Fun with parents. Scenarios of holidays and leisure activities with the participation of parents. Fun with parents in the senior group "Family Day


  • promote the development of communication skills, harmonization of parent-child relations, kindness and mutual understanding in preschooler families; to strive for the emotional rapprochement of all family members, rallying the team of the parents of the pupils.
  • create an atmosphere of emotional and creative activity in children and adults, warmth, kindness, responsiveness, foster a sense of pride in their family.

Materials and equipment:

  • musical accompaniment;
  • symbols of love;
  • attributes for the competition: hats, ribbons, beads, earrings, T-shirts, etc .;
  • serving for tea;
  • fruits (kiwi);
  • "Tree of happiness" (crafts);
  • genealogical tree of pupils' families, coats of arms of families;
  • a book of recipes for the families' favorite dishes.
  • Collages "Happy family", "Traveling with family."
  • Happy family diplomas.


Nicely decorated hall - with balls, collages, crafts. On the walls are colorfully decorated portraits of the family, a family tree. On the stands there are children's drawings about the family, family photos, family albums.

Collages “How I spent my summer”, “One day in the life of my family”, various crafts, etc. (everything that was done by parents and children in a year).

A stand with literature for parents. Stand about the rights of the child.

Tables are set in a semicircle, ready for tea drinking. The song "Little Country", music and lyrics by I. Nikolaev are played in the hall.

Children and adults enter the hall to music.

The course of the event.

Host 1: Hello dear guests! We are glad to see you at our holiday. Today we have an entertainment evening, where we will play and have fun, joke and laugh, and of course compete, and we called it “This is my child”, which is dedicated to the theme “Family”.

"I am seven, I am seven!" - shouted my brother,

Counting "I" seven times in a row.

I had to interrupt him

And, in what he is wrong, to explain.

I said: “Not you - the Family!

And mom, dad, you and me!

And also grandmother and grandfather!

Should I name the dog or not?

I will count it too ...

That's what I call "Family"! "

© Marina Balachevtseva

Host 2: And now it's time to introduce everyone to the rules of the holiday! Hello dear dads and caring mothers!

Host 1: Good afternoon, heroes of our holiday! Dear boys, excited and smart girls. And so, we begin!

Competition for children "We and our ancestors"

(children introduce them to their family members, they must know the names, surnames and patronymics of their relatives)

- Who is the nicest in the world?

- Who is the kindest in the world?

- Who treats us for diseases?

- Who's useful to us mors?

- Who knows the answers to all?

- Who understands us better?

- Who is always rooting for us?

- Who loves and pity us?

But we are stubborn

Just don’t be angry, mothers!

© Marina Balachevtseva

Lead 2:

Game "Know yourself by description"

Parents are offered descriptions of moms suggested by their children. Moms guess themselves.

Vanya K. describes the mother of Daniel L.

This mother is beautiful and tall. Her hair is red and long, and her eyes are blue. He drives a car, gets stuck in traffic jams, so he is late for the kindergarten, where he takes his son.

Martha M. describes Vanya K.'s mom.

This mom has blond, wavy hair. She is tall and slender. Her eyes are brown. She wears a white coat at work. She has two children.

Danya L. describes the mother of Seryozha S.

This mom is skinny and wears jeans. Loves listening to music. She herself is dark-haired and brown-eyed. Takes part in all kindergarten sports activities.

Seryozha S. describes Martha M.'s mother.

This mom is musical - she sings and dances. Very energetic and pretty. Her hair is light, her eyes are blue, and she has more than one child.

Host 1: And now it's time to check our children if they know about their dads' hobbies. Only children will answer the questions. There are three clues to find the correct answer. You can only answer after the next hint sounds. So:

"Daddy's quiz"

Riddle 1

1. They are sold at kiosks. There are a lot of them like sweets in the store, but dad buys the same ones every day, with the same name.

2. Every day dad spends half an hour alone with them, and maybe more, and at the same time always asks not to be disturbed.

3. And mom is not interested in them, she sometimes takes them to clean the window or wrap something. (Newspapers)

Riddle 2

1. Dad has a lot of them: blue, brown, and striped.

2. When dad puts on jeans or a tracksuit, he does not touch them.

3. It is necessary to be able to tie it, but children and even some adults do not know how. (Tie)

Riddle 3

1. Dad takes it when he is going to work, for a holiday or wants to please mom.

2. It can be sharp and safe.

3. Grandpa's is old, electric and buzzing like a wasp. (Razor)

Riddle 4

1. For me it is a toy, but for hunters and a watchman it is real.

2. Previously, the soldiers in the Russian army had it, but now they don't.

3. Even Sharik from Prostokvashino has it, only special, for photo hunting. (Gun)

Riddle 5

1. Every dad dreams of buying this.

2. And I have a lot of them, only toy ones, of course.

3. In order for me to use this, I first need to grow up, and then study, pass a difficult exam, and then they will give me a special booklet with my photograph. (Automobile)

Lead 2: The next task for dads is a game. Our dads are creative people and just wonderful artists. And the next task for them. it game "Draw you me".(Dads draw their own reflection in the mirror of their child with special markers, children help.)

How beautiful it turned out! Our children also did not sit idle and we have prepared children's portraits of dads. Take a look at our exhibition! Mothers have to guess their husband from these portraits.

Child (reads a poem):

Dad copes with any business,

Everything in life is subject to him.

He is the master over the lathe.

Also, it draws beautifully.

Chop chop with one blow,

Swing the ax - and you're done!

In chess, too, he is invincible.

Always keeps his word.

Doesn't look like a giant at all

They are also different from the knight.

Dad, as dad is handsome and good,

And we are somewhat similar to him ...

© Marina Balachevtseva

Lead 1: For each of you, your dad is the best, he is always an example for his child. But dad is loved not only because he is smart and kind. Tell us who is your dad?

Competition "Kind words about dad".

The children name the word (relatives can help) and insert a match into the kiwi. At the end, each team presents its own "hedgehog".

Host 2: And our dads are also the smartest and most resourceful!

Exercise "Continue the saying"

Sayings are hidden in balloons. Dad needs in any way, together with the child, to get a proverb and come up with a word that is missing in it.

  • God is up to people, and the father is up to ... (children)
  • For a child, the father is always stronger ... (of all)
  • What is the ash, such is the maple, what is the father, such ... (son)
  • The order does not hurt the obedient son of fathers (back).
  • Father and mother in bosom and in the cold (warm).
  • If there is a father and mother, so is the child (grace).
  • Son is joy, daughter (sweetness).

The dads coped with this task. And will they be able to guess the portrait of their wife. We will check now.

The competition is called "Find a portrait of your wife."

Host 1: Now we will see which family is the most friendly, resourceful, mischievous, close-knit, with a good sense of humor.

Competition "Help your dad get ready for a business trip."

Two families are involved (a mother and a child, which of them will quickly gather dad on a business trip).

Lead 1: The next task for the children. Let's check how they know their mothers. Game "Mom's voice".

(Children are invited to listen to a tape recording on which their mothers read excerpts from famous fairy tales and poems. The task is to recognize the voice of their mother).

Lead 2: The next competition is called "Do you know your children well?"

Dear parents, how do you think your children would answer the following questions:

  • Who does your child want to be?
  • What did your child want to ride?
  • What holiday does your child like?
  • What is his favorite pastime or what does he like to do?

Host 1: We found out how you know your children, and now I wanted to know how you listen to them? Are you attentive?

Contest "Verbal riddle"

(Children ask riddles, and parents guess.)

# 1 Usually it is poured into the washing machine. But what will happen if it is poured into the soup, I do not know. Because I haven't tried (Powder detergent) yet.

# 2 Children have half and half. Because mom sometimes scolds, then buys ice cream (Happiness)

# 3 This is what women like most of all, because all sorts of exciting events take place there. Men, for example, are killed several at a time. Very exciting! (TV series)

No. 4 Grandmother makes the most delicious, mother is also good at it. But dad, on the other hand, cuts bread well! (Food)

# 5 A girl who prepares dinner for a man, washes clothes and takes care of his child. (Wife)

# 6 The British love her the most. How they eat this muck - I can not imagine. (Oatmeal)

No. 7 They don't take him on a hike, because it is difficult to find an outlet in the forest (Boiler)

# 8 This is a very important place for a person. There are pasta, compote, borscht. In the midst of all this, somewhere else the heart is placed. (Stomach)

Child: What could be more expensive for a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love

And they see them off with kindness!

Father and mother and children together

They sit at the festive table

And together they are not at all bored,

And the five of us are interesting.

The kid is like a favorite for seniors

Parents are wiser in everything

Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,

And mom is the closest of all, relatives.

Love! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in a family

What could be more valuable than her

On this fabulous land.

Host 2: Only in the family you will be understood, warm and cuddled. The family will never turn away from you, will not condemn you in difficult times, the first to lend a helping hand. Take care of your family and value it, because it is the only support in life.

Children have made you a heart-shaped symbol of a lasting union and warm friendship between parents and children. So let's answer the question "What makes a family happy?" The answers can be written on these hearts. (The answers are read out, and each parent gives his child the craft and he hangs it on a tree branch).

The music is playing

Host 1: This is what a “tree of happiness” has grown thanks to you, your efforts and your love for your family. We hope that it will grow and bear new fruit. Happiness is different for each person. Someone is happy that he has a pet, while the other is happy only from the delicious smell of mom's pies. So let's taste this piece of happiness.

Your children and I have prepared our own delicious banana cake and offer to try it. We invite everyone to festive tea party.

Tasting of dishes.

Child: Girls and boys,

Let's join us

Thank you to grandmother,

Thank you mom

And thanks to grandfather,

Thank you, let's say to dad -

For books and counting rhymes,

For skis and ropes,

For sweet jam

For long patience

For songs and tales

For troubles and caresses,

For delicious cheesecakes

For new toys ...

(All the children say "thank you" in unison)

Host 2: Our evening has come to an end. Let's say thank you to each other for being around today and playing so well together! At parting, we will award all mums and dads with diplomas of a happy family. Come on, dad and mom, daughters and son, hold hands. We are also one big family with you. (Children and adults perform "Our song with dad").

Goodbye friends. Thank you all for a wonderful holiday. We sincerely wish everyone good health, happiness and prosperity in the family. May the children delight you as much as possible, and may peace and grace reign in your families.

Children and parents leave the hall to the music.

Used Books: EI Romashkova Merry Holidays for Kids.

Target. Optimization of parent-child relationships.


1. Identify the significant role of the family in the formation of the child's personality.

2. To acquaint parents with games and exercises that can be used in joint activities with the child at home.

3. Enrich the emotional experiences of parents and children.

4. Promote the harmonization of interpersonal relationships between parents and children.

Preliminary work. Memorizing poems and proverbs about the family; listening and performing songs about the family, making invitation cards for parents and the minister of the Trinity Church.

Hall decoration. The hall is decorated with balls, on the central wall there is a poster "Seven I": against the background of the sun symbol, the symbol of the family tree; arranged an exhibition of family photographs.

Leisure course

The verse of K. Kostin's song "Mom, Dad, Me" sounds,presenters: teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist and child.


There is no such holiday in the calendar,

But for us it is important in life and destiny.

We just couldn't live without him

Enjoy the world, learn and love.

Lead 1.

My family is my wealth:

Love, protection, tenderness, brotherhood.

Here they value tenderness and comfort,

They never betray here.

Lead 2.

All together celebrate the holidays,

And they don't miss weekdays either.

And we, friends, know for sure

That the main thing in life is family!

Lead 1. Good evening, dear mothers, fathers and children! We are glad to welcome you on this cold November evening in our cozy hall. Today's holiday is dedicated to the family. Meetings with jokes and contests, songs and poems await you today. And now the floor is given to the priest - the minister of the Trinity Church. (Speech by a clergyman).

Children perform A. Makarova's song "My Family".

Lead 2. Let's take a closer look and say hello. Guys, invite your moms and dads to dance.

Children and parents perform polka dance "An Unusual Acquaintance"(Scottish folk tune "Seven Jumps").

To the music, everyone bounces around the hall in different directions. At the signal from the presenter, everyone shakes hands with each other and gives their names. The game is repeated 5-6 times.

Lead 1. Moms and dads love their children so much that they can recognize them even while blindfolded. Check it out?

Held competition "Find a child by palm".

Moms and dads with closed eyes find their child, feeling the palms of the participants.

Lead 2. Child (name) with his mother will perform for you recitation on the verses of Alexei Dmitriev "Homeless cat".


I once met a stray cat

- How are you doing?


- Nothing, little by little ...


- I heard that you are seriously ill?


- I was sick ...


- So you were lying in bed?


- Lay on the street for many weeks, meow meow.

Homeless I got nowhere to put my bed, meow meow meow meow meow


- Listen, the cat ... Listen, the cat!

Come with me ... Come with me!

It's getting dark, which means it's time for us to go home.

It's getting dark, it's time for us to go home.

We walked with her down the street proudly and boldly, yes, yes, yes!

I was silent, and the cat sang softly: meow-meow-meow-meow-meow!

What was she singing about ... What was she singing about?

Probably about, no, of course, about

That everyone needs their own home.

Lead 1. It's so good that this stray cat has found its own home and family. Animals also have parents. I have a game for you called "He-She".

Held game "He-She".

Lead 1.

Lead 2. Guys, do you like helping your mothers? Let's unite with you in two teams. Guys, invite your parents. The first team will make a vegetable salad and the second one will make a fruit salad. In front of both teams, there is a tray of fruits and vegetables on the table. On command: "Start!" you will need to take and transfer to your table the item that is needed to prepare your salad.

Held relay game "Who will make the salad faster".

Lead 2. Well done participants! What wonderful salads you have made!

The facilitator asks questions for each team:

- What is your salad made of?

- Where do vegetables (fruits) grow?

- What is the name of a salad made from vegetables (fruits)?

Lead 1. Guys, there are many proverbs and sayings about family. You and I also know some of them. Let's call them.

Children tell proverbs and sayings about the family.

Lead 2. Word "a family" always associated with concepts such as kindness, wisdom, tenderness, strength, beauty, care. Guys, let's tell your moms and dads what they are.

Good. What's your mom? - Good... What daddy? - kind... What kind of parents? - Kind.

Wisdom. What's your mom? - Wise... What daddy? - wise... What kind of parents? - Wise.

Tenderness. What's your mom? - Delicate.

Force. What daddy? - Strong.

The beauty. What's your mom? - Beautiful.

Care. What kind of parents? - Caring.

This is what your parents are like!

Lead 1. Guys, you know that in November we celebrate such a holiday as Mother's Day. There are many proverbs and sayings about mom. And if your mothers know them, we will now check. Dear mothers, you need to finish the proverb.

Competition "Gymnastics of the Mind".

The presenter pronounces the beginning of the proverb, the participants finish it.

- It is warm in the sun, ... (In the presence of the mother, good).

- Maternal care does not burn on fire ... (Does not sink in water).

- The bird is happy with spring ... (And the baby of the mother).

- Mother's caress ... (Doesn't know the end).

- For a mother, a child ... (A child up to a hundred years old).

Lead 2. I want to tell you guys one secret. All adults dream of being in the magical world of a fairy tale at least for a minute. May their dream come true today!

No wonder children love a fairy tale:

After all, a fairy tale is so good

That there is a happy ending

The soul already has a presentiment!

Show by parents fairy tales "Teremok » using distorted text. A teremok was built from soft modules. Parents in costumes of the characters of a fairy tale fulfill their roles.

Lead 2. Guys! Fairy tale characters live in the forest, do not go to kindergarten, they can speak illiterately. Therefore, be attentive to their speech and correct their mistakes.

Lead 2. As if the mouse was running across the field, it saw the little house and spoke.

Mouse. Who is the house to live? (Children correct the phrase). There is no one here. I will live here!

Lead 2. As if a frog galloped across a field, a field, she saw and said.

Frog. Where, where does he live in the house? (Children correct the phrase).

Mouse. I am a mouse. Come live with me!

Lead 2. A rooster walked through the forest and saw a teremok. He flapped his wings, stretched out his neck and screamed.

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku! Who lives the house? (Children correct the phrase).

Mouse. I am a mouse.

Frog. I am a frog frog. Let's go live with us!

Lead 2. A hare ran away from the fox and accidentally ran into the teremok.

Hare. Someone who is calling in a telecom? (Children correct the mistake).

Mouse. I am a mouse.

Frog. I'm a frog frog

Rooster. I am the golden comb cockerel. Let's go live with us!

Lead 2. It got dark around, bushes and twigs crackled. This bear came up to the tower, but how it growls at the whole forest:

Bear. Hey! Someone who lives in the teremoshka! ( Children correct the mistake). Let me in to you!

Lead 2. And the bear climbed into the teremok. Only the teremok could not stand it and fell apart. It's good that nobody crushed! The animals began to build a new teremok, large, cozy, so that there would be enough space for everyone and for the guests to remain.

(The characters of the fairy tale build a new house from soft modules.) Now the animals are together, they live and live as one family and do not know grief!

Children performdanceto the music

songs by Kristina Orbakaite "Bow sponges".

Lead 1. Our leisure time has come to an end. We would like to thank all the participants for the pleasure they have received and for the festive mood. And we want to wish you.

Lead 2.

Often used by the whole family

We would go out!

After all, closer than in the family

There are no people in the world!

Lead 1.

I wish you happiness, peace and good!

May joy always reign in your families!

Lyudmila Gryukova
Fun with parents in the senior group "Family Day"

Made up: Gryukova Lyudmila Vasilievna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 373" Perm

Fun with parents in the older group for the holiday« Family day» .

Preliminary work: Making collages with family photos, memorizing poetry about family reading fiction literature: V. Oseeva "Three sons", "Magic word", A. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek" making gifts for parents... Thematic talks about family, relationship, drawing on the topic "Family tree!"

Target: Formation of value ideas about family, family traditions in the process of joint creative activity. enrich children's ideas about the holiday « Family day» , about the meaning families in the life of every person.


1. Harmonize children's parent relationships through joint activities.

2. Develop communicative qualities, artistic abilities of children.

3. Develop family creativity, cooperation family and kindergarten.

4. Create a favorable atmosphere of benevolence and mutual understanding.

5. To foster in children feelings of love and respect for parents, pride in their family.

Equipment: Decorated wall with family photos, leaflets for each child with a family tree, handmade gifts for parents, album sheets, colored pencils, a selection of audio recordings, a master class (for dads and boys): wooden clothespins, ice cream sticks, double-sided tape. Master Class (for moms and girls): scraps of fabric, floss, scissors. For contests: hoops 2 pcs, building set. Penata "Airplane" with sweet prizes.

To the song of A. Ermolov "My a family» , children with their parents enter the hall and sit on the benches.


Good evening dear parents!

We are glad to welcome you to our holiday dedicated to "Day families» , which the

1 child: There is no such holiday in the calendar,

But for us it is important in life and in destiny.

We just couldn't live without him

Enjoy the world, learn and create.

2 child: In the family circle, we grow up,

The backbone of the basics - parental home.

In the family circle, all your roots are

And you enter life from families.

3 child: A family- this is the most important thing in life for each of us.

A family- these are close and dear people.

Those whom we love, with whom we take an example, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness.

Leading: And we will start our holiday with funny riddles.

I suggest you guys listen and guess riddles,

be careful - the answers are sitting next to you!

1. Who is the loveliest in the world?

Whom do children love very much?

I will answer the question directly:

All the loveliest is our ... mom!

2. He will teach to drive a carnation,

Will give the car to drive

And he will tell you how to be brave

Strong, agile and skillful?

All of you guys know -

This is our beloved ... dad!

3. Who does not get tired of love,

For all family cake bakes

And delicious pancakes?

This is our ... grandmother!

4. He is a man and he is gray,

Daddy - daddy, to me he is… my grandfather!

5. Who loves both me and my brother,

But he loves to dress up more? -

Very fashionable girl -

My lovely sister!

6. I'm not alone with my mother,

She still has a son

I'm too small next to him,

To me, he's just ... a brother!

7. Without what in this world

Can't adults survive and children?

Who will support you friends?

Your friendly ... a family! Well done!


Like a tree grows

rising higher and higher, it grows and a family.

Created families, children appear, children grow up children of their own, etc.

And so people came up with the idea of ​​making up their pedigree in the form of a tree.

Each families has its own pedigree.

Let us, too, now try to compile, each, our own family tree.

To the music "Under the roof of his house"

Drawings are placed on the wall, next to family photos!


Russian proverb says "My home is my castle".

Why do they say that? (answers of children and adults)

Each families has its own fortress - its own home.

Today we offer you to split into 2 teams and

build "fortress".

And so, the competition: "What should we build a house"... To the song "Everyone in the world needs a home!"

Two teams: each team member (child) runs to the builder, and brings one brick at a time, dads build "fortress"... Whose is stronger and more !. ...


They say that everyone families are happy in their own way.

But most happy families have a hobby, a love affair that unites both adults and children.

Some sew, others can talk for hours about butterflies and beetles, and how nice it is when all family goes in for sports, in a word families who don't know what boredom is!

And now we announce the master Class: "Our hands are not for boredom" Light music

Dads with boys will do it yourself "Airplane", and mothers and daughters "Doll"!


And now the game "Proverbs about family»

I will start and you will finish

Apple from apple tree (falls not far).

It's good to visit, but (home is best).

Where is the love, yes advice (there is no grief).

The hut is not red in the corners, but (red with pies) .

All family together, … (so the soul is in place) .

What is the treasure, if ... (v family alright) .

In every hut (your rattles) .

We coped with the task perfectly, well done!


Sturdy a family cannot imagine life without children.

And the stronger a family, the more long-awaited the child.

Contest "Get to know your child"... The song is playing "Mom, the first word"

Children are getting around. In the circle is a mother with closed eyes, by touch she must find her child.


Family needs holidays.

The house is boring and uncomfortable, where the holiday is seen only on TV.

But the holiday itself will not work. Delicious cake will not be baked.

There will be no gifts. For this you need to work hard.

But is it family holidays are not worth our efforts?

Indeed, in return we get the feeling that we are needed and close to each other, that we are good together.

And now the musical pause: Children dance for their own parents.

N. Koroleva "Cupid's bow"

Leading: We have a dad, at least where,

He is for my family,

And mom gently whispers to us:

"He is the strongest, he is a hero!"

Next competition "Strongmen"

Dads and boys are invited to participate in the competition (dad with a child on his shoulders does a squat, and moms will draw a portrait of their son or daughter.

The song is playing "Dad can do anything"

Leading: Well done daddy, How nice to realize that you have a strong, strong, reliable shoulder! And you guys, now you felt it!


Dear guys, you all love to receive from your parents' gifts, your dads and moms try you are always something to please or surprise! Here it is today, for you, yours parents prepared a sweet surprise!

"Penata is an airplane!" To get sweets, you need to knock down "airplane"!


It's so good that you all have a family!

Families there are big and small.

The main thing is that in family has always been at peace, friendship, respect, love for each other.

And the symbol of love, the guys already know, is the beautiful flower CHAMOMILE

Our children have prepared their family small gifts - handmade daisies.

Music "Happiness families are children»

Every child gives a flower to his parents


Finally, let me read to you poem:

Take care of each other

Warm me with kindness

Take care of each other

Let's not offend

Take care of each other

Forget the vanity

And in moments of leisure

Stay near together!

The song is playing "We wish you happiness"

Scenario of physical culture entertainment together with parents of children of older groups "Let's play!"

author: Butova Yulia Viktorovna, physical education instructor, teacher at MKDOU kindergarten number 6 "Yagodka", Kirov, Kaluga region.
Description: this material will be useful for kindergarten teachers, physical education instructors.

Physical culture entertainment for children of senior and preparatory groups with parents "Let's play"

Target: Establishment of emotionally positive contact between parents and children in the process of joint motor-play activity.

1. To consolidate the ability to perform movements on command, to form motor skills and abilities.
2. To educate psychophysical qualities in children.
3. To promote the emergence in parents and children of a sense of joy and pleasure from joint motor-play activities, to form a healthy lifestyle.

Families of children are invited to the holiday. The hall is festively decorated. An exhibition of photographs of dads, grandfathers, drawings of children - "a portrait of my dad" was organized in the corridor.

Leading- We dedicate today's holiday to the dearest, kindest, strongest - our dads.

Children perform the song "Daddy Can".

Children read poetry:
1 child -
I love, I love dad,
His wide stride
Daddy's mighty voice
Both hands and jacket.
And how beautiful the sky is
In the sun in winter!
How fun I am at home
When my father is with me!

2 child
My daddy has kind eyes!
If dad is at home
There are miracles in the house!
If dad is around
I'm not lonely!
Daddy will play
And will not let you be sad!
It's good for me with dad
Live in this world!

3 child

It so happens that mom is not at home ...
Who's going to make us dinner?
Who will cook a delicious berry compote?
Who will put you to sleep, sing a song?
Who will tell us a fairy tale, read a book?
Of course, dad, he knows everything about household chores!

Leading- Today, my children and I invite you, dear parents, to escape from worries and household cotton and play with children - to remember childhood.

"Dance competition"
The presenter handing the attributes for the dance to all the participants - handkerchiefs, tambourines, ribbons. Music sounds, parents and children dance.

I suggest to play -
We need to stretch our legs!

Find Daddy game
Dads (parents) make a big circle. Children run around their parents "snake" to the music, the music ends - they run to their dad (mom).

Leading- Children, I suggest you make a birthday cake, but we need help, dads and moms come out - help.

Relay "Apple Pie"
Two teams are selected (in each - children, parents), for this you need to choose from the proposed ingredients, those that will be needed for this cake.

Leading- There is a lot of trouble in the family - you need to wash the dishes, sweep the floors and wash the linen. Do you children help your parents at home? Now let's check what kind of helpers you are.

Relay "Cleaning"
Children play in two teams of 3-4 people. Competition with brooms, plastic cubes and hoops. Children try to rake cubes onto the duck with a broom and carry them into a hoop, give the move to another participant.
Then you can give your parents the opportunity to play.

Leading- The holiday continues, the dance begins.
A dance is performed to a Russian folk melody.

Leading- Sometimes it happens that dads are left with their children at home alone. We will now find out how dads cope with household chores.

Game with dads "Underwear"
2 children are selected, each with their own dad (grandfather). The rope is stretched. The basket contains handkerchiefs of different colors. At the signal, the children choose from the basket handkerchiefs of a certain color before the game, the dads attach them to the rope with clothespins. Who will hang up handkerchiefs faster.

Leading- Our dads are daring, in a word - well done! All household chores are done, it's time to take a walk. You need to quickly and correctly dress children for a walk. Children will tell you what to wear first and what last.

Game "Dress up the child"
Dads, while playing music, put on sweaters, pants, hats, scarves, boots and jackets on children.

Now let's play
It's time to take a funny tambourine!

Game "Cheerful tambourine"
You run, run, run
Our cheerful, fast tambourine,
Quickly, quickly from hand to hand.
Who has a funny tambourine?
The one who had a tambourine in his hands at the time of the question, raises it up and goes to the center of the circle, dances to a Russian folk melody (you can use 2-3 tambourines).

Leading -
All moms love fruit and candy
Yes, and indifferent to flowers, too, no!

Relay "Gifts for Mom"
2 mothers are seated on chairs, 4 fathers (2 per team) run, take one present (flowers, sweets, fruits) and give them to mothers.

Leading -
Our guests stayed too long
They looked at the guys.
Come on out,
Dance with us.
Dance "Lavata" is being performed

Leading- Dads always have to spin so that everything is good in the family.

Game "Field of Miracles"
Children and adults are playing. On the floor there are large keys (made of cardboard in accordance with safety techniques), the players run in a circle to the music, as the music ends - you need to take the key in your hands, the one who did not get the key is out of the game.

The winner comes with a key to the cardboard machine and "opens" it, finds it there gifts for children.

Leading- What a pity to part, but it's time for us to say goodbye.
The general dance "Boogie - Woogie" is performed,
children with their parents leave the hall for tea.




Prepared by: educator

2 junior "A" group

Bulatova I.V

Kinel 2017




Target: Show parents that fostering interest and love for fiction is one of the foundations for the formation of a cheerful, responsive, initiative child, capable of creative activity.

Tasks: To activate the interest of parents in the activities of the preschool institution and the life of the child in it. To create a favorable emotional climate for all participants in the holiday.

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales , exhibition of drawings "My favorite fairy tale" , invitation for parents to a holiday

Hall decoration: decoration with balloons, exhibition of fiction,

Funds: Bunny toy; hut; two balls (large and small); box; a set of items for the game “Who was here and what did you forget? "; Balloons.

Organization form: Shared entertainment.

Duration: 15-20 minutes.

Literature: Belkina A.V. Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution Voronezh. 2006.

Blagodatskaya O. A. Preschool pedagogy. 2007.

Educator: Hello, dear mothers and fathers. Today we invited you to the entertainment "Visiting a Fairy Tale". Probably, there are no such parents who would not like to teach their children to read quickly and expressively, to instill in them an interest in reading. A good book is both an educator and a teacher. Today we will hold a competition for fairy tale connoisseurs, in which parents and children will participate.

(The music "Visiting a Fairy Tale" sounds, children enter the hall, sit on chairs).


So we begin.

Attention! Attention!

Residents and guests

States of fairytale

Kindergarten, mysterious

Cheerful, talkative

Funny and happy

In our wonderful kindergarten

The holiday will be interesting.


Fairy tales love everything in the world

Loved by adults and children.

They teach us how to live

To be friends with everyone around.

Visit a fairy tale at this hour

We'll go now.

Educator: Today we will visit "Visiting the Fairy Tale".

I have a big magic ball in my chest, let it show us the way to fairy tales. Where it rolls, we will go there (children follow the ball around the hall) .

Educator: Guys, look, the bunny is sitting and crying. Let's ask him what he is crying about (children ask).

Bunny: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked to see me, but she kicked me out.

Educator: Children, who will guess what kind of fairy tale we are in?

Children: "Zayushkin's hut".

Educator: Right. And now we will ask the parents, remember all the heroes of this fairy tale and tell who was the first to come to the aid of the bunny, who is the second, the third.

Parents: Dog, bear, rooster.

"You, ball, roll, roll

Find yourself in a new fairy tale. "

Where did the little ball lead us?

Someone's house is on the way. Guess ?.

They were waiting for mom with milk

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

Children: Little kids from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats".

Educator: And now a question for adults! Remember what song my mother goat sang when she came home from the forest?


Little kids, kids,

Open up, open up

Your mom came

I brought milk

Milk runs along the reed

From a notch on a hoof,

From a hoof into a damp earth

Educator: "You, ball, roll, roll in a new fairy tale." (the teacher takes pictures from the chest - illustrations for fairy tales)

Educator: And now we will hold a small literary quiz.

I make a riddle for children:

“A house has grown in the clearing,

the beasts were housed in it.

Suddenly came a big shaggy

He crushed the house with his paw ”(teremok) I show an illustration.


“I lived alone in a dense forest

Yes, he took the mistress into his house

Household so that she leads

I would bake pies "

(Masha and the Bear) showing an illustration.

"Alyonushka has sisters

Birds took away brother

They fly high

They look far away ”(Geese - swans) I show an illustration.


"You confided in the fox in vain

I put my finger around you

You were left without cheese -

Greed has ruined you "

(two greedy bears) showing an illustration.

"Near the forest at the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs

Three cribs, three pillows

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale ”(Three Bears) I show an illustration.


“As a child, everyone laughed at him

They tried to push him away

After all, no one knew that he

Born a white bird "

(The ugly duckling) showing an illustration.

"They say I am simplicity

Blundered a little

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window "

(Cat, rooster and fox) showing illustration.


"Gobbling up the rolls

The guy was driving on the stove.

Rolled through the village

And he married a princess "

(At the behest of a pike) I show an illustration.

Educator: Well done, everyone coped with the task. Guys, guess the riddle.

"They live in a mink, gnaw on the crusts

Short legs, afraid of a cat "

Children: Mice.


Question to parents - name the fairy tales in which the hero is a mouse.

Parents: "Teremok", "Turnip", "Chicken - Ryaba", "Spikelet", "Winged, shaggy, buttery".

Educator: And now we will play the game "Mousetrap". Parents will make a mousetrap, and children will be mice.

Mousetrap game

Educator: “You, ball, roll, roll. Find yourself in a new fairy tale ”(the teacher draws attention to the table on which various objects are lying).

Educator: Next competition “Who was here and what did they forget? "(For the subjects presented, determine the works from which they are taken)

egg ("Chicken - Ryaba")

sieve ("Kolobok")

three wooden spoons ("Three Bears")

apple ("The Tale of the Dead Princess")

Educator: children perform a dance. "Dance of little ducks"

Educator: (takes out a small ball from the chest)

Educator: Look, guys, our little ball has become very small, which means it's time to end our journey to the land of fairy tales. Tell me, what did you like and remember the most?


In the group "Camomile"

Many happy and friendly families.

Together they know how to have fun

To work and rest well.

Clever children play, paint,

They read, count and sing songs.

Parents just work miracles

They embroider, paint, compose poems,

For kids, beloved ones set an example

Educator: Dear parents and children! The fun is over. Thank you all for your participation!

state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region

secondary school №10, about. Kinel of the Samara region

structural unit kindergarten "Luchik"


spring folk holiday for the 2nd junior group of preschool educational institutions"A" group

"Meeting of Spring and Larks"

Prepared by: educator

2 junior "A" group

Bulatova I.V

Kinel 2017

Scenario of the spring folk holiday "Meeting of spring and larks" for the 2nd junior group of preschool educational institutions

The material will be of interest to educators, parents
Target: To acquaint children with folk signs accessible to age. Expand your horizons, consolidate knowledge about birds.

- Expand and enrich children's knowledge about the traditions of the Russian people;

Develop interest in Russian folklore through Russian spring calls;

Strengthen children's knowledge about migratory birds;

To acquaint parents with the Russian Orthodox custom of meeting the arrival of birds.
- Expand vocabulary with folklore.
- Encourage children to be emotionally responsive, create an atmosphere of Russian hospitality at the table and in the group
Funds: Steering wheel, Basket with objects, phonograms.

Organization form: Shared entertainment.

Duration 20 minutes.

Participants: Educator, teacher-speech therapist, children, parents.

Preliminary work:
Methodical techniques:
Game technique, artistic word, choral recitation of calls, help and encouragement, individual work.

Holiday progress:

Hostess: Hello dear guests! I've been waiting for you for a long time, I'm not starting the holiday!

The winter season lasts a long time. Happy holidays have already swept by: Christmas and Shrovetide, already tired of listening to the howling of blizzards and blizzards, everyone dreams that the heat will drive away the fierce cold. And so, in order to bring the joyous season of spring renewal closer, people have come up with more rituals - the invocation of spring and larks. The people said so:

When the water spills, when the forest turns green.

When birds arrive, then Spring comes.

Do you know well the signs of spring? Let's check it out.
I invite you guys to guess the spring riddles:
- what is blue, tall, clean in spring? (sky).
- what is light, white, fluffy in spring? (clouds).
- what runs in the spring, murmurs? (Creek).
- what drips and rings in the spring? (drops).
- what warms, shines, bakes in the spring? (Sun).
Hostess: Yes, indeed in the spring the sun not only shines, but also warms.
Are you happy with the spring sun? Let's call him, let him warm us with his warmth.
Children pronounce the calls "Sunshine"
The sun is red, burn, burn clearly.
Fly a bird into the sky, light our Earth,
Swim into the sky with a fish, revive our Earth,
Warm up all the kids in the world, make them healthier!

The sun is a bucket,
Look out the window
Dress up the sun
Show yourself red!

Children are waiting for you

Waiting for youngsters

Music sounds. (Enter Sunny.)

Sun: I am a radiant sun, I bring warmth and light,

I return smiles to you, and I give joy to everyone! I'm leading the spring! Hello my dear! How many guests have gathered here! Happy Holidays! …….

Hostess: Thank you sunshine for stopping by on our holiday. Be our dear guest. Guys, let's sing a song about the sun.

The song "Get up the sun ..."

Game "Help the brook to get to the river"

Sun:Exercise game "SUN"
(On the development of general motor skills, performed to music)

I keep a little sun in my palms. (children show the little sun with their hands)
And the big sun I see from the window.(showing the big sun with their hands)
I take the little sun with my hands(show the little sun with their hands)
And the big sun high above the clouds(raise their hands above their head and look up)
Little sun shines in my palms(shows the little sun with his hands)
And the big sun shines on the entire planet!(raise their arms above their head and spread them apart)

Listen, Sunny, the children have learned poems


Spring is walking towards us with quick steps,

And the drifts melt under her feet

Black thawed patches in the fields are visible,

Very warm feet are visible in the spring.


The snow is no longer the same -

He darkened in the field,

Ice cracked on the lakes

As if split.


The clouds are running faster

The sky got higher

Chirped by a sparrow

More fun on the roof.

Let's sing a spring song!
Isp. song "Cap-cap, the drops are ringing"

Sun: I have an interesting game "Sparrows and a car".


The angry blizzard has fizzled out.

The night has become shorter than the day.

A warm wind blows from the south

Drops fall ringing.


The sun warms the earth,

Drives ice from our slide.

The snow woman melts

And tears are pouring in streams.

Hostess: With the arrival of spring, everything comes to life around: the grass turns green, the sun is shining brighter and warmer, streams are ringing merrily, birds are singing loudly.

Migratory birds return home.
Spring is the time of arrival of birds.



Spring, spring wake up from sleep!

And you, winter, go beyond the seas!

Let the winter go for good!

Let's start spring on the doorstep!


We, winter, are tired of you

And she ate all the bread with us,

We burned all the firewood,

She carried the straw from the rooftops!


Spring, spring, wake up from sleep!

We are bored with winter

I tortured you with the cold!


Birds come fly!

Twist nests

Fly, fly

Glorify the spring

Game "What's in the basket"

What is in the basket is unknown, but terribly interesting!
You tell the basket what is in it, guess.

Basket game. To the music, a basket covered with a handkerchief is passed in a circle. To stop the music, the one who has the basket by touch is trying to determine the object, the objects there.

First, you can spend with the children, then a couple of times with the parents - put the basket in the rows.

Hostess: Now for our birds, let's call fair winds.

Children perform exercise "Wind" speaking the words
perform the appropriate movements.

The wind is blowing in our faces. Stretch out their arms, wave their palms
The tree swayed.
Tilts to the right, left
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter,
Squat, arms forward .
The tree is getting higher, higher ...
Stand on their toes, raising their hands

Sun: Now listen to the sounds of forest birds.

Phonogram Lark.

Hostess: And we meet the spring, we call the birds! No wonder the people said: "Forty-forties are flying, they are carrying spring."
Lure the larks!

Children pronounce the call "Lark":
Lark, lark!
It's winter for you, and summer for us!
You have a sleigh, and we have a cart!

Sun: Our holiday has come to an end. Well done guys and parents. For your diligence, take larks from me

Hostess: And now I invite everyone to a treat.
The holiday ends with a tea party in the group.