Congratulations to the younger sister on the wedding. Best congratulations to a sister on a wedding

Many are interested in how to write congratulations to their sister for a wedding. Not all inhabitants of the Earth have a sister. But if there is, then one of the most exciting days for a family is its wedding. And you need to know how to congratulate your sister on her wedding, this most memorable day for her.

How can you congratulate your sister on your wedding?

Nowadays, the newlyweds themselves wish to carry out all the preparations for the wedding. They test themselves with life, and now it is also accepted to live independently and separately from their parents. Having previously drawn up a holiday plan with the festive agency, they set aside the time that it takes for congratulations on the wedding from the sister.

You can invite the bride to a discussion of the future holiday in person, or you can ask her suggestions tete-a-tete, find out when she wants to say congratulations on her wedding day to her sister, what else is in her thoughts about this. Everything should be by agreement and mutual agreement. Also, when preparing a speech, they consult with professionals, in the role of which the holiday agency acts.

The traditional congratulation of the sister on the wedding day sounds in the registry office, and then in a cafe or restaurant at the festive table.

At will or according to the plan of the festive agency, the sister can arrange her theatrical mini-performance, with the help of the toastmaster or on her own. This should be agreed in advance.

Congratulations to the sister on the wedding at the festive table

Oral congratulations for a sister's wedding from a sister in the midst of a holiday in a cafe or restaurant can be formulated both in their own words in prose and in beautiful verses. Congratulations in your own words are usually the most touching and sincere. At a wedding, you can tell a story from a life that connects two sisters, or some other - aloof and instructive, or tender and sincere.

Sostra can remember and tell interesting moments from the life of the bride, they always sound very touching

You can make a speech with humor, remembering the coolest facts from the life of the bride (but not overdo it, but in moderation), described as if by the sister. What can I say, the sister is the most dear person from the bride's entourage. Therefore, congratulations on your sister's wedding day are always no less important part of the holiday than all the other components, from the official part to the entertainment part.

There are the most beautiful in poetry, romantic, you can find congratulations to your sister in prose. And it is better to strain your head and come up with your congratulations on your wedding day: it can contain all the hackneyed, but wise and beautiful phrases with the simultaneous presence of personal warm words. You can make a mix of verses, peeped standard phrases (sometimes you can't do without them, because they contain the truth of centuries) and your touching congratulatory words.

There are a great many ready-made poems, and on different topics. You can first say a touching congratulation to your sister in your own words, and then give out such a solemn long verse so that you will remember it and overshadow it with its beauty.

Congratulations on your wedding day from your sister are based, first of all, on the fact that these 2 persons have known each other all their lives, know their character, all the nuances, advantages and weaknesses. Therefore, congratulations can be the most sincere and realistic. Parents also know their daughter from the cradle, but they still look at her like a child, because for parents, even adult children are always children.

Try to keep your words from the bottom of your heart

And the little sister looks like a friend and a loved one with whom she grew up together. To know a person from the inside, you need to grow up with him. And this special thing can only be formulated by the sister herself, because only she knows that the sister will be especially pleased to hear. Although it is clear that not everything is so smooth. Often, sisters in life swear and find out joint problems even worse than friends.

But this moment can be played up with jokes, humor, as a result, making up an original congratulation for the sister's wedding that is not similar to others.

You don't have to go to a holiday agency for help and advice, but they can most often suggest the right train of thought, outline a plot, an idea. Most often with the question "How to congratulate in an original way?" turn to them. For most people, stereotyped phrases pop up in their heads, many of us think in stereotypes, and this makes it very difficult to come up with something new.

Congratulations on your cousin's wedding

Often they are invited to a cousin's wedding - there is less knowledge and communication, but the topic is the same.

As a rule, all relatives at first shake up and do not know how to congratulate their sister or any other loved one better, more original, so as to touch on all the main and wise notes, to teach how to do the right thing in a difficult and long family life.

Therefore, congratulations to the newlyweds should not be scribbled on the knee the day before the wedding. Let there be time "to think", you can estimate several options, look through a bunch of information on the Internet, pick up a beautiful postcard that will last for many years as a memory, and not buy the first one that comes across just because there is no more time left.

And sisters are different: older, younger, cousins. It was mentioned about cousins ​​that you know a little less about them, and a little more about your relatives. So, congratulations to a younger sister for a wedding from a sister can be a little instructive in nature, as from an older person who knows a little more about life. And congratulations to the elder sister on the wedding from the younger one may sound more naive and impress with their cute beauty. You also need to beautifully congratulate your sister on the wedding of her son, if such a joyful event is expected for her.

Any wish at the celebration, whether it be a beautiful congratulation to a sister for a wedding or a confused excited speech, will still please.

Any wish on the wedding day will sound from the heart. But this does not mean that there is no need to try: you need to try, but it is better to think over and take care in advance. But you should not be upset that the wish is not good enough, heartfelt and beautiful. None of us is a writer, not a classic, not a genius. You just need to say the words sincerely from the heart and recite what you found in the thick of the Internet and considered important and necessary.

The bride will be pleased to listen to all this and revise it later in the recording. And more beautiful and dearer than these words addressed to a young couple, in life you cannot find, no matter how they are said and what they contain. Because with this day, the couple will step over another threshold in their life and begin a new round of it. For an example of congratulations, see this video:

From these holidays there will be a memory:

  • postcards;
  • present;
  • Photo;
  • video recording.

Therefore, young people most often celebrate this day solemnly, inviting all relatives and friends.

A wedding is a very exciting event, and at the same time, few people do without it in life.

Therefore, you can find a lot of materials on it and for different variations. Only congratulations on the wedding are dark and dark:

  • from the bride's sister;
  • from the groom's sister;
  • congratulations on the wedding to my sister, brother.

Touching congratulations to the sister on the wedding

And the most touching congratulations for a sister's wedding from a sister may not even be at a holiday, but in person, that is, in a narrow circle of friends or just one young, away from prying eyes. After all, this is a really dear person in her life, whom she will now see much less often.

If you cannot find the words for congratulations, be short, but capacious.

A sister, no matter younger or older, cousin, second cousin or half-cousin, will be present not only at the wedding itself, but also at the bachelorette party before the wedding. Most often, a bachelorette party is nevertheless called. Especially when a magnificent celebration and observance of traditions for a wedding are expected.

A bachelorette party is not necessarily noisy and crowded, it can just be a meeting of friends, among whom there will certainly be sisters.

And if in the registry office and at a holiday in a restaurant, beautiful solemn poetic forms that can give parting words and even be very touching are most often heard in front of guests, then in your close and friendly company you can easily and without preparation just say a few words from the heart. It is not necessary to immediately try to fit everything into 1 toast, here everyone is their own, therefore they can speak at any time. And then add and supplement your words of congratulations if you remember something warm and important. The main thing is to remember that speech should be sincere.

And, of course, the period before the wedding is not the time for quarrels, as there are between girlfriends or sisters. And a sister is generally a dear person. She can, as an option, come up with some kind of a sketch or a practical joke, if, of course, she considers it necessary. Words are words, and funny moments are better remembered.

If it doesn't work out on your own, then you can agree and connect all your friends to the action. It is not necessary to connect a holiday agency, this is not an official celebration, but just a mini-holiday “for our own people”. Although, if you want and the presence of many friends, you can.

Scenarios, as well as a variety of congratulations, can be found on the Internet in a variety of ways, even very unexpected, unusual and unbroken ones.

The older sister can generally take an active part in all the processes of preparing for the wedding. It is clear that today our young people are independent and prefer to decide everything by themselves, involving only specialists in organizing the holidays. But there are many such nuances where the help of relatives is invaluable - both with advice and in everyday trifles. And since this holiday always covers the house of the bride and all relatives living together, then a lot of worries cannot be avoided. Although these worries and chores are joyful.

My dear sister, I want to wish your family to always be friendly, not pay attention to trifles and in any situations remember that you are connected by something that is inaccessible to many - this is pure and sincere love! I wish you peace, warmth, goodness to your family! Be always happy and enjoy every minute spent with each other, because these moments are priceless! Harmony in your family life, great love! Be always together, staying the happiest, most positive and joyful! rating: 39 ↓

Sweet little sister! Your wedding day has come. Be happy with your husband, because you are connected by the most important thing in the world - strong love. I wish you, my dear, that your love, in spite of everything, becomes stronger every day! Always try to understand each other - after all, understanding is the most important thing in a relationship. And I wish your family a speedy happy addition - after all, I know that you will make the best parents in the world! Be happy, my beloved! Bitterly! 40 ↓

On the day of the wedding
Accept my sister congratulations
May everything be fine with you
Life is enjoyable.
Always stay in love
Try to cherish your feelings
So that the newlyweds are around
They called you all my life! 43 ↓

Let the heart beat loudly with happiness
Cherished dreams will come true
I congratulate you on your wedding, little sister,
I want you to be happy! 41 ↓

I wish my beloved sister
The one and only
Always be the same beautiful
How happy this day.
For your spouse to love you
I wore it on my hands, appreciated it!
I wish you happiness with all my heart,
May joy be with you! 43 ↓

My incredible little sister! Today is your wedding day, one of the most beautiful days in your life. You got married and now you have your own family. I congratulate you on the fact that you have really found the person you love and who has become the most dear to you! I wish you every day to be the happiest for you! I wish your young family strong love, prosperity, joy and positive! Advice to you and love! 39 ↓

Congratulations from your brother,
May life bring inspiration
Every day will turn into a holiday
Often a bird of happiness arrives! 39 ↓

My most beautiful little sister, today you are happy, and a smile never leaves your face. I sincerely want to wish you to always remain as beautiful as this day! I congratulate you, I wish you and your husband as much family happiness, love and warmth as possible! May your life together bring you only joy, and all bad things pass you by! You are very suitable for each other, take care of your feelings, do not pay attention to the little things and always remain the same beautiful couple! 39 ↓

I am so happy for you, sister, you just shine all over with happiness, from the fact that your beloved is next to you and holds your hand. Now you are a wife - that sounds solid and very convincing. Today you have become a family and I wish your feelings to grow stronger over time. I am sure that you will live together a long and happy life filled with the feelings, love and laughter of your children. May all dreams come true, take care of each other, take care of relationships and love. May your family be the happiest. Bitterly! 35 ↓

My favorite sister,
On the wedding day, I wish that love
Over the years it has not become a habit
And how hot the blood was today!
You value each other endlessly,
Let the little things not touch at all
May you live easily and carelessly,
I am very happy for you today. Bitterly! 41 ↓

Congratulations from Whom: | | |
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Congratulations to your sister's wedding

Are you married now sister
So be happy in this life!
I wish you joy, goodness,
And a lot of happiness in the whole world!

I wish you to live and prosper,
To strive for joint joy,
To give birth to a lot of children,
Any dream come true!

Congratulations on your sister's wedding

Congratulations on your wedding, little sister!
I wish you to live joyfully in eternal love!
Rather, it appeared, so that happiness in a diaper,
I wish you to love each other forever!

Always be in life from now on you are together,
Erasing the obstacles in your way!
So that a flawless song pours happiness
Everything will be, because the best is yet to come!

Congratulations on the wedding of your beloved sister

Beloved sister,
Today you are a bride!
I wish you happiness
And many wonderful days.

You made your choice
The groom deserves you
Adversity and sorrow
Don't be disturbed.

Keep your love
And do not lose your feelings
Have kids
And create a holiday.

Congratulations to your little sister's wedding

We grew up with you side by side
And we shared everything for two.
Ah, today I will not hide my tears
After reading a congratulatory verse.
These tears - there is no sorrow in them
Only pride and joy in them
For love, for a happy lot,
The one that you divide into two.
Congratulations, let the rock prankster
Side by side with trouble.
Let life rush like a holiday
Only with a clear head.

Beautiful wedding congratulations to sister

You and I grew up, sister, together,
And today you are a beautiful bride.
In a white dress and with a veil on her head,
I wish happiness and love to a young family.

Become a support for each other,
Let the kids appear soon.
Be happy, loved and in love
Live in peace, friendship, understanding.

Congratulate your sister on your wedding

Magic dress, well, like a princess ...
Hairstyle ... Your eyes are full of happiness!
Today, little sister, you became a bride
I wish you a happy wave.

Let life be filled with light and caress
More smiles, more likely a baby.
So that your husband turns your life into a fairy tale right away!
And so that your soul always sang.

Congratulations to your beloved sister on your wedding day

My dear sister, what happiness!
Today is the day of joining two hearts.
Dreams come true, and like a princess in a white dress
(The name of the groom) leads you down the aisle.
He, of course, was very lucky with you,
There are probably no more people like you in the world.
You are so smart, you are so kind, you are so beautiful
And if you dance, you will enchant the whole world!
And although you often quarreled with him, it happened
But your feeling was able to overcome everything,
And from adversity it only became brighter
Burn in the hearts of your lovers.
We are far away now, our dear (name),
But with all my heart with you at the wedding feast,
And he looks at you with love from the sky (name),
Blessing my beloved sister.

Congratulations to the sister in prose

My dear sister, with the imminent wedding of you. May your family life always be bright, full of joy. Let it only bring happiness. I wish that the flame of your love with your future husband never extinguished, but only flared up more and more every year.

Congratulations to your beloved sister on the wedding in your own words

My dear sister! With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your wedding day! May it remain a wonderful holiday in your memory forever! I am glad that in this hectic world you were lucky to find your soul mate! Safely store and multiply this happiness together with your spouse! Long and joyful family life for you!

Touching congratulations to the sister on the wedding

To the sounds of a wedding march
Sister wanted to wish:
May your family be strong
So that love can fly
I lived so that joy in your house,
And there was a cheerful laugh,
Life gave you its sweetness
There was success in everything!

Cool wedding congratulations to sister

We are in the parental home, sister, with you
For many years they lived together and grew up together.
And today you have become a happy wife
And we will not share the clothes with you.
You now have your own home and family
Everything will have to be done by ourselves, there is no time for boredom.
May your chosen one love and appreciate you!
Do not delay with the children: mom and dad are expecting grandchildren!

Wishes to my sister for a wedding in verse

I wish my sister
Getting married is a big step

I want to wish you good luck
May all good things come
And the joy in life awaits you!

Wedding congratulations to sister to tears

Dear little sister, today is your holiday!
You are fluttering in a wonderful white dress.
And next to him who is dear to you,
You will find peace, love and happiness with him!

I wish to carry my love through the years,
So that joy illuminates your cozy home,
So that it is bright, like all the vaults of heaven,
There was love, like a wonderful sweet dream!

Short wedding congratulations to sister

I wish my sister
In the fate of only happy days
Getting married is a big step
Let this be a sign of happiness!

I want to wish you good luck
In the fate of your worries not to know
May all good things come
And the joy in life awaits you!

Congratulations on your sister's wedding

Sister, congratulations on your wedding!
In family life, I wish:
Huge, sincere love
Always wait for your husband from work!

Give joy and smiles
Keeping each other from mistakes!
And live in understanding
You always love each other!

Congratulations on the wedding of the younger sister from the sister

Now you have become a spouse
But for me it's always a girl.
I send congratulations to you
My lovely sister!

After all, living life is not an easy job,
Family is a big responsibility.
As an adult you enter the path
I congratulate you on this.

Live happily always
Suddenly helping a friend in everything.
Let the trouble pass your house.
With a legal marriage, dear!

Cool congratulations for a sister's wedding from sister

So my sister chose
Gold share,
Flew away from the yard
To the groom, free.

And chirps to himself
With a cute one on a branch
Look, don't be
In a gilded cage!

Sister - what happiness!
The connection of two big hearts
Dreams come true: today in a white dress
Beloved leads you down the aisle.
He was lucky with you,
There are no more like you in the world,
Smart, gentle, perky and beautiful,
Be happy for more than a hundred years!

Sis, you are in a white dress today
You go down the aisle with your beloved.
I wish you great happiness
The beat of two hearts became one.
For the sparkle in your eyes
I will thank the groom
Let this shine burn to the end
I can talk until the evening.

I want you, as a brother, to confess
I was a little worried about you
But your lover made me understand
You can completely trust him.
Let him take care of you very much
Wears silk and fur coats,
And you please him too,
Cook soup, create comfort!

The whole world around you is frozen
Hearts unite forever
I wish your fire does not cool down,
And two rings became a talisman.
You value each other endlessly,
Let the quarrels not touch you a little,
Let it be warm and careless for you together.
I drink to you today. Bitterly!

There is a ring on the ring finger
And now your heart is busy
I'm standing at my sister's wedding
I'm holding on to a glass of champagne with all my might.
And I will immediately order the groom,
What if anything, I will support my sister,
Therefore, love like no one else
Sister! - all the groom, now yours.
You are an older, beloved sister,
You are the ideal forever for me.

My older sister, dear,
Wedding day - I congratulate you,
I wish you a strong marriage
I expect the tribes soon.
May the love, golden union,
It won't be a heavy burden for you
Hey, groom - take care of the bride,
Wear it on your hands until old age.

Here are the gold rings already dressed,
Now you are legitimate husband and wife,
With joy, a little with excitement,
I congratulate you, elder sister.
I sincerely wish you good luck,
Prosperity in the house is a must in the bargain,
May life always seem like a fairy tale to you
Great love, happiness to you, family warmth.

How beautiful the bride and groom are
Luxurious wedding, no free space,
The main holiday is with the older sister,
Fates are firmly connected today.
Congratulations on your wedding,
May life only bring you pleasure
May your house be a full cup always,
Love to you, joy, comfort and kindness.

Happy wedding to you, dear, older sister,
I wish you happiness for long and long years,
Let luck always knock on you,
Let life be a fairy tale for you to boot.
So that you have a generous, sunny fate,
So that the ringing songs sounded for joy,
So that there is a lot of happiness and warmth,
So that troubles and sorrows disappear forever.

Everything goes according to the rules in our family,
Happiness smiled at my elder sister, and then at me,
Today is a wedding, all relatives are happy,
My dear sister is getting married.
I wish you newlyweds only happiness, joy, goodness,
So that life flows like a river and is always fun,
I wish you good luck, mood, prosperity, prosperity and warmth,
So that love is always pure, beautiful and tender.

The soul is full of tenderness and the head is round,
Happy wedding day, older sister,
You are the best in the world, on the whole big planet,
And you and your husband will have the most beautiful children.
I wish you health so that you do not meet with pain,
Today we meet you at the wedding: bread, salt
We shout and groan "BITTER", remember the moment,
My sister was free, but not with her husband.

Congratulations to my older sister,
And I wish you to be in love
Carry your love through hundreds of years
And achieve many victories in marriage.
You decided on a serious step in life,
Wedding, promotes a woman's rank,
As you can, keep your feelings,
And take care of the other half.

Congratulations and wishes for the wedding

A sister's wedding is a joyful and at the same time exciting event. If you do not have enough eloquence to compose a congratulatory speech for the newlyweds, it does not matter. On this site you will find suitable congratulations for your sister's wedding in your own words. These lines can touch not only the person close to you, but also the guests.

Dear sister and her chosen one! So your hearts are connected. May your union be eternal! I want to wish you to live in perfect harmony on this happy day and be faithful to each other. Walk along the broad road through life, only forward and without stopping. Surround each other with care, burn in a pool of love and passion and save this love story in its original form until old age!

Dear newlyweds! On this wonderful day, I want to wish you to support each other in all life's vicissitudes, forgive mistakes and love each other ardently and faithfully! Let your feelings not lose their freshness, and trust and respect only grow stronger every year more and more! Let there be no disagreements and omissions between you. Live openly, joyfully and support each other to a ripe old age! God bless your marriage for many, many years!

Wedding greetings for the sister in your own words

Sister's wedding is a great occasion to remember everything that united and continues to unite you. Taking as a basis the congratulations to the sister's wedding presented on this page in your own words from your brother or sister, you can add examples from your life, tell about any cases that you remember the most.

And you can mention the details of the newlyweds' acquaintance, the nuances of their relationship, which only the closest people know about. If the congratulation is written with love, then it will surely evoke a response in the hearts of those present.

Dear little sister! It’s hard to believe that you have become such an adult and now you have your own family, because it seems that until recently you were little. I congratulate you on finding a man who has become your closest and dearest person. I wish you to be a faithful wife, respect, cherish, love and honor your husband! May every day spent in marriage be happy for you! I also wish your family happiness and prosperity. Advice to you and love!

Dear sister and her husband! I am sure that only love is capable of awakening the most delicate strings in human souls, it alone makes souls sing and rejoice! And I am happy that you have found it. Let mutual understanding and trust, respect and support for each other become your constant companions. The happiness of your family depends only on you alone! Take care of your love as the most precious treasure! I raise my glass to your strong family and happy future!

Congratulations in your own words on your sister's wedding day

Dear newlyweds! I wish you to go through life side by side, overcoming difficulties and hardships together. Let the husband not forget that his wife always needs help so that the joyful shine in her eyes does not disappear. Let the wife not forget that it is up to her to create an atmosphere of warmth, love and mutual understanding in the house, so that the husband always hurries home, knowing that a delicious dinner and an affectionate welcome awaits him there. May your family life always be happy!

It is sometimes said that a good deed cannot be called a marriage. It is worth remembering all these worries, joint grocery trips, cleaning and arguments over who will wash the dishes ... Fortunately, all these problems do not concern your couple! Observing you from the outside, I realized how strong and sincere love can be. Dear sister, I wish both you and your husband to keep this fire of passion in your soul and not to lose sincere feelings even after half a century of living together!

Congratulations on your sister's wedding, expressed in your own words, can be read at the festive table or during the presentation of gifts, write on a beautiful postcard. If your cousin is getting married and you will not be attending the celebration, you can send congratulations by email.

Dear newlyweds and guests! On this day, my beloved sister and her husband begin to write their family book of life. I want to wish them that all the pages of this book were filled with only joyful events! So that your love, despite all the sorrows and obstacles, becomes stronger every day! Never betray each other, because loyalty is the most important thing in a relationship.

Sweet little sister! You deserve to be happy, because you have waited so long for your man. And now you are together, tied by the bonds of marriage and the most important thing in the world - strong love. Only love is capable of linking two lives, two different destinies into one. I would like to wish that your family will soon grow up, and you will become the best parents in the world for your beautiful babies! Be happy, my beloved! Bitterly!

Congratulations on your sister's wedding in your own words

A truly touching and sincere wish does not tolerate official words and dry expressions. Warm wedding greetings for your sister, expressed in your own words, should come from the very heart.

My dear sister! With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your wedding day. May it remain a wonderful holiday in your memory forever! I am glad that in this hectic world you were lucky enough to find your soul mate. Safely store and multiply this happiness together with your spouse. Long and joyful family life to you!

Dear little sister! Today you got married, you became a wife and mistress of your own family hearth. We congratulate you and your spouse from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you long life, mutual respect and understanding, the most sincere love.

Dear guests! Just look at this pair! Everyone can see that that extraordinary feeling, which is called love, shines in their eyes! May this feeling not fade away, may it support them in hours of difficulties, without which no life path can go, may it warm them in moments of joy! May you live happily ever after!