Sweet massage with honey. How to do it, contraindications, reviews. Honey massage: get rid of cellulite at home

Honey is a product loved by everyone since childhood. It is eaten simply as a delicious sweet, used for cooking, as well as in folk medicine and cosmetology. Honey masks have long been famous for their beneficial effects on the skin. They not only rejuvenate, give smoothness, but also destroy harmful bacteria.

Especially the beautiful half of humanity liked the honey massage, which eliminates cellulite, stretch marks and flabbiness. A full course of procedures is able to remove the hated orange peel, simulate the contours of the figure, and nourish the integument with vitamins.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of massage is that it is not at all necessary to attend expensive sessions in the salon. Naturally, a professional guarantees a long-lasting and lasting result. But having studied the execution technique, you can easily do it yourself at home.

The procedure has other advantages:

  • availability of ingredients;
  • high efficiency compared to other cosmetic methods (masks, peeling, wraps);
  • elimination of toxins;
  • improving the condition of the skin - rejuvenation, smoothing, cleansing from dead horny cells, drawing out impurities from the pores;
  • reducing the signs of stretch marks;
  • normalization of blood circulation in tissues, as a result of which cells are rapidly renewed, metabolic processes are started, and lymph outflow is restored.

However, there are disadvantages to using honey:

  • high risk of developing allergic reactions;
  • many contraindications;
  • high probability of hematoma formation;
  • soreness.

Honey massage refers to reflexology methods. After all, its effectiveness is due more to the biologically active components in the product than in the massage itself.

Through the pores, honey is able to penetrate deep into the subcutaneous fat. There, its action manifests itself like a sponge. It absorbs toxins and toxins from tissues, and then safely removes them outside.


Honey is considered a product of animal origin, so it is not suitable for everyone. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using it, especially if there are any chronic diseases.

The massage procedure is contraindicated in such cases:

  • with hypersensitivity, allergies, bronchial asthma and individual intolerance to beekeeping products;
  • at any stage of varicose veins;
  • if there is oncology in the body;
  • people with bleeding disorders;
  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • during the period of increased body temperature and fever;
  • with pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • if there are infectious, inflamed or purulent skin rashes, open wounds.


To evaluate the effectiveness of honey massage against cellulite, it is necessary to have an understanding of the mechanism of pathology.

The cells that make up the subcutaneous fat are called adipocytes. They convert sugars from food into calories necessary for the body's energy needs. The surplus is stored as fat.

For this reason, changes occur in the tissues:

  • capillaries are weakened and edema is formed - the first symptoms of cellulite;
  • from a lack of blood supply, adipocytes are grouped into nodes, which leads to the appearance of an orange peel;
  • in advanced cases, the nodes increase and thicken, and the surface of the integument becomes bumpy.

Honey massage is effective only at stages 1 and 2 of pathology.

When the correct technique is performed, deep cleansing of the pores from impurities occurs. The product absorbs toxins and literally draws them out of the tissues. Mechanical action stimulates blood circulation and oxygenation of cells.

Reviews of girls who regularly do the procedure are extremely positive. Within a month, the volume of the body decreases by 2–4 cm, and the integument is noticeably smoothed out. To achieve the result, it will take about 20 sessions every 1–3 days, depending on the reaction of the skin.

Unfortunately, honey massage will not correct severe tissue deformation and will not get rid of pronounced bumps. More aggressive methods (for example, liposuction, cavitation) will help here.

How to prepare for the procedure

An important point in the preparation phase is the choice of honey. It must be natural and free from additives. Therefore, it is better to buy it from the manufacturer in the apiary. Any floral will do - buckwheat, linden, sunflower or mixed.

Immediately before the procedure, you need:

  • wash thoroughly under a warm shower or take a bath to soften the epithelium;
  • use a scrub or peeling to improve the patency of the pores;
  • wipe the skin dry;
  • to warm up, briefly massage the integument with your hands, a brush or a roller massager without using oil or lotion.

Mixing with other ingredients

The massage can be done both with pure honey and with the addition of essential oil (for 1 tsp. 3-5 drops).

Each fragrance has special properties that must be considered when choosing:

  • Orange- relieves fatigue, improves mood;
  • lemon- invigorates, encourages physical activity;
  • grapefruit- relieves the effects of stress;
  • eucalyptus- fights drowsiness;
  • lavender- relaxes, removes aggression;
  • mandarin- eliminates depression, returns a positive attitude;
  • juniper- tones up.

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Technique for performing honey massage for cellulite at home

The most problematic places are not only the thighs, but also the abdomen, buttocks, and in some women, the calves and knees. You need to massage all areas in turn. The mixture is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. Lodges. for each zone. A small amount of the composition obtained is rubbed in the palms and begin to massage.

Initially, the technique is aimed at absorbing honey into the skin:

  1. With light pats, the mass is transferred to the integument.
  2. Then they are evenly distributed along the massage lines, trying not to tear the palms off the body:
  • on the hips and buttocks, moving from the coccyx to the sides;
  • on the legs - from bottom to top;
  • in the center of the abdomen - clockwise around the navel;
  • below the abdomen, and then above under the ribs - from left to right and back;
  • at the waist - from the navel to the sides and in the opposite direction.

After the active ingredients penetrate deeply, the technique changes. Now you need to pull the harmful substances out. The palms are first glued to the epithelium, and then torn off, performing patting.

On sensitive areas, it is not necessary to use the entire surface of the hand. It is enough to carry out movements with the fingertips. It is important to listen to your own feelings. If severe pain occurs, the pressure and strength of the jerks should be reduced.

If after a while a whitish thick mass began to stand out, then everything was done correctly. This is the excess of toxins, fat, impurities that needed to be eliminated. The end of the procedure occurs when severe discomfort has arisen or honey has run out. On average, the duration of a session is 20 to 40 minutes.

At the end, the covers are washed with warm water, carefully removing the honey residues, and smeared with a nourishing cream or cosmetic oil. It is advisable to lie quietly for half an hour under a terry towel or warm blanket.

Popular bugs

It is important to pay attention to common mistakes:

  1. Too much honey will spread over the body, and the massage will take a long time. In addition, an overdose of active substances in the product may occur.
  2. The procedure should not be carried out in a hot and humid room (including the bathroom). The heat will simply melt the honey, and the absorbed moisture will make it even more liquid. As a result, it will not stick strongly to the integument, so you will not get a massage, but a mask.
  3. Sugared honey is not suitable for the procedure, as there are many hard lumps in it. But an excellent vitamin peeling will come out of it.
  4. If there are even small dilated capillaries on the skin, then it is better to refuse massage. Honey is so deeply absorbed that it can disturb the blood vessels, provoke the development of varicose veins.
  5. Bruises often appear after the procedure. To avoid this, you need to massage carefully, especially in the area of ​​the inner thighs and abdomen. There, the skin is more delicate, and bruises on it heal for a long time.
  6. Do not give up the procedure if you feel pain. As a rule, discomfort is present only at first. The skin gradually adapts.
  7. Immediately after the session, you must not go out into the open sun. Ultraviolet light can damage the top layer of the integument, leading to pigmentation and freckles.

Useful tips to help avoid complications and increase the effectiveness of the procedure:

  1. To eliminate the risk of allergies, a test should be performed before using honey. Apply a small amount to the inner fold of the wrist and rinse off after 10-15 minutes. If within 12 hours there is no severe itching, redness and rash, then you can safely proceed to the massage.
  2. For girls with a low pain threshold, the skin is lubricated with oil before the procedure. So the adhesion of honey to it will be less. But the efficiency will also decrease.
  3. It is not recommended to influence more than 3 zones per session. Honey massage for cellulite in one area at home should last at least 10 minutes.
  4. Manipulations are not carried out in the groin area, on the chest and neck, in the armpits. There are lymph nodes that must not be touched.

Honey massage is an effective way to reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve skin condition. But it is a mistake to believe that it also relieves excess weight. The procedure only helps to form and improve the contours of the figure, but the accumulated fat deposits will not go anywhere. To burn mass, you need to eat a balanced diet, exercise and devote more time to physical activity.

The medicinal properties of honey have been known since the time of the primitive communal system. It was used to heal colds, it was used to lubricate wounds and scratches, it was indispensable as a source of easily digestible nutrients. In the modern world, honey has found another application - it is used to combat cellulite. How? It's very simple - you need to go through at least one course of honey anti-cellulite massage.

Anti-cellulite honey recipes

The effectiveness of the procedure depends not only on the skill of the masseur, but also on the composition of the mixture that he uses. As a basis, experts recommend using buckwheat or lime honey. They contain the maximum amount of antioxidants, which help not only effectively fight cellulite, but also have a general restorative effect on the entire body.

Anti-cellulite honey massage is performed using honey of a liquid and viscous consistency. If you have only a sugared product at your disposal, it doesn't matter, melt it in a water bath and after half an hour it will be ready to use.

There are many recipes for honey mixes. One of them will allow not only to defeat the "orange peel", but also to smooth the skin. Mix liquid honey with sea salt in a 1: 1 ratio and apply the resulting composition to problem areas.

The procedure performed with honey and freshly ground coffee will help you kill several birds with one stone - after it the skin will become smooth and even, cellulite bumps will significantly decrease in volume, and your body will get rid of toxins and toxins. It takes a little patience to prepare this mixture, but its effectiveness is simply amazing. Mix 8 tablespoons of liquid honey and four tablespoons of ground coffee. Leave this mixture "to mature" in a dark and warm place for 6-7 days. After the expiration date, add 3-5 drops of lemon or juniper essential oil to the honey-coffee mask - and the miracle remedy is ready.

If you are very impatient, make an ether-honey mixture, but remember - it cannot be prepared for future use. Below are some of the most effective formulations:

  1. Connect 20 gr. honey with five drops of lemon oil, two drops of lavender and eucalyptus oils.
  2. Mix 20 grams of honey with equal volumes of lemon, juniper, orange and lavender oils.
  3. Add 5 drops each of orange and grapefruit oils to three teaspoons of liquid honey.

A prerequisite for cooking is thorough mixing so that the oils and honey become one whole.


Like any medical procedure, anti-cellulite massage with honey has its own contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions to honey or other bee products.
  • The presence of varicose veins in the intended massage area.
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Disorders of the blood coagulation system.
  • ARVI.
  • Increased body temperature.

Techniques of conducting

Before proceeding directly with the manipulation, you need to prepare the skin. Optimally, if you visit a bath, sauna or take a hot bath - the skin will warm up, cleanse, its pores will be as open as possible.

Palm massage

Now let's talk about how to properly do honey anti-cellulite massage. Let's start with the easiest way. Apply a little massage mixture or pure honey to the palms of your hands and apply it to the problem area with light patting movements. Part of the honey should remain on the hands to ensure tight interaction between the palms and the skin of the treated area.

During the massage, we press the palms to the body with force, and then abruptly tear them off. With each subsequent pat, the pressing force and the severity of the separation should increase. With the help of such movements, there is an intensive penetration of honey into the skin and adipose tissue - you kind of drive it in.

The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour, if the discomfort is too strong, you can reduce the session time. At the end, instead of transparent and fragrant honey, a viscous grayish-white mass will remain on your palms - these are the remnants of dead epithelium and toxins. At the end of the procedure, wash the skin with warm water, and remove the rest of the mixture with a soft washcloth. Be sure to lubricate the treated area with moisturizing lotion or almond or wheat germ oil.

The duration of the course of anti-cellulite massage is at least 15 sessions, taken every other day.

Bowl massage

A more pronounced effect in the fight against the "orange peel" has a honey massage with a bowl. To complete it, you will need a honey mixture and a shallow wide bowl that fits comfortably in the palm of your hand.

The manipulation begins with the preparation of the skin - steam it in a hot bath. Apply the mixture to problem areas and rub over the entire surface. Take a bowl and firmly attach its wide part to the skin, then perform circular movements, starting from the buttocks and gradually shifting to denser areas of the body. This procedure is a kind of variation. Therefore, its effectiveness is higher, because it affects the deeper layers of adipose tissue, and also improves the blood supply to the massaged area and activates the lymphatic drainage system, which is responsible for removing toxins and toxins from our body.

Vacuum honey massage is performed less frequently than usual - only 2 times a week, but the duration of its course is the same - 15 procedures. To improve the effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage, experts recommend their clients to change their diet and exercise. If you follow the above recommendations, your skin will be even and smooth, and cellulite will go away forever.


25.11.2016 2

Honey is an extraordinary product that can refresh and rejuvenate the skin well. It is often used in cosmetology. Honey massage of the abdomen from cellulite for weight loss is an effective method of combating body imperfections, it can be done at home.

This massage has been practiced for a long time. In Russia, people warmed up in a bath, applied it to the body and rubbed it well so that the healing elements of the product were absorbed into the skin.

Currently, anti-cellulite honey massage is extremely popular.

The effectiveness of the procedure

The beneficial properties of honey massage have been confirmed by many. This procedure perfectly helps to solve the problem of cellulite.

The procedure belongs to one of the forms of reflexology. Because during such a session, the magic effect of the massage is combined with the beneficial elements found in honey.

With this procedure, honey is quite deeply absorbed into the skin, reaching the culprit of cellulite. It improves blood circulation, nourishes the skin, which means it fights cellulite perfectly. Also, honey during the session removes all waste and toxins from the body.

As a result, it happens:

  • skin nutrition;
  • feeling of lightness and freshness;
  • deep cleansing of the skin;
  • pulling out toxins and slags;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • skin rejuvenation.

The massage restores metabolism, smoothes the bumps under the skin, gives a beautiful, even and elastic body.

Preparing for the procedure

Before performing a massage with honey for cellulite, it is necessary to prepare the skin in advance in order to exclude the occurrence of side effects, for example, bruising or painful sensations. It is recommended to select the date of the session. And 7 days before this moment, you need to take a bath every day, then massage the skin with soft movements of the palms.

During this it is useful to use different cosmetic oils, moisturizing milk. It is also recommended to take vitamins A, C and E, which help to strengthen the skin in advance.

What do you need for a massage?

You should take fresh honey without any impurities and not sugar-coated. At the same time, it is recommended to use a product not from a supermarket, but a cellular one, in which honey retains its healing properties for a long time.

  1. From herbs and flowers such as lavender, eucalyptus, juniper.
  2. From fruits such as tangerine, lemon, grapefruit, orange.

However, for those who are losing weight, oils from citrus, juniper, and eucalyptus are more suitable. For 12 g of bee product, add 5 drops of oil. When applied only to the thighs and buttocks, 5 drops of oil will require 20 g of honey.

Mixing options for a session for 25 g of bee product:

  • 0.18 ml each of lemon, lavender and juniper oil and 0.12 ml of orange;
  • 0.12 ml of lavender and eucalyptus oil and 0.3 ml of lemon;
  • 0.18 ml lemon, 0.3 mint and 0.12 lavender;
  • 0.3 ml lemon and orange oil.

Honey massage for cellulite at home can be done differently each time and choose the one you like best. However, these proportions must be observed, since some essential oils can be highly concentrated, there is a risk of getting burned.

You need to mix the ingredients right before the session. The oils should be mixed first, and then combined with honey. Home honey massage is also a wonderful aromatherapy.

Execution order

How to do this procedure correctly? The session takes place in the bathroom. First, a thin layer of honey mixture is smeared on the stomach, thighs and buttocks, then with smooth movements of the hands it is necessary to press on the skin.

This massage can be painful. When hands stick to the body, discomfort may occur. But this is the most important thing in the procedure, because, thanks to the movements of the palms, a vacuum effect arises. It is he who destroys subcutaneous fat deposits. The palms should be lifted from the skin with the sharpest possible movements.

During the procedure, you can notice that a light gray mass comes out of the skin, the amount of which will constantly increase, it will begin to settle on the hands. It can be removed from time to time from the palms of your hands by drying off with a towel.

After the session, you need to take a warm bath, wash off the product with a soft washcloth, but without using different gels and soaps. Next, apply a moisturizing lotion or natural oil to the treated skin. The oil of wheat germ, grape seed, and almond perfectly nourishes the skin.

  1. You should first try massage on a small part of the skin.
  2. First you need to do light hand claps on the skin. Next, you need to press your palms to the body and quickly tear off. During the session, the load should be increased, making the movements more intense. When done correctly, a light gray mass should stand out from the skin. Each part of the body should be allocated 5-10 minutes.
  3. After the session, you should take a contrast shower.

Features of massage with honey

Homemade honey massage for weight loss takes approximately 5-10 minutes. The session must be continued until the accumulated honey on the hands turns out to be a light gray shade. This fact will mean that honey has removed fat and waste products from the body.

For slimming the abdomen and legs, this procedure is very effective, however, the result will not be visible immediately. After the first session, you may even find that the skin has become dry and rough.

But after several such procedures, these symptoms will disappear, the skin condition will become better, the massage will not cause discomfort, and the skin will eventually become tender, even and soft. To do this, you need to massage every other day or at least three times a week. The full course consists of approximately 15 sessions.

After 6 months, you can repeat the course. It is not recommended to conduct a session every day, since such a procedure is very stressful for the body. Massage has an excessive physical effect on the skin, so there should certainly be an interval between massages.


Anti-cellulite massage with honey may be contraindicated at home if:

  • an allergic reaction to honey;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin lesions such as dermatitis, fungus;
  • thrombosis;
  • high temperature;
  • heart disease, for example, heart attack, angina pectoris, heart disease;
  • alcoholic intoxication;
  • various tumors, for example, cyst, atheroma, mastopathy, myoma, fibroma, lipoma;
  • the formation of stones in the gallbladder.
  1. During critical days.
  2. During pregnancy and feeding the baby.
  3. People in the postoperative period.

Video: honey massage for cellulite, how to do it right?

Side effects

Honey massage for slimming cellulite causes unpleasant sensations, as honey sticks to your hands.

In addition, redness of the skin, bruising, which disappear after a month, may appear. The reason for this is the inelastic, inelastic skin, and the small capillaries can be easily damaged.

Also, after the procedure, bruises may form, however, after a few sessions they will no longer appear.

When losing weight with honey massage, you must follow all the rules so that the procedure is safe. It is recommended to spread honey on the skin evenly, and not exclusively on problem areas, so that there is no imbalance in the body.


“I have been doing honey massage for probably 7 years. When I discovered cellulite, and there was dissatisfaction with my appearance, I began to look for simple and budgetary funds that would help me get a decent look. I was extremely pleased with the result, and I still use this amazing method ”- Olga.

“I do massage with honey, but not for 5-10 minutes, but for 15-20 minutes. Feels like they are peeling off my skin, but the result is much better. Now I have much less cellulite, my stomach, legs and butt are now even. I am happy with the result. My husband does the procedure for me ”- Natalia.

“I discovered something interesting. Honey massage against cellulite is used by almost everyone at work, only bruises from it appear only in those who have everything very badly. Starting from about the second stage. If bruises do not appear after the session, then you are at the first stage. And for those who have them, I can recommend using a bruise cream, Lifeguard or Bruise-OFF. I did a massage with fresh honey and hard. The effect is from one and from the other option, I think the essence lies in the vacuum that occurs when the hands are detached from the skin. If you apply this massage regularly, the result will surpass all expectations ”- Svetlana.

“And my boyfriend gives me a massage with honey. It is already the ninth day. And the effect is already visible. My legs lost weight, became even, cellulite is less noticeable. I liked it very much, I recommend it to everyone. The only downside is the bruises on the skin. But since it is winter now, you don't have to worry about it, because the clothes are all closed, and bruises, in principle, go away rather quickly. I believe that it is better to conduct a session not on your own, but to ask someone, because in some places it is impossible to do it on your own ”- Anastasia.

The medicinal properties of natural honey have been known since antiquity. It is used not only for food, but also for the needs of cosmetology in order to improve the condition of the skin, correct local fat deposits and, most importantly, to combat the effect of the orange peel. Honey massage for cellulite is an effective and safe remedy, carried out not only in the beautician's office, but also at home.

Indications and expected results

Honey massage has many indications, but it is mainly done to combat cellulite. It is relevant if it is necessary to correct local body fat, but in such a situation, to achieve pronounced results, an integrated approach is required.

The effect of the procedures manifests itself after 3 - 4 sessions, at first the skin seems rougher, but later it becomes smooth, velvety. Penetrating through the pores of the skin, honey accelerates metabolism, increases blood circulation and lymph flow. Thanks to this effect, cellulite becomes less pronounced, and in some cases completely disappears, fat deposits disintegrate and are gradually excreted from the body in a natural way, without additional load (but with it the effect will be better).

The honey mass actively absorbs toxins accumulated in the dermis, giving vitamins and nutrients in return. It should be noted that the conducted exposure is an excellent prevention of salt deposition, and due to its bactericidal properties, it eliminates harmful microorganisms.

Honey massage also has a general healing effect on the body. So, it increases the protective properties of the immune system, helps with colds and severe coughs. It should be remembered that at elevated body temperature, massage is not done.

Preparing for massage

Honey massage for cellulite does not require special preparation, however, performing a number of preliminary manipulations can improve the result and prevent the development of side effects from the procedure.

A week before the start of the course, you should drink a course of multivitamins (necessarily including A, E and C), it is believed that they strengthen the vessels located in the dermis and prevent the formation of bruises after exposure. In addition, the problem area must be developed daily, performing light self-massage with circular movements, kneading and chips.

Immediately before the massage, it is necessary to warm up the skin as much as possible in order to open the pores. To do this, take a warm bath or hot shower.

Principle of carrying out

Real honey massage against cellulite does not imply stroking and kneading, it is sharper and more aggressive, patient reviews confirm that during it there is discomfort and pain.

To do it correctly, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Apply honey on the palms in an even layer.
  2. Transfer the mass from the palms to the problem area by sharply patting them on the skin (press - tear off).
  3. Treatment of one area at an intensive pace with pressure for 5 - 10 minutes until light gray discharge appears on the skin, indicating that the processes have begun, transition to another area.
  4. Remove the rest of the mass with a washcloth and warm water. The use of cosmetic preparations is not permitted.

The full course of massage consists of 15 sessions, which are carried out on a regular basis every other day.

Video: honey massage procedure against cellulite

How to use honey and additives to it

The main remedy for massage effects is natural honey. It can be of any variety, but must not contain additives or flavors. In addition, candied honey is not suitable for application to the skin.

To enhance the effect, auxiliary additives are used. The most popular are the combinations of honey with ground coffee or sea salt, they have an additional scrub effect, as well as essential oils that actively moisturize and nourish the skin.

It is necessary to add essential oils to honey carefully, observing a certain concentration (no more than 5 drops per one teaspoon). Mixing is carried out immediately before the procedure, the finished composition cannot be stored.


Before having a honey massage, make sure that you are not allergic to this natural product. To do this, you need to conduct a simple reaction test, apply a small amount of honey on the most delicate skin, at the bend of the elbow or behind the auricle. If no redness, itching or rash is observed during the day, the experiment can be considered successful.

In addition to allergies, this massage has many contraindications, including:

  • Oncology.
  • Diseases of the circulatory and cardiac system.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  • Increased hairline that interferes with honey application.
  • Recent fractures or surgical interventions, as well as strokes, heart attacks (in this case, the massage is postponed until the end of the rehabilitation period).
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Hypertension.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Kidney stones and other pathologies of a similar nature.
  • Fever, flu, tonsillitis, viral and bacterial diseases.

Honey anti-cellulite massage at home

Honey massage is used to combat cellulite and excess volumes, remove toxins and improve the body's health. It is easy to make it at home. This does not require training or special tools. You will need honey.

Better to take a fresh product. If the honey mass is thickened or sugared, heat it in a water bath to make it thinner and easier to apply to the skin.

The classic anti-cellulite honey massage is performed using honey alone, but many people also add fine salt to it. In both cases, the effect is remarkable.

How to do?

Prepare a cup of honey. Before starting the massage, it is recommended to warm up the skin - take a hot shower and rub the problem area with a brush. Then the body must be wiped dry. This is an important point, since honey massage is more difficult to do on wet skin, the hands will not stick well to the body and, as a result, nothing will work out. Therefore, it is recommended to do the procedure not in a bathroom with high humidity, but in a regular room.

It is better if someone will help, as hands can get tired quickly when performing the procedure on your own. In addition, it is not always convenient to reach problem areas.

Apply honey in an even layer on heated but dry skin and begin to do cotton movements throughout the body. Pat your hands on the areas where cellulite is. The slaps are slow - you kind of stick your hand to the body, and then suddenly pull it off. Many people say that this massage is painful and after it bruises remain.

Perform honey anti-cellulite massage at home for 5-15 minutes, depending on the sensations. Despite the fact that almost everyone knows about the benefits of the procedure, this lesson is dropped at the slightest pain. Don't do this - just shorten the massage time and do it more slowly and gently until your skin gets used to it.

After the procedure, wash off the honey with warm water. While the skin is breathing and the pores are open, apply an anti-cellulite product or a mixture of olive oil and grapefruit essential oil (10 drops of ether per spoonful of base oil). Wrap yourself in cling film, a scarf and walk like that for another hour. This will give you much better results.


Honey anti-cellulite massage is contraindicated for people with varicose veins and rosacea (spider veins). Those who have veins close to the surface of the body should also be careful.

In these cases, they resort to another technique of honey massage, and, moreover, no less effective than the previous one. Add to 2nd table. tablespoons of honey 1 teaspoon of fine salt, mix and apply on the body. Massage your skin in gentle, circular motions as if you had applied a scrub. Massage for 15 minutes, then rinse.

This massage will also increase blood circulation and make the skin smoother. This option is an excellent alternative for those who cannot do classical anti-cellulite massage due to rosacea and the proximity of the veins.
