What is the difference between the second birth and the first? Do they usually go easier or harder? What week is the second birth more common according to statistics, how do they go and how long do they last? Duration of second labor compared with first

A couple who decide to become parents again usually makes this decision consciously. There is no longer any place for accidents, they are more experienced and confident in themselves. They say that second births are usually much easier than the first. In fact, everything is very individual, and there can be no unshakable postulates and patterns.

And yet, absolutely everyone in the house needs to be thoroughly prepared for the birth of another child - both the father of the family, and the first-born, and even more so for the mother. Knowing some of the nuances when carrying a child again will allow to smooth out many cornerstones and pitfalls and do everything to ensure that the process of his birth proceeds as planned and without unnecessary surprises.

Often, a second pregnancy requires a much more thorough preparation from a woman than the first. First, she already knows what it is and will take into account every nuance. Secondly, you will need to manage to pay attention to the first-born and inform him that soon there will be an addition in the family. The expectant mother should be prepared for the second birth physically and mentally, and also not forget about the financial aspect of this important event.

Physical training

  1. If you are planning a second birth, do not delay. If you are approaching 35, try to give birth before that time. The older the woman, the greater the risks. In this case, you should not be inspired by the brilliant examples of stars from glossy magazine covers who give birth even after 45 years. Think about the financial ability they have to ensure they have a successful second birth. Do you have such?
  2. Get a medical examination for infections and inflammations. They will need to be treated in strict accordance with the doctor's prescriptions.
  3. In the presence of chronic diseases, even if it seems to you that they did not interfere with the birth of your first baby, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  4. Vigorously train your uterine and pelvic floor muscles so that the second birth goes without complications.
  5. If the birth was for the first time, there is a chance that the situation will repeat itself. In this case, a young mother is advised to avoid heavy physical exertion during pregnancy, to give up sex, starting from the 6th month.
  6. Eat right, balanced, watch your weight.
  7. Lead an active lifestyle: walk more on foot in the fresh air, swim in the pool, do light cleaning around the house.
  8. Be sure to visit the gynecologist on the appointed days, take all tests, go through the required procedures, etc.
  9. Sign up for courses for expectant mothers: they are great at helping to physically prepare for the second birth.

Psychological attitude

  1. If the first childbirth passed with complications, with the second woman it can be very difficult to cope with the acquired negative experience. She is afraid of the second childbirth, that all these difficulties will repeat again, so she needs serious moral support, and in some cases even qualified psychological help, which cannot be refused.
  2. The expectant mother needs to understand that the second birth is not a repetition of the previous ones, that they will go according to their own, special scenario.
  3. You need to get rid of bad thoughts, tune yourself only to the positive and be sure that the second birth will be successful and safe. After all, experience already exists, and it will allow avoiding previous mistakes.
  4. It is imperative to devote all your energy to preparing your first child (no matter how old he is) for the appearance of a sister or brother soon.
  5. If the first birth took place with the help of a cesarean section (you had it), this does not mean at all that the second will end in the same way. If a sufficient time has passed between them and there are no indications for surgery, the whole process can proceed naturally.
  6. And vice versa. You do not need to be too self-confident and think that if you gave birth to the first baby on your own, then the second will be exactly the same. There are times when doctors decide to have a cesarean section during repeated childbirth. In this case, you will need to completely and completely trust the doctors and not panic.

Material aspect

  1. You need to prepare a bedroom for the baby, separate from the room of your firstborn.
  2. It is recommended to immediately make a list of things that you may need in the hospital and after the baby appears and closer to the appointed date to buy everything.
  3. You need to choose a maternity hospital and a doctor with whom you would be calm and comfortable to give birth. If the first birth was successful, it is most advisable to agree with the gynecologist who received them, so that he would bring the second baby into this world. He already knows the peculiarities of the health and body of the woman in labor, which will undoubtedly help him to facilitate the entire labor process for both the mother and the baby.
  4. You can consider the issue of partner childbirth. A man at this stage is already an experienced parent: he may want to be present at the birth of a baby and support his soul mate.

If you take into account all these aspects and prepare well, without missing important points, the birth of your second child will take place as planned, easily and without unpleasant surprises. Moreover, a woman is already familiar with the main stages of labor, and she knows how to behave in each of them.

Labor process: stages

Both the first and the second childbirth include three stages. However, each of them has its own characteristics, and they can proceed with significant differences from the previous labor activity.

  • Stage 1: contractions

The difference between the second birth and the first at this stage is that women usually do not run to the phone at the first contractions and do not rush to the hospital. They know how the second childbirth begins: the interval between contractions becomes less and less, breathing becomes more frequent, the pain intensifies (these precursors are unchanged). For the first time, there is much more panic, since the expectant mother still does not know how to distinguish real contractions from false ones.

This is important to know! The only common mistake at this stage is the decision of when to go to the hospital for the second birth: the woman remembers how long it lasted for the first time and therefore may not rush to call the ambulance team. However, with the birth of the next baby, everything will happen much faster, so at the very first contractions it is worth going to the hospital.

Most women note that the contractions are much less painful during the second birth. In fact, they are still as strong, but the body has its own "biological" memory, these sensations are already familiar to it, and therefore it no longer reacts to them so sharply. Usually, the matter does even without painkillers, but this already depends on the pain threshold of a woman, which is individual for each. The second birth at this stage is good because the expectant mother knows and behave during labor, what postures can relieve her pain.

  • Stage 2: pushing

At this stage, during the second birth, women behave much better than first-borns. They are more attentive to the advice of obstetricians, know the basics of proper breathing, and know how to push.

  • Stage 3: delivery of the placenta

At this stage, repeated labor activity differs significantly from the first, when the process of birth of the placenta causes unpleasant, even painful sensations and a feeling of discomfort. When a second baby appears, the mother may not even notice that her placenta has come off.

Due to the fact that the woman already knows how the labor is going on, the repetition of this process takes place more calmly, not so tensely and without panic. This is noted by all obstetricians-gynecologists. However, there are certain features of the second birth that every mother who has gathered for the next baby should know about.


If you know in advance how the second childbirth differs from the first, the peculiarities of their course and pregnancy will not surprise a woman and she will be able to respond to them correctly.

  • Duration of carrying a baby

A common and very common question is how long are the second births: the duration of pregnancy is very often fewer weeks (days) than during the first. This is because the cervix no longer holds the baby's weight so firmly. However, this does not entail any negative consequences for either the baby or the mother. When asked what week the second child is usually given birth, doctors answer: from 37th to 39th, the first from 39th to 42nd.

  • Duration of labor

Many people are interested in how long the second labor lasts: if the first one lasts on average from 10 to 13 hours, then here the time of labor is only 7-8 hours, because the cervix has already been developed, it becomes softer and more elastic.

  • Baby weight

Second children are usually larger than the first. But if your firstborn was about 5 kg in weight, it is unlikely that the second will be born the same hero. However, you can be absolutely sure that it will not be small. The weight gain is usually from 300 to 500 grams. If both children turned out to be same-sex or a boy was born the second, the difference in weight will be more significant. This is due to the fact that the mother's body is maximally prepared for bearing a child and creates the most comfortable and best conditions for the fetus for intrauterine development.

  • Belly size

The second pregnancy differs from the first due to changes in the body. After all, the previous baby has already managed to "stretch" the anterior abdominal wall, as a result of which it loses its former elasticity and firmness. Accordingly, others will begin to notice the tummy when carrying the baby again much earlier.

It is interesting! If a woman has a sharp pelvis, her belly is usually high and pointed during the first pregnancy. However, when carrying a second child, the abdomen will be lowered downward, which is also associated with the elongation of the abdominal wall.

  • Fetal position

In the later stages of the second birth, the lowering of the head occurs differently than during the first. In primiparous women, it usually turns out to be pressed against the bones of the pelvis already 2-3 weeks before the birth of the baby. In multiparous, it most often goes down only immediately before the very birth.

Scientific facts and signs. If a woman preparing for a second childbirth has a low belly, the appearance of a baby should be expected from day to day.

  • If the second pregnancy is twins

Doctors say that if you become pregnant with twins for the second time, you most likely bring them to the end and will not give birth early. This is due to the fact that the uterus is able to stretch more than the first time, and the body is already tuned in to a normal, stress-free and without complications, pregnancy and childbirth.

  • The first movements

Multiparous women feel the first movements of their baby in the womb 2 weeks earlier (at 17-18 weeks) than the first time (20-22 weeks). Doctors know about this and take this fact into account when calculating pregnancy, according to the first stir. There are two reasons for this. First, mom becomes more empathetic. Secondly, she is already familiar with these sensations, so she cannot confuse them with improper bowel function.

However, you need to understand that the features of the second childbirth are individual and largely depend on the health of the mother and baby, so you do not need to perceive them as an unshakable postulate.


Women who have gathered again on maternity leave are often interested: the second birth is easier or harder than the first, in order to prepare for this process morally and physically. It is widely believed that it is easier, and it is explained by the following advantages:

  • you already know how long the contractions last during the second birth: they are much shorter than the first - accordingly, the woman is not so exhausted;
  • attempts are felt more easily, because the body has its own memory and no longer perceives the generic process as a stressful, completely new situation;
  • the woman already has experience in this matter, so she can take into account her own previous mistakes: gynecologists note that during the second birth, young mothers listen to the doctor more carefully, breathe and push correctly, know how to recognize contractions during the second birth and when to call an ambulance ".

Considering all these indisputable advantages, we can conclude that the second birth is easier than the first, because both the body and the woman herself are maximally prepared for bearing a baby.

Possible complications

After the second birth, complications occur much less often than after the first. And yet they do happen.

  • Breaks

With repeated labor, the risk of new ruptures increases, if in place of the previous ones they have not yet had time to heal to the end, since the tissue in these places is no longer as elastic as before. But if the first time you avoided breaks, most likely, they will not be the next time. As a preventive measure, doctors recommend eating more cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables during the second pregnancy, while reducing the consumption of meat and fats, replacing them with fish or poultry. To avoid ruptures, experts also advise to have soft sex more often before the second birth, but it is worth considering the fact that this can provoke premature contractions.

  • Bleeding

Postpartum bleeding occurs much more often during the second birth, since the uterus contracts poorly and thereby delays postpartum discharge.

  • Rhesus conflict

If a woman has a negative Rh factor, her spouse has a positive one, repeated pregnancy increases the level of anti-Rh antibodies in the mother's blood. Accordingly, there is a risk to the health of the second baby. If, in such a situation, the immunoglobulins are controlled in order to avoid the Rh-conflict, or at least to mitigate its course, the baby will be born healthy. It is very dangerous if the first child has a positive Rh or an abortion was made between the babies. If there were no blood transfusions, abortions, miscarriages, and the first-born had Rh-negative blood, the Rh-conflict during the second birth does not threaten.

Subject to all medical indications and recommendations, good physical and moral preparedness for the second birth, complications can be easily avoided. The same measures allow the body to recover much faster after such a serious stress.

Recovery of the body

After the birth of a baby, every woman wants to return to their former forms and bounce back. In order for the body to recover faster after the stress suffered, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • the optimal period between babies is 2-3 years: this is how much time, according to experts, is required for a woman's body to fully recover and be ready for the birth of a new life in it;
  • if the gap between the first and second birth is more than 10 years, the risk of complications in the second birth increases several times;
  • the problem, how long after the second birth, is quite individual: if everything went without complications, it will take 1-1.5 weeks, but the process will be more painful than the first time;
  • usually the figure suffers very much after the second birth: excess weight is gained, the breast loses its former shape after lactation, the tummy sags, - however, with a balanced, proper diet, an active lifestyle and sports, it can be quickly restored;
  • it will be possible to lose weight after the second birth with the help of a diet only after the cessation of lactation, and until that moment, just do not get carried away with sweets and fatty foods and move more;
  • a special set of exercises will help you remove the belly after the second birth: you can start doing it already a week after the birth of the baby;
  • Do not be afraid that the vagina after the second birth will stretch and prevent pleasure during sex: this is a myth that has no scientific background: the tissue of this organ is elastic enough and quickly recovers, no matter how many children you decide to give birth to.

Usually a woman is more prepared for the second birth in all aspects: both physically and mentally. At the same time, the negative experience of the previous pregnancy should not be extended to them. When carrying another baby, you need to take into account that everything is very individual and it is impossible to predict how the birth of a baby will go.


They say that having given birth to one child, a woman becomes more confident: the excitement goes away, the fear of labor pains recedes, and the second birth is easier. However, in reality, everything may turn out differently, because there are a lot of myths around the second pregnancy. How true they are, the harder or easier the second pregnancy is, is it true that it is better to plan a second child no earlier than two years later - the answers to these key questions should be found out in advance.

What is second birth

Obstetricians-gynecologists divide all pregnant women into groups: first-born and multiparous. If there are no children, then the patient is referred to the first group. Those who have had time to experience the joys of motherhood are called second-bearing or multiparous. From a physiological point of view, repeated births are the happiest and most favorable. The body no longer experiences stress from what is happening, the uterus and cervix are more elastic, pain is less felt. In addition, a woman is prepared psychologically: she knows what to expect, is not afraid.


At the beginning of pregnancy, there may be a feeling that nothing new will happen, but in reality this is not the case. Repeated delivery, as a rule, is easier and faster, because the body has already memorized the main stages and had time to prepare for them in advance. The expectant mother is calm, she already knows how to behave correctly, what breathing should be during contractions, she will not worry, which eliminates the mistakes that were made when the first child was born.

How do they differ from the first

Judging by the reviews, the course of the next pregnancies does without severe toxicosis, and the child is born much faster. This is due to the fact that the body has already managed to adapt to what is happening, and the uterus and abdominal muscles are stretched by the first child. The fact that the lady is waiting for the replenishment of the family can be noticed already at the 16th week of pregnancy - the tummy grows faster, the expectant mother is gaining weight more rapidly. The second child is born larger and larger than the first, because the mother's body already knows how much vitamins and nutrients the baby needs to supply.

At about 18-21 weeks, the baby's movements can be clearly discerned. In addition, the belly will be lower than the first time. This will lead to the fact that the urge to use the toilet will bother you especially often, and your back will become more tired. However, even in such a situation, you can find advantages - it will become easier to breathe, there will be no such problems with digestion as last time. Doctors always advise wearing a light bandage for repeated pregnancies.

Lighter or heavier than the former

During the second birth, the cervix is ​​more elastic and softer, opens and contracts almost simultaneously, and attempts become more vigorous. This is because the body remembers the previous birth experience. The question of whether it is easier to give birth to a second child also depends on whether there were complications after the first birth, exacerbation of chronic diseases, how much time has passed since the birth of the first child. After 10 years, the woman's body will no longer be able to remember past experience, and after undergoing gynecological operations, the cervix may lose elasticity.

What week do they give birth

The opinion that the second child is born prematurely is not entirely correct. A normal pregnancy, regardless of the number of children present, can take up to 42 full weeks. However, if a woman gives birth after 37 weeks, this will also be considered the norm. Anything that happens before this time is premature delivery, and later than 42 weeks - belated delivery.

How many weeks the second child is born depends on the physiology of the woman, her age and how the pregnancy proceeded for the first time. If a woman gave birth to her first child before the date appointed by the doctors, it is likely that the situation will repeat itself. In addition, in medical practice, there have been cases when a woman set herself up for the birth of a child by a certain date, for example, for the vacation of her relatives, the arrival of her grandmother, or for her birthday.


Today there are many manuals, books and courses dedicated to how easy it is to have a second child. They help a woman to tune in morally, to calm down, it is easier to endure the hardships of repeated pregnancy. Experts advise not to lose sight of the simple everyday aspects:

  1. As with planning a first pregnancy, the woman and her partner need to undergo a full medical examination before the second conception. This point is especially important for those who decided to have a second child closer to 40 years old.
  2. Take blood tests - clinical, biochemical, for hormones and to establish the Rh factor. The latter analysis is especially important in the second pregnancy, because the amount of antibodies in the mother's body (if there is a Rh-conflict) increases with each subsequent birth.
  3. If the first baby was born by caesarean section, it is important to wait for the scarring of the soft tissue and only then plan the second child.

How are they

The duration of labor may differ from what it was the first time. Typically, in nulliparous women, contractions last from 6 to 11 hours. If less than 6 hours have passed from contractions to attempts, then labor is called rapid. When a woman managed to give birth to a child in just 4 hours of torment, such labor activity is called rapid. For multiparous, the duration is considered to be from 5 to 9 hours.

Labor activity consists of only three stages:

  1. Start. During this period, the first contractions appear, at first weak, then with greater intensity. During the contractions, the cervix begins to open, the mucous plug comes off. Repeated labor begins more rapidly, therefore, at the first contractions, a woman needs to get ready for the hospital.
  2. Birth of a child. The frequency and strength of contractions increases - they turn into attempts. At this point, the cervix should open as much as possible so as to let the baby through.
  3. Placenta delivery as the final stage. If the labor activity has passed with complications or the placenta has not come out completely, the doctor will do manual cleaning, and if there are ruptures, he will suture.

How the second labor begins

A woman who already has children can anticipate the birth of her second child in advance. There is no way to explain this scientifically, but it is generally accepted that this is how the body gives her time to prepare. Contractions will always be the first sign. In primiparas, there are so-called training contractions: they begin in advance, at 37-38 weeks, and do not last long. For second-births, this process is not typical, therefore, any pain indicates the onset of labor.

How long does the contraction last

The uterus has a cervix, which has two constrictions: inward - the internal pharynx and in the vagina - the external pharynx. During contractions, these entrances begin to expand alternately: first the one that is inside, then the outer one. If in primiparous the full disclosure of the uterus lasts about 10-12 hours, then the repeated birth will take place more rapidly - in 6-7 hours. When the cervix is ​​fully open, the woman's main task is to push to help the baby quickly pass through the birth canal.

How long does the second birth last

Pushing is essentially a contraction of the abdominal muscles. When the pressure of the amniotic fluid disappears, the baby's body relaxes, and he begins to move along the birth canal. The memory of the body helps a woman to give birth faster - attempts become more effective, the fetus moves outward faster. If the firstborn can take up to one and a half hours to do this, then the time for the repeated process is reduced to at least 40 minutes.

How is the second birth with a small difference

For the successful conception, bearing and successful birth of a child, it takes some time to replenish the body's reserve reserves of trace elements and vitamins, restore menstruation and hormonal levels. It is desirable that the second pregnancy and childbirth occur no earlier than 2.5 years after the birth of the first child. A shorter period of time is fraught with the risk of undermaturity up to 38 weeks and other complications:

  • A small pause can be complicated by anemia, which will lead to pathology of the baby's development, slow weight gain.
  • After natural blood loss, there is a high probability that an iron deficiency occurs in the mother's body. As a result, this leads to weak labor or postpartum inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • If, due to a lack of vitamins, the blood supply to the placenta is disrupted, the child may receive less oxygen, and this is fraught with hypoxia.
  • In addition, with incomplete recovery of the uterus, especially if the previous childbirth was with structural changes in the tissues, there is a high risk of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.

Possible complications

However, even a properly planned re-birth can be completely unpredictable and not as planned. Multiparous people have:

  1. Breaks. May appear due to scarring from previous births. If the previous labor activity went well, then the risk of getting ruptures is minimal. As a preventive measure, doctors recommend that pregnant women go in for sports, eat food rich in vitamins and fiber.
  2. Bleeding. The risk of postpartum hemorrhage during repeated births is much greater than after the birth of the first child. The reason for this is insufficient contraction of the uterus.
  3. Hemolytic disorder. This difficulty is encountered when a pregnant woman has a negative Rh factor and her husband is positive. Complications rarely occur at first conception, but subsequent pregnancies increase the risk of a problem due to the fact that the woman's body begins to produce more and more antibodies.

Cesarean section

To determine the method of delivery, women who have already given birth through a caesarean section are hospitalized at 36-38 weeks of gestation. Such actions help doctors monitor the subsequent course of pregnancy more closely and have time to provide emergency assistance. You can give birth on your own after cesarean, but only if the following conditions are met:

  • only one cesarean section in the history of the woman in labor;
  • previous childbirth and the postpartum period passed without complications;
  • the scar on the uterus is functionally sound, completely healed and does not bleed;
  • the fetus has a cephalic presentation, not a breech presentation;
  • the child's weight does not exceed 3.6 kg;
  • the pregnant woman has no chronic diseases, infections or fungus in the birth canal;
  • the woman has not crossed the threshold of childbearing age.

When to plan a second pregnancy

Experts recommend not to rush to re-conception, to allow the body to grow stronger and gain strength: to correct the hormonal background, the menstrual cycle, to stock up on essential nutrients, and to normalize the nervous system. According to the WHO, a full recovery should take at least two and a half years. During this rehabilitation period, especially if a woman in labor is breastfeeding a baby, you need to carefully monitor your health, eat right and be physically active.

Too much difference is also not desirable. If more than 7-10 years have passed from the time of the first conception to the second pregnancy, gynecologists again consider such women to be first-borns. During this time, the body managed to forget everything, and you will have to prepare for childbirth again. In addition, years do not add to health. After 35-40 years, a woman accumulates more and more chronic diseases, bad habits, due to which the pregnancy itself proceeds with unforeseen complications: severe gestosis, the threat of miscarriage, genetic abnormalities of the fetus.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How the second child is in labor - how many weeks does it start, contractions and duration compared to the first

It would seem, what questions may arise for a future mother who already has a child and is soon planning the birth of a second one? It turns out that women who decide to become a mother again, in some cases, have more questions than primiparas. How is the second birth going? Will the second birth be easier and faster than the first? We will provide you with the answers to the most relevant ones in our article.

When will the second birth begin?

It is quite common to call the opinion that the second birth and every subsequent birth after them occur earlier than the first. There really is some truth in this, if only because the cervix no longer holds the fetus so tightly. But this fact does not have a significant impact, because everything is very individual.

It is worth noting that a lot depends on the mood of the expectant mother for the upcoming repeated birth. Often women program themselves for a certain date of birth of a baby and it comes true. The doctor sets the approximate date of birth after the examination, but having the experience of the first pregnancy and childbirth, you will be able to quickly recognize the onset of the labor process and take all measures in a timely manner.

How long does the second birth last

According to doctors, the second birth and each subsequent birth process is easier and faster. If the first birth lasted about 11 hours, then on average the second birth will last about 8 hours. This is due to the fact that the cervix after the first birth becomes softer and more elastic, because the attempts are more intense. It is easier for a woman herself: she breathes and pushes competently. At the same time, gynecologists agree that every birth is unique and there are times when the second birth takes longer and more difficult than the first time.

Psychological moments

It is worth noting that the psychological problems of the second pregnancy and childbirth also exist. Firstly, the second conception rarely happens by chance and is already conscious, therefore, initially the woman is ready for the birth of her second child. At the same time, in some cases, the second pregnancy can be as unexpected as the first, and the expectant mother can experience the same feelings as the first time.

Secondly, the expectant mother already knows about the painfulness of childbirth, therefore her worries are fully justified, because she will have to go through the same sensations. Especially if the first birth was problematic, then the fear and unwillingness to face difficulties the second time increases. But according to statistics, women during the second birth are more confident and calmer.

Harbingers of the second birth

It is quite natural that the second labor begins in the same way as the first. However, it is worth noting that the precursors of the second birth occur more rapidly, which means that the generic process may begin earlier.

After the first birth, multiparous women experience an anatomical change in the cervix, and the sensations of the precursors of childbirth themselves become more pronounced:

  1. Discharge of the mucous plug. The mucous plug has a more voluminous size, since the cervix after the first birth becomes ajar, which allows it to open faster, which means that the second birth will begin faster than the first. The moment is not excluded when the mucous plug, together with the amniotic fluid, comes out at the moment when the second birth takes place.
  2. In late pregnancy, the volume and quantity of discharge increases.
  3. Contractions. If we compare the harbingers of the first childbirth and the second childbirth, then the contractions in multiparous women usually start ahead of time. This may be due to the physiological process and the ability to distinguish contractions from previous experience. Moreover, if the contractions are accompanied by brown discharge, then within 8-10 hours a second birth may begin.
  4. Abdominal prolapse can also be seen as a harbinger of a second birth, however, if we talk about a second birth, then the belly can sink on the day of the birth itself.
  5. The discharge of amniotic fluid is the very first harbinger of childbirth after which it is necessary to go to the hospital, especially if the process is accompanied by contractions. Water can drain, both partially and completely in large volumes.
  6. Weight loss by 1-2.5 kg also indicates that excess fluid is leaving the body, which means that a second birth is approaching.
  7. Hidden precursors of childbirth: diarrhea, nausea, frequent urination.

Second birth after cesarean

If the birth of the first child was not without surgical intervention, then the next pregnancy should not be planned in the next 5 years. During this time, the genitals will fully recover. Otherwise, there is a possibility that during the second birth there will be a dehiscence of the scar. From 36 weeks, a woman is placed in a hospital, where she is monitored by specialists. The gynecologist conducts a series of examinations, according to the results of which it is determined whether a woman can give birth a second time naturally.

The doctor gives permission for a natural second birth only if there were no complications during the entire period of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus is also an important factor. It should not be more than 3.5 kg. For natural childbirth, it is necessary that the child is in head diligence. The mother's condition must be satisfactory. If the multiparous woman has a narrow pelvis, then this can cause repeated cesarean section.

If, at the time of the passage of the child through the genital tract, complications suddenly arise, then doctors should immediately carry out an emergency operation. If the second childbirth also took place with the help of surgical intervention, then all subsequent childbirth will be carried out as well.

There are cases when, during the first birth, an abdominal operation was performed due to a large fetus or its pelvic diligence, and during the second pregnancy there are no such indications. Then the doctor can allow the woman to give birth naturally. But there are also the opposite situations: the first birth was natural, and the second birth must be carried out using a caesarean section.

How is the second birth in women over 30 years old

As mentioned earlier, doctors recommend giving birth to children under 35 to avoid unpleasant consequences. But there are times when the gap between the first and second births is more than 10 years. In this case, it is possible to reduce the sensitivity of the muscle tissue of the uterus to oxytocin, which is responsible for the frequency and strength of uterine contractions. An insufficient amount of this hormone can lead to poor labor. Such a complication is quite common in those who decided to give birth to a child after 35. During this period, chronic diseases are exacerbated, which for some time passed into a latent form, and now they have declared themselves. The risks of fetal genetic diseases are increased.

While there are many reasons why pregnancy in 30-35 has more benefits than early pregnancy, for example, women are more responsive to planning and preparation. Mature mothers-to-be strictly follow the doctor's orders and take their health seriously.

How to make a second birth easier

Despite the fact that the second birth is faster, soreness still accompanies the birth process. To alleviate the condition, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • attend group classes with a psychologist, where you can not only find out useful information, but also communicate with other mothers;
  • visit the school of future parents, where they will teach you correct breathing, give valuable advice on proper nutrition, daily routine before and after childbirth;
  • visit the pool or water aerobics: exercising in the water has a positive effect on both the physical and emotional state of the expectant mother. Water treatments strengthen muscles, tighten skin and reduce stretch marks;
  • Do gymnastics for pregnant women: special exercises will help strengthen the pelvic floor.

In addition, get ready mentally: you can practice meditation, communicate with the baby, which will allow you to relate to everything that happens with a light heart.

A second birth will go faster if you play sports. Exercise should be moderate, and all sessions should be discussed with a doctor beforehand. Your doctor may advise you on exercises that will help you prepare well for the upcoming birth. A few minutes of daily practice will give good results.

Among the physical aspects of preparation and walking in the fresh air, which will not only allow to saturate the cells with oxygen, but also contribute to the good mood of the expectant mother. Walking has a positive effect on muscle health and digestion.

Many women wonder whether they need pain-relieving or labor-stimulating drugs. Of course, it is better to discuss this moment with a doctor who will make the right decision. But you must remember that the period of contractions during the second pregnancy will be shorter, which means that you may not need anesthesia. And if you are sensitive to pain, it is possible to administer a lower dose so that the pain reliever stops working before the attempts begin.

The Role of Correct Breathing During Second Labor

Breathing plays a key role during the onset of labor. Inhale deeply through your nose, count to four, and exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of six. During exhalation, it is better to fold the lips into a tube. This seemingly simple method allows you to relax and oxygenate your blood. A full exhalation will allow you to more effectively get rid of carbon dioxide and get more air during inhalation.

The dog breath technique works great. We have all seen many times how dogs breathe when they are hot: short breaths in and out through the mouth. This technique also makes the birth process easier.

Only at first glance, the second childbirth seems easier than the first. If during pregnancy with the firstborn in women there are a lot of questions about the signs, duration and characteristics of the birth process, then with repeated pregnancy everything seems already familiar and understandable. In fact, second births require no less detailed explanation, because they have specific features that women may not even know about. In this article, we will talk about the differences between second births, when they begin and how long they last.

When to give birth?

Most Russian families today decide on a second child. In the USSR, the second child was considered, if not a luxury, then the maximum number of children per family. Today, the attitude towards having many children has changed, and more and more parents decide not only about the need to give birth to a second baby, but also a third and fourth.

The second child is a more deliberate choice of parents than the firstborn. It is no secret that the first baby is often given birth due to "it happened", among those who come to the hospital for the second baby, there are not so many "unplanned" ones. Parents already know what they are doing, what difficulties and responsibilities they will face.

The second pregnancy usually proceeds more smoothly, unless, of course, it is associated with complications and pathologies. In the process of carrying crumbs, mom knows and understands a lot. She already knows what tests and why she passes, why it is necessary to visit a gynecologist on time. But regarding the timing of childbirth, there is more incomprehensible for a pregnant woman than when carrying a first child.

Popular rumor has it that the second child is usually born before the first child. There is some truth in this. Urgent delivery in obstetrics is considered to be childbirth that occurs in the period as close as possible to the PDD - the estimated date of delivery. But the date indicated in the exchange card is only an approximate guideline. No more than 5% of babies are born within the specified period. Delivery is considered timely if it occurs from 37 weeks of gestation to 42 inclusive.

The second children are rarely worn up to 42 weeks, not every baby "sits" in the mother's tummy even up to 40 weeks. The cervix of a woman who has already given birth is weaker, it softens and opens faster, and therefore the pressure of the head of the crumbs on it from the inside ultimately leads to the fact that labor begins before 40 weeks. The most common second birth occurs between 38 and 39.5 weeks of gestation.

But the maternal factor (the condition of the cervix and the birth canal) is not the only one that affects the term of labor. There is also a fruitful factor. If the baby is not ready for birth for some reason, labor will not start.

In order for regular reflex labor to begin, it is necessary that a sufficient amount of oxytocin, estrogen is produced in the woman's body, and the concentration of progesterone decreases, so that the cervix becomes soft and smoothed, so that the uterine tissues prepare for contractile activity, so that the fetus gains the required mass and the placenta is mature enough ... The starting process is very complex from a chemical, biochemical and physiological point of view.

Surprising fact: second births are often "ordered" by women. If a pregnant woman initially tunes in to give birth to a baby by a certain date - by her husband's birthday, by the beginning of his vacation, then with a probability of up to 80% this is exactly what happens. It is difficult to give a clear explanation of this from the point of view of medicine and science, it is possible that there is an auto-training effect.


Another common popular opinion regarding second births is duration. It is argued that childbirth lasts less than in the first case. There is also a great deal of truth in this. If in primiparous women the entire period of childbirth from the first contraction to the release of the placenta can take from 9 to 14 hours or even more (labor is considered protracted, which lasts more than 18 hours), then women in labor who come to the hospital for the second time usually give birth during the period from 6 to 8 hours (rarely - 10 hours). Obstetricians talk about a quick and rapid second birth, if the whole process ends in 2 hours. In primiparous, the criterion for the rapidity of labor is 4 hours.

Reducing the time of childbirth is primarily associated with the better preparedness of the female body for contractions, attempts. The muscles are more stretched, the genital tract and cervix "remember" what should happen and in what sequence. The genital tract is more elastic, whereas at the first birth, the child encounters serious resistance when passing through them.

All stages of childbirth the second time are faster, and this is a fact. Contractions are shortened due to the faster opening of the neck, pushing due to muscle elasticity. The only stage at which a woman can stay longer than during the first birth is the stage of birth of the placenta. It is the stretching of the uterine tissues that leads to a tighter adherence of the placenta, so its birth is difficult, but not for everyone.

The duration of labor is shortened not only for anatomical and physiological reasons. An experienced woman in labor already knows how to breathe, when to push, how to relax, how to follow the obstetrician's commands, and this is an important skill.

Do all women have a second birth faster than the first? Unfortunately, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Any childbirth, regardless of what they are, is individual and unique in its own way. That is why there are those who gave birth to their second child as much in time as the first, and even those who spent more time in the second birth than the first time.

But still, in most women in labor, the repeated process is more intense, more energetic and less painful. Correct behavior, psychologically higher readiness for the process, understanding of what is happening and the absence of anxious uncertainty that torments primiparous, in this case they do their job - natural mechanisms of pain relief work, as a result of which the woman notes that childbirth was not associated with acute and intolerant pain reactions ...

How is it going?

All stages of childbirth will be exactly the same as the first time, but they will proceed with some peculiarities. Even if the firstborn was born difficult and painfully, you should not immediately recall the horrors and nightmares with the first contractions in the second childbirth (painting them in darker colors than it was in reality), since the second childbirth will feel different.

The first stage of labor is labor, unless, of course, labor begins with the outpouring of water (this happens in about 10% of cases). The first contractions are latent. Even during the first birth, they are not associated with acute pain, and during the second, they very often go unnoticed at all. Slightly pulls the lower back, the lower abdomen aches slightly. Over the last month of gestation, a woman gets used to such sensations, and therefore cannot always identify the onset of labor. In addition, the multiparous is tuned to about the same beginning as the first time, and this is the main mistake.

As a result, when the expectant mother begins to realize that she has started regular labor pains, the cervical dilatation is already sufficient to go to the hospital. The latent period, which in primiparous lasts up to 8 hours, in women during the second birth is reduced to 5-6 hours, after which quite frequent contractions occur - once every 5 minutes and the disclosure reaches 3-4 centimeters.

Active contractions that follow latent contractions last no more than 3 hours in multiparous (during the first birth - up to 5-6 hours). This period should no longer be spent at home, but in a hospital. This is where comfortable poses that come to mind in time will come in handy, in which it is easier to wait out the fight. At the first birth, a woman tries different options, selects a comfortable body position. For the second, she already remembers in which position she felt good the last time, and immediately does what will be easier and more comfortable. This greatly facilitates the second stage of the contractions.

The third stage - transitional contractions, usually lasts about half an hour during the second birth. The uterus reaches its maximum opening and during a vaginal examination its borders are no longer determined - the baby's head is ready for birth.

When there is a desire to push hard, with increased downward pressure, the second-birth usually clearly knows - it's time to call the doctors and go to the delivery room, since the attempts begin. If the birth is not the first, usually by this time the outpouring of water has already occurred.

The second stage of labor begins. At this time, it is important for a woman to breathe correctly in order to help the baby to be born faster. The head is born first, if the fetus is located in the cephalic presentation, then the shoulders. Then the baby leaves the genital tract entirely. If the woman in labor does everything in accordance with the requirements of the obstetrician - pushing when the appropriate command follows, resting when required, then the likelihood of rupture and injury to the fetus during childbirth is reduced.

The need to protect the perineum from rupture by surgical dissection (episiotomy or parineotomy) in the second birth occurs less often than in the first. The exception is cases when a woman in the perineum has scars from ruptures in the first birth, since the likelihood of a repetition of the rupture, if the first was serious and deep, is quite high.

After the baby is born (the second period, usually during the second birth, takes no more than half an hour - forty minutes), the baby is applied to the breast and transferred to neonatologists for examination, weighing, Apgar assessment. Obstetricians continue to give birth - the third period begins, in which the placenta and the remnants of the membranes must leave the uterine cavity.

The afterbirth ("baby's place") should exfoliate from the wall of the uterus, and therefore be born in 1-2 attempts. Uterine contractions usually resume, but they no longer have such a pronounced intensity and are not perceived as painful by a woman. Quite often, during the second birth, there is a need for manual assistance to a weakened uterus - the obstetrician can facilitate separation and exit using one of the existing methods of exposure, or manually separate the placenta.

Then the woman enters the early postpartum period, which will last up to 4 hours. In general, the recovery period from the point of view of obstetricians lasts 42 hours. It has been noticed that those giving birth again quickly recuperate and get out of bed earlier. They less often have difficulties and difficulties with the establishment of full-fledged lactation, with the attachment of the baby to the breast.

If the wards in the maternity hospital are intended for the joint stay of a mother and a child, then such women are better able to cope with caring for a newborn from the first hours of his life.

Psychological nuances

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the psychological readiness for repeated childbirth. It is only at first glance that it is easier and easier for a woman, everything that happens is clearer. In practice, and female psychologists working in consultations are forced to state this, a woman going to a second birth experiences no less than the first time, and sometimes even more.

Indeed, for women whose first birth was relatively easy and successful, it is much easier to go for repeated ones. There is no negative and difficult psychological experience. In this case, the confidence, calmness, balance of the woman in labor really have a positive effect on reducing pain, and on reducing the duration of the stages and periods of childbirth.

It is much more difficult to accept the forthcoming childbirth for women who were "unlucky" in the first childbirth - childbirth was difficult, complicated, accompanied by ruptures, postpartum pathologies. They involuntarily transfer the existing experience to the idea of ​​the upcoming birth process and mentally prepare for the repetition of the negative scenario. Fear is deeply rooted in them, which does not contribute to either reducing pain, or shortening the duration of labor, or easy opening of the cervix, since at the physical level, fear causes muscle tension, "clamps" and blocks.

That is why the correct psychological preparation before the second birth is needed no less than before the first, and sometimes to a greater extent. A psychologist can help a pregnant woman with a consultation, his appointment is free. You just need to inform the obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the pregnancy about your desire to talk to a psychologist.

Such classes with a specialist will not be superfluous for women who had a cesarean section for the first time, and doctors allowed their second child to give birth on their own. Their fear is even stronger, because each of the expectant mothers is afraid not only of pain and for the health of the baby, but also for the condition of the stitches on the uterus - they can disperse already in the process of contractions, the uterus can rupture. Such women are explained that the likelihood of rupture is small, childbirth with a scar on the uterus is taken with special attention and care, moreover, a surgical team is always ready, which at any time can conduct an emergency caesarean section if the physiological birth goes according to an unplanned scenario.

It is imperative to seek help from women who are in difficult social or personal circumstances. The second pregnancy is not always desirable, the spouse does not always support the wife's desire to have a second baby, the family does not always have sufficient financial support. And therefore, disturbing thoughts about how and what to feed the baby after birth, how to raise him, at what means, sometimes bring the pregnant woman again to a real nervous breakdown.

In general, the second pregnancy pleases women more than the first. These happy and difficult nine months are rethought in a new way, with a different mood the woman collects the dowry for the baby, everything is filled with a deeper meaning. The expectant mother has almost no time to discuss possible terrible torments and serious consequences with her friends, because the first child requires care, attention, and education.

Doctors note that multiparous are more efficient - they do not have to be persuaded to take an analysis or visit an ultrasound office. Understanding the essence of the process and knowing the characteristics of your own body have a positive effect on both bearing and the process of giving birth to a baby.

Possible complications

The likelihood of complications after the second birth in women is at the same level as after the first. The only caveat lies in the fact that the likelihood of developing postpartum bleeding in patients who have become mothers twice is slightly higher than in those who have given birth to their first child. This is due to the greater elongation of the walls of the uterus, weakness of the uterine muscles and cervix. It is these two factors that create a certain threat of hypotension and atony of the uterus in the postpartum period.

The reproductive organ needs to shrink to its previous size, the process of reverse development begins, the so-called involution of the uterus. It is this process in a woman who has given birth twice may be weaker, and therefore the contraction will proceed slowly, abnormally. Doctors undoubtedly know about the increased risk, therefore, from the very first hours, they will monitor the contractile ability of the uterus in the postpartum women with special attention. If necessary, she will be injected with contraction drugs that will intensify spasms and will facilitate the discharge of blood lochia and a decrease in the fibers of the myometrium.

It should be noted that with the modern development of medicine, inflammatory and stagnant phenomena associated with uterine hypotonia, postpartum hemorrhage due to a weak uterine tone are not as common as before. In multiparous, according to statistics, this happens in 0.5% of cases. In almost 100% of cases, a woman, if this happens, is provided with competent and timely medical care, so nothing threatens her life.

The likelihood of infection in the uterus, the development of endometritis or endometriosis after the second birth is at the level of statistics for the first birth - 1.7-2.5%. The likelihood of inflammation of the sutures in the perineum, if there were spontaneous tears or surgical incision, does not exceed 3-5%, provided that the woman adheres to the requirements of hygiene and the rules for caring for the sutures in the intimate area.

A tangible risk after the birth of a second baby for a woman is viral and other common diseases that can begin already in the early recovery period. Immunity was undermined by childbirth, there was a certain blood loss, and therefore it is rather difficult for the body of the mother to resist viruses and bacteria. But even this problem can be dealt with by observing preventive requirements. Also, a woman should remember that if there is a history of chronic diseases after repeated childbirth, the likelihood of an exacerbation of these ailments is slightly higher.

What affects the nature of the birth process and rehabilitation?

What will be the second birth and the subsequent recovery after them, depends on many reasons and factors. If desired, a woman herself can assess all possible risks. The doctor in consultation and the medical staff in the hospital will do this without fail. The likelihood of deviations from the classic second birth picture described above and the higher risks of complications depend on several factors.

  • The gap between childbirth- if the first birth was only a year ago, then both pregnancy and the birth of a baby can be associated with great risks, because the woman's body did not have time to sufficiently recover after the first birth. A too long break (more than 8-10 years) can bring unpleasant "surprises". The woman's body “forgets”, the same “muscle memory” is partially lost, which makes repeated childbirth easier and shorter, so childbirth can proceed like the first time with all the ensuing consequences. A break of 2-4 years is considered optimal.
  • Age. It is believed that for second or third births, age does not matter, it is important only for primiparous. This is not true. Over the years, the quality of oocytes deteriorates in women, and therefore the likelihood of congenital defects and chromosomal abnormalities in a child is higher. And it doesn't matter what kind of childbirth is coming. Older women, as a rule, already have chronic diseases that aggravate both pregnancy and childbirth. The likelihood of complications is also higher in women who are too young to give birth to a second baby under the age of 19. The optimal age is considered to be from 19 to 35 years old. But women in 40 and older may well give birth easily and without consequences for the health of the baby. The main thing is pregnancy planning, examinations and timely diagnosis.
  • Features of the current pregnancy. Singleton pregnancies are usually easier than multiple pregnancies. Carrying a fetus and childbirth, both for the first and second time, is aggravated by factors such as a large fetus, placenta previa, umbilical cord entanglement. In some cases, a woman, even who has successfully given birth for the first time, is asked to complete her second pregnancy with a planned caesarean section so as not to expose her and the baby to unjustified risk.

Do you need preparation?

A woman who is about to give birth for the second time, along with a primiparous woman, will be asked to enroll in courses for expectant mothers at an antenatal clinic. On them, a woman will be able to remember and refresh in her memory the breathing technique in childbirth and massage techniques for natural pain relief of contractions. During the courses, specialists will answer all questions - about childbirth, pregnancy, and caring for a baby.

There is never too much parenting experience, especially since new medicines, new methods of providing obstetric care, and new methods of pain relief appear almost every year. The woman will be told about all this at the preparatory courses, and there will be much fewer questions directly in the hospital.

Courses for women who decide to give birth to a second baby with a partner will be especially useful. Partnership childbirth requires particularly careful joint preparation, because the husband in the hospital is not an outside observer, but a real participant in the process with his responsibilities.

For a woman who intends to become a mother twice, it is important to engage in her physical form during pregnancy, to prevent muscle weakness and hypotonia - a lot depends on their condition during childbirth. A set of Kegel exercises is especially recommended for multiparous. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, weakened after the birth of the first child. You also need to eat right, take vitamins recommended by your doctor, and avoid stress.

Pain management issues

Repeated labor is advised to pay attention to the methods of natural pain relief. The author of one of the most popular is the French obstetrician Fernand Lamaze. This is a complex training, which is based on correct breathing, aromatherapy, special exercises for relaxation, auto-training. Only confidence in success and complete muscle relaxation, according to the French specialist, can guarantee less pronounced pain during the birth of a baby.

In any case, a woman giving birth again at any time of childbirth can count on the help of medical personnel. The Ministry of Health recommends giving women pain relievers on demand. A woman is not obliged to suffer and suffer in childbirth, this is contrary to the principles of the doctor's humanity. Therefore, today, epidural anesthesia is actively used, in which anesthetics are injected through a lumbar puncture into the epidural space of the spine.

If there are no contraindications to such anesthesia, it may well be applied for the first, and for the second, and for any subsequent childbirth. You can identify contraindications in advance by talking with an obstetrician-gynecologist in consultation or with an anesthesiologist at the hospital.

If for a number of reasons such anesthesia cannot be given to a particular woman, she will be offered other methods - medicines with anesthetic and antispasmodic effect, intravenous administration of drugs - muscle relaxants, etc. It is better to discuss possible methods in advance with the doctors of the selected maternity hospital when signing an exchange card in it. ...

The appearance of a baby in the family is an important event. The couple are happy and try to spend more time together. New traditions are emerging: evening walks, joint swimming, visiting the park on Sunday. Parents do not cease to admire the child and observe with special trepidation how quickly it grows. Time goes forward, and there are first talks about the birth of a second baby. The family begins planning a pregnancy, and after a while the woman notices two stripes on the test. In addition to the joy experienced by this news, the question arises of how the second birth is going.

How long does it take to repeat labor?

The second birth is not an easy process. Despite the acquired first experience, it is impossible to determine exactly when regular contractions will begin or amniotic fluid will recede.

To find out the timing of the start of repeated labor, you need to remember in which week the last pregnancy ended. If the first time it happened at 40 weeks, then the second time will happen 5-7 days earlier.

The due date depends only on the baby. When the child no longer needs to be in the womb, he will be ready to be born. If this has not happened, then the baby is not yet ready to live separately from the mother's body. It is for this reason that many mothers refuse to offer obstetricians to stimulate labor.

Features of the second birth and their differences from the first

The birth of the second child differs in many respects from the first. Usually, childbirth is much faster and easier. The psychological attitude of the woman is also important in this matter. After the first delivery, various fears appear. Primiparas admit that the pain experienced during childbirth is unbearable and difficult to forget about. With the onset of the second pregnancy, memories of their own experiences involuntarily come up, about the fear of harming the child at the time of his birth.

A woman in a position needs to try to calm down, stop thinking about the bad. When planning a new pregnancy, you should pay attention to:

  1. the health status of the expectant mother;
  2. the time interval between childbirth;
  3. method of delivery (naturally or by caesarean section).

Before conception, a woman needs to visit a therapist and gynecologist. This is necessary to identify possible risks. Next, you should calculate how much time has passed since childbirth. The World Health Organization advises planning a pregnancy in 2-2.5 years. The body needs this time to recover and prepare for the successful completion of pregnancy during the second birth.

The small interval between births can lead to a lack of essential vitamins and minerals. As a result, the risks of anemia in the mother and malnutrition in the baby increase. Take your time with a new pregnancy. Try to adequately assess the situation and answer the question whether you can bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

With a long time interval (more than 10 years), there is a risk of fetal malformations. Obstetricians attribute this to the physiology of the body. The fact is that in women over the age of 35, the blood supply to the uterus worsens.

Signs of the onset of labor

A pregnant woman can feel in advance how her body is beginning to prepare for the birth of a baby if she already has children. A day before the appearance of regular contractions, multiparous people feel subtle spasms. Toilet trips become more frequent - the body is trying to cleanse itself before hard work. The baby in the womb changes its behavior. He can show sharp activity, or, on the contrary, calm down for a while. The mucous plug may come off within 24 hours.

Many inexperienced women in labor have training contractions a day before the birth of a baby. They appear as mild discomfort in the lower abdomen. Distinguishing false contractions from true ones is easy. If you change your posture, all sensation disappears. For example, if you were in bed, get up and walk a few meters. If the discomfort is gone, then these were the harbingers of childbirth.

The nature of the contractions

When labor pains appear, experienced women in labor remain calm. They already know how to calculate the intervals between spasms and when to go to the maternity hospital (for more details, see the article: When is it time for a woman to go to the maternity hospital for repeated births?). The primiparous have not yet developed a complete understanding of the nature of the contractions. If the rest periods in between are shortened, the pain builds up, and the heart rate increases, it's time to pack.

What mistake can women make when giving birth again? After carrying and giving birth to a baby, memories of the duration of the contractions remain in the memory. Because of this, many pregnant women try to wait at home so that they can go to the delivery room immediately upon arrival of the ambulance team. However, they forget that repeated childbirth always goes faster, therefore, if spasms and growing pain appear, doctors should be urgently called.

The nature of the contractions changes, they become less painful. Why it happens? This is due to the fact that the body that has undergone the birth of a child during pregnancy prepared for hard work in advance. He does not react as sharply to painful contractions. At this stage, many mothers agree with the obstetrician's suggestion to stop using anesthesia. It should be borne in mind that the pain threshold for each woman is individual, so a woman in labor should listen to her body.

Full dilation of the cervix and passage of the baby through the birth canal

Full dilation of the uterus in the first birth occurs within 12 hours. In the second-bearing, the duration of the process is reduced to 6 hours. The next stage after the contractions is the appearance of attempts. How long do they last (more in the article: how long does the attempts last?)? During the first birth - no more than 2 hours, with repeated - from 15 to 20 minutes. In the latter case, the attempts pass faster, as well as the passage of the baby through the birth canal. Pregnant women know from their own experience how to push and breathe correctly, which posture will help reduce pain.

Exit placenta

To give birth to the placenta (afterbirth) is not particularly difficult. This happens within 15-20 minutes. Many mothers do not even notice how she departs when giving birth to her second child. At first, the birth of the placenta can cause pain, at the next, women experience only slight discomfort. After this stage, doctors carefully examine the mother, check the uterine cavity, the vagina, and, if ruptures are found, stitches.

Which childbirth is easier - the first or the second?

The first births differ in many respects from the subsequent ones. This is due to the psychological aspect, and with the state of health, and with the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. Is it true that the second birth is easier and faster? Many women agree with this hypothesis because:

  1. the total time of childbirth is reduced (they last about 6 hours on average);
  2. the pain of contractions decreases;
  3. the acquired knowledge helps (how to breathe, how to lie down, how to push).

Cesarean section

Pregnant women do not always have the opportunity to give birth to a baby naturally. In this case, an operation is performed using anesthesia (epidural or spinal) or anesthesia. Caesarean section is carried out as planned and urgently (in unforeseen cases). If the obstetrician-gynecologist informed in advance that this particular method of delivery was chosen, you can independently set the date of the operation. At the same time, existing risks must be taken into account.

After natural childbirth

After the baby is born naturally, there is no need to worry about a possible caesarean section. Obstetricians often say that the first and subsequent births are the same. Their differences lie only in the duration of the process and the accumulated experience of the woman in labor. When setting out to give birth a second time, tune in to having a baby naturally. When contractions begin, do breathing exercises and other exercises that will help not only calm down, but also speed up the time for cervical dilatation.

Often, when transferring a pregnant woman to the delivery room, obstetricians have concerns that an operation may have to be performed. This may be due to the fact that the cervix has become "oak", the opening is slow, and the amniotic fluid has already departed, etc.

After a cesarean section

If doctors talk about performing a cesarean section a second time, then they have concerns. A favorable outcome of delivery is 90% dependent on how the scar is formed. If a second pregnancy occurs after a year or before the expiration of 2 years, then this can provoke bleeding. The scar on the uterus may not withstand the load and disperse, therefore the World Health Organization recommends planning subsequent pregnancies after 5 years. During this time, a woman will restore her body, gain strength to bear a child.

Often, doctors persuade a pregnant woman to give birth naturally if a well-formed scar is visible during an ultrasound of the uterus. Before giving birth to a baby, a woman needs to go through:

  1. hysteroscopy;
  2. hysterography.

The results of the research will determine how a woman will give birth. These procedures help doctors choose the right delivery method.

The psychological aspect of second birth

The psychological aspect plays an important role. With the right mood of the pregnant woman, it will be easier to endure contractions and attempts, the birth of the placenta. Try to think only about the good, drive away disturbing thoughts from yourself.

Remember how you rejoiced in your new position, how your spouse, friends and family took this news. Dream about the time you will devote to your baby. Imagine how you will walk with him, play, read fascinating books to him, tell fairy tales. Try to imagine that very soon your child will be sitting, crawling, walking, drinking from a straw on his own. Enjoy these thoughts. Talk to your baby out loud. Tell him how much dad wants to meet him, how you love him and want to see him as soon as possible.