Extra-curricular event "health day" in kindergarten. Extracurricular event on the topic: "How to argue correctly

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. The family is close and dear people, those whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.



Extracurricular activities for children of the preparatory group.

Topic. "My friendly family"
Tasks. To promote the formation of a respectful attitude of children towards their parents and parents towards their children;to cultivate respect for relatives, the desire to take care of loved ones, cherish them.

Event progress.


Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you at the family holiday.

/ On the interactive board, the video “My Motherland” (for 2.5 minutes) during the speech of the educator /

If they say the word "Motherland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden

Thick poplar at the gate ...

What is this poem about? (this is a poem about the motherland)

Motherland, native home - this is the source, the beginning of the beginnings. Everyone has his own. When is the house being built? (when you need somewhere to live).

A house is built when a family is created.

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. The family is close and dear people, those whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.

1 child:

Thunder louder than the trumpet
Ring the bells louder
At our meeting today
All my family!
Everyone I love
And heart and soul
Today in this room
On holiday with me.
Educator. Home, family, they are the most important thing for each of us, the most necessary thing in life. And if mutual understanding, trust, warmth and comfort reign in the house, then this is real happiness.

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. A family is close and dear people living together. If we feel bad, it is difficult, if a misfortune happened - who will listen to us, help, calm us down, give advice and protect us? Of course, relatives. The closest and dearest people, our support for life. No wonder the people say: "The family is a stove: how cold it is, everyone is going to it."

A family is not just relatives who live together, they are people who are united by feelings and interests. There is nothing more precious than a family.

On the interactive whiteboard / during the period of reading the poem by the child and the speech of the educator / video "Our families" for 3 minutes.

2 child.

Family is what we share for everyone,

A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,

Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.

3 child.

Family is what is always with you.

Let seconds rush, weeks, years,

But the walls are dear, your father's house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

4 child.

Who, I ask you,
Hair color like mine
And I'll ask another question:
What does my nose look like?
And answer without prompting
Who has those eyes? (Mother)

5 child.

Go around the world around

And wherever you look...
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.

6 child.

You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All the more beautiful and precious.

(slides on the inter. board "Mommy")

Educator. Close your eyes and listen. And you will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar, dear. You can't confuse it with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands.

Children sing a song about mother "Mother's song" / words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by M. Partskhaladze /

7 child.

The strongest, the bravest.
A mountain stands behind me:
Of course you guessed it!
This is (who?) Dad! My hero!

8 child.

Can he play football?

Can you heat up my soup?

Can watch a cartoon

Can he play checkers?

Might even wash the cups

9 child.

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Can give me a ride

Instead of a fast horse.

10 child.

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

Always a hero for me

My best dad!

(the video “My daddy” is shown on the interactive board / during the period of reading poems by children)

Educator. It often happens that dad or mom is not at home at the most inopportune moment, dad when you need to hammer in a nail, or mom when you need to urgently sew on a button.

Competition tasks for parents and children "Unexpected circumstances"
Contest for moms "Who will hammer nails faster" (3 pcs.)
Contest for dads "Who can sew a button faster."
Competition for girls "Who will braid the braid faster."
Competition "Let's cook delicious borscht"
Competition for parents "Calm down the child - he is upset."

Educator. Who is more important mom or dad? (Children's reasoning)

Educator. Now we will see the scene “Who is right?”


Our call is terribly sonorous -
I run out into the corridor.
I have one girl
A conversation ensued.

And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium.
He throws weights up,
Will be the strongest in the world!


Though men are strong
They don't know how to bake pancakes.
You men don't understand anything.
You educate, teach,
And parsley from dill
You can't tell!
By the way, who does the washing at home?
God didn't give you a talent...
TV, consuming,
You lay down on the sofa!


From a man there is no sense?!
Is this talent not given to us?!
Who nailed a shelf for books?
Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?


You don't feel like cooking borscht
Do not fry cutlets ...
You should run away to work,
Well, there is no more sense.


You are a prickly thorn
You don't know us men well
Every now and then shed tears
And also for no reason
You speak prickly words, loving,
Dad in the house - the head!


And mom is the neck in the house!


No, it is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In a corridor conversation:
Who is stronger and who is more important.
It's just ... mom is more tender and sweeter than everyone.

Remember that your parents are your wealth. They built a family, the house you live in, surrounded you with warmth, care and love.

Relay game "We build a house on a log and a cube" / the game is played together with parents /

Children read poems

11 child.

Mom has a job

Dad has a job.
They have for me
It remains Saturday.
Grandma is always at home.
She never scolds me!
Seated, fed ...

Don't rush!
Well, what happened to you
I say, and grandmother
does not interrupt.
Grains of buckwheat
sitting and fiddling...
We're good together like this
and a house without a grandmother is not a house.

12 child.

Such a grandfather grows a beard,
That I am always surprised at her.
"With him, - mother said, -
You won't be in trouble
Grandpa has a lot of brains in his beard."
Indeed, relatives will ask for advice,
He strokes his beard - he will answer.
I envy my grandfather sometimes
I wish I could grow a beard.

Relay game "Let's help grandma and grandpa plant a garden."

After playing by a group of children, the song "Golden Wedding" / music by R. Pauls, words

I. Reznik /

On the interactive board showing photos of brothers and sisters of preschoolers / for the period of children's stories /

13 child. With him you can play football, make a plane, ride a bike. (Brother)

A child's story about his brother. Exhibition of children's drawings "My brother".

14 child. With her I like to play with dolls, share my secrets. (Sister)

A child's story about his sister. Exhibition of children's drawings "My sister".

Family games are held:

"Little Mischiefs"

Lines are drawn on two opposite sides of the site, several chairs are placed on the side. This is the house of the leader. The players gather behind the line on one side of the court and say:

We playful kids love to run and jump... well, try to catch us! One, two, three - catch!

After the word "catch" everyone runs to the opposite side of the site. The driver must catch one of the takers before he crosses the second line. Caught sits on a chair in the driver's house. Then the children read the verses again and run across the playground in the opposite direction. After two or three times, they count how many children are caught, choose a new driver and the game is repeated

"Golden Gate - circular" (Russian folk game)

In this game, half of the players form a circle, holding hands and raising them up - this is a round gate. The remaining children form a living one. The children depicting the “gate” repeat the verse in recitative (see the Golden Gate game). A chain that goes around each player in turn in a circle. At the last word, the children lower their hands and catch those who are inside the circle. The caught children form, together with the children already standing in the circle, an even larger circle, and the game continues. Gradually, the chain of players becomes shorter, and there are more and more children in the circle. The game ends when only a few children remain outside the circle.

Educator. The family is a reliable fortress for each of us, where you can always find understanding, care, love. Always bow before great patience and courage, before the infinite generosity of the hearts of your loved ones: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers. I want to wish you to remember your family traditions, to love your brothers and sisters.

The video “Family holidays, joint excursions, targeted walks with parents in kindergarten” is shown on the interactive board / in silent mode until the end of the holiday /

Children come out and sing the song "Little Country"

Song "Little Country"

There is a small country beyond the mountains, beyond the forests.
There is a mother, grandmother, grandfather and father, brother or sister.
It is always warm and clear for me there, everyone loves me there.
There the sun ray settled and warms me.


Small country is my family
Where I was born and raised
Where everyone loves me.

Compiled. Dobysheva Lyudmila Vasilievna, teacher;

MADOU "Kindergarten" Alyonushka ";

Sosnovka village, Tyumen region

"Let's walk the path of goodness"

(for pupils of senior, preparatory groups of kindergarten and elementary school students)


To instill in students such qualities of character as kindness and respect for others.

To expand students' knowledge of polite and kind words and their application in life situations.

To develop the ability to evaluate the behavior of others and their own actions, to develop the skills of a culture of speech.

Develop artistic skills while showing sketches, theatrical performances.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation, PC with speakers, posters on the board with statements of Russian writers about kindness, for example: “Think well, and thoughts will ripen into good deeds” (L.N. Tolstoy); “If you always and everywhere, all your life left only good things for people - flowers, thoughts, glorious memories of yourself - your life would be easy and pleasant” (M. Gorky); books and drawings, makeup

The show of the presentation "The Way of Kindness" begins

Vedas. We know many holidays

We greet them cheerfully

And today at this hour

The holiday of "Kindness" is waiting for us.

Vedas. Guys, what is kindness? (3-4 children's answers).

Vedas. Of course you are all right.

Kindness is the desire of a person to give complete happiness to all people, to all mankind.

Kindness is the sun.

A good person loves nature and preserves it.

And love and help warm like the sun.

Student 1: Student 2:

Vedas The first step to kindness is a kind word, or a magic word.

What polite, magic words do you know? (children's answers)

Student 1: Student 2: Student 3:

Vedas- We remembered the magic words. What do you think - what determines their strength? Now we will watch a scene, and then we will try to answer this question.

Pupils show a staging of Z. Byaduli's poem "Petrus"

Characters: father, Petrus, watchman, Yarinka, acquaintance.

1 Promised Father Petrus:

I'll take the courtesy

I will thank everyone

Say "hello" first

Here is a boy with diligence

Fulfills the promise.

2 Sees - in the morning at the gatehouse

Slumbering watchman on the doorstep:

He did not sleep at night,

Just dozed off.

And Petrus yells:

Good morning, grandfather Fedot! -

Grandfather scolded him awake:

Get out, shooter!

3 Here Petrus caught up Yarinka

Yes, how to pull a scarf:

Where are you, Yarinka, stop!

I greet you! -

She stepped aside -

What a rude girl!

4 Nes familiar stack of books

And Petrus from the fence - jump!

Almost sat on his shoulders!

Sorry, good evening!

You, - the friend shouted, -

And ignorant, and impudent! -

Petya is very surprised:

Was he impolite?

Vedas. - How do you figure out if Petrus is really polite? Why can't the boy's actions be called polite? (children's answers)

In life, we do different things: good and not so good. Now the guys will show small scenes from their lives, and we will look and think about what to do in this situation.

So, the first scene.

Characters: 2 people

One eats an apple and another- looks. "Tasty?"

“Now, if I had an apple, I would treat you.”

"What a pity you don't have it."

Vedas. Guys, what do you think, what did the boy with the apple do? Why? What would you do in his place?(children's answers)

So, scene two.

Characters: 3 people

At the playground. are playing children: with ball, with a stroller; comes third child and took everything.

Vedas. How did the child who took it act? What would you do in his place?(children's answers)

So, scene three.

Characters: 2 people

Winter. Coldly. Girl she lost her mitten, her hands froze. Came up boy and handed her his mittens.

Vedas. What did the boy do? What would you do in his place?(children's answers)

Leading.And now guys, we will show your school ditties.

Pupils perform ditties.

1: Like tears, drops from the roof 2: Mom was walking from the store,

On a clear day they dripped, Zina walked beside her.

Because Pavlik writes Daughter had no idea

There are scribbles on the table. Mom to carry the load to help.

3: Lily sat for five hours, 5: Mom looked at the diary:

Nose buried in the TV. What kind of student are you?

And the next day in the diary At least I would please my mother

The swan rose on the line. And he brought not three, but five.

- What are you, mom! A lot of us

4: Woodpecker with a motley sharp beak Think about it - a whole class.

Hammers a sonorous pine. Every excellent student is dear to us,

Two magpies in the lesson Not enough fives for everyone

They break the silence. .

Vedas. Well done. Guys, which cartoon characters were kind? ( children's answers).

Let's, guys, remember what fairy-tale heroes did good deeds, brought joy to others.

You need to guess who or what it is about.

This fairy-tale hero wore a wide-brimmed hat. With a beautiful hurdy-gurdy, he walked around the cities, singing and music got his bread. He saved the dolls from the evil Karabas-Barabas and opened a wonderful theater for them. (Papa Carlo)

This hero treated animals and birds, saved the sick animals of Africa (Aibolit)

These were the favorite flowers of the girl who turned out to be stronger than the Snow Queen and saved her friend from the ice captivity (Gerda)

This fairy-tale hero helped his master become a marquis, marry a princess and become the owner of a huge castle (Puss in Boots).

This dog was an inseparable friend of the girl who helped the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion find what they lacked in life (Toto).

How do these fairy-tale heroes differ from other heroes, for example, Baba Yaga, Karabas-Barabas? (The fact that they do good, help a good person, a good deed, interfere with an evil one).

And of course, Leopold the Cat was kind.

The cat Leopold comes out.

Vedas. Dear, what happened? Why are you so sad?

cat These pranksters did harm again. I wanted to ride a bike, and they poured glue, I wanted to make friends with them, but they don’t know how to be friends at all, I brought you a gift, and they hid it. I'll go look. ( leaves)

Vedas. Now to your attention the scene “Flowers for Grandmother”.

Characters: 2 people

Masha. Now you guys will see...

A girl enters with a bouquet of flowers.

Masha. You will see an eccentric who walks around with flowers in broad daylight. ( Tanya.) Are not you ashamed?

Tanya. Why should I be ashamed?

Masha. What are these flowers? Do you collect herbarium? You might as well put on a bow.

Tanya. BUT! Well ... My grandmother has a birthday. I decided to give her flowers.

Masha. I didn't know you loved flowers so much!

Tanya. And here I am? Grandma loves flowers very much. She has a holiday, and I want to please her!

Masha. And you, it turns out, are selfish - you only think about yourself! “Here you are, grandma, flowers - and rejoice!” For example, I always share my joy with my dad, my mom, my grandfather, and my grandmother. Their holiday is my holiday.

Tanya. Wonderful! I also try to share the joy ...

Masha. But who shares it? Flowers! My grandfather had a birthday, you know what I gave him? There is no way you can guess! Hockey stick!

Tanya Well, that's a good present. Grandparents also need to play sports.

Masha. And what about sports? My grandfather walks with a stick - he is not up to hockey. But you know - the gift is not important, attention is important.

Tanya. What did you give your mom?

Masha. Mom is a puppy.

Tanya. Great! Does your mom love animals?

Masha. Can't stand it! And I was not allowed to have a puppy. And since it’s a gift, you can’t throw it away, you’ll offend a person, that is, me. Here is a puppy and lives with us. So my grandmother's birthday is coming soon, but I still can't think of what to give her.

Leading. How can you characterize these children?

Student responses.

Vedas Words can kill

Words can be saved.

Word can shelves

Lead the story.

Mice enter.

Mice . Eh, everything worked out! We hurt the cat. And then guys, let's live together. And we don't want to. Now we will tell you what kindness is. ( Giving advice to Auster).

(Cat enters)

Cat. Oh, there you are, I see you have my gift. What are you guys teaching? Are you giving bad advice again?

Mice. Well no.

Cat. And now I'll ask the guys. Guys, can you do this?

Mice. It is possible, it is possible.

Vedas. Guys, who liked the mouse tips? You see, no one needs your advice. Listen Dear Leopold and mice, the guys will now tell you what kindness is.

(Students come out, read poetry)

V. Borisov "Kindness"

1 cat's claws,

And with crayfish claws,

The goat has horns,

From enemies, for a fight.

2 Behold, the crows grow,

And they have from birth,

Beak for defense

And for attack.

3 Is it pretend

The dog threatens with fangs,

And the neighbor Seryozhka

Shaking his fists?

4 Maybe in nature

Bad habits

Breed traits -

Quarrels, disputes, skirmishes?

5 Only live - swear

So not interested

And why push?

If we are not close?

6 I will reveal the secret,

To make it clear:

I won't become anyone

Offend in vain.

7 The cat purrs,

Let yourself be stroked

Dog licks hand

And get along with me

8 Not enmity, but friendship

Valued more

Give me a hand

My neighbor Seryozha.

9 Do not stand aside indifferently,

When someone is in trouble

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

10 And if someone, someone will help

Your kindness and your smile

You are happy that the day was not lived in vain,

What years you live not in vain!

Vedas. Well done boys.

Mice. We understand everything, forgive us, Leopold and you guys. We won't do it again.

Vedas. Forgive them guys? Certainly.

Cat. I brought you a gift, share it so that everyone has enough. Gives a gift.


Vedas. Thanks. Goodbye. And we want to end our holiday of kindness with the words of the cat Leopold: “Guys, let's live together!”

Clouds are friends with the sky,

And dew with grass

Butterfly is friends with a flower

We are friends with you

Adults and children are friends

Everyone should be friends in the world.

Vedas. And now let's all sing the song "The Way of Good" together

Ask life strict

Which way to go

Where in the world white

Leave in the morning.

Follow the sun

Though the path is unknown

Dear good.

Forget your worries

Falls and rises

Don't whimper when fate itself

She doesn't act like a sister.

But if it's bad with a friend,

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always lead 2 times

Dear good.

Oh, how many will be different

Doubts and temptations

Don't forget that this is life

Not child's play.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go 2 times

Dear good.


Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go 2 times

Extracurricular activities dedicated to Mother's Day

Goals: to form a respectful attitude towards the mother, a desire to help her, to create a warm moral climate between mothers and children; to form a respectful attitude to family values; form moral guidelines.

Equipment: the newspaper "The best word in the world is MOM!", children's drawings "My mother", crafts, gifts for mothers.

Decoration: the sun on the board and rays attached to it with proverbs about mother: “It is warm in the sun, good in mother”, “There is no sweeter friend than mother”, “Mother feeds children, like the land of people”. "The bird is glad of spring, like a mother's baby."

General guidelines: the holiday is timed to coincide with Mother's Day.

For the celebration, the following methodological techniques are used:

presentation about mothers, performances by children, role-playing game.

Event progress.

Music sounds, children enter the hall (song "My mother is the best in the world")

1. Ved. Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults!

Our dear mothers! Today, on Mother's Day, we greet you and want to please you with our performances and surprises.

Mommy, Mommy! How much warmth is concealed by this magic word, which is called the closest, dearest, only person.

2. Ved. Today we will talk about a holiday that is related to fragile and tender girls, and to sweet, affectionate mothers, and to loving and beloved grandmothers. It is very pleasant that the most beautiful, affectionate, kind and beloved mothers and grandmothers came to visit us.

Dear mothers and grandmothers! We invited you to the celebration to express our deep love, respect and great gratitude to you.

1.Ved. - MUM! How capacious and beautiful this word is. No wonder it sounds almost the same in the languages ​​of different peoples. Mom we call the closest, dearest and only person.

From the heart,
In simple words.
let's go friends
Let's talk about mom...

Children read poetry.

What a gift for mom
We will give on mother's day?
There are many for this
Fantastic ideas...

After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
It is very interesting!
We'll knead the dough in the tub
Or buy dough.

Well, I'm a gift to my mother
I will paint the closet with flowers ...
It would be nice if the ceiling ...
Too bad it's not tall...

How many stars in a clear sky
How many spikelets are in the fields?
How many songs does the bird have?
How many leaves are on the branches?
Only the sun is one in the world,
Only mom is alone in the world!

If anything happens
If suddenly trouble
Mom will come to the rescue
Will always help out.

Our dear mothers,
We are always proud of you
smart, calm,
We will be worthy of you.

Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers!
We are for everything, for everything relatives,
We say:

Children in chorus: "Thank you!"

2. Ved. Today we will play with you, dance and sing songs, answer questions, talk about mothers. So, what does mom do from the very early morning. And now a question for children. Think and tell me how mother's day begins?

(children's answers)

1.Ved. That's right: wakes up, prepares breakfast, takes the kids to kindergarten, cleans the apartment. And now we will help mom and start cleaning the apartment.

2. Vedas. Every little child
Coming out of diapers
He sees his mother
The most elegant
Mothers love to dress their children
Braid and decorate.

1 Ved. We must preserve love and tenderness for our mothers. This law remains immutable for many centuries among all peoples. It is also mentioned in proverbs. Remember them? (Reading proverbs from the board).

2. Vedas.

Mom follows our path. Maternal love warms us to old age. Let's play the game "Mo-mo-chka!". I will ask a question, and you will answer in chorus: “Mom-mo-chka!”, Only together and loudly!

Who came to me in the morning?
- Who said: "It's time to get up?"
- Who managed to cook porridge?
- Shall I pour tea into a mug?
- Who braided my pigtails?
- One swept the whole house?
- Who kissed me?
- Who childish loves laughter?
- Who is the best in the world?
Well done!

1. Vedas.

And now we will listen to the song "Gollyarem" performed by our pupils

2. Ved.

Do you guys think it's easy for mom?

Does mom need help?

Which one of you helps mom?

Now we'll ask moms about it.

He gets up in the morning from bed:
Where are you putting your shoes?
Where is the shirt? Where is the sock?
Do you have such a son?

I made the bed myself
He swept the floor, watered the flowers,
Mom helped set the table ...
Do you have such a son?

1. Vedas. Well, now let's play one game: we need to take the kids to kindergarten. In each team, you must be divided into mothers and children. “Mom” takes the “child” by the handle (he, bending his knees, walks in a half-squat), bypassing all the obstacles encountered on the way. Whose team of mothers will be the first to take their children to their kindergarten? (Team selection).

2. Vedas. Mom, what a word! Affectionate, dear! Moms can do everything. Every child is sure of this.

How nice to see children who help their mother, take care of her. And mothers always want you to grow up kind and polite. We invite our guests to become participants in a collective quiz.

Listen to the riddles and try to solve them

1. Even an ice block will melt from the word warm (Thanks ).
2. The old stump will turn green when it hears (
good afternoon ).
3. When scolded for pranks, we say (
Forgive me please ).
4. Both in Russia and in Denmark they say goodbye (
Goodbye ).

1.Ved. Let's spendcompetition "Cleaning the apartment".
Participants need to collect garbage in a bucket with a broom and dustpan. On a signal, the first and subsequent participants take a broom and a dustpan, run to the hoop, collect some garbage on the dustpan and carry it into their bucket. Then pass the broom and scoop to the next participant.

2 . Vedas. Ay, well done! Quickly and, most importantly, cleaned the house cleanly. And now, for all those present, a dance as a gift.

Dance performed by girls.

1.Ved. It's no secret that for you your mother is the most beautiful in the world. There is nothing more beautiful than her eyes, more tender than her hands, more tender than her voice.

Dear mothers, I have a magic chamomile in my hands. It will help you to know the features of your appearance and character. The variety of this chamomile is called "The Most-Most".

(moms tear off flower petals)

The most charming.

The most attractive.

The most tender.

The most beautiful eyes.

The most charming smile.

The most, the kindest.

The most affectionate.

The most caring.

The most beautiful.

The most charming.

2. Ved.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,
But everyone so often upsets her ...
A good mother forgives all this.
A beautiful mother forgives all this,
Under the weight of worries without bending stubbornly,
She does her duty patiently...
Each mother is beautiful in her own way,
She is beautiful with her mother's love.

1 . Vedas.

And now let's tell our mothers and grandmothers wishes in honor of the holiday.

(Children say wishes) .

And give them gifts.(Children give gifts to mothers).

The song "Zorenki is more beautiful ..."

2. Ved. And now, guys, we will praise our mother, repeating this word all together.

The sun is brighter for me - mom!
Peace and happiness for me - mom!
The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields - mother!
The call of the flying cranes - mother!
The water in the spring is clean - mom!
There is a bright star in the sky - mom!

1 . Vedas.

These are our wonderful mothers and grandmothers. Let's thank them for that.

Girls and boys,
Come along with us
Say thanks to grandma
Let's say thank you to mom
For troubles, for affection,
For songs for fairy tales
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys!

All in unison: “Thank you!”

2. Ved.

Many nights have passed without sleep,

Worries, worries can not be counted.

Bow to you, all dear mothers,

For what you are in the world

A song performed by all those present at the celebration. "We wish you happiness"

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten No. 44 "Cinderella"

Location: Belgorod region, Stary Oskol

Goal: Raising a feeling of love and respect for the mother, the desire to help her, take care of her.

Educational: Expand vocabulary, learn to understand the meaning of proverbs, the ability to explain them

Developing: To develop children's interest in the traditional holidays of the calendar.

Educational: to cultivate respect, love, a caring attitude towards mothers, to teach them to actively express in their deeds and actions a good attitude towards loved ones. Contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family.

Preliminary work:

preparing video material, memorizing songs and poems, getting to know proverbs, explaining their meaning, talking about mom, looking at illustrations and pictures about mom, preparing crafts for mom.

Event progress:

Teacher: Good evening! On the last Sunday of November we celebrate Mother's Day. It is for this reason that we have gathered this evening in our cozy group of kindergarten, where your children spend so much time. I welcome all mothers and grandmothers who came to our holiday! Your children and I want to give a holiday to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle and caring, hardworking and restless, the most beautiful and unique, our mothers and grandmothers. A grandmother is also a mother.

"Mother"- the most precious word on earth. After all, it was mother who gave life to each of us. The very first word that a child says is “mother” ...

And no matter how old a person is - 5 or 50, whether he is a baby or an adult - he always needs a mother: her affection, care, support, attention, her sensitive and gentle hands, affectionate and kind heart.


And how do our children affectionately and tenderly call their mothers? (children call)

And she you? (children call)

Etcocmotr presentation "Momochki and kids.

Educator: Children, you and I know many proverbs and sayings about mother. Let's name some of them. Pupils name proverbs and sayings and explain their meaning.

1 When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

2. There is no such friend as your own mother.

3. Maternal affection knows no end.

4. Mother's heart warms better than the sun.

Educator On a holiday it is customary to give gifts. We will not deviate from this wonderful tradition and at the very beginning of our holiday we begin to give congratulations. Meet! The best gift is your children!

Reading a verseoinomom.

1. Mom is the best,

The dearest person in the world!

I congratulate our mothers

And I wish them well.

2. The word mom is expensive,

She needs to be valued.

With her kindness and care

It is easier for us to live in the world.

3. Our mother is not better

There is no kinder, gentler,

We will always be obedient

And congratulations to mothers!

Teacher: Mom is always the best for us! And today we invite our mothers to participate in competitions with their children.

TOoncourse: "Gentle words"

Pupils invite mothers and stand in a circle. (Moms stand in a circle facing the children.) Children say a tender word about mom and pass a balloon to a nearby child. He says a gentle word and passes the ball on.

Educator: and also our mothers are the best housewives.

A game: "Oguess by touch"

Mothers love to cook delicious food for their children. And even with their eyes closed, they can distinguish products: pasta, buckwheat, flour, beans, sugar, millet, vermicelli, horns.

Educator: These are the mothers we have - clever, skillful, hardworking, the most beautiful.

Go around the whole world around

Just know in advance:

You will not find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother's.

You will not find eyes in the world

Affectionate and stricter

Mother to each of us

All people are dearer.

One hundred ways, roads around

Go around the world:

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mom!

Educator: At the end of our event, I would like to say a few words. Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! Let your home be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love.

Our little holiday has come to an end. I thank all the participants of the competition for the pleasure and festive mood. Thank you for your kind heart, for the desire to be close to the children, to give them warmth. I was very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and grandmothers, the happy eyes of children. For your participation in our holiday, for the fact that you are always with us and for the fact that you are the very best of your children prepared gifts for you.


1. Pekhteleva, N.K. "Oh, the faith of our mothers ...": [script of a literary composition for Mother's Day in Russia] / N.K. Cheshuina, M.N. Pekhteleva // Pedagogical Council. - 2006. - No. 7. - S. 10-13.

2. Belyakova, V.N. A Word about the Mother: [script of a literary and musical composition for Mother's Day in Russia] / V.N. Belyakova // Last call. - 2006. - No. 7. - S. 12-13.

3. Podrezova, T.I. Different mothers are needed: [script for Mother's Day for children 4-6 years old] / T.I. Podrezova // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2006. - Issue. 1. - S. 45-46.

4. Degtyareva, M.S. Her lessons of peace and kindness: [scenario of the festive program for Mother's Day (November 26)] / M.S. Degtyareva, L.V. Cheremisina // Read, study, play. - 2006. - Issue. 9. - S. 9-10.

5. Sulyaeva, A.A. "And the mother's weary tears are pouring ...": the script for the evening for high school students dedicated to the mother's share in the war / A.A.Sulyaeva // Read, study, play. - 2005. - Issue. 9. - S. 46-48.

6. Timonina, N.A. I hug you affectionately: [scenario of the festive evening for Mother's Day (November 26)] / N.A. Timonina // Read, study, play. - 2006. - Issue. 9. - S. 6-8.

7. Kominar, V. Prepare yourself for motherhood from childhood: [script of a talk show for high school students dedicated to Mother's Day] / V. Kominar // Education of schoolchildren. - 2005. - No. 9. - S. 69-73. 8. Tariko, L.A. "Who loves you, children more? ..": [scenario of the holiday of mothers with fun contests] / L.A. Tariko // Read, study, play. - 2005. - Issue 9. - P. 8-10.

Anna Beresneva
Synopsis of the extracurricular activity "Summer"

Target: the formation in children of a holistic view of the summer, the development of memory, thinking, the ability to correctly and competently express their

preliminary work: conversations, viewing illustrations about nature in summer, reading works, didactic and outdoor games, individual explanations.

Equipment: multimedia complex, tape recorder, A4 paper, pencils.

Event progress.

caregiver: Guys, how glad I am that it has come summer, because it's good when the sun is shining outside, the flowers are fragrant.

Guys, listen to the poem:

Came to us Hot summer,

Merry time.

Playing near the river

All our kids!

There is a soft cry.

caregiver: Oh, what is it, who is crying?

The monkey comes out.

caregiver: where did you come from? Guys, do you know where she is from?

The children nod negatively.

monkey: I came from another continent called Africa on a cargo ship, it was very interesting for me to look at your summer, ah, ah my name is Maka.

caregiver: Well, Maka, don't be afraid of anything, the guys and I will tell you what ours is like summer. Yes guys?

Deta: Yes

caregiver: guys, let's remember what our summer months are called. (children's answers).

Guys, to make it clear to our guest, I invite you to make a trip and see our nature and wildlife in summer(to the music from the show "In the animal world" slide show about nature and wildlife of our region).

Discussion will take the summer

Maka Monkey: what is your amazing and beautiful summer, not at all like ours, and we don’t have such animals. I want to play, I want to play.

caregiver: well, guys, let's play?

Children: Yes!

A game "At the bear in the forest"

Guys, let's sing a song about summer for our monkey, and she will sing along to us, (Presentation - songs "That's what our summer» ) The teacher sings with the children.

Maka Monkey: How well you all know and sing and play, but I have for you the task: solve riddles about summer.

hairy, green,

She hides in the leaves

Even though there are many legs

Still can't run (Caterpillar)

The sun is burning

From the heat everyone toils,

What month is this

In the middle of summer? (July)

The sun bakes

linden blossoms,

The rye is ripening

When does it happen? (Summer)

Maka Monkey: Guys, what good fellows you are! You solved all my riddles, I liked it very much. AND your summer is amazing, but how can I show it to my friends baby elephant, hippo.

caregiver: We know how to help you, we will draw summer drawings. This will be our gift to you. Maka, you can draw a picture yourself.

Maka Monkey: Hooray, cheers thanks guys, now my friends will know what it is, YOURS summer.

They sit down to draw.

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