Scenario for the wedding day 15 years. Silver wedding script. Games and contests for the wedding anniversary. Solemn meeting with his wife

A wedding anniversary is a kind of anniversary that needs to be organized so that no one is bored and everyone is happy. Traditionally, a scenario is thought out in which a solemn part may be present, but it must be followed by an entertaining one. The main thing is not to overdo it. Let's see what contests and entertainment are suitable for a wedding anniversary.

A special role in the celebration is played by the holding of comic, cool, funny and amusing contests, since a wedding anniversary is still an entertaining event, which should be dominated by feelings such as: laughter, joy, positive. Of course, it will not do without songs and dances. There are several types of competitions. A little about each.

Dress Up Contests

This view is the most fun, as it reveals the creative potential of the participants and with its help original images are recreated. After all, a bride in a different situation will never be able to see her husband wearing makeup in heels and in a skirt, but here it is real.

Option 1. Sweet bride

An interesting variant of this type of competition is when the heroes of the occasion act as judges, and five men become participants. The latter receive a veil as an attribute, and under the song they need to portray a tender, innocent, and also a loving bride. Musical compositions should be chosen about passionate love, lyrical. The winning options are: "I will go up to him in the sky", "Call me with you" and others. The winner will be the one whose game the jury considers more truthful. Such a competition, held on a wedding anniversary, will give a lot of positive emotions.

Option 2. Find the item you want

Participants in the competition are several men who wear skirts, hats and high-heeled shoes. They are given handbags with their usual contents.

The aim of the participants is to search in the purse for 3 or 3 minutes for such items as:

  • brasmatik and leggings;
  • tips and iron;
  • clips and clutch;
  • and others. What is enough imagination.

A similar task can be given to ladies by dressing them in pantsuits, hats and shoes. Instead of a purse, they will have backpacks. They need to find:

  • wobbled;
  • decoy and pressure gauge;
  • spool and game bag;
  • karemata and bandolier;
  • and other items.

The first task will delight females, and the second will delight men.

Option 3. Beautiful gait

Participants in the competition must be large men. They wear high heels and a veil. The facilitator's task is to draw three lines. Men, however, need to walk along them beautifully and gracefully, demonstrating their gait. As soon as a participant leaves the line, he is immediately eliminated from the competition. It is better to leave it for the second table on the wedding anniversary, since during this period those present are already relaxed and will show interest in participating in it.

Competitions are universal

There are a variety of competitive wedding anniversary events that may be suitable for other celebrations as well.

Option 1. Poems by subject

Three couples become participants in the competition. Each receives a bag of various items. The goal is to compose congratulations in verses for the heroes of the occasion using these words in them.

Option 2. History of acquaintance of young people in subjects

This is, in fact, an echo of the previous competition, only in this case witnesses become participants. They are not chosen by chance, since they are the best informed about the life of the newlyweds and will be able to tell the story of their acquaintance. Contestants receive a variety of interesting items that should be used in the storytelling.

Option 3. Song of my own composition

The aim of this competition is to write a beautiful rhyme based on the names of the given subjects and perform it in the form of a song. The participants can be relatives and friends. According to the leader's idea, the cat or hamster should run away, thus humor appears in the song.

Vocal and dance competitions

Music plays the main role here.

Option 1. Song by words

Several pairs are selected, each of them is given a set of words. They should compose a funny and funny song about the heroes of the occasion. Whose performance will be more fun and interesting, that pair will win. All those present will act as the jury.

Option 2. Traditional newspaper dance competition

This competition is pretty cool and is often included in a script developed for a wedding anniversary. Three couples are participating. Each is given a newspaper. Couples should dance on it when the music ends, the newspaper folds first in half, then in four, and so on. The couple who stepped outside the newspaper are eliminated. The winners are those who endure the longest and do not step outside the newspaper. The secret of the contest is that a guy can take a girl in his arms, but this still needs to be guessed. Another trick is that a representative of the stronger sex can stand on one leg with a petite lady and dance.

Option 3. Dances-hugs

5 ladies and 6 guys are participating in this competition. The girls stand in a single circle and join hands. While the music is playing, they move clockwise. Representatives of the stronger sex stand in a larger circle behind the ladies and move in the opposite direction. As soon as the music stops, you need to quickly hug the guy standing behind. Some of the guys will be left without a pair, he drops out of the competition and takes any girl with him. At the end of the competition, the winner is determined.

Contests with questions

There are an extraordinary number of them.

Option 1. Game 20 years later

Parents of young people should be its participants. The host asks one of them to leave the hall for a while. The remaining husband or wife is asked several questions. The most common ones are:

  • What time and where did you meet?
  • How did the spouse confess his love?
  • How many guests were at the wedding?
  • Was it rain or snow on your wedding day?

It is better not to do more than 5 questions.

After one of the spouses has answered, you should call the other and ask him the same questions. If the answers do not match, then you can simply propose a toast to the joyous event, thanks to which today their children are already celebrating their wedding anniversary. If all the answers are the same, then in such a situation, the toast may be for today's heroes of the occasion not to forget their wedding event twenty years later, like their parents.

Option number 2. Truth or lie

Since the celebration is a wedding anniversary, the topics of the questions will also relate to the traditions of this event.

The whole audience participates, and the prize in this competition is to make a toast to the heroes of the occasion, or you can prepare small souvenirs.

Tradition Answer
In Egypt, the groom can see his betrothed only after the wedding. Truth
In Denmark, when conducting a matchmaking, the groom is obliged to give a gift to each of the family members of his beloved, two shoes made of wood. Lie
In Hungary, the groom is obliged to present a ham to the bride's parents. Lie
In Finland, the bride-to-be must spend seven days before the wedding ceremony, doing small types of housework. Truth
In Bangladesh, the bride must survive in the forest for five days. Lie
In Norway, young people milk a cow in a barn after the wedding. Truth
In Germany, a drunken rooster tied to a broomstick is a must in every bride's dowry. Truth
In England, in some villages, before the wedding ceremony, church gates are decorated with beer mugs and silver spoons. Truth

The competition ends when those present lose interest. It should be finished with a question: In Russia, it is customary to make toasts in honor of the heroes of the occasion. Of course it's true, so let's raise our glasses.

Option 3. A game called "Welcome"

Several drivers are selected. On their backs, pieces of paper or cards with the names of various places are fixed. For example, the following:

  • a pre-trial detention center or strip bar;
  • a nudist beach or bath;
  • a gynecologist's office or the State Duma;
  • and others.

It is important that the more interesting the place is invented, the funnier the competition will be.

The person who drives should not see the personal sheet, but the rest of the participants should read the name.

Drivers virtually go to the place that they got, and the rest of the competition participants begin to ask them questions. The former should, with all the revelation and creativity, give answers to them.

Questions should be asked varied, since the effect of the competition depends on it.

For example, you can use the following:

  1. Do you often visit this place?
  2. Who are you visiting it with?
  3. What do you usually take with you to this place?
  4. What style of clothes do you wear?
  5. Are you taking photographs in this place?
  6. Are you paid to visit this place?
  7. Does your husband (wife) know?
  8. Do you stay there for a long time?

After enough answers have been received, you should remove the sheet from the back of the driver and show where he virtually visited.

Competitions for children on a wedding anniversary

Wedding anniversaries rarely take place without children, and they love contests much more than adults. There shouldn't be any losers among the kids, and prizes go to each participant. This must be taken into account.

Option 1. Describe the bride by letter

Each child is given a certain one and he must come up with what word, starting with it, can describe the bride. For example, "K" is beautiful, "U" is smart, and so on.

Option 2. Take a chair

You can put several chairs, the number of which should be one less than the number of children. Kids will be happy to run around them and dance to fast music. As soon as the music ends, the kids should take the chairs. One is not enough, and he drops out of the competition, but he must receive a prize.

Option 3. Show the animal from the cartoon

It's a fun competition. Music from favorite cartoons of children with the names of animals sounds and each child, when pronounced, must portray it. The presenter helps the kids.

Subtleties in organizing contests

The main goal in organizing contests is to attract a lot of people so that it does not happen that some participate in each, and others in none, of course, if they are not ardent opponents.

Children must all take part, at least in one competition, otherwise they will think about this holiday that only an adult can win the prize.

Couples of young people and women for the competition should be selected with great care and caution so as not to offend anyone. If a person does not want to take part, and refuses, you should not force him by any means.

Selection of competitions

Fun and fun contests are most appropriate when those present are eating, drinking, and bored. At this time, you need to take the lead into your own hands. Also, a situation often arises when participants in one competition are eager to fight and the next, you should not forbid them, but you need to correctly make it clear that there are still a lot of guests and probably there are those who want to show themselves.

Everything is important in moderation, you should not oversaturate the script with contests, since the wedding anniversary is not a competitive competition, but a solemn event.

A significant event for every married couple is the wedding anniversary, to the celebration of which relatives and friends are usually invited: relatives, friends, colleagues. And it is important not only to prepare a lot of delicious dishes and drinks for the holiday, but also to come up with an entertainment program for the wedding anniversary, so that the guests will have the most vivid impression of your holiday. This can be fun and cool contests, which the portal will tell you about.

Games and contests for guests on the wedding anniversary

So that your family and friends do not get bored during the holiday, you should definitely prepare some cool wedding anniversary contests for them. It can be active games, which are often used as funny wedding contests, or entertainment at the table, which will be especially appropriate when holding a holiday at home.

Original greetings

  • Participants: 2-3 guests.
  • Props: leaves and pens.

Players are asked to write 10 adjectives on a piece of paper. After that, the presenter gives them a congratulation sheet, in the empty spaces of which they must insert the adjectives they have written.

Congratulations can be like this: “Dear and… .. heroes of the day! I congratulate you on this… ..and… .. holiday and wish you… .. happiness,…. health and ... .. love! Several years ago you created ... ... and ... .. a family, which is a standard for us, because in your house ... ... and ... always reign. atmosphere that you want to come to visit you again and again! I wish you happiness and love! "

Find a thing

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: cards with pictures and names of things.

The following contest can be used as a fun game to play on your wedding anniversary. Participants are divided into male and female teams. The male team is given cards: on some of them purely female objects are drawn (sponge, snood, clips, highlighter, clutch, stole), and on others - their names. The female team - purely male (jigsaw, chisel, multimeter, sinker, starter, rapier). Participants must find the correct names for the items offered to them. Whoever is faster - he won!

Famous couples

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: No.

This pageant is a great way to entertain your wedding anniversary if you decide to host it at home. Guests sitting at the tables are invited to name the most famous couples of the past, whose loyalty and love can be envied: Romeo and Juliet, Orpheus and Eurydice, Ruslan and Lyudmila, etc. The most active player can be given a memorable present.

Marriage is ...

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: papers, pens.

Guests at the table are given pieces of paper and pens, the task of each is to write the definition of marriage on them. Then all the cards are given to the spouses, they read aloud what the guests have written and determine the winner!


  • Participants: guests in pairs.
  • Props: cards with the names of events (first date, going to the cinema, having a baby, renovation, etc.).

Couples "m + w" are called to participate. They draw cards on which events are written, which the couples must play out without words, and the other guests must guess what is at stake. The winner is the couple who shows a scene from life more realistic than others.

At the celebration of the wedding anniversary, contests can be held not only for guests, but also for spouses, who will be happy to show how strong and harmonious their union is!

Memorable moments

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: 2 pieces of paper and pens.

The facilitator asks the spouses questions to which they must write answers secretly from each other. Their subject matter can be different, depending on how many couples are together. If the wedding was recent and the memories of it are fresh, then you can find out from the spouses about their first date:

  • When did you go on your first date (date, month, year, or at least the season)?
  • Where did you go on your first date?
  • What time of day did the meeting take place?
  • What were you wearing?
  • What interesting things happened that day?

For a competition for a wedding anniversary of 30, 40 or 50 years, you can prepare questions about the celebration itself. For example, in a pearl wedding scenario, you might include the following quiz for a husband and wife:

  • What day of the week did you get married?
  • What was the weather like?
  • Where did you celebrate your wedding?
  • How many guests were at the wedding?


  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: gloves, socks.

The spouses are blindfolded and given to the husband the wife's gloves, and to the wife the husband's socks. Everyone's task: to quickly put on a wardrobe detail on a blindfolded spouse. For a competitive effect, other married couples who are present at the holiday can also be involved in the game.

Find a salary

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: banknote.

The husband is given a banknote, which he must hide in his clothes secretly from his wife. The task of the wife: to quickly find a banknote, showing how dexterously she copes with the distribution of the family budget.

The mystery of the name

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: No.

An interesting option for a competition for a wedding anniversary can be the following. The presenter invites the spouses to decipher each other's names, asking them to come up with adjectives in the form of compliments for each letter of their soulmate's name. For example:

  • Ivan is sincere, attentive, ambitious, reliable.
  • Larisa is affectionate, neat, romantic, sincere, seductive, active.

My affectionate beast

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: pieces of paper with handles.

Secretly from each other, the spouses write on a piece of paper 10 names of representatives of the animal world: animals, insects, birds, etc. Then the presenter gives the husband and wife cards with templates in which they must insert the names of the animals they have written. For example, a husband happens to be:

  • Delicate like ...
  • Talkative, like ...
  • Merry, like ...
  • Caring like ...
  • Neat as ...
  • Brave, like ...

Or you can come up with this version of the phrase "The husband behaves ...":

  • In the supermarket, like ...
  • In bed, like ...
  • On vacation, like ...
  • At work, like ...
  • With a mother-in-law, how ...

The portal told you what fun wedding anniversary contests can be held, whether the party is organized in a restaurant or at home. Some of them are suitable for young couples celebrating a chintz or wooden wedding, others for time-tested unions of 30, 40 or even 50 years in length. If you did not find anything suitable for your holiday here, then in our other article there are also contests for the wedding anniversary, among which you can find the idea you need!

    The meeting of the "young" is as follows: the whole family is in two lines, organizing a living corridor. Each one has a silver bell in his right hand, and a branch of a flower in his left. The "dome" of this corridor is organized with branches. When young people meet, the guests begin to actively ring the bells. The couple must go down the corridor, the designated leader showers them with grain and silver coins.

    Someone of their own children reads

    To the ringing of silver bells

    We meet a young couple!

    What life and shelter gave us,

    And what keeps great love!

    “And to this stormy applause, we invite you to the most honorable place in our silver hall! And we want to capture you, so young and beautiful. There is a silver frame near you, hug each other by the waist, take it together with your free hands and put it to you, so that you get a portrait. Now, if you don't mind, let's give all our guests the opportunity to capture themselves in this frame. Perhaps, someone at our friendly table, having touched this magic symbol, after some time will gather us all again, but already for their own, silver wedding!

    There is a photo session of all those present, in pairs or one at a time.

    Ved.- What a wonderful occasion has gathered us,

    The family is 25 today!

    I raise my glass

    To say about your love!

    You served as an example for us,

    By my loyalty and duty,

    And I want you to live

    In this world for a long, long time!

    To meet the "golden" wedding,

    And there, you see, we will put on diamonds!

    Well, "oak" in this world,

    It will be pleasant for you to meet?

    Live together, dear ones!

    In love, harmony and peace!

    We all gathered here, relatives,

    Will congratulate you on this feast!

    Guests raise their glasses, have a snack, music sounds.

    Ved.- Our congratulations continue, today we all learned a special song to present to you, for this wonderful 25th anniversary of the family. (Revised text on the sheets "Let them run awkwardly", it is good if someone plays along with the accordion or accordion).

    All gathered here in the hall,

    To congratulate together

    You with such a wonderful date!

    We sincerely wish you

    To walk together

    You are golden before your wedding!

    Chorus: happy anniversary, silver,

    Congratulations, amicably you!

    May love always sparkle

    Only for you!

    Let the wizard fly

    And with a silver ball

    Will conjure up another hundred years for you!

    Elixir will give healing,

    So that you drink with heat,

    Eternal life will reveal the secret!

    The chorus is the same.

    25 is the date

    You are so much married

    We have retained the ability to love!

    We wish you happiness

    Bypass all misfortunes

    And give us your smiles!

    The chorus is the same.

    Ved. - And now I propose to raise our glasses, empty them for the young and go on an exciting journey.

    In the hands of the leading album with photographs of the young from the first days of marriage to the present day, it will have to be done. If there are few or no photographs of young years, you can use Photoshop, or the services of an artist and draw something comic.

    Instead of an album, you can create a video about them for the spouses, with the same shots, each frame "beat off" with a bell.

    Ved.- Here is your first bell ( she rings the bell) Is your wedding. Happy, young, with Napoleonic plans. Tell me, did all your plans come true? First you, the groom, and then you, the bride (the spouses take turns sharing their plans and talking about whether they have come true).- And here is a new bell just around the corner, your first apartment, your cozy little nest. Your first walk in your married life. And, again, the call is your first joint holiday, your first guests, your first culinary delights. Tell me, husband, were you satisfied with your young wife's kitchen? (spouse answers)- What was your favorite dish? (answer)

    - And this is your firstborn (name). - Please tell us about the meeting from the hospital, we are sure that this is a fascinating story. (The spouses tell).- But his / her first steps, do you remember how it was? (They tell).- And this is your job, your first colleagues. And here is the big bell and the first wedding anniversary. And again the time of the decree, again a meeting from the hospital, then the call and the second first steps, tell us about this too (tell if there is a second child).

    An approximate set of further personnel: moving, second apartment, children in kindergarten, vacation, children went to first grade, summer cottage, landing, rest time, fifth, decade, fifteen, twenty wedding anniversary, rest, grandchildren.

    Ved.- Family life is not just frames from a film or photograph. It is much brighter, richer, more colorful and consists of many rules. Family life is about long working days and happy weekends, sleepless nights and smiles of children, angry quarrels and a glorious world. In order to pass it, in order to survive until the silver wedding, each of the spouses must be patient with each other, speak affectionate words, even when they do not want to speak at all and, of course, give love. You, our dear new newlyweds, were able to walk through this life without losing its colors, coped with all its rules. That is why, today we are all gathered here to congratulate you on such a big date - the 25th anniversary of your life together!

    Silver on the temples

    Silver in hands

    Silver on the tables

    Silver in hearts!

    There is so much silver around

    We loudly shout to you: "Bitter"!

    - And we stand, young, we stand! Until the silver bells fall silent ( everyone is ringing the bells).- Now, let's drain our glasses!

    Ved.- Dear heroes of the day, you have come a long way together, but do you remember everything along the way? Now we will check everything. This will be a kind of algebra lesson for you. And we will keep the account, which of you answers faster, he gets a point.

    1. How many guests were at your wedding, who knows the exact number?
    2. How many hours did your wedding go on?
    3. What time was the check-in?
    4. How many cars were there at your wedding?
    5. How much money did you get?
    6. What year was your first real vacation?

    Question to the spouse

    1. How old was the groom?
    2. How many children did the spouse want before the wedding?
    3. How old was the mother-in-law?

    Question to your spouse

    1. How old was the bride?
    2. How many children did the spouse want?
    3. How old was your mother-in-law then?

    Ved. - What good fellows you are, you all remember! I suggest you drink for it! Music sounds (music of the first dance at the wedding).- Sound familiar? Where is she from? That's right - this is your first dance, I propose to put it on first and invite each other to the dance floor. ( Anniversary dancers).

    - The next melody for all guests, I invite everyone to go out to the young people in unison and support them on the dance floor ( dance break).

    Ved. - I ask all the ladies to come to me (ladies come up) Here you have a dressing down, please put all your rings and jewelry here, and you have a young spouse, you need to find your treasures among this wealth, or rather the treasures of your wife ( husband is looking for jewelry).- Bravo, I propose to fill the glasses for such attentiveness and memory and ... empty them!

    Ved.- Dear young people. You have already passed 25 years of marriage. You still have many wonderful joint years ahead. And so that they pass peacefully, amicably and, in the end, lead you to the golden wedding, you must take vows to each other. We prepared them in advance, you just have to insert some words in blank lines

    Husband's vow

    "My dear ______________ wife"! Looking at you, I ________________, because I have you __________________! In that______________ _____________

    day I swear to you, my ___________________, to be loving, infinitely __________________, not to look at __________________ i.e. to be________________! And if I don’t ______________, then I give you permission

    To me _________________! I swear to you that my words are true, and if I break at least one of my promises, then you ________________


    Is yours__________________!

    Oath wife

    My dear _____________________! All my life I have been behind you, like __________________________! I never knew ________________________ with you! You are ___________________________ to me! I promise you that I am __________________________________! In any weather and in any mood, they will wait for you at home _______________________

    I also promise you _________________

    And if I break my promises, then I give you permission to ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________,

    Well, a little bit __________________________________________________,

    but mostly _______________________________________________________!

    Your ______________________________!

    Ved.- So, before you vows, we give you exactly three minutes to fill them, at your discretion. ( Music plays while spouses fill in the gaps in the vows, then read them in turn).

    Ved.- Such vows are made by you,

    In front of family and friends,

    You read them with a soul,

    And to you golden before the wedding

    Their friends will have to keep

    Pleasing each other by loving!

    - Let's raise our glasses to such beautiful vows!

    Ved. - Your trials are not over yet, now each of you will take turns saying compliments to each other, only adjectives, whoever stops first is ... well, how can you talk about losing on such a day, of course you can't! You will all be winners ... (Spouses take turns complimenting).

    Ved. - And now I ask all the women to get up, all except the "young" wife, and go to these chairs, sit down, lovely ladies. - Dear men, everyone except the "young" spouse, I ask you to come up and sit in front of your ladies. Here are pencils in your hands, mind they are colored, there is even lipstick in the set. We suggest that you draw your ladies, do not forget to paint their lips. Ladies, please don't move too much, pose professionally. (They paint portraits). In the meantime, our guests are busy, I will paint your portrait, young people! (The spouses pose, the presenter pretends to draw, at the end of the time she gives them a pre-prepared cartoon).

    Ved. - Dear ladies, men give you these portraits as a keepsake, and I invite you to return to your seats. Today, on this wonderful evening, it was mainly me who spoke. Now I invite each of you to wish this couple all the best. But, the word is not given just like that, our word is sold. My assistant will now walk with such a magic box, and until he sees a magic piece of paper in it, you will not see a microphone in your hands, even if it is not a real one.

    Ved. - Bravo! Lovely words and the box was full. This, "young", is a gift to you! And now, I ask you to pay attention to me. I have a bottle of wine in my hands, it is wrapped in paper the color of our wedding - in silver. Let everyone leave their autographs and wishes on this still blank paper! And we will open it only for the golden wedding. Everybody wants to try this 25-year-old wine! (music sounds, the bottle passes from guest to guest and returns to the host with autographs).

    Friends! Happy life to you,

    Let life be like a polka!

    Let everything be "on your shoulders"

    And we will shout "bitter" to you!

    Crystal anniversary, and some call it glass! Why did she get such a name ?! And the whole point is that glass and crystal are completely transparent, just like the relationship between spouses, they are clean in front of each other, but their feeling still shimmers brightly in the sun.

    And as you and I understand, one cannot do without a feast, and therefore we suggest that you do not hesitate with this and completely begin to prepare for this celebration.


    (all guests are seated at the table, the presenter starts a speech)

    All gathered, and that's not in vain,

    I will tell you the secret

    The feast is not without reason,

    After all, a familiar family

    Today will celebrate the Anniversary,

    Your most beautiful love,

    They will remember how they got married,

    How they kissed under the veil

    Well, it's time for us to meet them,

    (all the guests applaud, the spouses enter the hall, the presenter takes out two glasses and starts knocking them)

    Tink-tink from crystal,

    This is the melody of celebration

    And it is for you today,

    And so that this hour was magical,

    You need to pour wine into glasses,

    Yes to brotherhood and drink everything,

    And after you give a kiss,

    And go to the places legitimate to the table!

    And you guests do not be silent,

    Support with your applause!

    (the spouses fill their glasses with wine, the guests, meanwhile, applaud, then drink at brotherhood, kiss and go to their seats)

    We drank wine, teased,

    And they forgot about the guests,

    Okay, guests, do not be sad

    Now raise your glasses

    It's not in vain that you came to the holiday,

    And the toasts must have prepared their own,

    Well, please, take turns, stand up

    And give a wish in honor of the Crystal Wedding to the spouses (last name of the spouses)!

    Now pay attention to me

    All of you guests are sitting in their places,

    I ask the spouses to come out here,

    I have tasks for them!

    The competition is called: "Honey, I'm in the hospital." Husband and wife take part. Task: a decoration in the form of a house with a window is placed in front of the wife, on top of which the word "Maternity" is written. The husband stands opposite. The presenter begins to speak in turn on behalf of each interlocutor, and the spouses show everything with gestures, it all looks very funny.

    Spouse: I gave birth!

    Spouse: I'm very happy! Who do we have, Boy or Girl?

    Spouse: Sleeps well, is not capricious?

    Spouse: Sometimes it happens that way, that way!

    Spouse: How are you, everything is fine, what should you buy? Maybe herring and ice cream, do you remember you loved very much when you still carried your son under your heart?

    Spouse: No, now it makes me sick! Bring me sugar cotton wool! And in general, the liver is very useful for me, but only fry it well!

    Spouse: Well dear, I will do everything in the best possible way! I love you!

    So they remembered how to give birth to children,

    But I won't bore you anymore,

    I just ask everyone to pour wine,

    We will all drink for the Anniversary of the Wedding!

    (everyone is drinking, eating, music playing)

    You can't do without glass and crystal,

    And now every guest, I ask you to be near me,

    You will need to drink white wine made of crystal,

    And then congratulate the couple with a bang!

    (each guest in turn comes up to the presenter, she pours him white wine into a glass, he drinks and announces congratulations)

    Congratulated everything is good

    They drank wine from real crystal,

    And now to cheer you all up a little,

    I'm in a hurry to turn on the music,

    I should dance

    To pay tribute to fifteen years!

    (dance pause, music sounds fast or slow, all guests dance at will)

    The respite was a success

    It's time to have a glass,

    Crystal beckons to itself,

    And the toast will of course hasten:

    So that the family never breaks up,

    Big love and warmth to you,

    And live together to a hundred years!

    (everyone drinks, ate)

    And now we remember that in the registry office we write everything with our own hand,

    Now we will make it a game!

    The competition is called: "Sweet signature". Participation is attended by five couples at will. The presenter hands each pair a plate and a special rice jam, it can be found in the grocery store, it is a tube resembling the shape of toothpaste, filled with a sweet treat, and at the end there is a narrow tip, with which you can draw something on food, in our case is just on the plate. Task: a woman draws her real signature on a plate as quickly as possible, and the man then just licks it off. As a result, those who complete the task faster will win. Prize: a set of "Risovashek" of different tastes.

    They put their sweet signatures

    And now we raise our glasses in honor of the great, fifteen-year-old love!

    And it will definitely be sweeter than wine!

    Autumn, winter, summer

    But spring in my heart

    Anniversary at your door!

    Let the wedding shine on you

    And the crystal plays

    And today everyone

    Let his congratulations!

    Toasts are clattering glasses

    Let a lot be behind

    But what lies ahead, you will be glad!

    Here are fifteen years of great love

    Gifts come in pairs

    We congratulate all of you from the heart,

    Let life paint with memoirs ..

    Children are looking at you

    You know, it happens!

    Happiness is in the heart

    It doesn't get bored there

    Anniversary at the door

    Knocks, does not stop!

    Sing congratulations, it's worth a lot

    And I hope everyone will not hide it with applause!

    Now it's time for some fresh air

    (everyone goes outside for a light show, there is a fireworks display, after which we return, and there is a sweet tea party, after which the holiday is coming to an end)

    Congratulations by SMS on the Crystal Wedding Anniversary:

    Crystal wedding scenarios

    Crystal wedding is a special holiday. The couple have already walked more than one hundred kilometers together, literally together they ate no less than a pound of salt. And still close, and still love each other. All this should be taken into account when thinking over a festive scenario for 15 years of the wedding.

    Appropriate decoration will help to emphasize the meaning of the holiday. An abundance of glass and crystal is welcome! The decoration of the festive table should include many transparent glasses, vases, salad bowls, you can decorate the table with pretty glass figurines. In general, the more clear glass the better.

    The room where the celebration will take place can be decorated by placing large vases with flowers in the corners. And create a solemn atmosphere with glass balls suspended from the ceiling or installed on special stands. Let all this symbolize the purity of feelings and mutual trust, which the heroes of the occasion managed to achieve.

    The guests of honor at the crystal wedding are parents. It is worthwhile to envisage warm words and toasts dedicated to parents in the script of the holiday. Come up with entertainment and, perhaps, games specifically for them.

    Children at a glass wedding are noisy and spontaneous guests. It is difficult for them to sit in one place for a long time. And so that they do not get bored, the script must necessarily include moving contests for them. Let them run and jump in plenty if they are kids. Or show their quick wits and show a broad outlook if they have reached a wonderful adolescence.

    Welcome participants in the wedding celebration anniversaries- friends. People, as a rule, are energetic, which means they are ready to dance with pleasure. Good music and a professional DJ will come in handy here. As well as incendiary contests that require movement and dexterity.

    A separate moment of the jubilee scenario is the time when you can give gifts to the “newlyweds”. It's good if the host announces this in some original way.

    The script for a crystal wedding can be different. Perhaps it will be small cozy get-togethers in a narrow family-friendly circle. Or a noisy feast with your favorite songs and a guitar. Or a thematic show based on a very famous movie. In any case, it will certainly be remembered.

    After all, a crystal wedding in family history is celebrated only once. And it symbolizes a certain milestone that the happy spouses managed to achieve. They have been together for a long time, know each other well and have managed to maintain mutual affection and tenderness.

    Celebrating the 15th wedding anniversary is another reason to show each other your tender attitude, together with family and friends, to remember the years that have passed hand in hand. And, having plucked up the courage, together to step into the next stage of a long, happy family life.

    Download and print the script of a crystal (glass) wedding

    Copying of materials is allowed only with an active link to the source

    Glass wedding 15 years of married life

    Beginning: Registration of a 15-year marriage (Table, walkway, wedding arch, registry office entourage)

    Plywood: Mendelssohn. heroes of the occasion enter, then background

    Dear friends and family!

    On behalf of Tamara and Alexander, I am glad to welcome all of you and thank you for coming here to share this happy moment with us.

    Tamara and Alexander have great affection and respect for all those present, and therefore they invited you to witness their triumph.

    Fifteen years ago, Tamara and Alexander sealed their union with oaths, signatures and a seal.

    The fifteenth anniversary is a Glass or Crystal wedding, it is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relations, the cloudless happiness of two loving people, which is so fragile that it can break at any moment. It is rather a jubilee of faith in yourself and your family.

    Alexander and Tamara have a big, wonderful, friendly family. Three beautiful daughters, son-in-law ...

    Their children are a symbol of continuation of life, joy and family happiness.

    And now, Alexander and Tamara, I will register for you your fifteenth anniversary of living together.

    Are you ready to easily and without hesitation give each other an oath of love and fidelity?

    I ask you to back up your decision with an oath.

    They read the oath. (Any oath, there are many of them on the Internet)

    Alexander and Tamara, having exchanged vows, you announced your firm intention to continue living in love and harmony throughout all the days given to you by fate.

    Now you can exchange rings, an ancient symbol, simple and sacred, as a sign of loyalty. May they always remind you that your love is endless.

    Exchange of rings. (Glass or plastic rings) Plywood: wedding ring

    And now I present you with a symbol of family happiness and well-being - this glass with a candle is your family hearth. Light it up.

    Fire is passion, fire is life and well-being, and the glass shell reminds that one must cherish one's love even more, because family happiness is very easy to break, like a glass goblet.

    Plywood: Light Candles

    I declare you a husband and wife with fifteen years of experience, and today you are issued a Marriage Certificate, which confirms that from today on you are considered the builders of love with increased strength and delicate family relationships.

    Congratulations. Congratulate each other too. Kiss each other. Bitterly!

    Plywood: Wedding, wedding Bitter!

    Guests and heroes of the occasion, I ask everyone to the table!

    So once again we all have gathered here today. 15 years have passed, but it seems as if this day was only yesterday. You have born a beautiful daughter who decorates your life and does not let you get bored.

    The older daughters grew up and got married. Before you have time to look back, you will have grandchildren. So let's raise our glasses and drink to two wonderful people who were able to carry all the sorrows and joys together in this difficult life and saved what is so dear to us all - family happiness. Let's drink to the bottom for wonderful spouses!

    2 toast. Wedding reportage

    I think that each of you, dear guests, has prepared your own congratulations, wishes and a toast in honor of the young. So that you don’t worry when that very important moment comes for you, I have prepared a wedding report from which you will find out what, when, and how will happen at the wedding anniversary of Toma and Sasha. So, the wedding reportage.

    Today we have again ... "Wedding, wedding, wedding." (M. Magomaev.)

    We have ... "Tili-tili dough, bride and groom." (T. Bulanova.)

    For them today one more time sounded ... Mendelssohn's March

    We know that they have ... "Happiness, happiness." (Vitas.)

    And, of course ... "Love, love." (P. Narcissus.)

    we raise the red banner

    everyone at the table is bravely behind us!

    love her husband tightly over and over again!

    Our light Tamara will you be ready?

    love each other we call you

    kiss and laugh, we congratulate you!

    health and happiness always and in everything!

    now 100 grams each, otherwise we won't leave

    Congratulations from guests (bag of happiness)

    Musical pause (precurs) Game Kisses

    Guests consider the heroes of the occasion kiss

    We continue our holiday and together we will calculate:

    May everything work out in your life - this time (1)

    Health so that there is always - two (2)

    To warm the soul from the inside - three (3)

    So that everyone lived in love and peace - four (4)

    To never lose heart - five (5)

    Friends so that you cannot count - six (6)

    To give warmth to everyone - seven (7)

    So that autumn is fruitful - eight (8)

    That everything will be fine - believe - nine (9)

    And finally, more good songs - ten (10)

    Still good, patience, diligence

    And always remember the first date!

    Having filled two cups with wine, the host sends them in a circle in different directions. Each guest takes a cup in his hands and says a short wish. Having gone around the whole table, the bowls fall to the newlyweds.

    Take these divine drink bowls and drink them for a brotherhood. Together with the wine, you will absorb all the love and tenderness, all the warmth of the souls and hearts of those who were invited to your holiday.

    This is a magic drink - a symbol of hot and tender love.

    Let your house be a full bowl!

    Life is long and bright!

    Love is sincere and pure!

    May your children and grandchildren be healthy and kind!

    Faithful and loyal are friends

    How a man sold a woman


    In the morning, at dawn, rosy, you wash your husband in the bathroom,

    Pre-froth the water with pineapple gel.

    And then from the washroom, take your husband to the bedroom,

    Wrapped in a satin sheet.

    There, open everything carefully, and kiss everything that you can:

    Spout, ear, butt, breast and, of course, every finger.

    Comb you hair boldly: right - to the right, left - to the left.

    Scratch your cheeks with a razor. And your boy is ready to eat.

    From fried eggs from the yolk, there are saliva:

    Gently blot them with a floral napkin.

    Put some toilet paper in your pockets

    A key, glasses, and certainly a clean handkerchief.

    And then in the shoe each shove carefully his foot

    And send him to work to make money.


    In the morning, at dawn, rosy, snore like a drunk,

    So that the little wife would soon open her sleepy eyes.

    There is no need to make beds, as by nightfall it is barely

    Wife crawls to the bedroom, having worked in the kitchen.

    With appetite, without choking, you quickly eat all the supplies. After all, your wife is starving, and without you the food will go bad.

    Here, when she cleans up the piles of dishes for you,

    You playfully deafen her with a kiss right in the ear

    And then from the shock of your caress without a doubt

    Your pocket money will be increased by half!

    And then my wife and in the rain, and in the heat and in the blizzard

    Send you to work Make money.

    Three at once.

    God give you good

    To the tale of the past

    To trouble with storms

    I didn't knit my eyebrows

    And they gave me a shoulder

    Friends in a difficult moment.

    So that the light comes true,

    Fifteen years and dawn again

    The same as then, for the first time.

    And there are simply no distances

    And you are "young" today.

    God forbid you break glass

    Your love, fate and honor.

    Let it be clear and light

    Always when you are together in everything!

    Everything in this world is fragile like glass

    And the fate of two, alas, is no exception.

    But both the forecasts and the devil in spite

    May joy and luck be with you.

    Fifteen years later, like the first time,

    Let there be only a call for love to the omnipotent,

    And caresses the eye with its purity

    A beautiful transparent glass vessel.

    Game What? Where? When?

    What did Sasha say to Tamara when he proposed to her?

    As you like, we'll sign tomorrow.

    Where were Toma and Sasha on their honeymoon trip?

    You call me, I'll fly right there

    Like a moth to a bright light

    And maybe I'll burn my wings

    Just call me, I will fly in an instant

    When and what time was Lisa born?

    What brand was the first family car?

    What did Tamara ride to the registry office?

    What was the name of the play that Tamara and Sasha saw for the first time in their family life?

    Crystal anniversary, and some call it glass! Why did she get such a name ?! And the whole point is that glass and crystal are completely transparent, just like the relationship between spouses, they are clean in front of each other, but their feeling still shimmers brightly in the sun.

    And as you and I understand, one cannot do without a feast, and therefore we suggest that you do not hesitate with this and completely begin to prepare for this celebration.

    (all guests are seated at the table, the presenter starts a speech)
    All gathered, and that's not in vain,
    I will tell you the secret
    The feast is not without reason,
    After all, a familiar family
    Today will celebrate the Anniversary,
    Your most beautiful love,
    They will remember how they got married,
    How they kissed under the veil
    Well, it's time for us to meet them,
    Play with applause!
    (all the guests applaud, the spouses enter the hall, the presenter takes out two glasses and starts knocking them)

    Tink-tink from crystal,
    This is the melody of celebration
    And it is for you today,
    And so that this hour was magical,
    You need to pour wine into glasses,
    Yes to brotherhood and drink everything,
    And after you give a kiss,
    And go to the places legitimate to the table!
    And you guests do not be silent,
    Support with your applause!
    (spouses fill their glasses with wine, the guests, meanwhile, applaud, then drink at brotherhood, kiss and go to their places)

    We drank wine, teased,
    And they forgot about the guests,
    Okay, guests, do not be sad
    Now raise your glasses
    It's not in vain that you came to the holiday,
    And the toasts must have prepared their own,
    Well, please, take turns, stand up
    And give a wish in honor of the Crystal Wedding to the spouses (last name of the spouses)!
    (everyone fills their glasses, then each guest gets up in turn and says his little toast, everyone is having a meal, music is playing)

    Now pay attention to me
    All of you guests are sitting in their places,
    I ask the spouses to come out here,
    I have tasks for them!
    The competition is called: "Honey, I'm in the hospital." Husband and wife take part. Task: a decoration in the form of a house with a window is placed in front of the wife, on top of which the word "Maternity" is written. The husband stands opposite. The presenter begins to speak in turn on behalf of each interlocutor, and the spouses show everything with gestures, it all looks very funny.

    Spouse: I gave birth!
    Spouse: I'm very happy! Who do we have, Boy or Girl?
    Spouse: Boy!
    Spouse: Sleeps well, is not capricious?
    Spouse: Sometimes it happens that way, that way!
    Spouse: How are you, everything is fine, what should you buy? Maybe herring and ice cream, do you remember you loved very much when you still carried your son under your heart?
    Spouse: No, now it makes me sick! Bring me sugar cotton wool! And in general, the liver is very useful for me, but only fry it well!
    Spouse: Well dear, I will do everything in the best possible way! I love you!
    Spouse: And I love you very much!
    Then the guests evaluate the actors with the help of applause and who played the best gets a prize - a little toddler.

    So they remembered how to give birth to children,
    But I won't bore you anymore,
    I just ask everyone to pour wine,
    We will all drink for the Anniversary of the Wedding!
    (everyone is drinking, eating, music playing)

    You can't do without glass and crystal,
    And now every guest, I ask you to be near me,
    You will need to drink white wine made of crystal,
    And then congratulate the couple with a bang!
    (each guest in turn comes up to the presenter, she pours him white wine into a glass, he drinks and announces congratulations)

    Congratulated everything is good
    They drank wine from real crystal,
    And now to cheer you all up a little,
    I'm in a hurry to turn on the music,
    I should dance
    To pay tribute to fifteen years!
    (dance pause, music sounds fast or slow, all guests dance at will)

    The respite was a success
    It's time to have a glass,
    Crystal beckons to itself,
    And the toast will of course hasten:
    So that the family never breaks up,
    For the years to run further,
    Big love and warmth to you,
    And live together to a hundred years!
    (everyone drinks, ate)

    And now we remember that in the registry office we write everything with our own hand,
    Now we will make it a game!
    The competition is called: "Sweet signature". Participation is attended by five couples at will. The presenter hands each pair a plate and a special rice jam, it can be found in the grocery store, it is a tube resembling the shape of toothpaste, filled with a sweet treat, and at the end there is a narrow tip, with which you can draw something on food, in our case is just on the plate. Task: a woman draws her real signature on a plate as quickly as possible, and the man then just licks it off. As a result, those who complete the task faster will win. Prize: a set of "Risovashek" of different tastes.

    They put their sweet signatures
    And now we raise our glasses in honor of the great, fifteen-year-old love!
    And then we are waiting for one more congratulations,
    And it will definitely be sweeter than wine!
    (everyone drinks, then a congratulatory song-alteration to the tune of Ivanushka's group "Poplar fluff, heat, July" sounds, performed by a guest of his choice)

    Verse # 1
    Time has passed
    Autumn, winter, summer
    But spring in my heart
    Anniversary at your door!
    Let the wedding shine on you
    And the crystal plays
    And today everyone
    Let his congratulations!

    Toasts are clattering glasses
    Let a lot be behind
    But what lies ahead, you will be glad!
    Here are fifteen years of great love
    Gifts come in pairs
    We congratulate all of you from the heart,
    Let life paint with memoirs ..

    Verse # 2
    Children are looking at you
    They feel joy
    It's worth it,
    You know, it happens!
    Happiness is in the heart
    It doesn't get bored there
    Anniversary at the door
    Knocks, does not stop!

    The same.

    Sing congratulations, it's worth a lot
    And I hope everyone will not hide it with applause!
    Now it's time for some fresh air
    Watch the show congratulations,
    And then we are all in a hurry for a sweet treat!
    (everyone goes outside for a light show, there, after we return, and there is a sweet tea party, after which the holiday is coming to an end)

    Congratulations by SMS on the Crystal Wedding Anniversary:

    Here is the anniversary of the wedding,
    So accept from friends
    As a gift, the right words:
    Let the family be happy!

    Love's birthday
    It's like a dream
    After all, you are already fifteen years old,
    There is no more beautiful family in the world!

    Congratulations on the anniversary,
    Let the crystal protect the feeling
    No date is better or brighter
    Gifts are in a circle!

    I congratulate two on the holiday,
    After all, their life has developed like a verse,
    Fifteen years - honor for this,
    And congratulations to the big whirlpool!

    Crystal fifteen years
    The date name is flawless
    And even if it's just dawn
    May your happiness be forever!