Statuses about thin girls are cool. Cool statuses

No matter how bad they say about me, I always have something to add. 101

Nothing limits your actions as much as the phrase "do what you want" ... 80

Guys are jealous when they love. Girls are jealous even when they don't love. 71

Can't find an approach to me? Go around! 200 - cool statuses

Comrade, let's go to find out the cash ... 21

Nothing strengthens faith in a person like a 100% prepayment. 31

If you know exactly who is to blame, do not betray yourself. 48

I walk with my eyes closed and a smile from ear to ear, to meet future happiness, across a field of rakes ... 97

From the statement: "How is everything for me ..." Crossed out. "As I am of you all ..." Crossed out. "Yes, you all would go to ..." Crossed out. "Please give me another vacation." 32

Dear Money! I really miss you. I promise to buy a new wallet for you. If you want, you can invite your relatives from Europe or America - I will not object. I will accept everyone! 41

I want chronic health, progressive happiness, recurring success, hypertensive salary, and an eternally pregnant wallet without the threat of miscarriage!))) 39

The best way to test a guy for loyalty is to ask the sleeping man, in the morning, the question: "Will you go to yours or will you stay with me?" 67

According to statistics, the phrase "How huge it is!" the spider hears most often. 65

Briefly about myself: Year of manufacture 1991, Mileage 20, Light color, Height 162, Blue headlights, Documents on hand, Tuning is present, The body is not broken, not rusty, The roof is in place, but there are no brakes. All options, start up with half a turn. 54

You can't look in the mirror when you eat - you will pass your happiness. And when you drink, you drink. And in the toilet it is generally better not to hang a mirror ... 62

Sex - when he wants, erotic - when she wants, porn - when both want. 48

No money to change wardrobe - change jobs! For the new team, all your old clothes are new. 41

Flowers should be for no reason ... Happiness should be unique ... The house should be warm ... The weather - but it doesn't matter what the weather is! But love should be mutual. 46

All people bring happiness - some by their presence, others by their absence) 69

What would I give to a person who has everything? I would have hit him in the jaw. 19

If men knew what women were thinking, they would be courting twenty times more boldly. 46

Only nesting dolls can live in perfect harmony. 65

I need to call my mom, tell me where I am. - Hello, mom? Where I am? 44

The little boy was watching porn. I didn't understand the film, but I was sweating a lot. 31

The main thing is that they are waiting for you at home, and not waiting for you. 61

Chocolate is twice as delicious if it is impossible) 40

The Lord protects us all. But the shelf life is different for everyone. 46

I am kept by the great ancient Egyptian god of peace and tranquility - DANUNAKH. 75

Every day, people around me prove to me that life without a brain is real. 61

Nobody dies a virgin: life will have us all. 34

I really want something ... or get married ... or seeds ...

Recently I saw on the street a girl of about 16 years old walking with a child, an inscription on a stroller with a child In the stroller is my brother, not a son, whoever calls me a young mother again will get it in the eye. Smiled.

Dear Santa Claus! Last time on New Years I asked you for a boyfriend. so, take this goat back and give me tangerines better.

How to get a guy hysterical? Text him: "How about sex without obligation ?!", and then add: "Oops ... not for you!"

Everyone thinks that every girl's dream is to find the perfect boyfriend .. Yes, of course! Our dream is to eat and not get better !!!

Questions stand like hooks. Where did the men go? What kind of destiny is your mother? Go to bed alone again ...

It's funny when three guys simultaneously write to you: "Look, don't cheat on me there!"

For women, men are like pies ... for someone with cabbage, for someone with eggs !!!

Do you think you will be my boyfriend? Ha! Naive! Husband, at least!

So I want to kiss him, but pride gets in the way. So you want to come up and hug, but you need to control yourself. But there is one "BUT", he is such a goat, but you love him exactly ...

You correspond with the guy you like and at the same time you send the correspondence to your friend. and every time you are afraid that you will send the correspondence to him by mistake.

Me: - Mom, I am offered to meet two guys, I can't choose what to do? Mom looks at me and smiles. Me: - No, mom, with both this is not an option! They know each other. Mom: - Damn!

Guys, you are our defenders! Stop pumping elves, pump your muscles !!!))

If a guy looks into your eyes for a long, long time, the girl can be sure: he has already looked at everything else.

So what if I eat a lot of sweets! And this does not mean that I will be plump ... I will be sweet! :))

Women's logic - Better to say it in a good way, otherwise I'll figure it out myself, it will be worse!

Female omen: I didn't come out wearing makeup - you will meet all your friends!

Honey, I have 2 news for you. One is good, the other is bad. Where to start? - Come on with a bad ... - I crashed your BMW. - A good one? .. - I won't be like that anymore.

Take me already married! Urgently! And then all the married friends complain about how unhappy they are ... I'm the only one happy. Straight uncomfortable somehow =)

Do you know why earlier MEN were more willing to get married? Because it WASN'T, well, it WASN'T on sale, ready-made CUTLETS and DUMPLINGS ... =))

Dear girls, if you hear the phrase: There are no ugly women - there is not enough vodka Boldly answer: There are no ugly men - there is little money!

Spring will show who pumped the press in winter, and who the door from the refrigerator

The kettle whistles, the microwave beeps, the children yell, the husband freaks out, the cat asks to eat, the dog barks, the phone breaks ...

and it's all fucking called "good morning" ???)

And I’ll leave… I’m not noticing offenses… Chewing chocolate candy… And let the evil horse love you, and not such a sun as me !!!

Girls are like salt: it's not sweet with them, but tasteless without them ...

A girl can drink a bottle of vodka, beat a man with a handbag, walk home on a dark street alone ... But she will go to the toilet with her friend.

I'm thinking about deleting the phone numbers of my ex-boyfriends from my mobile phone ... and that's all after my mother shouted from the kitchen "Come quickly, hey ** o calls you."

A friend gave me the kitten. I run home, smiling from ear to ear, shouting to my boyfriend - "Hurray! We'll have a little one !!" He almost fell off the couch, poor man.

A real girl can take off and put on a bra without taking off her T-shirt.

I was often told in childhood that I was a very kind and sweet girl ... In general, they jinxed me, you bastards ...

I went to the store for a bag, but I liked the boots and I bought a blouse.

In a woman, two entities are always fighting: a cat that wants to walk by itself, and a dog that needs a master ...))

I would like to get married. My wife would cook me dinner, Was busy around the house, baked pies ... But my sex orientation does not allow me to have a wife, since, unfortunately, I am straight.

Every morning I go through 5 stages of awakening: denial, anger, bargaining, awareness, coffee.

A proper handbag should hold at least two polorashki.

Every woman has the right to wake her husband up at three in the morning to ask if he loves her. And if he loves, then let him bring a drink.

Never send women! They will not get lost even without you ...

I would be a good girl if it weren't for these bad boys ...

And yet heels are an extraordinary thing ... Put on - a gorgeous woman, took off - Happy man.

Only a girl can put her mobile phone on silent mode, so as not to be distracted, and then every 5 minutes to check if an SMS has arrived.

Here, I sat with the child at home until she was three years old. Tomorrow is the first day for work. At least I will rest!

A real girl should have 4 animals: a JAGUAR near the entrance, a MINK in a closet, a TIGER in bed, and a GOAT, who pays for all this ..

SMS-correspondence. ON: "I was wrong ... forgive me ..." SHE: "I have only one question! How could you print a text message with your hooves ?! "

Scratching in heels again! On ice and morning powder! Of course tin! And you wanted how ??? What if fate !! ??? And I am in galoshes ...

How to determine if you need to lose weight? If a man can carry you to bed in his arms, you are in shape ... If not, change this goner for a normal man!

A real woman can make nothing out of nothing: a haircut, a salad and a tragedy.

If a guy stops a computer game to answer your message, marry him.

Only our women know how to shine like stars, flutter like moths, blossom like roses, and at the same time plow like horses ...

Women's wardrobe: nothing to wear, but nowhere to hang.

Eh, and somewhere that golden time, when I was praised for the fact that I slept and ate well !!!

Katya, pay attention to how you walk ... The girl must swim as if on waves. And you don't swim, and you don't even walk. You fucking shit!

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur ... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird ???

I am always tormented by one question, where does the clothes that I don't like in my wardrobe come from?

Girls with small breasts are the happiest, because they are sure that they were not loved for their boobs!

Honey, you got it. Your mom liked me !!!

The girl will flirt with anyone, if at this time someone who is needed will look at her.

Every woman is a sorceress ... There is a mood - she creates. No mood - gets up.

For women, childhood ends when they call not to eat, but to cook ...

Well-bred girls do not swear, do not get drunk in the trash, do not dance on tables ... In general, their life is boring - boring!

All women are essentially angels, but when their wings break off, they have to fly on a broomstick.

Yesterday a little boy called me (wrong number) and asked: "Mom, where are you?" The second day I walk under the impression and think ... Maybe this is a call from the future?

When I got the idea to send him to fuck, the cockroaches in my head gave a standing ovation.

I decided to tidy up my purse ... Three times I took out the bucket.

No need for the exploits of Hercules. You don't need money, power, rank. Don't make women cry. Then you will be called a Man!

Two blondes: - Olya, tell me, when I copy the text with the mouse, where is it saved? - As where? Of course in the mouse!

A woman really has such a place, touching which, you can drive her crazy - this is her soul.

I am very kind, gentle, affectionate, fluffy. The main thing is not to step on the tail.

The fact that a woman did not refuse you means nothing. Perhaps she did not deny you, but herself.

Women are resourceful! They will find everything - even socks, even a remote control, even a stash, even a different husband!

I think of you every Saturday ... when your floor is with your shirt ...

Girls! If the skirt has become tight, throw it away, if it can't hold so much beauty!)))

I can do everything !!! - Can you be silent? - I can do everything, I can’t be silent ...

The myth that women only need money was invented by men who have no money.

How to scare your wife with divorce, Poraskin a man with brains! You are in shorts with debts. Only mom will need you!

The woman is a strange bird. He gets up in the morning like a lark, works like a woodpecker and goes to bed late like an owl. At the same time, she should coo like a dove and shine like a firebird, remaining a crane in the sky for strangers, and a tit in her hands for her own.

The guy always speaks to the point, and the girl simply because she does not want to be silent.

A well-bred girl will not call first, but she can write messages without stopping ...

If a girl left you and you decided to jump from the ninth floor out of grief, then do not expect a soft landing - you cannot spread your horns like wings.

The connection with the femme fatale is fraught with a terrible danger - after the breakup, the man is no longer able to experience the joy of the relationship in its entirety.

A woman will be faithful to her chosen one if in her eyes he stands out from the general “mass” of men, or, conversely, everything is the same for her.

You do not need to be seven spans in the forehead and have a prestigious job to interest a girl. Simple and funny guys are much more attractive to her.

A woman forgives any of our sins. The trouble lies elsewhere - she is unable to forget them. And one day he can remember everything at once ...

A girl with magical eyes ... Bright as the sun, free and proud, like a bird ... It is impossible to take your eyes off, but she is not for you ...

A woman is a saint, because of whom others become sinners.

A woman has something to wear when she has new things, and a man has something to put on.

A divinely beautiful woman often has a devilish character.

He eats - I cook, he wears - I wash, he scatters - I clean. And what would I do without him? ..

Women's logic: - So you won't let me warm up to your place? -After the wedding only!

- Darling, let's arrange a great weekend for each other ?! - With pleasure, dear! - Then until Monday, honey!))

I knew that sooner or later he would leave! But why ?! Why didn't I break his legs ?!

Women, like ice cream, are cold at first, then melt, then stick ...

What is not in the women's bag? -What-what ... There is no place in it !!!

A beautiful woman is like a bomb - it strikes not only those at whom it is directed.

I am a creative woman, I want to create, I want to get up

Women have a flair: they know how not to notice the unpleasant.

A woman is like a prosecutor's office! First it turns on, then it excites, and then it can deprive you of freedom ...

Glasses are sober! ...

A welcome girl with champagne lips, now nothing more than just drunk.

A girl can talk for hours about the fact that she simply has no words.

We are responsible for those who were not sent on time!

I am not arrogant, I just do not consider it necessary to smile at everyone! I'm not selfish, I just learned to live for myself !!!

At first glance, we are all valuable bitches, but pick it up, and there the sun sits there and makes a magnifying glass with its eyes))

They grow their paws, and you go later, complex

Beautiful. Inaccessible. She smiles, but at heart she is sad. Happy and in love. Lonely in life. No, not abandoned. Just vague ...

Many people know me, but only a few know what I really am ...

A real woman powders her brains even without a mirror!

I am like champagne: I can be playful, or I can give it to my head.

- Are you crying? -No, Mom, I'm sleeping. -I see that you are crying. - The eyes are crying, and I'm mom ... I'm sleeping.

The Chukchi shaman began to be rude in the queue at the supermarket and missed three hits to the tambourine.

The woman reigns, but does not rule.

Today a woman in the subway gave me a seat ... Old age crept up imperceptibly ...

The woman on the couch is resting, the man is lying around.

Scientists have figured out what a woman wants. But she has already changed her mind! ...

When God created brains and conscience, I stood in line for legs and breasts, but they ended and I got an ASS AND ADVENTURE!

What is shopping ... A sage opened to us ... Shopping - doping for a woman ... A guy - fucked up!

An independent woman is a woman who has not found anyone who would like to depend on her.

There is no woman more helpless than a woman with dry manicure!

I love our tights. I haven't put it on yet - I have already broken it.

Everyone has them - comfortable home pants, in which it is a shame to go to the store ...

"A girl should dress in such a way that it is pleasant to undress her."

In a woman, two entities are always fighting: a cat that wants to walk by itself, and a dog that needs a master!

The woman takes everything from the man. Even a surname.

A Mercedes key is best suited to a girl's heart.

Good girls have jobs, bad girls have sponsors, smart girls have their own business, and the smartest have everyone))

My mood, you know, does not smell like violets ...

Women's logic: he gave me a digital camera to make me crazy reading the instructions

Darling! Such as you were not, no and do not!

The woman is the only gift that wraps herself. - statuses about girls

Nothing adorns a guy like walking next to me!

There are two blind people in the world ... You, - because you do not see how much I need me, - because I do not see anyone but you.

There are only 2 things in the world that do not forgive mistakes - women and 9-speed Tetris.

In revenge and love, a woman is more barbarian than a man.

Girls, no matter how harmful you are, we still love you!

A woman should be loved, happy, beautiful, and she owes nothing to anyone else.

Those who distinguish between good and evil, victory and defeat, life and death, even those who know the whole essence of things, are perplexed by the behavior of women.

Men forgive and forget. Women are forgiving and nothing more.

Girls, if you want to be loved, why do you dress so that you are wanted?

We are strong women: we will take out the trash, and the brain, if necessary ...

A woman on a ship - to the pleasure of misfortune.

So beautiful. Inaccessible. She smiles, but at heart she is sad. Happy and in love. Lonely in life. No, not abandoned. Just vague.

If you looked in the mirror and did not see anyone there. So you are irresistible!

I am a Woman - and by that I am right!

Any woman has in her arsenal the most reliable contraceptive, this is a simple and short word - no! It's just that some women don't even know about it.

The man is the head of the family, and the woman is her brains

Women are sadists; they torture us with the torments we inflict on them.

A woman is like tea leaves, you will never know her strength until she boils ...

Give a woman a million scarlet roses, and she will say that one, but white, is enough for her.

I'm a woman, we don't say what we want, but we get angry if we don't get it.

They pushed, fell, got up, straightened the crown and went on!

A woman can forgive a man, even if he is not guilty of anything in front of her.

Another problem of choice: to be a happy bastard or a noble loser?

A smart woman ... she herself knows that she is a fool ...

This morning while I was painting, I fainted 5 times from my beauty ...

We live in the 21st century - the century of feminine men and masculine women.

"Nowadays, when you eat a bun, you feel as if you are selling your soul."

A beautiful woman pleases a man's eye, and an ugly woman pleases a woman's.

Diet is such a thing. which is uncomfortable to sit on.

Good girls make good wives. The bad ones are amazing lovers. Smart - faithful friends. And the wise manage to combine all this.

All that a woman forgives - she will still remember you

I'm even afraid to think that such a charm as I, someone will get ...! 🙂

The weaker sex is stronger than the stronger due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weaker

wrote to her beloved "you are a miracle" and sent "you-fuck" - thanks to the phone with the T9 function

I love orange juice, and my friends - peach ... But when we meet, we drink vodka ...

The road to success is filled with women pushing their husbands in front of them.

Women guess everything, and if they are wrong, then on purpose.

The rarest thing in the world: a girl who is happy with her photographs.

A woman is a weak, defenseless creature from which it is impossible to escape.

Every girl should wait for such a guy who, seeing her, said: “Here it is, my life!”

Feminism is when you no longer count on Prince Charming.

The most precious thing a girl has is her bag, she can't go without it ...

I used to be small and stupid, but now I am big and ... the same.

No, you're not a loser! You are beautiful, smart, sweet, kind! And you deserve to be loved! All life. They just loved. It's just not the time. Be patient.

All women value honesty very much, but among them this quality is extremely rare ...

Girls can do everything, only some are shy.

A woman was created in order to love her, not in order to understand her.

Don't be stupid, but pretend!

... I am not the girl who will say: "Everything will be fine with me!" And the one who says: "It will be different, but I will be there!" ...

Even if the men knew what the woman was thinking ... They wouldn’t believe it anyway.

Female logic: Bastard ... scoundrel ... creature ... BACK !!

Why did you come home at 5 in the morning? .. - And it’s my fault that in our city at 5 in the morning there is no other place to go except home))

Women's logic: - Eat a berry, dear. -Don't start lisping! - Eat, I said!

There is nothing in nature more beautiful than beautiful women, and nothing more ugly than those women who imitate them.

The girl grows up when she starts to paint her eyes, from this moment she can no longer cry

All girls live according to one division: “To love never to use”, but where to put the comma, each one chooses for herself.

A woman will always prefer your slavery to her freedom.

I look at myself in the mirror - why is my husband so happy, then I get on the scales - and even so much!

When will they learn how to conduct LIGHT in women's bags? really needed!!!

I am a quiet, modest girl ... if you offend me ... I will quietly bury, modestly celebrate!

Every girl should have a riddle! As well as a hint and a solution

The most expensive gift for a girl ... attention. Constant attention!

A bachelor knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise he would have been married too.

The crisis in a woman's life is when you go to throw out the trash and put on lace underwear just in case

Paradox: Women tend to be much more careful in choosing their nightgown than their husbands.

Women are divided into two categories: "Why do you need me?" and "What the fuck are you to me?"

Wet from head to toe, happy from crown to toe.

She was a woman with a capital B - statuses about girls

If the girl is beautiful, if the girl is smart, it is useless to fuss, the choice is made by her !!

A woman is a fire in the hearth! It's warm in bed! This is the scent in the kitchen! This is a smile of lips, glitter of eyes! The mother of children ... and a sweet fairy tale in a man's life!

If a woman does not give up, she wins; if she gives up, then she dictates conditions to the winner.

Woman - it sounds proudly, as well as loud, capricious and stupid.

Yesterday I was walking in the park and saw a guy with a girl, today I saw this guy with another girl. Girls change guys quickly. - statuses about girls

A woman who works at the Citramon factory cannot refuse her husband.

I'm not lazy, it's just that the great ancient Greek god of peace and tranquility, Danunakh, keeps me safe ...

Children grow up. Husbands are getting old. We alone are beauties.

A Georgian is walking, he sees a girl ahead. - The girl, and the girl, turn around, - Well, the girl, turn around, the steward ladies. - Oh, a thousand ladies, just turn away.

Very often girls do not think at first, and then they think why they did not think when it was necessary to think.

I mean kissing with a guy. Sweat a little. I say to him: Oh, it seems the ink has flowed! He: What has flowed? Me: Yes, ink, ink) He: I’m here with you, it means I’ve been working for half a day, but she just ran out of ink?

An intelligent woman rarely does stupid things. But if he does, then those that the last fool is not capable of.

The older I get, the more I want to return to childhood. The little girl who still lives somewhere inside me, oh ... with eager eyes looks at the world and says: "Where the hell did you bring me ?!"

All men are bastards! And the former is their leader!

Today I saw my ex, he walked arm in arm with his girlfriend ... We ran into her ... She exclaimed: Fuck! And she answered: Nice to meet you! And me Yana

Nothing baffles a woman more than being asked to speak briefly about herself.

I was walking down the street with my girlfriend. It suddenly started to rain. Well, I never expected that instead of eyelashes, eyebrows might flow ... The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, to be honest ...

Female deceit is when, advising a girl to overcome depression, her friends offer her to have several lovers at once, knowing full well that with her figure she can only drink with them.

The girl must always be fed. Only she wanted to fuck your brain up and down, you immediately gave her pizza, rolls, chocolate ... Everything, neutralized.

Russian women are the most beautiful in the world! And the worst in anger!

Girls are most attached to men who know how to listen, show tenderness and make you laugh.

A woman's skirt is a flag that a man will go wherever he goes! Especially if it is raised high!

Girls, as a rule, are indifferent to the inner world of a man, if only they can drag it into bed through borscht and throw it. And then the man suffers.

Why does everyone say that women love money? Yes, we do not love them! Look how fast we get rid of them!

Girls put on tops and mini-skirts so that the former are constantly pulled up, and the latter are pulled down.

I'd like a man, in his prime ...
To relieve stress with just one glance!
And, like a prayer, he spoke ...
Baby, calmness, I AM NEARBY !!!

A girl feels confident in high heels, and even more confident when she has a man under her heel.

The girl grows up when she starts to paint her eyes. After all, from that moment on, she can no longer cry.

The girl is like a calculator: adds problems, takes time, multiplies expenses, divides up property!

Women, as harmful food additives, constantly use dyes, flavors and preservatives.

Girls with iPhones who like to take pictures of themselves in front of a mirror, well, you at least remove the shit in the background! Glamorous pigs!

Girls! And let's really take care of men! There are fewer of them! It may not be enough for everyone. Let's treat them more humanely. Caught in the evening - release in the morning!

The girl who watches her behavior is much more beautiful than the one who only watches her face.