreciate everything you have. I really want, my dear son, to be surrounded only by loyal and faithful friends. Be healthy and happy!

Happy birthday, son!
The joy of dad and mom,
Our cheerful boy
Clever, kindest.

May you be lucky in everything
Moments please
Look ahead happily
In a cheerful mood.

You will reach all heights
With diligence.
May dreams come true
Bold desires!

My sunny bunny, fluffy kitten
Dear, precious, beloved baby!
Wrinkle your nose in a funny way while you sleep,
And noisy, like a hedgehog, you sniff in my ear.

Happy birthday to you, son, congratulations!
I want you to always smile.
So that delighting loved ones and touching everyone,
You have grown, strengthened, multiplying the years.

So that everything is interesting for you, son.
So that everything worked out, it was easy.
So that life is like a bird's song in spring
It rang, always flew high!

We want to congratulate our son on his birthday.
We wish the open sea good luck
A river of luck and happiness is a fountain,
Health is huge, like the ocean.

And let your ship sail and sail
Towards the goal, forward and forward.

Run your life with the hand of the captain.
Roads and countries will obey you.
Pitfalls are always on the way
But boldly lead your ship forward.

We raised you to be strong and brave.
You can handle all the seas, oceans.
Good luck to the furry paw!
Happy birthday, son!
Mother and father!

Our dear son, happy birthday.
You are so good and dear
And the most beloved, no doubt,
We are proud of you, son!

We wish you to be skillful
Kind, smart, strong, golden,
Don't be afraid of anything, be brave
Do not turn up your nose, but be simple.

May the Lord bless you
And he walks next to you,
Helps every minute
And in the soul how the Truth lives!

Happy birthday my son
Mom's scarlet flower,
My joy, my success.
For me, you are the best!

Be happy, kind, brave,
Be lucky, be skillful
Do not know difficulties in life
Always help the weak.

I will plunge into your arms, like a fairy tale,
I will kiss your palms to my heart's content.
Buttons-eyes are dearer to me than anything,
Only you have power over me.

I dedicate my life only to you, son,
I pray for you in vain and in my sleep.
And today I congratulate the first tenderly:
Happy birthday honey! Happiness is only for you.

I wish for more than I wish possible:
May your smile never leave your lips
Take everything from life, just be careful.
Long years, let health be strong.

The best son in the world
We want to congratulate you very much.
Our kind words only about this,
Today we tell you:

May your life be happy
And you will always be healthy.
Friends help you
Never meet adversity.

Let your dreams and desires
They will be fulfilled on such a holiday.
We hug you tight
You are the most dear in the world.

When you were born, son,
An asterisk lit up in the sky.
You are our beloved man
We are happy, the dream has come true!

Grow up happy, kind, wise.
To the delight of us, your family.
And if life is difficult,
Just call me, dear.

May work, health and good luck,
Wealth, happiness and success
You are accompanied through life.
After all, our dear, you are the best!

On this page you will find not only congratulations on your son's birthday from mom, but also beautiful greeting cards that you can download and send with any message to the birthday boy. If you want to play prank on your son, send him a cool audio greeting to your phone, by name or from famous people. Believe me, such a congratulation will be remembered for a long time.

How many years have passed since I rocked you
How I swaddled you, my dear son,
I remember everything: as I said my first "mother",
As if he walked by the handle down the street with me.
Forget about you and for a minute I cannot,
Happy Birthday, my dear, beloved, son,
Now you are not a child, you are a real man
I want you to always be the same real!

My good son, my gentle son,
Happy birthday, dear,
May hope live in your soul
Faith, joy and love!

Let the years run in streams -
Much will be ahead.
May the capricious adversity
Will bypass you on the way.

Be cheerful optimist
Kindness is everywhere,
Be happy and healthy
What have you - don't break it!

Happy birthday son
My beloved the most
Congratulations today
Take it from your mom.

May my love be on the road
Will save you, son.
May fate not be strict
And let him pamper, loving.

May everything in life be successful
Whatever you wish.
Every day I ask God
To make you happy.

I wish my son brilliant success,
Worthy circle of real friends,
So that everyone stands for each other as a wall,
I wish you only one love for life.
Cozy home, good deed,
So that you judge wisely, so that you act boldly,
And if life does not go well a little,
So that you can look at it with humor!

My dear, beloved son,
You are the embodiment of a man.
You are always glad to help your friends
And the peaks are ready to conquer.

I wish you abundance
Let all people honor you,
Let not vain efforts
Love and joy will bring!

I believe, my beloved son,
You will reach the heights in life!
You are cheerful and cheerful, honest, courageous,
Love and happiness are your destiny!

My dear son, happy birthday.
How happy I am that I have you!
Let luck accompany you around
May there be so much happiness that you can't count it!

I want to wish you to be the first in everything,
It doesn't matter who and what is whispering behind your back.
Good health, only faithful friends to you.
And, of course, love is very big!

Step forward to your cherished goal
And, please, do not listen to anyone in the hustle and bustle!
After all, only the one wins, in fact,
Who is sincerely always devoted to his dream!

Son, son, happy birthday!
On this day, I congratulate you
You, as God's creation,
Fate gave me

Be strong and strong, healthy and smart,
Have your head on your shoulders
Always be prudent
Don't waste your time on trifles!

Health, love, luck, patience,
Success in love and just in business,
I wish you your dreams - fulfillment,
May the dream come true!

Happy birthday greetings to her son from mom in verses beautiful to tears

Congratulations for your son,
I've been composing all day
My very best man
My baby, my shadow

I found happiness with you
Grew up as an obedient baby
And around the house with you,
We did everything together

I became a boy quite grown up,
Strong, sweet and dear,
Although sometimes it's not easy with you,
We value you

Be healthy, beloved boy,
Let adversity go around
Past troubles
They will forget the way to you

Study well baby
And strive to become a man
I grove you from the cradle
Know that your mother loves you

I'm capable of anything for you
Turn the whole world upside down
I will get the stars from the sky
To light your way!

My dear son, dear,
So that it doesn't happen - I'm with you!
Remember, dear son,
That in life you are not alone.
Always, everywhere in your destiny
I wish you well.
I know: you are a sage and a warrior,
I believe: you deserve happiness
You will reach your height
And all dreams will come true!

Happy birthday, son.
Be happy you.
I will beg for happiness from God
For your destiny.

Maternal love
I will heal my wounds
All your sins are yours
I will cry with my soul.

Let them pass you, son
Troubles and worries
I'll follow you
On any road.

With a mother's heart
I will be with you
If only you were happy
You don't need more.

Son, take my poems
They are written from the heart
And loving my soul
So that you can keep warm with them.
You are dearer to me than all riches!
I say thank you god
When I see every time
Your smile, my son ...

How the soul worries for you
She knows this alone.
May everything in your life turn out
Let him be rewarded for everything in full.

My beloved son is wonderful
I want to wish you happiness
To be smart and always attentive -
So as not to miss out on luck!

Sonny, may the Lord keep
You from evil people ...
Protect from troubles, ailments
With your holy hand ...
And I pray for you
As a mother I will not stop.
So that earthly life is yours
I became even happier!

Happy birthday, son,
My kind, clear angel!
My sun ray is golden
Be happy in life, my dear.

Be healthy and strongest
In business - decisive, stable,
In love - reliable, indulgent,
But in general - just real.

Let fate spoil with good
Luck is the profit narrate.
Let everything work out without a flaw.
Happy Birthday! your mother.

You are always a child for me
It doesn't matter how old you are.
I love you from the cradle,
Since I was born.

And on my birthday, my dear,
I wish you only well.
May there be golden friendship
Never know betrayal.

I wish you victories, success.
Go through life with pride
And, having met great love,
Keep her carefully.

Short SMS congratulations on the birthday of the son from mom

Sonny, beloved, congratulations,
On your lovely birthday
May wisdom bring you years
Fate may reward generously in full.

Son, it's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days
Accept congratulations from mom
May everything be fine in your fate.

Beloved son, congratulations,
On your anniversary birthday
Always live in joy and happiness
In all, good luck, endurance, patience.

Son, be happy dear
Let success wait everywhere!
And with joy and warmth
May every day come to you.
To make luck smile
And every dream came true!

Happy birthday, dear son!
May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
May happiness shine
And from adversity and from anxiety
Will save the parental threshold!

Sonny, today is your holiday!
I wish you with all my heart
So that you can achieve everything
So that you are happy, son!
You are smart, brave, it means
You will achieve good luck in everything!

It's your birthday today
From mom to you sincere congratulations
Be successful, son, in everything
Let all problems be overwhelming for you.

Sonny, on your birthday,
Mother's blessing
For good luck, for good deeds,
So that life always pleases you.

Happy birthday, sonny, congratulations
I sincerely wish you good health,
New achievements and victories to you,
Long and happy years.

Let your desires come true
And your life will be filled
Joy, peace, warmth,
I wish to live according to the law,
My son is sweet and dear,
I wish you to be yourself!

I sincerely congratulate my son,
Happiness, joy, prosperity, peace,
Warm days and radiant sun,
Happiness serene and pure,
Be the best in all areas
And let health be mighty.

Happy birthday greetings to son from mom in prose to tears

My son! When you were born, everyone said that you would be my protector! And so it is! With your warm look, you protect me from old age! With your sincere and warm soul - from all troubles and problems, with your warm hands - from all misfortunes! Thank you for being that way! Be so always!

Once upon a time, many years ago, on this day, God gave me a little angel, whom I call my son! He illuminated my life with joy, filled it with happiness and warmth, tenderness and kindness! My dear! Happy Birthday! Always stay that way!

Many guests have gathered to congratulate you today. I'll stand quietly on the sidelines. When everyone is gone, I will gently hug you, gently say in your ear - "Happy birthday, son!" I will give you a small bundle with my own hands! When you unfold it, you will find warmth and peace of mind there! It will be my heart, always open to you!

I wish you, my son, wealth. But not the one that is calculated in money. Dignity and nobility are never measured by money. Otherwise, they would not have gotten to vile and dishonorable people. I desire true wealth, one that cannot be stolen. So that you always have the opportunity to act according to your conscience, to love someone who is after your heart, to make those decisions that are according to your mind. I wish you always have the greatest opportunity - to be yourself.

Sonny, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. All the gifts, all the congratulations and best wishes to you, our dear. May your cherished dream come true today, may a good mood accompany you. We wish you good health, happiness and mutual love. May fate be favorable to you, may good friends never fail. May life be long and happy. May everything turn out easily for you, may life's problems never grieve you. Good luck and success to you in everything.

Son, on your birthday, I want to wish you to spend every day so that you can say “today I did everything I could to become happy”. As often happens: days and months pass, and we look back with sadness, we understand that we have not yet fulfilled all our dreams ... Appreciate every moment given to us by fate, be open and honest, do not forget friends and family, love and be loved!

The biggest and most important holiday of our family is the birthday of our son. And no matter how old he is, for us he always remains a child. Dear son, let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your personal holiday. We wish you victories in life, we wish you good health and success in everything. Let your life flow like a river. Let faith, hope and love be your companions in life. Let luck choose only you. Always be so funny, beautiful and smart. We wish you to be a real person.

Happy birthday greetings to little son from mom

Grow up son, love and believe
And know - we will always help you.
Live without pain and loss.
Let the fine day last.

Grow big, dear son,
Appreciate your friends, run from flattery.
In winter and summer and spring
Stay cheerful, brave and honest!

What does mom want for her son?
To make him sick less
I tried to achieve happiness in life,
I was always ready for business
Was decent and honest
Found a worthy goal,
And of course, do not hesitate
I went to my mother for advice!

My favorite boy,
Happy birthday, son.
You are the most
The best of men.

I wish you
Happiness and kindness
And success in everything:
In feelings and in deeds.

Let your smile
Lights up the house.
Well, and all the mistakes
Let's analyze it together.

My dear son is the best!
Runs towards, like the wind.
Your ringing, gentle, wonderful laugh
Let it not fall silent on this day.

I wish you become a strong prince.
A rich king and wise.
I wish you know everything in the great world.
Be the most expensive and needed!

The blue of the rivers and the sea in eyes,
And the soul is oceans of good.
You were just a lump in diapers ...
It was like yesterday.
And today you grew up, son,
My protector, my support.
In my life, you are a sip of happiness
Happy birthday, good, you!
Be healthy, caring, gentle,
Let no disturbing dreams.
Be cheerful, happy, boundless
And under the sun and in the light of the moon!

Happy birthday son
I congratulate loving.
My beloved angel
My life, my soul!

Every year you are more beautiful
Stronger and more agile.
And it's hard even to imagine
That you were my baby.

Didn't sleep with you at night
You grew up very big.
I sincerely wish:
Be happier than everyone, dear!

You know who is the nicest
Whom do I embrace tenderly
Who is kind, cheerful, handsome,
Beloved son, of course!
I wish you to be healthy
And a lot to learn in life!
Grow up, be an assistant in the house,
And I will be proud of you!
Happy birthday!

Please accept congratulations from mom
On your birthday, my beloved son,
You are beautiful for me, the smartest,
In the whole world, you are so alone.

I wish you to rejoice in success,
And do not experience failures at all,
Simple happiness, sincere laughter,
And sadness will never be recognized!