Riddles for adults are serious. The most difficult logic puzzles with a trick for adults. What is the most expensive coffee in the world

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The most difficult logic puzzles with a trick for adults

Who doesn't love riddles? Probably, any person at least once, but was proud that he guessed the riddle. It is likely that we love riddles because this is the fastest way to show your interlocutor your remarkable mental abilities. Five minutes and you are a genius in the eyes of the one who guessed the riddle, or at least a very intelligent person. Who wouldn't enjoy this? And, if other witnesses of your ability turned out to be nearby, this means that your glory as an outstanding person will be increased.

But you say: "What about people who solve riddles, puzzles, crossword puzzles alone, all alone?" Everything is simple. “You think that no one saw what a fine fellow I am, but I know that I am a fine fellow!” Self-esteem is another important factor. All peoples have riddles and have been at all times. Their popularity waxed and waned. In ancient times, riddles were often invented by poets, oracles, and even in sacred writings they used wise riddles-questions. This is an interesting and fascinating pastime for the mind in those distant times, it was believed that it had a mysterious power: when a person solved a riddle, his desires were fulfilled and all dangers disappeared. Almost like a charm.

Riddles are different, complex and not very, but there are also those that make you think seriously, even, well, very smart academicians. Each has its own level of difficulty. The most difficult riddles with a trick, because they are designed for that, for an unexpected solution, that is, for a catch, for something that the subject does not suspect at all. Such riddles deliberately lead in the wrong direction. But most importantly, don't despair!

And here are the 10 most difficult logic puzzles with a trick.

The hardest logic puzzle #1

The most difficult logic puzzle #2

The most difficult logic puzzle #3

The most difficult logic puzzle #4

The most difficult logic puzzle #5

The most difficult logic puzzle #6

The most difficult logic puzzle #7

The most difficult logic puzzle #8

The most difficult logic puzzle #9

The most difficult logic puzzle #10

The most difficult logic puzzle #11


Good riddles are pleasant to guess and interesting to guess. It develops thinking, logic and broadens one's horizons. The whole family can have an interesting evening with friends if you arrange a quiz.

Interesting riddles with a trick with answers

When a question hides subtext that is not immediately discernible, it becomes doubly difficult. Indulging in reasoning about a question, sometimes they forget about the condition. And here every little thing matters. Otherwise, the answer will be incorrect. According to this principle, the most complex riddles are built with a lot of data and numbers, but the answer lies on the surface, and even a child can give the correct answer.

Interesting riddles with answers:

  • You are the pilot of an airplane that flies on the route "Paris - Amsterdam" with two transfers in Berlin. What is the name of the pilot?

/ The condition says that you are flying the plane. So your surname is also yours./

  • The lights were turned off throughout the house. But in the closet there is a gas stove, there is also a kerosene lamp and a candle. There was only one match left in the matchbox. What will you light first?

/First, you should light a match./

  • A bus was driving along a country road in a heavy downpour. All passengers fell asleep, only one driver was awake. What was his name and what is the route number?

/ In such a downpour, the numbers are not distinguishable. And the driver is Anatoly./

  • An exam is being held at the military school of communications. There is silence in the classroom, only occasionally the teacher taps the table with a pencil. The cadet takes the ticket and sits down at the table. A minute later, he silently approaches with a record book, and the teacher, without asking a single question, gives him "excellent". The happy student leaves. Why?

/ The teacher checked both the knowledge and vigilance of the students. To do this, he, using Morse code, tapped out: “Whoever comes to me now will receive “excellent”. The student was the only one who responded correctly./

Sometimes a riddle is like a small problem: there is a condition, there is a question. For kids, it might be difficult. It is necessary to keep the condition in mind in order to guess. And the scope is still small. But for children of primary school age, interesting puzzles for logic with answers will be useful:

  • Which cup is impossible to drink from?

/From empty./

  • Under what bushes will a hare hide when it rains?

/ All bushes and trees are wet during the rain. The hare will hide under a wet bush./

  • Two absolutely identical people go towards each other. Which of them will greet the other first?

/The one who is more polite./

  • The weight of a full barrel of water is 100 kilograms. What should be done so that her weight changes by 10 kilograms?

/ Make a hole in it. /

  • What is holding back without touching it with your hands?

/This is your own breath./

  • The train moves in the direction of the wind. Where is the smoke directed?

/It does not have smoke, fireboxes in other train designs./

  • Polar bears are known to be carnivores. Nevertheless, they eat the seal, but not the penguin. Why?

/They just don't meet, penguins don't live in the North./

  • When is the sky lower than the earth?

/When it is reflected in a puddle./

  • No matter how huge the pan is, there is something that will never fit in it. What is this?

/ The lid of the pan is always made a little larger than the circumference. /

  • It is in the room, but in it is the room itself. What is this?


Short logic puzzles

This is the name of the tasks in which it is required to draw up a logical sequence of reasoning. She will come up with an answer. Here, too, attentiveness to the condition is the key to the right decision. Here are some interesting logic puzzles with answers:

  • A person cannot sleep for seven days. However, he found a way. Which?

/ He decided that he would sleep at night - after all, you can’t do this only during the day. /

  • One farmer was returning home from the field. Suddenly a strong wind came up and it started to rain. The farmer had nothing to protect himself, and he came home completely wet. But it turned out that not a single hair on his head got wet! How did he achieve this?

/The farmer was bald./

  • One teacher of physics clearly demonstrated the laws of nature. He could briefly set the closed jar on the table in such a way that most of it hung over the floor. True, then the bank still fell. What is the secret of physics?

/ He first froze water in a jar, laying it horizontally. The water was about one third of the jar. When he placed it vertically on the table, the column of ice was always on the table, and the empty part was above the floor. When the ice began to melt, the weight was distributed throughout the bottom and the can fell./

funny riddles

Brainstorming can be tiring. Therefore, we alternate difficult tasks with funny questions. The main thing in them is the smile of the listener. Interesting riddles with answers:

  • There is a word that is always mispronounced. What is this word?

/This word is "wrong"./

  • He has two horns, but this is not a bull, he has legs, but no hooves, he flies - howls loudly, lands - digs the ground.

And here is a chain of funny riddles that will amuse both children and adults:

    • How to put a giraffe in the refrigerator for one-two-three?
      /1. We open. 2. We put a giraffe there. 3. Close./
    • How to put an elephant in the refrigerator for one-two-three-four?
      /1. We open. 2. We throw out the giraffe. 3. Pop the elephant. 4. Close./
    • Leo ordered everyone to come to the meeting. One didn't come. Who? /This is an elephant, he is sitting in the refrigerator./
    • How to cross a river full of crocodiles? /Quickly before the crocodiles return from the meeting./

For adults

Some large commercial corporations use logical tasks when selecting employees. When you need not intelligence, but the ability to make non-standard decisions. These questions, which will have to be carefully considered, will appeal to parents and older students. There is something to break your head over here. Interesting riddles for adults with answers:

  • The prisoner is given a chance of release, provided that he correctly decides his fate. Otherwise, he will face execution. He is placed in front of two doors guarded by two guards. It is known that one always tells the truth, and the other - every other time. The prisoner has the right to ask two questions to only one, but he does not know who is which of the guards. He was able to solve the problem and was released. How did he do it?

/1. Are you a sly one? 2. Is this door to freedom?/

  • Mr. Jones called the police and said that Mr. Wills was threatening to kill him. He insisted that someone be sent to him immediately. A detective arrived at the scene and found Jones' body. Turning on Jones' recorder, he heard: "Wills is going to kill me. He's already here. Hiding is useless. This recording will be grounds for his arrest." The detective realized that this was a false trail. The real culprit was discovered later. Why wasn't Wills arrested?

/ A rewound dictaphone tape spoke of fabricated evidence against Wills. If he saw Jones speaking into a recorder, he would have destroyed the recording./

For children

  • Why are you going to sleep on the bed?

/By gender./

  • What happens to a red handkerchief if you put it in a river?


  • Write the word "mousetrap" using five letters.
  • That a sheep has one, a sparrow has two, and a mouse has none?

/The letter "o"./

  • Name the canvas from which nothing can be sewn.


  • Name the forests where no one lives.


  • Name a car wheel that does not rotate while driving.


  • Name five days in a row without naming numbers.

/ The day after tomorrow, tomorrow, today, yesterday, the day before yesterday. /

  • Name the first female pilot.

/Baba Yaga./

  • Which comb is not suitable for hairstyles?


  • How is water carried in a sieve?

/In the form of ice./

For the whole family

Stories about Sherlock Holmes are read with interest by both adults and children. I immediately want to apply his deductive method, and then tell my best friend: “Elementary, Watson!” And if there were cell phones in his time, it would be quite simple. For you - interesting riddles with answers, where the famous detective appears.

  • Once, while walking around London, Sherlock Holmes noticed a woman lying on the ground. Unfortunately, she was dead. Holmes took a phone out of her purse and found her husband's number there. Calling him, he said: “Your wife is dead. Come quickly." When he arrived, the police were already waiting for him. Holmes pointed to him as a criminal. Why?

/Holmes did not name the street where he found the body./

And here is a problem about the inhabitants of a remote Russian outback:

  • An orphan girl lived on a farm. She had 3 cats, 3 dogs, 3 parrots and 2 hamsters. Hamsters had babies, 7 pieces. I needed to buy food for these animals. The road to the store went first through a field, then through a forest, then again through a field, then again through a forest, then again through a field. But it turned out that the food was not delivered. She had to go to another store: field, forest, field, forest, field, forest. It was an unfamiliar forest, and the girl fell into a well-camouflaged hole. Then she heard that she was given a condition: if she gets out of the hole, her mother will die. If she stays in the hole, her dad will die. How should she be?

/Get out of the pit, because everyone died long ago./

After reviewing all these interesting riddles with answers, you can deduce the principles by which they are composed and try to please your loved ones with new options about Sherlock Holmes or intricate puzzles in which the main thing is to remember the condition well.

Riddles for adults with answers

Riddles for adults
    What is it: the eyes are afraid - the hands are doing.

    Answer: Phone sex

    How can you walk while sitting?

    Answer: In the toilet - on the toilet

    Consists of three letters
    Starts with "X".
    When it's worth working
    When he finishes he bows!

    Answer: choir

    The hairy head behind the cheek tickles deftly.

    Answer: Toothbrush

    Which young man has a drop dripping from the end?

    Answer: Samovar, crane

    Hanging - dangling, three letters called. In the middle "U".

    Answer: shower

    What are you looking at me, undress, I'm yours.

    Answer: bed

    Winter, forest, everything is covered with snow. On a large icy stump lies a crushed member. What is this?

    Answer: Winter has come

    A hedgehog runs across the lawn - dragging, laughing. Why does he want?

    Answer: Because weed tickles pussy

    What is - 100 x%ev and one rope?

    Answer: Barge haulers on the Volga

    What is - 100x%ev and 100 ropes?

    Answer: Barge haulers on parachutes

    What woman first rubs against you, and then demands money?

    Answer: Tram conductor

    A boy and a girl in the grass were doing something on "E".

    Answer: Eat strawberries

    How good it is for you and me, I am under you, and you are on me.

    Answer: The hedgehog carries an apple

    Answer: Sex

    What is: 15 cm long, 7 cm wide and very popular with women?

    Answer: $100 banknote

    About 40 million people do THIS at night. What it is?

    Answer: Internet

    What's on a woman's body
    Jew on the mind
    Used in hockey
    And on the chessboard?

    Answer: Combination

    How many eggs can a woman hold in one hand?

    Answer: Both

    The letter X is called, P. will see it rises.

    Answer: The trunk takes food

    What is Adam in front and Eve in back?

    Answer: Letter "A"

    Without arms, without legs on a woman lope!

    Answer: Rocker

    There is a woman on the floor, opening her hole.

    Answer: oven

    To stroke the front, you need to lick the back.

    Answer: Postage stamp

    Quietly came up behind, put it in twice and went.

    Answer: slippers

    I take it in two hands, put it between my legs, sweat for five minutes, and then go crazy.

    Answer: exercise bike

    Hair on hair, body on body - a dark affair begins.

    Answer: The eye is closed

    A hedgehog is running across the lawn - crying. Why is she crying?

    Answer: Grass was cut

    What is 100 ropes and one x%?

    Answer: parachutist

    What is: Two ends, two rings?

    Answer: gay wedding

    What is it: first white, then vzh-zh-zhik, and red?

    Answer: Neighbor's poodle in a mixer

    He left his grandfather, and he left his grandmother ...

    Answer: Sex

    Why is it warm for women in stockings in winter and cold for men in jeans?

    Answer: Because the men have a heater x@#vy, and the women have a p@$date

    What's smooth under the eggs?

    Answer: frying pan

    They buried a prostitute, they wrote on the tombstone: "Now they will always be together." Who are they?

    Answer: legs

    What unites burnt bread, a drowned man and a pregnant woman?

    Answer: We did not have time to pull out ...

    What is it: a hard one is inserted into a soft one, and the balls dangle nearby?

    Answer: Earrings

    How to say without a mat "a snowflake fell on x%"?

    Answer: "It snowed at the end"

    Hair, hair, and in the middle of the sausage.

    Answer: Corn

    What kind of blacksmiths forge in the forest?

    Answer: Who the fuck knows!

    What can you throw off a naked secretary?

    Answer: Naked boss

    Now hanging, now standing, now cold, now hot.

    Answer: shower

    With onions, with eggs, but not a pie?

    Answer: Robin Hood

    When a woman lifts her leg, what do you see? Five letters, starts with P, ends with A.

    Answer: heel

    In a dark room, on a white sheet - two hours of pleasure.

    Answer: movie theater

    There-here-back: It's nice for you and me.

    Answer: swing

Below are a variety of difficult riddles with answers for adults. Do they work for you?

Replacing traditional entertainment

If you yourself are not averse to solving children's puzzles, then consider the most difficult riddles for parents with answers.

  1. The businessman was selling plums for 6 rubles per fruit. Some time passed, and began to sell for 4 rubles. As a result, he became a millionaire. How did it happen (before that, the businessman was a billionaire).
  2. If it takes 5 Moldovans to screw in a light bulb, then how many programmers are needed (a real programmer will never screw in a light bulb: he works with computers).
  3. Who lives in the earth, and is called with the letter "Sh" (Schervyak)?

Very difficult riddles for adults with answers will be the subject of discussion for more than one day.

5 most desperate puzzles

Did you do well on previous assignments? Then catch the 5 most difficult riddles for adults.

Territory of adult mysteries

Take time for yourself - read very difficult riddles for parents.

The real test is the most difficult riddles for adults with answers.

  1. It is proved that if the object "X." sees the “P.” object, it will immediately stretch. What are these objects (trunk and food).
  2. Every day he jumps on a girl, although he does not have limbs (rocker).
  3. Glad only if you undress (bed).
  4. You unequivocally contemplate it, but you do not see any sense in it (a hole somewhere).

Difficult riddles for parents with answers do not have even a gram of vulgarity. Only a cold mind.

Do not look for the most difficult riddles in the world for adults with answers. All of them are here.

  1. The air cake exists only without one letter (without the "e" because meringue).
  2. Paris, New York, Stockholm - not for me. But Ufa, Yekaterinburg or Uryupinsk - just mine (letter "y").
  3. The size of the island is right in its name (Yamal Island).
  4. Can sunrise be twice a day. And if so, where (maybe everywhere. In the northern hemisphere - from December to June, and in the southern - vice versa)?

We have something that will bring the whole family together today, and these are difficult riddles for adults and children with answers.

Difficult riddles with answers for adults: test the intelligence of your own friends.

  1. Musical planet with a note in the name (Earth "la").
  2. The easiest dish to prepare (yogurt).
  3. You throw quite a bit, after six months you get a lot (seeds).
  4. Multiply six hundred and sixty-six by one and a half without a calculator, and without calculations in principle (nine hundred ninety-nine, or turn the leaf over).

But that is not all. Get ready for short and very difficult riddles with answers.

Difficult short riddles with answers will not leave indifferent even true humanitarians.

  1. Bend your hand without lowering it (hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, on hand).
  2. On paper, this girl has 30 I (Zoya).
  3. The veterinarian who is remembered most often (Aibolit).
  4. A verb in which a hundred letters "y" ("stop").

A play on words, and no fraud - the principle by which these riddles are composed. Have you managed to unravel this secret? If yes, then go ahead and test your friends and family!

It looks like a wedge, but if you turn it around - damn it.

* * *
Five closets, one door.
* * *

The farmer had a flock of eight sheep: three white, four black, one brown.

How many sheep can answer that there is at least one sheep of the same color as hers in the flock?

(None, sheep don't talk)
* * *
There is no language, but he will tell the truth.
* * *
I have neither fire nor heat, but I set fire to everything.
* * *

Themselves - on horseback, and legs - behind the ears.

What sign to put between the numbers 5 and 4so that the answer is less than 5, but more than 4?

(You need to put a comma)
* * *
What can't a person live without?
(No name)
* * *
Not a bird, but flying.
* * *
What can't be held in your hands?
* * *

She does not live in the forest,

She is alone in the river

Doesn't fit in barn

And there are 2 in the wallet!

(Letter K)
* * *

How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not get hurt?

(If you jump off the bottom step)
* * *
He does not know grief, but sheds tears.
* * *
You go, you go, but you will not find the end.
* * *
What is not in the world:
no measure, no weight, no price?
* * *
The blue tent covered the whole world.
* * *
Without a head, but with horns.
* * *
What flies without wings and burns without fire?
* * *
The gray-haired grandfather at the gate covered everyone's eyes.
* * *
Not a bird flies, not a beast howls.
* * *
Where can you neither walk nor drive?
* * *

Not a bird, but flying, with a trunk, not an elephant,
* * *

How is a horse different from a needle?

(First you sit on a needle, then you jump,
to get on a horse: first jump up, then sit down)
* * *
There is a language, but does not speak
Has wings, but does not fly.
* * *
Stretched out in winter, curled up in summer.
* * *
Peas scattered on seventy roads,
No one will pick him up.
Neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden,
* * *

The baron has it, but the emperor doesn't.
Bogdan is in front, and Zurab is behind.
The grandmother has two, and the girl has none.
What is it about?

(About the letter "B")
* * *

He shakes his wet beard over a dry furrow.

(Watering can)
* * *
It was yesterday, it is today and it will be tomorrow.
* * *

How do day and night end?

(soft sign)
* * *

What goes from city to city, but does not move?

* * *
Not fire, but burning.
* * *
White carrot grows in winter.
* * *

What disease does not get sick on land?

* * *

What is in first place in Russia, and second in France?

(Letter "R")
* * *

Two nails fell into the water. What is the surname of a Georgian?

* * *

* * *

Ducks flew: one in front and two behind,

One behind and two in front

One between two.

How many were there?

* * *

From birth, all dumb and crooked.

Get in line - talk!

* * *

Saw and glad

But we still look away.

* * *
Toothy, not biting.

* * *

One day, a collector of old money saw a coin in an antique shop, on which was the date: 175 BC. The Roman coin was damaged but was of great value. However, its cost was not high. The collector did not buy it. Why?

(The collector realized it was a fake.
The master who made the coin did not know that he "lives before our era")
* * *

Lies on the back - no one needs.

Lean against the wall - it will come in handy.

* * *

What female name ends with b sign?

* * *

You can tie, but you can't untie.

* * *
What is standing among the Volga?

(Letter L)
* * *
They speak here, but in Moscow you can hear it. What is this?

* * *
There is no mind, but more cunning than the beast.

Vova and Sasha were playing in the attic. Vova's face was stained with soot, while Sasha's remained clean.
When the guys went down, looked at each other in the light of day, but Vova did not go to wash,
and Sasha. Why?

(Sasha looked at Vova and decided that he, too, got dirty and went to wash.
And Vova didn’t even think that he could be grimy)
* * *

You are in the seat of an airplane, a car is driving in front, a horse is galloping behind.
Where are you?

(On carousels)
* * *

There are roads - you can not pass,

There is land - you can’t plow,

There are meadows - you can’t mow,

There is no water in rivers, seas, oceans.

(Geographic map)
* * *

The more of them, the less weight. What is this?

* * *

If there is a grasp in ingenuity,

Then answer the question:-

Who has a heel behind his nose,

Or in front of the heel nose? …

(At the shoes)
* * *

Everyone tramples on me, and that only makes me better.

* * *

Imagine that you are running a marathon.
You managed to overtake the second athlete.
Where were you?

(If you overtook the second, then you took his place, and,
hence, run second, not first)
* * *

What is impossible to hold, although it is lighter than a feather?

* * *

What can only be taken in the left hand, but never taken in the right?

(Elbow of the right hand)