Family. Family weekend hike Organized tours this season

My wife and I are experienced tourists. Now our daughter is growing up, and I want her to see her native land not on video from the Internet, but with her own eyes.

Evgeny Lesnov

likes to go hiking

On long hikes for many days, we will not take it soon, but we are already planning a short weekend hike. To prepare for it, I wrote a small instruction. My experience will be useful to all young families who are not afraid of mosquitoes and smoke in their eyes, as well as those who do not have the time and opportunity to go to nature for a few days.

Why go out of town with the whole family

Many do not dare to get out into nature because of stereotypes: mosquitoes, ticks, no wash, 20 km on foot, nowhere to charge a phone, no internet, stone age. But it is not necessary to go far and for a long time: a forest already begins 20-30 km from the city.

Preparing for a hike does not take as much time and effort as it seems. And most importantly: new conditions for you and even more so for the child is a cool training of team spirit. Now this is called team building: companies pay a lot of money to learn cohesion, and you just need to leave the city.

I tell you how to get ready, what to expect from a suburban forest and how to comfortably spend a weekend in nature.


Tent. If you don't have your own tent, you don't have to buy one - rent it. There are rental companies in every city. As an example, I used the prices of the "Rentmania" service in the article.

Most likely, you will be offered several to choose from: take the one that is lighter. A three-person tent weighs an average of 3.7 kg. A day's rent of such a model costs about 800 rubles.

Be sure to check if the bottom is intact so as not to wake up in a puddle. Just in case, grab a repair kit - a patch and glue - to quickly patch up holes in your tent. All this should be given to you at the rental - without these spare parts the tent set will not be considered complete. Call the rental office in advance and clarify this point.

Width = "2000" height = "1446" class = "outline-bordered" style = "max-width: 1000.0px; height: auto" data-bordered = "true"> At Rentmania, renting a three-person tent costs 500 R day

The frame of the tent consists of pegs that are inserted into one another and form an arc - they should also be included. Well, the pegs for the ground - the waterproof awning of the tent is attracted to them, there should be at least eight of them.

Tourist rug. This is a kind of flooring in a tent that protects the tourist from the cold of the ground and the sleeping bag from damage. The size of the rug is designed for one person, so you need to take it for everyone, even for a five-year-old child. Renting a rug costs an average of 200 RUR per day.

There are two types of rugs: regular polyethylene foam and self-inflating.

Conventional rugs are bulky and light - up to 400 grams. Self-inflating are more compact, but heavier by 600 grams. A skeptic will say: "Just think, 600 grams!" But if you do not pay attention to the weight of the equipment, there is a chance not to lift the backpack even at home, let alone drag it somewhere. Therefore, experienced tourists try to make every thing easier: saw off half of a toothbrush, dry meat and buy ultralight jackets and tents.

Sleeping bag. This is your blanket on the hike. Choose a sleeping bag based on the weather forecast and then look at the tag. Three temperatures indicate it: comfort, optimum and extreme. Each manufacturer has its own temperature standards. There are summer sleeping bags, and there are sleeping bags for spending the night in the mountains - respectively, and their temperatures are different. Focus on the indicator "comfort" - at this temperature in such a sleeping bag you will not freeze. Renting costs about 600 RUR per day.

Clothes and footwear. Never buy new hiking shoes - these are almost always guaranteed blisters. "Garden" sneakers are suitable: on such hikes, you rarely have to cross the river or climb a steep cliff. It is better if the shoes are made of genuine leather. The same is with clothes: it is better to wear comfortable, "checked" clothes so that nothing will rub.

If the temperature is below + 15 ° C, I advise you to choose clothes according to the three-layer principle:

  1. Base layer: cotton T-shirt or thermal underwear that wicks moisture away and protects from the sun. Don't forget a hat, such as a cap.
  2. Warm layer: fleece pants, jacket and gloves.
  3. Wind and moisture protection layer: light and thin windbreaker, jacket and pants made of water-repellent materials

Trekking poles. Take them if you have no experience of hiking more than 10 km. Sticks are also useful for those with sore knees: they transfer the weight of the body to the arms and relieve the joints. Rent of sticks costs an average of 150 RUR per day.

Headlamp. It is worth taking at least one for a family: with a phone in one hand, it is inconvenient to rummage around the tent in search of some trifle such as a hairpin or a lighter. And you can also hang it from the ceiling - you get a chandelier. If you will be renting, do not rely on the honesty of the landlord - buy two sets of batteries. Renting a headlamp costs an average of RUR 200 per day.

Security. Before leaving, be sure to warn your relatives and friends: tell them exactly where you plan to go. If the phone runs out and you do not return on the appointed day, you will be searched for in a specific place, and not throughout the region.

I advise you to download a map of the area to your phone, or rather print it out and tape it over with tape so that the paper does not get wet. Be sure to bring a compass and flare gun or smoke torch.

What to consider when hiking with a child

On a hike with a child, you will move three times slower, you should take this into account when planning your route. Plan your way to the beginning of the route so as not to get tired even before the hike - it is better to get to the forest by bus or car. And the path itself should be without long ascents and descents, otherwise you will have to carry both equipment and a child. In order not to freeze at night, connect the sleeping bags with each other and sleep three together under one large blanket.

Remember that your child will be sure to check the strength of all clothing. Therefore, if possible, take wear-resistant pants. If there is no possibility, the old "country" set of clothes will do, which is not a pity. The hike will be more fun if no one swears over a hole in their knees.

First aid and hygiene

If the boots are still rubbed and a callus has appeared, find it - it grows near the swamps. Peel the moss from the hard bottoms of the stem, dry and grind into a powder. This powder disinfects wounds and absorbs excess moisture. This method will work if you don't have a patch on hand.

Here is a list of medications you can take with you:

  • bandages, including elastic;
  • cotton wool and plaster;
  • hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine;
  • cream with d-panthenol - the ointment is absorbed for a long time;
  • furacilin;
  • dolobene or similar - from bruises;
  • ketans, paracetamol.

On a weekend hike, you should not take shower gel and shampoo - you simply won't have time to get dirty, and there are problems with a shower in the forest. But clean hands is important. Bring a medium pack of wet wipes with you, or just a bar of soap and a towel if there is a body of water nearby. In general, there is no dirt on the hike: as experienced hikers say, "wipe the spoon and hands with grass - and everything is clean."

How to assemble a backpack

Instead of a thousand words:

Backpack volume ~ 70 liters. You can rent it for 200 RUR per day.


I advise you to take foods with a minimum water content: cereals, canned meat with fat such as beef stew. At the same time, there must be a reservoir within walking distance from the camp. Take cereals at the rate of 85 grams per person per day and the same amount of canned food.

Necessary little things

Here are a few more things that come in handy on the hike:

  • wool socks, even in summer;
  • mug, spoon, bowl, knife;
  • raincoat;
  • insect repellent;
  • a large pot for soup, porridge;
  • a small pot for tea, coffee;
  • a hand chain saw - useful if there are no dead wood on the ground to cut down a dry tree;
  • lighter, matches, candle;
  • gas stove;
  • gas cylinder 450 g.

Approximate estimate for rent

I figured out how much a weekend hike with an overnight stay would cost if the equipment was rented rather than bought. This list does not include groceries, personal care products and medicines - only items that can be rented.

Timing: May 10-12, 2013
Route: pl. Priokskaya (Kursk railway) - r. Oka - Bekhovo - Polenovo estate - Konyusheno - Skripovo - st. Tarusa (36 km)

The starting point is the Priokskaya platform, we go to it on the Tula train (Kurskaya railway). Trains run rarely, and it takes a long time to travel - the journey takes more than two hours.
From the platform we go to the southwest along the road covered with asphalt crumbs.

After passing 700 meters from the platform, we turn off the road to the right into a clearly visible clearing.

The clearing is clean, it is pleasant to walk along it, but sometimes you have to bypass wet areas in the forest.

After 3 kilometers, the clearing rests on the highway, a little before the intersection, we turn left onto the forest road of the South-West direction.

Soon the road leads to an open swampy area, through which a stream flows. In summer, it is most likely dry here, but now we have to look for places to bypass damp places and carry children through swampy places (no one has boots).

Having overcome the quagmire, we find a forest road, go along it to the south to the summer cottages, then we go out onto the highway with broken asphalt. After passing a kilometer along the road, we turn left onto the bridge over the Yamnitsa River, then westward along the edge of the forest along the dirt road to the Oka.

Before reaching the Oka, we go out into the field, along which a knurled track runs along the edge of the forest. We pass through the field to the coastal grove. We take off our backpacks and disperse along the coastal forest belt in search of a parking lot.

There are few convenient places for a camp, but there are places prepared by fishermen. We set up tents at one of these places.
On the other side of the Oka, the Ochkovskie Gory tourist center.

We walked 12 kilometers in a day.

We go along the Oka for about 2 kilometers to the summer cottages. We go around the cottages on the right along the path along the coast.
Several times we see snakes crawling away (vipers and snakes) ... We try to walk without stretching, one after another, adults in front with loud steps and rustling sticks on the grass scare away the snakes warmed up in the sun.

The path goes down to the river bank and flows into a dirt road.

We pass several picnics of motorists, at the last picnic we are misinformed that there is no passage along the river.

We go to the holy spring in an azimuth of about 500 meters.
We got to it, but I think it would be better along the river ...

The weather is sunny and hot, it is a pleasure to drink cool water from the holy spring.
In the font it is shallow and the water is muddy (several people splashed in front of us), so we are content with washing and dousing by the spring. Apparently, the font is being completed and while work is underway, it is not completely filled with water.

From the holy spring, a cobbled path leads to the village of Bekhovo. Before reaching the village, we leave aside from the path and get up for lunch.

The attendants remain to prepare lunch, the rest go on an excursion to the Polenovo Museum.

It is impossible to see everything in a short time. You need to plan at least half a day in order to slowly explore the estate, the abbey, walk in the park and go to the diorama.

Preschoolers are not very interested in the museum, they are more satisfied with the opportunity to buy and eat ice cream.

After lunch we pass by the Church of the Holy Trinity in Bekhovo, along the street of the village we go to the east, then through the field, cross the highway, go out onto a field dirt road, and along it to the forest.

We walked 12 kilometers in a day.

From the parking lot we go by the edge of the field to the southeast.
We leave on a normal forest road and go to Konyusheno.

We go around the village by the edge, and along the road to the southeast we go towards Skripovo. At the edge of the forest there is a cottage village, we enter through the gate, we pass through it and we leave at the checkpoint on the highway.

Today we have covered 12 km.

From Taruskaya station, electric trains rarely go to Moscow, it is advisable to find out the schedule in advance.

On Sundays and holidays, the carriages are already full in Tula, and there is a high probability that you will have to ride standing. In the train, we put our backpacks at the door of the vestibule and put the children on them - and so we drove to Moscow.

At what age can you go camping for the first time? Of course in childhood! Especially if this is a special children's trip, in which the child will feel like a full-fledged member of a tourist group and, together with other boys and girls, will learn to put up a tent, make a fire, love and understand nature. We invite you to join us on just such a small but very interesting trip to the banks of the Nerskaya River. The route is available for children from 6 years old (and for especially active ones - from 5 years old!) And will be interesting for children up to 12-13 years old. An exciting journey full of fun and kind adventures, outdoor games and a campfire lunch awaits you and your child. Your kids won't remember their best TV day! Give yourself and your child a whole day of a forest fairy tale!

Features of the route:

1. This is a children's trip and the children are the main characters in it.
2. Participation of children in the hike is possible only with their parents.
3. The hiking instructor is a teacher of the highest category with more than 9 years of experience in working with children in the tourist area.
4. It will be great if your child carries his own small backpack. And it doesn't matter what you put there (from wet wipes to an apple) - he will be pleased to know that he is a real tourist.
5. If your child is on a special diet (for example, he eats only broccoli or only chips) - write to us about this in the application for participation in the "additional" column.
6. If your child needs a day's rest and sleep, then at the halt we can organize the installation of a summer tent for your little one to rest.


Walking - weekend hikes

with parents

(preparatory group)

Target: Create a joyful mood in children and parents from joint communication.


1. Promotion of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.

2. Attracting parents to participate in the sports life of the kindergarten.

3. Development of motor skills and abilities, physical qualities of children.

4. Formation of a warm attitude towards parents, awareness of oneself as a full-fledged, accepted person.

Season: Winter.

Location:Park area (ski track, slide).

Departure time: 11 o'clock.

Form: sports.

Distance: 2-3 km.

Walking duration: 2.5-3 hours

The course of a walk - a hike.

Parents and children gather in kindergarten (packed rations to go). The route of the hike is reported, a safety briefing is given (remember with the children how we walk down the street, cross the road, how we behave in the forest).

Route : st. Gastello, st. Kievskaya, st. Makarenko, ski resort, park area.

Remind children how to put on skis correctly, parents help children. We go along the ski track 800 meters to the hill. Make a short break, check the condition of clothes and shoes. Descent from the mountain and follow the trail to an open meadow with a small hill for another 800 meters.

Conducting sports competitions:

  1. Cross-country skiing (children) - 100 meters;
  2. Cross-country skiing (parents) - 1000 meters;
  3. Downhill skiing:

Free (children);

Raise the flag on the go (parents).

4. Turns on skis in place:

- "sun" (around the heels, around the socks).

5. Climbing the hill:

- "ladder" (children);

- "herringbone" (parents).

6. Downhill sledging, skiing (free).

7. Outdoor game "Two Frosts" (Morozov hats are worn by parents).

Summing up the results of sports- presentation of awards (diplomas, certificates, prizes).

Tea drinking.

Children and parents collect things together, put the meadow in order and we all return to the kindergarten together.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Consultation for parents of children 5-7 years old "Weekend hike".

It will be about organizing a family hike with older preschool children. To make the hike interesting for all family members, you must first determine the route that should be captivating ...

Young tourists. Summary of a weekend hike of tourist and local lore orientation with children of senior preschool age

The main goal of a weekend hike with the participation of parents is to demonstrate tourism knowledge, skills, and children's skills, exchange experiences of family education, familiarize themselves with a healthy lifestyle, ...

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Polbina, 6

Different types of tourism for the whole family

Sports, mountain, hiking, water and ski tourism - for families with children of all ages. Children under the age of 10 go on weekend hikes with their parents - they set up tents and make fires, teenagers from 11 to 12 years old go in for orienteering in parks, train at a climbing wall and learn to provide first aid. Children over the age of 13 are trained to participate in the tourist all-around, where all the skills of the tourist are used. In summer, the club's teams go on hiking trips to the Caucasus, the Crimea, the circumpolar Urals, float on catamarans in Karelia and overcome snow passes on the Kola Peninsula.

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per. Angels, 2, bldg. 2, DTDM "Undiscovered Islands"

Mountain tourism and trips to Altai and Kyrgyzstan

Classes are held at the Horoshevo Art House and the Undiscovered Islands Art House. Theory, practice (work with equipment and rope, orienteering, partner insurance), physical training. Skipping classes without a good reason is not welcome - those who skipped will not be able to go on a real hike. On weekends - trips to the Moscow region, on vacation - hiking, in the summer - trips to the mountains: to Altai, to Kyrgyzstan, to Krasnodar and Perm Territories. The club accepts children from 12 years old. Classes are free, summer trips, as a rule, too.

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Volokolamskoe sh., 102

Mountaineering, rock climbing and alpine skiing

Children from 9 years old are invited to classes, from 10 years old they take on multi-day hikes. The training schedule is very tight, there are many trips to the Moscow region and competitions. On weekdays, courses on working with a rope and classes on topography and orienteering, first aid, the ability to use special communications and GPS are held. On vacation - trips to the Caucasus, Karelia, Finland, Spain and France. Every year in September "Moomintroll" organizes a tour rally, in which everyone can take part: overcoming obstacle tracks, rope crossings, relay races and much more. A similar meeting, only for skiing, is held in winter.

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Kosygin, 17, bldg. eight

Mountain and biking and skiing tours

Here they teach the basics of orienteering, cartography, the rules of first aid, the technique of moving in a bundle, the ability to belay and work with a rope. In good weather they organize cycling trainings on Vorobyovy Gory. Weekend hikes with real river crossings and orienteering take place several times a month. In winter - one-day ski trips. Summer hikes are held in the Crimea, the Karelian Isthmus and the Caucasus. Parents are also invited there - however, on condition that their children will not object to this. Everything is built on mutual assistance and team strategy, long trips are accompanied by a psychologist. All comers from 12 to 17 years old are accepted, training is free, but part of the cost of trips must be paid by yourself.

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Mokhovaya, 11, bldg. 11

All kinds of hikes for families and children of all ages

Jeeping, bicycles, water and hiking trips, walking tours in Georgia, Armenia, Europe and much more. In the groups of the tourist circle, schoolchildren from 7 to 14 years old are engaged: theory, practice and weekend hikes. Workshops and short hikes are offered for children between 4 and 6 years old. On the first hikes, in addition to the instructor, an adult must accompany the child - dad, mom or another relative - and the hike itself is accompanied by a play legend: children do not just carry backpacks, but fight dragons, look for treasures or help someone out of trouble - and during the games work with a map and a compass, make river crossings, set up a camp site. Gadgets are not prohibited here - on the contrary, during the hike, you can report online and post selfies on Instagram.