Solid perfume: practical, elegantly and can be made with their own hands. How to make perfume from essential oils with your own hands. Recipes for women and male fragrances in solid and liquid form

The manufacture of perfumes from essential oils with their own hands is a time-consuming, but exciting occupation. From various flavors you can make a product with a unique odor or similar known brand. And the cost of home perfume will be at times less purchased.

Perfumes made by their own hands are always unique. Even one and the same formulation can give various aromas: depending on the concentration of ether and other components. But they have several drawbacks:

  1. Possible allergies. Because of some, the aromamacel may appear itching, rash, redness, sword and dizziness. Therefore, each ether is carefully checked before use: it is determined whether the smell causes headache and difficult breathing, whether irritation does not occur.
  2. The complexity and duration of cooking. Until the complete readiness of the spirits, it is necessary from a couple of weeks to a month. Also, the natural components of "arrogant": do not tolerate heat, light and humidity.
  3. Little shelf life. Less than for the year, the fragrance completely "exhaled."

Also, perfumes from essential oils can not be applied before reaching the sun and use children, pregnant and lactating women.

But home products have a number of advantages:

  1. The cost of 3 is 10 times cheaper brand.
  2. Quality control is carried out independently.
  3. The composition will not be cheap synthetic substances.
  4. Spirits from ethers have aromatherapy effect.
  5. You can create a unique fragrance for each person who emphasizes its individuality.

In addition, the creation of spirits with their own hands is a fascinating hobby. And you still do not have to break your head over gifts - the original quality presents will enjoy everyone. They can be made both for women and for men.

Necessary materials

To independently make perfume, you will need:

  1. The foundation. Jojoba oil, olive, grape bones, almond or alcohol.
  2. Essential oils. Any quantity is taken, but not less than three.
  3. Distilled water for spirits on spirits.
  4. Glass containers for mixing.
  5. Vials with dark glass storage strip. Old bubbles from the toilet water used are suitable - they can be darkened by themselves.
  6. Pipette with dispenser.
  7. Glass wands for mixing.
  8. Test strips. They can be made, cutting album sheet or photo paper.
  9. Pencil to sign stripes.
  10. Notebook or notebook - recipes are written in step by step, successful aromas or, on the contrary, errors are noted.

Preference is given to high-quality basic and essential oils. In order not to get to the fake, buy funds only in specialized cosmetic stores or pharmacies. Packaging in natural aromamasel solid, not damaged, and the bottle is made of darkened glass. In addition, there should be no impurities or chemical stabilizers.

In how to make perfumes from essential oils, there are certain rules:

  1. Determine the direction of spirits: floral, spicy, sweet, invigorating.
  2. On the test strips they write the names of the ether. It is better to sign a pencil, and not a handle - ink have a pronounced smell.
  3. Drinking different essential oils are applied to test strips. Then they bring them to the nose and define the fragrance liked. First, stop on one key odor, then combine it with others.
  4. The aromas of the heart, top and bottom are cleaned. They are mixed in proportions 2: 1: 3. For example, taking 10 drops of oil for medium notes, 5 - for the upper, 15 - for the lower.
  5. Base is added to mixed aromaslas: jojoba oil or alcohol. Each drop of ether should be 4 drops of the foundation.
  6. Spirits are transfused into the vial and withstand from 2 weeks to a month. Every 3 days the product is scolding.
  7. To secure the resistance of the flavor and soften the sharp smell slightly, 5 drops of glycerol are added to the composition.

Oil-based perfume

Oil-based perfumes are prepared faster and easier than other components. You need to insist for only 14 days. This period can be reduced to 7 days. However, they cannot be sprayed with clothes (there will be fat spots on it) and hair (they will quickly sit).

It is best to use jojoba oil - it is light and does not smell. The finished product is stored for 6 months.

Spirits on alcohol

For spirits, alcohol is required at a concentration of at least 96%. This product has long "rushing" - at least one month. But they can be sprayed with hair and clothing - the fragrance is kept longer than on the skin. In addition, the composition does not leave fat traces.

The smell intensity can be varied, depending on the desired result. 70% of alcohol accounts for:

  1. For spirits - 20% aromamasel.
  2. For perfume water - 12% ether.
  3. For toilet water - 7% aromatic hoods.
  4. For cologne - 5% essential essence.

Also in alcohol spirits should be at least 5% of distilled water.

Wax-based perfume

As the basis for domestic spirits, oil and bees wax can be used. The finished product will be semi-hard, and melted when applied to the skin. It is desirable that the tool does not fall on hair and clothing. But the aroma of such spirits is the most resistant.

The technology of creating wax spirits is somewhat different:

  • take oil and wax in equal proportions;
  • preheat them in a water bath to a liquid state;
  • essential essences are added to the warm mixture and stirred;
  • overflow into the prepared storage capacity;
  • the bubble is selected with a wide neck so that the hardened product can be easily delivered.

Perfumes are created according to certain rules. The main thing is the features of the combination of various flavors. For the first time it is better to take floral flavors: even an unsuccessful recipe will be winning. It should be borne in mind that woody and citrus smells conflict and interrupt each other.

Total 4 types of fragrances are distinguished: floral, fruit, wood, spicy (oriental) and herbal.

There is also division of odors on notes: top, middle and lower.

  1. The top notes are those that are felt immediately after the application of perfume. They evaporate after half an hour. It is for them the first impression.
  2. Medium or notes of the heart. They are the main in any composition. The manufacture of spirits is better to start with the selection of aromas for the middle, and already pick up the upper and lower odors to them. They are saved for several hours.
  3. Bottom notes - the basis of spirits, their peculiar aftertaste. They stay up to day.

For different notes, certain aromamaslas are used:

Separately isolated a complimentary fragrance. This is a smell that adjusts others: enhances or weakens their action. In addition, the compliment binds each other. This group belongs to Lavender, sandalwood, rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint, citrus.

Recipes of natural spirits

The main advantage of perfumes from Aromamacel is their unique, not similar to others, the smell. But experiments are better to postpone until the hand appears. First, you can use the recipes from essential oils, make perfume, in composition and aroma similar to the products of popular brands.


Perfumes for women are sensual, softened by floral smells, fragrances incense and vanilla. At home, you can try to implement the most popular sprat recipes from essential oils with your own hands.

Chanel number 5.

For top:

  • lemon - 14 drops (k.);
  • bergamot - 7 drops (k.);
  • neroli - 11 to ..

For the middle:

  • sandala - 9 k.;
  • vanilla - 16 k.;
  • veiver - 6 to.

For the basics:

  • ambra - 15 k.

Dolce & Gabbana "Light Blue"

For top:

  • green apple - 15 k.;
  • lemon - 11 k.

For the middle:

  • roses - 9 k.;
  • jasmine - 12 k.;
  • bamboo - 16 k.

For Niza:

  • pines - 16 k.;
  • musk - 14 k.;
  • ambra - 12 k.

Dior "Fahrenheir Absolutr"

For upper aromas:

  • mirra - 23 k.;
  • violets - 19 k.

For core fragrances:

  • ladan - 23 to ..

For basic smells:

  • carnations - 14 k.;
  • muscat nut - 17 k.

Escada Magnetism

For initial notes:

  • melons - 8 k.;
  • black currant - 6 k.;
  • basilica - 4K.

For medium notes:

  • roses - 12 k.;
  • magnolia - 7 k.;
  • jasmine - 17 k.

For the final notes:

  • coconut - 6 k.;
  • muscat - 15 k.;
  • amber - 5 k.;
  • vanilla - 19 k.

For top:

  • lemon - 9 k.;
  • mandarin - 5 k.;
  • orange - 3d

For the middle:

  • naroli - 6 to.

For Niza:

  • mirra - 1 to.;
  • ladan - 7K.


Compositions of male spirits are narrowed by tart, sharp and strong smell. They must emphasize the force, charismatic and factories.

Givenchy "Pour Homme"

For top:

  • grapefruit - 13 k.;
  • coriander - 12 k.;
  • mandarin - 14K.

For heart":

  • wormwood - 11 k.;
  • veiver - 22 K.

For the basics:

  • ladan - 24 k.;
  • cedar - 13 K.

For top:

  • cedar - 20 K;
  • grapefruit - 14 k.;
  • rosemary - 2K.;
  • cardamom - 12 k.

For the middle:

  • tubers - 17 k.;
  • ilang-Ilanga - 15 k.

For Niza:

  • birch tar - 1 to.;
  • kedra - 18K.

For the first note:

  • petitgrina - 14 k.;
  • bergamota - 26 k.

For the second note:

  • lemon - 14 k.;
  • orange - 15 to.

For the third notes:

  • neroli - 15 k.;
  • lavender - 5 k.

Versace Man Eau Fraiche

For top:

  • bergamot - 10 k.;
  • rose tree - 13 k.;
  • lemon - 11 k.

For the middle:

  • sage - 12 k.;
  • estragona - 12 k.;
  • black pepper - 4 k.;
  • wormwood - 5 to.

For the basics:

  • musk - 12 k.;
  • ambra - 14 k.;
  • saffron - 5 k.;
  • cedar - 14K.

Arolina Herrera "212 Sexy Men"

For top:

  • mandarin - 15 k.;
  • bergamot - 17 k.

For the middle:

  • a guy tree - 12 k.;
  • vanilla - 16 to.

For the basics:

  • cardamom - 21 k.

There are no restrictions in the manufacture of perfumes from essential essences. In addition to their own fantasy. You can experiment infinitely, creating new flavors. Sooner or later, the formula of the perfect, original smell, emphasizing the individuality, will be replaced.

The fragrance of spirits may emphasize femininity and individuality, reveal the image, and maybe on the contrary.

It is important in this matter to independently explore all the little things or to trust a professional perfume.

Tell how to make perfume at home.

It turns out that the perfume composition is very easy to create. The most important component of this magical action are oils - sources of uniqueness. Oils are selected strictly better quality from good proven firms. It is better to acquire from the manufacturer. It is from this that most of the success in this perfume work depends.

What is needed for this

Aromatic essences by nature have volatile properties. If the body apply fragrant liquid on the body, then over time, the exhibit the smell changes. Knowing all the above-described terms of composition composition, it is easy to understand how to make perfume at home. Perfumes connect the components with different flavors - the "base" is obtained. It is divided into several "notes":

Basic note (loop);

Heart note;

Top note (head).

From the time of application, their period of active action begins: they evaporate and exuded the fragrance in turn - from top to bottom.

The basic note is considered the most resistant in the composition.. The fragrance keeps from twelve to 24-period hours after applying. The duration of the action is directly related to specific ephrine oils that are taken by perfume.

Note heart - This is the first element of the composition. When entering into interaction with other essential oils, reveals their shades and opens up new sensations.

Top nota - quickly evaporated essential oils. You can call such citrus.

In all fragrant liquids there are some of their listed additional elements: distilled water, alcohol, coconut butter, jojoba, sweet almond. It is believed - each woman should have its own special (genetic) fragrance, compilation of it is perhaps an extremely thinly sensitive master.

Step by step instructions

At the beginning it is necessary to put the following things to your desktop:

Distilled water, real spring;

The existence of a long fragrance provides glycerin in a small proportion;

Fresh coffee (applied to update smell feelings);

Essential oils themselves;

Be sure to: a notebook, handle, from 5 to15 pure pharmaceutical pipettes, paper strips 0.4NA10 cm., Blockers for future aromatic essence.

If you make perfume at home with a sharp aroma - in the combined liquid there should be 70% of essential oils. For tender smell - 20 percent.

To obtain spirits with the "long-playing" aroma, the resulting fluid must be inspected: first 48 hours in a dark and cold place (not in refrigeration) and after adding water (if the base is 80 milliliters - a pair of art. Spoons) and glycerin (several drops) - Another 48 hours. There are recommendations for insistence (before the addition of water and glycerin) within one month. Experts assure that spirits are required as good guilt, time for maturation.

Oils are applied to testers from paper 1 droplets and are made to the nose, the best most liked aromas are selected. Preferences are specified in the notebook.

It's believed that the best ratio in the composition is a 1: 2 ratio (head: heart: base).

After the composition of the essential oils is ready, the work ends with the addition of alcohol or jojoba oil, or olive oil, or distilled water, or pure spring water. In the case of cooking dry perfumes, a combination of oily oil and wax is added.

Mixing options smells

Recipe number 1.

How to make perfume at home for evening romantic mood:

First note - Rose (1 Cap.), Sandal (6 cap.);

Recipe number 2.

Fragrance lightness and summer:

First note - rose (1 cap.);

Second note - Melis (2 cap.);

Third note - Bergamot (2 Cap.), Lemon (4 Caps).

Recipe number 3.

Male fragrance:

First note - Sandal (2 cap.);

Second note - Lavender (2 cap.), Juniper (2 cap.);

The third note is lemon (1 CAP.), Bergamot (4 Caps).

Recipe number 4.

Aroma exciting:

First note - Rose (1 Cap.), Sandal (8 Cap.), Patchouli (3 Cap.), Jasmine (3 Caps);

Second note - Ylang-Ylang (3 Cap.);

Third note - Verbena (3 cap.).

Recipe number 5.

Night gentle fragrance (insisted at least 15 hours):

The first note is sandals (5 cap.), Musk (5 cap.), Ladan (3 cap.);

The third note (the second - no) - jojoba (3 cap.).

The best flavors of spirits at home are obtained when mixing roses, lavender, chamomile, ylang-yulang, jasmine and iris. The smell of mint pepper is softened or lavender, or rosemary. Citrus is perfectly mixed with juniper. In no way, it is impossible to mix rosemary and lavender.

To keep long

With inattentive storage, the resulting composition may be poisoned, lose the exquisite fragrance and even disappear. However, the highest quality spirits have a shelf life of no more than 3 years.

First, the perfume is better stored in a dark place. It is better to keep the bottle in the box and do not expose direct sunlight.

Secondly, the tightness of the bottle is of great importance in the extension of the storage period. Best of all stored perfume with a sprayer.

Thirdly, when applying perfumes, do not use fingers in this process. This is superfluous and not necessary to contact the skin with spirits. It is necessary to use a disposable plastic wand or something similar.

And, in conclusion, nothing will endure the test of time, but the highest quality perfumes - on an oil basis - is stored longer than all. Therefore, natural spirits are much more expensive than their competitors. Perfume made at home, or purchased in a store with an alcohol basis, even from a sealed bottle, slowly evaporate under the influence of heat. They need to be stored only in the refrigerator in a closed packaging.

Female hand with bottle of spirits

For a long time, before the emergence of the developed industry, each fleece of spirits was created manually, and often and on a special order. Mass, impersonal production was then not known. In addition, the most famous beauties in history often themselves made up for themselves, strictly by selecting every note of the fragrance. And although the merits of the classics like "Chanel number 5" and "Estelauer" few people dare, there is no main thing in these famous bottles - your individuality. Meanwhile, having imagination, desire and a little taste, spirits can be created independently.

Rules of novice perfume

Before running to the store for new flavors, and then to our own kitchen - enthusiastically, it would be nice to master the theoretical part. At least the main rules. If fragrant creativity will capture you with your head, a little weather you find out the many subtleties and secrets. (And it is possible, open your own.) In the meantime, the basic rules.

If only you are not a master innovator, then your perfume composition you will build on "three whales":

  • Head of Spirit

The first note of the fragrance, which is kept on the skin from 5 minutes before half an hour. Bright and memorable, she seemed to declare himself and quickly evaporates, leaving a tart memories. Pick this note is correct very important. Usually it consists of lung volatile smells - fresh citrus, spicy herbs, lavender. Or more strict nutmeg and sandal.

  • Heart of Spirit

The main fragrance that binds and unites all the others. This is the most intimate, but an obvious train that will accompany you for several hours. It uses more resistant odors and compositions in which you can prove yourself, pick up 3-4 favorite flavor. Sweet floral or fresh wood smells, herbs, spice notes, fruits ... to solve you.

  • The basis of the spirits

The most resistant substances leaving your skin last. He will remind himself 12, or even 24 hours later, until the last traces of fragrance will be destroyed. They are usually attributed to vetiver, carnation, cypress, incense, musk, pink tree, cedar and juniper.

Strict distribution - what kind of smells should get into the "heart", "head" and "basis" is not. Many flavors are cautious from one group to another, obeying the idea of \u200b\u200bthe master. It is worth a little relief in the compilation of compositions, and you will learn to easily understand what the smell will have to be revealed first which will become the main note of the spirits, and which "closed" the march of flavors. And oils relate in the following proportions: one drop "Head notes" accounts for 2 drops of "heart notes" and 3 drops of "bases".

Necessary components

To create your own unique composition you need to purchase:

  • Essential oils. For high-quality perfumes, naturally, the components are good and expensive. But as long as you are developing "perfume production", it will be enough to purchase 4-5 fragrances you like from the nearest pharmacy or a cosmetic store - simple and cheaps.
  • Oil, wax or alcohol for the base, depending on what you are going to deal with. From the oils choose fat, without smell - coconut, almond, grape seeds, etc. Instead of alcohol, the usual vodka will suit, again, without smell.
  • The retainer required for the flavor does not evaporate too fast. Sprinkle in this role protrude sandals or vanilla: they quickly give their own smell, but retain others. Another cheap substitute is the usual castor oil. Or even ordinary pastry vanillin!
  • Glass bottles and pipettes for mixing and storing compositions.
  • Paper strips to test the aroma drop on them, trying to "sound" the one or another composition.

Compositions on alcohol and oil

Already by the name it is clear that for future fragrant mixtures you will need one of these foundations. What is preferable? It depends on what result you need.

  • Alcohol reveals the aromas more stronger, making them richer and brighter.
  • The oil is well holding smells, and therefore, the bottle with the oil mixture will be bolshing much longer.
  • Oil-based fragrances do not need time to stand - often they are ready to use immediately after you mix them. Sometimes the oil is better to give out 5-7 days, but alcohol compounds have to wait longer, standing for 2-3 weeks on a dark shelf in the closet.
  • But you can use alcohol spirits without feet, sprinkling clothes and hair. Oil better mix with daily or night cream or carefully apply on wrists.

Perfumes on an oil basis "First Bouquet":

Mix the essential oils: 8 drops of cinnamon, 3 - Bergamot, 1 - grapefruit, 1 drop of ginger and 2 drops of sweet vanilla. Connect the mixture with 50 ml of almond oil or jojoba oil.

Recipe "Flower Wind":

15 drops of essential oil Ylang-Ylang, 12 drops of geranium, 5 drops of jasmine and pink wood, 2 drops of roses and 1 drop of sweet vanilla. Connect the resulting bouquet with base oil (any odorless) and can immediately use.

Depending on how much to take the base oil, the fragrance will be weaker or more intense. The usual ratio requires from 75 to 95% of the foundation. Not more than 25% remain on the share of essential oils.

Spirit Recipe on Sandal Leaves Alcohol:

Mix 15 ml of alcohol (90%), 10 ml of distilled water. Connect with a mixture of essential oils: 12 drops - sandalwood, 5 drops - moss, 2 drops - iris, 2 drops - Muscat, 1 drop - Limgrance. Let it brew for 2-3 weeks in a dark place.

Recipe "Fresh Orange":

5 drops of cypress oil, 5 drops of myrth, 2 drops of lemon and mint and 6 drops of orange oil mix with an alcohol water base. Next - as in the previous recipe.

Solid spirits

The basis of solid perfumes - wax mixed with base oil in proportion 1 to 2. Melt the beeswax on the water bath (the best purified - it does not have its own smell) and taking oil for the base. Wait a bit and pour the bouquet of essential oils in the cooling mixture. Mix the glass stick and break into that container where you are going to store solid perfume. Let cool.

By composing the composition for solid spirits, you may not worry about the lock: wax and without it reliably hold the smell created by your fantasy.

Recipe for solid spirits "Forest rain":

3 drops of nutmess oil, 2 drops of juniper, cedar, and bergamot, 1 drop of pine and 1 drop of lemon grass. Connect with melted wax and base oil and let cool.

You can repeat any of the above recipes yourself. You can find a lot of interesting mixes on the Internet and forums of "home perfumers". Or create your spirits yourself. Arm yourself with your favorite smells, paper strips and necessary tools. Drip on a drop of aroma for each leaf. And now try to connect them, bringing two different sheets to the nose at the same time. Like the result? Too sharp? Lack of sweet notes or freshness? Search until you find the composition that you have to taste. And immediately, after that, you will be thrown over alcohol, butter or wax, so that they immediately create their own personal perfumes on their basis.

Yes, and of course, do not forget to record the results of your research so that if necessary, without difficulty repeat the composition.

Pheromones at home - True or myth?

Pheromones ... Since these volatile substances have been discovered, making us irresistible to representatives of the opposite sex, they excite the minds and worry the hearts. Alas, create perfume with pheromones at home is impossible! But there is no reason to despair about this.

To tell the truth, the action of Pheromones is not so indisputable as the manufacturers of spirits are truded. Someone they can attract someone to leave indifferent. Someone will not like it at all. The effect of smells with "spicy" additives is more on the confidence of their owner. If a woman knows that it fragrances the aroma with the magic "lovely potion" in the composition, it becomes greasy, bold and automatically attractive. And you in your homemade perfume can easily replace unknown faemons byadanisia. Believe me, the effect will be no worse: you will know the secret component of your fragrance.

Spirit Recipe with Aphrodisiacs:

5 drops of Bergamot oil, 5 - sandals, 1 drop vanilla and cinnamon drop. Mix with a teaspoon of grape seed oil and easily touch the wrists and neck in a mixture of your wrists and neck (if you do not have allergies to the specified oils). And do not think to doubt your irresistible!


Perfumery, like all creativity, requires freedom of fantasy and courage. And most importantly, you should have fun, enthusiastically tasuya and mixing flavors. Do not hesitate and do not be afraid to make another one, with such an aromatic, notch personality.

You may also be interested

Solid spirits are still very valued in the east. They are considered more resistant than liquid perfumes. And, moreover, under the south sultry sun applied to the skin wax aromatic mixture harmless, in contrast to synthetic perfumes, and its smell remains unchanged (in artificial blends under the influence of the temperature components can be detected and the smell changes). It is noteworthy that in the east, solid perfume is packaged in unusual beauty flat cases, often decorated with precious stones. We will use the cosmetic mini-jar and tubes from lipstick. In the recipe for lips balm, I have already shown how 5 ml syringe can be placed a cosmetic mixture in an empty case from lipstick.

Basic Solid Spirit Recipe

Beeswax - 50%

Liquid odorless oil (jojoba, almond) - 50%

Essential oils.

In order to get 10 g of solid perfume, I took 5 g of wax, 5 g of jojoba oil and 15 drops of essential oils.

How to make a fragrance?

For perfume, you can use one favorite essential oil or a mixture of several (up to 7) oils. Before making a composition of several flavors, it is desirable to check the compatibility of essential oils by special tables on the Internet. There is also the opportunity to choose the composition on therapeutic effects (relaxing, stimulating, aphrodisiacs).

Fragrances are divided into groups: floral, wood, citrus, spicy, resten, exotic.

light oils evaporate for 20-30 minutes,

middle for 30-90 minutes

heavy in 2-3 hours, and some for 5-6 hours.

I chose for my perfumes the following composition of floral-tree-tree oils-Aphrodisiacs (with a sound duration of more than 3 hours):

rose essential oil - 5 drops

jasmine essential oil - 1 drop

sandal essential oil - 1 drop

cedar essential oil - 5 drops

ladan essential oil - 3 drops.

I made the second portion of the spirits (for a friend) from the finished perfume composition "5 Avenue" from Elizabeth Arden. These oil mixtures make the Crimean enterprise "The Kingdom of Aromas". On 10 g of the foundations used one bottle of 1.3 g.

I photographed rosewood oil, but in the process of the magic I refused to add it to the idea) I did not like the smell)))

The order of cooking solid spirits.

Electronic weights measure 5 g of jojoba oil, it's near the tablespoon.

Jojoba oil is a stable oil, it does not bar for a long time, leaves no greens on the skin, an anti-inflammatory agent. Due to the properties to create a thin gas-permeable film on the skin it is called liquid wax.

Gethea wax rubbed on a small grater (so that he melts quickly and without lumps). Wax, like butter, is sold in specialized soaps of soaps or in the market where natural honey sells. Wax has bactericidal, invalid properties and is a natural preservative. In independently cooked perfumes, it will not be necessary to add poisonous preservatives, thanks to the wax, their expiration date is at least 6 months.

Place the wax and oil into a heat-resistant cup (a ceramic cup is also suitable) and put warmer on a water bath. Heating, wax and oil are mixed and converted into a homogeneous liquid. No need to boil! In the hot mixture, quickly introduce essential oils, mix the wooden toothpick. It can be mixed and a metal spoon, but due to the fact that it is cold, it is instantly sticking the cooler crucifixes of the base.

While the mixture is hot, pour it into a pre-cooked dishes. A cosmetic jar before use is thoroughly washed out, wipe dry with a napkin and wipe with vodka for disinfection.

However, you can take advantage of the way you can. Dial a hot mix in syringes 5 ml. Cool the syringes in the refrigerator. Each syringe cut off the nose and squeeze the frozen stack of a wax mixture in an empty lipstick case. Compact solid perfumes are ready!

Yulia Samoilova | 05/26/2015 | 2878.

Yulia Samoilova 05/26/2015 2878

In this article, I will share with you a recipe for solid spirits that can be done at home.

Even the most expensive perfumery products may contain allergic components. There is no need to risk health when you can make solid perfume with your own hands, the fragrance of which will be held enough to stay on the skin.

For the preparation of perfume, you can use any essential oils - it all depends on your preferences. For example, I most like the combination of lavender fragrances and citrus fruits.

You will need:

  • 2 tsp Bee wax;
  • 2 tsp almond oil or jojoba;
  • essential oils;
  • small, tightly closing box of iron or plastic.

We make perfume from oils do it yourself

1. First you need to mix the essential oils. I took 12 drops of each of the following oils: lemon, sweet orange, bergamot and lavender.

2. In a separate bowl, pour 2 tsp. Almond oil or jojoba.

3. Then you need to take the solid beeswax and grate on the grater so that the mass is about 1 tbsp. Melt it in a small saucepan on medium fire.

4. Now you should be very attentive. Quickly, while the wax is not frozen, it is necessary to measure 2 ppm, pour them into a separate pan and add almond oil or oil jojoba there.

5. The resulting mass must be put on a slightly preheated slab and mix thoroughly.

6. After that, it is necessary to remove the saucepan from the plate and quickly pour the essential oils there, mixing well.

7. Now as quickly as possible, as it is possible, you should pour the resulting mixture into a predetermined box. And then cover it and wait about 30 minutes until the spirits are completely frozen.

Solid perfumes have a creamy shape and easily applied with a finger with light circular motions on the skin in the wrist area and behind the ears. A pleasant citrus-lavender flavor will remain on the skin for several hours.

If you put the perfume in a small, beautiful jar (for example, in the drop-down medallion), you can wear it with you in my handbag and update the fragrance throughout the day. Believe my experience, it is very convenient!

When the spirits are run out, you can experiment with various essential oils and find your favorite flavor.

As you know, odors cause strong associations. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, I always do perfume solely with the essential oil of mandarin and orange. This fragrance makes me mood and encourages as before, as in childhood, to believe in the New Year's miracle. And in the summer I prefer to make perfume with the smell of various colors: chamomiles, roses, jasmine.

Try to make solid perfume yourself! This is not only financially profitable, but also very exciting.

According to the site