The scenario of the traffic police propaganda team. The scenario of the traffic police propaganda team "Safe cycling. The scenario of the traffic police propaganda team for children

Rebuilding to the song "Road Sign" music by T. Razuvaeva.

1.Hi friends! (reaching out to the audience)

2. Hi folks! (stretching out their hands to the audience):

What lives in the village of Donskoy!

1.Now the propaganda team greets you all -

All: "Just class!"

1.We are young assistants of the traffic police,

From« Forest fairy tales» arrived,

And we want the whole group

So that you warmly welcome us

2.We want to prove to everyone

What traffic rules

You should always know by "five",

Perform them every day

To road accidents

Never get hit

Song "Permitted, Prohibited" music by V. Yudina.

To all the boys and girls

We will bring knowledge to traffic rules!

We are for safe traffic

And we won't let our village down!


1.Here is the Red Hat

The girl is smart, beautiful,

Worthy of your respect

Follows traffic rules.

2.And the gray wolf is toothy

He considers himself cool

Wolf. I'm not cool, I'm super cool.

Child: Doesn't want to study well,

Does not comply with the rules of the road.

Wolf: Where are you going, hat

A diligent girl, honey?

Little Red Riding Hood. I'm going to my grandmother,

I carry pies and butter.

The road is straight to her,

But there are many dangers.

And there is one more: on it

The path is safer, but longer.

I will go along the long road.

Wolf. Go, go. Legs will get tired.

I'll find a shorter way.

And I'll run to your grandmother as quickly as possible.

Little Red Riding Hood. Look carefully

Wouldn't get into trouble.

(Little Red Riding Hood sings a song to the melody "If it's long, long, long ...", the wolf howls to her in the chorus.

If you walk to school

Along the path, along the path,

Be a little careful

Do not forget the rules

And probably, and of course,

And maybe - maybe - maybe

Safe road

You choose for yourself!

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Think better when going on a long journey!

Oooh! Don't forget the road rules!

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Both the girl and the boy

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Although you are not in a hurry,

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Don't break the rules!

Little Red Riding Hood is leaving

Wolf. Just think, the road!

Just think, cars!

What are people afraid of?

Cars are not mines.

Here on the bump

The hut is already visible

There behind the crossroads

And the old woman lives.

(There is a squeal of brakes.)

Wolf. Oh, ate legs were dragged away.

I don’t understand where to go,

Where can I find my way.

Child. (With a crosswalk sign)

Gray wolf, you are a pedestrian.

Remember you about the transition. (Shows a sign)

Underground, above ground,


Only this transition

Will save you from trouble.

Child. To everyone who went out for a walk

We remind you in advance:

On the road - not in the forest,

Attention is needed here!

Wolf. And what is this three-eyed idol?

I have not seen him even once.

Child (with a traffic light sign)

The traffic light has three eyes.

Obey them without dispute.

Red light (shows) - no passage,

Yellow (shows) - be ready for the path,

And the green light (shows) - go.

Wolf. Let other people wait

Until the green light is given.

I won't wait in vain

I slipped through the red.

(Brakes screeching, rumbling.)

Child. He was running at a red light

And got into an accident.

All: It's good that it remained intact.

Rebuild, kids line up with signs.

1.Everybody's familiar stripes

Children know, an adult knows,

Leads to the other side -


2.The circle is colored blue

And in a circle there is a bicycle.

Cheer up, buddy, katie

Just twist the pedals!

3.No get there

Without gasoline

To the cafe and shop

This sign will tell you loudly

Nearby gas station

4.Sign road works

Someone is fixing the road here

You will need to slow down

There are people on the road

5.In the middle of the road children

We are always responsible for them.

So that their parent does not cry,

Be careful, driverb

6 roam here

In the middle of the road

Moose wolves rhinos

You are a driver take your time

Let the hedgehogs pass first.

Song "About traffic rules" music by T, Orlova.

1 this world is made up of pedestrians

Izmashin and from chauffeurs

And of course from the roads

For everyone in this world to live together

By all means, we all need

Live by the rules buddy

Observe their friends

We can't live without them

Pedestrians and chauffeurs traffic rules

2.The traffic light will blink at us with a green eye and the cars will freeze right away

and we'll go to kindergarten

you don't need red light


let's stop

this is the rule of the road.

The children take turns talking.

1 . If the rules know everything

2. And always do them,

3.We will live up to 200 years

All: No traffic accidents.

They go to the song "Road sign." Music by T. Razuvaeva.

Municipal government preschool educational institution kindergarten number 30 "Lesnaya Skazka"

Topic: "On the way to kindergarten."

Prepared by:

music director

Cherkashina Irina Viktorovna.


Taranova Elena Alekseevna.

Competition material

to the regional competition "Green Light-2017"

nomination "Best propaganda team"

Municipal government preschool

educational institution kindergarten number 30« Forest fairy tale "

Donskoye village, Trunovsky district

Natalia Sorokina
Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team on traffic rules for older preschoolers "We are going across the road"

Agitation brigade- an effective form of work on acquaintance preschoolers with safe rules in the surrounding world.

Agitation brigade- short-term musical and speech performance of children corresponding to a specific topic.

Purposefully and systematically in the kindergarten, this particular form of work was used to prevent child road- traffic injuries, fire safety, etc., although other methods and forms of organizing work with children are also effective (activities, holidays, conversations, games).

Agitation brigade meets many criteria age physiological and psychological characteristics of children preschool age.

At first, propaganda team Is a short-term saturated performance children lasting 10-20 minutes. It is during this time that children are able to be attentive to the proposed material, since an arbitrary sphere in preschoolers are just forming.

Secondly, in a short time period, in an involuntary, playful way, children are invited to recall and generalize the knowledge gained during the year on safety rules in the world around them.

Thirdly, it is a dynamic musical colorful mini-celebration for children. Considering the physiological aspect, on stage there is a frequent and rapid change of species activities: after the song - dance, then poetry, dramatization, rebuilding, changing music, etc.

Command "Suns" promotes the rules road traffic("We we go across the road» , rules for handling fire ( “Remember everyone citizen: this number is 01 "); talks about the relationship of all natural objects and the respect for them ( "We will protect and protect nature"); and campaigns for a healthy lifestyle("Oranges help with colds and sore throats") and safe behavior at home ( "Why is an open window dangerous?").

Children, together with their parents, under the guidance of educators, carry out activities aimed at forming the foundations of safety not only inside the kindergarten, but also distribute leaflets-drawings inside the microdistrict, act in the nearest kindergartens.

I would like to note an important fact - at the time of viewing, positive emotions are formed in children (joy, delight, surprise, which contributes to better memorization of what they saw and heard, the development of the emotional sphere of pupils.

Children are also interested in the fact that agitation brigade only their peers, children of preparatory and senior groups.

In his queue"Artists" in preparation for its performances get musical, cognitive-speech, emotional development, as well as personal, because they teach kids the rules road traffic... The guys are proud of themselves, feel responsible, so they are very try and worry.

For adults propaganda team Is a kind of creative platform that is needed every time in a new way "Decorate"... Therefore, the music director composes the texts of thematic songs, comes up with dance compositions, the teacher composes scenario, simulates stage space, parents are engaged in the manufacture of attributes, sew costumes. At the circle, the children, together with the teacher, design and apply the decoration to performance... All together decorate the hall and get great pleasure from the results of their work.

Script of the propaganda team performance"Suns" on traffic rules for older preschoolers"We we go across the road» .

1 child:

Future drivers!



Educators and their pupils!

In chorus:

Guests in the hall, all our spectators!

YUID team: would you like to see young traffic inspectors? 1rebø nok:

Our team is "Traffic lights",

We have known each other for a long time.


Welcome! Hey!

The path is open to all! Green light!


The city in which we live with you

It can rightfully be compared with a primer.

Here it is, the alphabet, - over the pavement.

Signs are hung over the head.


Blue sign with a pedestrian in it

At this point - the transition!


A red sign, there is a man in it.


Here's the hospital, turn.

And here is the underpass!


Each kindergarten has a sign

And speaks very loudly

Car drivers,

So that they slow down at the kindergarten!

In chorus:

ABCs of streets, avenues, roads -

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Song to the tune "Beautiful is far away"

Dangerous road don't be cruel to us,

Don't be cruel to us, cruel, don't be!

From home to the doors of the kindergarten,

We begin our journey to the door of the kindergarten!

6 child:

Rush along roads"Krazy",

"Mercedes" and "Kamaz".

Like bullets fly across the pavement.

What are we to do with you?

Song to the tune "Cars"

Automobiles, automobiles

Literally everything is overwhelmed!

Where the age-old dust lay

The car left its mark!


What should we do? How to go? Where cross the road?

Child in a traffic light suit:

I AM - road traffic light.

I heard your conversation.

I’ll help you guys.

I'll tell and show everything!

The strictest is the red light.

The yellow light will turn on

Wait, that's the advice.

Green flashes in front - then go boldly on your way!

In chorus:

Always remember the ABC of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you!

Song to the tune "What do they teach in school"

If the light is red,

On there is no way,

If the cars are rushing forward

There is an underground passage!

No safer roads on the planet!

How to get around the bus

How cross the road,

All children learn traffic rules.

Prohibits this sign,

There is no way to go here!

No safer roads on the planet!

3 child:

So that there were no injuries road,

Long life was in the end

rules road the movements you study and on Observe roads!

In chorus:

Let it not be on roads of trouble!

Let the green light shine on you!

Related publications:

Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team on traffic rules A traffic light comes out in the middle of the hall. A traffic light: One Monday morning, Sasha and his mother were walking into the kindergarten (Sasha and his mother were coming out) and saw on the road.

Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team on traffic rules "Lessons from the elder brother" A boy enters the stage with a soccer ball at hand. Boy. Hello, friends. My name is Danil, as you yourself understood, I really like it.

Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution - kindergarten of the combined type No. 13 "Rodnichok" Performance scenario.

Scenario of the performance of the propaganda team of senior preschool children "Children should know the road rules" Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team of older preschool children on the topic "Children should know the road rules" Purpose: to summarize knowledge.

The phonogram sounds; you can hear the movement of cars on the track, the participants of the agitation brigade enter the stage, in their hands traffic signs, balloons, the captain has a baton and an emblem.

Captain: Who is walking close by?

Everything: We are the propaganda team!

2nd child: Young traffic inspectors of Kindergarten №31

3rd child: One or two!

Everything: Line up!

4th child: Three four!

Everything: Above sign! (they raise road signs over their heads, the emblem of the detachment)

5th child: Our squad is called "Merry Traffic Light"

After all, everyone is glad to find out the traffic rules here!

6th child: And we came to you here with a proposal:

Everything: Do not violate traffic rules!

To the soundtrack, a song is performed to the tune of the song "It's fun to walk together", they walk with rebuilding.

It's fun to walk together

Throughout the open spaces (3 times)

If the way is open to you

Traffic light (3 times)

We will show you an interesting program,

Although the topic will seem familiar to everyone,

Learn everything today without a doubt

Traffic rules in kindergartens

1.In our time, it is impossible

Live without the alphabet of the road

2. To cross the road

Look carefully:

3 the red light came on

There is no transition to people!

4. Finally, the green is lit

Well, on the road, pedestrian!

5. And again on the transition

The people moved boldly.

6. These traffic rules

everyone needs to know perfectly well

Everything: how to repeat the multiplication table, do not forget!

Make yourself comfortable

Take places as soon as possible

About traffic rules

We invite friends to find out

Staging of the fairy tale "Teremok"

Leading: a teremok was built on the side of the road

As soon as you cross the road, you will find yourself in that tower

Housewarming awaits animals

They hurry to the tower

\ a hedgehog with a ball approaches the road with a zebra

Hedgehog: I walk by the rules,

Not dangerous to me a hedgehog

I am an exemplary pedestrian

So go where the transition

If the pedestrian is on the ground

It is called a zebra

/ approaches a pedestrian crossing, looks around, goes

Host: The hedgehog will get into the tower

There he will find friends for himself (the hedgehog goes to the teremok)

Host: the mouse is running across the field,

She hurries to the teremok

/ there are cardboard cars on the road, an underground passage, next to the sign: "Underground passage" /

Mouse: the mouse knows the transition,

Always save from cars (goes to the underpass, goes through it)

Presenter: and underpass

Lead the mouse to the tower

The mouse will say:

Mouse: here I am, hello, my friends! (Goes to the teremok)

Host: a bunny came on the bus

Well, remember the rules

/ there is a cardboard bus, next to the sign "Bus stop"

Bunny: got out of transport

And I'm not in a hurry, I walked around behind

And I'm walking along the zebra (stands near the bus, shows that he goes around from behind)

\ went up to the zebra, looks around, goes to the teremok /

Host: our bunny jump and jump

Rides straight to the teremok

Leading: a chanterelle is in a hurry to us (fungus in hand)

A very cunning sister

I ran up to the traffic light

And rooted to the spot

/ there is a traffic light near the road with a zebra (child)

Fox: red light on

And there is no chanterelle

And green appeared

And the chanterelles the path has opened

Traffic light: obey without arguing

Traffic light indications

/ the fox crosses the road, goes to the teremok /

Host: the wolf was not racing on a rocket,

Rode a bike

/ the wolf drives up to the road on a bike, stops, gets off the bike, looks around /

And across the road I went along the zebra crossing

I moved my bike there

/ rolls the bike across the road /

Host: sat down and went to the teremok,

Well done we have a top!

/ a bear appears in a car, approaches a zebra /

Host: the bear was in the car

Wheels not 2, 4

I slowed down at the crossing,

The pedestrian missed

(A pedestrian stands near a zebra, looks around, crosses the road)

Bear: I know the traffic rules

Of course, I observe them

I respect pedestrians

And I always miss them

(rides across the road)

Host: if you follow the traffic rules, you will get to the house for a housewarming

/ all participants leave /

There are so many difficulties on the roads

But we have no reason to be afraid

And because the traffic rules

Have pedestrians and cars

And so that everyone has a good mood

Everyone: obey the traffic rules

Remember this fairy tale, children,

Do not break the road rules.

So that parents never worry

And the drivers were calm at the wheel

May the sun always shine

May we always hear laughter

There are roads in our village

Municipal government preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 3 "Rainbow"

Synopsis of the propaganda team for parents and children on traffic rules

in the senior group "Kolobok"

with. Donskoe


Goal: Formation of the development of children's skills and abilities of safe behavior in the road transport environment.

Educational tasks:

Strengthen ideas about traffic rules and rules of safe behavior on the road; be able to independently assess the traffic situation;

To consolidate knowledge in the ability to distinguish between prohibitory, informational and directional and warning signs, service signs.

Developmental tasks:

Promote the development of cognitive processes: attention, perception, imagination, thinking, memory, speech.

Promote the ability to navigate in the traffic situation, its changes, and respond correctly to them.

Educational tasks:

To foster a sense of responsibility, to carry out joint actions in a friendly and harmonious manner.

Preliminary work

Reading fiction

Examination of posters for traffic rules

Word games "Finish the sentence"

Guessing riddles on the topics "Transport", "Road signs"

Drawing up stories about the traffic situation from the picture, using the personal experience of children

Excursion to the crossroads

Thematic talks "Traffic signals", "Road signs", "Rules of movement and crossing of different streets and intersections"

Simulation of various traffic situations on the "Street" layout

Used Books:

    Vernikova, L.M. We are opening the theater season. Scenarios, contests, tournaments: study guide / L.M. Vernikov. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004.

    Volina, V.V. Entertaining ABC studies / V.V. Volina. - M: Education, 1991.

    Barmin A.V., Galtsova E.A., Klyueva I.Yu., Nechaeva O.P. We study the rules of the road / A.V. Barmin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

    Plyashechuk, V.I. Road alphabet / V.I. Plyashechuk. - Kiev: Glad. School, 1983.

5. Emelyanova Olesya Poems about road signs.

Command exit. (Song to the tune "It's fun to walk through the open spaces together")

Together it is fun to walk through the open spaces (3 times)
If the way is open to you with a traffic light (3 times)
We will show you an interesting program,
Although the topic seems familiar to you,
Learn everything today, no doubt.
Traffic rules in schools.

Nastya: Hello! Let's get acquainted.
Ksenia: We represent the propaganda team
Everything:"Traffic lights"
Kirill: Kindergarten "Rainbow"
Everything: Creative and cohesive, funny and resourceful!
Alla:"Traffic Light" wishes well to pedestrians and drivers too.
Be polite and careful, and then trouble will not overtake.
On the road and on the sidewalk in a fierce cold and hot day.

Sofia. A pedestrian needs to know where to walk and where to walk,
And the driver must drive so that people do not interfere.
Matvey. Whoever walks down the street is called a "pedestrian".
Who is in the car - passengers, and the driver is taking them.

song "On the bus"

Ilya: So that you live peacefully without troubles and without worries,
You learn the rules of movement by heart.
Nastya: Indeed, in our complex world you can live without loss.
We appeal to reason, you better believe us.


One simple fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not a simple one, we want to be able to tell you.

We remember her from childhood, or maybe not from childhood.

Or maybe we don’t remember, but we will remember.

Fly, Fly-Tsokotukha, gilded belly.
The fly went down the highway, the fly found the money.
Fly went to sporting goods so as not to waste time,
And I bought rollers for the development of motor skills.

Fly - Nastya E.
I swing down the street like a bird I fly.
Like a bird, I fly and roll wherever I want.

I don’t need traffic lights, I don’t need signs either.
After all, cars are not trams, they must go around me.

Let the lights flash, I don't care about them.
Let everyone let me through, or I’ll take them all down.
Come cockroaches, everyone, everyone, I’ll pump you all.
The cockroaches all came running and roller-skated.
And the bugs three times on the highway, once, twice.
Today, everything is allowed to Fly-tsokotukha!
No! Not allowed!
The rollers are not for long walks.
There are paths for them inside the courtyard, but don't roll onto the road!

Bugs - girlfriends:(singing)

We are insects-girlfriends to the fly, we go to visit

We dance very merrily and sing ditties.

We are little insects, girlfriends, we have eyes and ears.

Oh, cars are on the way, where is the road to cross?

Girlfriends are trying to cross the road. The whistle blows and the Inspector appears.

Inspector - Ilya: Wait, girlfriends! Where are your eyes and ears?

The matter will end sadly, there may be a lot of troubles!

Dear friends, listen to our advice:

Sing, dance on the road ...

Children are signs: Forbidden!

Inspector: Be an exemplary pedestrian ..

Children are signs: Allowed!

Inspector: Be sure to remember! Be careful on the road!

So that you don't have any misfortunes,

Never play on the road!

Girlfriends jumping: Us, Inspector, help us cross the road here

It's time for us to visit the fly, the fly is waiting for us in the morning.

Inspector: A traffic light will help you at any intersection.

He will start a conversation very simply with a pedestrian.

Its lights are blinking, helping pedestrians.

A traffic light appears. He picks up colored signals in accordance with the lyrics of the song he is singing with the bugs.

Performed "The Song of the Traffic Lights and Bugs":

Bugs - girlfriends: If the red light is on, the traffic light tells us

Traffic light - Matvey: Wait, don't go, there is no way for a pedestrian!

Red light - no move!

Bugs - girlfriends: If the yellow light is on, it is like a friend tells us

Traffic lights: I will miss you soon, I will give the green light now!

Bugs - girlfriends:(talking to a musical loss)

Let's agree with you: yellow - let's get ready!

Bugs - girlfriends: Here the green light flashed and the cars no longer move

Traffic lights: Come on in, the way is open, the traffic light tells you!

(speaks to the music of the conclusion, raising the green signal)

The light is green, look!

Cross the street, calmly go to visit the fly!

Bugs - girlfriendswalk along the pedestrian crossing, leave.

Children - signs, Inspector, Traffic light are rearranged in a row, they say

Together: Traffic rules everyone should know

They must be done without delay!

Poems about signs. Rebuild one at a time. (Every child is familiar):
1 child:
The circle is colored red, and the inside is a bicycle.
This sign says to everyone: "The path is closed for the bike!"
2 child:
The person on the circle is red, which means it's dangerous to move!
In this place, you, friends, no one is allowed to walk!

3 child:
In the triangle, two brothers are all rushing somewhere, rushing.
The most important sign in the world is caution! These are kids"!

4 child:
The circle is colored blue, and the circle is a bicycle.
More fun, friend, roll, just pedal!
5 child:
A pedestrian walks along the stripes in the triangle.
This sign warns - somewhere near the transition

Song to the soundtrack "If you went out with a friend":
If you went to the kindergarten, if you went to the kindergarten,
Look to the right
Suddenly you see a car, suddenly you see a car,
Don't rush, don't.

When all the rules are with me.
What is snow for me, what is heat for me, what is pouring rain for me,
When all the rules are with me.

Everything ended beautifully in our wise kind fairy tale,

I will not forget the lesson and I will be on the street
To behave. And all the traffic rules
I will learn the multiplication table by heart!
Cross the road to you on the street always
And speaking colors will prompt and help.
The red light will tell you: "No!" restrained and strict.
The yellow light advises you to wait a little.
And the green light is on - "Come in!" is talking.

Musical and rhythmic composition "Traffic Light"

TOTAL: (all)
REMEMBER (in chorus) - there are so many difficulties on the road! (Ilya)
REMEMBER (in chorus) - there are thousands of cars on the roads! (Ksenia)
REMEMBER (in chorus) - there are many intersections on the roads! (Alla)
REMEMBER (in chorus) - and teach all the rules! (Nastya)

The script for the performance of the preschoolers' agid brigade on traffic rules.

The name of the team is YUIDovtsy.

Children, to the music "Hymn YUID" with flags, pass across the stage with elements of rebuilding.


Dear viewers!


Our parents!


Sounded now

Together, we welcome you in unison!

We are the guys from Rosinka

Our YID detachment,

To come up with a new program

Very, very, very happy.

Although we are preschoolers,

but not kids anymore,

we know the traffic rules

with traffic rules almost to you.

How to get through and how to get there,

What the road sign says

And how not to become a victim of the road

The YUID detachment will explain to everyone.

Everyone knows that without rules

You can't live without road traffic.

We should all be on the road

Be careful!

Now let's tell a fairy tale

No, rather it is a reality

It started with the fact that dad

Suddenly I bought a car.

Dad poured gasoline into the tank

He sat down the whole family

Eh, the neighbors are jealous

(engine sound - won't start)

Why aren't we going?

Did our dad pass the license?

I passed it!

Did he remove the tint?


Inspection, insurance?

There is!

Is the first aid kit here too?


Did you fill the tank with gasoline?

Filled in!

Did you make the household members sit down?

Sat down!

The neighbors are surprised:

Why aren't we going?

Who will answer help!

(baby crying, girl comes out, pretends to cry)

Buy a baby chair.

Hey drivers hurry up, buy a chair for the kids (bring it)

For all children, mom protector

And I'll tell you right now,

To keep the child out of danger

Carry him in a safety chair.

Everything is fine?

You can go, start the engine, come on,

But do not forget about the signs, about the road signs on the way.

Traffic signs are countless today

Each has some kind of hardening.

Those are forbidden, and those are allowed,

Others warn us.


Cars rush through the streets

There are tires.

You find the transition

The owner is a pedestrian there.

Don't go to the red

And yellow too.

The green light will light up-

Now the way is open for us!

In the triangle guys

Running as fast as they can

We will all answer correctly

The sign says they are children.

Why did the cars stop?

Why is the passage closed?

Adds to all worries

Road works sign.

Stop means

We have to stand here and wait.

It's even better if you will

Hold Mom's hand.

This sign tells us:

"The good doctor is sitting here!"

Do not look with sad eyes-

Help is near, the doctor is near.

The man walking in black

Crossed out with a red line.

It's kind of a road here, but

It is forbidden to walk here.

The path is not close, unfortunately

you didn't take food with you.

Will save you from starvation

road sign "Point of food".

By the pants and by the car

There are rescue straps.

They are you your car

Fasten it tightly to yourself!

Consider a lot of road signs,

A pedestrian and a driver should know them.

Signs are worthy of all respect

They help us and movement.

Silence will wake up morning

Town buzz quickly

To the kindergarten, to school , to work

Each the resident will hurry.

Some walk, some by car,

By bus, by taxi ...

When you go outside, prepare in advance

Politeness and restraint,

And most importantly - attention!


My dad has a huge car

Gray shiny under the name Jeep.

Daddy is my road user

He's a driver with experience, daddy beware.


If only your daddy drove slowly

If only dad did not break your rules.

My mom has a car too,

Although not huge, but cool.

Mom drives to work

And my mommy takes me away from the kindergarten.


If only mommy, went quietly,

If only mommy knew, knew the rules.

Well, and suddenly it will accelerate, what will you do?

Then I'll tell him: "Dad, don't drive!"

Well, what if it accelerates, will you do the same?

Then I'll tell her: "Mom, don't drive!"


Dear daddies, dear mommies.

Listen to your child's important words.

Don't chase dads! Moms don't chase!

Traffic rules must be respected!

Remember both adults and children

There is nothing more valuable in the world

Smiles of mom and son

Happy eyes of father and daughter.

(Rebuilding the car drives off)

Increasingly on the roads

Accidents happen

Whose fault is it guys

Does it all work out?

Maybe the pedestrian is to blame

What's going on in the wrong place?

Maybe the driver who yawns

Does he violate the road rules?

We can give exactly one answer:

Children in unison: We are not among the violators!

And now, we are addressing the drivers of our city with the following request:

Observe traffic rules carefully. Keep our city calm.

Do not race like formula racers, do not dare forget about everything

Please do not forget the adults, you are responsible for us children.

We will thank those drivers who strictly follow traffic rules.

All: Confirming that he remembers us!

/ and then a boy drives onto the stage in a children's car and turns to the singing children in surprise /

Who are you?

(children in chorus)

YU AND D about in ts s!

(boy, standing, scratching his head)

A YUID member - good!

And the traffic police inspector is even better!

I'd go to the inspectors-

Let them teach me!


There are many professions on earth,

And each is important.

Decide, my friend, who you should be

After all, we have one life.

(Children keep on reasoning)

Perhaps I will become a doctor.

I will become an engineer.

And I might be a couturier ...

And the boy in the form of an inspector:

And I am a traffic police inspector!

There are many professions on earth, but choose in love,

Decide, my friend, who you should be….

The uniformed boy continues to insist:

And I am a traffic police inspector!

The boy raises the wand

I will stand at the post day and night,

Stand in fog, in heat, in a blizzard and in bad weather.

Anyone in trouble who is ready to help everyone

Drivers and pedestrians!

Song to the tune "Magic Flower".

There are many professions in the world,

And not a single one should be neglected.

And this one has the following task -

To protect you on the way from trouble.


To get you on a tight bend

The necessary sign suddenly became an assistant,

It is necessary that in this work

The man did not doze.

And in the heat and in the frost on the road

The sentry keeps order.

It is he who comes to our aid,

He is a Russian road guard.


Everything faster from year to year

Our people want to travel.

At the traffic inspector

There was a lot of things to do.

We are friends with the police

They can't live without us.

We are always ready to help them,

We drive offenders from the road.

Who, if not us, (in chorus) is the power of a generation

Who, if not us, (in chorus) for the traffic rules,

Who, if not us, (in chorus) will master all the rules,

Who, if not us, (in chorus) is the pride of Russia.

My Russia and my Kuzbass - we serve you together!

on the motive "There will still be"
We believe there will still be - and people will learn all the rules
Observe them, of course, they will - there will be no more accidents!
It will be calm on the roads, every adult and even a preschooler
They will remember about traffic lights - we believe: it will be so soon!
After all, danger is like a bird: if it flies out, you won't catch
You can't live without rules - that's all, friends, they understand ...

Don't judge us harshly

We're just kids!

And we want just a little bit

Order on the planet.

Remember the road rules forever.

Behave yourself, because you are human.

Go to the "Hymn YUID"