Russian women unite against the "spiritual" midwife from Thailand. Meditation on letting go of the soul of the unborn child

Yoga history:
The day I first got into practice changed my whole life,
gradually yoga practice filled all the space and time of the surrounding
world and one day I realized that yoga is my way of life here and now
For me, yoga is what yoga gave me personally: yoga is always something that is born
inside of you, my practice has helped me open up with all my heart and soul
the surrounding world and understand all its infinite versatility of manifestations.

Additional practices:
I regularly participate in seminars of masters of the Kiev School of Yoga: Anatoly
Pakhomov, Andrey Oreshchenko, I attend Rami Blekt's lectures on family psychology.

In my free time, I love to travel and most importantly
spend time with loved ones.

About myself:
I continue to study, at the moment I comprehend English and
Improving my yoga practice.

Marina Dadasheva, education

Moscow Banking Institute, economist.

Marina Dadasheva, additional education

Studied at the seminars of Andrey Lappa (universal yoga),
Anatoly Pakhomov, Irina Mezhakova (correct approach to the spine)
and other yoga masters in India and Thailand

Aborigines of the island of love

The children of Igor Volodkevich and Marina Dadasheva were born during a period of changing attitudes towards a large family from pompous declarative to indifferent: the eldest son Emin is 24 years old, the youngest Fedor is not even a year old. And between them - eight more brothers and sisters. The eldest already has a family and two children of his own. So Uncle Fyodor is younger than his nephews.

The indefatigable energy of Marina helped the Volodkevich-Dadashevs to break out, to scoop out of the common fate. Once, about twenty years ago, then still a mother of two children, pregnant with a third, she found herself next to the Russian nugget, the founder of a whole trend in obstetrics and raising children in the early months of life, Igor Charkovsky. A graduate student of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University became his student, and then his colleague and follower.

Now Charkovsky permanently resides in the United States. Dadasheva remained in Russia. And that means that all our hardships of life will not bypass it. But to this was added a kind of discrimination on the basis of having many children.

Before the last meeting, I saw these nice people five years ago. While her father was herding a mixed brood in the huge hall of the Oktyabr cinema, Marina and Igor - her penultimate child today, who was then at the age of the current "Uncle Fyodor" - performed on the stage of the small hall. The baby, in only diapers, in the arms of his mother kept Olympian calm. And his mother talked about the system of painless childbirth, childbirth in water, about the basics of "baby yoga" according to Charkovsky. Baby Igor was her assistant in this story: he would fly forward from his mother’s chest, held only by the feet; then, held by the hands, the little hand made 360-degree turns back and forth, like a gymnast on a horizontal bar. Hall applauded. The women asked questions and wrote down the phone number of the Healthy Family club.

In general, there are many, at first glance, tales about the life of this family, which, in fact, are the purest truth. For example, some saw how daughter Marina, at the age of two, skated on ice skates, casually, casually, in the corner of her mouth, a la an imposing smoker, sucking on a pacifier. Others told how the three-year-old son Valentin calmly and phlegmatically swam across the lake, about 150 meters by eye, and all alone - at that time his parents were waiting for him on the shore.

In the family of Igor and Marina, all the children are not only alive and well, but, as far as possible in our abnormal society, happy. The elder Emin, who, as already mentioned, is himself twice a father and lives separately, graduated from the Academy of Management, and is now engaged in commercial activities. The next one, Yanina's daughter, is also married, but still lives with her parents. The third, Stanislav, is a master of sports in swimming, at the age of 16 he graduated from school as an external student. Now he is 18, he is already married. And he works ... as a deputy director of a car service. Almost like Arkady Gaidar, who, as you know, commanded a regiment at the age of 16.

The fourth, Vadim, is successfully learning English in special courses together with the fifth, daughter Radomira, who, in turn, loves to roller skate. The same Vadim, who has now moved to the 10th grade, along with his older brother Stas, goes to practice in the athletic gymnastics hall.

Barbara dances beautifully. 9-year-old Valentin is a talented sambo wrestler, they don’t even take money for classes for him. And so on and so forth! Isn't this the best confirmation of the viability of Charkovsky's teaching, the need to propagate and study it?

For the most part, that's not the point. Charkovsky's system has spread so widely around the world that it does not require new arguments in its defense. Yes, and the family I am describing lives simultaneously, as it were, in three dimensions: as the owners of a unique method, as a family occupying living space in Moscow, and, simply, as happy people.

Marina Dadasheva often travels abroad, taking her younger children with her: to Tasmania, Australia, Thailand, to European countries - she gives lectures, conducts seminars, takes birth in water, and studies herself.

Therefore, the Volodkevich-Dadashevs should be considered a superfamily, a family of the coming century, a family that has found its way out of the impasse of modern European civilization. A famous doctor once asked a moral philosopher: "Do you yourself follow all the postulates you write about?" The philosopher answered the question with a question: "Do you take all the medicines that you prescribe to patients?" This is about us. But not about the Dadashevs: they themselves live the way they teach others. Physiology is physiology, but teaching, so to speak, about a happy family is, first of all, spiritual work.

The main "trouble" of Charkovsky's method is that it creates neither a working class, nor warriors, nor officials - it creates free people. For a traditional state, this is bad: free ones are more difficult to manage. Another "trouble" of the same method is that it leaves traditional medicine without work: if only because children are not born in maternity hospitals and, having excellent health, do not run around polyclinics and hospitals. The third "trouble" is that, having given birth to a child using the Charkovsky method, parents, as a rule, do not stop at one thing: childbirth turns from a surgical operation into joy. But here we must remember about the environment. For many, a happy family with many children is a materialized everyday reminder of their well-acquired inferiority. And that means strangers. But small families go against nature. In the end, the Lord himself punished: "Be fruitful, multiply ...".

Six years ago, Igor and Marina created the Aquamarina family private enterprise. Now they have outgrown his limits. And by the way, these very frameworks are important only for those who receive quarterly reports from them. They themselves are laborers of alternative births. They are visited by couples who have recently conceived or are just about to conceive a child (here you can often hear the phrase "pregnant couple"). With future mothers, future fathers, classes are held in the pool. After the birth, the couple continues their activities with newborn children - the so-called "switching on".

They themselves try to give birth somewhere in the coastal waters of the Black Sea, in a picturesque quiet place. Thus, a new citizen of the Universe is born not according to Order No. 520 "On Obstetrics", surrounded by people in white coats and masks, with strained eyes, where his umbilical cord is immediately cut, depriving him of connection with what he lived with for the last 9 months, bathed, washing off the protective lubricant, laid on a cold scale, tightly swaddled and taken away from his mother, without whose heartbeat he cannot imagine life for himself.

At the Dadashev-Volodkevichs, he is taken in by the hands of his father or spiritual midwife, with whom his mother worked for many months, with whom they are friends, which means they are connected by invisible threads. The newly-born person is immediately applied to the mother's breast, and he hears the same "knock-knock" as during his life in the womb. Nobody cuts his umbilical cord, on the contrary, the placenta is lowered into a saucepan with water and it continues to nourish the baby with its juices for as long as it can. After three to ten days, the sphinker muscle, colloquially called the navel, will itself pinch the umbilical cord and it will fall off forever. Having overcome the “gateway” in the form of a water surface, the child manages to recover somewhat after the pressure of 75 kilograms per square meter, with the help of which the uterus pushed him out of the womb. Still, after the "dry" path, getting back into the usual aquatic environment is a reward for the labors of a baby by birth. Coming up, he already holds his head! (Yes, yes, this is not a typo.) Well, many wise old people can envy the expression of the eyes of newcomers to Earth.

This is how the Volodkevich-Dadashev family lives and lives. We, it seems, live next to them, but they have gone far from us: they are on the island of Love and have firmly settled there. We can say that they are natives there. Everyone else is happy to go there.

By the way, Dadasheva does not recommend contacting doctors - she does not see the point in this. She has her own view on the management of pregnancy (it costs from two thousand dollars). In addition, she also helps newborns develop in baby yoga classes. The spectacle, it must be said, is shocking. So those disappointed in Dadasheva’s methodology are sure that they have already collected the evidence base for going to court.

The babies in the video are no more than a month old, but the woman in the center of the room seems to be the last thing she thinks about precautions. Throws the child up like a doll.

Marina Dadasheva-Draun describes herself as a baby yoga trainer, energy healer, mother guru and spiritual midwife. The latter, I must say, is practiced much more actively by her: a woman takes birth at home. Most often, clients come to her in Thailand - she has been living there for many years. But sometimes she herself flies to women in labor, as in the case of the Dadich family. The couple hoped that the master of the Tantric and Taoist tradition from Tao Garden would help their baby to be born. Now, looking at her son, Tatyana thanks fate for the fact that little Savva is alive and well.

Tatiana Dedich: “A son was born, he was infected due to the fact that there was a long anhydrous period. The waters broke, an infection got in, and because of this, both I and he had a temperature. He was under medical supervision for days.

It’s scary to imagine, Tatyana admits, what could have happened if they hadn’t gone to the hospital on time. By that time, the healer had managed to leave - she was in a hurry to attend seminars in another city. She left the frightened woman in labor with her assistant. She, fortunately, realized that she could not do without the help of doctors. In general, Marina categorically does not advise her clients to go to hospitals. Considers childbirth in perinatal centers unnatural.

Marina Dadasheva-Draun: “If children are born naturally, at home, in the waters, then this is some kind of clan of new children. It is very important for these children to go through rebirthing, they can change something inside and help their parents.”

A “spiritual” midwife does not value her services cheaply: 2-3 thousand dollars is what is called the minimum program. There is even a special price list on her personal website. This includes preparation classes and the birth process itself, which, according to publications on the Internet, is not always successful.

Nina: “I was with her in preparation for childbirth, but it was immediately clear to me that in front of me was a sick person. Then I read a review of one girl from the courses that Marina Dadasheva caused her to give birth prematurely, since she had to fly away, and the child died.

Anastasia: “I was in labor for 30 hours. Both me and my daughter were barely saved. Home birth with Marina Dadasheva. It was a terrible dream."

Of course, there is not a word about such situations on the healer's page - only photos of joyful women in labor and all stories with a happy ending. Many victims prefer to remain silent. After all, in fact, the parents themselves made decisions when they turned to the midwife for help, assessed the risks.

Inna Dzhidzhoeva, obstetrician-gynecologist: “Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict all the complications that may be. If a woman has no contraindications, everything is fine, we cannot predict how the situation will unfold during childbirth, this is the danger.”

Tatyana says she still managed to find a few more women who are ready to talk about their difficult home birth. The woman wants to join forces to hold the "spiritual" midwife accountable.

In hot pursuit, I decided to write this post)

And I ask the Universe to send this information to those people who really need it.

For me, these births were the second. The first happened 5 years ago in a Kiev maternity hospital.
Then I was completely different. And the world around me was different too.
And, although there was a feeling that everything went well, and the beautiful Lizonka came into the world,
I knew for sure even then that her arrival could be many times more harmonious,
and that the birth of a new person is an absolutely natural process,
which does not require the presence of doctors, white lamps, a special ward,
having a bag of medicines "just in case" ... etc.)
In addition, despite the ideal birth (as it always seemed to me),
now I see a lot of fears in Lizonka, which can be easily explained as birth trauma.
In general, this is a separate post.
Now I am writing about the second birth that happened in the north of Thailand,
in a warm and cozy climate, in the water, at home, in love and understanding...

When I found out that a baby had come to us, the first reaction was panic:
"I already have a child. And a lot of interesting activities ... Traveling ...
And I don't want to repeat the same experience twice"...

I meditated... I breathed... I hugged my loved one...
And a clear understanding came: "There are no two identical experiences ... And everything depends on me ... On us ...
From who we are in a given period of time, and why this new experience was sent to us by the Universe!

I felt that I want to live this pregnancy and the birth of a baby "to the fullest."
Those. exactly how everything in my life has been going on for the past few years
(although it took a long time to go to this, and make a lot of illogical (but true) decisions) ...
And as soon as I accepted the appearance of another heart inside of me,
a strong period of clarity and inner meditation began in life ..)
During pregnancy, 5 wonderful films were created (Tutness, Powered out , Nath Yoga Tradition, I ndia Contact Journey, a film about a retreat center in Ibiza) and two more are awaiting completion)))..
A lot of dance happened (5 international CI festivals, and many individual CI meetings)
and travel (Georgia, Altai, Freiburg, Ibiza, Ukraine, Thailand)...

A lot of new experience and implementation has come...

And we became much closer and more honest with Lesha and Lisa. Probably as close as it is possible for us now, at our stage of our joint path. We finally came to each other...
But, in general, this is also a separate post ...

From the very beginning, I knew for sure that I did not want to give birth to a baby in the hospital
(because this experience certainly does not make sense to repeat twice),
and what you want is not snow and dull dullness (because the birth was supposed to happen in January),
but heat, sun and water (which means that the baby also wants this).

Somewhere 4-5 months before the birth, we began to look for a place where they could happen.
And almost immediately I came across an article,
in which the girl described the experience of her water birth with Marina Dadasheva,
- spiritual midwife, student of Igor Charkovsky and Mantek Chia,
one of the pioneers of aquatic birth in the USSR, a mother of 12 children, a wonderful and extraordinary personality...
Here is a LINK to the article, but to the SITE with Marina (for those who are interested).

pictured Marina and her husband Colin

We wrote to Marina, she replied that she was happy to wait for us to prepare for childbirth, and
we began to prepare for the road (morally and financially) ...

In parallel, we asked Marina a huge number of questions of interest to us:
prices, availability of the Internet, description of the home, proximity to a kindergarten, etc. ...

Marina managed to answer some questions, but not some.
But her main recommendation for us was:
focus and decide what is most important to us .
I did not immediately understand what she meant, because for us everything we asked about was important.
For a while, this affected the clarity of our contact with Marina and with the place,
where we had to go to carry out such an important task...
And even at some point we gave up the idea of ​​going to Thailand,
and started looking at other options for home birth in warm countries: Goa, Bali, Malaysia...
But somehow we always returned to the north of Thailand, to the Marina.
To be honest, I tried very "violently" to find at least one negative review about her on the Internet.
But nothing came of it... And that made me happy.
After meditating on the road, we sincerely "scored" all the ambiguities and bought tickets to Thailand.
(Only upon arrival at the Marina it became clear
that she is simply physically unable to answer all the questions,
which are sent every day by pregnant couples.
Therefore, here I immediately write all possible questions-answers-expenses.
First of all, to make it easier for Marina to correspond with a friend


To be honest, before we came to Thailand, I had a clear confidence
that my physical fitness is ideal for natural home birth.

I dance, practice yoga, move a lot, swim and dive.
This is not my first childbirth, and the body knows firsthand that
what the sensations might be and how to deal with them.

But when we arrived at Marina, I realized
what are my ideas about the physical preparation of a woman before childbirth,
very different from what a woman and a man really should know and be able to
(which we had to learn during the 1.5 months that remained before the birth) ...

On the first evening of our stay, we went to the pool.
It was getting dark and the air was cool enough.
The pool has non-chlorinated running water. Overcoming myself, I gently began to swim.
Marina looked at me and asked: "Why don't you dive?".
I replied that it was already cool, and that I would not like to wet my hair.
At which she looked inquiringly and said: "Did you come here to give birth or for what?"...
I dove. And swam (even though I didn’t want to terribly).

It all started the next morning.
Rise at 7.00 am.
Dousing with ice water.
Morning exercises, tai chi qigong, swimming and diving in alternation with a sauna, pair practices in the water.

Gym (we swing the press, legs, arms.
with the exception of all jumping-vibrating simulators))

We ride bicycles (although we haven’t done this for a long time) and skate (very carefully) ...

We walk a lot and go to different beautiful and distant places...

In the evenings, Dao-yin (Chinese yoga of the spine).
Compulsory yoga classes: assanas, pranayama, meditation.
(small PHOTO REPORT with the most useful assanas in preparation for childbirth)

Rebirthing... Taoist solo and couple practices... tantric rituals... healing love...

Working through the unfinished: compiling a stress questionnaire and a family tree,
a list of childhood diseases, a description of the first birth and writing an ideal script for the second.

At least once a week, Mali (beautiful grandmother, former masseuse Monteca Chia) came to me and did a special Thai massage for pregnant women.
She paid a lot of attention to the stomach and the baby, who was also actively preparing for childbirth.

At first, there was a lot of energy for all this.
But then, at some point, the body gave up and a cold began.
Rather, because of my disagreement to live according to the schedule,
a lot of unfinished business and an absolute lack of personal time
(i.e. because of my big and busy ego).

We slowed down the pace a bit. Sleep a little longer.
And then somehow they built for themselves about the same schedule of classes ...

I felt that everything would happen very soon,
because the new moon was approaching (and Marina said that water children are born on the rising moon) ...
and more and more often I wanted to be alone... by the water... in a long meditation...

We finished the unfinished business and prepared the space:
checked the strength of the pool, cleaned the garden,
bought dried fruits, nuts, wine, champagne and all sorts of sweets
(to celebrate the birth of a baby)
stocked up with candles, incense sticks and beautiful music...
Finished editing a film about an Indian journey...
and launched registration for a contact trip in Nepal...

Surrounded by Buddhist temples and the jungles of northern Thailand,
I listened to Orthodox prayers and drew an icon of a defender in childbirth...

Everything was ready for the arrival of the baby ...

Retreat: )
Already here, in Thailand, it became clear to me why global disputes over
pros and cons of home birth.
In general, there are many different causes, cases, rules, and exceptions.
But one of the key things to consider before a home birth is the condition of the woman's body and her knowledge of what is going to happen.
After all, the body must be absolutely mobile, stretched, a woman must know how all her muscles work (especially in the pelvic area) and how to breathe at certain moments.
And it is especially important to listen and hear what the midwife says
(and it is important that this is a person whom a woman and her man trust 100%)
And in fact, very few people prepare for childbirth (especially for home births). Many expect that the midwife will come and do everything. But in many cases, the midwife is powerless (because the woman cannot physically do what is needed).


Well, finally, about the birth itself.
For a long time I tried to find a word that could succinctly define what
what this process was about for me... Most likely, it was about FORCE.
About how you can not understand for a long time (not being able, not wanting, hoping for help from outside) ...
and then realize, turn on, get together and do it.

The contractions began on the first day of the rising moon and 3 days before the birth itself (wow) ...
Those. they started, picked up speed, and then at some point completely died out.
(Later I realized that the baby was just giving me time to totally rest.)

When the contractions started, I went into a warm pool, and learned to evenly "breathe through" pain sensations already in practice.
When they stopped, I doused myself with cold water, steamed in the sauna, dived, rode a bicycle, ate all kinds of "stimulating" childbirth foods (papaya, pineapple) ...
We made love ... We talked a lot and were silent ...

But the fights started and stopped.

Marina said that this is a generic weakness.
And why I have it (with my physical training and my age) is not at all clear.
Most likely, I can’t let go of something or someone ...

I meditated, let go of everyone I could, went through rebirthing...
I felt the contractions start up again.

We can say that it all started on January 21, around 9 pm.
The evening in the north of Thailand is of course very warm,
but if you go into the water on the street,
you freeze pretty quickly.
I lived the first part of the fights on land.
I tried to dance and follow the body.
Then, when it became quite painful, I went to the pool.
We lit candles around the pool and hung New Year's lights.

Orthodox prayers and Indian mantras were played ... sometimes Leshka included something beautiful of his own (I don’t remember the name) ...

Marina first sat on the porch and watched the process from the side,
sometimes coming up to me and checking the disclosure.
And there were always a few centimeters left before the moment
when you could start pushing.
And every time her words about the fact that you still need to walk around, breathe, hang on your beloved husband in order to help the baby go down, added to me "despair" ...
And this despite the fact that physically I felt my body very well, and could clearly put
before it a task that it was able to perform ...
it just took a very long time.

Lesha was very helpful.
He was there all the time and energetically supported me. And it was priceless.

(And all because we prepared for everything together. Learning to be together. Learning to listen and hear each other.
Realizing that preparing for childbirth is a pair practice.
And the fact that although the very moment of childbirth is the task of a woman, a man must come to them absolutely ready (both emotionally and physically

At some moments it became insanely cold and I went into the house, into the bathroom.
It was a little warmer in there, but it was harder to sneak contractions due to the small size of the bathroom.
(i.e. she's big, but I'm not small either)...

At some point, I felt that there were no more pauses between contractions.
And that one fight comes out of another. And this is where it all starts...
(For 2.5 hours of contractions, I was very tired.
And at the beginning it seemed to me that someone or something should help me.
I especially wanted Marina to help.
But Marina watched a lot, and interfered little in the process.
(and only now I realize how priceless it is))

The push has begun (finally!)
It was necessary to push and direct the breath down, without breaking it into a cry,
helping the baby to insert the head into the pelvis (and I won’t say that I immediately began to succeed)

I remember this moment very vividly
which, probably, was the whole experience of home birth for me.

Marina came up and said that the Kid was ready to leave.
And you just need to push very hard and make one small movement forward with your hips. She showed. It's hard to explain it in words. And it is difficult to train before childbirth (because the experience of such a movement in the body is never and nowhere else probably comes in handy).
And she said these most important words: "No one can do it for you."

And I understood .. felt ... and accepted.
I caught a moment that probably happened for the first time in my life - the moment of my 100% responsibility for the situation. A moment in which no one can do it for me. And that even if this action seems impossible to me, then I HAVE (!!) to perform it. There is no way not to do it. Cancel.
Postpone for later. Stay. There are no options and no other way.

And at the moment when I realized this - I made this movement (although before that I could not do it for many attempts), gathering all the strength and all the power of the body and spirit. And when I did it, the baby's head appeared. And then two more attempts and he came to us.

Came perfect. In water. Dad's strong hands. Without leaving any marks on my body and without hurting myself. Arrived harmonious. clear. Calm. Connected with the Universe. Thanks.

15-20 minutes after the birth of Vanechka, we still swam in a warm bath, doused ourselves with cold water, dived, learned to eat colostrum) ... Then the placenta was born. Very easy and fast.
Then Vanechka did gymnastics and yoga with Marina ...
And then complete bliss began ... I was lying on the bed, surrounded by loved ones.
The baby was sleeping on my chest. We drank wine, eating it with delicious chocolate and cheese.
And the air was saturated with love, strength and infinity ... Most likely they would have injected me with some kind of contraction-stimulating drugs,
and then anesthetized (and perhaps I would have asked them myself if there was such an opportunity) ...

And then they would have made me push ahead of time, when the baby was not yet ready to come out) ...

With the advent of a new person, all the most interesting (both complex and unusual) is just beginning...
I feel that this whole path will be about strength, love, patience, silence,
about acceptance and motherhood...
about being together no matter what...
I am grateful to Marina Dadasheva for her professionalism,
listening and wise intervention in the natural process of childbirth...
I am grateful to my beloved man for his incredible support and total presence...
I am grateful to Guruji and Natha sampradaya for a lot of strength on this path...
I am grateful to our parents for believing in our crazy ideas...
Lizonka for her accelerated maturation...
Thailand for a wonderful paradise on earth...
I am grateful to Contact Improvisation for ease, flow, listening and inverted positions (so useful for the baby) ...
I am grateful to all my friends who mentally (and not only)
helped us maintain a sober mindfulness...
and a low bow to the Universe for giving us this invaluable experience of tantric births...
in Thailand, at home, in the water, in love and understanding...

to be continued...

Marina Dadasheva - about the author

Now he lives in Vermont, in the city of St. Albans, near northern Canada. She lives with her husband Colin Campbell and five young children. Usually, Marina with her family, or alone (on call for childbirth), comes to Russia twice a year. Colin and Marina still continue to conduct couples seminars around the world.

Now Marina is developing her work as a Spiritual Midwife in northern Canada - this is Montreal and its environs. In Vermont, Marina teaches Taoist yoga and Hatha yoga. She developed a new, universal Water Yoga, with elements of Tai Chi and Qigong. This practice is practiced by children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Marina Dadasheva - books for free:

In a word, you have to get acquainted with the thoughts of one of the best ...

Possible book formats (one or more): doc, pdf, fb2, txt, rtf, epub.

Marina Dadasheva - books in whole or in part are available for free download and reading.


M, IChP "Publishing house" Souvenir ", 1994


And here is Marina Dadasheva, the author of the book you are holding in your hands. It was about her that the “father of water births” Igor Charkovsky said: “Marina has a light hand and a sensitive heart.” In a word, you will get acquainted with the thoughts of one of the best spiritual midwives in Russia, with her experience and recommendations on how to make children healthy and how to comprehend the wisdom of “conscious parenthood”.

The doors to this wonderful world are still closed to most people, and the mechanisms of childbearing created by nature are still not truly unraveled. According to the established tradition, future fathers and mothers, waiting for the birth of their baby, place their hopes on the wisdom of nature and the help of medicine, while they themselves, as it were, remain aloof from the sacrament being performed. They do not even realize what kind of grace-filled opportunities necessary for the harmonious development of the body, soul and intellect, they deprive themselves, but above all of their newborn child. Marina Dadasheva's book is dedicated to the benefits of "conscious parenting".

Under the guidance of Marina Dadasheva, you will learn how to consciously plan the method of childbirth, its course and consequences, and influence the formation of the child's body long before birth. The author tells how to prepare yourself for conception, dive into the depths of your inner self, restore lost connections between soul and body and feel how a new life makes its way inside the mother's womb. You comprehend the sacred meaning of conception, the energy of which affects the further development of the baby. You will learn how to behave correctly during pregnancy in order to create the best conditions for a baby who cares about how his parents feel, what they say and what they think. And, finally, you begin to understand at what high spiritual level childbirth can take place if the parents prepared for it in advance and give birth to a child together in an atmosphere of love. No one and nothing prevents them at this sacred moment from experiencing to the full the unclouded joy of motherhood and fatherhood.

This is how wonderful children are born, which, it would seem, one can only dream of. In fact, the realization of this dream largely depends on us.

A spiritual midwife, through whose hands hundreds and hundreds of babies have passed - weakened, healthy, half-dead - knows: a child is a manifestation of love, everyone participates in it both as an author, and as a performer, and as a source of love. The higher the level of consciousness of the parents who prepared themselves for independent childbirth, the greater the confidence that in the memory of the newborn, in his subconscious, the feeling of the joy of being, love and health that accompanied his appearance in this life will forever be imprinted. And this feeling will play a leading role in the development of his personality in the future.

From time immemorial, people have been looking for ways that would help them change their lives for the better. Spiritual midwifery helps to change the person himself for the better. It is difficult to remake an adult ... but it is possible. And yet, it is best to begin to form a new person before birth or immediately after it. The author offers adults various methods for self-improvement, and for babies - wonderful childbirth, baby yoga, dynamic gymnastics, water as an ideal environment for development.

The book was not written by an ordinary woman. Her path to spiritual midwifery is connected with rich life experience. Marina realized herself in various areas of human activity. Journalist and dancer, painter and theater critic, teacher-repetiteur, lecturer and instructor of free breathing, she discovered a lot of opportunities in herself. But who would have guessed that this graceful woman with narrow hips, rather like a teenager, was destined to give birth to nine children, and this, it seems, is not the limit for her. The eldest is 22 years old, the youngest is a little over a year old. He is three months younger than his nephew, Marina's grandson. Everyone knows how difficult it is with children, especially now. For her, children are a source of youth and health.

Love for children, spiritual practice led Marina Dadasheva to spiritual obstetrics, which became her life's work, vocation, mission. In the religions and philosophies of the peoples of the East and West, she sought confirmation of her thoughts that the birth of a child is associated with high love, which moves humanity along the path of evolution. She found them in Tantric sources and in Taoism, in Christianity with its belief in Universal Love. Marina knows well that such love can only be compared with selfless love for children. As you read her book, you will gradually become imbued with the idea that it was written under the influence of this faith, invariably passed down from generation to generation.

But to the deep conviction of Marina Dadasheva, spiritual obstetrics is an area of ​​human activity that the world needs today, seeking deliverance from hatred and wars, from hunger and ailments, from the decline of morals and lack of spirituality. It is no coincidence that spiritual midwifery is now becoming more widespread among the general population. It is especially needed where women stop giving birth, where the number of abortions is growing at a terrifying rate, where the number of children who are physically underdeveloped, mentally retarded, sickly, and spiritually destitute is increasing every year.

Marina is a business person. She visited almost all cities in the vast territory of the former Soviet Union, took birth at home and in maternity hospitals, taught others her art, visited boarding schools, children's reception centers, hospitals where children with cerebral palsy, with Down's disease, premature babies, with birth injuries , and worked miracles, - she helped many hopeless. Based on this experience, she, together with her family and I.B. Charkovsky, developed a method for treating seriously ill children. Her name is associated with the recognition of the Charkovsky system in some medical circles. For decades, domestic physicians have been hostile to his discoveries, and even more so to practical activities. The methodology for conducting water classes according to the system of I. Charkovsky, published in the presentation of M. Dadasheva, is in great demand. You will meet her in this book.

Times change. Marina Dadasheva became the director of the Aqua Marina family business. She conducts classes, leads seminars. Her husband, Igor Volodkevich, works with her. “This is my grandiose teacher,” Marina says about him. Children work with their parents. Especially a lot of the smallest - Marinochka and Igorek. Those born in water are also teachers: for a mother who is made kind and determined, loving and wise, for those who come to Aqua Marina to learn “conscious parenthood” or master the skills of spiritual midwifery. To them, little swimmers and divers happily demonstrate clear advantages over land peers.

With good wishes, I appeal to those who read this book, find the opportunity to master wise advice in practice and give birth to “water children” in love.

Nina Kryukova


(dedicated to my teacher I.B. Charkovsky)

“... And, finally, we will become one, as God is one, and we will abide in the eternal unity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, constantly abiding in the tasting of eternal and divine bliss ...”

(Abbé Fournier)

Chapter 1

Let's make friends with water

“...Water nourishes and supports the spirit, as well as the physical body.

Water is considered the main element among the elements, since it purifies and lifts a person from the mundane to the transcendental. Mountain water, spring water and collected rain water are very auspicious and considered wise, noble…”

(Garuda Purano)

The time has come when physical and spiritual health became an inseparable concept, when agni, Christianity, yoga and various systems of physical healing began to complement each other, and not go against each other.

Is it possible to plunge into an ice-hole for the first time in December without knowing that the energy of like-minded people will help perceive this action as a holiday, a sacrament of the initiates? And how pleasant it is to feel dedicated later, having experienced the joy of joining the winter nature, its energy! And if you plunge on January 19, the day of Epiphany, then God will bless you, and for a whole year you will be protected from diseases and the evil eye. Take a dip with the children, and continue this way, you will protect yourself and your children this year. Since ancient times, the people of the Russian land followed such a rite. Everything else - fasting, diets, and now pranayama, reiki, dianetics, rebirthing - all this comes by itself with the acceptance of cosmism.

Learn from the dolphins who have blessed aquatic birth. Learn not to take revenge for insults and misunderstandings: there is a time for everything. Having learned, teach others, and do not exalt yourself in your superiority. So did those who were ahead of their time - Tsiolkovsky, Vernadsky, Exupery, Tolstoy, Blavatsky, the Roerich couple, I. Charkovsky.

Charkovsky's system, like Konstantin Eduardovich's spaceship, is somewhat ahead of our layman's understanding of the current situation, so its path is difficult. But our planet is rushing forward in time. Let's not fall behind. Catch up!

I don't know if Stanislav Groff without Charkovsky is timely, but Charkovsky is right in saying that Groff's free breathing system will help us cope with complexes, tightness, fears blocking our mind and body. Having passed the sessions of "free breathing", "breathing", we will more easily give birth to free people.

The work that we carry out according to the method of I.B. Charkovsky is complex and requires great consciousness of parents. This becomes quite obvious after the course of conscious parenthood (or better, conscious conception), which a married couple goes through together with like-minded people and a spiritual midwife. Without such training, only very sensitive parents subtly feel their babies in the process of training. If a pregnant woman dives, swims, prepares her body for the upcoming motherhood, then the child enters the world happy, and further classes with him will not be a barrier for parents to overcome their own.

Baby yoga will help our baby to stand firmly on his feet, increase the body's resistance, be protected and sociable. It is better to include the first elements of children's yoga in the life of the baby in the neonatal period, i.e. immediately after birth, when the child is still on the umbilical cord (the direct connection with the mother is not lost). The child takes a soft breath, without burning the lungs, and, therefore, without injuring the psyche, then several dives follow - adaptation to a new and at the same time familiar environment. After that, several active inverted poses and, finally, the child is given the “frog” pose with an emphasis on the feet (preferably on the mother’s chest). This allows the entire mechanism to turn on 100%. The child enters life protected, without aggression and resentment. They didn't separate him from his mother, didn't put him on his back, didn't forbid him to move. After lowering the child into the water after giving birth and diving with it, we did not take away from him this God-given skill of swimming and the ability to hold his breath.

For water training, babies need to use a special simulator, the main element of which is a nipple with a hose. The child sucks on a pacifier during class, connected to the bottle with a transparent hose. The bottle comes with expressed breast milk, water with honey, juice, or whatever the baby likes. This allows him to dive without swallowing air and water. The pacifier can be fixed at the mouth with soft ribbons or a tubular bandage. For convenience, it is better to fix the bottle on the head of the one who works with the child, or hang it over the bath or pool. Work with the nipple must be supplemented by diving at the mother's breast. Rhythmic dives under water work out breath-holding such as pranayama, cleanse the nasopharynx of mucus and uterine waters, and introduce you into a subtle state that allows you to get rid of birth stress. Diving is best done daily, several times. At the same time, parents should feel the condition of the baby, not overdo it and conduct a reasonable number of dives, not counting them.

A floating and moving baby immediately passes urine and meconium, there are no difficulties with gases. In the first days, the child lives at the mother's breast, on her stomach in the usual energy environment. The baby can also send with his parents, this gives him a sense of security, at any moment he can satisfy his hunger and replenish energy resources.

Baby yoga can be done as long as the baby is awake. It is good to fix yoga poses at the chest at the time of feeding. If the child sleeps for a very long time, you can wake him up with a light massage, caresses and kisses. The baby should not lie down a lot. From birth, he knows how to stand, crawl, dive. Very useful for brain activity inverted poses with fixation of the stop on the head. These postures are also good during feeding with frequent regurgitation.

After a complicated birth, you can immediately begin to perform exercises according to the Baby Yoga system, provided that your hands are highly sensitive, it is better to postpone dynamic gymnastics for a few days, before visiting the pool or meeting with a spiritual mentor. In any case, it is useful for the child to be on his stomach in the “legs under him” position - the position of the child.

It is desirable that the child was in the water for several hours a day - this is his usual environment, which relieves gravitational loads. Parents of a healthy child may find this program too harsh, sometimes for the sake of maintaining their comfort, they are ready to abandon it. The child feels their confusion and refuses to study - he reflects, comfort is also dear to him.

The method of bathing children is closely related to worldview problems. Charkovsky's system necessarily leads to deep experiences, experiencing which we free our children from their own mistakes.

Preparing for childbirth in water, the couple goes through an interesting path of self-knowledge, familiarization with the concepts of cosmism. Then the third one leads her - the child. Home births bring reunion harmony. The rabies syndrome is removed even before the birth of a wonderful child, so it is easy to teach him to dive and swim. Creativity ahead of parents. It is not true that children born in water can do everything, they are free and fearless, and therefore they easily learn natural things, such as swimming, crawling, etc. It is necessary to deal with them for a long time and with love. A child can be taught to eat in a bath or in a pool, first above water, then under water, rhythmically immersing a suckling baby in it. The child does not immediately understand what they want from him, and at first he can swallow water, so he needs to be taught. After the dive, the child makes a sharp exhalation above the water, which is automatically followed by an inhalation, and immediately submerge the child in the water again, without waiting for the child to cry and lose the rhythm. The child is unusual and therefore a little scared, but he has no time to scream, and he is forced to work. You can start classes not with diving, but with splashing on the nose or bringing it under the shower, as soon as he made a sharp exhale-inhale - again under the shower. When the skill is fixed, you can move on to diving. Before diving, you can lightly toss the child above the water. When the baby falls freely down, he automatically holds his breath. The mouth should be tightly closed, we can help it by pressing the chin to the upper jaw while diving. A healthy person breathes through the nose, breathing through the mouth signals pathology: adenoids, tonsillitis, otitis media.

After the first lessons, as a result of irritation of the nasopharynx, a runny nose may appear. But if you continue the training, the body is rebuilt, and the runny nose goes away. In addition, breathing through the nose is a kind of massage of the frontal sinuses, and this stimulates the development of the brain.

It is wrong to assume that diving is stressful for a child; on the contrary, by diving often, he acquires the ability to survive. The work includes not only his heart, but also a number of mechanisms of vascular hemodynamics. The body in the water is in a comfortable state of weightlessness, it is not by chance that the child is in this state in the womb. Spasm of blood vessels during diving stimulates the cleansing of the body. If parents are not ready for independent studies, the child should be taught to feed in water, preferably at the breast. You can feed the child with diving, play, systematically pouring some water from the forehead onto the spout. These exercises also put rhythmic breathing. This breathing contributes to periodic splashes of water from the spout. Make sure that the baby does not swallow water. If this nevertheless happened, it must be removed by giving the child a frog pose on mother's chest. This is a must do after diving. It is necessary to raise the legs up under the baby's tummy, and hold it higher to the mother's shoulder. You can turn the baby facing away from you and work with the press. After intense diving, the baby should burp air, which will relieve some of the fatigue. If the baby has a respiratory failure while still in the water, you need to turn the cervical and lumbar vertebrae in opposite directions (the coccyx and head turn in opposite directions).

Almost all elements of baby yoga are good to carry out and fix in water. You need to take the child out of the pose slowly, the slower, the greater the turn angle.

You cannot work with a child when people who are not familiar with the system or do not approve of it are looking at you. It is necessary to introduce the baby into poses gently and smoothly, without rushing. You can also conduct classes during sleep, complicating the frog pose by turning the pelvis and head in opposite directions. You can also rotate the shoulder joints. A child in a dream is relaxed, his body does not resist natural postures for him (although these postures are not always natural for us). All this is a preparation for the development of more complex movements that require a large amplitude. Getting used to a large number of movements is very important and contributes to the fact that the child quickly learns to walk on all fours, using the palms and feet for support, and not the knees.

The possibilities of children are directly proportional to the repressed stresses of their parents, therefore, when working with a child, they must relax, freeing themselves from unnecessary problems, or solve them before classes. Parents often ask when babies born in water start swimming. This is directly related to how much they love them. Children do not swim due to the weak flexibility of the spine and untrained muscles, as soon as the child learns to turn the spine in order to emerge and breathe in the air, he will swim. Do not immediately teach your child to swim on his back, as water can enter the bronchi. Only well trained children should be left on their backs. You don't need to practice in warm water. Warm water is a breeding ground for germs. Most microbes do not tolerate cold water. At temperatures below 5° Streptococcal and staphylococcal viruses are killed. That is why we bathe children infected with these viruses in an ice hole and at home in water not higher than 18 ° C. A large role is played by daily dousing with cold water. It is better to pour water on the ground - this is good energy plus an emotional and psychological impact. Children who are doused from birth have good immunity and a healthy psyche, they believe that their body is beautiful, and the possibilities are endless. The child asserts himself when he laughs at the moment of dousing with ice water. Another advantage of dousing is the removal of the evil eye (it is better to use salted cold water and read a prayer at the same time). Pouring and contrast showers stimulate the work of the whole organism. Babies, who are poured with cold water from birth, get on all fours themselves and very soon begin to crawl, leaning on their feet, which contributes to the mobility of the pelvic bones. For girls, this is very important - our task is to raise future healthy mothers. Underdevelopment of the joints in girls is a tragedy in childbirth. The period of formation is critical, otherwise underdevelopment can remain for life. The physiologist Arshavsky talks about this in detail in his works.

The spine must be placed from birth. Most baby yoga exercises relieve tension from the vertebrae. Very often, an increased or decreased tone in a child is a reflection on the condition of the parents. The more liberated the parents, the freer the child.

The most effective should be considered work with a trapezoid. When exercising on the trapezoid, a deeper formation of the vertebral joints occurs. It is especially necessary to work on the trapeze with sick and weakened children. The trapezoid allows you to fix the pose well, smoothly enter the pose and makes it possible to slip the child in the twisted state. Working on a trapezoid in water creates a more comfortable situation for the child and he relaxes better. The trapezoid allows the child to sleep with fixed vertebrae, the body remembers its capabilities. With a slight twisting of the spine, the mouth should be opposite the coccyx. In this position, you can feed the baby at the breast. Women prepare themselves for such activities even during pregnancy. Diving, the expectant mother prepares the unborn baby for oxygen starvation, which will help both of them at the time of childbirth. In order for childbirth not to be amorphous, but joyful, the expectant mother should not give up the stresses of her former life: fasting is useful, during which the body is cleansed. After birth, the child carries the memory of pregnancy, i.e. prenatal matrices. Many problems of parents are postponed on the newborn child. Twisting the spine, introducing the baby into a meditative state, we remove from him the problems of his pregnancy and more serious things that he inherited from us. The baby reacts by crying to the twisting of those joints that carry a negative memory, but at the same time he is freed from possible misfortunes in later life. With age, he will not be aggressive, will not fall into a trance due to a conflict with the teacher. There are very serious things behind the meditation training. There are children who have received mental illness in the womb due to conflict situations of their parents. In order not to treat them later in a psychiatric hospital, you need to work with them in the water. It is very important that kids fix yoga poses. The body remembers the positions of the joints and then uses them in difficult situations, this prevents falls, dislocations and fractures. When diving, water loads on the kidneys increase, and this stimulates the work of the intestines, facilitates the process of removing toxins.

The range of application of the system is very wide: it treats both the musculoskeletal system (torticollis, hip dislocations), and serious disorders of the central nervous system (cerebral palsy, encephalopathy, etc.), as well as some diseases of the internal organs and the cardiovascular system.

After birth, the child's motor mechanism is paralyzed to some extent. This has been building up over the centuries. The panacea of ​​humanity is liberation from inner tightness and fears. Work should begin with parents, work through stressful situations with them. It is necessary that parents realize the inadequacy of the meaning of many situations in relation to fatherhood and motherhood. The pregnancy questionnaire, starting from the moment of conception, helps to find out the condition of the child, the causes of failures in his body. And inquiring helps parents to get rid of painful impressions after undesirable situations and free the child from their consequences. In addition, the instructor who deals with the baby needs to know everything about childbirth and the causes of the child’s illness, as well as about stressful situations in the life of parents. (To have a clearer understanding of the intrauterine life of your baby, read the works of Groff, Jung, Freud, Leboyer, Aden, Pierce, Arshavsky, Charkovsky's lectures.)

In the water, as in the womb, the child is relaxed, so it is easier to work with him: to speak a hernia, relieve intracranial pressure, put the vertebrae. Classes with children should be regular and conscious. Mother and father enter into subtle states together with the child and help him cope with both physical and energy failures. Parents' hands should be as sensitive as possible. It is advisable to start working with a spiritual mentor who will preliminarily conduct a rebirthing with you or work energetically using color and sound vibrations. When diving, you need to feel the child's body, be able to relax it, be sure to pay attention to external signs of fatigue (capillary mesh on the body and nasolabial triangle). Those who did not start exercising from the moment the baby was born should not be afraid of his pallor after diving - this is an indicator of lack of training and fatigue. With reasonable work, the child will get the maximum benefit. Cleansing goes not only through the intestines, but also through the skin, blockages are removed from the subconscious, and, consequently, the body is liberated. Even with cerebral palsy there are significant improvements. After the good work of the parents with the hernia of the child, it is removed after a few days. It is better if not a spiritual mentor removes the causes of a hernia, but teaches parents to do it by the method of cleansing meditations on the cause of the failure, i.e. at the time of losing contact with the baby. Most often this occurs either in the third month of pregnancy, or in the second week after childbirth. A woman cannot be morally traumatized while she expires (14-40 days after birth). Her energy is in unity with the child. They are on a more subtle level than those around them. At this time, random or imposed meetings and visits of unwanted people, as well as communication with women who are in the period of menstruation, are undesirable, since at this time they are surrounded by unwanted entities that are attracted by blood.

The whole system was worked out on very sick or premature babies. Great progress in these children was observed when diving was combined with constant stay on the mother's breast. The biofield of the mother in combination with colostrum, as well as the constant contact of the bodies, contributes to the smooth functioning of the body and quick compensation for what the child did not receive in utero. Baby yoga and dynamic gymnastics give the child the opportunity not only to catch up, but also to get ahead of ordinary full-term children in all respects.

The main thing for parents is not to miss the moment: newborn children perceive flexibility exercises much easier than children of three or four five, etc. months. Older children sometimes express violent displeasure, which is a stopper for parents in further studies. A newborn, on the contrary, pleases mom and dad with his capabilities, does not show displeasure, and thereby spurs them on to further conscious work. Good lactation is very important for a mother. A child who receives breast milk feels better about the mother and, in addition, mother's milk is a pure food that promotes meditative states. A mother who breastfeeds a child is connected with cosmic vibrations, she cannot harm her child.

Trained children learn spectacular stances very quickly, they know how to consolidate and stand on one hand with their parents, but this, in fact, is only the way to achieve. Achievement - good support on the feet with slightly bent knees and the ability to get out of the "frog" pose into a stance and again return to the "frog" pose. At the same time, not only the joints are trained, but also the muscles, the work of the internal secretion organs is regulated.

The system of I.B. Charkovsky is not a health training, it is a change in the genotype of mankind. In "water" children, not only motor activity is liberated, but also psychological attitudes change significantly: the world of the day is open to them, there are no fears, there is no aggressiveness. They are generally calmer and more balanced than their "land" peers. A broader view of these problems and a comparison of man with various types of animals clearly and definitely show that the potential possibilities of a newborn child are incomparably higher than those realized. It is necessary to demonstrate the success of the development of "water" children, their exceptional physical and intellectual abilities, so that people think about what a low, primitive level of development they are at, and what they can actually achieve. And this is achieved by serious mental work. A softer, modified Charkovsky system does not change the subcortical matrix of a person, it only contributes to his temporary recovery, since the causes of the disease have not been removed. This is the path for those who want to see children healthy today. We want to see them healthy on a healthy planet Earth tomorrow as well. This requires a complex of serious work on the system to which this chapter is devoted.

Chapter 2

(dedicated to my husband)

Pregnancy as a conscious state. Personal integration during pregnancy

Part 1

A little about Tantra

"Man must study the sixty-four arts and sciences, as well as the sixty-four aspects of sexual union."

“There is a subtle center of transformation in the navel of the body. It can be represented as a lotus with sixty-four petals or the sun of Vitality with sixty-four flames, its color is golden, and it is directed upwards.

“Brahma began the process of creation by dividing into male and female. They made love. Together Brahma and Saraswati produced the entire race of mortals."

"Love that springs from a constant and continuous act is called love acquired through habit."

“Where there is ecstasy, there is creation; where there is no ecstasy there is no creation. In the boundless there is ecstasy; there is no ecstasy in the limited."

"The Goddess dwells in all women, and the Lord dwells in all men."

“The union of a man and a woman is like the union of Heaven and Earth, it is thanks to its correct connection that Heaven and Earth are divided forever, people have lost this secret, and therefore they have become mortal.”

“A connoisseur of Yoga must always submit to the feminine force, according to the revelations of the tantras. Mother, sister, daughter, wife and all women should be worshipped. During worship, it is necessary to contemplate the inherent unity of the wisdom of the means, the feminine and masculine principles.

“TANTRA means “continuity”. Its foundation is the four noble truths: suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the path. Two emotions converge: Love and Hate. At the moment of convergence, an explosion occurs, which is in fact the discovery of truth ... "

"Tantra is a philosophy, science, art and way of life in which sexual energy is consciously and creatively used."

“Sensual love is one of the acts of great magical and spiritual power, one of the main principles of tantra…”

“The physical body is the temple of the soul. The bodily temple has its own "gardens", "rivers", "sanctuaries", "gates"... The Great River flows from the lower gates - the perineum - to the top of the head. This path connects man with the cosmos.

Sexual mysteries are most prominently represented in the Taoist tradition of China. Simultaneously, they developed the tantric teachings of India. Tibet, having joined these teachings of China and India, elevated them to a philosophy close to religion.

Sexual taboos and prohibitions have been broken through the desire to free sensual pleasure from guilt. This is dangerous if not accompanied by emotional maturity.

In Tibet, tantra is defined as something like a thread on which beads are strung. It goes through the beginning, middle and end. It is about continuity as the basis of tantra, about continuity as the path of tantra, about continuity as the fruit of tantra.

“Tantra has a starting point, it continues on the path and ends at the goal, the result. However, it is endless. In terms of achievement, it has no end. Tantra goes beyond the attainment of the goal."

In the East, sex is regarded as a form of high art and a guarantee of the continuation of a healthy family. It was not a taboo topic, on the contrary, this most natural of all acts was revered, considered auspicious, bringing health and joy. When sexuality is brought into harmony with natural spirituality, a whole new dimension is revealed. Sexual liberation involves the complete liberation of the body, mind and spirit...

“There is no need to renounce one's religious beliefs in order to practice the Sexual Sacraments, nor is it necessary to adopt a Hindu, Buddhist or Taoist point of view,” modern Tantrism scholars Penny Singler and Nick Douglas are convinced of this. I join their opinion, as I observe the confirmation of tantric truths in the sacred mysteries of domestic water births.

(The tantric mysteries are described in this chapter from the handwritten sources of the Kama Sutra, Shiva Purana and Vedic knowledge.)

Part 2

Birth and rebirth

What is a water birth? First of all, this is the softness of the most sacred process, both for the mother and for the baby. Many injuries that occur during normal childbirth are excluded during aquatic birth: the tissues of the mother's reproductive tract are more elastic and pliable in water, the child, gently floating out of a cramped aquatic environment into a similar, but more spacious one, does not receive atmospheric shock. All these positive moments accompany the main thing - a person is born with new adaptive capabilities.

Since the time of Adam and Eve, people have given birth on earth and thus have developed a certain stereotype of behavior and survival, genetically fixed in the reactive memory of the body. When a child is born in water, in a new, seemingly alien environment, the old genetic stereotypes do not work. You need completely different skills, a new mechanism of adaptability. New groups of neurons turn on in the child's brain, numerous connections are established: the central nervous system - the periphery, which requires creativity from the body. Consciousness expands, intelligence rises, prerequisites are created for the development of completely unusual abilities. The range of adaptive functions of a Human, uninjured during childbirth and given many new opportunities, is unlimited. Being born, the child breathes coherently, which allows him to easily adapt to the new environment. This is the breath we use in the rebirth techniques called rebirthing, vaivation and holotropic breathing.

Types of connected breathing

1. Deep and slow breathing allows you to focus your attention more, it is used when entering the process of free breathing and at the transition point from integration (gaining integrity) to a new working block.

2. Fast deep breathing allows you to go deeper into the process and stay in the process due to the depth of inspiration, a fast pace helps to accelerate integration. Attention is focused on details.

3. Rapid and shallow breathing helps to keep consciousness in the body. We use, as derivatives, two more types of breathing, with an emphasis:

4. Inhale.

5. On the exhale.

Variations of dog breathing (fast and shallow), allowing you to reach the level of the fourth matrix, with the possibility of interpretation.

Against the background of breathing, the harmonization of future parents can be supplemented by the healing flow of Reiki.

The essence of harmonization is both the initiation and acceptance of the flow at the level of the patient. Breathing is combined with Reiki, it takes on the structure of gentle healing (sitter) and healing (patient). Father and mother are connected to the cosmos through the child, their acquisition of technical passes is an impetus to the awareness of the flow, its use for good. During childbirth, a woman can take Reiki, herself give the baby additional support, if the reunion is not fixed at all levels - responsibility - trust - help - love. Reiki cleanses not only the outer space, but also the inner space. “Reiki is flow, silence, contemplation, breathing. A conscious unity of all religions, a conglomeration of esoteric knowledge, a culture of breathing, the deepest sincere faith” - the path to revival. In Reiki, it is important to be able to work in time for different situations. "There is no time or space in Reiki." Even just the realization of this postulate is a step in expanding our capabilities. The plurality of knowledge gives rise to a difference in paths.

Techniques, the essence of which is integration, can be chosen by the couple themselves. What is important here is not the desire for synthesis, but the comprehension of the one in many ways. Natural, very individual intuition guides.

The body speaks the same as the mind.

When a person is born, he is driven by his own nature, it gives a coherent breath. In extreme situations, in illness, in sleep and meditation, the same breathing patterns are activated.

Life is not only the acquisition of intellectual knowledge and experience, but also the adherence to eternal secret rules. When we liberate our ego to this consciousness, the body works for us, i.e. on God-given essence. We live by his wisdom and prayers. This allows us to enter the inter-matrix flows, wash away the pains accumulated in the matrices, as if spinning them in a spiral, and freely swim out into the ocean of life. And every day she presents us with new situations, while we return by analogy to the original imprinting of generic matrices. They are overlaid with stresses of different levels of our being: personal, interpersonal, social, etc. And again, our fragmented consciousness needs to acquire integrity, since only it can return to us the harmony of the first perinatal matrix.

Stanislav Groff defined this matrix as a pink sufficiency of warmth, comfort, complete security, divine love, in other words, the integrity that we have in the womb before the moment of birth. The second matrix is ​​new chaotic impressions: fear, pain, hopelessness (the cervix is ​​not yet open), the desire to change the state, and all this further leads to fragmentation of consciousness. Further - the neck opens slightly, there is a possibility of an outcome. The entrance to the third matrix is ​​connected with the intensity of aspirations. However, the body is compressed, squeezed, desires are not satisfied: small pauses between contractions are a mirage of pleasure, a struggle for it. The next spasm is even more pain and hopelessness. And the end, the outcome, the peak of pain is the cutting of the head of the child into the bones of the small pelvis and the birth: the child emerges completely. The joy of accomplishment! The child carries the Paradise program of the first perinatal matrix, but only if the sacrament of natural birth is observed.

Integrity has been restored in order to follow the law of the spiral, in a new round of trials, again strive for integration.

Methods of modern obstetrics in clinics and maternity hospitals erase from the subconscious of the baby the memory of the heavenly existence in the mother's womb, since he does not find a return to the Garden of Eden at the moment of birth and after it. The fourth matrix was not imprinted: instead of motherly kisses, there was a hard film that crinkled the delicate body, stripping off the natural protective film of lubricant from it, white bandages instead of the benevolent faces of mom and dad. And then even more terrible and hopeless, almost the same as in the struggle that anticipates birth: the tongue searches, but does not find the nipple, the eyes hurt from bright light and burning solution, the stomach cramps from hunger, the skin has not experienced the bliss of caresses, but into the blood adrenaline continues to be thrown out - a stopper to the completion of the birth. Instead of the natural position of the child at the mother's breast (the mother's stomach is pressed against the baby's tummy, his knees are bent in the "frog" position) - a helpless position on the back, tight diapers. As a result, immune activation does not occur, and the natural desire to straighten the muscles, expand the joints, put the vertebrae in place with the help of crawling and swimming is suppressed.

The slavish nature of those who themselves are born humiliated does not allow the new generation to find joy and freedom in birth. As a result, our consciousness captures that state in childbirth, which is louder and sharper than others. This is pain, a struggle without an outcome, depression, then resentment and a desire for revenge. This is how we live, stuck in some kind of generic matrix: we are constantly afraid of losing something, not being able to do it in time, we get sick, because pain is a familiar state, we experience our inferiority from self-doubt and the incompleteness of our undertakings, or we struggle with windmills. For a more complete picture of what happens to us during birth and after it, I want to give some schemes that were developed by the Russian father of Free Breathing Sergey Vsekhsvyatsky and the German master of the Loving Relationship technique Bern Schroeder. Having a constant practice of obstetrics, I allowed myself to somewhat interpret these schematic representations of our impressions at the stages of the pre-, peri- and neonatal periods.

The first picture a) has already been described by me above, the second b) is another aspect of the influence on our lives of reincarnation developments in the sphere of living certain qualities with new parents. Often parents impose karma on their children in their own image and likeness. Moreover, they pass on to their grandchildren lasting impressions that are imposed on their own children and indirectly passed on to the children of children.

For example: “My son was born ugly. His Daughter or Son may also be born ugly.”

Or: “My daughter is so imperfect, she does not have my common sense and composure. She and her children will have a hard time, as they are likely to inherit her qualities.

It is common for the cells of the uterus of even a non-pregnant woman to capture this information, accumulate, and then informatively lay it in the energy channel of the infant's spine. In unfavorable situations during childbirth, such as quarrels between parents, conflicts with future grandparents, this information immediately pops up and aggravates experiences at the level of matrices. Incompletion of the fourth matrix in this case turns out tragically.

Part 3

Tantric birth - merging with the Divine flow

“In earthly life we ​​are driven by two feelings: love and hatred. The hardness of hate meets the softness of love. Suddenly love and hate are together and suddenly - love does not exist, and hate does not exist. Ego - the foundation of the situation explodes, the aspects of the situation converge, and there is a FLOW ... "

(Tantric knowledge)

The tantric aspect of childbirth, as the inclusion of sexual divine energy through canonical and non-canonical prayers, can save the child, provide a choice and acceptance of help. The essence of tantric prayer and its strength lies in the fact that it, although intimacy, can be performed by a group of people. Energy at the moment of a burst of kundalini merges with the cosmic one.

With a favorable pregnancy, which was preceded by a conscious conception, the tantric mystery does not stop, the child is included in a powerful and at the same time soft energy flow, childbirth takes place in a great sexual prayer.

In the modern interpretation, this innermost knowledge came to us for the first time from lectures and sermons by the great Indian philosopher, scientist and public figure Vivekananda.

Following him, a deep researcher of tantra for us was Rajneesh, who gave us the world of amazing music, dances, and meditations. Rajneesh states that the main thing in the tantric mystery is awareness. Sexual vibrations pass through thoughts, awaken the third eye (ajna), pass through the throat center (vishuddha), reunite the spiritual heart with the physical (sahasrara chakra with anahata chakra) and descend through the Sushumna energy channel to the chakras of the abdomen and genitals (manipura, svadhisthana, muladhara ). At this moment, an exchange of energy with space takes place. We give sexual prayer energy and receive pranic flow from the cosmos. Continuing the thought of awareness, Rajneesh writes: "When sex enters the head, it becomes sexuality." Here I would like to give a graphic representation of the innermost processes, which came through the study of esoteric cultures, as well as the research of the English scientist Pierce and the American rebefer Robert Do Bill.

Koko Heinrichs, one of the teachers of modern tantra, who learned the basics of healing in the ashram of Rajneesh, claims that the practice of tantra has no age restrictions. “Those over fifty also come to her ... Young people bring energy potential, sexual activity, body beauty, optimism, and older people bring experience, intuition, a special style of relationships,” Heinrichs shares with us.

Intuitively using this knowledge, spiritual obstetrics does not agree with the opinion of physicians who claim that the quality of childbirth and the potential of the child is aggravated with the age barrier.

Maybe it does not exist at all, this barrier? It is unlikely that a young woman, not realizing her mission in motherhood, without the inclusion of spirituality, only thanks to physiological data, can give birth to a child harmonious in all respects.

If a woman consciously desires motherhood, surrounds the baby in her womb with love, prays for his health, brings her soul and body into harmony, then she will give birth to a truly wonderful child. This knowledge is given to us by the founder of the "white brotherhood", a healer, scientist and publicist O. Aivankhov. Using sound and color vibrations, a woman giving birth passes a powerful energy flow through her body, due to which those energy centers that she needs at certain phases of the birth of her child are turned on. Knowing about the non-syllable vibrating sound of the chakras, in one of the rebirthing processes, helped me find one of my first sitters in rebirthing - Robert Do Bill. Hundreds of women took advantage of this knowledge and gently gave birth to their late children, who, having been born, rejuvenated and healed their mothers.

What sometimes prevents young healthy women from opening up in childbirth with divine energy and giving birth to a desired beloved child in intimacy?

The answer to this question can be obtained from both ancient philosophers and modern physiologists, sexologists, geneticists and astrologers. The French have long been talking about the harmful consequences of unfulfilled desires: first, the physiologist Sigmund Freud, then the geneticist, biologist Albert Jacard, our compatriots Pavlov, Arshavsky. A lot of interesting things about this can be found in the works of modern astrology by Tamara Globa, the healer Sergei Lazarev. Each of those listed, using the data of their specific field that studies a person, agrees that fears, blocks, unfulfilled desires, hereditary diseases, trauma of one's own birth, the influence of temperament properties, the zodiac aspect, etc. - all this affects our birth.

The free breathing sessions of the virtuoso professional George Gumber led me to define another essence of the birth arrest. - these are larvae. We often move away from harsh reality into the world of phantoms we create. The illusory world of our life with “Wishlist” not realized on the physical level creates obsessors on the lower astral plane, which are called larvae. If we don't complete the situation according to our desire - intimacy or the acquisition of a valuable thing, building a house or publishing a book, we end it mentally. However, the cellular level of the body, as well as the subconscious, do not receive information about the satisfied desire. Dissatisfaction torments us: we sit down to steering wheel of an imaginary car, kissing an imaginary partner, building a house with imaginary bricks, and then living in it all our lives. Larvas constantly need our energy supply, for reality we are left with crumbs that are not able to make us creators, creators, parents of children who are not traumatized in childbirth.

An honest attitude to the processes of free breathing, real fearless work in them allow us to burn our “Wishlist” or put it on the shelf of our subconscious once and for all as a positive experience. Integration is taking place. True self-esteem allows us to regain creativity and new aspirations.

The School of Science of Mind very figuratively models the need for a divine presence in our lives for the unity of spirit, soul and body. The quality of desires and their realizations are directly dependent on the realization of this trinity.

This is the essence of circulation and absorption. The greatness of the spirit seeps through the individual properties of the soul and forms the quality of the body.

I hope that this knowledge will help us to approach the conception, birth and upbringing of a DIVINE CHILD in a new way, with the utmost honesty.

Part 4

The use of various psychotechnics in the process of spiritual and physical healing on the way to conscious parenthood

This chapter is the result of observations on my own processes of free breathing and those that took place under my guidance or with partial participation. It outlines some of the thoughts and feelings associated with the pre-, peri- and neonatal periods of a child's life, and also considers his relationship with his parents. At the heart of all this is the eternal formula: AS WE BREATHE, SO WE LIVE, and vice versa: AS WE LIVE, THIS IS THE WAY WE BREATHE.

The goal of my life is to facilitate - the first breath of a person who came to Earth. The essence of a harmonious birth is a creative life, the absence of a reason for relieving injuries due to a soft entry into the world.

In my work on the expansion of my own consciousness, INTEGRATION and HEALING have become the initial and additional components relative to each other (integral from disparate, disconnected).

Awareness of the mission of my unborn child became the impetus for working on myself and the desire to gain my highest potential. Accomplishment of the plan is an occasion not only for apprenticeship, but also for teaching (finding God in oneself and around is the essence; one wants to share it).

Every woman who comes to Earth, originally a mother, this knowledge is given to her at the cellular level of the physical body. The realization of this task leads to the growth of the spiritual potential and can become a reason for the expansion of consciousness, i.e. finding unconditional love for all things. Preparation for a high manifestation in motherhood goes on at all subtle levels surrounding our dense physical body from the fiery manifestation to the etheric double and includes serious work of the astral and mental. As a result, due to the manifestation and realization of the beginning of Yin, the ground is formed in the very nature for the acceptance of a worthy teacher, who introduces mother and father into new energy ties (connections). The father, just like the mother, is included in the work with a change in consciousness, but in a less manifest form. In the perinatal period, the baby is more connected with the mother due to reunification through the spiritual heart (the midbrain at the sahasrara level). Balancing the sphere of channels that control the ego and superego (ida, pengala), he simultaneously harmonizes and checks the woman for readiness for childbirth and subsequent accomplished motherhood by turning on the energy potential of Anant-Vayu and Apana-Vayu. The child itself lives in the uterus, structuring the information of genes, manifesting itself at the chromosomal level of imprinting. Then comes the experience of perinatal matrices, as a threshold and predestination of this incarnation. During this period, for the baby, the mother’s breathing trainings are very useful both at the physiological level of delays and at the spiritual level of study.

The creation of groups of conscious parenthood, as a result of the arrival on the planet Earth of the RUSSIAN METHOD of soft, water childbirth by I.B. Charkovsky, became the initial incentive to search for methods for transforming one's own birth. A woman who was born in a hospital with the use of medicines and instruments during childbirth loses the ability to give birth to a child on her own; At the level of cellular memory, the situation repeats itself: the child is waiting for doping by birth. It is necessary not only to change the situation in the process of birth (NOT IN THE HOSPITAL), but also to form a new attitude towards it, this is NOT A DISEASE, BUT THE CULMINATION OF SEXUAL INTIMACY, A MYSTERY, you need to remove the moment of fear and translate it into acceptance of a positive experience: this will not happen again , everything will be natural, not with doctors, but with her husband, child and the Mother of God.

Free breathing has become one of the most effective reasons for gaining integrity and fearlessness both before conception and on the eve of childbirth.

In the process of work, parents have many opportunities to expand their consciousness and find harmony at the level of chakras and energy channels (sushumna, ida, pingala), directly related to them. In this regard, the Free Breathing technique soon becomes a lifestyle and harmonizes pregnancy and the birth process. The process of Free Breathing often becomes like a rehearsal of childbirth for both parents and the child. The negatives that took place at the birth of parents, acquiring the quality of positive experience, are excluded at the birth of a new harmonious person, who is initially a creator and teacher. The couple has the opportunity to integrate and thus free their body from the unconscious cellular memory that usually holds back the natural course of childbirth. The kid does not wait for unexplored situations, but follows his natural, God-given path. The processes of connected breathing should be carried out before the birth itself.

A newborn child always uses connected breathing to adapt to life. The child varies the rate of breathing depending on their emotions and sensations, as well as the need to return to the comfort zone. When a woman giving birth is connected through the placenta, umbilical cord and spiritual heart with the baby, she gains intuitive knowledge related to breathing and integrity (we are born and die more than once).

During home births, and especially soft water ones, a woman in labor is not subject to violence and fear, she gives birth in unison with very subtle intimate vibrations that connect her with the baby and harmonize her sexual relations. At the same time, there is no excessive release of adrenaline into the blood, there are no shock uncontrolled situations, breathing is free: contractions are a deep, connected rhythm: variations of types 1 and 2 of breathing; attempts - variations 2 and 3. Birth - a situation that contributes to the induction of an altered state of consciousness. The mother fixes the connecting thread with the child, acquiring the state of nirvana, i.e. goes to his level. Sitter helps to find peace of mind, suggests the type of breathing appropriate to the situation, allowing you to return to your comfort zone. But, as a rule, advanced women are led by the baby himself. It gives the woman's mind an impulse to choose (how to breathe), thus facilitating her way through the birth canal. The moment of birth becomes a tantric essence, the body is elastic and supple. The impulse from the chakra on which the woman gives birth goes to the external genital organs, then to the uterus and goes to the spine - a divine energy push is given - the Kundalini rises, the transcendental connection between God and people is fixed.

Each person, consciously connected to the mystery of birth, is aware of his mission on Earth, is included in the whirlwind of the cosmos. As a result of awareness comes fearlessness and complete trust. Harmonious birth, like every process of Free Breathing, is the healing of the planet and the cleansing of the cosmos. Fearlessness is the path to immortality.

The five elements inherent in Free Breathing are the essence of the spiritual and physiological processes of the birth of each of us. From many, this is hidden, as well as the essence of childbirth. However, every man who accepts his child knows that breathing variations, the need for relaxation, total attention, contextual flexibility and active trust will necessarily result in a gentle free birth.

In preparation for a soft "lotus" birth, one should harmonize not only the memory of one's own birth, but also subsequent situations (the neonatal period). The essence of work on these periods is the acquisition of the Faith, and, consequently, the egregor of protection.

Asking God for blessings on the sacrament of birth, taking communion and confession is a great impetus to the realization of the sacrament of conception, responsibility for it and, as a result, expansion of consciousness.

Pregnancy is a God-sanctified healing from poverty of spirit and body. Grace descends on the couple, the realization of the manifested love comes. The arrival of a teacher, first in the embryonic, then infancy, is a reason for rethinking the disunity of being, gaining a sense of integrity through the child.

If parents acquire intuitive knowledge, the desire for integration, their understanding of the essence of the child will be more and more harmonious. The moment of illusoryness in the comprehension of being and one's possibilities will disappear. Knowledge will come leading to the integrity of the original trinity.

These three essences form the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth. They affect the formation of the embryo, as well as the quality of the placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid - building a house. Further, the baby is formed under their influence, including and accepting energy assistants - the flows of Anant-Vayu and Apana-Vayu.

Earthly processes lead to spiritual enlightenment; acquiring their techniques gives an expanded consciousness. Each energy structure (race) chooses its own path to integrity. Inner culture and expanded consciousness are followers of respect and recognition of those techniques that do not suit you personally, but correspond to other individuals.

In my opinion, Free Breathing techniques with the inclusion of a meditative moment today are the most natural on the way to gaining wholeness. Meditation itself is a necessary hypostasis for the realization of the Highest potential, i.e. recognition of its Higher essence in the removal from worldly fuss.

When the future parent acquires integrity and harmony, then a higher awareness of his mission of fatherhood and motherhood will come as a natural manifestation of fearlessness and awareness of responsibility before God and people.

The culture of nutrition, connection to the healing streams of Reiki, Tao, Tantra bring parents closer to a wonderful child. Pregnancy is the time allotted for parents to integrate, as a result of which a new spiritual and physical potential grows closer to the child. The spiritual heart of a child is at the level of the midbrain, works in unison with its own physical heart, is in charge of the physical and metaphysical processes that take place in the parents. After the first three months of pregnancy, parents are completely driven by the child and they need to hear him, to reject the sphere of their habits, social, civic obligations.

Improving your spiritual potential can be replenished with the affirmation technique: working out at the level of Loving Relationships (Sondra Ray technique), which makes harmonious not only the upcoming birth, but also relationships with your own parents, as well as relationships between future grandparents. Along with affirmations, color meditations work to reunite the beginnings of Yin and Yang during the conception of you by your parents and the conception of your child by you.

Meditations are also needed on the liberation of the souls of rejected children due to abortion or miscarriage. These souls hang on the lower layers of the astral and suffer along with their parents, waiting for a natural departure to the higher layers. Freeing the hung Soul and ourselves from torment, we facilitate the arrival of those whom we are ready to accept, this helps to get rid of resentment, fear and mistrust. That negative experience that took place outside of our integrity and the "Higher Self" acquires the quality of a positive experience.

Meditations are built on the feeling of harmonization of the chakras, letting in prana, love, light and trust through connected breathing; energy channels are cleared, the chakra potential is balanced, work with Kundalini is possible.

The feeling of Yin and Yang began at the level of the color spectrum, the balance of the left blue maternal and the right paternal red makes harmonious the birth of creative energy and a new beginning in the Chalice, at the level of the solar plexus. There is a feeling of acceptance of a violet energy clot. Breathing is concentrated in the place where the body requires. Sound vibrations help both the sitter and the breather to reproduce those breathing patterns that facilitate access to the appropriate situation. As a result, the subconscious is freed from blockages that can become a stopper during childbirth.

Every process of Free Breathing is a road leading to a gentle, free birth. "Living" and "tracking" (holodinamics techniques) are also acceptable as independent and additional techniques in solving problems at the level of family ties on six levels of interaction with the environment (physical, personal, interpersonal, social, principled and universal). Holodynamic training is an active variable work that helps to identify the level of problems and breathe them through in the soft technique of VATIONION rebirthing, using the five elements formulated by Jim Leonard (the founder of vibration) at the level of deep understanding:

1. Cyclic breathing (connected)

2. Complete relaxation

3. Volumetric attention (to details)

4. Flexibility of context (integration in ecstasy)

5. Active trust (full trust in the desires of the body, without a stop to manifestation).

The breather in a state of altered consciousness experiences certain levels:

a) subconscious

b) perinatal,

c) transpersonal (S. Groff "Cartography of Consciousness").



pranic level





karmic level


Through the three main types of cyclic breathing, we work through situations of various levels, in addition, knowledge about our own life before birth is manifested (Stanislav Groff "Regions of the human unconscious").

Chapter 3

(dedicated to my friends who became my teachers)


"A man is not a beast and not an angel: the trouble, however, is that having wished to become an angel, he turns into a beast."


“The time will come when you all shed your physical body and find yourself in the next world, where you will meet with your friends and live consciously ... What conditions will you find yourself in! It will depend entirely on how you live now…”

(A. Besant "What is Theosophy")

“Whoever is not born of water and the Spirit cannot enter the kingdom of God…”

(Words of Christ "New Testament")

A child comes to us in order to convey knowledge about the world in which we live. Having an abortion, we give up this knowledge, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to find harmony and happiness.

If the pregnancy has come against your will, I strongly advise you not to have an abortion under any circumstances. Children can be happy in any conditions. The main thing for them is our sincere love. I think it's better to abandon the child than to have an abortion. At least you are giving him a chance.

Remember that a child is an absolutely independent being who comes to Earth with a certain program. It is not determined by us, and it is not for us to interfere in this process. The child is given to us by fate to continue our own spiritual development.

As our civilization developed, we gradually lost knowledge about ourselves and the Universe, which made our life harmonious. Now more and more people begin to feel the need for this knowledge and look for ways to restore it. They turn to spiritual practices, start going to church, meditate and look for teachers. But not everyone knows that at least one Teacher lives in every family. We feed him breakfasts and lunches, go for walks with him and even bring him up. I mean our children.

A child comes to Earth not only to gain the experience he needs for further evolution and to fulfill a certain program. His main task is to convey knowledge about the harmony of the Universe to his parents. We must learn to perceive him not as a stupid fool taking the first steps in life, but as a wise Teacher, who until recently was a part of the Higher Mind. Realizing that the shortest way to receive spiritual knowledge lies through the heart, and having learned to trust our child, to listen to him, we begin to heal our psyche, gain integrity. There are no accidental pregnancies. Pregnancy puts us before a choice - to develop or, having an abortion, turn back.

I know from the Vedic literature and my own spiritual practice that the child comes to us long before the immediate moment of conception. Any woman who consciously prepares for a new life can feel this in the months leading up to her pregnancy. Someone can even tell you what the baby looks like, what color his eyes, hair, what kind of character he has. My daughter Marisha, when she was three years old, told me how my dad and I got married. She described everything to the smallest detail - how we were dressed, what the weather was that day, the tram on which we went to the registry office. For almost twenty years, Marisha has been by our side, waiting for the best moment to come and letting the other children go ahead of her.

The child does not immediately enter the mother's body. Until the moment of conception, he needs time to prepare for a meeting with his parents, get used to them, understand whether he made the right choice. He does not look closely, whether they will be better or worse for him than others. He is not interested in the material security of the parents or their social status. The most important thing for a child is to come to those who need his knowledge, who are able to accept it. So, a beautiful, wise baby can get to a spiritually highly developed couple who are preparing for a long time for his appearance, and to slovenly parents in order to give them a chance to change their lives. A child may come to a married couple, but sometimes he comes to one of the parents. Vedic literature gives knowledge that the baby, his soul is next to the future father for eight years, and with his mother - two to three years. Sometimes he helps one of his future parents find his other half.

The child has come. What happens during conception? The fates of the father, mother and child are intertwined into a single knot, at this moment they turn into an integral organism, into a small Universe. In this regard, I say: pregnancy is possible only three together. And then ... then the parents make a choice. They either open up to their child, accepting him as a Teacher, or they begin to complain about an unfortunate surprise and think about an abortion.

If parents choose the former, their lives change in surprising ways. Not immediately, because first the couple is tested for readiness to give life to a new creature. At this time, nausea, dizziness, and sudden mood swings are possible. Moreover, this happens not only with the mother, but also with the father, although the man usually does not realize the reasons for what is happening. At this time, illnesses disappear by themselves, personal problems are solved, and the ability to be creative opens up in parents.

However, if the couple chooses the second path and decides to abandon the child, things are different. Sometimes even the thought of an abortion is enough for a child to try to commit suicide by wrapping himself around the umbilical cord.

According to ancient Indian Vedic philosophy, after an abortion, the soul of a child cannot return to where it came from, and seems to “hang” between heaven and earth, experiencing incredible torment. She strives for what every person wants: to love, to be loved, to enjoy life, but she cannot, since she does not have a physical shell.

What happens to parents? Abortion dramatically changes their fate. There is retribution for the murder. Everyone, upon reflection, will surely admit that he feels some relationship between his inner feelings that arise in connection with an abortion once done, and what is happening in his life now. The consequences of an abortion first manifest themselves at the psychological level in the form of depressed mood, depression, mental disorders, and then at the level of the physical body.

As for men... the conventional wisdom that abortion does not affect them in any way is fundamentally wrong. The mission of the father is to create all the conditions for the successful birth of the child and its further development.

But if the abortion is done, then what to do? Is it possible to somehow change its consequences? It is possible if you realize that you came into the world with a creative, not a destructive mission and sincerely repent of your act. Your repentance will give the child's soul the opportunity to go back to where it came from, and then it can be reincarnated again. You can “let go” the soul of a child in different ways. If you profess Christianity, you can turn to communion, confession, light candles for the repose of the soul. But at the same time, you must be extremely sincere with yourself, really want to help the soul of the child. Another way is meditation. With its help, a woman or a man can feel love for their unborn child and, thus, partially atone for their guilt before him and before themselves. How? You can decide for yourself: start helping other people, turn to spiritual practices. A woman can make amends by giving life to other children.

I advise you to trust the wisdom of the Universe and receive the necessary knowledge in a natural and beautiful way - from a child freely born by you. Tantric birth will teach you to track the movement of the egg, and you will not have to be afraid of "accidental" and unwanted pregnancy. Color and sound meditations presented to Russian spiritual midwives by the American healer Chris Griscom will help you with this. I want to give here a meditation on "letting go" of the soul of the unborn child.

Meditation on letting go of the soul of the unborn child

Take a free and comfortable position for you. It can be a lotus position or a prayer position - on your knees, heels under the buttocks. You can simply sit on the floor and relax by straightening your back without crossing your arms and legs.

Take a deep breath. Feel how beautiful your body is. Feel love for him. Feel the infinity of your spirit in this body. You perceive your highest potential in a new way, you feel its multidimensionality, you completely trust it.

Your legs and arms are beautiful and open. Palms, feet ... feel. On your head you feel the place where the crown used to be. You see your third eye - the point between the eyebrows and feel how it opens. Your Eye is beautiful and bottomless. Turn it inwards...

The ablution begins. Imagine that your body is bathed in sunlight. They penetrate through the arms, legs, stomach, head. Absorb them with every cell of yours, bathed in the divine power of love. Divine energy enters you, washing the whole body from the inside. Feel how singing and pure flows of energy wash your spinal canals, spread throughout your body. Follow this ablution with your third eye. Look where there are dark spots inside your body - on the chest, in throat or solar plexus. Wash away these stains with energy flows... And your body is filled with love flows. They open your heart with love, it blossoms into a beautiful lotus flower. Feel its scent, carefully feel each petal, enter into its music. This flower is the love that has blossomed in your heart. Your unborn child returns to this flower. Hold him close to your chest and kiss him. Give him the tenderness and warmth of your heart. You didn't give it to him before, but you give it now. The soul is happy. The baby smiles at you. Your unborn child is as beautiful as a flower, as a bird. He is a beautiful and complete being - a man who loves you. A silvery sparkling path rushes up from your heart. The child steps on it, rises up. Saying goodbye, he turns around and holds out his arms to you. In his palms is a gift for you. Look what it is: a bird, a fish, a book, a star, some kind of feeling or sensation ... Give him something in return, open his palm with love and put your gift into it: color, smell, word - whatever you feel you need . You exchanged parting gifts and let each other go. You are his, he is you. The kid leaves along the road of love, you wave your hand after him.

Finally, the bitterness and anxiety left you. You are overflowing with tenderness and love.

Let your body remember this state. The child gave you great happiness - forgiveness. You have also forgiven him and yourself.

Take a few connected deep breaths and exhalations, look once again into yourself. You will find there only love given to you by a released soul. Keep this love in your heart. When you open your eyes, you feel reborn.

Such meditations are very diverse, they include light, sound, which contribute to purification, release from blockages of both our consciousness and body. Chris' meditations are designed not only for individual influences, they have the power to interact with cities, peoples, restore the aura of the Earth, purify space, reduce the radioactive background, fill people's hearts with love - Chris's meditations are of a planetary nature.

Drop all thoughts, put your hands on the heart area. Breathe rhythmically, deeply, with pleasure: your chest expands, your spine is straight, the life-giving energy of pranic quality enters your body. Every cell is filled with divine love. Feel the color, the music, the smell of this state. Love overwhelms you, there is so much of it, it needs to be shared. Let the feeling of the city where you were born come to your heart, to the very core of love. Wash with love the house in which you took your first breath, the place where you felt the hands of your father and mother, paint the streets, houses with the fertile color that they need for prosperity, give the inhabitants of the city this color and send it until you will not see the joy on their faces, feel the peace in their soul.

Take a few more deep breaths and exhales: inhaling, you consolidate in yourself everything that you have found in this meditation: the joy of giving, the ability to heal. Your every exhalation is a farewell to aggressiveness, hostility, resentment. Let in your body through Sahasrara (temechko) those colors that will help you find complete harmony. Breathe in. And now try to feel those whom you would like to help, you can help ... Imagine the state of this person or several people united by the situation, and try to see the faces, some special properties of these people, clothes, gait, facial expressions, gestures, smell. Ask their body what color they need to be happy. Pass this color through your crown, imagine that it is pouring out from space. Accumulate these color vibrations in your solar plexus and give it to those who need your support. Give color until the situation is favorable and the person is joyful. Feel this joy with all your cells. Take a deep breath of it and gently return from the journey you have made, reconnecting with your highest potential.

Thank you.

Spiritual midwifery, as you already understood, is not only assistance in childbirth and is associated not so much with birth as with rebirth: gaining integrity, physical and spiritual health. A distorted birth is a trauma for life, and we cope with it by virtue of our strong-willed qualities, working on ourselves and on expanding our consciousness. When a child experiences only fear, hopelessness, pain during childbirth, he is born offended and carries a desire to take revenge all his life. And one of the realizations of this subconscious desire is an abortion. The motivations for abortion are similar to each other: “I can’t give birth to this child - I don’t want more pain, I already experienced it at my own birth or at the birth of a previous child; I'm not ready yet - I'm afraid of losing my job, my husband, my mother-in-law's respect, etc.; I do not wish evil to the child - poverty, dislike, the pain of life's trials - therefore I would rather kill him. I will kill, despite the fact that he is mine and the person I love, despite the fact that he already exists from the age of two weeks, being in my stomach, he already feels, distinguishes between comfort and discomfort, he is already energetically complete, God or nature (call whatever) have already created it from fire, water, air, earth and sky (ether). By the second month of intrauterine life, the baby has everything at the physical level and at the level of the spirit, the properties of the soul begin to form, the improvement of the personality and the harmonization of the body continue. Much depends on the thoughts and love shown by the parents. If the mother affirms (asserts) the positive properties of the child, sees him beautiful and healthy, he can acquire an organ that has not been developed by this time or develop a property of the soul. All these statements have a basis: spiritual obstetrics keeps statistics of those children in whom, after an ultrasound examination, doctors revealed a pathology, but the parents did not commit murder in the womb. By embarking on the path of conscious parenthood, they healed their child by changing their lifestyle and attitude towards the child. They told themselves that they would give birth to such a baby as they deserve, because he came to them as a Teacher. The sooner parents realize this, the greater the opportunity to change the child, compensate for shortcomings, connect him to space. Despite the fact that by the fourth month the fetus is no longer a zygote or an embryo, its dependence on the mother is very great. In terms of energy, the mother in this period is the strongest being, she has two spiritual hearts turned on - her own and the child, and the father is also connected to the creative potential. In many ways, the development of the child, it would seem, is completed, but the creativity of nature continues, mom and dad are her allies and co-authors. In the fifth month, the child develops manas - an individual mind, in the sixth - the intellect - Budhi - turns on, in the seventh and eighth - maturity. In one mother, the baby is born absolutely mature, but only small at seven months and it is not born this way by chance: it adapts to the structure of the mother's birth canal and the small forms of the baby allow him to avoid birth trauma, and also not injure the mother. These children are connected to their parents. It happens that as a result of the irresponsibility of parents, the union is broken, and the child is born immature at the full nine months. The last month of a child's perinatal life is a test of endurance, preparation for earthly life. The fetus is big, and the house is getting smaller and smaller, it’s hard to move, get oxygen, nutrients, but you want to live, and the baby learns to cope with difficulties. There is another aspect that affects the maturity of the unborn man - this is the quantity and quality of his previous incarnations. If the soul of a child is ancient, having gone through many incarnations, it may not need the months allotted for testing - as a result, the child is born seven months old, healthy and strong. Sometimes, in order to work out certain qualities, the missionary soul needs additional trials, and then the baby is born at ten months. In this case, the health of the child depends on the energy of the uterus and, again, the degree of reunion with the mother.

Sometimes parents forget about their responsibility, get bogged down in worldly affairs not related to the child, or in contradictions to each other, and then help during childbirth becomes necessary (better spiritual at home than technical in a hospital). In this case, a spiritual obstetrician or a friend who reverently perceives both parents and a child can turn on childbirth with a canonical or tantric prayer. The sacred act will happen with the helper, or with the helpers. In this case, the child has no grievances, he gladly accepts the energy that one of the parents has blocked. But often parents themselves are not ready for such help. Memory at the level of cells does not allow them to forget the grievances acquired at their own birth. The situation is not handled by the parents. Their aggressiveness destroys consciousness, breaks the protective layer of the aura - they get sick and look for those responsible for their own mistakes.

A couple I love so much had a similar situation during childbirth and a corresponding relapse after it. The problem has remained unresolved to this day ... And the situation was trivial. The husband, due to employment in the service, did not have enough time, and energy, to be included in the process of childbirth. The baby and the woman needed caresses and words that relieve fear at the very moment when the uterus and baby, in unison with the sacrament, were ripe for childbirth. The woman intuitively began to seek help. And so a close person, who has every right to be called a spiritual obstetrician, joined in to help. The grateful baby, not at all offended by her father, immediately gently set off on her way and guessed everything in such a way that she would be born into her father’s hands, so that she could immediately see his eyes, feel his lips on her body. Everything happened so quickly that even the water in the bath did not have time to collect. Not all of us are destined to be born the way our parents intended. The girl was born happy and intact. The father's happiness was hindered by the memory of his own difficult birth: but not only the father's subconscious resentment turned on. The wife, remembering her husband's inattention during the most delicate period of reunification (a few days before the birth), also reached the level of undeveloped matrices. Parents reconciled in a common offense at the spiritual obstetrician, the child was born not in the bath, but next to it.

I really hope that this work is not a Sisyphean labor. I want to believe that unprepared people will not give birth to their children according to the method of I.B. Charkovsky and accumulate resentment against those who are not guilty of their immaturity.

Let's work BETTER together!

BETTER let's work on ourselves together!

Let's work together to improve ourselves!

Better let's work on ourselves together!

Let's work better together!

Better let's work on ourselves together!

I thank in advance all those who will contribute to the publication of the pamphlet or afterword to it.