Good morning wishes to a dear man. Good morning man in your own words beautiful

Good morning, darling!
Did you sleep well, my dear?
What did you dream about today?
Maybe you were there with me?

I kiss you gently,
I wish you a successful day.
I hug and, of course,
I'm waiting for the meeting, dear, I miss you.

Good morning to you!
I can't imagine how you slept.
I hope I gained strength
I let go of all the bad things.

May you be lucky in the morning
All good things go.
I love you honey.
You are my best, golden.

My beautiful man, beloved by every cell and with all my soul, good morning! May this beautiful day delight you, bring amazing emotions and enchant you with opportunities. I kiss you tenderly and wish you an amazing day!

Good morning my dear
My beloved, dear.
For me the most important in the world
It is happiness to be with you.

May the day give fun
May you be lucky
Let the angel protect
And it always leads home.

Good morning, my love.
It is a pity that now you are not with me.
I'd wake you up with a cup of coffee
With a bun that looks so much like a pizza.

And so I just wish you a good day.
And remember that I love you very much.
I would like to meet the dawn with you
But you are not with me now.

Good morning my beloved!
I know it's hard to get up
Wipe your eyes and again
Get ready for work.

I will send you a kiss
Gently he will wake you up
And a lucky talisman
The whole day will be with you!

Let the sunbeam
Will smile at you.
Good morning!
Magic sunrise.

I'm not with you
But I really miss.
Catch my lover
And sweet hello.

May good morning
Will smile at you.
Wrap it up with affection
Will chase your sleep away.

I adore you.
Love and miss.
Morning coffee...
Hearts in unison.

Good morning, darling, dear!
May this day be very successful
Know that I'm mentally next to you
And I will be with you, believe me, dear, forever!

Let love warm you
Let your morning begin with a positive!
And everything that the heart desires this day,
It will be fulfilled simply so that you live happily!

Good morning my sweet!
I miss you so much.
How did you, my dear, sleep?
What did you see in your dream?

May the morning be joyful
Delightful and sweet.
Let it bring you cheerfulness
In the afternoon, of course, lucky.

In the morning you raise my spirits
You always give me smiles and joy.
I am very happy that you are with me,
My beloved man, my dear!

I want to be sad and laugh with you,
Always be there, never part,
Strive for dreams and love endlessly.
I want the happiness of the two to last forever!

Good morning my love
Good morning, my dear.
Can't measure my happiness
When I'm next to you.

Only luck and luck
Let them accompany you.
And I hope you remember
You love me.

Who said that if people live for many years in marriage, then they no longer need mutual tenderness and romance? We assure you that your husband, although he does not expect and does not expect any unexpected actions on your part, still hopes for them. After all, relationships need to be reinforced with something, add variety to them and return their former passion, sincerity and love. And how else to do it, if not with the help of kind words, filled with the warmest feelings and sincere intentions.

Please your loved one for any trifles - there is no need to look for some reason at all. Home from work? Say nice things to him. Did you do something around the house? Reward him with warm words. Goes to bed? ... Woke up? So wish good morning! On you will find the most beautiful, sincere and suitable for your occasion wish good morning to your husband, which will help you give your man a lot of unforgettable impressions and real delight. Surround him with your attention, and let him know that you have not stopped loving and cherishing him.

Choose any wish right now. With us you will be able to realize all your plans!

Good morning, beloved husband!
With a new beginning to you
The kind and the most beautiful -
Here you are.

May this day, my good one,
Everything is going well!
The day will be good, fine,
Love brought happiness!

Congratulations on your mobile

I'm the happiest person in the world
Due to the fact that both in the heat and cold
I can say "Darling, good morning!"
To my own and only husband.

Good morning my husband! Wake up!
Enjoy my tenderness again
Like the wind that flutters your hair
Like the sun that blinds you with joy!

Enjoy my kiss
Which we both yearn for
And with a gentle, airy touch,
Sometimes not quite obedient

To make the day as pleasant
Awesome, incredible
Like the morning with me alone,
Your loving, tender wife!

Good morning has come
The sun sparkled in the sky.
May the day bring good luck
Laughter and joy - not otherwise!

May you succeed
There is no need to doubt.
Let the problems pass by
There will be happiness, beloved husband!

My dear husband, it's time to wake up
Good morning, love and kindness.
You are my favorite and sweetest
I even envy myself.

Don't be lazy, it's time to get up
And let's go for a walk faster.
I am proud of you my beloved
You are the best dear.

Good morning, dear and beloved,
Don't miss me this day!
May he bring you the light of positive
All wishes come true, you should know!

Let the sun shine this morning
Gentle rays give warmth
Let the adults, children smile,
To be lucky today!

Good morning my love wake up
Enjoy the morning dawn immediately.
The sun sends its first ray of hello
Smile and you will answer him soon.

Pull yourself together and hit the road right away
Don't forget to call me too.
May this morning add vigor
My love for you, of course, will direct.

Good morning, my dear husband!
The time to sleep is long gone
See how it shines brightly
Wonderful sun through the window!

Smiling, laughing
Calls to go on a new day,
As if he knows that today
Good luck awaits you and me!

I'll brew hot coffee
I will hug you tightly
More than all of you in the world
I love and love!

Beloved husband, even if in a new day
Luck smiles at you
Do good and be strong
In an instant everyone is in love!

May our feelings help
The cherished doors open
Harmony to you, support of friends,
Many bright and bold ideas!

He is reliable and caring. He is your lover, at first glance, self-confident. However, he also lacks something. What? Your support and attention in a series of ordinary days when a man has to solve millions of business problems and everyday issues. It's easy to show him your location if you send him funny or touching good morning messages on his phone in a poetic form.

An offer that is difficult to refuse ...

Even without having a poetic gift, any lady today will be able to please a loved one with a poetic wish of good morning with the help of our service. Dozens of poems are already waiting for you in the wishes section for a pleasant start to the day. Choose what is right for you and visit us more often to support or "reset" your relationship. Every day our resource is replenished with new poems especially for you.

When are wishes for good morning to a man in verse especially appropriate?

Even a man who is not used to frequent external displays of love and care still needs them to be sure of your affection. So little joys in his life can be your poetic messages to his phone with wishes for a good start to the day. If you need a reason for poetic wishes for a man in the morning, then our site is glad to offer you the most common of them:

  • Important meetings and negotiations. A good morning wish for a man in verse sent after his departure to the phone will cheer him up with the thought that you appreciate his efforts and achievements in the name of the family.
  • Great dates. Each couple has special days that are filled with a romantic mood - the days of first dates, kisses, marriage registration or other holidays known only to you and your partner for two. Why not start them off by wishing you a pleasant morning in a poem read in private over breakfast? In this case, a woman can also take the first step.
  • "Thank you both in heart and soul." Gratitude for yesterday's gift or an evening pleasantly spent the day before can be expressed to your beloved with a poetic wish good morning, which will inspire him to new deeds in your honor.
  • The situation is heating up. Misunderstandings and misunderstandings are inevitable companions of every couple, but frequent quarrels and scandals exhaust the soul. If parting is not part of your overall plans, then defuse the tension with kind words addressed to the chosen one in the morning. Surely he will be delighted with the truce and forget about the insults.
  • Gloomier than a cloud. The disposition of the spirit of a man in the morning leaves much to be desired? Use the power of words and love to ward off bad moods from him and give him a smile all day while remembering your poetic good morning wish.
  • Distance. A trip, a business trip and distance from a beloved woman introduces many men into a blues or temptation. To help him avoid them, be especially careful and gentle to him. Touching wishes for a pleasant morning for him when talking, communicating on social networks or Skype will become your best assistants in maintaining relationships. Don't neglect them!

Funny and serious poetic good morning messages are one of the best ways to convey your feelings to a man. Use them by visiting our site as often as possible. We are glad to replenish it daily with new works especially for you and those close to you!

Good morning darling
How did you sleep at night?
How many dreams have you seen?
Where did you happen to be?

I missed you
You wake up, wake up!
The sun shines through the window
Open your eyes soon!

The sun will wake us up with an invisible smile,
I will send this smile to you ...
Get up, my dear boy, beloved,
Wake up with the words: I love you!

Good morning my beloved!
Get up and start the day with exercises
Be like an invincible lion.
I love you my sweet.

Darling, good morning, my dear!
May it be a beautiful, naughty day
May all things work out today
May your luck not end on this day!

Do not believe that the morning is not good:
I wish you kindness!
And walk through life, singing songs,
May your dreams come true!

Dear, it's time to get up!
Good morning, clear!
See you again! Hooray!
Everything will be fine!

Good morning honey!
I'm always with you in my thoughts
Let everything go smoothly
On this bright day!

Let all problems be solved
You will feel lightness
I promise to try
To make your dreams come true!

Cheerful morning! Have a good day!
Kind smiles! I kiss you!

Good morning dear,
I know you are already awake!
And I wish with all my heart
So that success touches you

Smile, be happy
Do not let this day disturb
Forget about all the bad
Let the sadness not gnaw at you!

My beloved little man
Good morning!
Will be cheerful and carefree
This day, I promise!

May it work out today
All things and beginnings,
Let everyone laugh with you
Efforts will not be in vain!

The morning woke up with a cheerful dawn
The alarm clock is ringing quietly under the ear
Darling, start your business with a laugh,
Good luck will give you a ruble on the fly!

To pass this day without stress,
The evening has come for us to meet
Souls intertwine in close union
The fruits of love will grow in bliss!

Woke you up with a message
To say good morning
Because I wanted to be the first
An interesting day to wish.

And whisper, even if virtually:
"I kiss you and love you!"
It's just that my feelings are very early
They literally stand up together with the sun.

What bliss to wake up early
And smile at the dawn of a new day,
Think about the happiness that life has given.
After all, my happiness is you. True, dear!

But happiness ... It is, they say, fleeting ...
Not true! Let it be endless for us!
We will hold hands tightly with you
And in happiness, like in the sea, we will plunge together ...

Good morning darling!
With a new beginning to you
The kind and the most beautiful -
Here you are.

May this day, my good one,
Everything is going well!
The day will be good, fine,
Love brought happiness!

Good morning, dear and beloved,
Do not miss me on this day!
May he bring you the light of positive
All wishes come true, know!

Let the sun shine this morning
Gentle rays give warmth
Let the adults, children smile,
To be lucky today!

I have no one closer.
You are my meaning, family, destiny.
The sun is beating through the window
But a message will wake you up.

Smile at the blinking screen.
I will catch your smile in the palm of my hand
I'll put it in my pocket for the whole day
We will spend the evening with her.

I'll kiss you in the morning
My most important person
So that I do not look for another love,
And he became mine for a whole century.

I will enchant you in the morning
Dream about meeting all day long.
I'm so looking forward to seeing you in the evening,
That without you the sun is a shadow ...

May this morning be good
I wish you, my dear,
So that you enter the day cheerful, cheerful,
To admire the beauty!

Hurry baby wake up
Believe in yourself, believe yourself!
And enjoy this day
After all, he brings you success!

Priceless, sleepy leopard, I love it so much!
There are no relatives in the world, adored one!
I send waves of tenderness abundantly
Get up and start a bright day soon!

Darling, darling, let it be morning
Gives happiness, joy, and dispels sadness!
My message, lines for you -
They will bring good luck, because they were created in love!

I wish you good morning
My beloved, from the bottom of my heart!
Lucky you today
Just hurry up to wake up!

Let the birds chirp in the sky
And the sun's ray plays
May this morning succeed
It will be clear and without clouds!

The sun will wake up - you will wake up with it ...
Its rays are like your open gaze.
All night long I dreamed about red flowers
What did you bring me a day ago.

Let the warm ray of the sun
Slides into your window
And quietly, without pampering,
Kisses so sweet!

Wake up my dear
Beloved and dear!
May the day be successful
I kiss you tenderly!

Let's roll over smoothly
Let's shake our heads asleep ...
Woke up, honey? Well, fine:
Labor Day calls us!

Good morning, my husband, my man!
Start a new day with a smile!
If you need a reason for delight,
Look, the sun has kicked out the shadow!

Today I will tell you a secret:

This is what I want. You deserve it!

Today I will tell you a secret:
Something good must happen!
This is what I want. You deserve it!
Well, good morning! Smack at the same time!

Good morning! It's a wonderful day!
Look, darling, attentively through the window!
Sun patterns of clouds
Draws scenes from dreams again!

Good morning, my dear!
Glad to see you!
May smiles, joy, laughter
Give, as always, success
So that today
I saved you happiness!

The sun is shining over the earth
The night was drunk.
Good morning dear!
Love and hug!

Are the slippers hidden? God be with them:
The cold floor drives laziness!
Good morning my beloved!
May the day be successful!

To make your morning easy
So that I wanted to laugh, create,
I will look at you with a soft look
I will often "like" to say!

Perhaps outside the window it is cold and dim,
But read the SMS and smile immediately!
I wish you: darling, good morning!
Hurry up to meet a good day!