The market of children's washing powders. Detergents made in Germany. The main disadvantages of the tool

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 7 minutes


With the birth of a baby, parents have many new questions: is it worth using diapers, what to wear a child and how to wash his clothes. And such a seemingly simple item as washing powder can be fraught with many dangers, because long-term use of some powders can be hazardous to health.

Harm of washing powders for children

The skin is the body's barrier that keeps harmful substances out. But in babies, this barrier is not strong enough. Therefore, the choice of powder for children's clothing should be approached very responsibly.

Detergents remaining in the fibers of tissues, with prolonged contact with the skin, can pass into the blood and poison the small organism from the inside.

  • Allergy can start from aggressive synthetics, in the form of rashes or even atopic dermatitis. This is the most common problem for parents.
  • There are known cases of children having problems with natural human filters - liver and kidneys.
  • There may also be metabolic disorders.

The consequences of using hazardous household chemicals cannot but alert parents. Therefore, all the mothers and fathers of the world are included in the process of finding the best powder for children.

Rating of children's washing powders

Washing powders should be not only safe, but also effective. After all, there are a lot of stains and dirt on children's things. A baby soils diapers, a grown-up baby stains fruit purees, a baby walker collects grass and dirt on the street.

The safest are children's brands .

Such firms produce goods only for babies.

  1. Concentrated remedy "Our mother". This is a hypoallergenic product, additionally enriched with silver ions. Despite the fact that this is not a powder, but a liquid concentrate, it is recognized by many parents as the best remedy. "Our mother" has antibacterial and disinfectant properties.

    Contains decoctions of chamomile and string, therefore it can be used even for hypersensitive skin of newborns. Moms recommend this concentrate because it does not cause allergies in babies, does not dry out the skin of the hands when hand washed, and effectively copes with pollution in the automatic machine. The cost of such a tool is about 350 rubles. . Considering that this is a concentrated substance that will last twice as long as a regular powder, its price is more than acceptable.
  2. Washing powder "World of childhood". It is made from natural baby soap, so the package says - soap powder. It does not cause allergies. Indeed, in the composition of this product there are no synthetic components - dyes, flavors and non-natural washing substances. "World of Childhood" perfectly copes with the spots characteristic of newborns.

    But dirt like traces of grass and orange juice is unlikely to be washed off. Therefore, it is strongly recommended only to parents of babies. By the way, Mir Detstva soap powder is suitable for soaking diapers. It has antibacterial properties and does not irritate the skin of the hands when washing. Its only drawback, which is typical for all soap products, is difficult rinsing. Therefore, when washing in a machine - automatic, set the super rinse mode. The price of the funds - about 140 rubles for 400 grams.
  3. Washing powder "Stork" is a really good tool. Many people are put off by the faded packaging and the painted bird in the style of the Soviets, but don't let that worry you. "Aistenka" is chosen by most parents. It perfectly copes not only with the characteristic infantile dirt, but also with traces of starch, milk, grass, fruit, sweat and other stains.

    It is this versatility that moms love so much. In addition, the powder is hypoallergenic. Aloe vera extract, which is part of it, has a softening effect and acts as a conditioner. Linen after washing "Aistenkom" is soft, delicate, does not smell like powder and retains its original properties. The only negative is that wool and silk cannot be washed with this powder. The price of packing such a powder is 50-60 rubles for 400 gr.
  4. "Tide" for children. The manufacturer claims that the powder was developed specifically for sensitive and children's skin. This is probably why there are additives here: chamomile extract and aloe vera. But this remedy is not suitable for newborns. And confirmation of this is the numerous complaints of parents who say that babies are covered with a rash from Tide.

    But this powder is suitable for removing stains set by a two-year-old. And "Tide" protects the washing machine from scale. Children's "Tide" is not suitable for wool and silk. Packing Taida 3.1 kg costs 300 rubles .
  5. eared babysitter - a brand that produces only children's chemistry. The paradox is that their products cause allergies in children. Therefore, we do not recommend this powder for infants and toddlers with allergies. However, "Eared Nanny" copes with any pollution remarkably.

    It is easily rinsed out of the fabric and does not damage its structure even with frequent washing. This powder washes things well even at a low temperature - 35⁰С. This allows you to keep the original quality of things as long as possible. The price of the package "Eared Nanny" 2.4 kg - 240 rubles .
  6. "Children's myth Gentle freshness." This product contains mild synthetic detergents, as well as enzymes, optical brightener and fragrance. Therefore, theoretically, it can cause allergies.

    Another drawback of the "Myth" is that it is not designed for wool and silk. But he washes white linen well. Packing of children's "Myth" 400 gr. costs 36 rubles.
  7. Children's powder "Karapuz". The packaging says that it is suitable even for newborns, but the experience of use suggests otherwise. Despite the fact that the composition of "Karapuz" is a soap base, even a dry powder in a fine suspension in the air causes sneezing, coughing and terrible itching in the nasopharynx.

    It is not suitable for hand washing. Numerous reviews indicate that after wearing things washed by "Karapuz", children develop an allergy. Therefore, this tool is at the very last place in our rating. The price of this powder is about 40 rubles per 400 grams. .

The delicate skin of children needs delicate handling. Therefore, not only the nature of the fabrics from which the diapers and undershirts are sewn is important, but the washing powders with which you will wash them.

Popular brands of baby powder and their features

Among the many offers from different companies, it is very difficult to choose what to buy, so we offer a list of the most popular brands of baby care products for comparison.

  • "Tide for children" - contains chamomile extract, which significantly reduces the level of exposure of synthetic components to delicate and sensitive children's skin. It is designed for use in the washing machine and is suitable for washing clothes made of any material except silk and wool.
  • "Eared nannies" - is indicated for washing baby clothes and things for newborns, perfectly copes with stains of any complexity, effective even in cold water. However, such a remedy is not recommended to be used frequently for allergic children, since there have been cases of skin rashes.
  • "Karapuz" - the basis of the product is baby soap, such a powder is suitable for washing linen and diapers for newborns in the first month of life. "Karapuz" copes with any pollution, gives good results even in cold water and disappears without a trace from the matter when rinsing.
  • Amway - all the products of this company are hypoallergenic and natural in composition, therefore, such products can be used to care for crumbs from birth.
  • "Myth" - based on children's soap without fragrance, therefore does not cause skin irritation. In addition, the composition of the product contains cleaners for the drum of the machine from scale.
  • "Stork" - equally good for washing in a car or by hand, because with a high efficiency of removing dirt, it does not harm the skin. The healing extract of aloe vera, which is present in the product, provides softening and prevention of dryness in children's skin.

There are, of course, other brands of washing powders for baby clothes, which one to choose is up to you. The main thing - remember, the future condition of the clothes and the sensitivity of your child's skin depends on the quality of the care products used, so do not save money and purchase natural and safe formulations.

How to wash baby clothes?

The choice of a high-quality washing powder, of course, greatly facilitates the washing process, however, even an active preparation is difficult to cope with stubborn stains, let alone a product based only on baby soap.

To eliminate all types of pollution without much difficulty, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • sort things by type of fabric so as not to damage the fabric due to the wrong temperature and spin cycle. As for diapers, it is recommended to wash them at the maximum temperature, but it is better to process clothes made of thin fabrics in a delicate mode. The main part of children's things is washed in the "cotton" mode, since it is from such matter that children's clothes are most often sewn;
  • do not neglect the "extra rinse" function - this will eliminate the remnants of soap;
  • when hand washing, it is worth soaking the laundry in advance, which will simplify the process of cleaning soiled clothes. After that, rinse all the elements thoroughly in order to remove the detergent composition from the fabric as much as possible;
  • it is recommended to iron dried clothes, so you will not only give them an attractive appearance, but also destroy most of the bacteria and germs through steaming.

Reading time: 11 min.

Baby's skin is not strong enough to withstand the harmful substances that are part of conventional washing powders. Therefore, it is so important to use special safe detergents for washing baby clothes. We bring to your attention the most best laundry detergents for kids 2017, selected based on customer reviews.


Developed directly as a laundry detergent for newborns. In addition to stains characteristic of babies, it copes well with traces of grass, fruits, sweat, starch and milk. Many parents like the tool precisely because of its versatility. The aloe extract contained in the powder helps soften the water and prevents dryness on the baby's skin.

Pros: copes well with stains; hypoallergenic; does not spoil linen; softens the fabric does not have an unpleasant odor; suitable for both machine and hand wash; Washes clothes equally effectively in hot and cold water.

Minuses: Not suitable for washing silk and wool.

Garden kids Eco-friendly

Laundry detergent for all types of washing. Suitable for washing clothes of children of all ages, starting from newborns. The powder is also suitable for allergy sufferers, asthmatics and just people with sensitive skin. The powder owes its harmless properties to the natural ingredients that make up its composition: baby soap from palm and coconut oils, sodium citrate and soda. Produced in accordance with the rules of GOST, the detergent does not contain artificial flavors, phosphates, aggressive surfactants, chlorine, silicates and petrochemical products. The powder contains silver ions that kill harmful bacteria, as well as a water softener in the form of sodium citrate.

Pros: hypoallergenic; suitable for hand and machine washing, white and colored items, natural and synthetic fabrics; does not require the addition of rinse aid; copes well with most types of pollution; excellent foam; completely decomposing, does not harm the environment; Each pack contains a measuring spoon.

Minuses: high consumption; has an unsuitable composition for washing wool and silk.

Babyline Baby Powdered Detergent

Laundry detergent based on natural soap with a high concentration of active ingredients. The concentrate contains: washing activator for low temperatures; oxygen bleach and anti-scale agents. Due to the safe composition, the powder belongs to the category of hypoallergenic. Babyline is excellent at removing dirt, does not harm things and is suitable for all types of fabric. The powder is in particular demand among mothers with newborn babies, since its formula perfectly erases diapers and noticeably softens the fabric.

Pros: does not contain surfactants, fragrances and dyes; suitable for white and colored linen and all types of fabric; removes complex contaminants; does not cause allergic reactions; does not leave an unpleasant odor; prevents the formation of scale in the washing machine; economically spent.

Minuses: is relatively expensive; contains phosphonates; Doesn't work well on baby food stains.

The world of childhood

Laundry detergent based on natural baby soap. The composition does not contain synthetic components in the form of flavors and dyes, so the powder does not cause allergic reactions in babies. Perfectly removes stains left by newborns, so it is most often used for washing diapers.

Pros: is hypoallergenic; does not have a strong odor; contains natural ingredients; toxic harmless; Great for removing most stains has an antibacterial effect; protects the skin of the hands during hand washing; has a nice price.

Minuses: like any soap product, it is poorly removed from the fabric when rinsing; does not remove grass and orange stains.

Mako Clean

A versatile laundry detergent suitable for children and adults with sensitive skin. A large number of mothers choose this product for its natural composition and ability to cope with most organic and household contaminants. Mako Clean contains: soda, soap, silicates, enzymes and oxygen bleach with an activator. The product does not contain: fragrances, phosphates, chlorine, dyes, optical brighteners. Mako Clean has passed voluntary certification, which is confirmed by a certificate of conformity. The powder is universal because it is suitable for hand and automatic washing, synthetic and natural fabrics. The tool is produced in packages with different weights, including 15 kg.

Pros: removes complex contaminants from grass, fruit puree, juice; dissolves in cold water; has economical consumption; packaged in a container made of biodegradable material.

Minuses: has a high cost; does not always cope with old stains.

Sodasan Comfort Sensitive

Powder with hypoallergenic properties is suitable for washing linen and clothes of even the smallest children. Thanks to the organic soap of natural origin, silicates, polyaspartates, citrates and soda ash included in its composition, the powder easily removes any contamination. And the absence of surfactants and phosphates guarantees the absence of allergies in babies. The tool is suitable for all types of fabric, gently affects the fabric and retains its original color.

Pros: universal because it is suitable for colored and white linen, manual and automatic washing, synthetic and natural fabrics; can be used in water of any hardness; removes most of the dirt during the first wash; prevents the formation of scale in the washing machine; does not dry hands when hand washing; pretty economical.

Minuses: expensive; does not remove fruit pollution the first time; Doesn't lather well, making it difficult to hand wash.

Tobbi Kids

Children's washing powder based on laundry soap and soda, which have been proven over the years as effective and safe detergents. Tobbi Kids contains exceptionally mild, non-ionic surfactants. The powder does not contain fragrances and dyes. There are three varieties of the product, focused on different age categories of children, taking into account the soiling of clothing characteristic of them. Consumers note the high efficiency of the product when washing fresh dirt.

Pros: cleans dirt well; does not harm the fabric; has a hypoallergenic composition; does not have a strong odor; economically spent; has a convenient packaging; affordable.

Minuses: powerless against strong pollution and old stains; blue powder granules often get stuck in fabric fibers and do not dissolve well in cold water.

Eared Nian

Despite the devastating articles on the Internet, Eared Nanny continues to be one of the most favorite washing powders of modern moms. After all, it can easily wash soiled baby clothes and remove stains from juice, fruit puree, grass and street dirt, even at low temperatures. Moms who have tried Eared Nanny in action no longer want to change it to another washing powder.

Pros: removes all kinds of stains and dirt from linen; perfectly rinsed out; has a pleasant aroma; suitable for machine and hand washing; they can wash cotton, linen and synthetics; the powder can be used to wash things for adults, towels and bed linen; gives the linen softness; has hypoallergenic properties; is quite inexpensive.

Minuses: contains phosphates and surfactants; they can not wash woolen products; sometimes causes allergic reactions.

Our mother

The powder got into the top three thanks to a lot of flattering reviews on specialized sites and forums for moms. There are no phosphates in the powder at all, and it owes its first-class properties to coconut and palm oil in the composition. They are absolutely harmless and do not cause allergic reactions. And the infusions of string and chamomile contained in the concentrate allow you to wash things for newborn babies, whose skin is very sensitive. In fact, the powder is shavings from quality soap and is suitable for hand and machine washing. Silver ions, with which the concentrate is enriched, have antibacterial properties.

Pros: has a natural harmless composition; does not dry the skin of the hands and does not cause allergies; copes well with pollution; has a convenient packaging.

Minuses: expensive; not always completely washed out of the tissue; Exceeding the dosage leads to abundant foaming; the need to dilute the concentrate before use.

Burti Hygiene

Disinfectant for linen, ideal for both laundry and wet cleaning. The composition of the product is absolutely harmless to the child.

Pros: kills harmful viruses and microorganisms; bleaches white fabrics and does not spoil color; removes all types of dirt and old stains; completely soluble in water and perfectly rinsed; does not leave streaks; has a light aroma; does not cause allergic reactions in children; economically spent; disinfects even the washing machine tank.

Minuses: expensive; not suitable for washing delicate items (silk, nylon, cashmere).

So, you have been presented with a rating of top 10 best laundry detergents for kids . Places in the rating were distributed based on customer reviews. All products are presented with a description of the main advantages and disadvantages. You just have to choose the most suitable product, based on its characteristics. I would like to remind you that all information is presented for informational purposes only and cannot be regarded as a call to purchase.

So what is the best baby laundry detergent? Of course, there is no consensus on this matter - what is suitable for one baby may not be suitable for another. The best option is to try different powders until you find the most suitable powder for your crumbs.

The most famous children's washing powders that are loved by parents are described below. Your attention is the rating of children's washing powders:

  • Stork powder, Extra soft, containing Aloe Vera

Stork children's washing powder is intended for washing children's things, for washing in any washing machines, as well as for hand washing. This powder can be used for washing absolutely all types of fabric, except for silk and wool. The powder is based on baby soap, so it is completely rinsed out and does not remain in the villi of the fabric. And the content of Aloe Vera extract in its composition has a calming, anti-allergic and softening effect on the delicate skin of the baby.

Due to its unique shape, this powder perfectly removes the most difficult stains, both protein and fat, which so often appear on children's clothes - stains from milk, grass, cocoa, butter, blood. Moreover, a stunning effect is achieved already at a water temperature of only 35 degrees. In addition, this powder contains in its composition substances that effectively protect the washing machine from scale formation.

  • Children's powder "Myth" gentle freshness, for cars - automatic machines

Laundry detergent hypoallergenic for children. This powder is positioned as a synthetic detergent, which is intended for washing children's clothes in automatic type machines. The composition of this powder includes natural baby soap, which does not cause allergic reactions in the baby. The powder is intended for washing all types of fabrics, except for woolen and silk. The manufacturers of this powder claim that it has passed a dermatological test, in which no contraindications were found for using it for washing children's substances. The composition of this powder also includes components designed to protect the washing machine from scale formation.

  • Laundry detergent "Tide", for children, with chamomile extract, automatic

This powder also belongs to the family of synthetic detergents, designed for washing children's clothes in a typewriter - automatic. The powder is intended for washing any kind of fabrics, except for silk and wool. The powder formula is specially designed for sensitive children's skin and approved by dermatologists. Also, the powder is equipped with a system for protecting the washing machine from the formation of limescale and scale.

  • Washing powder "Kurnosiki"

The powder is a powdery universal synthetic detergent intended for cutting children's underwear, both white and colored. The powder is very effective even for heavily soiled laundry. The powder effectively removes the stain without destroying the structure of the fibers, so that things do not lose their presentable appearance even after numerous washes.

The powder has a unique granular form. This feature helps prevent the formation of powder dust, which often causes allergic reactions in children. You can use this powder both in washing machines of any type, and for hand washing.

  • Children's powder "World of childhood"

This powder must be used for washing clothes and diapers for newborn babies, both in machines and for hand washing. The powder is made from special soap shavings, does not contain any fragrances, dyes and other synthetic substances.

Powder "World of Childhood" remarkably removes the most difficult to remove children's specific stains, has a disinfectant and antibacterial effect. In addition, during hand washing, the powder does not dry my mother's skin and does not cause irritation.

  • Powder "PEMOS" for children

This powder is also a universal synthetic detergent designed for washing children's products from any fabric, both in washing machines and for hand washing. The formula of this powder is designed in such a way that the special oxygen crystals contained in the powder penetrate deep into the fabric, eliminating the strongest and most difficult to remove stains that so often remain on a child's clothes.

  • Children's washing powder Eared nannies

This powder was developed for washing children's clothes, including the linen of a newborn baby. Powder "eared nannies" remarkably washes stains from feces, milk formula from the clothes of a newborn baby, stains from fruit purees, cereals and juices from older children's clothes.

The powder perfectly removes dirt even in cold water, without damaging the fibers of the fabric, so that the appearance of things does not change even after numerous washes. However, according to numerous reviews of mothers, the use of this powder quite often leads to the development of skin allergic reactions in children.

  • Powder for newborn kids "Karapuz"

This washing powder was created for both hand and machine washing of things and linen of the smallest crumbs. This powder is designed for washing absolutely any fabrics, both natural and synthetic, even wool and polyester. The powder effectively removes the most difficult stains, it begins to act even in cold water. When rinsing clothes, the powder is almost completely rinsed out with water without any residue that can provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions.

  • Children's soap powder firm "Our Mom"

This powder is suitable for washing clothes and underwear of newborns. The powder is made on the basis of soap shavings, and does not contain any chemically synthesized substances that can lead to allergic reactions in the baby. This powder is great for soaking baby clothes, as well as subsequent haircuts - both manual and machine. In addition, the powder perfectly disinfects and disinfects children's underwear, which eliminates the need to carefully iron it.

  • Baby Sitter Powder

This powder belongs to elite brands. It is intended for washing baby clothes, as its composition is designed taking into account the specifics of children's stains, as well as the characteristics of the child's body, primarily the sensitive skin of the baby. As a rule, mothers using this type of baby laundry detergent do not have to soak clothes and wash stains with their hands.

This effect is achieved through biocomplex additives, which break down pollution at the molecular level and remove them from clothing. Also, the powder perfectly preserves the colors of the fabric, and also gives the linen softness and a pleasant strawberry aroma. The composition of the powder is completely safe for the health of the baby, and almost never provokes the development of any allergic reactions.

  • Amway baby washing powder

Amway baby washing powder is made for washing baby things from his first days of life. With the help of this powder, all specific children's pollution is removed from clothes very, very easily, with almost no effort on the part of the mother. Children's clothes washed with this powder are disinfected and disinfected. The chemical composition of the powder eliminates the occurrence of various allergic reactions of the child. The powder is ideal for both machine and hand washing.

  • Japanese baby laundry detergent

There is an opinion among parents that washing powder produced in Japan is the safest for the health of the child. However, in fact, domestically produced washing powders are in no way inferior in quality to imported powders.

It is possible that after reading a brief description of the most popular children's washing powders, you have even more questions on the topic: “baby powder - which one to choose?” And this is quite natural, because each manufacturer positions its products as the best.

As mentioned above, you should not focus on the experience of other families with small children, because all children are completely different. The only person who is able to give you competent and practical advice is your attending physician - a pediatrician who monitors the development of your baby and knows the individual characteristics of his body and health.

It goes without saying that under no circumstances should ordinary baby powder be used to wash baby clothes. This is due to the fact that ordinary powders have a very complex chemical composition, which, as a rule, leads to the development of allergic reactions. That is why children's washing powder is the best and faithful assistant to mom.

In addition to children's washing powders, there are a huge number of different conditioners designed to rinse children's substances after washing. The manufacturers of these products claim that children's things will become unusually soft, and in addition, they have a natural composition and do not cause any allergic reactions in the baby.

However, pediatric dermatologists do not recommend parents to use these products. Whatever manufacturers of household chemicals say, any detergent contains chemically synthesized substances. That is why the risk of developing allergic reactions always remains. If the baby detergent meets the requirements for its safety, the risk of development is minimal, but it is still there. And using a conditioner to rinse baby clothes, even of the highest quality, increases this risk by at least two times. So is it worth risking your baby's health? The only thing you really need to take care of things is a hypoallergenic children's washing powder.

How to wash baby clothes?

In order to reduce the risk of developing possible complications from the health of the baby, the mother must follow some simple rules for washing baby clothes and clothes. Do not neglect these seemingly simple rules, as their observance greatly facilitates the work of the mother and protects the health of the baby.

So, for example, many mothers prefer to wash children's things the old fashioned way, using ordinary laundry soap for this. There is a widespread belief that laundry soap is not capable of causing any allergic reactions in a child. However, in reality this is not the case - laundry soap contains a huge amount of alkali, which has a rather strong irritating effect on sensitive baby skin.

In the event that you do not trust children's washing powders and categorically refuse to use them, try not to use laundry soap when washing, but ordinary children's powder. However, do not forget that hand washing takes a huge amount of time, which you need so much now and which is always so lacking. It is much more reasonable to entrust the care of the cleanliness of children's little things to the washing machine.

Washing in the washing machine

Washing children's clothes in the washing machine also has several features. Fortunately, most modern models of washing machines are equipped with programs necessary for washing children's clothes. However, experienced mothers rarely use them, knowing a few tricks that allow you to wash baby clothes with the same quality, but with the least amount of water and electricity. To do this, the following parameters must be set in the machine:

  • The type of fabric is cotton. This choice is explained very simply - after all, it is from cotton fabric that the bulk of children's clothing is made.
  • Line temperature. Depends on what you are erasing. If you plan to wash diapers, feel free to set the temperature to 95% - such washing fully replaces boiling diapers. But in the event that it is necessary to wash undershirts or children's costumes, a temperature of 40 degrees will be more than enough.
  • Be sure to use the "extra rinse" function. Such a measure will allow you to be absolutely sure that all the remnants of baby laundry detergent are completely removed from the fibers of the baby's clothes.

In the same case, if for some reason you are forced to wash baby clothes and underwear with your hands, pre-soak the diapers in very hot water, and be sure to follow the rinse - in no case should there be any traces left on the fabric washing powder, even if it is designed specifically for children and completely hypoallergenic.

Soak children's underwear, however, as well as wash it, it is necessary separately from adult clothes. The same is true for the storage of children's dirty linen and clothes. The first thing you need to take care of is the purchase of a special container, in which you will then put dirty diapers, sliders and other children's clothes. Clean linen should also be stored on a separate shelf reserved for children's clothing only.

Try to wash all your baby's dirty linen during the day, without waiting for a huge amount of dirty clothes and diapers to gather in your bathroom. Try to wash baby clothes as they come in. Of course, you don’t have to throw one or two diapers into a washing machine, designed to load five kilograms of dry laundry. But collecting them for a long time is also not worth it.

All new things that you get for your crumbs, or someone gives them to you, must be washed before being put on the child. And only after that put on a new thing for a crumb. Many parents find this precaution to be unnecessary. Of course, whether to do it or not is up to you. However, imagine how many people could look at this thing, touch it with their hands while it was in the store.

The question of whether it is necessary to get along with children's underwear after washing causes quite a lot of resonance in the society of young parents. Someone considers doing this to be their parental duty, while someone neglects ironing, considering it to be something like a relic of the past and not seeing any need for it. It is almost impossible to say unequivocally which of them is right and which is not. Pediatricians also recommend ironing children's things on both sides only during the first two weeks of a baby's life.

Probably, it is not worth talking a lot about the fact that parents should keep diapers and other children's clothes in exemplary order and cleanliness. You can not throw dirty laundry on the floor - for this you must have a special container designed specifically for collecting dirty children's clothes.

In no case is it unacceptable to dry the diapers described by the baby, and then use them again. Such actions will inevitably very quickly lead to diaper rash in the baby. The described diaper should be sent to the laundry, replacing it with a clean one.

If the diaper is soiled with baby feces, it should be immediately soaked or washed immediately. If you leave it for a while, you run the risk of getting such stains that will be very difficult to remove, and often simply unrealistic.

After washing, it is advisable to hang baby clothes in such a way that they do not touch them with hands during drying and that they do not come into contact with anything. If you have such an opportunity, try to hang your laundry to dry in such a way that the sun's rays fall on it, which further decontaminate and disinfect it.

Saint Petersburg

55 washing powders. That's how much I needed to analyze in order to write this article for you) I took different types of powders - conventional automatic machines, children's, eco-friendly, concentrates, Russian, European, even Japanese and Australian brands.

For each product, I analyzed the composition, so imagine how these surfactants and phosphonates are rippling in my head now ... I understand well those who cannot master reading the composition even on one box, and here it’s already 55))) Well, what to do ? The rating of washing powders is no joke.

And we'll start with the most important.

The most important thing is safety

Why? Because we are in too much contact with the powder, and the chemical compounds that make up its composition can have a serious negative effect on us. Particularly sensitive.

This happens not only through hand contact and inhalation when you pour powder into the washing machine.

Most importantly, chemicals are not completely washed out of the fabric, and some do not even require rinsing, but are specially fixed on the fabric - these are optical brighteners, which are in the vast majority of modern powders.

How can we evaluate security? First, look at the composition.

Definitely dangerous ingredients:

  • anionic surfactants (A-surfactants, A-tensides)
  • phosphates, phosphonates, phosphorites
  • optical brightener,

These constituents, together or individually, are found in more than 90% of all the powders I have tested. Except chlorine. The fame of this chemical element is so high that it has practically ceased to be used in laundry detergents. I have never seen it in powder form.

Also undesirable:

  • zeolites
  • fragrance
  • enzymes.

The latter are safe for humans, but can gradually damage tissue fibers.

There are also laboratory indicators that can shed light on whether the composition is dangerous. Let's consider them.

Toxicity index

From the website of Roskontrol: “Toxicity is determined in the laboratory using living cells - bovine spermatozoa, as model mammalian cells. The faster living cells die in a detergent solution, the more toxic the powder. The indicator is normalized only for products intended for washing children's underwear (permissible values ​​are 70-120%)."

However, I believe that in a family it is impossible to separate one from the other. For example, let's say a baby, he is constantly in his mother's arms ... a grown child also has a lot of contact with his parents, with home textiles. Anyway, adults are people too) What about pregnant women? They are generally people in the square!

A-surfactant residue in wastewater

Water is taken after the third rinse. They look at how well A-surfactants are washed out of the fabric. The lower the number, the better. The norm is 10 mg / l.

No compromise

The only problem is that we can't get these indicators for every product. So in a mass comparison, the good old reading of the composition still decides ... Why should I bother with the question of how well A-surfactants are washed out after washing with the powder I am interested in, if I can just buy a powder without A-surfactant at all?

Yes, friends, it's 2017. Today, not only is it not a problem to find a powder that does not contain a single dangerous ingredient, but you can also choose among many different offers without any problems!

Here are 5 examples of such powders for you:

pure water:

  • Ingredients: Sodium salts of coconut oil >30%,
  • Baking soda >15%,
  • sodium percarbonate<5%,
  • sodium silicate<5%,
  • sodium citrate<5%.

garden kids:

  • <5%: цитрат натрия,
  • silver;
  • 30% - baby natural soap (made according to GOST 28456-2002 based on palm and coconut oils),
  • soda.

Molecola for white and colored baby clothes:

  • < 5% — цитрат натрия
  • greater than or equal to 30% baby natural soap (made from palm and coconut oils),

Sodasan for washing children's clothes made of white and colored fabrics and for sensitive skin concentrate:

  • organic soap based on vegetable oil over 30%,
  • soda 15-30%,
  • silicate 5-15%,
  • iminodisuccinate,
  • polyaspartate,
  • citrate less than 5%.

Our mother baby soap powder:

  • sodium tallowate,
  • sodium cocoate,
  • sodium palmitate,
  • water,
  • titanium dioxide,
  • glycerol

By the way, all these powders, except for Sodasan, are produced in Russia. So do not think that all these eco-things are some kind of foreign curiosity. Everything is much more accessible.

Which powders did not get into my rating due to the content of harmful substances.

49 branded products: Alive, Amway, Ariel, Attack, Babyline, Baby Speci, BioMio, Bimax, Burti, CJ Lion, Deni, Dosia, Dreco, DUO, Eco Nordland, Ecover, Faberlic, Frau Schmidt, Frosch, Losk , Meule, Meine Liebe, Persil, Reflect, Sorti, Special Bebe, Tide, Stork, Biolan, MYTH, Pemos, Sarma, Eared Nanny, I was born.

Please note that among them there are brands that position themselves as "eco" or "bio", as well as brands for children. I will give examples:

eared babysitter- a well-known brand of children's household chemicals and cosmetics - one of the worst examples of the composition:

  • Sulphates (15-30%),
  • phosphates (15-30%),
  • oxygenated bleaching agents (5-15%),
  • anionic surfactants (5-15%),
  • carbonates (5-15%),
  • silicates (5-15%),
  • nonionic surfactants (<5%),
  • defoamer (<5%),
  • enzymes,
  • optical brighteners,
  • fragrance .

Eared Nian is one of the few powders that still contains phosphates. In my list of 55 powders, only 5 products contain them. What you can actually wash children's things read.

Eco Nordland:

  • Zeolites 15-30%,
  • Anionic surfactants 5-15%,
  • Non-ionic surfactants less than 5%,
  • Soap less than 5%,
  • Polycarboxylates less than 5%,
  • Optical brightener less than 5%.

The manufacturer apparently believes that we should dance with happiness if he replaced phosphates with zeolites. Zeolites are indeed much less harmful than phosphorus compounds. But, you know, it still doesn't fit on eco.

About security, everything is approximately clear, now let's talk about savings.

The second is economy.

Yes, families with children wash a lot and often. Indicative value here will be the cost of washing, not packs. Since packages come in different calibers, we will take the largest one - in theory the most economical. This is basically what those for whom saving is important do.

Since the issue of economy is secondary for me, only those powders that do not contain a single harmful ingredient were awarded the rating of the cost of washing.

However, it was important for me to estimate the average cost of washing conventional detergents with high toxicity that were not included in the rating. This was necessary in order to compare whether we overpay for safety by choosing environmentally friendly products or not?

So, the average cost of washing with ordinary common powders from economical packages is 20 rubles. Let's look at examples of eco-friendly products from the previous list, in which the cost of washing does not exceed this indicator:

  • pure water— 11 rubles
  • garden kids— 15 rubles
  • Our mother— 19 rubles

Good news! Of the five completely safe products, three broke the economic barrier. So this is eco also from the word saving)

Of these three powders, I personally used it, about which I wrote a detailed review. I really liked this product and I can recommend it with a clear conscience. I haven't done a performance test, but as a general consumer, I can say that I have not noticed that this eco-friendly product, due to its non-toxic composition, copes with pollution worse than conventional chemical powders.

Third, efficiency

This is the fundamental point that distinguishes my rating. Before I sat down to write the article, I watched a few silly shows about what powder is the best. And in all of them, at the forefront is how cool it washes stains.

And you know, in none of these miracle programs I saw an example when the powder would really wash off all the stains to the end.

Imagine you have two white T-shirts stained with lipstick and chocolate. On T-shirt A, the stains are almost washed off, but still noticeable. On T-shirt B, the stains are also almost washed off, but a little more noticeable. So what? What t-shirt will you wear? The correct answer is none.

Well, the powder does not wash complex stains one hundred percent. That is why they came up with stain removers, laundry soap, bleach, dry cleaning, finally!

If you only have three difficult stains in your entire car load, instead of spraying them with stain remover, why chemically attack all your clothes, and subsequently your skin, and then the waters of nearby bodies of water ?! And at the same time, you can still wash these stains to the end! This is some kind of madness.

However, if you disagree with me, you can read the test results. I've scoured the internet for you and picked two tests that look the most professional and modern. True, only poisonous powders participate in them, which did not pass the first round of my categorical selection.

1. Poduct Test

As you can see from the picture, 16 products were tested here, the best of which belong to the Ariel, BiMax and Ushasty Nyan brands.

Pay attention to the results of the rating winner. He washed only two types of stains for a four, two for a three, and two in general for “tolerably”. That is, the best result of the best powder is “the stain is barely noticeable on the fabric, a slight shade of yellow, red, gray is visible” and then only for two types of stains out of six!

2. Roscontrol

Roskontrol did not give us such an intelligible picture as ProductTest, for some reason they have scans of laboratory documentation with seals on their website) Another minus is that only 6 products were tested. I have summarized the most interesting indicators for you in a table and provided it with a “composition” column.

The product's name Compound. Red indicates harmful substances, orange - moderately harmful. Toxicity (the norm is set only for children's powders 70-120) Washing quality, on a five-point scale, where 5 is excellent
Ariel "Mountain Spring": 5-15% anionic surfactants,
oxygen-containing bleaches;
less than 5% non-ionic surfactants,
optical brighteners,
flavoring additives.
33 2
Tide "White Clouds" 5-15% anionic surfactants; less than 5% non-ionic surfactants, oxygen-based bleaches, phosphonates, polycarboxylates, zeolites; enzymes, optical brighteners, flavor additives, hexylcinnamic aldehyde 52 4
Persil Expert: 5-15% anionic surfactants,
oxygenated bleach;
less than 5% non-ionic surfactants,
optical brightener,
fragrance (including linaool, benzyl salicylate, hexyl cinnamal)
48 5
Dosia 5%-15% oxygenated bleach, zeolites, non-ionic surfactants (less than 5%), anionic surfactants, enzymes, optical brightener, defoamer, fragrance. 51 5
Myth 3 in 1 Frosty freshness: 5-15% anionic surfactants,
less than 5% non-ionic surfactants,
optical brighteners,
flavor additives,
linalool (it's a fragrance, but safe)
49 2
pemos oxygen crystals Less than 5% non-ionic surfactants, polycarboxylates, 5-15% anionic surfactants, oxygen bleach, enzymes. 29 3

Now compare the results of the first test and the second: Ariel is the best powder in the first test and the worst in the second. And Persil is the worst in the first test and the best in the second. How do you like this???

Non-essential criteria

Among the criteria by which consumers often give preference to certain products, brand awareness, the smell of the product, and the softness of the laundry are often mentioned.

brand awareness this is something that the manufacturer is very likely to use against you. Unfortunately, this is true, look at Eared Nanny - one of the most famous brands of baby powder ... on the package is bunny, and in the package are phosphates.

The smell is provided by fragrances. Often the manufacturer does not decipher what kind of fragrances are used. It's a pity, because many of them are strong allergens. It is necessary to distinguish synthetic snags from the noble smells of essential oils, which can be added during washing and storage on your own, each time choosing a scent to suit your mood. Or refuse if there are problems with allergies. Natural fragrances are allergenic just like synthetic ones.