"Aquamarine" is a jewelry gem of the First group of the Third order according to the classification of V.Ya. Kievlenko Buy Order. Aquamarine - properties of the stone Aquamarine is a precious or semi-precious stone

"The sea wave hit the coastal stones with force, and the spray scattered in the air, frozen in the air, turned into clear, mesmerizing with their crystal transparency, sparkling in the sun precious stones." - This is how one of the legends tells about the origin of crystals of the mineral Aquamarine. There are other myths that envelop this crystal with a veil of mystery, mystical and romantic to varying degrees.

For example, according to one of them, in clear transparent crystals the tears of a girl who mourned her beloved on the shore of a frozen lake turned into tears; falling into crystal blue water, her tears took on the same delicate shade.

And the other claims that aquamarine is a mermaid treasure accumulated by them once, and later lost. One way or another, these aqua-colored crystals from the "treasury of mermaids" do not leave anyone indifferent.

Most of the legends about aquamarine emphasize its connection with water. In the era of antiquity, it was considered the "stone of Poseidon" (they say, the god of the ocean once tried with the help of a sea-colored stone make a girl love who never reciprocated; and now, looking at the stone, the formidable deity remembers his feelings and does not destroy the owners of the sparkling blue crystals); the sailors took him with them on a journey, trying to win the condescension and patronage of the Lord of the deep sea in this way.

It was believed that the owner of the mineral formidable mighty god will protect from all possible troubles throughout the entire sea voyage. Some believed that aquamarine could calm the storm that had begun.

So what is aquamarine?

The name comes from two words from the Latin language: Aqua (water) and maris (sea). The name "noble beryl" is also applied to this mineral.

« Like the color of the ocean"Pliny the Elder called this mineral for the first time, describing the similarities and differences of beryls. Crystals comparable in color to the pure green of the sea were, in his opinion, the most valuable. The comparison made by the sage later gave the name to the mineral.

From the point of view of chemistry and physics, it is a type of beryl, namely, beryllium aluminosilicate. A hard but brittle mineral. Is an optically negative crystal, does not possess luminescent properties. The presence of inclusions in the form of numerous long cavities parallel to the crystal faces is possible, which can give the crystal a gray or even brown tint; and gas bubbles and flat inclusions in the form of snowflakes or stars are also possible.

In nature noble beryl is presented in the form of an elongated form of prismatic, more often hexahedral crystals, colored, as a rule, uniformly. Aquamarine crystals are characterized by dichroism - a phenomenon in which the color of the stone can be different from different angles of view, This is explained by the fact that in different directions of the crystal, light rays are refracted in different ways. This interesting property distinguishes aquamarine from externally similar minerals, as well as from artificial crystals that mimic aquamarine.

Aquamarine owes its color to iron impurities, having a tendency to fade under the influence of sunlight (the mineral itself is endowed with the same property). This property is associated with a recommendation that prescribes storing stone products in a place protected from sunlight (to avoid color changes). In addition, lithium and potassium impurities are also possible in crystals. vanadium, rubidium, sodium, cesium, and occasionally chromium.

The degree of transparency can vary.

Aquamarine crystals originate in the stratum of igneous rocks, for example granites - solidified and crystallized magmatic masses; as a rule, it is a vein structure called pegmatites. This is the name of the mineral "mixture", more than 65% consisting of silica - the basis of aquamarine. At the stage when the thermal waters flowing in igneous rocks are still hot, fragments of pegmatite "fall out" from them. Solutions wash over them, dissolving trace elements. In the future, they gradually cool down and crystallize (and yet the legend is partly right: aquamarine is crystallized water).

Deposits where this mineral is distributed are found all over the world, for example,


Aquamarine is valuable gemstone and is widely used in the production of jewelry. Since ancient times, it was believed that the ideal place for it is in the necklace pendants (after all, the “soul of the sea”, lying on the chest, gives the owner of the stone self-confidence and additional strength).

Deposits of aquamarine are quite rich; this abundance led to the fact that they were mainly in demand large stones the darkest shades. To achieve this effect, part of the stones after cutting can be calcined or irradiated; this method of exposure leads to the reduction of ferric iron in the structure of the mineral and causes a color change.

Aquamarine is credited with a number of medicinal and even magical properties:

The following properties attributed to aquamarine are closer to mystical

Aquamarine and zodiac signs

The properties of aquamarine can vary depending on the zodiac sign of the owner of the stone.

  • Taurus- it would seem that an earthly, material sign does not correspond to the cold water energy of aquamarine; but this mineral is great for those of them who are most susceptible to apathetic, depressive conditions or excessive concern about their health.
  • Gemini the mineral helps to find a thin, unsteady line between desire and need. But at the same time, it interferes somewhat with the ability to concentrate on really important goals.
  • Cancer Blue Crystals help you find emotional balance and avoid frequent mood swings.

It is also believed that Aquamarine is useful for those born under the sign of Libra - for them it is one of the best amulets, since it frees them from unnecessary waste of time and energy for vibrations and throwing from side to side, for example, when making a decision; however, some astrologers disagree with this point of view.

  • For Aquarius aquamarine is an inspiration stone, as it helps to find the right channel for their ideas, helps to highlight the positive personality traits and smooth out the negative ones.
  • Pisces, a primordially "water" sign, Aquamarine helps to maintain control over oneself and curb episodes of irascibility.

The name of the gem comes from the Latin "aqua" - water and "marinus" - sea or sea.
This is the name given to the gem in 1609 by the Belgian scientist Boethius de Boot, because he took it for a petrified drop of sea water.
The enchanting radiance of this mineral has been noticed since antiquity. The writer Pliny wrote a lot about the crystals of the aquamarine that fascinated him: "The most valuable are beryls, which in their color are similar to the purest green of sea waters."

Nowadays, many skillfully cut aquamarines are kept in museums in many countries. There are surprisingly large specimens.
The Armory keeps a 30 cm scepter of Polish lord Stanislav, carved from a single crystal of natural aquamarine. Another pompous representative is in the St. Petersburg Museum of the Mining Institute. A crystalline aquamarine mineral with a length of almost 125 cm is placed there.
Great Britain, being the ruler of the seas, inlaid the imperial crown with the mineral.
Aristocrats and prominent figures of the whole world to this day use this natural gem as a sign of their general recognition.

Aquamarine stone has magical properties.

This mineral has been used since ancient times by craftsmen for the manufacture of lenses, due to its optical properties.
The gem got its peak of mystical perception in the Middle Ages, when the mineral aquamarine was recognized as the patron saint of the water element. Raw and cut crystals in the form of amulets protected sailors on the voyage. After all, a natural mineral has the ability to change shade when the weather changes.
Each captain and pilot was supposed to have an aquamarine decoration. If troubles at sea did not stop, this was often attributed to neglect of the gem.

However, to this day, the magical properties of aquamarine are taken seriously by many experts. Its distinct blue color attracts transparent relationships and light changes in the life of the owner of the stone. Moreover, an unexpected change in shade to green warns of the appearance of possible troubles. In India, to this day, they believe that the gem gives the ability to expose intrigue, gossip and deceit. In the Middle Ages, they did not part with stone amulets, those who were afraid of being poisoned, because they believed that the aquamarine mineral would protect them from poisoners.

Previously, it was believed that wearing a gem is contraindicated for liars and schemers, because their intrigues will certainly be exposed. Aquamarine blue gives courage, invigorates, and keeps the family together. Green aquamarine is considered a reliable talisman against envy, damage and the evil eye.

Aquamarine stone for whom suits the zodiac sign / horoscope.

The mineral aquamarine is water, only frozen - this is how it was presented in the old days. Thanks to this, the signs of water can well count on the help of a gem. In relation to Cancer and Pisces, it is especially effective. With his support, people will be able to beat almost everything conceived. Other signs can also use aquamarine jewelry, but it is not advisable to wear them continuously.

Aquamarine stone has medicinal properties.

As the patron saint of seafarers, aquamarine stone helps to fight the symptoms of seasickness.
Contemplation of the stone, soothes the nerves of the eye and helps to improve the visual qualities.
Blue aquamarine is effective for intestinal, liver, headache and toothache.

The presence of the aquamarine gem is considered very beneficial for the entire digestive tract.
Blue aquamarine promotes recreation of the entire nervous system, normalizes and stabilizes outbursts of emotions.
The positive effect of the gem helps to increase mental function, while earrings and aquamarine beads soothe and relieve ear pain.

Green aquamarine gives strength and vitality to its owner. There is an opinion that under its influence it is possible to quit alcohol and smoking abuse without much effort.
Aquamarine products help to regulate the amount of water in the body.

The origin of the mineral aquamarine.

Formed natural stone aquamarine in extensive granite pegmatites, as well as hydrothermal veins. Usually in the form of long prismatic crystals with 6 faces. Aquamarine crystals are usually found in regular shapes. The size of the specimens varies greatly. Samples of a gem weighing 20 - 30 kg are often found.
In case of weathering or leaching of the places where this natural stone originated, aquamarine passes into placers and then comes across in the form of pebbles.

Deposits of natural aquamarine.

The mineral is not a great rarity and its deposits are scattered almost all over the globe.
Not every natural aquamarine is the color of the sea waves. For example, specimens mined beyond Lake Baikal stand out for their blue color. However, minerals in the south of the Urals have a greenish tint.

The gems mined in South America are famous for their rich blue color.
About a century ago, aquamarine began to be mined in Brazil, a blue-sapphire-colored stone.

Unfortunately, these specimens have very low resistance to fading. Even a short exposure to direct sunlight causes discoloration of the crystals.
It is Brazil that holds the record for the size of the found crystal of natural stone. Its length is about 50 cm in length and 40 cm in cross section. The weight of the mineral is over 110 kg.

Aquamarine color and shades.

Aquamarines are often bluish-green or light blue minerals.
Samples of mixed colors are occasionally found. For example, a mineral may have a bluish-blue color at the edges, and glow yellow in the center. Upon closer examination, it becomes quite clear that the mixing of these two color shades gives aquamarine an unforgettable greenish tint. Nevertheless, stones come across natural aquamarine heavenly and deep blue tones.
This natural gem can be confused with the spinel mineral gem. But it is easy to distinguish it from the latter by the presence of bubbles in the spinel structure.

Aquamarine stone physical properties.

Gem glass luster. Crystals are highly transparent.
Aquamarine is a fairly hard mineral, however, it is somewhat fragile and lightweight. The mineral is afraid of exposure to direct rays of the sun, because at the same time it loses its color and fades. However, when used as a decoration, it is highly durable.
Natural aquamarine is a chemically stable mineral.

Aquamarine stone care.

Caring for your aquamarine is not difficult. It is necessary to rinse it once a week under cool running water. And washing with seawater is very good for a gem and is used to enhance its magical properties.

Aquamarine is a gem that attracts attention not only for its beauty, but also for its healing properties. Today in jewelry stores people can see a wide range of different products with aquamarines, because this stone is inlaid with rings, pendants, pendants, earrings, brooches and other accessories made of silver and gold. Many people like aquamarine stone, but not everyone knows its approximate cost and degree of value. Is aquamarine precious or semi-precious? To answer this question, you should study the features of aquamarine from the point of view of mineralogy.

Aquamarine crystals

Properties of aquamarines

Aquamarine is beryl, which is a hexagonal mineral and belongs to the subclass of ring silicates. Beryl also includes chrysoberyl, emerald, alexandrite, etc.

Aquamarine has a blue-green color that can fade and turn yellowish with prolonged exposure to sunlight. Like all beryls, aquamarine has a hardness rating of 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness for minerals. The density of the stone ranges from 2.61-2.67 grams per cubic centimeter. The mineral has a conchoidal fracture. Aquamarine has a glassy luster, as well as such a property as pleochroism, because when examining the stone from different angles, you can notice how its color changes from blue to blue-green.

Aquamarine crystals look like long hexagonal prisms. Aquamarine contains various inclusions that look like needles, snowflakes and tubes filled with gas bubbles. Aquamarine can also contain rutile, pyrite, and ilmenite. Studying the inclusions in the stone helps to distinguish aquamarine from fakes.

Aquamarine forms in pegmatites near coarse granites. Deposits of stones can be found on all continents of the Earth, but the highest quality aquamarine crystals are mined in countries such as Russia, Brazil and the island of Madagascar. Unique blue aquamarines are found only in Brazil (Minas Geiras state). Aquamarine crystals are rarely found in Australia, Sri Lanka, India, Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa and Norway.

In the history of mineralogy, the largest crystal of aquamarine was mined in Brazil, and it happened in 1910. The weight of the specimen was 110 kilograms, which made it possible to obtain 220 thousand carats of raw materials from it for the jewelry industry.

Aquamarine is a stone that has no analogues that mimic natural crystal, because growing aquamarines is considered an unprofitable activity. However, this does not mean that there are no fakes of this stone. Quite often, instead of aquamarines, customers in jewelry stores are offered crystals of artificial spinel and hydrothermal sapphire.

Naturally valuable aquamarine gemstone can have a yellowish tint, which reduces the aesthetic appeal of the mineral. However, the yellowish tint of aquamarine is eliminated in the process of calcining the stone at a temperature of 400-500 degrees Celsius. When determining the gem value of aquamarine, its characteristics are taken into account, such as the mass of crystals, expressed in carats, as well as the number of defects and inclusions in the mineral. Master goldsmiths cut aquamarines with step cut and give the stone the shape of a rectangle or octagon.

Pendant with aquamarine

Aquamarine is included in the list of gemstones and belongs to the second order precious gems. As for such a variety of beryl as alexandrite, it belongs to the first order gemstones, that is, it is more valuable than alexandrite. For reference: alexandrite is beryl, which is so rare in nature that 1 carat of it is estimated at at least $ 2,000. By the way, synthetic alexandrite is also considered a rather expensive stone, 1 carat of which costs $ 500.

The meaning of the stone in esotericism

  1. Aquamarine is a popular gemstone, but few people know that it is endowed with a miraculous energy that has been familiar to mankind since antiquity. First of all, aquamarine symbolizes the sea and its energy. Such a relationship between the stone and the sea was identified back in the Middle Ages. Each sailor had a pendant with aquamarine or an amulet made of this stone, as it was believed that aquamarine gives the navigator protection from death during a sea voyage. Also, the sailors used the gem as a barometer, which helped to determine the state of the sea and, based on this, plan a route.
  2. Aquamarine symbolizes honesty, so it helps its owner recognize lies from others. The gem of the sea cannot be worn by people prone to lying, since aquamarine loses its energy under their influence. Aquamarine is considered a symbol of marital fidelity and family happiness, therefore it is customary to give jewelry with it to spouses as a talisman of love.
  3. The aquamarine talisman helps a person become more purposeful and hardworking, since this stone relieves its owner from laziness and the desire to shirk his duties.

In lithotherapy, aquamarines are considered stones that have a healing effect on the human nervous system. Under the influence of aquamarine, a person becomes calmer and gets rid of all thoughts that could disturb him. Contemplating aquamarine crystals relieves eye muscle strain and also helps to improve visual acuity. An aquamarine talisman helps a person cope with the symptoms of motion sickness while traveling. Also, the stone of the sea helps to improve the condition of the skin, nails and teeth, therefore, aquamarine is considered a gem of beauty. In addition, aquamarine allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system.

According to the horoscope, aquamarine is considered the mascot stone of Pisces, Cancers and Scorpions. Representatives of these signs are prone to melancholy, but aquamarine allows them to find optimism and get rid of disturbing thoughts and doubts.

Jewelry with aquamarines have their own characteristics:

  1. Earrings: There is a rich assortment of aquamarine earrings on sale, available in both silver and gold. In the product, aquamarines are often combined with cubic zirconias. The cost of aquamarine earrings depends on their weight and design. 925 sterling silver earrings cost from four to seven thousand rubles. Gold earrings with this gem will cost several times more - their price varies from 16 to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Bracelets: Many women love these jewelry. The bracelet with aquamarines emphasizes the grace and beauty of a woman's wrist, and also serves as a talisman for its owner. The design of the bracelet depends on the number and shape of the aquamarine inserts. Also, the bracelet may contain moonstones, topaz and other gems that are combined with aquamarine.
  3. Rings: The aquamarine that rings are instructed to pair wonderfully with both white and rose gold. The cost of the ring depends on the size of the aquamarine insert and the mass of the metal from which the jewelry is made.
  4. Beads: These accessories are considered the most affordable in terms of cost, as they require beads cut from medium quality aquamarine to make them. Aquamarine beads, depending on their length and the number of beads, cost from 300 to 1.5 thousand rubles.
  5. Pendants: This piece of jewelry will be a great addition to a silver or gold chain. Aquamarine pendants come in many different shapes, allowing customers to choose the jewelry they find most attractive. If the pendant does not have a frame in the form of a precious metal, then it can be bought for 200-300 rubles. A piece of jewelry will cost at least 2,000 rubles.

It is necessary to purchase products with aquamarines in well-known jewelry stores, where certified products with gems are offered to customers. If you buy jewelry from your hands or on the market, then in this case there will be no guarantee that the purchased stone will not turn out to be a fake. Collectible crystals of aquamarines are sold at mineral exhibitions and auctions.

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The stone of the sky and sea water has fascinated entire peoples since the times of the ancient world. Later, the people of the Middle Ages fell in love with aquamarine. Today this mineral is no less popular. The beauty of the stone makes it a favorite gem for jewelers. Aquamarine combines the coldness of ice and the warmth of the tropical sky, can change colors, acting as an indicator of human mood.

History and origins

Despite its terrestrial origin, aquamarine is considered the stone of the sea. This is because the mineral is endowed with an extraordinary greenish-blue color, reminiscent of sea water. Sometimes the shade of the stone is identified with the color of a clear tropical sky. The name of the gem, given to it by the ancient Roman sage Pliny the Elder, perfectly reflects the appearance of the nugget and the legends associated with it. The name "aquamarine" is literally translated from Latin as "sea water".

Ancient peoples considered aquamarine to be a gift from the god of the seas, Poseidon. According to one of the legends, the first stone was discovered by sailors. He was in a mermaid treasure chest, which the travelers raised from the bottom of the sea. At the same time, the beautiful nymph did not get angry, becoming the patroness of the discoverers. Since that time, the gem served as a talisman for Greek and Roman sailors - they took it with them on voyages so that the storm would bypass the sailors.

It is interesting! The people of antiquity knew about aquamarine, but jewelry of that time, inlaid with stone, cannot be found. The fact is that with all the development of the Greeks and Romans in the field of metalworking, they did not know how to cut precious stones at that time. Therefore, all the beauty of minerals remained in the shadows until the era of scientific progress. Some rare items included cabochon inserts. Gems were popular - carved figures from a solid stone, depicting heroes, gods, scenes from myths.

In the Middle Ages, bright, rich minerals were popular - sapphire, and. The stones were still cut in the form of a cabochon. But the 18th century brought with it the Rococo style, the essence of which was reflected in the preference for calm, pastel colors. It was then that aquamarine became a famous and sought-after stone along with topaz of various shades. The art of cutting minerals improved, and fashion came to Europe.

But the peak of demand for a nugget came at the beginning of the last century, along with the arrival of the Art Deco style. Jewelers fell in love with the gem for the cold transparency of the ice. Laconic jewelry was complemented by white or black diamonds, emphasizing the icy nature of aquamarine. The mineral was stored in a rectangle - this form of processing was fashionable in those years.

A lot of jewelry is adorned with aquamarines. Among them are the tiara of Julius II - the Pope, one of Faberge's Easter eggs, the scepter of Stanislav - the ruler of the Commonwealth. The Smithsonian Institute of America, the British Museum, museums in Russia, Turkey, Iran keep amazing collections of aquamarines.

Did you know that the largest faceted aquamarine in history weighs 519 grams (2594 carats), and a 920 carat stone, originally from India, flaunts on the crown of the Queen of England. In addition, the British ruler owns a set of aquamarine jewelry.

It is also known that aquamarine was once used in a peculiar way, making glasses from the mineral. The first such products date back to 1300 AD.

Place of Birth

Aquamarine occurs in pegmatites, which are more often found among coarse-grained granites. The gem is found everywhere. Significant deposits are:

  • Madagascar island.
  • Brazil.
  • Russia.

Russian mineral deposits - Transbaikalia, Ural mountains.

Interesting fact! In 1910, the Brazilians discovered the largest single crystal of aquamarine in history, weighing 110.5 kg. Subsequently, 220 thousand carats of cut jewelry stones came out of the nugget. Earlier, an 18-kilogram crystal was found at the same deposit, which was given the name "Zhaketo". The nugget gave the jewelry industry 30 thousand carats of the processed gem. The Trans-Baikal stone, mined in the 17th century, weighed 82 kg.

Aquamarines are also mined in the following areas:

  • Kenya.
  • Myanmar.
  • Australia.
  • Mozambique.
  • India.
  • Islands of Sri Lanka.
  • Namibia.
  • Ukraine.
  • Tanzania.

Here crystals are mined on a smaller scale than in the top three countries.

Physical properties

Aquamarine is a type of mineral. The structure of the hexagonal rings is such that hollow channels are formed inside the crystal. The characteristic color of aquamarine is blue. Iron impurities make the stone green.

The uniqueness of the mineral is that nature creates very large gem-quality crystals. The stone is quite hard, but at the same time light and fragile. From different angles of view, the mineral is capable of changing shades. Rare specimens are endowed with asterism or "eye" effect. Sunlight has a detrimental effect on crystals - they fade and lose color.

Density2.67-2.71 g / cm³
Refractive index1,577-1,583
BreakCrusty, uneven and fragile.
TransparencyTransparent to opaque.
ColorLight blue, bluish green, greenish blue or gray blue.

Color varieties

Aquamarine classification includes the following colors:

  • Green. Stone from the southern part of the Urals.
  • Blue. South American mineral.
  • Blue. It is mined at Russian deposits.

A nugget of rich sapphire color, called maxis-aquamarine, was also once found. Unfortunately, the crystals lost their color in the bright sun. The event is dated 1917.

Healing opportunities

Aquamarine was popular with ancient healers, being considered a deliverer from many ailments. Modern lithotherapists have adopted the knowledge of the ancients, using the gem everywhere to treat many diseases, including:

  • Colds, accompanied by sore throat, fever.
  • Joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis).
  • Respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  • Dermatitis of a different nature, including allergic rashes.
  • Vascular problems, such as varicose veins.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.
  • Vision pathologies.
  • Immune system malfunctions.

And also a stone of the color of water acts as an excellent antispasmodic. In the event of spasms, the stone is recommended to be worn or held in the solar plexus area. For colds, jewelry in the form of a pendant helps, and for diseases of the thyroid gland - beads. Earrings will help improve eyesight, and a ring will cope with dermatitis.

It is interesting! To heal the entire body and ensure a healthy sleep, you can take an aquamarine bath. Just put the gem in hot water for 30 minutes, and then take it out and add more hot water. Relaxation for 15 minutes normalizes all vital processes and will give you a sound, restful sleep.

Aquamarine is useful in cleansing the body of toxins or toxins. Mineral copes with migraines, liver and stomach problems. Another useful property of a gem is the ability to rid the owner of harmful addictions (drugs, tobacco, alcohol). And, of course, the Gift of the God of the Seas suppresses the fear of water in a person, protects against seasickness.

Mineral magic

The gem has no less magical properties than medicinal ones. The most mysterious of these is the color change. This is not about the physical property of the stone, but about the magical one. When a person has happiness, harmony in his soul, and outside the window is sunny weather - a stone of light blue, the color of a clear spring sky. If the owner is seized by sadness, and the weather is inclement, the mineral will be green. In addition, aquamarine becomes noticeably cloudy when a person is in danger or lies accumulate around the owner.

So, the Poseidon stone has protective properties, protecting a person not only from lies, but also from energy bloodsuckers, damage, evil eye and other negativity. A green gem works best with this task. However, it is dangerous to wear such a stone all the time.

But light, pale shades are safer. Such patterns also help to get rid of obsessive, unpleasant relationships. Any of the aquamarines will save not only from the negative from the outside, but also from oneself - a person will not go to extremes, especially when making important decisions.

The mineral makes a person harder, stronger physically. The self-esteem of the one who possesses the stone increases markedly, the person becomes an orator who is able to defeat the opponent during a discussion. Thanks to such a talisman, a person is constantly improving, both spiritually and physically. Aquamarine is able to resolve any disputes, neutralize conflicts. When there is a trial or the authorities call you "on the carpet", take aquamarine with you. The stone will help you come to a compromise in any situation.

The sea nugget acts as a family amulet, supporting feelings, sexual attraction, reconciling even the versatile interests of the spouses.

Did you know that in the old days, young couples were given aquamarine jewelry. It was believed that thanks to the talisman, the newlyweds would be able to get used to each other, accept the interests of each, and protect themselves from divorce.

Today people also believe in the special love power of the stone. Lovers exchange rings decorated with a gem when they are about to part. Each of them knows that the amulet will save love, help to return to each other, protect from betrayal.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that aquamarine was able to neutralize poisons. High-ranking personalities wore the mineral to protect them from poisoning. Today the stone is used for meditation. Modern sorcerers believe that a nugget awakens supernatural abilities in a person.

It is interesting! There is a belief that if the aquamarine crystal is directed towards the north, with careful contemplation, you will see the guardian angel through the stone.

It should be remembered that aquamarine does not serve a lie. A wicked person should not befriend a gem. But lazy individuals will not hurt to acquire an aquamarine thing in the shape of a lizard or a frog. Such a subject will make a person hardworking.

Compatibility with other stones

Aquamarine is a stone of Water. Elemental affiliation makes it compatible with other water minerals:

With the stones of Fire (Grossular, Rubin), the process of mutual destruction takes place. The combination with the minerals of Air (, and) is also unfortunate due to the creation of uncomfortable vibrations.

Jewelry with mineral

Aquamarine belongs to the second level of precious stones. The natural feature of the occurrence in the form of large crystals makes large stones over 10 carats popular. A nugget is processed, often with an emerald cut. The color palette of the stone makes it possible to create jewelry from multi-colored metals.

The cost of aquamarine is different and depends on the clarity, color and size of the stone. Typically, this is in the range of $ 10 to $ 100 per carat. Clean, rich in color, large pieces are priced at around $ 250 / carat. Inclusions and microcracks reduce the cost of the stone by up to 70%. But unusual, rare blotches, reminiscent of patterns of snowflakes or flowers, are welcome.

The domestic jewelry market offers both luxury products and publicly available aquamarine jewelry in different price categories:

  • Rings. From 5 thousand rubles for silver, from 20 thousand for gold.
  • Earrings. Gold is estimated at 16-17 thousand, silver - about 4-5 thousand.
  • A rimless bracelet - from 500 rubles.
  • Beads - from 1000 rubles. A scattering of stones (a combination of aquamarine with rock crystal, pearls) - from 3,500 thousand.

They also make inexpensive alloy jewelry. Such products are purchased for 300-500 rubles. Works of authorship are valued more expensive than standard serial jewelry.

How to distinguish a fake

Although aquamarine belongs to semi-precious stones, counterfeits still have a place to be. Often, these are artificial or glass, as well as cheap minerals of external similarity. Synthetic aquamarine exists but is not manufactured because it is not economical.

Distinguishing natural aquamarine from artificial spinel, topaz, or difficult, but possible on the following grounds:

  • Quartz stones are not endowed with aqua color.
  • The spinel has bubbly inclusions inside.
  • Glass is always perfect. Natural minerals are always with inclusions.
  • Topaz shimmers brighter, but is not endowed with the silvery sheen of aquamarine.
  • Natural aquamarine is endowed with dichroism - color changes depending on lighting and environmental conditions.
  • Glass or plastic will quickly heat up in the palms, the natural mineral will stay cool.

The most expensive are saturated blue stones. This is not always the natural color of aquamarine. More often it is given out as a cheaper pale aquamarine, calcined by temperature, due to which the density and tone of the color increases. Uneven color will give this imitation.

How to wear

Products with aquamarine are universal, suitable for everyone, without exception, by age, gender and type of appearance. For green-eyed or blue-eyed blondes, it is preferable to wear light stones in silver or any other white frame. Products with frames of colored gold, complemented by richer pieces, are intended for brown-eyed brunettes.

  • Young girls choose jewelry made of silver or gold, where several varieties of aquamarine are combined. Necklaces where small aquamarines are intertwined with pearls, topaz, etc. are also relevant.
  • For older women, bracelets or beads made of large stones are suitable. Platinum and gold jewelry with large solo stones looks good.
  • Little and young princesses are recommended light, neat jewelry made of alloys or silver, complemented by small light aquamarines.
  • Men's accessories are frames of strict shapes with dark stone specimens.

As for the wardrobe, the best solution for aquamarine jewelry is clothing in light, pastel colors, against which the gem will not be lost.

Buy aquamarine according to the lunar calendar. For a blue stone, the ideal day of acquisition is the 3rd lunar day, and for a green stone, the 14th. It is advised to use any kind of aquamarine no earlier than after 14 days. At the same time, for 2 weeks the stone should not just lie and wait in the wings - you need to talk with it so that the mineral gets used to the owner.

Aquamarine is a hard rock. Nevertheless, it is fragile, therefore, its care should be appropriate, consisting of a few simple tips:

  1. Sunlight is harmful to the mineral, from which the stone turns pale, loses its shade. Therefore, jewelry with aquamarine is not worn in hot sunny weather, but is kept in a tightly closed box.
  2. Clean the stone with soapy water and a soft cloth. Ultrasound is excluded, otherwise the gem will crumble or crack.
  3. During homework or applying makeup, the gem is not worn - chemicals and cosmetics are no less harmful to the stone than the sun.

Do not allow a strong accumulation of dirt in the places of contact between the setting and the stone, especially for rings, signet rings or any jewelry with a complex openwork design.

Compatible with names and zodiac signs

The stone that came to people from the bottom of the sea depths has "wards", like other minerals. People with certain names can learn from the talisman something of their own, personal, in addition to the general magical abilities of the gem. These names are:

  • Mark. Aquamarine will make such a man sensible, cool the ardor, and protect him from deception.
  • Faith. For her, the stone of the seas is a talisman of fortitude, family warmth, exposure of lies.
  • Michael. The nugget will become a motivator for him to take action. Thanks to the amulet, Mikhail will be able to clearly comprehend the situation, assessing mistakes, exposing the truth.
  • Snezhana. Aquamarine prepared her the ability to clairvoyance. A prophetic gem will help Snezhana learn about dangers or ailments in a timely manner.
  • Rodion. The talisman will bring prosperity to the Rodion family, help maintain a positive attitude, not succumb to human deceit.

Even if the gem does not patronize by name, everyone will discover something good from friendship with this amazing mineral. After all, there are no astrological contraindications for wearing aquamarine. This means that the gift of Poseidon is suitable for all signs of the zodiac, without exception!

("+++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

The mineral with the Scorpio sign has the most ideal compatibility. Since Scorpios are inherently aggressive, impulsive personalities, they often suffer from this. After all, it is difficult to make important, and most importantly, correct decisions when outbursts of inappropriate emotions overwhelm. Aquamarine will make the representatives of this family calmer, more balanced and helping to look at the world more objectively.

Other zodiacs will also feel the goodness coming from the gem:

  • Aries will enhance responsiveness and kindness.
  • Aquarians will be able to better manage their finances.
  • Libra will find the balance it lacks.
  • Virgos will get rid of the habit of demanding too much from themselves, from the environment.
  • Gemini will move closer to spiritual self-knowledge and development.
  • Pisces will take the path of success, having correctly set life priorities.
  • Leos and Cancers will stop tormenting themselves with unreasonable worries.

Only in Taurus and Sagittarius the gem will cause unequal feelings. Someone will truly believe in the power of the mineral, while others will be rather skeptical about this, bypassing aquamarine.

Is this stone right for you?