Knitted crochet pencil case schemes and description. Knitted pencil case. How to crochet a pencil case: job description

Beads are fake. Where is the relationship? The fact is that in Ancient Egypt, some mother-of-pearl beads were made of opaque glass. Visiting merchants from the East called the imitation of the sea stone a buser. This word was transformed into beads in Russia. Glass bead weaving flourished in convents.

It was necessary to sheathe the robes of the clergy and Orthodox utensils. Glass beads were in demand among the peasants. Bumping into ancient jewelry, archaeologists state that about 2-thirds of them are from. In modern times, the most popular beaded bracelets... We will devote this article to them. Let's get acquainted with the basic patterns and methods of weaving.

Beaded bracelets. Schemes

Weaving bracelets from beads interested in Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The Honored Artist of Russia often appears in public wearing bugle beads. Usually, the girl complements the images with necklaces, but sometimes she also wears bracelets. In the first year of theatrical institutes, students are given the task of portraying an animal.

Teachers advise you to choose a beast with which you associate yourself. It's easier to get used to the image. Zavorotnyuk admits that he feels the energy of a cat and a snake in himself. For those who feel the same, we offer a video diagram of the harness. This bracelet made of beads and beads in shape, it resembles the flexible body of reptiles.

In order to emphasize the serpentine "nature" of the tourniquets, they are often made multi-layered, or long. Such products are wrapped around the wrist several times. You can even imitate the color of a python, or a cobra, add eye beads. Yes, what can I say. Let's better see examples of creative work.

How to make a beaded bracelet Galina Loginova also knows. Once upon a time, she weaved jewelry herself. Now he prefers to buy. There is not enough time for painstaking work. Galina - actress the Soviet period. But, the woman is better known as the mother of the Hollywood diva Mila Jovovich. In a photo in the press, Loginova, as a rule, appears in flat, wide bracelets.

They can be weaved by hand and on a machine. The device is simple, made at home. But, there are also industrial versions of the unit. The author of the next video decided not to spend money on the purchase of the machine. The girl will demonstrate how to do wide beaded bracelets.

Galina Loginova prefers necklaces with geometric patterns. A woman chooses them among the mass of monochrome products, samples with flowers, animals, hearts, animalistic subjects. Below is a selection of diverse models. Among them there are straight options with an uneven outline, solid, and composed of segments. The fantasy of the masters knows no bounds.

On the stars, or mere mortals, glass beads jewelry looks elegant and creative. It is possible to create a bracelet only manually. Looking at the product, you understand that it exists in a single copy. If there are copies, they, albeit in small things, are different. This is the specificity of hand-made creations. You can safely take any magazine scheme, change colors, size, and get unique beaded bracelets. Photo one of the schemes are given below. Openwork weaving, perfect for a romantic look.

Beaded bracelets for beginners

DIY beaded bracelets- a simple matter if your hand is full. But how do you train your skills? They start with simple schemes, on the basis of which more complex ensembles are composed. The most elementary weaving is a pigtail. Looks beautiful, done in minutes. The main thing is to stock up on fittings that will serve. For metal items, they run into haberdashery shops and specialty shops for beadwork.

They do not refuse from the "pigtails" and, having mastered complex techniques. For example, plaits are intertwined. In the meantime, it is worth mastering a pigtail not from 3, but 6, 9, 12 threads. Openwork weaving is not a hassle, but looks 100%. Retro style is in trend. Beaded bracelets, schemes sought after by many are associated with 20th century ethnicity and fashion. This makes the glass beads models relevant even now, when designers look to the past decades for inspiration.

V beaded bracelets for beginners products based on the "cross" are also included. This is the name of a weaving fragment consisting of 4 beads. Beads are put on the fishing line. Its ends are threaded towards each other in 4 beads and tightened. It turns out a cruciform element. How to compose from such fragments beaded bracelets? Video attached.

There is also a diamond weaving. The principle is similar to compilation. However, the sides of the rhombus are made of glass beads, and standard beads are placed in the corners of the figure. If you make an element only from round beads, you will get a circle. The latter is also used in the manufacture of jewelry. It is also possible to make a square. Weaving patterns for beaded bracelets of all listed types are given below.

To understand how to weave beaded bracelets... And you need to start with the schemes for beginners. Then, it will be possible to make products on which it will not be a shame to put the author's signature. It is laid out from beads. It is possible to write not only your own name, but also any other. Here's how to do it.

Beaded bracelets with names

How to weave a beaded bracelet With name? The main technique is to highlight the inscription in color. If you want to make the letters catchy, paint is chosen that contrasts with the main tone. If the plans are made readable only close, beads are used that are several shades darker or lighter than the base.

Meet and beaded bracelets with names, in which the inscriptions are structurally highlighted. In other words, the letters are voluminous, or there are voids between them. This approach to "autograph" requires maximum skill and is done on the hands. On machines, only solid, plane models are ideally obtained.

Beaded bracelets on the machine

How to make beaded bracelets on the machine? The main difference from the manual method is the use of threads. Without a machine tool, craftsmen resort to nylon, mainly fishing line. It is more durable. On the other hand, machine tools have a denser knit. Now, about the types of units.

In the section "Schemes" there was a video, the author of which promised to tell about the types of machines and their advantages. So, let's give the floor to the master who does not DIY beaded bracelets. Schemes are implemented exclusively on special units.

Since it can even act as a machine, there are no restrictions for creativity. The main thing is to master the basics and, perhaps, it is your jewelry that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, or another celebrity, will wear. There is also another option. Learning to do simple beaded bracelets, many people switch to making beads, earrings, key chains, headbands and even portraits. We bring to your attention a selection of famous images made of glass beads. Both ordinary citizens and the stars themselves are not averse to buying such.

The miniatures depict Michael Jackson, Salvador Dali and the famous fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld. The images are recognizable. giftedness can allow you to create several copies of the same face, connect them and get the same bracelet or necklace.

Weaving from beads is a very fascinating, incredibly beautiful and very useful type of needlework. Finally, we got to this wonderful art, and we will start with you with the most elementary: beadwork for the very, very beginners is already waiting for you on this page. We will tell you what tools and materials should be selected for your first beadwork, which figurines are easiest to weave, which technique to use and which patterns are the simplest. We will be happy to help you create your first bead masterpieces!

Beading for beginners undoubtedly starts with the selection of all the necessary materials. We have, of course, beads at the head of everything. Do you know how many varieties of beads exist today ?! Modern beads can be classified not only by color and price, but also by other important criteria:

  • to size;
  • on calibration;
  • by form;
  • by the size of the hole;
  • by the quality and place of staining;
  • by material of manufacture.

In all these subtleties, you should understand at least a little in order to learn how to quickly and efficiently weave the products you need. Then you will know what beads should be used to weave flowers and trees, from what material the most beautiful roses are obtained, and what beads are best suited for creating jewelry. In the course of the article, we will devote you to all the nuances of beading and the choice of material, so that you have a general impression of this type of needlework.

Bead size

The size of the beads is small, medium, large and very large. Each type of bead has its own number, by which you can determine the diameter of the beads. The most common sizes are from 6/0 to 15/0. In this case, 15/0 is the smallest size (diameter is about 1.5 mm), and 6/0 is the largest. These numbers indicate how many beads need to be folded in one line to form a chain that is 1 inch long. That is, with a size of 6/0 there will be 6 beads in 1 inch, and with a size 15/0 - 15.


High-quality beads must be of the same size, that is, they must be calibrated. You can buy already calibrated beads (it will cost more), or you can sort different-sized beads yourself. The quality of your future product will depend on the calibration process. If you are going to make flowers, then the beads should be sorted (you may not be very careful). But when creating a necklace-clamp, you can use ordinary, uncalibrated beads.


Modern beads are made from various materials, and we will tell you about the most popular types of beads.

  • Beads with bugles... These are small colored tubes made of durable glass. The shape and color of the bead may differ significantly.
  • Chameleon beads that changes colors depending on the lighting.
  • Brocade beads... Transparent glass beads, dyed in the middle with silver or gold paint.
  • Pouring (wet beads). Pastel beads with a slightly pronounced sheen.
  • Mother of Pearl (Ceylon) Seed Beads... Slightly translucent beads with a pearl-like finish.
  • Opaque natural beads (regular, matte)... Opaque beads with no coating or shine.
  • Plastic beads... Suitable for beginners.

Beading tools: choosing everything you need for creativity

Video tutorials on beading should, of course, begin with the choice of tools and materials. We have already talked a little about the choice of beads. Let's move on to the tools. You can string beads on threads, on fishing line and on wire.

You can take different types of threads for beads:

  • silk- the most reliable threads for beading, but their price is quite high;
  • nylon (nylon) threads- inexpensive and durable, but difficult to tie;
  • cotton threads- not strong enough;
  • rubber threads- great for beading. Best of all, baubles and bracelets are obtained from them.

Choice of wire and line

The wire for weaving with beads should be selected soft, preferably made of copper. Do not use a wire that is too thin, otherwise it will tear after a few turns. Also, do not take a very thick one so that the products look neat. The fishing line is ideal for weaving volumetric compositions of beads, rigid structures such as flowers, leaves, crosses, etc. For colored beads, there are colored wires on sale in appropriate shades.

The line must also be strong and thin.... For beginners, you can also learn from a fairly thick line, with firm ends. Next, you will already be using more elegant designs. We select the thickness of the line for stringing beads as follows: it should go through the bead 2-3 times. If the beads are very small and the wire is very thin, we use needles.

Bead needle

For beading, special needles are often used, they are thin and flexible. Their size ranges from 10 to 16. The thinnest needle is # 16, the thickest is # 10. The most versatile are no. 12 needles.

You will also need a few useful tools to get it working:

  • organizer;
  • pliers;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • glue;
  • pins;
  • clasps and clips for jewelry.

Weaving with beads for beginners: simple patterns for beginners

After we figured out the tools and materials, we can already start beading: we have selected very affordable and simple patterns for beginners.

Today, there are many different techniques of weaving with beads, a huge number of video lessons have been shot especially for beginner lovers of beadwork. We will also show you video instructions for beading, but a little later. Now let's look at pictures with the simplest diagrams.

Before moving on to knitting figurines and other products, you should learn how to weave beautiful beaded chains. Figures 6 and 7 show the so-called "one-thread" chains, which will be easy to make, even for children.

  1. For the first chain, we thread 4 beads.
  2. We stretch the thread into the first bead and tighten the ring.
  3. Put on 2 more beads and pull the thread through the second bead of the extreme row.
  4. We draw the thread and add 2 more beads, and pull the thread through the second bead of the previous row.
  5. We continue to weave according to the same pattern to the required size of the product.

Figure 7 also shows a detailed diagram by which you can weave a chain of flowers.

Workshop on weaving beaded bracelets

We present some more simple diagrams that demonstrate step by step the whole process of weaving beaded jewelry. Detailed and informative instructions with a photo will help you create your first bead masterpieces.

How to weave a bracelet from beads and beads: a step-by-step master class

Now that you have already mastered the basic nuances of beading a little, we offer you a simple master class on weaving figures. You can weave such a cute dragonfly together with your child, since the technique for creating the product is very simple.

Carefully consider the diagram, prepare everything you need and start weaving this wonderful decoration. After all, a ready-made dragonfly can be used both as a pendant and as a toy, keychain, accessory or souvenir. As a basis for a future product wire should be used so that the dragonfly keeps its shape well and is strong enough. The figure clearly shows where to start weaving a dragonfly from beads. But if you still don't understand something on the diagram, watch the video tutorial on creating a dragonfly, which we added to the site especially for you.

Video tutorials: beading for beginners

For the coming 2018 DOGS, you can crochet a pencil case in the shape of a dog. Such a gift will be not only beautiful, but also useful for schoolchildren. Or you can use it as a cosmetic bag.

Pencil case "Dog" fits very simply.

The whole product is knitted single crochet (sc).

Threads - 100% acrylic.


We cast on 47 loops and knit a rectangle in one color or strips 22 cm in length.


1 row. Insert the hook into the first stitch and knit 6 stitches in a circle. (6)

2 row. In each loop we knit 2 sc. (12 PRS)

3 row. Through 1 loop we knit 2. (18)

4 row. Through 2 loops we knit 2. (24)

5 row. Through 3 loops we knit 2. (30)

6 row. Through 4 loops we knit 2. (36)

7 row. After 5 loops we knit 2. (42)

8 row. Through 6 loops we knit 2. (48)

9 row. Through 7 stitches we knit 2. (54)

10-20 rows. We knit exactly. (54)

Rows 21-30 we reduce the loops in the reverse order - in each row we cut 6 loops evenly. When a small hole remains, we finish filling the head.

For Muzzles we collect loops from lighter threads on the dog's head and knit exactly 2 rows.

In the 3rd row, cut 2 loops on the sides.

In the 4th row, cut every second loop.

We continue to knit like this until we close everything.

We embroider a nose, eyes, eyebrows on the face ...


We collect 5 loops on the head.

We knit 1-2 rows exactly (5).

3 row - add 1 sb at the edges (7).

Knit rows 4-7 exactly (7).

8 row - add 1 sb at the edges (9).

Knit rows 9-12 exactly (9).

Cut each next row by 1 loop at the end until 5 columns remain. Knit the last loop with a half-column and hide the thread.

The second ear is the same.


Make a starting loop and knit 2 chain stitches.

1 row. Insert the hook into the first stitch and knit 5 stitches in a circle. (5)

2 row. In each loop we knit 2 sc. (10 PRS).

3 row. Add 6 more columns (16).

We knit exactly the paws of the required length.

We fill a little for volume.


Sew in the lock (18 cm) closer to the back of the dog. Sew on the head, insert the legs and sew.

I also tied a small ponytail on the slider.

A bright "organizer" for the smallest students! Kids will be happy to use such an accessory, because it is much more interesting to store colored pencils in a multi-colored pencil case.

Before you start knitting such a pencil case, carefully consider your child's colored pencils. Without a visual example at hand, it is difficult to immediately distribute color blocks or choose the right shades.
In general, take the required number of balls of the desired colors (12, 24, 36, etc.), plus white, black balls for knitting the outer warp and finishing it. The hook should also be taken of a suitable size (usually this indicator is equal to the thickness of the thread), but you should still avoid massive and rough materials, because a large structure will not look very attractive.
Photo 2.

The height of the colored blocks is determined by the height of the pencil. Therefore, type an arbitrary number of air loops and after the first fitting, leave the chain of the required size (preferably 1-1.5 cm shorter than the pencil itself).

Knit it with a single crochet (st./b.n) along the entire length in straight rows. Each block has from 8 to 10 such rows.

You can combine colors as you like, depending on personal tastes, as well as the preferences of the child himself. But still, the most optimal option would be a uniform alternation of cold and warm tones.

Then tie the ready-made striped rectangle st./b. n with white yarn around the entire perimeter, highlighting and thereby aligning all its sides.

And now our colored part is completely ready.

You should also start the white back wall by creating a chain and trying on. This rectangle should be slightly larger than the previous one, and its sides should protrude a few millimeters from the edges of the colored workpiece.

two such details, frankly, the work is not fast, but which of the easy, understandable and simple - that's for sure.
Finally, and the white rectangle, also make a contrasting frame with black yarn.

Now sew the two sides of the case along the sides and bottom, leaving the top completely free.

The last step is to separate the narrow colored cells. To do this, place the thread at work (more precisely, at the bottom of the pencil case) and pull the loops alternately, threading each of them into the previous one, until a chain is formed along the entire cell (up to the upper white border).

Thus, you not only connect the walls of the product, but also highlight each "pencil" with the already familiar white frame.

For home use, the canvas with pockets can already be hung in this form over the table. So the child will always see the pencils, know where they are (that is, never rub) and get used to keeping them in one place (another plus - he will not scatter them all over the room). But for transfer, it is better to sew on a narrow ribbon in order to tightly tie the twisted tube and not lose your pencils. It will be convenient for a young student to carry such a pencil case in a portfolio.