Tablets for resorption of breast milk. Dinner is served! Ways to stimulate lactation for the full feeding of the baby. The most common misconceptions about lactation drugs

One of the most common experiences for breastfeeding mothers has to do with the amount of breast milk. Assumptions that milk is not enough appear due to frequent attachments, anxiety of the crumbs, prolonged or, conversely, short sucking. And sometimes there are real reasons to increase the production of a secret. In search of a solution to the problem, mothers try different "lactation" pills. But will they be effective?

Like any medication or food supplement, lactation booster pills must be prescribed by a doctor. Before that, it is necessary to understand the situation and find out how the breastfeeding of the baby is organized, whether he is healthy and why the mother is unhappy with the amount of her milk. Even if the doctor prescribes homeopathic remedies or food supplements, a woman should ask about the composition of the drugs, their side effects, the principle of action and safety for the baby.

How to understand that there is not enough milk

Before actively taking on an increase in lactation, a nursing mother should understand whether this is really necessary. How do you know if your baby is not getting enough milk? Most often, mothers make such a conclusion based on subjective data - the amount of secretion expressed, sensations in the chest, the behavior of the crumbs during feeding, and so on. However, these factors cannot be called universal, because they change from mother to mother. Moreover, not only the state of hunger affects the mood and behavior of the baby, but the sensations in the breast area during lactation can be very individual for different women.

How then to understand that the child is full? The main and objective criterion for nutritional adequacy for an infant is its weight gain. Until six months, exclusively breastfed babies should gain at least 600 g per month (20 g per day). If the baby shows large numbers, there is no reason to doubt the sufficient production of milk. After seven months, normal gains slow down.

When the dynamics of weight lags behind a safe minimum, it's time to start looking for the reasons for this state of affairs. The following factors influence the rate of weight gain in an infant.

  • Correct attachment to the chest. A properly attached baby has the ability to effectively empty the breast, receiving the right amount of milk. Otherwise, even prolonged, but poor-quality sucking does not allow the baby to get enough food. Errors in application gradually lead to a real decrease in maternal milk production: the gland always remains partially filled, and in a full breast the production of a new secret is slower than in an empty one.
  • Feeding mode. Infrequent feedings, time-limited sucking, long breaks between sucklings, lack of night sucking - all this negatively affects the volume of milk and the rate of weight gain. In order to always have enough milk, babies up to three months old should be fed on demand (that is, very often). Older children should be breastfed at least 10-12 times a day, including at night.
  • Health status. Various problems with the well-being of the child often affect the dynamics of his weight. The baby may add below the minimum limit due to difficulties in digesting breast milk, and not because of its lack.

Under such circumstances, "lactation improvement" pills will not solve the problem of low weight gain, even if the reason for this is a real decrease in milk production. The World Health Organization recommends first of all to work on the correct attachment to the breast and the organization of a competent feeding regimen. For healthy babies, these measures are enough to return the increase to normal, and the volume of milk becomes optimal.

Do “lactagon” products benefit?

The volume of milk production depends on the concentration of prolactin in the blood of a nursing mother. The higher it is, the more stable lactation will be. The synthesis of prolactin is triggered during and after breastfeeding or pumping, that is, as a result of stimulation of specific receptors in the nipple and areola.

In the absence of this condition, the active production of prolactin in the woman's body does not begin, and lactation gradually fades away. For this reason, any means "to increase lactation" are not able to affect the amount of milk in the breast. The same goes for food, teas, industrial or domestic drinks.

Often, the composition of drugs "to increase lactation" includes herbs and substances that can inhibit milk production. Therefore, mothers need to be extremely careful in choosing such funds. If a woman wants to introduce such pills into her diet, you should consult a doctor, study the components and instructions. And, of course, to fulfill the key conditions for successful lactation: correctly and often apply crumbs to the breast.

Overview of popular lactation pills

Despite the fact that in reality drugs marked “to enhance lactation” are not able to give the desired effect, they are often prescribed by doctors, mothers advise and manufacturers praise. Below is a general description of the funds that are very popular among lactating women. Special attention is paid to the compatibility of drugs with breastfeeding.


"Apilak" is a homeopathic and completely natural remedy in the form of tablets. Created on the basis of royal jelly, which includes proteins, sugars, fats, mineral salts, vitamins and microelements. According to research, which can be found in the American National Library of Medicine, the composition of royal jelly has been studied by approximately 95%. According to the instructions, the drug improves metabolism and stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

  • recovery period after illness;
  • decreased production of breast milk;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • arterial hypotension.

"Apilak" is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components and beekeeping products. It should not be taken in case of insufficiency of the functions of the adrenal cortex. As a side effect of the drug, a nursing mother may experience allergic reactions and sleep problems.

According to the international reference site "E-lactation", "Apilak" is fully compatible with breastfeeding. However, the resource recommends using the medicine only after consulting a doctor. The World Health Organization does not recognize the effectiveness of Apilac, since it belongs to homeopathy, and traditional and alternative medicine are not within its mandate.


"Mlecoin" is a natural preparation that belongs to homeopathy. It consists of three plants: meadow backache, stinging nettle and agnus cactus. Available in the form of small granules. The annotation states that "Mlekoin" helps the rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth and stimulates the production of prolactin (there is no description of the mechanism of this action in the instructions).

Indications for the use of the drug:

  • insufficient milk secretion in the early and late stages;
  • the need to prolong the period of breastfeeding;
  • mastitis prevention.

There is only one contraindication for Mlekoin - personal susceptibility to its composition. Side effects can be expressed in the form of allergies and worsening lactation for the first time after starting the drug.

According to the E-lactation resource, Agnus cactus can suppress the secretion of the lactation hormone, prolactin. The plant is regarded as dangerous for the child and mother. Meadow lumbago is a very poisonous herb, so it can be used in strict amounts and only under the supervision of a doctor. There is no information on the extent to which nettle and lumbago penetrate into breast milk. Therefore, Mlekoin cannot be called a safe drug during breastfeeding.


"Laktogon" - an addition to the diet of a nursing mother in the form of tablets, is considered a dietary supplement. Includes natural ingredients:

  • carrot juice;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • herbs (ginger, nettle, dill, oregano);
  • royal jelly;

According to the instructions, this natural remedy was created specifically to preserve and maintain natural feeding with insufficient milk secretion. The annotation states that "Laktogon":

  • prolongs the period of breastfeeding;
  • helps the mother in the shortest possible time to restore her strength after childbirth;
  • strengthens the body of a woman during lactation.

"Laktogon" is indicated for use as an additional source of iodine and vitamin C. The manufacturer recommends using it to increase the secretion of breast milk.

The list of contraindications for this drug is modest: pregnancy, diabetes and intolerance to the components in the composition. With caution and under the supervision of an endocrinologist, "Laktogon" is taken by mothers with thyroid problems.

The conclusion about the safety of the drug is formed as a result of assessing the compatibility with lactation of each active component can be made based on the data of the E-lactation website.

  • Ascorbic acid. Allowed for breastfeeding.
  • Ginger. Absolutely safe for a nursing mother and her baby.
  • Nettle. Non-toxic and acceptable for moderate use in breastfeeding, but there is no evidence of excretion into milk.
  • Dill. He was assigned the penultimate degree of risk, since he has no proven positive effect on milk production. Contains a neurotoxic essential oil that can cause seizures. In high concentrations, it can cause weakness, vomiting and hypotension in the mother and infant.
  • Mother's milk. Does not carry risks during lactation.

Carrot juice and iodine are not dangerous for the well-being of a nursing mother and an infant. They are present in the usual woman's menu, and their concentration in the Lactogon tablet is negligible. Regarding oregano information on the site is not provided.

Conclusion: "Laktogon" cannot be considered absolutely compatible with breastfeeding. It contains components with unproven effectiveness in increasing milk production. The presence of dill does not give grounds to recognize the medicine as safe during breastfeeding.


"Femilak" is a dry mixture, which is taken as an active additive to tea, cocoa, porridge and, thus, replenish the diet of a breastfeeding woman with certain components.

The abstract says that "Femilak" is a milk drink that is balanced and enriched with a complex of vitamins and minerals. The product is recommended for correcting the diet of lactating mothers, pregnant women and other persons who need additional intake of nutrients.

Femilak includes:

  • dry matter (dairy products);
  • a complex of vegetable oils (coconut, palm, soy, corn);
  • 12 minerals;
  • 13 vitamins;
  • auxiliary components.

Milk production by the mammary glands (lactation) is regulated by hormones (estrogen, progesterone, prolactin). Often, in the first days after childbirth, a woman experiences disappointment and anxiety: the process is slow and it seems that the child is malnourished.

In most cases, milk deficiency in the early stages of feeding is not an obstacle to breastfeeding and switching to artificial formulas. Proper organization of breastfeeding and the use of various methods will contribute to the stimulation of lactation after childbirth.

Ways to stimulate lactation

The most accessible and simple method is the frequent application of the baby to the breast. During feeding, natural stimulation of the nipples occurs, which makes the mammary glands work more intensively. Night feedings are especially useful, since the hormone prolactin is most actively produced during these hours.

The key to normal lactation is feeding on demand, not by the hour. It is also not necessary to limit the time the baby is at the breast during this process.

In addition to natural stimulation, there are a number of additional ways. Possible drug stimulation of lactation, the use of a breast pump, regular pumping, the use of special teas.


Most often, the problem of lack of milk occurs in the first days after childbirth. Sometimes this problem is far-fetched or greatly exaggerated. Then she is solved by frequent attachment of the baby to the breast.

Deficiency may occur after suffering or other infectious diseases. In this case, natural stimulation may not be enough. To normalize the feeding process, the following drugs can be recommended.


The advantage is the natural origin of the drug. It is based on royal jelly, vitamins C, B1, B2, B12, folic acid, amino acids. The recommended dose is 1 tablet 3 times a day. Duration of admission - 10-15 days. It is not recommended to increase the dose.

Receiving funds contributes to:

  • improvement of lactation;
  • rapid recovery of the body after childbirth;
  • increase the immunity of both mother and baby;
  • normalization of the psycho-emotional state of the mother.

At the same time, doctors note that there is no direct effect of the active substances of the drug on the production of breast milk and changes in the hormonal system of a woman. But the restorative and sedative action of Apilac has a positive effect, increasing the mother's confidence in her abilities.

Since the drug is based on a bee product, there is a risk of a rash in children prone to developing allergies.


This is a homeopathic preparation, which includes:

  • nettle - stimulates the production of milk, relieves swelling of the mammary glands, ensures normal blood circulation in the milk ducts;
  • Abraham tree - has a calming effect, stimulates the production of prolactin;
  • meadow lumbago - eliminates stagnation in the mammary glands, normalizes lactation.

It is also used to prevent mastitis and treat postpartum hemorrhage. Mlekoin granules should be taken 5 pieces at a time. They are placed under the tongue until completely absorbed. The best time to take it is half an hour before breakfast. If necessary, re-admission is made in the evening hours. The tool does not cause side effects and has virtually no contraindications. Some breastfeeding experts recommend alternating Mlecoin with Apilac.


Dietary supplement based on carrot juice, nettle, oregano, dill, royal jelly. It is enriched with potassium iodide and vitamin C.

Forms of release - tea and tablets. The remedy is effective not only for milk production, but also for normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland, eliminating colic in a newborn, improving his appetite, and increasing immunity. Tablets are taken 3-4 pieces a day with meals. If a nursing mother prefers tea, you need to drink two glasses a day.

Lactogon is well tolerated, it does not cause side effects or allergies in infants. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.


Release form - dry mix. It is dissolved in water and taken before meals. This food supplement is used to improve the diet of a nursing mother. It consists of natural cow's milk, corn, soybean and coconut oil, vitamins, amino acids, minerals.

Femilac can be taken during pregnancy. The daily norm is 40 g (this is about 9 scoops). The mixture can be used to improve the taste of other dishes. It is added to tea, cocoa, milk porridge. Pieces of fruit and berries can be added to the prepared Femilac mixture.

It should be noted that lactation preparations are not a panacea and by themselves do not guarantee the formation of milk. They are effective only when used in combination with other methods of increasing lactation. In addition, some of them can cause allergic reactions in a child, so you should not abuse them and significantly exceed the recommended dose.

lactation teas

Many mothers prefer to use tea to stimulate lactation. This method was also used by our grandmothers, who prepared such drinks on their own based on herbs. Today, teas that increase milk production can be purchased at the pharmacy.

HIPP tea

Tea can be taken at a time when the child at a new stage of development needs more food than the mother's body can provide. Clinical studies have shown that regular use of the drug helps to increase lactation several times.

The main advantage of tea is its composition, which does not contain preservatives, flavors and chemical dyes. Compound:

  • anise - increases the amount of milk, relieves painful spasms;
  • fennel - improves the functioning of the child's digestive organs, has a calming effect;
  • lemon verbena - gives tea a pleasant aroma;
  • cumin - increases the flow of milk.

Grandma's basket

For nursing mothers, teas are produced with two flavors: anise and rosehip. In addition to them, the composition includes other natural ingredients: fennel and cumin fruits, nettle leaves and lemon balm.

Drinking teas "Grandmother's basket" is necessary in courses. Within 2-3 weeks you need to drink a glass of tea 2-3 times a day half an hour before feeding the baby. Then you need a break for a few weeks, after which the course is repeated.


The composition is similar to the drink from "Grandma's Basket". These are fennel, cumin, anise, nettle leaves. Lactavit should not be taken during pregnancy. The tea is also known as Lactafytol.

Using a breast pump and pumping

If for some reason the child cannot or does not want to breastfeed, and the woman intends to continue breastfeeding, lactation is stimulated with a breast pump. Although there is a small risk that the baby will get used to bottle sucking, it is better to feed him with expressed milk than to switch to formula. The use of a breast pump is mandatory for mastitis. With it, you can prevent stagnation in inflamed areas and increase blood supply to the mammary glands.

There are mechanical and electric breast pumps. More advanced electrical models. They are easy to use at home. The disadvantage of such models is the high cost, but it pays for itself under the condition of long-term use.

One of the most accessible ways is pumping stimulation. Pumping is especially effective in the first 2-3 weeks after childbirth. Usually babies still eat very little, and many suckle their breasts with difficulty and fall asleep from the effort. To stimulate the mammary glands to work intensively, you need to express after each feeding. The nipple during pumping should be between the index and middle fingers of the hand. Movements must be rhythmic.

When the feeding process is established, it is not necessary to abuse pumping. Excessive enthusiasm for this process can cause. For normal lactation, active sucking of the baby is sufficient.

Hormonal stimulation of lactation

There are methods that can cause milk production in nulliparous women. They are necessary for those mothers who are raising a foster child. Since breast milk is produced at a hormonal level, artificial stimulation of lactation will contribute to its production.

A woman takes a certain amount of hormones that stimulate lactation. Children fed with such milk develop no less fully than their peers.

Hormonal stimulation of lactation has its own side effects and contraindications, so it can only be carried out under medical supervision.

The diet of a nursing mother

High-quality balanced and high-calorie nutrition is also the key to successful lactation. Today, pediatricians no longer insist on a strict diet when feeding. It is enough to exclude or limit the intake of products that can cause allergies. These include citrus fruits, chocolate, some sweets. Sweet carbonated water, spicy foods and fast food are undesirable.

Products to stimulate lactation:

  • lean meat (turkey, chicken, rabbit meat);
  • buckwheat or oatmeal cooked in milk or water;
  • nuts;
  • radish with honey;
  • carrots and carrot juice;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins);
  • black and red currants, gooseberries;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • leaf salad with olive oil.

A prerequisite for the normalization of milk production is the use of a large amount of liquid. Recommended drinks include:

  • plain or mineral water without gas;
  • goat milk;
  • fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, natural yogurt);
  • green and ginger teas;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • natural juices.

It was previously believed that cow's milk significantly improves the secretory function of the mammary glands. However, this is not true. It can be included in the diet of a nursing mother only if the baby is not allergic to cow protein. Natural juices are best drunk by diluting them with water.


Massage to stimulate lactation increases milk production and at the same time serves as a prevention of external damage and stretch marks. Before carrying it out, you need to rinse your chest with warm water. Rub the mammary glands in a circular motion, using castor and olive oil. Before feeding, the remaining oil must be washed off!

The breast of a nursing mother should always be warm. Therefore, the effectiveness of massage increases if it is carried out while taking a shower. A jet of water is directed to the mammary gland from the side of the collarbone. It is also useful to massage the breast after feeding.

Breast massage to stimulate lactation

Complex special exercises during massage provide the necessary muscle tone, start blood circulation, protect the mammary glands from the occurrence of stagnation.

Stimulation of lactation after cesarean

The baby is going through a difficult period - the transition to life outside the mother's body. Nature has provided a special mechanism for easy and painless adaptation - breastfeeding. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that mother's milk is the ideal food for young children. Realizing this, many young mothers are wondering how to increase lactation in order to provide the child with good nutrition without the addition of artificial mixtures.

The rate of production and quality of breast milk

Nursing mothers often suffer from doubts about the quantity and quality of their milk. In such a situation, the question often arises: is there any norm that reflects ideal indicators?

Numerous studies have confirmed that throughout the day the rate of milk synthesis is not constant and is inversely proportional to the fullness of the breast: the more it is emptied, the faster and more milk appears in it. Therefore, it is not advisable to talk about the norms for the production of this product: it is individual in relation to each woman and her baby.

The same can be noted about the quality of breast milk. Its nutritional value changes not only depending on the age of the child, adjusting to his needs, but also during each feeding: the first portions are designed to give the child more to drink and therefore watery. The liquid produced further is more fatty and nutritious.

Therefore, it is difficult to establish the actual nutritional value of breast milk, it can only be judged by focusing on the child's weight gain, his behavior during sleep and wakefulness. However, these indicators are indirect and do not always directly depend on the quality of mother's milk.

Why breast milk disappears: common causes of reduced lactation

The lack of mother's milk from the first days of its production, called primary hypogalactia, occurs due to hormonal disruptions, postpartum complications and underdevelopment of the female mammary glands. Such a phenomenon occurs infrequently.

Usually, young mothers are faced with secondary hypogalactia, when at the initial stage milk is produced in full volume, and then lactation decreases.

During lactation, physiological conditions sometimes make themselves felt, accompanied by a decrease in milk production -. In medical practice, it is believed that they are based on the adjustment of the mother's body to the growing needs of the baby, and it cannot happen at lightning speed.

Insufficient milk production is often the result of the wrong actions of the mother:

  • Feeding the baby according to a strict schedule in compliance with well-established intervals.
  • Strict time frame for each feeding.
  • Incorrect application technique. The mammary glands are not stimulated enough if the baby does not latch on to the nipple properly.
  • Uncomfortable posture of the mother: any tension in the process of feeding negatively affects the separation of milk.
  • Supplementing a baby without a serious reason. Water gives the child an imaginary satiety, since the centers of saturation and thirst, due to age-related anatomical features, are located close to each other.
  • Use of bottles and pacifiers. Satisfying the natural natural need for sucking at their expense, the baby will stimulate the mother's breast less, and this reduces lactation.
  • Attempts to create a dairy reserve. The mammary glands work on demand: the more milk came out of the breast, the more will appear again. Left "in reserve" is perceived by the body as an unclaimed surplus.
  • Refusal of night feedings, the most important for lactation.
  • Separate location of the child and mother.
  • Women's perception of breastfeeding as an ordeal. So she personally complicates the situation, obsessing over a possible (often hypothetical) lack of milk. The stress experienced by a woman does not affect prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production, but it affects another hormone, oxytocin, which acts on the release of fluid from the breast. Therefore, under stress, this process becomes more difficult: this is a natural protective mechanism that prevents milk loss during difficult periods of life.
  • Lack of rest and sleep. Days spent in worries and sleepless nights are a standard situation for a mother of a baby.
  • Taking medications. Some of them are able to disrupt the hormonal regulation of lactation.

In most cases, it is possible to increase lactation by eliminating the listed factors and without taking additional measures.

Signs of a lack of milk

It is important for a nursing mother to be able to separate imaginary signs of a lack of milk from a real decrease in lactation.

Lack of lactation: an imaginary problem

“The baby is not full” is a popular misconception among young mothers, which results in supplementary feeding with milk mixtures, the baby getting used to the bottle and already a real decrease in milk production.

In many cases, mothers' concerns about lactation problems are unfounded.

  • The baby often asks for a breast. This is not always a sign of hunger: perhaps the baby needs communication with his mother or satisfaction of the need to suckle. If an hour has passed after feeding, he could really get hungry: mom's milk is absorbed faster than an artificial mixture.
  • Baby anxiety. The reasons for this behavior can be varied, and they are not always associated with hunger.
  • Sensation of soft, not filled breasts, lack of "tides" before feeding. If the baby is fed on demand, the production of milk adjusts to this regime, it arrives when applied.
  • The baby does not refuse the bottle after feeding. In fact, many babies, even when fully satiated, are not averse to giving free rein to the sucking reflex, moreover, it is easier to do this with a bottle or nipple than with a breast.
  • Lack of milk when expressing. With established lactation, it is produced depending on the needs of the baby, so there is no need for this procedure.

Reliable signs of reduced lactation

Medical practice recognizes only two criteria for assessing the sufficiency of lactation as reliable:

  • Counting the number of urinations of the child during the day. Disposable diapers and supplements for this period should be excluded. 10-12 or more wet diapers in 24 hours is an indicator that the baby has enough milk. If there are fewer of them, we can talk about insufficient lactation.
  • Weighing. If the baby is healthy and has enough mother's milk, monthly weight gain will be from 0.6 to 2 kg, and an average of 120 g weekly.

An additional guideline for assessing the sufficiency of lactation may be the stool of the baby. On average, a breastfed child has 6-8 bowel movements per day, feces have a mushy consistency and a yellowish color. Prolonged absence of stools sometimes indicates "hungry constipation" caused by a lack of breast milk. However, this sign is not always informative in itself. If available, a wet diaper test is recommended.

Mother's milk or formula?

With an obvious decrease in lactation, all measures should be taken to restore it, since today all studies confirm that breastfeeding provides significant benefits for the child and his mother.

The uniqueness of mother's milk lies in its ability to change the composition based on the needs of the child at different stages of development, at different times of the day, and even during each individual feeding.

This product contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a ratio that is optimal for a young child. In addition, it contains immune cells, immunoglobulins and several types of bifidobacteria. Such a composition not only contributes to the full development of the baby, but also increases the body's resistance to foreign agents and forms the correct microflora in the intestines.

Unlike artificial mixtures, breast milk has an optimal temperature, is never stale or adulterated, and is always sterile.

Breast sucking helps the baby to form a correct bite and facilitates the process of teething the first teeth.

None of the highest quality milk formulas will provide the baby with nutrition that meets his needs like mother's milk.

With an obvious decrease in lactation, it is not advisable to immediately transfer the baby to artificial nutrition. The best option would be the transition to mixed feeding. At the same time, measures should be taken to restore lactation, gradually reducing the amount of supplementary feeding.

How to increase lactation

If the lack of milk has become obvious, do not immediately panic. Often simple measures help to increase lactation to the required level.

Stimulation of milk production

  • It is necessary to evaluate how correctly the child is applied to the breast, if necessary, changing the technique to the correct one.
  • To stimulate lactation, frequent applications are important, at least every 1.5-2 hours during the day, at night - after 4 hours. Night feedings are very valuable for milk production, so you should not refuse them.
  • You can take the baby from the breast only after he releases it himself.
  • To increase lactation, close physical contact between mother and baby is important: carrying on hands, sleeping together.
  • Do not supplement the baby with water unless absolutely necessary.
  • Mom should forget about the fears associated with a lack of milk, and relax - in the truest sense of the word. A woman needs to learn how to find an opportunity for rest and good sleep.
  • Breast massage is useful, which is done between feedings with kneading and stroking movements. Massage manipulations are periodically interrupted to express some milk.
  • If the goal is to increase lactation, pacifiers and bottles should not be used. Supplementary feeding is offered to the child from a spoon, from a cup, using a syringe without a needle.

In addition to these methods, it is worth paying attention to the diet: foods eaten can affect milk production in different ways.

Products that increase lactation

A complete diet will not only help solve problems with lactation, but also prevent disorders in the mother's body during breastfeeding. It is worth paying attention to the following products:

  • Fatty fish.
  • Low-fat cheese and cottage cheese.
  • Walnuts.
  • Beekeeping products: royal jelly, honey, perga, royal jelly (use in the absence of allergies in infants).
  • Dried fruits.
  • Weak meat broths and soups cooked on them.
  • Carrot.
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal.

In this article, we'll take a look at the best means to increase lactation. Our mothers and grandmothers used hot tea with condensed milk, butter sandwiches and nuts for this purpose. Many gynecologists today advise drinking special tea to increase lactation. Someone says that stimulation of the nipples by the baby is enough. Someone advises drinking herbal decoctions or special nutrition ... Let's put everything on the shelves and find the most effective and safest ways to increase the amount of milk.

First of all, the child himself will inform the mother about the lack of milk. Contrary to popular belief, he will not cry loudly and much, starving child there simply will not be the strength to scream and cry. Starving children are calm, sleep a lot, sluggishly suckle their breasts ...

Quite healthy children cry and actively express their dissatisfaction. They cry for various reasons, one of which is normal physiological hunger.

A hungry (not starving) baby pounces on the breast, sucking loudly and intensively. Often, this is a sign that switch to feeding on demand. This is how children behave even during periods of intensive growth. In such cases, frequent prolonged feedings - this is a normal lactation stimulus.

The first symptoms of a lack of milk can be noticed much earlier than the child is exhausted from hunger. It is not difficult for an observant, caring mother to note the changed behavior and well-being of the baby.

The main thing is to know what to pay attention to.

The first is the correct capture of the breast, the duration and intensity of sucking

A comfortable position for the mother is the basis for comfortable feeding. The baby lies in his arms or on a pillow for feeding. The legs are bent at the knee and hip joints, the tummy is pressed against the mother's stomach. Support the child by the top of the back and the base of the neck. Don't fix your head!

The breast is fed like a thick bun - the fingers are far from the halo, the nipple is directed to the upper lip, almost to the baby's nose.

The baby grabs the breast with his mouth wide open.

The correct grip is asymmetrical. With this grip, the nipple is not in the center of the mouth, but is directed towards the sky. The mother's nipple is not injured - it does not hurt the mother, and sucking is as effective as possible.

It looks something like this: under the lower lip, most of the halo, and sometimes part of the breast itself (if the halo is small), most of the halo is hidden under the upper lip, but there is less of it than under the lower one. Thus, there is at least 1.5 cm of halos in the baby's mouth, not counting the nipple.

The chin is tightly pressed to the chest, the nose touches the skin, the lips are turned outward. The structure of the baby's nose is such that, being pressed to the chest, he can breathe calmly.

The cheeks are convex, they do not form dimples during sucking. You can see the movement near the temples. If you put your finger under the chin to the neck, you can feel swallowing movements.

When the baby eats, you can hear how he swallows. This is a fairly loud sound. There are no smacking sounds.

If the mother suddenly becomes sick, gently release the breast and give it again.

Before the arrival of milk, babies are applied every 15-30 minutes and suck for a long time, after the arrival - 8-12 times a day and more often. Someone sucks out the prescribed portion of milk in 5 minutes of sucking at a brisk pace, someone for 40-45 more measured sucking.

You can find a great video on the link Correct attachment to the chest". Alas, the author did not allow the publication of videos on sites.

The second is the number of wet and dirty diapers

A child who has enough milk systematically stains diapers. To estimate the amount of milk consumed, remove the disposable diaper from the baby and use a cloth diaper. You can do without a diaper at all. So let's count wet diapers!

  • In the first three days should be from two to five urination
  • From the third to the sixth day - 4-8 urination
  • From the sixth to the fourteenth day - 10-20 wet diapers per day
  • From two weeks of age to six months - 12 or more urinations

If the number of dirty and wet diapers is less than indicated, you should immediately seek help from a breastfeeding specialist.

Third, behavior

Lethargy, drowsiness, lack of interest in the breast should alert the mother. See a lactation specialist as soon as possible. Often they consult at a local clinic or you can find them on the Internet.

On the website of La Leche League, an international breastfeeding support organization, you can find the nearest leader who can provide you with qualified assistance.

Fourth - weight gain

In the first days after birth, the child loses weight. This loss is physiological and should not exceed 10% of birth weight. Normally, weight is restored by 10-14 days of age. On weighing in the first month of life, an increase of at least 500-600 grams should be found on the scales.

In extreme cases, the child shows signs of dehydration: the skin is flabby, dry, gray in color. If you collect it in a fold, then it will straighten out for a long time. The fontanel and eyeballs will be sunken. The number of urination is sharply reduced.

You can control the dynamics of weight loss and weight gain in a child using the Newt tool. Online, on the website, or by installing it on your phone. The program gives approximate graphs of the distribution of normal values ​​and shows in which range a particular child is and what his personal dynamics are. In fact, it is similar to the charts of weight and height of children released by the WHO. Your pediatrician will help interpret the results.

Causes of a lack of milk in a mother

The most common reason for a lack of milk is the wrong organization of breastfeeding.

  • Late first application in the hospital
  • Separation of mother and child
  • Lack of mother's mental attitude to breastfeeding
  • Incorrect latch on by the baby
  • Use of pacifier, water and/or supplements

Then there are violations on the part of the child (prematurity, difficult childbirth, a general illness, a short frenulum of the tongue). The baby does not stimulate the nipples enough, and this the main way to increase lactation.

The use of anesthesia during childbirth or pain medication in the postpartum period can make the baby drowsy. As a result, the baby sucks badly at the breast.

Childbirth by caesarean section.

Very rarely, due to a serious illness, the mother is unable to produce milk. This occurs in about 3% of women.

Even more rarely, healthy mothers have a reduced ability to produce milk. This happens in the following situations:

  • A fragment of the placenta remained in the uterine cavity (other symptoms will be present besides reduced lactation)
  • Previous breast surgery if too much glandular tissue was removed or nerve fibers were damaged
  • Birth defect or injury during breast growth

Need additional stimulation of lactation and mothers who have adopted a baby. A lactation consultant will help you breastfeed your adopted baby. This additionally contributes to the acceptance of the baby by the mother and the establishment of a deep connection between them.

Skin to skin contact

The first and often most effective treatment is to ensure skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby.

Postpone everything. The most important thing now is to establish breastfeeding and a good relationship with the baby.

Strip to the waist, leave the baby in a diaper and climb into bed. Switch off your phone. Prepare food and drink for yourself in advance or ask for it to be brought to you. Get out of bed only when absolutely necessary.

Dedicate one, sometimes three or four days of close communication with the child. Let him always be on the chest. Sucking is the best lactation stimulant. Watch for correct attachment to the chest.

In this way, most problems with low milk production can be solved.

Pumping and breastfeeding system

If for some reason the baby cannot be near the mother, support lactation by expressing milk. The expressed milk can be given to your baby or frozen for later use.

The child should be given mother's milk from a cup, from a spoon, pipette or syringe. The use of a bottle with a pacifier is highly undesirable.

You can express milk manually or with a breast pump.

If the mother happens to be low on milk and the baby needs to be supplemented, use the breastfeeding system.

A tube is attached to the mother's nipple, which is connected to a bottle of donor milk or formula. Thus, the baby stimulates the mother's breast, receiving drops of milk and is fully nourished by additional food.

With the proper organization of such feeding, the production of milk in the mother will return to normal.

Teas and herbal teas

There are special teas to stimulate lactation, as well as some herbs that can increase milk production:

  • fennel
  • dill
  • nettle

Such products should be handled with extreme caution. Consult with a lactation specialist before starting herbal supplements.

Some herbs contain phytoestrogens and inhibit lactation. Others can stimulate the growth of glandular tissue of the mammary glands. When not needed, overgrowth of glandular tissue leads to other problems, such as excess milk production.

Excessive secretion of milk causes severe discomfort in the child, increases colic and provokes profuse regurgitation. May cause breast rejection.

In the mother, with an excess of milk, frequent stagnation of milk and mastitis begin.


So we looked at the most effective ways to stimulate lactation.

The key to success lies in the firm conviction of the mother that she will only breastfeed her baby, regular and correct breastfeeding by the baby. Ensure skin-to-skin contact with the baby. In second place is the physical stimulation of the nipples by pumping or using a breast pump.

Herbs and teas to stimulate lactation can be a good addition to the above methods. They should be used under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

Thanks for sharing the article on social media. All the best!

Sincerely, Elena Dyachenko

Recently, many forgotten traditions and principles have begun to return. Now even official medicine firmly adheres to the rule that you need to raise a child on breast milk and no alternatives will be complete. At least up to six months, and better - up to 2 years, the baby should receive this invaluable substance, which has no analogues either in the natural environment, or even more so among artificially created elements.

The current traditional medicine over the past decades has revised its attitude towards breastfeeding - doctors fully agree that it should last at least up to one year of age, and even longer

Some new mothers have some kind of lactation problem and have to use various methods to increase the amount of milk in their breasts. In what cases it is necessary to take special drugs, which of them are best known and how they work, we will consider in this article.

Conditions necessary for good lactation

It turns out that only 3-4% of women who become mothers have really serious problems with lactation. In most cases, the production of breast milk is reduced or completely stopped due to improper breast care, an unsuitable diet for a nursing mother, and violation of the rules of breastfeeding. Let's see what they are:

  1. First and foremost is the mother's desire to breastfeed her baby. If priorities are set differently, any additional measures are unlikely to help.
  2. Favorable environment in the house and family. Relatives living under the same roof should in every possible way support the desire of a young mother to breastfeed her baby. Her physical health is also important, as well as good rest and sleep, so the best thing that relatives can do for nursing mothers is to free her from household chores and even more so from going to work during the formation of lactation.
  3. During the entire period of feeding, the baby can not establish a schedule. He must receive breast milk as often as he wants, and in unlimited quantities.
  4. Prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production, is produced most intensively at night, so you should not ignore feeding in the pre-morning time.
  5. Nutrition of a nursing mother should be complete and balanced. There is no question of any diets for weight loss.
  6. It is highly undesirable to start supplementing a child with mixtures and is permissible only when there is no other way out.
  7. Even if situations arise when you have to give the mixture, you need to do this with a spoon or syringe without a needle. Do not give a bottle or a pacifier. The baby should only suck on the mother's breast.

If the problem is not solved when all conditions are met, you can connect something additionally. We are talking about special preparations and folk methods - taking them unnecessarily, there is a risk of worsening the situation.

not enough milk

How to determine that the child does not have enough mother's milk and he remains hungry even after feeding? Signs that are obvious to healthy children:

  1. The baby does not sleep well, worries, cries, constantly reaches for the chest.
  2. Little weight gain (less than 125 g per week).
  3. Less dirty diapers. Instead of 6-12 times a day, this happens much less frequently.

If the baby was born prematurely, with low weight or weakened by some disease, then he can be hungry even when the mother has enough milk. Due to weakness, it is simply difficult for such a baby to suck on the breast - in this case, the milk is expressed and the baby is fed from a spoon. When he grows up and gains strength, gradually it will become unnecessary.

A baby who was born prematurely or underweight is usually weaker than his peers - even if his mother has a lot of milk, he still cannot eat well

The need for special tools

There is a category of women who initially have a tendency to reduce the production of breast milk. This risk is for those who had problems breastfeeding a previous child. In this case, already in the second half of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes special pills that improve lactation and recommends a special diet (we recommend reading:). If a woman has poor milk supply after childbirth, such an appointment is made as soon as it is discovered.

Various folk methods are not forbidden to apply to those who have lactation established without violations. However, most products do not increase the amount of milk produced, but only improve its flow. To really get more milk, you need to breastfeed your baby every time he asks, as well as at night (more in the article:). Co-sleeping is also important. If this is not enough, you can seek advice from a doctor.

Preparations for the correction of the mother's diet

Such drugs are prescribed to nursing mothers who are at risk. Let's take a closer look at some of them:

Contains milk protein, enriched with taurine. It has a positive effect not only on increasing the amount of breast milk, but also on the general condition of the mother during pregnancy, as well as on the development of the fetus. Does not contribute to the formation of excess weight.

"Dumil mom plus" increases the amount of breast milk and prolongs the lactation period. In addition, it provides prevention of osteoporosis and caries.

"Enfa-mama" normalizes nutrition. Replenishes the nutrients missing in the diet of a nursing mother, does not contain taurine.

dietary supplements

Among dietary supplements known "Apilaktin" and "Laktogon". The first is prescribed mainly to women at risk, it contains flower pollen and royal jelly. Designed to improve lactation. The second also contains royal jelly, but is also enriched with herbs that improve the formation of breast milk: carrots, dill, ginger, oregano, nettle.

To some extent, both Apilactin and Laktogon are effective and useful, since they contain royal jelly, but for the same reason they are not suitable for those who are allergic to bee products or at least have a predisposition to it. The experience of using these drugs by mothers can be viewed on the video. with lactogenic additives

Here you can highlight the drug, which was developed specifically for nursing mothers. The galega extract contained in its composition has a very beneficial effect on milk production.

It is recommended primarily to women at risk, and from the first days of lactation. Other mothers can also take this product, especially when, for some reason, their production of breast milk worsens.

DIY natural drinks

Various drinks can help improve lactation. If you prefer to make these things yourself so that you can drink them fresh, here are a few simple recipes you can try:

  1. Anise infusion. Prepared from 2 teaspoons of anise seeds, which are poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour, then cool. You need to drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Everything is simple here - juice is squeezed out of carrots and drunk throughout the day in small quantities. You can diversify the drink with milk or honey.
  3. Cumin drink. The juice of 1 lemon is squeezed out, 100 g of sugar and 15 g of cumin seeds are added. After that, 800-900 ml of water is added and boiled for 5-10 minutes. Drink 2-3 times a day.
  4. Dill drink. Dill seeds are crushed, poured with kefir, salt and ground nutmeg are added to taste. Drink during breakfast.

Carrot juice is useful not only for vision - it contains a lot of vitamins necessary for the health of a nursing mother, it can significantly improve lactation, especially in combination with other drugs (see also:)

There are many ready-made juices, teas and other drinks on sale to enhance lactation (we recommend reading:). Usually they contain carrots, radishes, nettles, oregano, rose hips, licorice, cumin, anise.


Homeopathic remedies are relatively safe. The most famous of them is "Mlekoin" (we recommend reading:). Thanks to him, the amount of milk produced increases, in addition, he is a natural remedy. Additional advantages - the ability to use it throughout the lactation period and a beneficial effect on the veins.

By the way, it is the preparations of homeopathic medicine that are most recommended for mothers during the feeding period. The amount of active substances in them is not so large as to cause disturbances in the baby, but the positive effect is often noticeable.

Myths about lactation and drugs for it

Like other topics, lactation raises many questions for new mothers and women who are preparing for motherhood. Often you can hear or read completely wrong things. Some of these myths are:

  1. All pills that increase breast milk production are absolutely safe. Of course, they consist of natural ingredients, but can often cause allergies. Among them, homeopathic ones are safer, as they contain a minimum of active substances.
  2. Taking a lactation booster ensures that the milk does not burn out if it is not expressed. Without application and pumping, milk can be stored for about 40 days. It happens that breastfeeding is restored later.
  3. It is mandatory for all lactating mothers to take lactagon preparations. Quite the opposite. If you follow all the rules of breastfeeding, you can easily do without them, which most women succeed in. There are cases when there is a need for tablets, but this is the exception rather than the rule. Often, lactagons do not give any effect at all.

There are also artificially created hormones that increase lactation (see also:). Their reception is very undesirable, as they are unsafe, and in case of emergency they can be prescribed by a doctor - the reception takes place under strict supervision.