Stained glass New Year sketches. New Year's vytynanka: decorating the house with a silhouette paper cut. Examples of New Year's pictures on window glass made with stained glass paints

You can create a New Year's atmosphere with handmade paper cut products. They are called vytynanki, which means "clippings". Here you can find silhouettes of New Year's heroes: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, snowmen, gnomes, various Christmas trees, balls and bells, snowflakes, snow-covered houses, figurines of deer and cute animals.

Today we offer you stencils of New Year's earthenware of various subjects. Let's be inspired by the actions of the craftsmen and the finished work on decorating windows, Christmas trees, postcards, and a New Year's scene. These templates can be easily printed on a sheet of white paper, cut out and glued to the window with soapy water, or fixed in other corners of the New Year's interior.

Small protrusions can be used to decorate a window or create a composition on a windowsill or table, larger clippings can be used to decorate walls in a room or on a stage.

These are the images you can get:

Stencils for vytynanka silhouette cutting of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus:

Choose the stencil you like with the image of Santa Claus and his granddaughter. As a tool, you can use thin scissors, stationery knives, you will definitely need a lining board so as not to scratch the table.

Vytynanka tree

You can cut the Christmas tree using a stencil like a silhouette, or you can make a symmetrical cut by folding a sheet of paper in half. We make a standing Christmas tree in one of the following ways: glue two symmetrical Christmas trees on an oval paper support, or fold each Christmas tree in half and glue them together.

Snowflakes and ballerinas

Snowflakes are very different. Especially if the master uses all his imagination. So, you can cut out a symmetrical snowflake by folding the paper several times. See what kind of drawing was applied in the form of a stencil and what an unusual tip the snowflakes have.

Inside the snowflake there can be a completely independent composition. For example, a New Year's snowman or a snowy forest.

Snowflakes can take on the image of light snow ballerinas. To do this, we cut out the silhouette of a ballerina separately, put an openwork snowflake on it and hang it by a thread. It turns out a very delicate airy decoration.

Christmas balls

Christmas decorations can be cut both according to a symmetrical pattern and according to an individual stencil. You can add these decorations to the composition on the window, dress it up on a herringbone, attach them with threads to a chandelier or curtain.


We make carved bells on a stencil. If you glue translucent paper, for example, tracing paper, on the inside of the cutout, then such a bell can be used with a backlight effect.

Deer, sleigh, carriage

Another fabulous New Year's hero is a deer. The delivery of the wizard Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden is connected with him. We offer stencils for cutting deer, carts and sleds.


Charming good-natured Snowmen should definitely decorate the New Year's house. Their figures can be simply cut out symmetrically, or you can make a "family photo of the Snowmen" or a composition with a Christmas tree and children.

New Year Numbers

You can carve out beautiful numbers for the coming New Year using these templates:

Beasts, signs and symbols

You can make a custom Christmas decoration. To do this, we cut out from paper the silhouettes of our favorite pets, heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, birds and animals in a fabulous winter forest.

Cut out the figures of the sun and moon according to stencils, complement your composition.

Snow-covered houses

It will be very comfortable if there is a snow-covered house on the window in the New Year's picture. It can be a small hut or a whole palace.


Who is the strongest waiting for the New Year and Santa Claus? Of course, children! Using silhouette paper cutting, we make figurines of kids around the Christmas tree, with gifts, singing and dancing, in a word, we bring in the true atmosphere of the holiday!


We offer options for protruding candles. They can be independent or combined with balls, bells, branches and bows.


For Christmas, you can cut out thematic recesses dedicated to the events and circumstances of this event. These can be silhouettes of Jerusalem, images of angels, shepherds and magi. And don't forget the Star of Bethlehem!

You can cut out the silhouette of the Star of Bethlehem separately:

The central place among the Christmas nativity scenes must, of course, be devoted to the Nativity scene - the cave in which the Savior was born. The Divine Infant Manger is comfortably surrounded by hay and pets.

Backlit composition

Openwork paper cuttings can be used to decorate not only the window, but also to create a three-dimensional panorama on the windowsill. It will be especially effective if you put a garland or a small light inside the box.

Take care of the design of New Year's decorations - vytynanka out of paper with the children. This is not only useful for developing the imagination, training fine motor skills of the hands, but will also give you a lot of pleasure from joint creativity, and then - from contemplation of the resulting beauty!

This is one of the easiest and most delicious ways to decorate window glass. Small children can participate in the process - for them this activity will become a truly sweet magic.

Using a stencil, we apply an adhesive base on clean glass - honey or sugar syrup diluted in water. Then we spray on the base with icing sugar. Let the patterns dry, remove the stencil and brush off the rest of the powder with a brush.

Soap drawings

They will not only decorate the windows, but also allow you to wash the glass.

On a fine grater, you need to grate a piece of soap. Add warm water to the soap crumbs. Beat the mixture with a mixer until a stable foam is obtained. Dip a sponge - and you can paint! And it's even easier to draw patterns on the glass with the remnant itself.

Artificial snow

Different types of artificial snow are used in the decor, but we will need one that is sold in the form of a spray. Shake the can and ... improvise! Light frost, stencil patterns - it can be anything you like.

Be careful: do not save money and buy the cheapest spray - it may turn out to be of poor quality, with a pungent odor.

Toothpaste - a tool of the Snow Queen

This is the classic way: who hasn't painted with toothpaste on the mirror in the bathroom as a child?

The frost effect can be achieved by spraying the glass with paste from a spray bottle (or simply sprinkling with a toothbrush). If it is diluted in water to a creamy consistency, you can paint the glass with a hard brush.

Beer and magnesia

Very beautiful and complex frosty patterns are obtained using beer and magnesia. The solution is prepared easily: for 100 gr. light beer needs 50 gr. magnesia.

Apply patterns with a sponge, brush, cotton swab. As the liquid begins to evaporate, crystal patterns appear on the glass. You can speed up the process by drying the drawing with a hairdryer.

Regular paints

Note: watercolors are more difficult to wash off glass than gouache. The picture will be more contrasting if you outline it along the contour with black paint. Glitter, beads and sequins can be applied to the paint.

Children's stained glass paints

Do not confuse them with professional ones, otherwise the drawing will remain on the glass forever.

Children's stained glass paints are applied not to glass, but to a special film, which is then glued to the window. Place the selected pattern under the film, trace it along the contour, then paint the inner parts. Do not regret the paints so that there are no gaps on the film.

Ready-made stickers

You can stick on glass not only your stained glass drawings. If there is no time, at your service.

Paper stencils

Another greetings from childhood. True, we used to improvise, but now you can find ready-made stencils for printing on the Internet.

Snowflakes made of white matte paper look good. Do not use glue, thick sugar syrup is better, it will wash off the windows faster.

Tulle and lace

And the last, most sophisticated way: we glue tulle or lace on the glass. It is best to choose fabric with winter motifs, feathers, curls.

You need to prepare a solution: dilute two tablespoons of cornstarch in two tablespoons of cold water. And add one and a half glasses of hot water. If you use potato starch, the solution will turn out gray, which will give the appropriate shade to our application.

Now we apply a piece of fabric to the glass. Apply the solution over the lace with a brush, paying special attention to the edges and corners. The paste hardens quickly, and the lace stays on the glass until you decide to rinse it off with warm water.

Drawings on glass are fun, beautiful and festive. Having made such a New Year's decoration with children on all windows in your apartment, you will not only give yourself a festive mood, but also all those who, passing by your house, will glance at your windows. And it's also a great and very affordable way to make and.

New Year's drawings on the windows: draw with toothpaste

Drawings on the windows made with ordinary toothpaste are the easiest and most budgetary way that kids will really like, and you won't worry about how to wash the windows, because the paste is well washed off with water. There are two ways to paint on glass with toothpaste.

To create on a window, you will need:

  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • white toothpaste;
  • water;
  • a bowl;
  • Scotch;
  • stencils for New Year's drawings;
  • toothpicks.

Roll up a piece of sponge and fasten it with tape. Squeeze out the toothpaste into a bowl and dilute it a little with water. Dip the resulting "brush" in the paste and draw patterns on the glass with it. You can paint with or without stencils. After the paste dries a little, use a toothpick to paint the details. And with a thin brush, you can draw threads for toys.

For the next way to paint on glass with toothpaste, you need slightly different materials:

  • toothpaste;
  • water;
  • old toothbrush;
  • stencils.

This method is often used to decorate not only windows, but also mirrors in the house for the New Year. First, select the drawing stencils. It can even be ordinary paper-cut snowflakes. , you will find on the link. Moisten the cut stencil with water and glue to the surface of a window or mirror. Remove excess moisture with a dry cloth.

In a container, dilute the toothpaste with water until smooth. Pour the mixture liberally onto the brush and bring it close to the stencil. Run your fingers over the bristles, thus sprinkling the paste onto the stencil of New Year's drawings until you completely fill the drawing.

Leave the drawing together with the stencil until it is almost completely dry. When the winter drawing is ready, the paper stencil will easily separate from the glass surface without smearing the drawing itself.

What else to paint on windows: techniques of New Year's patterns on glass

For drawings on glass for the New Year, special washable paints for painting on glass, gouache with a brush, artificial snow in a spray can, ordinary soap, PVA glue and glitter are also ideal.

Drawings on the windows for the New Year 2019: stencils and templates

To make the New Year's drawings on the windows neat, it is better to use stencils and templates. You just need to choose the plot you like, download the picture to your computer, print and cut along the contour and in the right designated places. And then everything, as described above in the master class, to draw with toothpaste on the windows.

How to paint windows for the New Year: 13 ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

We offer you several options for what you can paint on the windows in winter. Such pictures with New Year's drawings on the windows can be viewed for hours and inspired by these wonderful ideas.

Decorated Christmas tree, self-painted "frosty patterns" on the windows, hung around the house - all this will create the feeling of a miracle and the approaching New Year 2019.

New Year is one of the most long-awaited holidays loved by both adults and children. Therefore, it is important to prepare for it in advance. People start decorating their own homes from the end of November.

Decorating window and doorways will not take much of your time. To decorate your home, you will need materials at hand. Any homeowner has the right tools. We will be happy to help you with original ideas on how to decorate windows for the New Year.

Paper toys are wonderful decorations

"Holiday Crafts" is one of the most popular searches. It's also worth remembering that you definitely need the appropriate templates. Cut them out and make your own toys.

Window openings have a significant impact on the overall impression of the interior. In the process of decorating a room, they should be given enough attention. Make sure to design consistently.

A practical option is to use paper snowflakes. The symbol of the year should also be honored. The owner of the coming year will be a dog. Be sure to display her image on the window. New Year's motives can be different: the figure of Santa Claus, garlands, a Christmas tree.

Such homemade products have recently been called stencils or just stickers. Today they have a different name - "vytynanka", and they are used for decoration when they are preparing for the following holidays:

  • Birthday;
  • Halloween;
  • The 14th of February;
  • International Women's Day.

On the eve of New Year's holidays, they decorate not only houses, but also shop windows, glass doors of institutions, stained-glass windows of cafes. People create a festive atmosphere in the workplace.

DIY Christmas homemade products

How to make vytynanka yourself? All family members can be involved in this creative process, from young to old. For stencils, it is enough to prepare plain paper. However, if desired, home craftsmen can use other materials:

  • foil;
  • metallized paper;
  • tracing paper.

Snowflakes with snowmen have become traditional compositions for a long time, therefore, we can say that they are a little boring. Imagine and create your own New Year's masterpiece! Let your composition include gifts, Christmas trees, deer with garlands and the main characters - Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden.

Also, don't forget about the Dog. She, too, can become the heroine of your composition. Images or drawings will help to make a New Year stencil.

Prepare the following tools:

  • Stencil Cutting Board
  • Scissors with straight and rounded ends
  • Simple pencil
  • Rubber band
  • Ruler
  • Patterns
  • Stationery knife

Cut large elements with a clerical knife, and use scissors for smaller parts.

Recommendation: Those who can draw do not need to waste their time looking for suitable images. Draw them yourself. If you do not have the talent of an artist, then it does not matter - print a picture from the Internet. If there is no printer, then enlarge the image you like, lean a sheet of paper against the monitor and trace the contours.

How to work with stencils?

There are several methods:

Take a new sponge and make a small brush out of it. To prepare the paint, you will need to mix the toothpaste with water. Apply the image to the window glass and wait for it to dry completely. The resulting composition resembles snow.

DIY Christmas decorations and glue them to the windows with a bar of soap. You can prepare a special adhesive by mixing flour and water.


Perform the main composition on glass with gouache. Use paper dimples to complement the image.

To get a stencil picture, press the wet stencil to the surface of the window and trace the desired contours with soapy water. Use a sponge or brush as a tool. Any unevenness can be easily corrected with a toothpick.

The main method of attaching the stencil to the window is transparent tape.

Have you decided to create a panoramic composition for the New Year? Then the following tips may come in handy:


Small elements are also important, with their help you can make beautiful compositions. Place spruce branches, stars, snowflakes with garlands on top.

Note! If you are decorating windows in your house for the first time before the New Year, do not choose complicated stencils. When you gain experience, you can make a vytynanka of any complexity.

If you take materials that have different textures or textures, you can create modern masterpieces.

Snow landscapes with toothpaste

Making festive vytynanka is an exciting activity for people of different ages. Snow patterns are applied with a brush and paste. This technique allows you to achieve the maximum effect, while the costs will be minimal.

To create a picture, you need to use:


  • Ready-made vytynanka
  • Toothbrush with paste

First, take a candle or angel stencil. It is better to cut sharp corners with a clerical knife, then the products will turn out neat, like a factory one.

The vytynanka is dipped in water or soapy water and pressed against the window. Excess water should be blotted off with a dry sponge or paper towel.

Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste into a container, add water and stir well. Apply a homogeneous mass to the brush, which will spray on the glass. A unique decoration can cover the entire surface of the window, bottom or top.

The stencils are removed when the paste is completely dry and the snowy landscape is ready.

Original decor options

If you are interested in interesting design ideas, then you should not limit yourself to using ready-made stencils. They are sold everywhere: in specialty stores and supermarkets.

It is not difficult to use ready-made stickers: they are easy to stick to any surface. After the holiday, the stencils can be carefully removed and put into the box until next year. No traces of crafts remain on the glass.

You can make almost the same stickers with your own hands. Prepare the following:

  • Universal polymer adhesive
  • Transparent file
  • Image

Glue is applied along the edges of the picture and the sheet is inserted into a transparent file. You need to wait about 10 hours for the glue to dry. Remove the resulting resin sketch. The embossed decoration is a hardened substance. These stencils can be attached to mirrors, kitchen fronts and other furniture.

Homemade garland

Alternative window decorations for the New Year are New Year's garlands, you can buy or make them yourself.

Prepare the necessary materials:

  • Fishing line or strong thread

Roll up cotton balls. They need to be strung on a fishing line. There should be approximately the same distance between the balls.

The length of the "snow rain" can be equal to the height of the window opening or be slightly shorter. A garland looks prettier when it has a lot of strands on it. In order to secure the decorations, a fishing line is used, fixed on the cornice or between the slopes.

Beautiful snowflakes are great for decorating garlands. In addition to them, you can hang small Christmas balls with colored rain on the threads. It will seem to passers-by looking into your windows that it is snowing.

If household members are involved in the manufacture of garlands, things will go quickly. You will definitely have time to decorate all the premises, working only in the evenings, when the whole family is assembled.

Useful advice! Place your homemade garlands one step away from the window. In this case, a shadow falls on the glass, and the homemade product looks more impressive.

Electric garlands are a traditional classic; in a modern interpretation, the models are presented in the form of a luminous grid. However, it is already difficult to surprise anyone with this.

Creative ideas - note!

Spectacular paper panoramas that glow are a new way to decorate window openings before the holidays. It takes time to create such compositions, but it's worth it. And you will need the usual tools:

  • Cardboard
  • Scissors

On thick paper, apply a New Year's pattern that repeats. Use figures of forest animals, Christmas trees, houses and other suitable elements. You can take images from the Internet.

Looks beautiful when the length of the garland matches the length of the window sill. To create this kind of decoration, glue several pieces of paper together.

Fold each sheet at the bottom by 3 or 5 cm. This is needed for the stability of the composition. The paper stripes are placed parallel to the window panes. Garlands and LED strips are installed between different compositions.

With the onset of darkness, the decorations glow beautifully when they are exposed to light from electric lights or from the headlights of passing cars. The chiaroscuro effect creates a unique New Year's atmosphere.

When there is not a lot of time to make homemade products, transform the window opening with the means at hand that you can find. Let it be an artificial Christmas tree, a toy Santa Claus with a bag of gifts or a candle.

The windows, decorated with inspiration and love, will give vivid impressions to the owners of the dwelling, who are waiting for New Year's miracles.

Finally, a couple more useful tips for those who want to prepare for the holiday properly.

The window sill acts as a stage for you. Decorating it is a creative process. Candles in stylish candlesticks create a romantic mood. Place them on the windowsill, and between them Christmas tree decorations and spruce branches look good.

Candles can be placed on a small tray. If you put branches of coniferous trees, then the room will fill with an incomparable aroma. The composition made of candles of different heights looks original.

Use souvenir toys to turn the windowsill into a place for staging a New Year's fairy tale. Let bears and dolls be the main characters in your fairy tale. Stars, garlands or tinsel will complement the composition well.

Choose any fabulous plot of the New Year's fairy tale and start creating. Make the shape of the Symbol of the Year, the Yellow Earth Dog. Let her be on guard of well-being all year round. The symbol of the Year can be a soft toy or a paper craft.

To add a New Year's wish, make a stencil. If you write beautifully, then write it by hand. Use watercolors and a brush. The letters can be made with a tube of toothpaste. Create any snow patterns - you will not find such decoration anywhere else.

Photo of window decorations for the new year