Upper abdominal pain during pregnancy - when is it dangerous? Abdominal pain during pregnancy: pulling, cutting, stabbing - what are they associated with? In the early stages, the stomach hurts from above

For every woman, pregnancy is one of the most pleasant and unforgettable experiences in life. All the woman's attention is turned to the growing tummy. And when abdominal discomfort arises, the expectant mother starts to panic. When abdominal pain poses a threat to pregnancy, and when not, let's try to figure it out.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy differs in localization, in nature, in intensity. They can occur after exercise or in a calm state, can radiate to other areas or remain in one place. Painful sensations in the abdomen occur in almost every pregnant woman, but not every one of them is a pathology.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be associated with both pregnancy and non-obstetric nature. The lower abdomen for obstetric reasons can hurt during a threatened abortion or premature birth, due to or with premature placental abruption. Non-obstetric pathology is most often associated with upset gastrointestinal tract or surgical diseases.

If the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy

Pain associated with threatening termination of pregnancy is aching or pulling in nature and is most common. The threat may be accompanied by back pain. They can join from the genital tract.

Another obstetric pathology in which pain in the lower abdomen can occur is an ectopic pregnancy. The most common option is the development of pregnancy in the fallopian tube as a tubal abortion.

A tubal abortion is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Pain is most often one-sided sharp, may be accompanied by minor bleeding from the genital tract. They appear between 8 and 12 weeks of gestation. They can radiate to the anus, leg, hypochondrium or supraclavicular region.

With placental abruption, sharp severe pains in the lower abdomen appear, and the woman takes a forced position. If the detachment occurs in the lower parts of the placenta, then bright, profuse bleeding from the genital tract appears. If the detachment has occurred in the upper sections, then the discharge may be absent. This pathology requires urgent intervention, as it can lead to the death of the fetus or mother.

Pregnancy affects the entire body of a woman, but especially affects the gastrointestinal system, which is why very often a pregnant woman notes the appearance of constipation or bloating. In this case, aching or pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear, which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting or heartburn. Such pain must be differentiated from threatened miscarriage.

The upper abdomen during pregnancy can also hurt for obstetric and non-obstetric reasons. Digestive disorders are the most common non-obstetric cause of abdominal pain. Among obstetric reasons, the main place is occupied by an increased tone of the uterus and the development of threatening premature birth.

If the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy

Digestive disorders are manifested by pains in the upper abdomen, aching, stabbing or cutting. May be accompanied by nausea or vomiting, appear after eating and disappear after taking antacids or enzymes.

Threatening premature birth can be manifested by an increased tone of the uterus. In this case, the abdomen becomes dense at the top, aching or pulling pains appear. Consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist is required.

Every pregnant woman thinks about why the stomach can hurt during pregnancy. After all, taking care of the future baby implies taking care of the mother's health. Only by knowing about the causes that can cause abdominal pain, a woman will be able to understand whether to see a doctor immediately.

Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy?

The belly during pregnancy can hurt due to a number of obstetric and non-obstetric reasons.
Obstetric causes are most common during pregnancy and are associated with threatened miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, an ectopic pregnancy or premature detachment of a normally located placenta may occur with abdominal pain.

Of the non-obstetric pathology, gastrointestinal problems are most often manifested by abdominal pain in a pregnant woman. The same symptoms can be accompanied by surgical pathology: acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

Early pregnancy is not only a pleasant time, but also a dangerous time, since the pregnancy can be terminated or ectopic. That is why every woman needs to know how pathological conditions manifest themselves. Particular attention should be paid to abdominal pain.

Abdominal pain in early pregnancy

Abdominal pain in early pregnancy is most often caused by a threatening spontaneous miscarriage. In addition, abdominal pain can accompany an ectopic pregnancy.

From non-obstetric causes, abdominal pain can occur with disorders of the digestive system or surgical diseases.

In any case, at the first sign of abdominal pain, an urgent consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary in order to avoid the development of irreversible conditions.

Late pregnancy is the time when the little man begins to be active: he pushes, turns over, and sometimes does not allow the expectant mother to rest. Therefore, the occurrence of abdominal pain is a direct reason for going to a doctor to differentiate pathological conditions.

Abdominal pain in late pregnancy

In late pregnancy, abdominal pain can accompany threatening premature birth, premature detachment of the normally located placenta. In addition, abdominal pain can be the cause of digestive disorders or acute surgical pathology.

Abdominal pain in later stages can lead to death of the fetus or mother. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Pregnancy is a happy time when mother and baby are inextricably linked with each other. In order for this unity to be enjoyable, you need to pay attention to your feelings, not to panic, not to self-medicate, and if you have stomach pains, seek medical help in a timely manner. Happy pregnancy!

During pregnancy, a woman can feel completely differently, face changes not only in her mood, but also in her body. In addition to slight discomfort from the growing abdomen, pains may also occur in different parts of it. Even if they are insignificant, you should pay attention to them, consult your doctor. But it is also important not to worry too much about uncomfortable sensations, so as not to harm the fetus. Many expectant mothers note that they have, that they are uncomfortable. There are a variety of reasons for this.
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Upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy

After conception has occurred, the fetus undergoes dramatic changes, including its size, weight, position in the uterus. Due to its growth and systematic physiological development, the uterus feels these changes, an increasing load on it. The baby can put pressure on her muscles, ligaments, thereby causing a little pain. In the last trimester, his legs are at the top of the abdomen, resting on all the organs that are there. More precisely, the uterus presses on them, which has noticeably increased in size.

Therefore, most women upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy due to the growth of the fetus, which is considered normal. After childbirth, all these manifestations disappear, and the uterus regains its previous size. Of course, discomfort during gestation should be insignificant. That's when they are considered the norm. If a woman is experiencing excessive inconvenience, there is cause for concern due to constant nausea, vomiting, uncharacteristic discharge, then you should immediately contact your gynecologist.

The development of the fetus and its increase in size leads to the fact that the organs located in the upper abdomen are also under pressure from the uterus. This can be the pancreas, spleen, liver, gallbladder and other organs that are slightly compressed and partially displaced. Naturally, the expectant mother may feel unpleasant squeezing, a feeling of heaviness, which are also considered the norm. All of them occur in the last months of pregnancy, that is, with the maximum growth of the fetus (third trimester).

If all these sensations overly disturb the woman, it is necessary to come to the next doctor's examination. You may need to have an ultrasound scan. It will help you to accurately determine the position of the child, its size, etc. But usually, even during a routine examination, the doctor determines what could cause pain in the upper abdomen.

Also, do not forget that the expectant mother may have other pain sensations, such as, we advise you to read this article, and remember that you should not rely on our ah! you should immediately consult a doctor leading your pregnancy.

Sometimes it is quite difficult for a woman to determine why does the upper abdomen hurt when
... You should listen to your feelings, other manifestations. For example, while carrying a child, changes concern not only internal organs, hormonal levels. The skin also lends itself to excessive stress, gradually stretches. This is especially true of the abdomen, which can dramatically increase in volume already in the second trimester.

Of course, such an increase cannot but affect the condition of the skin. Pregnant women note that in the process of carrying a child or after childbirth, they develop stretch marks or striae. The inner layer of the skin does not just stretch, but tears, which at first looks like pink stripes, and then blue or lilac. These are microscopic tears that cause unpleasant painful sensations. In the upper abdomen and even on the chest, all this manifests itself quite strongly.

Normal flowing pregnancy 38 weeks upper abdomen hurts every woman can also have stretch marks. To prevent this from happening, you should take care of the condition of the skin in advance. Stretch marks can only be prevented by their prevention.

To do this, you need to consult with your doctor and dermatologist, who will recommend products for external use with a natural composition. As a rule, these are special lotions, creams or oils that must be rubbed into the skin during the entire period of pregnancy. It is also important to test them for an allergic reaction. To do this, you can apply the product to a small area of ​​the wrist, wait for the reaction. If it fits, then you can safely use the remedy throughout the pregnancy.

This will help moisturize your skin and prevent stretch marks. They arise not just due to the growth of the fetus, uterus, but also due to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin. Its timely hydration will help keep this indicator normal.

When upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy at 36-40 weeks, then this may be the norm. The child has already reached almost maximum size, rests his feet on the upper part of the uterus, which is reflected in the organs located in this part of the abdomen. Also, the fetus can take a different position. For example, a child in the last weeks rests his head up or lies transversely. His position is extremely important, as he must be head down before giving birth. If there is pain in the upper abdomen, then this may indicate that the baby is lying across. Therefore, it is so important to communicate your feelings to the doctor.

Of course, the child can turn over correctly before the birth itself, but still it is worth discussing this with a specialist. But even with the normal position of the fetus, the expectant mother may complain about uncomfortable sensations at the top of her abdomen. It should not be forgotten that significant changes are taking place in her body.

There is a load not only on the internal organs, but also on the ribs, muscle corset. For example, the abdominal muscles, ligaments are also stretched due to the increased size of the uterus. All this brings those sensations that women often describe. After giving birth, all this, of course, will pass and will not be felt at all. If pregnancy 37 38 weeks upper abdomen hurts, then it is important not to look for the reasons on your own, but to come for a consultation with your doctor. During this period, the child can already move more actively, push, which may also be the reason.


It is important to pay attention to painful sensations in time. They can also be the result of the occurrence of pathologies, etc. For example, placental abruption can lead to the fact that already 37 weeks pregnant upper abdomen hurts... It is not worthwhile to draw conclusions on your own, since unnecessary experiences can affect the course of pregnancy.

Attention should also be paid to the discharge. If they change color, more intense, you should pay attention to this attention, inform your doctor. Chronic or new diseases of the expectant mother can also make themselves felt. Since the organs at this time feel pressure from the uterus and the growing fetus, they can also undergo changes. If previously there was gastritis, then in the last weeks it will make itself felt in the form of heartburn, pain in the upper abdomen. Overeating can also affect the way you experience these sensations.

If sore upper abdomen of pregnancy 30 weeks, then this may be due not so much to the growth of the child, as to the state of the organism of the mother herself. Even pressure on the abdominal muscles, ligaments, chest can cause such discomfort. It should also be understood that immunity becomes more weakened, chronic diseases can again disturb.

Another reason may be a diagnosis such as pancreatitis. More often it is chronic, and with pressure on the pancreas at the top of the abdomen, it causes pain in this part. However, they can be both weak and significant. Preeclampsia can also be dangerous for the expectant mother and fetus. It also manifests itself in the form of vomiting, nausea, and visual impairment. From these symptoms, you can understand that you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

When the doctor claims that it is normal pregnancy 36 weeks upper abdomen hurts, then we are talking about the fact that no pathologies have been identified. You should be examined for the presence of chronic diseases in the woman herself. As a rule, they do not require urgent treatment, but it is worth getting diagnosed by specialists. During this period, the fetus reaches a significant size, is active, which also causes discomfort in the upper abdomen.

It all also depends on proper nutrition, lifestyle of the expectant mother. For example, an improper diet, low mobility can contribute to the occurrence of heartburn, colitis, gas formation, flatulence. Of course, all these manifestations also cause abdominal discomfort.

If it came 40 weeks pregnant upper abdomen hurts, then this signals that the baby has become more active. He can push, roll over, which is why the woman feels a little pain in the abdomen. But you need to pay attention to them, since they are often caused and due to the incorrect position of the fetus. A placental abruption or any change in the course of pregnancy can also cause pain. But then it is important to pay attention to other signs: discharge, vomiting, general health. If anything is in doubt, it is important to come for an examination to the attending specialist.

A woman in the process of carrying a child tends to experience heightened emotionality, anxiety for herself and her baby. Any change immediately triggers an experience, which is normal. During three trimesters, the fetus not only grows, but also becomes more mobile, can change positions. All this, as a rule, causes slight discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen. It is important to pay attention to changes and report them to your doctor in time.

Any pain during pregnancy, at the earliest or later stages, always causes fears in a woman for the fate of her unborn baby. The upper abdomen or lower abdomen hurts, painful sensations are barely noticeable or torments constantly, in this you can always see a threat to pregnancy.

It happens that pain, discomfort, discomfort of different strength and localization accompany a woman throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Usually, this symptomatology is observed against the background of hormonal and physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. Often, pain in the upper abdomen, or another part of it, signal pathologies. To prevent possible risks and threats associated with pregnancy, it is worth contacting a specialist. For example, if the pain becomes unbearable, accompanied by discharge, it is possible that there is a threat of rejection of the fetus. With such symptoms, it is imperative to exclude an ectopic pregnancy. As a rule, painful sensations in this case accumulate in the lower abdomen.

Why does the upper abdomen hurt during pregnancy

Pain in the upper abdomen is usually accompanied by an enlargement of the uterus in a pregnant woman. With the growth of the fetus, the uterus begins to squeeze the neighboring internal organs, which is why pain occurs. From time to time, a woman may feel pain in the upper abdomen when walking or sudden movements. Usually, such symptoms are caused by deformation of the muscle corset and sprains - a natural process that accompanies the course of pregnancy.

Late pregnancy: upper abdomen hurts

Closer to childbirth, in the last months of pregnancy, the baby often brings discomfort to the mother, who during this period behaves more actively, turns over and pushes. Pain localized in the upper abdomen may well be a harbinger of placental abruption and premature birth. Given the late stages of pregnancy, unexpected pain should be taken as a signal for an urgent visit to the obstetric clinic.

During pregnancy, the upper abdomen hurts between the ribs

However, a mother carrying a child may be susceptible to other diseases that are not directly related to her "interesting" position. Pregnancy weakens the immunity of the expectant mother, becoming a catalyst for the exacerbation of chronic or new diseases.

If the pain is localized in the upper abdomen, between the ribs, accompanied by an emetic reaction, stool disturbance and fever, the cause may be pancreatitis. With increasing loads on the body, gastritis of the stomach often manifests itself, accompanied by extremely unpleasant painful sensations. In the last trimester, severe pain along with nausea, vomiting, deterioration of vision can signal preeclampsia - a complication of pregnancy, which is dangerous for the fetus and the mother herself. These are not all diseases that can manifest themselves as unpleasant painful sensations in the upper abdomen. Only a qualified specialist can conduct an examination, give an opinion and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Whatever the reasons for the pains localized in the upper abdomen, especially if they are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, and the general condition worsens, you should immediately contact the observing doctor, without an alternative.

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman, in which her body works in a new way. It is stressful for the internal organs, as well as for the mother herself. Uterine enlargement can be one of the reasons for feeling unwell and pain in the upper abdomen.

When a baby starts growing inside the mother, it needs a lot of space. The uterus gradually increases in size and presses down on other internal organs: liver, gallbladder, kidneys. Reacting to this pressure, the organs begin to ache.

Also, pain occurs due to muscle stretching. As the belly grows, the ligaments stretch as they need to maintain the new weight. In view of this, such pains are called natural. They start suddenly and just as suddenly disappear. There is no reason to worry about this. Everything will go away by itself in some time.

If a pregnant woman begins to experience severe pain, the first thing that comes to mind is the threat of pregnancy. Yes, it happens, but the symptomatology of pain is somewhat different. With the threat of termination of pregnancy, unpleasant sensations appear at the bottom, and not at the top, and are accompanied by bloody discharge.

Therefore, if the upper abdomen hurts, there is no need to worry much: most likely, this condition is associated with diseases of the mother's internal organs. Although it cannot be said that such diseases are not serious.

If the stomach hurts at the top and the pain point is on the right, then this may indicate a chronic or acute illness.

When the belly hurts at the top, it cannot be massaged. an already damaged area can become even more vulnerable to forced massage. Moreover, it is impossible to massage the abdomen when pain is present in any of its areas, especially if the pain is severe, because For some types of ailments, bleeding may occur when massaging the abdomen.

Often, left and right pain in the upper abdomen can be caused by a person's usual overeating. And if the upper abdomen hurts in the middle, without displacement to the left or right, then these symptoms signal stomach problems.

The main causes of stomach problems, stomach diseases, which means that the destruction of its mucous membrane is considered to be unhealthy diet, the use of low-quality food, bad habits in the form of smoking and alcohol consumption.

During pregnancy, pain in the upper abdomen causes discomfort and discomfort. However, before starting therapy, you need to understand why it has arisen, since such pain during gestation can be caused by a standard increase in the uterus.

Infrequent pains when walking or with unsuccessful movement appear unexpectedly and just as suddenly disappear. Such pains in the upper abdomen on the left or right during pregnancy, in most cases, are not dangerous and do not portend anything serious.

A possible cause of such pain is the strengthening of the ligaments or deformation of the muscles that are located in the pelvic region. The uterus can contract, which can constrict the liver and gallbladder. This can be the reason that the bile separation process is disrupted.

If there is pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, which is persistent or acute, it is recommended to seek medical help. If, as a pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, a woman feels only slight discomfort, then you should not worry, but if the pain appears again and again, you should discuss such discomfort in the upper abdomen with your doctor.

In some cases, an absolutely healthy woman can feel pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy for no reason. Very often, such pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy are associated with the location of the fetus in the uterus.

Such pain in the abdomen from above can often lead to a loss of appetite in a pregnant woman and a feeling of severe heaviness in the abdomen. So pressure in the upper abdomen of a pregnant woman can escalate to a feeling of bloating.

The most extensive cause of pain on the right is considered to be diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas and duodenum. If the stomach hurts in the upper right, then it is possible that the pain will be given to the shoulder, then the cause should be looked for in the bile ducts.

And if the pain in the upper right abdomen radiates to the back, it is worth looking for an ulcer in the duodenum or disturbances in the work of the pancreas. If we are talking about men, then with a diagnosis of kidney stones, the pain that occurs may radiate to the testicles.

Every pregnant woman begins to treat her body with greater responsibility and care, worrying not so much for herself as for the little man inside her. Therefore, any discomfort and tingling sensation causes a feeling of fear and panic.

Minor pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy or in the lower abdomen can occur at the earliest possible date and continue throughout the gestation period. This is absolutely related to the arrangement of the embryo in the uterus.

But if the painful sensations become and only intensify over time, then this is a serious reason for an immediate appeal to a gynecologist (preferably to a specialist who led the pregnancy from the very beginning).

Periodic pain during walking or unsuccessful sudden movement, which, as suddenly appeared, just as suddenly and went away, as a rule, do not signal anything serious. Most often they arise due to deformation of the muscles located in the pelvic region, and the strengthening of the ligaments.

If the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, then the most common cause is the natural uterus. The organ grows, begins to take up more space and constricts its "neighbors" - the liver and gallbladder, thereby disrupting the process of bile separation.

An absolutely pregnant woman can also experience discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen, accompanied by heartburn, nausea, increased gas formation, lack of appetite and bitterness in the mouth. It is usually caused by intense movements of the baby inside the uterus or unbalanced nutrition (in particular, overeating).

  1. Is the pain acute and concentrated in the epigastric region? Are there stool disturbances, vomiting and low blood pressure? The likely culprit is.
  2. Pregnancy is exactly the time when an old friend, who has been quietly dozing until now, can remind of himself. His name is chronic.
  3. In the last trimester, there were pains in the upper abdomen and head area, vomiting, blurred vision (spots, flickering)? Unfortunately, these are symptoms.

There are also a number of diseases in which the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy. Speaking of them, you need to accurately determine the nature of the pain and its location. But most likely, only a qualified specialist can do this correctly.

Therefore, if the pain persists and is complicated by a number of other factors, visit your doctor or contact him by phone. If you feel that your condition is getting worse and the symptoms of pain are not typical for your current situation, call an ambulance.

Upper abdominal pain during pregnancy can be associated with stretching of the muscles that support the uterus and also as a result of the weight gain of the fetus. With the gradual growth and weight of the child, the pressure on the ligament area gradually becomes greater, and as a result, the uterus is stretched.

At the same time, all organs are slightly compressed, which somewhat impairs their functioning. This abdominal pain can be severe, but it goes away very quickly. Soreness may appear when coughing or sneezing.

Upper abdominal pain during pregnancy may be associated with natural physiological processes. Sometimes a similar symptomatology occurs when the egg passes through the tube with its attachment to the uterine mucosa.

During gestation, almost all women experience a change in taste preferences. To avoid serious health problems, it is important to learn how to control your desires. Too frequent consumption of spicy, sour and sweet foods can trigger the onset of dysbiosis.

If it hurts in the upper abdomen on the right

Upper abdominal pain is most often a symptom associated with gastrointestinal problems. A possible cause could be gastritis, stomach cramps, or gallbladder malfunction. Pain in the upper abdomen is often a symptom of a disorder of the digestive system, even when a woman is pregnant.

Pain in the upper abdomen in pregnant women has a number of its own characteristics. But most often, pain in the upper abdomen on the right or on the left during pregnancy can be associated with the most natural processes in the woman's body, or due to the movements of the baby at a later stage of pregnancy.

In some cases, pain in the upper abdomen can be due to overeating.

In no case need to massage the abdomen, as there is a danger that bleeding will begin. The most common cause of upper abdominal pain during pregnancy is overconsumption of food and not following a diet.

Food can be high in fat. This in turn leads to strong gas and gas in the stomach. It is also possible that the body does not digest dairy products well. Of course, if the cause of the pain in the abdomen above, on the left or on the right during pregnancy is exactly the same, then the woman will go through a maximum of a couple of hours.

Although, pain in the upper abdomen can be caused by other, more dangerous diseases associated with vital organs. It is extremely difficult to understand what exactly hurts, since the pain can move.

Sometimes a perfectly healthy woman may experience pain in the upper abdomen. Most often it depends on the placement of the baby. The pain may get worse, especially when the baby starts to move.

In such a situation, the expectant mother usually loses her appetite and does not leave the feeling of heaviness. Bloating is also possible. In addition, a woman may experience heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, and this is a fairly common concern for expectant mothers.

If the pain lasts a long time and is accompanied by some other symptoms, see your doctor urgently. And if you get worse, and the symptoms do not correspond to your present condition, call an ambulance.

On the left are organs that can easily get sick, which will cause discomfort or pain. In order to understand which organ hurts, it is important to understand that the spleen, part of the intestine, stomach, diaphragm are located on the left, as a result of which pain appears in the upper abdomen in the left part of it.

For example, an enlarged spleen is characteristic of some diseases that can cause severe pain in the upper left abdomen. In addition, the spleen may burst: the skin around the navel will turn blue, and there will be a sharp pain in the upper abdomen on the left side.

If you have problems with the intestines and you feel severe pain in the left side of the abdomen, most likely you have constipation or diarrhea, which may be accompanied by bleeding, as well as high fever.

If the cause of the pain is in the intestines, then there will be severe pain in the upper left abdomen. Often such pains in the upper abdomen on the left with problems and diseases of the intestines are accompanied by defecation disorders, such as constipation and diarrhea.

One of the most common reasons for the formation of pain on the right in the upper abdomen is problems with the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, if it hurts in the right upper abdomen, then the causes of such pain and discomfort often lie at the beginning of the inflammatory process of internal organs or in disruption of their work on other reasons.

Pain in the right abdomen, in the upper part of it, usually indicates problems with organs such as the gallbladder, liver, pancreas. Sometimes painful sensations in the upper right abdomen appear due to problems with the duodenum.

An attack of pancreatitis can cause pain in the upper abdomen. At this moment, the patient has very painful sensations, he sweats a lot and is nauseous. Vomiting is possible. Quite often, the signs of such a disease are confused with inflammation of the gallbladder.

But the pain in the upper abdomen on the right with pancreatitis also gives back to the back. If the patient is lying, then the pain in the upper abdomen on the right can be very unbearable, but as soon as he sits down or bends forward, the pain subsides a little.

In order to determine with absolute accuracy that a patient has had an attack of pancreatitis, some laboratory tests need to be carried out. The tests will help identify enzymes that the inflamed pancreas secretes.

So, if you're sure it's not an ulcer, diverticulitis, or gallbladder disease, you can get treatment at home. The body needs to be given a rest and given the opportunity to gain strength. In order to relieve pain on the right side of the abdomen, you need to take simple pain relievers or antispasmodics.

Do not consume alcoholic or caffeinated drinks. In no case should you give an enema or take a laxative. If the cause of the pain in the upper abdomen on the right is unknown to you, it is better to consult a specialist. After all, we are talking about your health and, accordingly, your life.

If a person has pain in the upper abdomen on the right, which is paroxysmal, very strong and unbearable, in no case is it recommended to endure it or self-medicate. You should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible, especially in cases where the pain in the upper right abdomen appears suddenly.

Pain in various diseases

Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can occur due to the course of various diseases. In particular, among the main diseases it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • appendicitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cystitis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • pancreatitis.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. This condition necessarily requires surgical intervention. It is very difficult for a pregnant woman, especially at a later date, to recognize the course of the disease, since she constantly experiences certain discomfort.

Pregnancy acts as a provoking factor for the development of appendicitis. The thing is that the inflammation of the appendix occurs due to insufficient blood supply. The enlarged uterus compresses the blind process, as a result of which the blood flows very slowly. Among the main signs of appendicitis while carrying a child, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • sharp pain in the upper abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • temperature increase.

Symptoms appear in completely different ways and depend on the characteristics of the organism. Therefore, if constant pain occurs, an urgent need to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Treatment is carried out only by surgery.

If you carry out its removal at the initial stages, then the woman and the child are not in danger. Pus-filled appendicitis is very dangerous. If it bursts, then the purulent contents will penetrate into the abdominal cavity and provoke peritonitis.

Cystitis is a fairly common disease in pregnant women. Inflammation of the bladder wall can be infectious and non-infectious. Cystitis is often the first sign of pregnancy. Among the main features it should be noted:

  • aching abdominal pain;
  • cramps when urinating;
  • blood in the urine;
  • frequent urge to use the toilet;
  • temperature increase.

The danger of cystitis is that if treatment is carried out in a timely manner, the disease can turn into pyelonephritis. Treatment of cystitis is carried out with medications. There are many medicines that can be used without harm to the baby. However, after the treatment, you need to undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy.

Another reason why pulling pains in the upper abdomen may occur during pregnancy is cholecystitis. This is an inflammation of the gallbladder, triggered by infections and bile congestion. In addition to pain in the right hypochondrium, characteristic signs will be such as:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • bitterness in the mouth.

The main treatment is medication and a strict diet.

Cutting pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can occur during chronic gastritis, which can be aggravated by hormones. This disease is mainly associated with unhealthy diet.

Burns of mucous with hot food, mechanical injuries, penetration of pathogens, and poisoning can also be provoking factors. Among the main features, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Often women do not notice the symptoms of gastritis, mistakenly believing that this is toxicosis. As a result of the course of the pathology, nutrition worsens, which has a bad effect on the condition of the fetus. If you have such symptoms, you must definitely contact a doctor who will prescribe treatment.

Pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, is quite common during pregnancy. The main symptom is soreness in the upper abdomen on the left side. Competent supervision of a specialist and adherence to a special diet is imperative.

Pain in the second trimester

It is very important to understand exactly why it hurts in the upper abdomen during early pregnancy, as this will prevent the occurrence of complications. It is worth noting that during this period, soreness does not always indicate the course of pathology.

This will not only save you from constant fears, but also morally set you up for bearing a child. If pulling pains in the upper abdomen are constantly observed during pregnancy, you urgently need to see a doctor, as this may be a sign of dangerous diseases.

In addition, miscarriage should be highlighted among the main reasons. However, this may additionally be spotting and lower back pain. The causes of abdominal pain can also be non-obstetric problems.

Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy in the second trimester may indicate less dangerous problems and pathologies. During this period, the body was already rebuilt and accustomed to a new state. Increasing in size, the uterus gradually presses on the muscles and ligaments, thereby provoking aching pain in the upper abdomen or only on one side of the body, which occurs with sudden movements.

Similar symptoms in the second trimester usually occur as a result of nervous strain, stress, excessive physical exertion. Soreness also develops against the background of dysfunction of the intestines and stomach. Spasms of the digestive system can provoke an unhealthy diet.

If at 36 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach hurts at the top, then this may be a sign of premature birth or placental abruption. In addition, such soreness may indicate an acute surgical pathology and indigestion.

If at the 36th week of pregnancy, the stomach hurts at the top, then this is mainly due to the activity of the fetus itself. An almost fully developed child moves his legs and arms, pushes off, causing some discomfort to the woman. However, most of the symptoms occur only when the baby is moving.

In the case when at the 38th week of pregnancy it hurts in the upper abdomen, then a doctor's consultation is definitely required, since this may be due to the fading of the fetus. In addition, this can be a completely natural process, since during this period the pregnancy is full-term.

In the case when at the 39th week of pregnancy it hurts in the upper abdomen very sharply, you urgently need to visit a gynecologist or call an ambulance, as this may be a sign of the onset of delivery.

Pain in the center of the abdomen

Quite often, during pregnancy, it hurts in the upper abdomen in the middle, which may be associated with various diseases or provoked by natural causes. Soreness manifests itself very clearly on an empty stomach, this is the so-called hungry pain.

Cramping pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, which are accompanied by upset stools, nausea and bitterness in the mouth, may indicate a serious intestinal infection. This condition is almost always accompanied by an increase in temperature and chills.

When the pathogen enters the stomach or intestines, gastritis, enteritis or colitis may develop. The most dangerous conditions are dysentery and salmonellosis. At any time, such a situation requires an urgent examination by a doctor and often hospitalization.

Basically, at 39 weeks of gestation, it hurts in the upper abdomen, and the reason for this is the constantly enlarging uterus, which gradually begins to squeeze the peritoneal organs. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the stomach throws up gastric juice up the esophagus, provoking severe discomfort.

Stitching pains in the upper abdomen in pregnant women can occur for a variety of reasons. This can provoke stagnation of stool in the intestines, which provokes constipation and flatulence. This can lead to the development of hemorrhoids.

If the skin in the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, then this may be due to the fact that the fetus is growing and the skin is stretched. It also provokes recurrent itching. If there are no additional signs, then this condition should not bother.

Additional symptoms

Upper abdominal pain can occur for a variety of reasons, which can also have additional symptoms. These include such as:

  • heaviness, a feeling of fullness in the hypochondrium;
  • increased pressure;
  • swelling;
  • discomfort and compaction of tissues in the abdomen;
  • joint pain;
  • headache;
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs.

Severity and distention in the hypochondrium is mainly characteristic of dyskinesia. With late toxicosis, severe swelling, increased pressure and headache are observed. This condition can develop into seizures that threaten the life of the fetus and mother.

Under the influence of progesterone, softening of the ligaments can be observed, and this provokes significant discomfort and severe pain. Acute pain, localized only on one side, requires urgent medical attention.


If a pregnant woman has a stomach ache, what to do can only be determined by the doctor after the diagnosis. During the examination, the doctor collects an anamnesis based on the patient's complaints. A number of conditions require a gynecological examination and taking a smear for analysis.

In the presence of vaginal discharge, a blood test for biochemistry and infections, as well as a coagulogram and a complete blood count, may be required. The most accurate result can be obtained during ultrasound diagnostics.

Using this technique, it is possible to determine the dysfunctions of the pancreas, the condition of the uterus and the fetus, as well as kidney diseases. Additional methods include fibrogastroduodenoscopy and MRI.

There are many reasons why upper abdominal pain can occur during pregnancy. Competent prevention will help to prevent them, which consists in:

  • adherence to a diet;
  • absence of stress and negative emotions.

Proper nutrition is the key to a woman's well-being and the correct development of the fetus. At the same time, the food consumed should be healthy, balanced and easily digestible. Be sure to eat foods such as:

  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • boiled meat and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts.

They will provide the body with the required amount of nutrients and nutrients for the whole day.

During pregnancy, it is useful to walk a lot in the fresh air, do fitness, light gymnastics, and swimming. Yoga will be very beneficial for the body. However, excessive physical activity and lifting heavy objects are strictly prohibited.

Pregnant women should try to avoid situations that provoke negative emotions. It is recommended to surround only people who are pleasant for oneself, to visit museums and exhibitions. All this will have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a woman.

Treatment feature

Treatment is selected only by a doctor, depending on the ongoing pathology and the degree of its development. With the course of inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, therapy is carried out in a hospital using conservative methods, namely, taking medications, adhering to a strict diet.

The use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs is imperative. Some individual cases necessarily require an operation.

With renal colic, pain relievers and antispasmodics are used to help normalize well-being. If there are small stones, then they can come out on their own, but blocking the lumen of the ureter with large stones requires an operation and their removal.

In the event of pain in the later stages due to the threat of miscarriage, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to save the life of the child. If this condition is exacerbated by bleeding, then you need to be constantly monitored by a gynecologist.

If placental abruption is suspected, an urgent caesarean section is performed. This is especially important in the case of severe bleeding, regardless of whether the baby is full-term or not. In any case, when pain appears, regardless of its cause, it is imperative to visit a doctor for examination and diagnosis.

Prognosis after therapy

A lot of concern for a pregnant woman is pain in late pregnancy. This condition needs to be treated very carefully, but do not panic. Pain and contractions prepare the body for delivery.

Soreness, provoked by constipation, and various kinds of intestinal problems, arise very often due to the fault of the woman herself, who constantly overeats. In the last months of pregnancy, you need to be very careful about the choice of food, which should be natural and fresh.

A pregnant woman needs to rest as much as possible, and in a position with her legs raised up. The prognosis of pain in late pregnancy during the course of pathology of internal organs can be disappointing.

Abdominal pain in pregnant women can occur both due to natural changes that the female body undergoes in the process of carrying a child, and due to infectious diseases or serious abnormalities in the work of internal organs. How to determine in what cases it is possible to do without the intervention of a doctor if pains appear in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, and when visiting a specialist is not just necessary, but vital? Doctors advise to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms: if abdominal pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy increases with time and is accompanied by upset stools, fever, bloody, mucous, curdled, purulent vaginal discharge, fever, chills, urge to vomit, then an urgent need to call an urgent help. If the uncomfortable sensations and pains in the abdomen disappear within a day and are not accompanied by other symptoms, except for mild malaise, then there is no need to call a doctor at home. Nevertheless, it is advisable to consult with a gynecologist in order to exclude the presence of hidden pathologies or diseases of internal organs.

Causes of abdominal pain in pregnant women

Pain in the upper abdomen in a pregnant woman may occur due to the following problems:

1 hormonal changes in the body;

2 exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular, gastritis or ulcers);

3 inflammation or malfunction of the gallbladder;

4 stretching of the abdominal muscles under the pressure of an enlarged fetus;

5 motor activity of a baby in the womb;

6 overeating;

7 premature birth (you should be wary if abdominal pain is accompanied by the discharge of mucus or blood from the vagina, movement or freezing of the fetus - the occurrence of these signs is a reason for calling emergency help);

8 placental abruption (premature detachment of the placenta is often accompanied by bouts of cramping pain in the lower abdomen, discharge of blood from the vagina, reduction or complete cessation of fetal motor activity);

9 hobby for pickled, spicy, fatty, smoked food, instant food and sweet carbonated drinks (the substances they contain, when ingested, cause increased gas formation and bloating, and also provoke inflammation of the membranes of the stomach and intestines);

10 food poisoning;

11 stretching and thickening of the round ligaments in the process of adapting to the changing size of the uterus;

12 preeclampsia (toxicosis in late pregnancy, accompanied by headache, diarrhea, swelling of the limbs and face, fluctuations in blood pressure, various visual impairments);

13 sudden change in body position or fast walking;

14 non-compliance with the regimen of taking medications;

15 inflammation of the appendages and ovarian cystosis;

16 adhesions in the abdominal cavity;

17 kidney problems;

18 nervous strain;

19 having sex in positions that promote deep penetration of the partner's penis;

20 ectopic implantation of a fertilized egg, usually in the fallopian tube (ectopic pregnancy).

Pain in the upper abdomen, radiating to the left hypochondrium

If a pregnant woman has problems with the spleen, intestines, pancreas or stomach, she may complain of abdominal pain radiating to the left hypochondrium:

1 With a sharp increase in the size of the spleen, the pain is acute. When an organ ruptures, the pain becomes unbearable and is accompanied by a blue discoloration of the skin around the navel.

2 If the cause of abdominal pain lies in the intestines, then there may be an increase in body temperature, upset stools in the form of constipation or diarrhea, the appearance of impurities in the feces (clots of clotted or drops of fresh blood, mucus, particles of undigested food), fecal odor from the mouth (with intestinal obstruction).

3 If the source of abdominal pain is located in the left hypochondrium, then one should not exclude the possibility of inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) or perforation of the ulcer located in the left segment of this organ. If the pain in the abdomen increases after eating and is accompanied by heartburn, nausea, vomiting (with erosive gastritis or perforation of an ulcer - mixed with blood), fever, bad breath, you should immediately visit a gastroenterologist: the earlier a set of measures aimed to stabilize the condition of the expectant mother, the lower the likelihood of complications requiring hospitalization.

4 With inflammation of the pancreas, in addition to abdominal pain radiating to the left hypochondrium and lower back, a pregnant woman may suffer from nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, urge to vomit, weakness, fever, increased sweating. As a rule, with pancreatitis, a woman cannot take a horizontal position, since a change in body position leads to a sharp increase in pain.

In addition to the above reasons, hernias can cause abdominal pain radiating to the left hypochondrium. Their presence can be determined by palpating the abdominal cavity: characteristic seals will be felt in the left half of the abdominal cavity.

Pain in the upper abdomen, radiating to the right hypochondrium

Abdominal pain radiating to the right hypochondrium can occur due to problems with the liver, intestines, gallbladder, as a result of inflammation of the appendix or the right appendage, torsion of the cyst leg. The greatest danger for a pregnant woman and a developing fetus is appendicitis - inflammation and suppuration of the appendage of the cecum as a result of the penetration of pathogens into the tissues of the organ or blockage of the intestinal lumen by foreign bodies that have entered the body along with food (fruit and berry seeds, seed husks, etc.) ... The presence of appendicitis can be judged by painful tension in the muscles of the abdominal cavity, high body temperature, diarrhea, vomiting, pale skin. On palpation of the abdomen, the pain intensifies, localizing in the lower body - in the area of ​​the right appendage or navel. If you suspect appendicitis, you must immediately call a doctor: while waiting for the arrival of an ambulance, it is forbidden to apply hot or cold compresses to the stomach, take a shower, strain the abdominal muscles, take painkillers.

Torsion of the leg of the cyst formed on the right ovary is no less dangerous for a pregnant woman. Cysts are benign formations with liquid or semi-liquid contents that form at the site of follicles. When they reach a certain size, they can curl around the fallopian tubes, squeezing them and cutting off the blood supply. As a result, there is a sharp, unbearable pain: often a woman loses consciousness from a painful shock. Torsion of the cyst pedicle is often confused with ovarian apoplexy (rupture), since these pathologies have similar symptoms. Only a doctor is able to determine the exact cause of severe pain in the right appendage, therefore, if there is a suspicion of torsion of the cyst pedicle or apoplexy of the right ovary, a woman is urgently hospitalized in order to conduct the necessary research and provide appropriate medical care.

The presence of liver problems in a pregnant woman, in addition to abdominal pain radiating to the right hypochondrium, is indicated by heartburn, skin rashes, constant hunger, diarrhea, weakness, blurred vision, swelling of the face and limbs, yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin, persistent taste of bitterness in the mouth, increased sweating, cracks and a white or brown coating on the tongue, discoloration of urine and feces, heart palpitations, itching, hair loss.

With problems with the intestines, in particular the duodenum, a pregnant woman may experience bloating, nausea, belching, increased gas production, weight loss due to lack of appetite, frequent urge to defecate, change in color, smell and composition of feces (stool becomes liquid, acquires a yellow or green tint and a pungent, unpleasant odor), intolerance to raw fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products, yellow coating on the tongue, itching.

If the cause of abdominal pain lies in inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), then, in addition to abdominal pain that radiates to the right hypochondrium, collarbone and / or scapula and intensifies with movement, shaking driving, hypothermia or emotional stress, a pregnant woman may be tormented by fever, vomiting with admixture of bile, chills, arrhythmia, burning in the navel, bitter taste in the mouth, weakness, itching, sweating.

Causes of pain in the right abdomen during pregnancy

The most likely and most common root cause of right side abdominal pain during pregnancy is inflammation of the appendicitis. This disease is characterized by severe pain for twelve hours (sometimes more), localized near the navel and felt on the right side of the abdomen. Quite often, soreness is associated with the urge to nausea, fever, and general weakness. Mostly women in an interesting position suffer from appendicitis in the middle of pregnancy. In the presence of the above symptoms, medical attention is urgently needed with further hospitalization of the pregnant woman and an operation.

Abdominal pain may also indicate an ectopic pregnancy, in which a rupture of the uterine tube occurs, accompanied by severe abdominal pain, opening of bleeding, and a severe general condition of the patient.

If the pain sensations during pregnancy are located in the right upper abdomen, this may indicate the presence of the following pathologies:

1 Diseases of the gallbladder can cause pain in the right abdomen during pregnancy. These include cholecystitis, dyskinesia, cholelithiasis. In acute forms of the disease, the pain is acute, and in chronic - aching pain. Also, signs of gallbladder disease include nausea, general weakness, a bitter taste in the mouth and lips, a feeling of heaviness under the right rib.

2 Diseases of the pancreas and pain on the right side of the abdomen. In pregnant women, inflammatory processes of the pancreas, the so-called pancreatitis, can often occur. For attacks of acute pancreatitis, severe pain is characteristic, which radiates to the back, severe sweating, and the urge to nausea. Lying pain intensifies, and when taking a sitting position slightly tilting the body forward, they decrease.

3 Pathological changes in the stomach and duodenum, as the cause of pain in the right abdomen. The feeling of pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, which radiates to the right, can be a symptom of gastritis or gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. In addition to pain, these pathologies are characterized by an urge to nausea, a gag reflex, a change in the general condition of a woman for the worse, and an increase in body temperature is also possible.

4 Renal diseases, pain can radiate to the right side of the abdomen. Sometimes the presence of a painful syndrome in a woman in an interesting position in the right or left side of the abdomen speaks of kidney pathologies, namely the right or left, respectively. Kidney disease during pregnancy is not uncommon. This is due to the fact that the kidneys of a girl expecting a baby are under enormous stress.

Causes of pain in the left abdomen during pregnancy

Abdominal pain on the left side in the lower region may be associated with the development of an ectopic pregnancy on the left or with a pathology of the left kidney. The symptoms of these diseases are similar to those of the corresponding pain in the lower right abdomen.

If pain appears in the upper abdomen on the left, perhaps such symptoms indicate the development of the following pathologies:

1 Diseases of the spleen can cause abdominal pain on the left during pregnancy. The spleen can be examined with an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, which will confirm or deny the presence of pathology.

2 Gastritis and gastric ulcer. During these diseases, pain in the upper abdomen can also radiate to the right or left. Also, a woman experiences heartburn, nausea, vomiting is observed.

3 Pancreatitis is sometimes accompanied by such painful symptoms. In addition to pain on the left in the upper abdomen, the pregnant woman will be accompanied by a significant deterioration in general condition and nausea.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of abdominal pain during the period of bearing a child, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist. However, even before visiting a doctor, you should not be upset, because the appearance of pain during pregnancy is quite natural and does not always indicate the presence of any pathologies. During this period, the woman's uterus grows, and the abdominal organs are slightly displaced, causing a feeling of pain. Do not be upset even if it has been diagnosed that the cause of the pain is a disease. After all, the most important thing is to start timely treatment and everything will turn out great for both the mother and the unborn baby.

What to do if the upper abdomen hurts badly during pregnancy, treatment of abdominal pain

If the occurrence of abdominal pain is not associated with diseases of the internal organs, diet can relieve the condition of a pregnant woman (refusal from fermented milk products, legumes, raw vegetables and fruits, caffeinated drinks, exotic dishes, eating boiled or steamed food instead of fried, pickled, smoked products and pickles), bed rest.

Experts warn against the use of enemas and laxatives to eliminate pain syndrome: in the presence of intestinal obstruction, inflammation in the appendages or appendix, torsion of the cyst legs and a number of other pathological conditions, the use of these measures can lead to a sharp deterioration in the condition of the expectant mother and pose a threat to life and health baby.