Give volume to straight hair. Giving hair volume at home. Benefits of hair powder

Lush, obedient hair, easily taking the desired shape, - object of desire many beauties.

Yes, and voluminous hairstyles never won't go out of fashion. But, unfortunately, few people manage to get such a gift from nature.

However, you should not despair - a little work and skill, and volumetric styling will delight you and admire others. To do this, you just need to pay attention to a few points.

The best base for giving the appearance of volume to fine hair at the roots is competently selected haircut. Straight strands of the same length are much more difficult to give the desired basal volume. But a cascade, a long or short bob, like any other version of a stepped haircut, will greatly facilitate this task.

How to wash your hair?

An important factor to create a stylish voluminous hairstyle is what exactly you wash your hair with.

There are many options, and which one will work in your case, you can only find out by experience.

Special shampoos. Shampoo marked "to add volume" can be found, perhaps, in the assortment of any cosmetic company. Many girls successfully use them and are happy with the result.

By the way, there are many supporters of the use of men's shampoos for this purpose ( the secret of their influence by volume is simple - menthol plus stronger drying properties).

but for hair health it is better to select detergents, guided by their type. Volumizing shampoos can both dry out already dry hair and provoke excessive sebum production in oily hair.

Natural remedies. Rye bread, chicken, seasonings - from honey to mustard, can be a great help for the owner of fine hair. It is worth paying attention to herbal ubtans (a mixture of crushed herbs, rye or chickpea flour and some other components) and cosmetic clays - yellow, blue and red are especially good for hair.

The recipe for such a homemade shampoo, which gives noticeable volume hair: two tablespoons of rye flour, a spoonful of mustard, a spoonful of clay (for dry hair - yellow and red, green or bold is recommended), a spoonful of colorless henna and a spoonful of flax seeds and dry nettles ground into dust.

All this should be mixed, poured with water to make thick sour cream and wash your head with this mixture, like shampoo.

Of course, there is no foam, but this composition washes just fine, and the hair after such a natural shampoo is just a feast for the eyes - silky, fluffy and elastic. You can add raw egg yolk to ubtan and raw egg yolk, this will only add to its nutritional qualities.

Hair rinse. We choose a light conditioner balm, apply it exclusively to the lower half of the length of the strands, avoiding the roots. By the way, some speak well of the so-called reverse washing method, when the procedure begins with applying a balm, and only then use shampoo. But this is an individual question, and whether such a scheme is suitable for you can be found out only by trying the options.

should not be neglected and final rinse, ideally it is a herbal decoction or infusion, but in extreme cases, just boiled water is suitable. In such a rinse, add the juice of half a lemon, or a tablespoon of apple (grape) vinegar. Shine and secured!

How to dry your hair the right way to create volume

The first thing should be remembered: Start drying only after the hair has dried in the air until it is damp. If time is short, you can vigorously dry them with a towel - in any case, they should not drip!

It is advisable to choose a cool mode in the operation of the hair dryer - this way you will cause the least amount of harm to your curls.

If time is running out and you can’t do without hot drying, apply to the length of your hair thermal protection.

Means for giving volume, whether it be a spray, gel or special tonic, is prerequisite to create a stable basal volume. Alcohol dries hair, thins and makes it brittle, so it is better to do without it.

note on sprays and foams adorned with the "push-up" badge. The composition of such products includes special polymers that envelop literally every hair, making it thicker and more elastic, which helps to model a fluffy hairstyle that is resistant to external influences. An excellent effect is given by such components as liquid marine collagen, wheat protein, caffeine, vitamins PP and B5, ceramides.

Advice! You need to choose a product to add volume to your hair carefully, focusing not on the beauty of the packaging and the promoted brand, but on the composition. Do not be too lazy to read the small letters - a lot depends on the components!

In order for your creation - an exquisite hairstyle - to last as long as possible, apply foam or on wet strands, mostly at the roots. At the same time, you can make a light massage of the scalp, which will also help in the process of creating volume. Then a hair dryer comes to the rescue, best of all with a diffuser nozzle.

The principle of operation of the installation is this: after applying the volumizing agent, lift the strands one by one, making circular movements with a hair dryer at the roots.

If there is, great, it should be held so that it is in contact with your skin, and carefully massage it with your fingers.

If you don't have a diffuser, your own fingers will do the job too.

You can immediately treat each dried strand with varnish at the base of the root, folding it back. In this case, setting will keep very firmly. However, your hair will not like this amount of styling products, so save this method for really exceptional cases.

It is also convenient for long hair to divide it into two or three parts with elastic bands or “crab” hairpins: in this way, while you are drying the lower part, the upper ones do not interfere.

After all the strands are processed, comb the hair a little in the frontal, occipital and temporal parts of the head, give the hairstyle the desired shape (it is better to work with your fingers) and fix it with varnish. Illusion voluminous hairstyle thick, beautiful hair, ready!

Advice! If you have short hair, you should start blow-drying from the front of your head, slowly moving towards the back of your head. If your hair has reached at least shoulder length, for the effect of thick and strong hair, you need to dry them with your head tilted forward, starting from the back of the head.

How to raise hair at the roots with a bouffant

Comb strands at the roots - the fastest and easiest way give hair volume. And despite the fact that, strictly speaking, it is harmful for the structure of the hair to injure them in this way, many women do this.

However, from time to time you can resort to this method. The main thing is to follow the basic rules:

  1. Only clean hair!
  2. Combing strands makes sense only on freshly washed and Okay dried hair, otherwise the volume simply will not be able to hold.
  3. No sudden movements!
  4. the procedure itself is traumatic, so it is important to make soft, smooth and short movements, and in no case don't tear hairs comb.
  5. The right choice of comb.
  6. If you are pursuing a goal strengthen the hair and to give it a basal volume, the comb should be with frequent and narrow teeth (a small “male” one will do). If you just want to make the strands more magnificent along the entire length, take a comb with wide and long teeth.

How to add volume to short hair. If your hairstyle is no longer than the jaw line, it is best to pre-curl your hair in any way to better hold the bouffant. Only in this way will she acquire the desired relief volume and will keep it at least for a while.

You need to comb your hair like this: lifting the strand and holding it with one hand, comb at the roots with gentle movements. Then to hairstyle looked neat and natural, cover the bouffant with hair, lightly smooth it with a brush and fix it with a small amount of varnish (here it is also important not to overdo it - the “lacquer crust” will not decorate anyone!).

Root biowave - what is it?

For those who are ready to take drastic measures, modern beauty studios offer to undergo a procedure called "". The essence of the method in that the fixing composition is applied only to the strands at the roots, making it very easy to form a magnificent beautiful hairstyle.

Such a perm is considered a good method for solving the problem of very oily hair (but, of course, it will not work for supporters of natural personal care). The main thing in this matter - to find a really experienced and talented master.

Give visible basal volume to hair not so difficult- the main thing is to approach the problem thoughtfully and comprehensively. Try the options, you will definitely find the right one for you.

But remember: beautiful hair, shiny and obedient, is not only a gift of nature, but also result of your lifestyle. Do not smoke, eat right, do not forget about the fresh air - and enjoy a healthy and attractive head of hair!

We invite you to watch an interesting video on how to add volume to long hair at the roots:

When the hair is thin, a straight parting should not be done: there will definitely not be volume. To make any styling look more magnificent, divide your hair with a side parting - straight or zigzag.

2. Lightly bouffant

The bouffant that is made with an ordinary comb is a greeting from the past. They look unnatural and out of date. There is another way to add volume to your hair with a bouffant: use a toothbrush. Part your hair with a parting and comb the strands next to it only at the very roots. Then move the parting a couple of centimeters to the side, repeat the procedure - and so on several times.

3. Wash your hair only at the roots.

Not everyone knows what is really needed. If they are thin, it is especially important to adhere to the correct technique. Apply shampoo and massage the hair, getting a cloud of foam, you need only at the roots. If you do the same on the entire length of the hair, including the tips, which are dry and brittle, it will dry them out more. Hair will become fluffy, but will look like straw.

4. Do not apply conditioner to the hair roots

There are subtleties in the use of air conditioning. On the contrary, it cannot be applied to the roots. The rich texture of this tool will make the hair heavier at the roots - accordingly, there will be no talk of volume. In addition, because of this, fine hair will become dirty even faster.

5. Dry your hair upside down

If you want volume, don't dry your hair by brushing it from root to tip. It is better to lower your head down and direct the air flow from the hair dryer to the hair roots. This will lift them, make dried hair more lush, fluffy.

6. Keep your hair cut

Long thin hair is usually devoid of volume: heaviness pulls them down. It is quite another thing - haircuts are short and medium length (above the collarbones). They are easy to lay, they perfectly keep their shape and retain volume.

7. Layer your haircut

There is a way out for those who do not want to part with the length, but still need volume. The main thing is not to cut your hair “along the line”, making the cut straight. In this case, the hairstyle will seem flat, hair (especially thin) - not thick, but sparse. At the barbershop, you need to do a multi-layered haircut with graduation. And with styling, and without it will look more voluminous.

Thin hair is better not to dye in one tone. More complex techniques, such as shatush and balayazh, help to emphasize individual strands with the help of color and thereby visually increase the volume of hair. To enhance the effect, the hair after such dyeing should be styled with twisted ends or waves.

9. Choose the right styling products

Those with thin hair need to pay attention to texture when choosing styling products. Not all of them contribute to obtaining volume, some make the hair heavier. For example, oils and gels should not be bought. But light sprays, mousses and foams are what you need.

10. Apply styling products in moderation

You need to know the measure even when using products with a suitable texture. Squeeze a foam ball the size of a tennis ball out of the bottle. In this amount, the styling product will only make the hair heavier and deprive them of volume.

Dry shampoo is a miracle product for fine hair. Firstly, as you know, even in half a day they can become greasy, dirty at the roots. If you apply dry shampoo to the roots, it will absorb excess sebum. Secondly, this tool lifts the hair at the roots, compacts them. Dry shampoo can also be applied to the length of the hair just to give it volume.

12. Curl your hair

Instead of straightening and smoothing your hair, curl your hair. Beach waves, like after swimming in sea water, Hollywood curls and lush curls give the desired result.

13. Get a messy look

Another styling option is with the effect of deliberate negligence. Slightly tousled hair, loose or gathered in a hairstyle, will appear more lush and thick. By the way, to make such a styling, dry shampoos, sprays with sugar or sea salt are useful. They help texture the hair.

We all dream of a lush hairstyle, but not all of us are lucky. What to do if the hair is naturally thin? Reconcile? No. We know several ways in which you can give good volume to thin hair.

Follow our advice, and soon you will hear the admiring questions of your friends: “How did you manage to achieve such a volume?” And men will in silent delight “eat” you with their eyes.

The right haircut

A haircut is the main thing in creating a voluminous hairstyle. The best haircut medium length with broken contours. Trim it once a month and a half.

Also, thin hair is visually thicker with fashionable haircuts that add volume:

  • short, torn or classic bob;
  • all kinds of cascade, looks especially good;
  • sesson - all options.

By the way, hair extensions are a good option for thin hair. For this, less than 150 strands are enough, and the procedure will take no more than 4 hours.

You will need to take care of your hair extensions in the same way as your own, nothing special.

Fine hair coloring

The most successful options for solving the problem of insufficient hair volume:

  • colorize();
  • highlighting.
  • For the visual volume of blond hair, the so-called "majimesh" is suitable. It spares hair due to the absence of perhydrol in the composition and the addition of wax;
  • Don't drastically change your hair color if you are a brunette: blond hair itself looks more rare than dark hair. It seems as if the skin is visible through the strands;
  • Also, don't dye your hair if the only motivation is the conventional wisdom that dye coats the hairs, making them thicker - this is a myth;
  • The last contraindication is previous perm, coloring is incompatible with it, do not believe the tricks of marketers. This will destroy even healthy hair;

Do not expect miracles from dyeing: visually, the hair will really seem lush, but not to the touch. This is especially true for hair that is rough from bleaching.

Volumetric styling

  • Hold the hair dryer more than 15 centimeters from your head so as not to dry out your hair and not deprive them of their natural shine. By the way, judging by the reviews of women, they are very good for shine, the recipes of which we have collected on our website;

It is better to turn on the maximum and dry your hair as quickly as possible. If you have followed the first paragraph of our recommendations, you can not be afraid: do not “burn” your hair.

An excellent volume gives thin strands, or biochemistry. Photos and videos about her are on our website. This is one of the most gentle ways of long-term waving.

To make your hair thicker and grow better, try nicotinic acid - about it. The action of this tool well stimulates the hair follicles.

  • Don't forget about diffuser- a special nozzle for a hair dryer. There are many holes in it, passing through which the air becomes softer and more gentle. There are also “fingers” on the surface, they lift the hair at the roots, and this creates volume.
  • Can be used brush heads to create curls, also giving volume to the hairstyle.
  • You can do it gently: stretch the strand vertically and make combing movements at the roots of the hair.

Start styling with combing after a shower:

  • walk through wet hair with a comb with rare teeth;
  • move from the bottom up, from the tips;
  • then apply special products with a thermal protective effect;
  • Only then dry your hair with a hair dryer and a comb.

All yours combs must be antistatic. It will be most convenient to take a round comb to create additional tension and natural lifting of the hair. No need to suffer, bend over and dry your hair in an uncomfortable position - this is less effective.

In addition to a hair dryer, styling can be done either by winding hair from the roots with their help. Moreover, volumetric styling, with the correct use of these devices, is obtained both with irons and ordinary ones.

How to increase hair volume without any styling products - watch the video.

Video: volume without varnishes, mousses and foams

Products for the volume of fine hair

Fine hair needs to be washed frequently by special means. Care is especially required if you have done staining.

Shampoos, balms, masks

When buying, turn your choice to shampoos, balms, masks with the inscription "volume" (volume). Unfortunately, mass-market products often create volume solely due to the silicone composition. It envelops each hair and visually makes it thicker, but the effect is short-lived.

Dust particles settle on the silicone “film”, and the head very quickly becomes dirty again. Professional shampoos are much more expensive, but they will create volume of hair due to contained in proteins and keratins- the same substances that are in our hair.

To increase the volume of fine hair, we can recommend you shampoos and balms:

  • balm conditioner Herbal Essences;
  • Nivea shampoo;
  • Shampoo Clear Vita ABE, Volume Maxx;
  • Shampoo Redken, Body Full Shampoo.

For the best effect, add from the same series to increase volume:

  • conditioner balm;
  • air conditioner.

However, remember that they can apply only to the ends and be sure to rinse very well.

The specific brand of professional products is not particularly important, the main thing is vitamins B3 and amino acids, revitalizing hair and giving it elasticity.

Do not overdo it with cleansing procedures. There is a persistent myth that if you wash all the dirt, the hair will become voluminous, but this is just a myth.

Focus on nutrition and recovery.

Only if you are very limited in time, you can use dry shampoos between washings: they will refresh your hair by absorbing excess oil.

Mousses, sprays and foams

Styling mousse is one of the main tools for increasing volume. If you have a short haircut, opt for alcohol-free mousses. Sprays and foams to add volume are also suitable. Just don't use gels that make your hair heavier.

Try following means for volume fine hair:

  • Blond Me foam from Schwarzkopf Professional;
  • foam "Megamania" from Schwarzkopf;
  • Design Mousse Urban Style foam by Jean Louis David;
  • Lush Volume Cream by Sunsilk Co-Creations.

How to use:

  • Apply the selected product in a small amount after a shower;
  • Having rubbed it in the palms, evenly distribute it along the length of the hair;
  • When blow-drying, tousle your hair to get the desired volume.

If you chose , don't forget to pin the result varnish to create volume: lift curls and fix at the roots to keep the very base of the hairstyle.

You will be interested to learn about such a simple way to add volume, like. It is very comfortable, and most importantly - the volume after it lasts a long time.

Hair lamination also contributes to their volume. read about how to make it at home with regular edible gelatin.

Masks with oak bark will not only visually increase your hairstyle, but also rid your hair of oiliness: - this is our article.

Folk recipes

And further. You can resort to folk remedies:

  • Nettle is the undisputed leader: thanks to it, the scaly shell of the hair swells, which gives volume to the hairstyle. Rinse your hair with nettle infusion after every wash
  • If your hair needs not only volume, but also restoration, for example, after a perm, rub into the scalp after washing olive oil.

See how you can style your hair with just a foam and a couple of hair tools.

Video: volume with foam, comb and hair dryer

You will find the secrets of adding volume to thin hair and care tips in the article.

Thin hair is a common and rather unhappy phenomenon for a woman. But this can be dealt with if you approach the problem comprehensively.

Why hair becomes sparse and thin

Causes thin and sparse hair are divided into three groups:

  • genetic predisposition
  • Problems and changes in the body
  • External factors

genetic predisposition.

If mom and dad do not have lush hair, then it is likely that the child will also have rather thin and sparse hair.

But with proper care for such hair, you will achieve good results.

Problems and changes in the body:

  • Thyroid disorders
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Serious diseases of the internal organs
  • Taking powerful drugs
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Constant or severe stress
  • Improper nutrition
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Smoking and alcohol

External factors:

  • Exposure to high temperatures. Drying with a hot hair dryer, exposure to a curling iron, washing with hot water
  • Exposure to cold temperatures: walking without a hat in the cold
  • Exposure to chemicals: frequent dyeing, perm
  • Ultraviolet: frequent visits to the solarium

How to cure thin hair

Treatment should be comprehensive:

  • You need to find out the cause and eliminate it. If the cause remains, then the hair will now and then return to its previous state.
  • Treatment with professional cosmetics
  • Hair treatment in the salon
  • Taking vitamins
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Take proper care of your hair

Hair treatment in the cabin:

  • Cauterization. The hair is washed with a special shampoo, after which a regenerating serum is applied. After the serum is sealed with a special curling iron. The procedure seals nutrients inside the hair, after which the hair becomes heavy and shiny.
  • Biolamination, glazing, shielding. Special compositions with natural ingredients, ceramides, nutrients, respectively, are applied to the hair. These are varieties of the lamination procedure. All of them are aimed at giving hair volume and its treatment.
  • Cryotherapy. Aimed at stopping the process of hair loss by saturating the hair follicles with liquid nitrogen

Hair vitamins

For proper nutrition, hair must receive vitamins of group B, A, E, F, C.

  • Vitamin B5 ensures full hair growth
  • Vitamin B6 prevents hair loss
  • Vitamin A will save you from dullness and brittle hair (beta-carotene is good to drink)
  • Vitamin E nourishes the hair, which prevents hair loss
  • Vitamin F makes hair silky
  • Vitamin C contributes to good blood microcirculation, which means that hair will not fall out

IMPORTANT: Vitamins can be used orally, buy hair cosmetics containing vitamins, add a few drops to shampoo, balm, hair mask. And you can buy a ready-made vitamin complex in a pharmacy.

How to add volume to thin hair at the roots

To give the best volume effect, it is worth solving the problem in a complex way:

  • The right haircut
  • Correct hair color
  • Proper styling
  • The right cosmetics for hair

How to make basal volume on long hair?

Long hair should be treated in the same way as short hair (see previous section).

IMPORTANT: Only in the case of long hair, you will need styling products with a stronger hold.

Video: How to create volume at the hair roots

How to style thin sparse hair to have volume

Several ways to style your hair to add volume.


Quite an old hair styling method and quite effective.

For styling you will need:

  • Large curlers with Velcro
  • Hair clips
  • Fixative


  • Divide your hair with a horizontal line into 2 parts
  • Divide each part into strands according to the width of the curler
  • From the tips to the roots, wind the curlers so that the hair is at the top and the curlers are close to the head
  • Clamp
  • Keep it on your hair until completely dry, or for as long as possible (then you will need to dry your hair with a hairdryer, do not remove the curlers)
  • Take off the curlers
  • Fix with styling agent


This is a philistine way to add volume to hair:

  • Separate with a horizontal line the upper hair that will not be combed
  • Divide the rest of your hair into small sections.
  • With a flat comb, comb a strand 2-3 cm from the roots so that the volume looks natural
  • Cover the bouffant with top hair

Hairdryer styling.

The easiest, but less noticeable, way is to dry your hair by holding your head down.

For a more complex method, you will need:

  • Fixative
  • Round comb. Diameter about 5-6cm

IMPORTANT: See the video below for the installation technique.

Video: Adding volume: how to style your hair

Coloring fine hair for volume

  • To add volume to thin and sparse hair, choose shades from dark blond to blond
  • Dark colors visually reduce volume, even if you just styled your hair.
  • But you shouldn't paint pearl white either.

IMPORTANT: But if by nature you are given dark hair, then do not bleach it to add volume. Bleach damages hair. And for thin hair it is simply contraindicated.

Helps visually increase volume complex painting techniques hair: ombre, shatush, balayage (see).

What haircuts are suitable for volume thin hair

  • Suitable length is about the shoulder (slightly higher-lower)
  • The more layered the haircut, the more volume it creates.
  • Any type of bob haircut
  • Well help to achieve the volume of short hair at the back of the head
  • If you are not a supporter of short hair, then just make a ladder and a cascade along the length

IMPORTANT: Hair that is too long will look very sparse and difficult to style to create volume. Hair that is too short gives away the fact that you have little hair on your head and will look like fluff.

Long bob for fine hair

The bob haircut is ideal for thin hair. This haircut is suitable for all face types and visually creates volume.

Bob hairstyle for thin hair volume

For thin hair, a multi-layer bob haircut is suitable. This haircut will allow you to easily style your hair and create volume.

The tousled bob option is also ideal for thin hair.

A bob haircut, as a rule, involves uneven parting and side bangs.

An elongated caret for thin hair for volume, photo

An elongated caret will advantageously present your hair with a length not lower than the shoulder. Possible length option - 1-2 cm below the shoulder.

IMPORTANT: You can’t do a long length, you will only express the subtlety and rarity of your hair

Volumizing mask for fine hair

A mask for the volume of thin hair can be selected in the store, or you can make it at home from natural ingredients. The choice in stores is huge. Reviews about each tool can be found both negative and positive. After all, the choice of any means is an individual matter. Here are some masks:

  • Wella Lifetex Volume Protein Mask for Fine Hair
  • Concept Biotech organa mask for fine hair

  • Amway Satinikue

Volume Shampoo for Fine Hair

Sulfate-free shampoos and shampoos containing vitamin B6 will help to achieve the greatest effect.

  • Amway Shampoos
  • Aubrey Organics Shampoos

  • Shampoos of the L'oreal Professionnel series

Volumizing lotion and spray for fine hair

Lotions and sprays are also individual for everyone. The choice is also great. it is better to choose those that contain vitamins of groups B, E,

  • Spray care L'oreal Professionnel Volume Expand

  • Spray with black caviar extract Mon Platin

Volume cream for fine hair

The choice of a cream for hair volume should be carried out according to the same principles as when choosing a shampoo, spray, mask (see above)

  • Wella Wellaflex Volumizing Cream

  • L'oreal Professionnel Dual stylers liss & Pump up volumizing cream gel for fine hair

Volume mousse for fine hair

The choice of mousse for hair volume should be carried out according to the same principles as when choosing a shampoo, spray, mask (see above)

  • Wella
  • L'oreal
  • Estel

Oils for thin and weak hair

Oils weigh hair down. Keep this in mind when buying oils for fine hair. They will undoubtedly help cure hair, but it will be more difficult for you to achieve volume.

Essential oil for fine hair volume

The following oils are optimal for protecting and treating fine hair:

  • lavender oil
  • tangerine oil
  • orange oil
  • grapefruit oil
  • Jasmine oil
  • Cananga oil

IMPORTANT: Essential oils are best used either as part of masks or added to hair care products (see the next section with recipes)

How to make thin hair voluminous at home

To help thin hair and make it voluminous at home, masks prepared according to special recipes with various components will help.

  • Wash your hair quickly
  • Do not use heavy waxes and gels to fix the hairstyle. Better - light foam or varnish
  • Choose shampoos with vitamin B5 in the composition

Boost up for hair

Boost up is a procedure for creating volume on the hair.

  • Made exclusively in the salon
  • Stays on hair for 6 months
  • The upper hair is separated by a horizontal parting and does not participate in the procedure.
  • Further, the hair, starting from the parting at the roots, is wound on special spirals.
  • Further, the twisted places are treated with a special chemical composition, which does not harm the hair at all, as it contains cystiamine
  • After a certain time, the spirals are removed
  • The top hair is put back in place

IMPORTANT: The procedure is suitable for all types of hair, for any length and hair color

What you need to keep in mind when deciding on the boost up procedure:

  • If your hair is severely damaged, you may be denied a procedure.
  • If your hair is very short, then you may also be rejected, as the result can be unpredictable.
  • The procedure lifts even the thickest hair
  • The procedure can be performed by pregnant and lactating women.
  • The process takes several hours
  • The effect will last for half a year
  • No washing and styling products will take the volume out of your hair.
  • Keeps hair non-greasy for longer
  • The applied composition should be selected individually based on your hair.

IMPORTANT: Choose a master who has positive experience in performing this procedure

Root volume boost up procedure, reviews

Reviews about the boost up procedure are contradictory.

Positive reviews point to:

  • Amazing volume for several months
  • Infrequent hair washing
  • No deterioration in hair condition
  • Saving styling time

Negative Feedback point to:

  • Curls are visible
  • Hair after half a year at the place of the curl is simply terrible
  • I had to cut my hair short to get rid of the terrible sight on my head.

IMPORTANT: The opinion of the girls who did the boost up is as follows: the result depends only on the master, on how he selects the composition for the curl and how he does the curl itself

Do not be lazy to take care of your hair and you will be satisfied with the result.

Video: Rules for the care of thin hair

Most women complain about the lack of volume in their hair. Thin hair does not improve the appearance. They cause inconvenience when laying, quickly lose their shape and become brittle. However, do not despair, there is a way out. There are several ways to add volume to thin hair.


Thin and need frequent washing. To do this, you must use special products designed for this type of hair. You can only increase the volume visually. To do this, choose shampoos marked "Volume". Such products contain special components that make the hair thicker. An example is shampoos that contain silicone. It envelops each hair and covers it with a film along its entire length. Hair becomes silky, shiny, and most importantly, voluminous. However, the effect does not last long. During the day, dust particles settle on the film, and the hair gets dirty. Most likely, you will have to wash your hair every day.

professional tools

Experienced stylists use only the best. They know how to add volume to thin hair. Such funds are more expensive, but the result will certainly please you. As a rule, they contain proteins and keratins. You will not find cheap and surfactants in them. These shampoos do not contain silicone.

With their help, you will not get a noticeable volume, shape and shine. These products strengthen and nourish the hair along the entire length. They will give volume for if, in addition to them, conditioners and conditioners are used. Apply funds from the middle of the hair to the ends. As a result, the hair will become soft, manageable and easy to style.

Gels and mousses

Shampoos do not always give the desired effect. In this case, mousse will certainly help. After washing your hair, apply it evenly to your hair. If you are still thinking about how to add volume to thin hair, this is what you need. When blow-drying, remember to lift your hair from the ends and tousle it. If you use non-alcoholic mousses. Gel is perfect for extra strong hold. It is very easy to use it. Dispense the desired amount of gel into the palms of your hands and apply to clean, dry hair. Shape your hair with your hands.

A haircut

A haircut that gives volume to thin hair depends on its length. Short hair looks best with steps. Bangs to the back of the head and layering visually increases the volume. Much harder with long hair. They do not hold volume well and are difficult to style. The optimal length for fine hair is between the earlobes and chin.

Too short, as well as too long, will not look thick. It is necessary to update the hairstyle approximately every 4-6 weeks.

Beauty Salons

How to add volume to thin hair, professionals know best. Beauty salons use special lines of hair care products designed for a wide variety of hair types. They contain unique components that add volume to fine hair.


When thinking about how to increase the volume of fine hair, consider extensions. This is a reliable way to permanently change the look. Each strand is carefully selected for color, structure, density and length. They are glued at a distance of one centimeter from the roots. At the same time, your hair must be at least five centimeters long. In the place of attachment is a capsule. It is tight, flat and almost imperceptible. The fastening is very strong. Hair extensions last up to six months. To create a magnificent hairstyle, 100 - 150 strands are enough. The procedure usually takes about four hours. After removing the strands, new ones can be applied on the same day. In this case, you can use the same strands. Hair extensions can be curled, dyed, styled, highlighted. They take care of them just like their own.


How to add volume to thin hair? "American highlighting" will perfectly cope with this task. This method of dyeing gives the hair a natural, lively look and visually increases the volume of the hair. Two to four shades are chosen for coloring. The result depends on their number and skill of the master. Best of all, such highlighting looks on dark hair. It is worth noting that such staining should be done only if you have certain skills. At home, doing everything qualitatively will not work. You should not spare money and time for a good master. The result is worth it. On light brown and blond hair, another look looks great - “majimesh”. Make it with special paint. It does not contain perhydrol. In this case, you will not achieve blond strands. The maximum that can happen is a beautiful golden hue.


The answer to the question “how to create volume for thin hair” lies in the simple word “styling”. A hair dryer will help create a lush hairstyle. In this case, the air should be warm, but not hot. Keep the device at a distance of 15 centimeters. Otherwise, the hair will become dry and brittle, and as a result, it will lose its shine and look flat. Dry with hot air only the tips. A diffuser will help reduce the harmful effects of a hair dryer and increase volume. It allows air to pass through and makes drying more gentle and soft.

The surface of the device has special fingers. They lift the hair and create volume. For curling and creating curls, you can use special nozzles-brushes.


Many people think about how to add volume to thin hair at home. First of all, it is necessary to provide them with proper care. Homemade masks are perfect for this. They have many advantages over store-bought ones. They contain only natural ingredients. You can always choose what suits your hair best. And, of course, every time a new, fresh mask.

Milk mask

Half a glass of milk needs to be warmed up a little. Then add two spoons and one egg there. Mix well. The mask is applied to the hair along the entire length. The head must be wrapped with a terry towel. After half an hour, the head can be washed in the usual way. The mask can be applied up to two times a week.

egg mask

The chicken egg contains many useful elements. They favorably affect hair of any type. Eggs are especially useful for thin and brittle hair. For the mask you will need one yolk. It must be mixed with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. The mixture is applied to the hair roots and distributed through the hair with a comb. Wrap your head in a towel. The mask can be washed off after half an hour. After a few applications, you will notice that the hair has become strong and shiny.

Bread mask

To restore thin hair and give them volume, a mask of bread and mineral water will help. This product is always available at home. Black bread is soaked in water. Strain the mass through cheesecloth. Apply to hair. Wash your hair well after ten minutes.


Colorless henna is a natural product. It strengthens hair and gives a healthy shine. Dilute it in water to a state of sour cream. Apply to hair along the entire length. Wrap your head in a towel. Wash off the henna after ten minutes.

Oat flour

To prepare the mask, you can buy ready-made or grind flakes. Mix the product with warm water. You should get a thick homogeneous gruel. Apply it on your head and wrap it in a towel. Rinse with shampoo after twenty minutes.

Mineral water

Mineral water is perfect as a rinse for fine hair. It saturates the hair with minerals, makes them strong and manageable. Rinse your hair with non-carbonated mineral water after shampooing.

cosmetic clay

Clay is used to prepare masks for all parts of the body. Its unique composition enriches the skin and hair with calcium, iron, zinc, nitrogen, silica, and magnesium. All these elements have a beneficial effect on the scalp. Due to which the hair is strengthened, stops falling out, their structure and appearance improves. For thin hair, a white clay mask is perfect. 30 grams of the product is mixed with a gram of alum and warm water. It turns out a fairly thick homogeneous gruel. It is applied to the hair for 20 minutes. If you have oily hair, then add one tablespoon of lemon juice.