Admission committee to kindergarten. Medical examination in front of the kindergarten

Attention! The article contains a document

From October 1 in Moscow, the commissions for the recruitment of kindergartens will cease their work and an electronic enrollment in preschool educational institutions is being introduced.

According to the Order of August 31, 2010 No. 1310 of the Moscow Department of Education "On Approval of the Procedure for Managing State Educational Institutions Implementing the Basic General Education Program of Preschool Education, the System of the Moscow Department of Education", the following order of recruiting kindergartens was approved:

1. General Provisions

1.1. The acquisition of state educational institutions implementing the main general educational program of preschool education, the systems of the Moscow Department of Education (hereinafter - institutions) is carried out by the district education departments of the Moscow Department of Education (hereinafter - the district education departments).

1.2. Institutions of city subordination are staffed by district education departments of the corresponding administrative district of the city of Moscow, on the territory of which they are located.

1.3. The recruitment of state educational institutions that include a preschool department is carried out on a territorial basis in accordance with the list of houses located in the immediate vicinity of the educational institution. The list of houses located in the immediate vicinity of the educational institution is determined in accordance with the procedure established by the district education department.

1.4. The concepts used in this Procedure:

1.4.1. Future pupils are children under the age of 7, registered in the unified electronic register of the Automated Information System "Completion of preschool educational institutions" (hereinafter referred to as the electronic register).
1.4.2. The applicant is a parent (legal representative) of a child under 7 years of age.
1.4.3. The district information support service of the Automated information system "Acquisition of preschool educational institutions" (hereinafter - the district information support service) is a structural subdivision of the district methodological (resource) center of the district education department.
1.4.4. The legal representative of the applicant is an individual acting on behalf of the applicant, in accordance with a notarized power of attorney.
1.4.5. The electronic journal of future pupils is a module in the Automated Information System "Acquisition of preschool educational institutions" (hereinafter - AIS "Acquisition of preschool educational institutions"), which automatically displays in electronic form the order of the child in the context of the administrative district of the city of Moscow, district, priority institution, desired institutions.

2. Registration of children in the electronic register

2.1. To register a child in the electronic register, the applicant fills out an application of the established form (hereinafter referred to as the application) (Appendix 1 to the Procedure):

  • independently on the website using the Internet;
  • in the district methodological (resource) center, if the applicant does not have the opportunity to independently register the child in the electronic register through the website using the Internet.

2.2. Employees of district methodological (resource) centers register children in the electronic register on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00, lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00, based on the applicant's personal appeal upon presentation of original documents (applicant's passport, child's birth certificate, availability of benefits - a document confirming them).

2.3. The applicant can apply to the district methodological (resource) center located in any administrative district of the city of Moscow, regardless of place of residence.

2.4. After sending the application, the applicant receives a message about the acceptance of the application for consideration, indicating the assigned individual code.

2.5. The district information support service within 10 working days processes the received application and sends it to the applicant's email or postal address:

  • confirmation of the registration of the child in the electronic register and information on the time frame for resolving the issue of providing the child with a place in the institution;
  • refusal to register a child in the electronic register.

2.6. The reasons for refusing to register a child in the electronic register are:

2.6.1. Lack of required information in the application.
2.6.2. Incorrectly executed application.

2.7. The applicant is given the opportunity to independently track the progress of the order of his child in the electronic journal of future pupils through the website using the Internet on the basis of an individual application code.

3. Granting benefits when enrolling a child in an institution

3.1. First of all, the institutions accept children whose parents (legal representatives) are permanently registered in the city of Moscow.

3.2. An extraordinary, priority or preemptive right to enroll children in institutions is provided to applicants on the basis of a document confirming the existence of such a right (Appendix 2 to the Procedure).

3.2.1. The extraordinary right of admission to institutions has:

  • orphans, children left without parental care, transferred to families of citizens for adoption, guardianship, foster family;
  • children whose parents are persons from among orphans and children left without parental care (persons between the ages of 18 and 23, who, when they were under the age of 18, both or their only parent died, as well as who remained without the care of a single or both parents);
  • children of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • children of prosecutors and investigators of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
  • children of judges.

3.2.2. The primary right of admission to the institution has:

  • children from large families;
  • children of military personnel doing military service under contract or conscription, at the place of residence of their families;
  • children of police officers;
  • children of police officers who died (died) in connection with the performance of official activities, or died before the expiration of one year after dismissal from service due to injury (concussion), illness received during the period of service, as well as children of police officers who received in connection with the implementation service activities bodily harm, excluding the possibility of further service;
  • disabled children and children from families in which a parent or child is disabled.

3.2.3. The preferential right of admission to the institution is given to:

  • children of single mothers;
  • children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;
  • children whose siblings are already attending the preschool groups of this institution, except for cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the state of health of the child entering it.

3.3. The applicant submits the originals of documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or pre-emptive right to provide a child with a place in an institution to the district information support service.

3.4. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preemptive right to provide the child with a place in the institution, the application for registering the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

4. Organization of activities of the district information support service

4.1. The activities of the district information support service are carried out in accordance with this Procedure.

4.2. The main functions of the district information support service:

4.2.1. Processing of these applications for registration of a child in the electronic register;
4.2.2. Making changes to the electronic register based on personal requests from applicants.
4.2.3. Informing applicants about registration or refusal to register a child in the electronic register.
4.2.4. Informing, at least 1 time per quarter, applicants whose children are not provided with places in institutions in the current year, according to the application received, about the time frame for resolving the issue of providing a place in the institution.
4.2.5. Correlation of information on benefits for the enrollment of children in institutions specified in the applications received, with the data submitted by the applicants of the original documents.
4.2.6. Informing applicants about the provision of a child with a place in the institution.

4.3. Verification of the documents of the applicants specified in the application is carried out according to a single schedule: Tuesday - from 8.00 to 12.00, Thursday - from 16.00 to 20.00.

4.4. Informing applicants about the recruitment of institutions is carried out mainly using e-mail. Applicants who do not have e-mail are informed using telephone or postal means.

4.5. To organize the work of the district information support service, the rates of specialists (methodologists) are introduced at the rate of 1 rate for 25 institutions.

5. The procedure for enrolling children in institutions

5.1. District education departments form lists for the acquisition of subordinate institutions (hereinafter referred to as the lists), in accordance with the electronic register and taking into account the confirmed benefits.

5.2. The lists are approved by the specialist of the district education department, appointed by the order of the head of the district education department.

5.3. The basis for admitting a future pupil to a place in an institution is a list (Appendix 3 to the Procedure), approved in the prescribed manner.

5.3. The formation of lists of future pupils of groups of a compensatory or health-improving orientation is carried out by district education departments on the basis of conclusions issued by psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions in accordance with the data of the electronic register.

5.4. The admission of children to the institution is carried out on the basis of the list upon a written application from the parents (legal representatives) in the presence of the child's medical card, presentation of the child's birth certificate and the passport of one of the parents (legal representatives).

5.5. The head of the institution is responsible for the staffing of the institution, the registration of personal files of the inmates of the institution and the prompt transfer to the district education department of information on the availability of vacancies in the institution.

5.6. The number of places in an institution provided for children who have an extraordinary, priority or priority right to enroll in an institution cannot exceed the number of places in an institution provided for children who do not have such rights.

5.7. As of September 1 of each year, the head of the institution issues an order on the enrollment of newly admitted children and approves the quantitative composition of the formed groups. When a child enters an institution, an order is issued for his admission within a year.

5.8. Obligatory documentation for the staffing of the institution is the lists of children by groups, which are approved by the head of the institution.

5.9. The expulsion of children from the institution is formalized by order.

5.10. To register information about children and parents (legal representatives) and control the movement of the contingent of children, the institution maintains a Children's Movement Record Book (Appendix 4 to the Procedure).

5.11. The book for registering the movement of children must be laced, numbered and sealed with the seal of the institution.

5.12. Every year, the head of the institution is obliged to summarize and record them in the Child Traffic Book: how many children were admitted to the institution during the year and how many children dropped out (to school and for other reasons):

  • on September 1 for the past academic year;
  • on January 1 for the past calendar year.

5.13. When a child is admitted to an institution, an agreement is mandatory with the parents (legal representatives) of the pupils in 2 copies with the issuance of one copy of the agreement to the parents (legal representatives).

5.14. When admitting a child to an institution, managers are obliged to familiarize parents (legal representatives) with the institution's charter and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process in the institution.

5.15. Children can be sent to an institution for a specific period specified in the list of the district education department in the following cases:

  • if it is impossible to provide the child with a place in the desired institution;
  • when providing a child with a place in a group of compensatory or health-improving orientation on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;
  • when providing a child with a place in a group of short-term stay of an institution and other forms of preschool education.

5.16. The transfer of children from one institution to another is carried out on the basis of the order of the district education department in the following cases:

  • at the time of overhaul of the institution;
  • at the time of construction at the site of the demolition of the institution;
  • for the summer period.

5.17. Parents (legal representatives) must, within 30 calendar days from the date of informing them by the district information support service about sending the child to kindergarten, come to the institution for registration with the head of the institution of the child's personal file, which includes:

  • statement of the parent (legal representative);
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • agreement between the institution and the parent (legal representative).

5.18. Parents (legal representatives) are responsible for the timely submission of the necessary documents (clause 5.4.) To the institution. If the parents fail to appear at the institution within the specified period, the child is excluded from the lists.

6. Additional information

6.1. In order to inform applicants about the recruiting of institutions, district education departments create "Hot lines" (Appendix 5 to the Procedure).
6.2. Applications of applicants are registered in the register of “Registration of applications of applicants to the Hot Line” (Appendix 6 to the Procedure).
6.3. In order to consider controversial issues on the recruitment of institutions in the district education departments, conflict commissions are created (Appendix 7 to the Procedure).
6.4. The composition and the Regulation on the Conflict Commission are approved by the order of the head of the district education department.
6.5. Based on the results of consideration of the applicant's appeal, the conflict commission has the right to make a decision on granting the child a place in the institution.

Appendix 1 to the Procedure

Application for registration of a child in the unified electronic register of the AIS "Acquisition of preschool educational institutions"

Child data

1. Full name of the child ___________________________________________
2. Date of birth ( ___.____. twenty____
3. Birth certificate: (series, number) _____ No. ___________
4. Address of actual residence __________________________
5. Registration address by type of registration:
permanent registration in the city of Moscow;
temporary registration in the city of Moscow;
registration in the Moscow region;
registration in other regions of the Russian Federation;
foreign citizenship.
6. The desired date of the child's admission to a preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the preschool educational institution) ( ___.___. twenty__.
7. Features in the development and health of the child (impaired speech, hearing, vision, musculoskeletal system, etc.).

Parent data

8. Full name of mother _____________________________________________
9. Mother's phone number:
worker ________________________________________________;
10. Mother's email address ___________________________
11.Father's full name _______________________________________________
12. Father's phone number:
mobile ______________________________________________;
worker _________________________________________________;
home _______________________________________________.
13. Father's email address ______________________________

Information about the preschool educational institution

14. Choose no more than 3 desired preschool educational institutions. Please put the number of the preschool educational institution in order of priority: 1) _________, 2) __________, 3) _________.
15. For parents who have not decided on the choice of a preschool educational institution, information about the preschool educational institution is posted on the websites of the preschool educational institution.

So now we are going through the medical examination in front of the kindergarten with my daughter. In general, this is what will be discussed in today's article.

We passed the medical commission to the kindergarten 3 years ago with my son, then it seemed to me that there were too many doctors to go through, but now I don’t think so. The main thing is to draw up a plan of doctors, tests and make an appointment for a commission to see doctors in such a way that you can pass as much as possible in one day. Still, it’s not pleasant to go to the clinic 10 times to see the doctors, it’s better as much as possible at a time.

By the way, for boys and girls there are some differences when passing the medical commission before entering kindergarten, I wrote about this in the section about which doctors should be passed in front of the kindergarten. If the question of passing a medical examination to a kindergarten is relevant for you, then stay and read on. Since the article turned out to be quite voluminous, for your convenience, I created the content of the article, with the help of which you can easily navigate where and what is.

After you have learned the good news that the queue for kindergarten has reached you and your child will have a kindergarten with open doors in September, the question of passing the commission to children immediately arises. garden. Most parents immediately have many questions - where to run, what to do, where to start passing the commission. Or maybe her this free clinic and go to a paid medical center - quickly and easily go through it? What kind of doctors do you need to go through? What tests are needed? Perhaps right now you are tormented by all these questions. In today's article, I will try to answer all of them based on my own experience.

I warn you right away that a medical commission must be passed without fail. This will primarily benefit the child, because in the process of passing the commission to the kindergarten, specialists can identify any diseases in your child that you did not even know about. This will make it possible to start treatment on time and cure the baby.

When registering a children's medical board for a kindergarten, you will be given a children's medical card for the kindergarten, in which specialists will make notes on the state of your child's health, enter the test results. After passing the medical examination, you will take the completed card to the kindergarten along with the rest of the pre-prepared documents for admission to the kindergarten. The children's medical card is valid for a year, after the expiration of this period, all specialists will have to be repeated. Well, now I will tell you in more detail all the nuances concerning the passage of a medical examination to a kindergarten.

Where to get a medical examination in a kindergarten

children's Hospital... The medical commission can be passed in the district children's polyclinic, by contacting the local doctor, or to the doctor replacing him. For example, at the moment we do not have a district doctor at our site, so we go to see doctors who are attached to other sites. When passing a commission in a children's clinic, there are both pros and cons.

  • The plus is that the passage of specialists, the delivery of tests and additional research is carried out free of charge.
  • The disadvantage of the children's clinic is long queues. But the queue can be avoided by arriving half an hour before the start of the doctor's appointment. This is exactly what I do with children, so we always go through the doctors in the first rows and go home. Or you can come at the end of the doctor's shift, at which time, as a rule, there are fewer patients and the time spent on the queue will be reduced to a minimum.

And there is still one secret, which a doctor once shared with me. She told me about the days of the week, which are the least crowded in the clinic. And this is really so, I have already been convinced more than once. Monday and friday- these days there are usually a lot of patients in the clinic, respectively, and spend more time in queues. Okay, if you take the time, but the child can still catch some kind of infection, which is much worse than the time wasted. And one more day in which there is an influx in our clinic is Tuesday. This day in our clinic is listed as the day of a healthy child. Mothers with babies, babies try to get an appointment with a doctor that day and, accordingly, queues are created. So I try to go to the clinic with the kids on Wednesday or Thursday. Try this method, you should be able to get through the doctors with a minimum waste of time sitting in lines!

Medical centers... If for any reason you do not want to undergo a medical examination in a kindergarten in a district clinic, then you can go through a commission in special paid medical centers. By going this way, you will save time, but additional financial expenses will be required.

My son and I went through all the specialists in the district clinic, now we are going through a medical examination in a kindergarten with my daughter in the same way.

Medical commission in kindergarten: where to start

That's all for me. I hope I was able to fully disclose the topic of passing the medical examination in front of the garden and after reading the article you have no questions left. I advise you to go through the medical examination in kindergarten in advance - 2-3 months before the expected admission to kindergarten. It is advisable to undergo a medical commission at the end of spring - the level of colds is low, so the child has less chances of contracting ARVI after going to the clinic. In the summer, many doctors go on vacation, so getting through them can be difficult.

All the best! Health to you and your children

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A new system of enrollment in kindergartens begins to operate in Moscow. Now, in order to arrange a child (born no later than 2005), it is enough to contact the specially created commissions at the place of residence, where parents will be offered several options to choose from.
From August 1, it can be done in five minutes and without bribes

The composition of the commission:
The commissions will consist of three people. The members of the commission were appointed by order of the head of the district education department. They will include specialists from the district education department, heads of district councils of managers, representatives of the public.

Application procedure:
To avoid queues, a “one-stop shop” system has been introduced. The parent comes, fills out a questionnaire, presents a passport and a child's birth certificate. And only then he submits an application - it only takes a couple of minutes. After that, the commission reviews the applications and after a while (for example, a week or a month) invites mums and dads for individual interviews.
An electronic accounting book will be introduced in the fall. Then, it will be possible to apply for an enrollment in the garden via the Internet, without leaving your home.

How to choose a specific kindergarten:
There is a special item in the questionnaire where parents can express their preferences.
You can specify several kindergartens at once - where exactly the parents would like to arrange their kids.
Whenever possible, these wishes will be taken into account.


  • Arbat, Khamovniki:
    Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction "Harmony"
    Frunzenskaya embankment, 36/2,
    Tel. 242-24-66.
  • Basmanny:
    kindergarten number 1733,
    st. Dobroslobodskaya, 6,
    Tel. 265-11-83, 265-11-74;

    kindergarten number 827,
    st. Mashkova, 3a,
    Tel. 624-95-44.

  • Zamoskvorechye, Yakimanka:
    Center for psychological, medical and social support "Malysh",
    Kosmodamianskaya emb., 40/42, building 3,
    Tel. 953-10-52.
  • Krasnoselsky:
    kindergarten number 1838,
    st. Lesnoryadskaya, 14/16,
    Tel. 264-24-89.
  • Meshchansky:
    kindergarten number 501,
    st. Wed Pereyaslavskaya, 21,
    Tel. 684-46-01.
  • Presnensky:
    Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction "Presnensky"
    st. 1905, d. 5,
    Tel. 256-22-94;

    kindergarten number 3,
    Bogoslovsky per., 10,
    Tel. 203–70–00.

  • Tagansky:
    Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction "On Taganka"
    st. 1st Dubrovskaya, 5a,
    Tel. 674-36-68.
  • Tverskoy:
    Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction "Tverskoy"
    st. Fadeeva, 5,
    Tel. 251–92–21.
  • HLW

  • Bogorodskoe:
    School number 390,
    b-r Marshal Rokossovsky, 34/2,
    Tel. 160-22-10.
  • East Izmailovo:
    School number 440,
    Izmailovsky pr., 115,
    Tel. 465-51-59.
  • Oriental:
    School number 1021,
    st. Glavnaya, 9a,
    Tel. 460-68-94.
  • Veshnyaki:
    School number 1028,
    st. Alley Zhemchugovoy, 7,
    Tel. 370–71–00.
  • Golyanovo-1:
    School number 1078,
    Altayskaya st., 10,
    Tel. 466-36-31.
  • Golyanovo-2:
    School number 375,
    Shchelkovskoe highway, 79a,
    Tel. 468-10-63.
  • Ivanovskoe:
    School number 411,
    st. Stalevarov, 20a,
    Tel. 302–85–09.
  • Izmailovo, Northern Izmailovo:
    Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth named after A.V. Kosarev,
    5th Parkovaya, 60,
    Tel. 163-91-34.
  • Kosino-Ukhtomsky:
    School number 1022,
    st. Muromskaya, 1a,
    Tel. 700–00–80.
  • Metro-town:

    st. B. Cherkizovskaya, 15,
    Tel. 161-14-56.
  • Novogireevo, Perovo:
    Youth Creativity Palace "Perovo"
    st. 1st Vladimirskaya, 20,
    Tel. 672-67-72.
  • Novokosino:
    School number 1351,
    st. Suzdalskaya, 22b,
    Tel. 701-03-60.
  • Preobrazhenskoe:
    Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth,
    st. B. Cherkizovskaya, 15,
    Tel. 161-15-06.
  • Falcon Hill:
    School number 449,
    st. Weaving, 47,
    Tel. 369-74-12.
  • Sokolniki:
    School number 369,
    st. Gastello, 3,
    Tel. 268-52-05.
  • Company

  • Mozhaisky:
    kindergarten number 2098,
    st. Dorogobuzhskaya, 7, building 2,
    Tel. 448-01-17.
  • Fili-Davydkovo, Filyovsky park:
    kindergarten number 1855,
    st. Bolshaya Filyovskaya, 61, building 3,
    Tel. 144-44-95, 144-84-89.
  • Kuntsevo:
    kindergarten number 1790,
    st. Ivana Franko, 38, building 2,
    Tel. 417-12-08, 417-06-02.
  • Ochakovo-Matveevskoe:
    Center for Children's Creativity "Matveevsky"
    st. Veernaya, 38,
    Tel. 442-95-43.
  • Vnukovo, Novo-Peredelkino:
    kindergarten number 1736,
    st. Sholokhova, 6, building 2,
    Tel. 733-54-54.
  • Solntsevo:
    kindergarten number 1880, Solntsevsky prospect, 11-b,
    Tel. 439-30-94.
  • Troparevo-Nikulino:
    Center for Children's Creativity "Constellation",
    st. 26 Baku commissars, building 3, building 4,
    Tel. 434-31-04, 434-20-01, 433-26-83.
  • Ramenki:
    kindergarten number 1820,
    st. Vinnitskaya, 11, building 1,
    Tel. 623-11-74.
  • Krylatskoe:
    Center for psychological, medical and social support "Live Streams"
    Autumn Boulevard, 16, building 6,
    Tel. 413-11-15.
  • Vernadsky avenue:
    kindergarten number 272,
    avenue Vernadsky, 48,
    Tel. 431-19-95.
  • Dorogomilovo:
    kindergarten number 1892,
    st. Dunaevsky, 5,
    Tel. 249-22-52.
  • SAO

  • An airport:
    kindergarten number 458,
    st. Kokkinaki, 7,
    Tel. 152-34-61.
  • Running:
    kindergarten number 2387,
    st. Lower Maslovka, 5, building 4,
    Tel. 257–78–35, 257–16–76.
  • Beskudnikovsky:
    kindergarten number 400,
    st. Dubninskaya, 9,
    Tel. 488-34-44, 487-33-73.
  • Voikovsky:
    kindergarten number 1167,
    5th Voykovsky proezd, 14b, bldg. 1,
    Tel. 150-05-03.
  • Eastern Degunino:
    kindergarten number 1262,
    st. Dubninskaya, 14, building 5,
    Tel. 481–61–00, 481–45–23.
  • Golovinsky:
    kindergarten number 2,
    st. Avangardnaya, 4a,
    Tel. 452-54-71.
  • Dmitrovsky:
    kindergarten number 1026,
    st. Sofia Kovalevskaya, 4, building 1,
    Tel. 484-23-22, 484-48-22.
  • Western Degunino:
    kindergarten number 1453,
    st. Businovskaya Gorka, 9,
    Tel. 486-57-67, 486-57-68.
  • Koptevo:
    kindergarten number 453,
    st. General Rychagova, 7,
    Tel. 154–00–21.
  • Levoberezhny:
    kindergarten number 2084,
    st. Smolnaya, 61a, bldg. 1,
    Tel. 457-65-82.
  • Savyolovsky:
    kindergarten number 1917,
    st. 8 March, 6a, bldg. 2,
    Tel. 612-63-61.
  • Falcon:
    kindergarten number 90,
    per. Sandy, 4a,
    Tel. 198-71-49.
  • Timiryazevsky:
    kindergarten number 629,
    Dmitrovskoe sh., 52, building 2a,
    Tel. 488-77-90.
  • Khovrino:
    kindergarten number 2085,
    st. Klinskaya, 13,
    Tel. 455-06-87, 455-92-49.
  • Khoroshevsky:
    kindergarten number 249,
    st. Sorge, 8,
    Tel. 943-11-21.

  • North-East Administrative District
  • Alekseevsky:
    kindergarten number 697,
    st. Cosmonauts, 14, bldg. 1,
    Tel. 683-10-38.
  • Altufevsky:
    kindergarten number 708,
    st. Begicheva, 9,
    Tel. 481–81–22.
  • Babushkinsky:
    primary school-kindergarten number 1822,
    st. Yeniseyskaya, 31,
    Tel. 470-73-39.
  • Bibirevo:
    kindergarten number 932,
    st. Muranovskaya, 6a,
    Tel. 406-47-47,

    kindergarten number 1115,
    st. Muranovskaya, 12b,
    Tel. 406-93-88.

  • Butyrsky:
    kindergarten number 1388,
    st. Yablochkova, 35v,
    Tel. 610-01-27.
  • Lianozovo:
    kindergarten number 1311,
    st. Novgorodskaya, 3,
    Tel. 400–38–00.
  • Losinoostrovsky:
    kindergarten number 278,
    Anadyrskiy proezd, 65,
    Tel. 474-65-45.
  • Marfino:
    kindergarten number 2399,
    st. Sheremetyevskaya, 25,
    Tel. 619-53-71.
  • Marina Grove:
    kindergarten number 2399,
    st. Sheremetyevskaya, 25,
    Tel. 619-53-71.
  • Northern Medvedkovo:
    kindergarten number 2147,
    Shokalskogo Ave., 34a,
    Tel. 479-37-91.
  • Medvedkovo South:
    kindergarten number 2145,
    st. Molodtsova, 5,
    Tel. 477-02-33.
  • Ostankino:
    kindergarten No. 1956,
    st. Academician Korolev, 4, building 3,
    Tel. 616-48-29.
  • Pleasing:
    kindergarten number 1266,
    st. Pestela, 8d,
    Tel. 403-93-88.
  • Rostokino, Yaroslavsky:
    kindergarten number 58,
    Yaroslavskoe highway, 8, building 3,
    Tel. 183-08-92.
  • Northern:
    kindergarten number 1311,
    st. Novgorodskaya, 3,
    Tel. 400–38–00.
  • Sviblovo:
    primary school - kindergarten number 1707,
    Rusanova ave., 23, building 1,
    Tel. 180-21-55.
  • SZAO

  • Shchukino:
    kindergarten number 331,
    st. Aviation, 23,
    Tel. 190–48–70.
  • Mitino:
    kindergarten number 2302,
    st. Mitinskaya, 57, bldg. 1,
    Tel. 751-63-01.
  • Kurkino:
    kindergarten number 2510, Novokurkinskoe sh., 51,
    Tel. 8-499-501-23-28.
  • Northern Tushino:
    kindergarten number 156,
    st. Vilisa Latsisa, 19, bldg. 3,
    Tel. 495-72-44.
  • South Tushino:
    kindergarten № 1597, Jan Rainis boulevard, 35, bldg. 1,
    Tel. 493-03-96.
  • Northern Tushino, Southern Tushino, Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo:
    kindergarten number 855,
    st. Heroes-Panfilovtsev, 8, bldg. 2,
    Tel. 492-64-82.
  • Horoshevo-Mnevniki:
    kindergarten number 1887,
    st. Salyama Adilya, 11, building 1,
    Tel. 199-27-23.
  • Strogino:
    kindergarten number 1482,
    Neman passage, 1, bldg. 2,
    Tel. 8-499-740-13-00.
  • South Administrative District

  • Biryulevo East, Biryulevo West, Zyablikovo, Chertanovo North, Chertanovo Central, Brateevo, Danilovsky, Donskoy, Nagatinsky Zaton, Nagorny, Orekhovo-Borisovo Severnoye, Moskvorechye-Saburovo, Nagatino-Sadovniki, Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye, Tsaritanovo Yuzhnoye
    School number 940, Kolomensky pr., D. 16,
    Tel. 112-05-61.
  • SEAD

  • Vykhino - Zhulebino:
    Progymnasium No. 1882,
    st. Fergana, 16,
    Tel. 376–42–11;

    kindergarten number 1760,
    st. Privolnaya, 17, building 2,
    Tel. 700–47–32.

  • Kapotnya:
    Education Center No. 1858,
    Kapotnya, 5th quarter, 7,
    Tel. 355-21-56.
  • Kuzminki:
    Child Development Center - School number 641,
    Volzhsky blvd, 23, bldg. 1,
    Tel. 179-63-53.
  • Lefortovo:
    kindergarten number 1763,
    st. 1st Sinichkina, 2,
    Tel. 360–86–23.
  • Lyublino:
    kindergarten number 1614,
    st. Krasnodonskaya, 44,
    Tel. 351-28-00.
  • Maryino:
    kindergarten number 1772,
    st. Donetskaya, 6,
    Tel. 357-56-01;

    Education Center No. 1976,
    Perervinsky Boulevard, 5, bldg. 3,
    Tel. 658–58–89.

  • Nekrasovka:
    Education Center number 1830,
    st. 1st Volskaya, 7,
    Tel. 706–94–02.
  • Nizhegorodsky:
    kindergarten number 1940,
    st. Novokhokhlovskaya, 8,
    Tel. 678-05-34.
  • Printers:
    Progymnasium No. 1893,
    st. Guryanova, 59,
    Tel. 354-41-90.
  • Ryazansky:
    kindergarten number 755,
    st. Zelenodolskaya, 9, building 4,
    Tel. 379-65-29.
  • Textile workers:
    kindergarten number 971,
    st. Artyukhina, 25, building 4,
    Tel. 179-16-29.
  • South Port:
    Education Center No. 1804,
    2nd Yuzhnoportovy proezd, 11,
    Tel. 679-19-39.
  • South-West Administrative District

  • Academic:
    kindergarten number 2486,
    st. Shvernik, 1, bldg. 2,
    Tel. 126-28-68.
  • Gagarinsky:
    kindergarten number 1448,
    st. Zelinsky, 7a,
    Tel. 135-32-91.
  • Zyuzino:
    kindergarten number 394,
    st. Kherson, 10, bldg. 1,
    Tel. 121-60-61.
  • Kotlovka:
    kindergarten number 1462,
    Nakhimovsky prospect, 25, bldg. 4,
    Tel. 121-23-00.
  • Konkovo:
    kindergarten number 1392,
    st. Miklukho-Maclay, 18a,
    Tel. 330-68-92.
  • Lomonosovsky:
    kindergarten number 942,
    st. Garibaldi, 4a,
    Tel. 134–45–03.
  • Obruchevsky:
    kindergarten number 407,
    st. Novatorov, 36, bldg. eleven,
    Tel. 935-64-61.
  • Northern Butovo:
    kindergarten number 2453,
    st. Green, 30, bldg. 1,
    Tel. 711-01-05.
  • Teply Stan:
    kindergarten number 792,
    st. Profsoyuznaya, 140b,
    Tel. 338-66-11.
  • Cheryomushki:
    kindergarten number 236,
    st. Novocheryomushkinskaya, 52, bldg. 1,
    Tel. 128–39–23.
  • South Butovo:
    kindergarten number 2421,
    st. Bartenevskaya, 57, bldg. 3,
    Tel. 714-06-90;

    kindergarten number 2450,
    st. Skobelevskaya, 25, bldg. 3,
    Tel. 717-26-45.

  • Yasenevo:
    kindergarten number 1379,
    Novoyasenevsky prospect, 3, bldg. 2,
    Tel. 426–19–00;

    kindergarten number 1273,
    Karamzin proezd, 7, bldg. 2,
    Tel. 421-11-00.

  • Zelenograd

  • Kryukovo, Matushkino-Savelki, Panfilovsky:
    Zelenograd District Education Department,
    building 411a, office 110,
    Tel. 535-44-76.
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