Strong swelling during pregnancy. Treatment of edema: drinking mode and salt. Prevention and treatment of edema during pregnancy

Round tummy, chubby legs, floating ass. It looks cute and quite natural during pregnancy, but, unfortunately, doctors are often concerned about the weight in weight, not because of the spoiled figure of the future mommy, but because of excessive edema, which is why the pregnant women we will certainly weighed on each medical examination.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy is 10-12 kilograms. Starting from 28 weeks, a woman should, on average, recover grams for 350 g. Well, or not more than 500 g per week.

If, of course, a woman experienced a shortage of weight before pregnancy, then she was "allowed" in an interesting position to gain and "Lishka" in 2-3 kilos. But "Pampushkam" is undesirable to recruit more than ten.

The rapid excessive set in the weight in pregnant women may indicate the presence of edema. This is a signal of a serious complication of pregnancy, which doctors call. True, if in the evening only feet and the ankles swell, this is not the reason for panic. But if fingers still swell, and the face, then you should contact the doctor immediately.

Gesters occurs only in pregnant women and, as a rule, in a couple of days after delivery passes. They suffer from this disease about a third of future mothers.

He begins in the third trimester, but can give himself felt and after the 16-20th week. Usually arises because of any that entail an education in the placenta of substances capable of making micro-strokes in the vessels. From blood, plasma protein and fluid penetrates them, and therefore swelling appear. We only detect them when weighing.

These "sublores" holes appear in the kidney vessels, through them the protein falls into the urine. It is also worth considering that the more holes, the more the woman loses the protein, respectively, the more serious illness. Due to the fact that the vessels are leaving the fluid, it increases, in addition, blood is tucked, which can lead to thrombosis. In any case, to accurately make a diagnosis, the doctor will appoint a pregnant analysis. Based on its results, it will write appropriate treatment.

Edema is dangerous because the woman at first and does not notice: she feels quite normal. But at the time, the different parts of her body swells, swells and the placenta, the baby lacks oxygen, suffers from its brain. And the symptoms of gestosis - drowsiness, nausea - can come in general in just a few hours or even minutes to convulsion, which can become fatal and for mom, and for the kid.

Gestosis may appear in women who are first preparing to become moms, in those who are waiting for a twin, in giving birth after 35, in future mothers with chronic diseases or with sexual infections.

To prevent swelling, it is worth abandoning the drift, candy, there are fruits and vegetables instead. It is not necessary to get involved in liquid and salt, cucumbers, do not drink more than 1-1.5 liters per day, taking into account soup and juicy fruit. It is recommended to drink decoction of rosehip, renal herbal fees. Salts should be no more than 1-1.5 g per day. No need to drink gas and sweet drinks. It is also not recommended for a long time to sit, stand, be in hot and sultry places.

There are light, medium and severe degree of gestosis. With the first two are treated in the department of pathology of pregnant women. If the prestal is heavy, it is possible that pregnant can get into intensive care.

It is usually treated with droppers that fill the lack of fluid and protein in the body, remove it from the tissues. Loss protein. The pressure is regulated by special hypotensive drugs.

Under edema in the hospital, you can stay for about a week if gestosis is a light degree - two. At the same time, women hold and during and after treatment with a strict diet: they consume protein products (meat, fish, milk), drink no more than 2- 2.5 liters per day. In addition, it is recommended to be a full-fledged vacation.

Especially for - Maria Dulina

Edema in late terms (36, 37, 38, 39 weeks) pregnancy, what to do if they appeared? Are they dangerous for mother and (or) child? How are you treated?

Gynecological obstecologists pay attention to the swelling and weight gain. And this is not good. After all, a fast increase in weight, which, most often, arises precisely because of the fluid delay in the body, and not due to overeating is one of the signs of gestosis, late toxicosis of pregnant women. It is also called "water". But if you are accurate - this is the easiest stage of gestosis. With the heavy stages, the likelihood of the death of mother and child is great. When no means from edema in late dates help, other symptoms appear, the condition worsens - can recommend induce (call) childbirth or make a cesarean section.

However, to diagnose "Gesters" only due to the fact that swelling appeared in the last weeks of pregnancy, it is impossible. You need 2 more symptoms. This is the level of blood pressure above 140 to 90 and the presence of protein in the urine. Further, depending on the level of pressure and protein, other accompanying symptoms, determine the stage of gestosis and treatment tactics.

If these two symptoms are not, the causes of edema in late pregnancy - physiological. The growing uterus, in some women very impressive sizes in the third trimester, squeezes veins and lymphatic vessels of a small pelvis, blood circulation is worsening, and swelling appear. A woman with a lot of weight is inclined to swelling. Not just so doctors watch the weight of women! Normally need to gain up to 12 kilograms for pregnancy. Such weight gain is the prevention of edema in the last weeks before childbirth. Therefore, you need to try not to overeat. There are moderate.

The diet of the future mother should be richer by calories than a non-remote woman, but not essential. But it is absolutely accurate that pregnancy is not a reason to observe posts.

But unfortunately, even women with normal weight suffer from edema. The thing is that due to the overaction of female hormones, the body fabric accumulates more fluid. Everything is normalized after delivery. What are dangerous edema for 36, 37, 38, 39 weeks of pregnancy, if they are physiological? . It is only a small cosmetic defect.

Extremely useful to future mothers to wear anti-flag stockings, golf or tights. This is not only the prevention of thrombosis and varicose, but also improves the well-being of a woman. And if they wear them in the morning, as it should be, it will be the best way to get rid of edema during pregnancy in late dates without medication. But in order to feel comfortable, you need to choose the right size and degree of compression. And wearing most of the day. Especially when it comes out to be in a vertical position (including sitting). By the way, if once in half an hour, the position of the body and make a slight charge for the legs - you can remove the swelling in many cases.

There is an opinion that when 36, 37, 38 weeks of pregnancy swelling of the feet arise from the oversupply of the fluid that falls into the body. The future mom is recommended to limit the amount of fluid consumed to 800 grams. But this, as a rule, leads only to even greater edema. You need to drink as much as you want, and on any gestation period.

That's the little thing you need to know about such a common problem of future mothers like swelling. This is a state, complain to which you need to your doctor. But in the absence of other pathological symptoms, it is physiological and does not harm any mother nor the child.

During the tooling of the child, women vary significantly and new unusual symptoms appear. One of the most common - swell legs during pregnancy. What to do in the Late time and what the reasons for such an unpleasant situation are important to find out to avoid health problems. In most cases, swelling are not dangerous and are associated with an increase in body weight, but in some cases indicate the development of pathologies.


The swelling during pregnancy is called pastosity and in most cases manifests itself on the legs and the face of a woman after the thirtieth week of tooling the fetus.

Important! Evenkers in early pregnancy in most cases are a sign of the pathological process and require medical examination.

Foot edema in late terms relate to the category of standards in the following cases:

  • localized exclusively in the footsteps and legs;
  • manifest in the evening;
  • disappear after sleep and rest in a lying position;
  • not accompanied by symptoms of health deterioration (headache, protein in the urine, increased pressure).

Most often, the swelling arising in physiological reasons is associated with increasing uterus and the difficulty of urine outflow, an increase in the volume of the fluid consumed, overweight the future mother.

Edema is not the only unpleasant symptom that occurs during the baby tooling. The article "" can be read about the safe ways to eliminate toxicosis.

The manifestations of the pastosity of the limbs are not dangerous to health, however, when they are presented, doctors are particularly closely monitored for the state of a woman in order not to miss the beginning of the development of gestosis.

It is worth knowing! Gestosis is a disease that occurs exclusively during pregnancy, and characterized by edema of all tissues, including a placenta, uterus, liver and even the brain. This state is extremely dangerous for a woman, and for the fetus.

The reasons

The swelling of the legs in the late period of pregnancy occurs almost all women for the following reasons:

  1. Outly balance of salt in the diet.
  2. Unbalanced nutrition, insufficient use of protein products, on the background of which the vascular walls and the liquid easily penetrates into the tissue.
  3. Chronic diseases of internal organs, blood vessels, endocrine system.
  4. Sugar diabetes and diabetes of pregnant women.
  5. Varicose.
  6. An increase in the volume of circulating blood (physiological swelling).
  7. The difficulty of the bladder emptying associated with its clamp growing uterus.
  8. Development of gestosis.


One of the most important symptoms for the diagnosis is the location of edema on the body of a woman. With the development of edema solely on the legs, the doctor will observe the condition of the patient, however, in the manifestation of a swelling, additional examinations may be required on other parts of the body and appropriate treatment.


With the approach of the date of delivery, the swelling of a woman can appear on the face, mainly in the morning, after waking up. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the eyelid;
  • changing the contours of the face;
  • nasal congestion (liquid delayed in tissues leads to the expansion of vessels in the nasal sinks, against the background of which the air is complicated).

Important! A noticeable swelling on the face is a dangerous sign that may indicate the development of gestosis and requires an additional survey.


Hand swelling in later pregnancy may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the complexity of the palm compression in the fist;
  • the inability to remove the rings from the fingers;
  • tingling and numbness;
  • painful feelings in the wrist area.

In the case when edema appear exclusively on hands and absent on other parts of the body, their cause is either the physiological features of a woman, or its type of activity (constant work at a computer, embroidery, knitting and other work in which brushes long time are in a larger ). You can cope with the swelling of the hands in this case, you can periodically massage and gym during work.

Important! In the event that the swelling rises through the body, and the edema of the hands appear after the edema of the legs and other parts of the body (hips, the waist, the sacrum), should be immediately reported on the unpleasant symptoms of the gynecologist.


Excess liquid begins to accumulate in the lower limbs under the influence of gravity. Most often, the symptom manifests itself closer in the late afternoon, since during the day the water falls at the bottom, gathering on the legs and ankles. After a night sleep or long rest in a horizontal position, the liquid is again distributed over the body and the swelling becomes less noticeable.

In the case when the pastosity of the legs passes on their own, swelling, as a rule, are not dangerous to health, however, if the symptom is observed in the morning, and in addition to the legs, other parts of the body are beginning to be taken to the doctor.

It is worth knowing! The legume of the legs may indicate the development of gestosis in the case when the edema of the legs constantly accompany the pregnant woman, and the swelling gradually increases.


Evenkers in late pregnancy can occur not only on the limbs and face, but also on the internal organs, and in this case the pregnant woman can be diagnosed with gestosis, with appropriate treatment in the hospital.

A woman may not know about the presence of hidden edema and that an excess liquid accumulates in it. For self-detection of a dangerous symptom, you should check the ratio of drinking mode with the frequency and scope of urination. If less than 75% of the liquid consumed can be suspected of the development of the inner swelling.

It is worth knowing! The gynecologist, who has a pregnant woman standing in account, constantly monitors the patient's body mass. Such diagnostics is necessary to determine sharp weight jumps, which may indicate the cluster of the fluid.

Dangerous symptoms indicating the development of gestosis are:

  • leg swelling that does not pass after rest;
  • suddenly began to harvest shoes;
  • traces of socks on the ankles;
  • pastosity of the hands, difficulty with the removal of the ring;
  • appearance of swelling on the hips, lower back, abdomen;
  • increase pressure;
  • sharp weights of weight (increase in body weight by more than 500 g per week);
  • pastoznost's manifestations earlier than 20 weeks of pregnancy;
  • sharply appeared swelling and redness only on one leg;
  • fatigue and malaise.

The presence of one or more of the described symptoms suggests the development of gestosis and requires hospitalization of pregnant to further diagnosis and treatment.

It is worth knowing! In the presence of edema on the legs, it should be strongly pressing with a finger on the front of the shin: if the trail disappears quickly, the condition is not dangerous. In the case when the trail from the finger is absorbed very slowly, you should consult a doctor for an additional inspection.


In order to prevent and on time, recognize the development of pathological processes and gestosis is very important to regularly undergo surveys, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.

The list of necessary diagnostic manipulations includes:

  1. Visual examination of the patient for the presence of pastosity of the face and legs.
  2. Body mass control. With regular weighing, you can easily determine the sharp weight gain. If there are no visible edema, we can conclude about the presence of hidden clusters of the fluid.
  3. Analysis of urine. Laboratory diagnostics of urine is carried out before each visit to the gynecologist in order to assess the kidney function. On the analysis, you can distinguish physiological pastosity from gestosis, since in the latter the protein is determined in the analyzes.
  4. Monitoring arterial pressure. With prestal, pressure is always increased.

To confirm the diagnosis, prostosis may be needed additional examination:

  1. Ultrasound kidneys.
  2. Blood test.
  3. Blister test (Mac-Krai - Aldrja) is an analysis to determine water exchange disorders. In the forearm, 0.2 mg of saline is introduced, the faster the resulting blister is absorbed, the stronger the body is inclined to the formation of a swelling.
  4. Winning urine analysis. The diagnosis used to estimate the average scope of urination, the ratio of drunk and derived fluid. Normally, from the body with urine, approximately 75% of the fluid adopted per day, and if this number below makes the conclusion about water exchange disorders. For analysis during the day every 3 hours, starting from 9 am, urine samples are collected. The first portion is descended to the toilet, and all other are collected in separate containers and stored in the refrigerator. In the morning of the next day, analyzes are rented in the laboratory.
  5. Surveys of narrow specialists: the urologist, fluball, endocrinologist (prescribed in cases where the gynecologist cannot independently establish the cause of the swelling).

It is worth knowing! Progressive pastosity affects the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and larynx, causing constant nasal congestion and a runny nose. The rhinitis of pregnant women does not require specific treatment, but the swelling should be monitored during regular inspections and report a doctor.


Specific treatment The physiological swelling of the legs in the late periods of pregnancy does not require, however, to facilitate the state, the factors predisposing to it should be eliminated. In some cases, doctors can prescribe medication and folk diuretics, safe for a woman during this period.


With the development of complications of edema and their distribution over the body (the development of gestosis), specific drugs are prescribed:

  1. "Kanefron" - a phytopreparation based on extracts of the extract and rosemary. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.
  2. "Eufillin" is an effective diuretic. It is not prescribed at reduced pressure and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. "Triampur" is a diuretic drug appointed in the swelling associated with heart disease, kidney, liver.
  4. Hofitol is an organic drug made on the basis of artichoke, applied to the treatment of swelling caused by the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Furosemide is a diuretic, inhibiting salt suction. It is used for diseases of the liver, kidneys, biliary tract, arterial hypertension.
  6. "Phytolysin" is a diuretic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent.
  7. Vitamin E, Lipoic Acid, Magnesium. Vitamin complexes contribute to the stabilization of blood flow in the uterus and placenta, reducing the likelihood of the development of gestosis.
  8. Hypotensive preparations. With elevated arterial pressure in a pregnant woman who has arisen against the background of the edema's development.
  9. Geparin-based gels and creams. Used to prevent the development of thrombosis and restore vascular walls.

Medical therapy, including the use of anti-ethnic creams and gels, can only be prescribed by the doctor in the presence of certain indications. To engage in self-medication and make any drugs without appointing during pregnancy is categorically prohibited.

  1. Morse from cranberries or lingonberries. A drink made of frozen or fresh berries is preparing, you can add sugar to taste.
  2. Tinctures and teas from lingonberry leaves.
  3. Green tea with honey (welding must be high quality).
  4. Herbal teas with adding jasmine leaves, mint, lavender. You can also add herbs into drinking water.
  5. Dill seeds. From seeds you can cook champs, or add to food. After childbirth, the seeds can be used for the prevention of colic in the baby.
  6. Toloknyanka. Cutters from this grass should not be taken longer than 10 days, since with a long-term intake, the means leads to irritation of the walls of the uterus.
  7. Corn storks (columns). Applied during swelling caused by kidney disease. For cooking, pieces of female flower on the cobs are used at the top of the plant.
  8. Diuretic products. Under edema it will be useful to include lemon juice, ginger, celery, eggplants, oatmeal, watermelon (if season) in the diet.

Important! In the case of severe degree of swelling and in the development of gestose, folk remedies will be ineffective and specific drug therapy will be required, the timely start of which will be the key to the health of the mother and its future kid.


  1. To try to drink only simple water, you can fasten green tea. Use liquid often, but in small portions. Limit itself during pregnancy in the amount of drilled liquid is not worth it. It is not worth thickening with sweet and carbonated drinks, and the amount of cup of coffee is minimized.
  2. Salt restriction in the diet, as well as sharp, smoked, fried and spicy dishes. Salt leads to a fluid delay in the body, as the water attracts to itself, besides, after using salty dishes, I want to drink much stronger.
  3. A sufficient amount of protein in the diet. With a lack of amino acids, the fruit developing in the maternal womb begins to draw them from the blood, reducing the content in it protein, which leads to the development of edema. In the menu of a pregnant woman, a liver, cottage cheese, fish, meat must be present.
  4. Lead an active lifestyle, do not sit for a long time in one place and in the same position. Attend occupations on aquaeerobics or fitness for pregnant women. In the last periods it is useful to periodically take the knee-elbow pose and be in it for 5-10 minutes to remove the increased load provided by the vein grew out the uterus and normalize blood outflow from the lower extremities.
  5. Cut the foot baths with cool water. You can add naval salt and your favorite essential oils. Contrast baths from warm (not hot) and cold water will also help relieve fatigue and swelling.
  6. Massage Stop. You can ask the spouse before bedtime gently massage the feet with ice cube in your hands. To swelling faster, you can go to bed, setting your feet on the pillows. Raise legs on the exaltation or stand should be during the day.
  7. Avoid overheating. If the end of pregnancy falls for the summer, it is necessary to be smaller in the open sun and in stuffed facilities.
  8. Wear the right shoes. For a period of pregnancy, it is worth abandoning heels, the shoes should be as comfortable and high-quality, made of natural materials.
  9. In the presence of testimony, you can use secure folk remedies, diuretic teas, cranberry juice, broth of Kuragi.

With pronounced swelling, immediately consult a doctor and go through all the necessary surveys to avoid the development of gestosis - an extremely dangerous child for the future child, and in no case do self-medication. After giving birth to swelling that arose at the end of pregnancy, pass on their own.

The last months of pregnancy are always considered the most difficult for a woman. The difficulties are due not only to the increase in the mass of the fetus, but also the reaction of the body to a new life inside the womb. The most common problem is swelling during pregnancy in late terms. In most cases, the cause of their appearance is physiological, but exceptions are possible. When you should beat the alarm and contact the doctor, you will learn from the materials of this article.

Edema in late pregnancy - norm or pathology?

Not every clinical case of edema during pregnancy testifies to the availability of complications. The third trimester is characterized by an increase in the uterus in size, which helps to increase the pressure on the ureters. A woman has problems with urination, and swelling arises.

Also, this problem is diagnosed against the background of weight gain. Weight control pregnant for this reason is mandatory. To avoid edema or reduce their severity, doctors recommend adhere to a dairy diet.

Limit the amount of fluid, on the contrary, is not worth it. Doctors advise to drink a day to two liters of water, but at the same time conduct strict control over the amount of urine. Its volume should be at least 60% of the amount of fluid consumed.

The above-described situations are a vivid example of physiological edema. You can reduce their manifestation by adjusting the power and mode. When this approach does not bring the desired results, you must consult with your doctor. Edema is dangerous not only by physical or aesthetic discomfort. Often they are a symptom of serious pathologies (varicose veins, renal failure, gestosis).

Late pretext is considered the most common and at the same time dangerous disorder. If the overall condition of the woman is satisfactory, but strong edema is observed, it should be informed about this gynecologist. If this is not done in a timely manner, such a neglect of your own health and well-being of the baby can affect the system "Mother - a placenta - fruit." Violation of this scheme often leads to oxygen starvation of a child, which affects its development.

Why do swelling come?

Edema during pregnancy in late terms appear gradually. First of all, this process "rises" by the body, affecting the lower back and hands. In particularly serious cases - a person.

If we exclude the physiological, the reasons for the development of pathological edema is distinguished by a great set.

  1. Protein deficiency.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys (violation of the outflow of fluid from the body).
  3. Pathology of thyroid (change in the water-salt balance).
  4. Cardiovascular diseases (blood circulation violation).
  5. Phlebeurysm.
  6. Overweight.

Only a doctor can determine the nature of edema. After a complete diagnostic examination and identification of the cause of pathology, a woman is prescribed treatment.

Swelling on the face in late pregnancy

During pregnancy, this is a fairly common problem. The first thing will swell the eyelids, and the face acquires a rounded form.

A special occasion is the swelling of the nose. Among the causes of its occurrence, the accumulation of fluid in vessels can be noted, as well as problems with breathing paths. The nose swelling is usually accompanied by the appearance of a runny nose, dryness or itching.

Rubber and swelling at the 38 week of pregnancy are quite common phenomena that complement each other. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will pick up the medicine. After the advent of the baby, this problem is allowed by itself. Rinith for pregnant is completely safe, but may affect the development of the fetus. When nasal is stated, the baby inside the womb is experiencing an oxygen deficiency, which entails negative consequences.

Feet swelling in late pregnancy

The process of fluid delay is carried out in the bottom upward direction. That is why, first of all, a pregnant woman suffers from her legs. The manifestation of this pathology is more noticeable in the evening. During the day, the accumulating liquid is lowered, concentrating in the limbs. At night, it is distributed throughout the body, so the swelling of the legs is not so noticeable. If, after rest, the symptoms disappear, there is no reason to worry.

In which case requires a doctor's advice? For qualified help, it is necessary to turn when even in the morning do not fall swelling on the legs. The causes of the pathological condition are usually hidden in late hundreds.

At the initial stage, in addition to swelling in the legs, women complain about malaise, fatigue and poor well-being. The alarming symptom is uneven or excessively high weight gain (more than 500 g per week). Also can increase blood pressure, protein appears in the urine, convulsions. If, after the diagnostic examination, the diagnosis of "Gesters" is confirmed, the woman is hospitalized. The future guinea and her baby requires comprehensive treatment and constant surveillance.

Swelling of finger hands during pregnancy

If you begin to shove your fingers on your arms, it's time to beat the alarm. The first sign of the problem is the impossibility of removing the ring. In addition, there is numbness and tingling in the fingers.

It is not necessary to leave this problem. The higher the swelling rises in the body, the greater the danger to the child. Do not hide and postpone the visit to the doctor. The sooner you report a problem, the higher the probability of successful cure.

Hand finger swelling during pregnancy is usually due to the professional activities of a woman. Such phenomena occur when repeating the same type of manipulation of brushes. It may be working on a computer, knitting or embroidery. Evenkers are often accompanied by a characteristic pain in the wrist, which in medical practice is otherwise referred to if you are engaged in such work, it is better to abandon it for a while and make a special hand gymnastics.

What is hidden swelling?

An excessive woman may indicate such a problem (more than 300 g per week). For the entire period of pregnancy, the weight gain should not exceed 12 kg. Otherwise, the doctor prescribes control of the consumed liquid and selected urine. Also, a special informativeness is distinguished by the Test McClura-Aldrich. Woman subcutaneously introduced sodium chloride. After the injection site, a large blister is formed, which is preserved for an hour. With hidden edema, it does not appear at all or disappears very quickly. According to the results of the examination, a woman is appointed a course of treatment.

Medical examination

Each admission of a pregnant woman in a gynecologist is accompanied by a physical inspection. This is especially true for feet and face, since it allows you to diagnose pastosity in the early terms. Another mandatory stage at the reception at the gynecologist is weighing. This is the optimal way to determine excessive weight gain. Edema during pregnancy in late terms is certain phenomena, which are often due to an increase in the mass of the body of a woman.

Before each reception, the future guinea needs to be given urine tests. With this test, the doctor can check the functioning of the kidneys and differentiate the physiological option of swelling.

Install why there are edema during pregnancy in late dates, it is very difficult. For the diagnosis of the gynecologist, the results of additional (kidney ultrasound, blood test, etc.) are required. After that, the specialist can judge the presence of pathologies and appoint the necessary treatment.

Edema in late pregnancy. What to do?

In order to prevent, as well as at physiological edema, doctors advise future women in labor to adhere to pretty simple recommendations.

An active lifestyle should be conducted, spending less time in a sitting position as possible. We use sports and fitness classes designed specifically for women in position.

To reduce swelling on the legs, the reasons for the appearance of which are often hidden in the accumulation of fluid in the lower limbs, you can make special baths. Water should not be hot. You can add a bit of essential oil. Such baths give a positive effect with a regular repetition of the procedure.

Try to avoid overheating, less in stuffy rooms and direct sunlight. Wear extremely high quality and comfortable shoes, better without a heel.

As for nutrition, it is necessary to exclude salty, spicy, smoked and fried dishes. All of them directly affect the fluid delay in the body. It should also limit the consumption of sweets and baking.

Excessive use of the cooking salt leads to a fluid delay in the body, the resulting edema during pregnancy appear. Reviews of many women who follow this recommendation really prove this statement. It is only worth abandoning the use of salt, as swelling on their own begin to pass. But the amount of fluid should not be reduced. On a day it is recommended to use up to two liters of the most ordinary non-carbonated water.

Medical treatment of edema

Therapeutic feedback guidelines are most often limited to the above. Some women are advised to wear compression stockings and use special means from swelling (gels, ointments). In the event of complications and gestosis, the second degree without drug treatment can not do. It is important to understand that gestosis carries a threat not only for future female in labor, but also for her baby in the womb.

Usually, women with such diagnosis are prescribed diuretic drugs ("Kanefron", "Phytolizin"). These funds normalize the work of the kidneys, have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Also shows the reception of multivitamin complexes for improving the uterine-placental blood flow. With the help of droppers, protein and fluid deficit in the body of a woman is restored. With high blood pressure, hypotensive drugs are prescribed.

Help traditional medicine

In specialized sources you can find many recipes of traditional medicine. Before resorting to the help of a particular means from edema, you must consult with your doctor.

Many believe in miraculous this berry rich in vitamins and really helps from swelling. It should be understood that every organism is individual, so the doctor's advice is required before applying. Lingonberry increases the body's tone. Without the constantly stressful uterus can get a double dose of this tone. Such kind of negligence can lead to the threat of abortion.

Treatment with folk remedies implies the use of various tinctures on herbs. Typically choose plants with the greatest diuretic effect of kidney tea, the leaves of the tolnaya, field hat). On the day it is recommended to drink no more than one glass of any of the listed info. Treatment is usually about a month.

As a rule, such recommendations are suitable for women with physiological edema. In the case of pathologies in the body without comprehensive drug treatment, do not do, and the recipes of traditional medicine can be used as a supplement.


Now you know why edema during pregnancy should not be ignored, in what cases the doctor's consultation is required. Baby tooling throughout the nine months is a rather responsible period in the life of each woman. While the child develops, his life and health are in your hands. In compliance with the power and recreation, followers the doctor maternity brings only positive emotions.

Swelling legs during pregnancy in late terms: how dangerous and how to treat

The last months of pregnancy create a feeling of happiness soon, but the mood elevated from hormones can overshadow a serious problem. Swelling feet in pregnant women in late terms - This is not such a rare phenomenon. Growing fruit requires more space in the stomach and shifts the internal organs, which is why swelling of various parts of the body arise. They can be a physiological norm or, on the contrary, are dangerous for the child and demand treatment.

  • Why appeal appears
  • Attention! Summer
  • How to remove edema in the heat
  • What can swell in pregnant women
  • Effects
  • Hand swelling
  • Edems on the legs
  • Swelling face
  • Pastosity of genital organs
  • Drinking mode
  • Treatment
  • Local therapy: gels, creams from edema during pregnancy
  • Treatment in hospital
  • Therapeutic diet and approximate menu
  • Exercises and gymnastics for home
  • Treatment with folk remedies and recipes
  • Diagnostics

Causes of edema, which is not so with a pregnant organism

The edema appears due to a sharp increase in the uterus: water accumulates in the body, internal organs, nerves and blood vessels squeezes, the passage of oxygen is overlapped to the limbs, the urine outflow is disturbed and stagnant in the bloodstream.

Most of the edema accounts for women who are carrying the child for the first time, but the first child is not the main cause of pathology.

During gestation, the level of progesterone is growing. Its main effect is the relaxation of smooth muscle muscles. And this type of muscle tissue is present in most of the internal organs:

  • in the vascular wall of the veins and arteries;
  • in the esophagus, intestines, stomach, bustling bubble, biliary ducts;
  • the uterus;
  • in the ureters and bladder.

Progesterone is the main reason for the formation of edema. All other secondary or depend on the influence of this hormone. It is because of it, heartburn arises, constipation and swelling during pregnancy.

Other reasons for edema in pregnant women:

  • Chronic diseases: cardiovascular (increase in load), endocrine, urogenital systems, from vessels - or deep vessel thrombosis.
  • Uncontrolled consumption of salted food.
  • Narrow clothes and uncomfortable shoes: leggings ,.
  • Protein deficiency (hereditary or due to improper nutrition or loss of proteins on the background of gestational nephropathy).
  • - Toxicosis in pregnant women. In addition to edema, hypertension appears (an increase in blood pressure) and. In the risk group, adult women are: (from), pregnant twins or triples, smokers, suffering from episodic convulsions or with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The accumulation of fluid occurs from the bottom-up, so the first edema appears in the legs. Pastosity Stop looks like thickening of the skin, swelling of the subcutaneous layer of fat. It is easy to distinguish, as repellent veins on the leg completely close, folds may form. Usually swelling look like in the photo.

To test if the accumulation of plasma risted plasma on the lower limbs is needed to press the soft fabric to the tibia. This bone is located on the front of the tibia. If, after pressing for 3-5 seconds, the recess remains - it is swelling. Moreover, the degree of swelling is higher, the higher the pump remains at pressing.

Gestosis is dangerous in that it causes swelling of internal organs, including the placenta, which are fraught with a disorder of exchanging oxygen between the mother and the fruit. Late last period - threatening condition for both. Therefore, a woman and an obstetrician-gynecologist should be alertness in its presence. When confirming the state in severe cases, the pregnant women are hospitalized and prescribed intensive treatment.

Attention: summer and heat

Speaking about the causes of the development of edema syndrome, pregnant women need to mention the time of year. In the summer, especially in the heat, swelling are developing faster, stronger and relieve them more difficult. This is due to the physical influence of heat, which affects relaxingly on the vessels:

  • blood flow slows down;
  • perfusion pressure in vessels increases;
  • more fluid is hegan to the intercellular space.

Therefore, if 3 trimesters of pregnancy falls on the hot season, your actions should be aimed at preventing the appearance of edema.

What can be done in the summer to facilitate the state

You can remove or alleviate swelling with the help of a contrasting shower for the legs. The temperature difference will allow you to "wake" vessels and return to the tone. Such hardware exercises are the best means to prevent the edema of the lower limbs in the third trimester.

What can swell in pregnant women?

In addition to stop, edema are subject to hands and fingers, face, nose mucous membranes, mouth, genitals. The most dangerous during pregnancy hidden edema. They are distinguished by the absence of external symptoms: the body does not get tired, the muscles do not hurt, the skin thickening is inconsistent, but the weight is rapidly gaining. Therefore, in the female consultation, where you are watching, before a visit to the Akuster-Gynecologist, control weighing must be carried out.

Since the edema fluid accumulates in the intercellaneous space of internal organs, in a chronic disease, it is possible to determine which part of the body is in the greatest danger. Mothers with cardiovascular diseases are more often swelling legs, loins and feet. Women with kidney diseases under the blow can get any body, including face and hands.

The average period of occurrence of edema during pregnancy -. But later swelling on, and even. And early - with.

Than dangerous swelling in late pregnancy

Edema on the last month of pregnancy associated with chronic diseases causes a rapid range of weights (about 300-400 g per week) and is dangerous fast spread throughout the body. The elaborates are compressed by the vessels, sodium and oxygen exchange is disturbed, the child does not have the nutrients and can be born prematurely. To exclude such consequences of pregnant women constantly watch the hospital.

Significant risks for the fetus arise only when a woman does not report on swells and gives them progress.

Swelling feet during pregnancy

The most common localization of edema during pregnancy - legs. The liquid accumulates in the body and under the action of gravity is lowered down, in the ankles.

At night, when a woman lies in a horizontal position, the liquid moves along the legs above and in the morning swelling can decrease. Such a state is normal for pregnant women. Perhaps easy tingling and short-term numbers of limbs. From morning pastosity helps and charging.

You can reduce weak edema yourself. During sleep, it is recommended to raise legs - lay them on an extra pillow.

It is necessary to be less in a vertical position without movement, wearing comfortable shoes (especially if a flatfoot is diagnosed to any extent), make a foot massage or gymnastics, wearing compression stockings and drink 1.5 liters of fluid per day in small portions.

If the swelling remain in the morning in the same size or starts swelling other parts of the body, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist. Swelling feet during pregnancy can be an indirect sign.

Hand swells in pregnant women

Determine there is a swelling of hands during pregnancy or not in two ways:

  • in the morning, put on a finger ring, when swelling in the evening, swelling is formed around the ring, and the decoration itself will be harder to remove;
  • take a tight gum and put on your hand, with a swelling in a few minutes, the skin under a rubber is pressed, and after removing it is still visible by a dent.

Hands of hand brushes usually do not cause discomfort. The fingers hurt if you print on the keyboard for a long time. To avoid swelling when working at a computer, it is enough to put the elbows on a flat surface, it is desirable to put a soft pillow, and every 10-15 minutes to give the hands to relax.

The simultaneous edema of the hands and legs is a sign that the cardiovascular system, along with the lymphatic, do not cope. In the later period of pregnancy, the heart is experiencing an increased load, and the venous blood is bad "pumped" from the limbs to the heart. Due to the high pressure of the walls of the veins, fine holes are expanded and formed, through which the fluid is healing the intercellular space. At the same time, thrombophlebitis is sharpened. You can suspect about the inflammation of the veins if one leg energized the other.

If the edema of the fingers do not pass by themselves, the doctor is a strict diet and control over fluid entering the body. In the launched cases, drugs are prescribed separately, enhancing blood flow in the kidneys and vitamins B, E and A.

Swelling face

Person swelling manifest themselves later, sometimes before childbirth. In the morning, the weak swelling of the eyelid is noticeable. In severe cases, the area under the eyes constantly swells and the contour of the face changes.

In the early stages there is a runny nose or nasal congestion, which sometimes accompany pregnant to the most. The face swells often with an increase in salt load at night. It is necessary to exclude the use of salt-sharp dishes.

With swelling of the face, they fight the same way as with the eductions of the hands and legs: a strict diet, fluid control, baths, moderate physical exertion.

Swelling of the genital lips

Head of genitals for 9 months is not always dangerous, more often the fatty tissue increases so that the child is easier to go through the generic paths. But such an increase in the genital lips is not accompanied by a constant sensation of discomfort.

If, together with the edema, the vagina is constantly itching or the selection is acquired by a green, yellow shade, then we can talk about infection and. In this case, additional laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed individually, then drug preparations are prescribed.

If the edema gives discomfort, but the allocation is normal, a common diet is assigned, drinking mode and a warm bath.

Drinking mode with swelling

In the third trimester, the circulation rises by about 40%, which is why the body needs more fluid - about 1.5 liters per day, taking into account the first dishes, juicy fruits and vegetables. Moreover, during a full dinner, it is important to reduce the amount of salt to 1.5 g, it has the property to delay the liquid. In the morning and in the evening you have to drink a glass of kefir or. And it is better to drink an infusion of hawthorn or kidney fee. If the drinking regime adhere to the drinking mode, and the body constantly requires more water - it is necessary to drink, it is impossible to straighten yourself during pregnancy.

You need to know that the fluid in the body is delayed not only salt, but also sugar. Therefore, the diet provides for the exception of sweet dishes. But most of all, the formation of edema in pregnant women affect the Sugar - Salt complex. These two products potentiate each other in the development of edema syndrome.

To get rid of edema during pregnancy, it is forbidden to independently take diuretics (diuretic). In the event of a choice during pregnancy, the wrong drug will begin to remove the useful substances, depriving macroelements and a child, and mother. Only a doctor on the basis of analyzes can assign diuretic.

Treatment: Medicines and Reception Rules

During pregnancy, it is allowed to take the following drugs under the control of the doctor:

  1. Triampur (with heart disease, liver and kidney) - 2 tab. / Day. in the morning and in the evening for 20 days;
  2. Kanefron - 1 tablet 2 times a day before meals for 15 days;
  3. Eufillin - 0.15 g. 2 times a day;
  4. Hofithol (organic artichoke-based drug) - 3 tab. / Day. before eating;
  5. Furosemid - 1-2 tab / day.

Excess drugs in the 3 trimester affect the child. The exact dosage can be appointed only in the hospital. Any of drugs complement diuretic products:, oatmeal, eggplant, celery or. In severe cases, only medication helps.

Local preparations to get rid of edema

Local means are helping to deal with enemy syndrome - gels and creams based on heparin. It improves the rheological properties of blood, warns the formation of blood clots and restores the vascular wall, thereby helps to avoid swelling in pregnant women on their feet, hands and under the eyes on the face.

Treatment of edema in late pregnancy creams and gels without negotiation with the doctor - forbidden!

Treatment of edema during hospital pregnancy

With a pronounced edema syndrome, hospitalization of a pregnant stay in the hospital stay or day hospital may be recommended.

In the hospital, if necessary, prescribed vascular preparations and introduce them with a dropper. In this way, pentoxifylin, euphilline treatment is carried out. If briefly, these drugs will help the kidneys to filter out the excess amount of fluid accumulated in the body of the future mother and cope with swelling.

Previously, for this purpose, the drug was prescribed magnesium sulphate (Magnesia), but progressive experts gradually "go". The effect of it is insignificant and doubtful in terms of health of the fetus.


The table shows the allowable dishes for each meal, the diet is based on preferences of the pregnant woman.

Table 1.

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon person Dinner Before bedtime
Muesli on milk, or boiled eggs, or 100 g of cottage cheese;

Juice and apple or berries

Vegetable Soup or Seafood Soup or Beef Soup

100 g of vegetable salad or rice garnish.

2-3 Slice of black bread, cucumbers.

Drink juices or compotes.

Apple, pear, berry assorted, a piece of watermelon or melon, dried apricots (to choose from). Kidney tea Rice garnish with hamlet or boiled fish.

Treatment of edema in late pregnancy folk remedies

Folk remedies will also help cope with swelling, they can be taken together with a course of drugs, but notify the doctor important about it. The course of folk phytotherapy includes various tonic and soothing means:

  • cranberry and brusal fruit fruit or frozen berries;
  • tea or infusion of lingonberry leaves;
  • (without sugar, you can with honey), it is important to choose high-quality tea;
  • the decoction of the brush helps to move the extra liquid, drink no more than 10 days, long-term use threatens the irritation of the muscles of the uterus;
  • , lavender, jasmine or other grass as adding to water;
  • for treatment, a decoction of dill seeds or the addition of seeds to food is used;
  • corn storks for kidney disease.

Pastozost diagnostics: how to determine there is a fluid delay or not

To identify edema during pregnancy, doctors prescribe a woman a daily rate of water and follow the amount and condition. Comparing the rate of consumption and exit, it is possible to conclude how much fluid remains in the tissues, which means to predict the appearance of edema. Pastoznosti in progressive form affects the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and throat, there is a constant runny nose, which goes into rhinitis (inflammation of the nose mucosa). The rhinitis of pregnant treatments does not require.

A blister test is used: Introduction in the forearm of 0.2 mg of saline. The greater the feedback of the body, the faster the blister is absorbed.

Winning urine analysis (in brackets norm) shows the average urination volume (60-300 ml), the ratio of day and night diuresis (3: 1), the ratio of the derived fluid to the adopted (75-80%). For analysis for 24 hours every 3 hours 8 times, starting from 9:00, the urine sample is taken. The first portion descends to the toilet, the rest are collected every time in a separate jar, put in the refrigeration chamber and in the morning are being brought to the hospital. During analysis, diuretics cannot be used.

If the body is predisposed to swelling, it will not be possible to avoid them, but it can be warned and on time to recognize, passing surveys in the hospital, especially in 3 trimester. Scary not swelling, but the lack of desire and the desire to treat them.