What a woman experiences before childbirth. Condition before childbirth: mental and physical condition, harbingers of childbirth

From the middle of the third trimester, a woman begins to experience tension, which increases every day. The less time is left before the meeting with the baby, the shorter the night's sleep becomes and the stronger the excitement. The state before childbirth changes due to physiological factors and depends on psychological readiness. A thorough study of the symptoms will allow the pregnant woman to seek medical attention in time and avoid complications.

The prenatal state of a woman before childbirth changes 10-14 days before the event. 70% note a change in the psychological state (excitement, anxiety) and appearance (posture, abdominal position). Other patients feel the precursors only before the contractions, when the cervix begins to open.

After what time labor begins, depends on the woman's behavior at the first precursors. Stimulation, in the form of active walking, massage, impact on the nipples, will bring the onset of contractions closer. But the norm for each case is individual.

The optimal period for the resolution of pregnancy is from 37 to 42 weeks. Babies born before this time are considered premature, later - overripe. 75% of births occur between 39 and 41 weeks. It has been noticed that boys are formed and are born earlier than girls.

Some babies, slowly developing in the second trimester, gain additional weight up to 1.5 kg in the last month before childbirth. Mom feels that her stomach has grown a lot, it has become more difficult.

The norm of obstetric pregnancy is 40 weeks. When calculating the PDR, the gynecologist is guided by this figure. But only 5% of babies are born according to the preliminary calculations of the doctor. Average error is 10-14 days.

Influencing factors:

  1. menstrual cycle;
  2. heredity;
  3. during pregnancy.

A frequently used method for determining the PDD, when registering, is focusing on the menstrual cycle. On the Internet, it is easy and quick to independently calculate the time frame using special calculators.

How do you know how many days the labor will start? Given the known date of conception (N), the formula is used: N + 266 days = day of delivery. If ovulation (O) was tracked, the number is calculated: O +268 days. Or 280 days are added to the first day of menstruation.

In 7 out of 10 patients, the week of delivery coincides with the periods of permission for pregnancy in the mother, grandmother. There are also overlaps in infant height and weight.

The course of pregnancy affects maturity, fetal behavior and the course of events in the future. Polyhydramnios, abnormal placenta previa, large fetus and chronic diseases can bring the date of delivery closer. For patients with a difficult pregnancy, excessive nervousness before childbirth is a factor that provokes the threat of miscarriage.

The physical state

More than half of women, even without PDD, feel an early meeting with a baby in advance. The well-being of a pregnant woman before childbirth is determined by hormonal changes, changes in the structure and behavior of tissues, which are expressed by specific symptoms.


  • braxtones;
  • decrease in body weight;
  • excretion of colostrum;
  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • change in gait;
  • frequent urination;
  • defecation (upset stool);
  • fetal movement;
  • discharge.

Braxtons. From 36 weeks onwards, training contractions are normal. By the end of pregnancy, the body is dominated by the hormone estrogen, which softens the tissues of the uterus. Due to changes in the fibers, the walls stretch, pushing the fetus down, then relax. False contractions are painless and irregular.

Body mass. The weight of a pregnant woman is reduced by several kilograms 2 weeks before delivery. Swelling goes away, as the concentration of progesterone, which retains fluid, decreases in the body. Due to hormonal changes and excitement, appetite disappears.

Colostrum. From the beginning of the third trimester, some pregnant women observe discharge from the areoles, in the form of a transparent white liquid. Appears more often with pressure, by the time the delivery begins, the color changes to white. Stimulating the nipples, with the appearance of colostrum, will increase lactation in the future.

Belly and gait. As the fetus moves towards the exit from the uterus, the center of gravity also changes. The spine has to bend back to support the weight, so the gait becomes "goose bumps".

Toilet calls. Frequent urination before childbirth is due to the pressure of the grown uterus on the bladder. Sometimes a woman urinates involuntarily without noticing it. Traces are found only on the gasket.

Estrogen, which softens the fibers of the uterus, also affects the intestinal wall. The pressure of the fetus makes you want to go to the toilet in large quantities, diarrhea begins, 3-4 times a day. The contraction of the weak (due to estrogen) walls of the organ also provokes gases in the intestines before childbirth.

Stirring. 7-10 days before delivery, fetal movements subside. The baby seems to freeze, accumulates energy to move along the birth canal. Due to the space and size of the fetus limited by the fetal bladder, the child is constrained in movements, but 1-2 times a day the woman feels a confident strong push.

Allocations. If mucus with a yellow tint appears on the gasket, the neck begins to open, the cervical plug comes off. Discharge of blood is abnormal, green, yellow, with an unpleasant odor, in the form of cottage cheese. In such a situation, hospitalization is required, due to the risk of infection of the fetus.

Weakness and malaise before childbirth usually goes away 3-4 days before the onset of labor. The woman feels a surge of energy, lightness, the feeling of the heaviness of the abdomen disappears. Therefore, if there is no strength before childbirth, the wait seems prolonged, there are signs of depression, then there is at least a week before delivery. You need to be in the fresh air more often, to be distracted by knitting, reading detective stories.

Psychological condition

Against the background of hormonal changes, frequent changes and mood swings before childbirth are normal. But to exclude the development of phobias, psychological preparation is recommended from a period of 18-20 weeks.

What happens to a woman before childbirth:

  1. nesting syndrome;
  2. change of mood;
  3. fear.

Nesting Syndrome. This psychological sign of childbirth is explained by excitement, the mother is agitated, the hormonal background is being rebuilt. Most of the time is taken by worries about the arrangement of the home for the baby - the purchase of bed linen, sterilizers, hygiene items.

The woman changes the curtains, she wants the prevalence of bed tones, the smell of cleanliness, etc. The agitated psychological state of a woman before childbirth provokes behavior similar to the arrangement of a nest with a wild bird.

Changeable emotions. The main reason for the bad mood before childbirth and its swings is the high concentration of the female hormone. The maximum content is noted by the middle of the third trimester. Estrogen provokes tearfulness before childbirth, weakness, pity for yourself and others. But as soon as a woman looks at herself from a comfortable angle, another female reaction turns on - narcissism, satisfaction, joy.

In both situations, estrogen enhances the brightness of the emotion, which causes tears to appear, or, conversely, prolonged laughter, turning into hysteria. Mood swings and apathy before childbirth will subside one week before the onset of labor.

Fears. In 65% of cases, poor health before childbirth is caused by accumulated fear. The main reasons are the fear of pain, complications, death of the baby, disconnection from society. Often, anxiety before childbirth is caused by the fear of losing external attractiveness, being in demand from others. Such manifestations, without the intervention of a psychologist, develop into phobias, and entail severe depression.

To prevent hormonal changes from escalating into depressive disorders, the pregnant woman is advised to walk more, consume joy carbohydrates (bananas, oatmeal, dark chocolate), do swimming, yoga and abandon forums. It is better to take the time to prepare for each of the stages of delivery.

When to go to the hospital

A quick birth is considered to last from 1.5 hours. This amount of time is recommended by obstetricians to be guided by when going to the hospital, especially if the pregnancy is repeated.

What condition is observed in a pregnant woman before childbirth in a few hours:

  • training fights;
  • the cork will come off - a clot of mucus;
  • there will be aching pains in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • the uterus will begin to contract, the true contraction increases from 10 seconds to 1-1.5 minutes;
  • amniotic fluid is released by a stream.

In half of the cases, after false contractions, labor begins in 4-6 hours. In other situations, the break between the "braxtons" and the opening of the cervix lasts up to 2-3 weeks. During this time, you should prepare for each of the stages.

Things to do before giving birth:

  1. breathing exercises;
  2. Kegel exercises;
  3. yoga classes, swimming;
  4. stretching gymnastics.

Breathing techniques and exercises for the muscles of the vagina will help you to endure contractions more easily. In pushing, elastic muscles, plus the correct behavior, will minimize the risk of rupture. Need yoga classes before childbirth for psychological relief, training self-control, control over emotions. It improves blood circulation, oxygen supply to organs, and improves mood.

There are proven signs by which an early meeting with a baby is determined. When one symptom appears, it is not recommended to further stimulate the process, everything should proceed naturally. Walking before childbirth brings the onset of labor closer, but this method is excluded for women in labor at risk of premature birth. Calmness and discretion are the keys to a successful pregnancy resolution.

For nine months, a woman is preparing for one of the main events of her life - the birth of a child. Although childbirth is a relatively short process, it takes a lot of time and effort. This is a very important and difficult stage for a woman, after which her life changes radically. Despite the fact that childbirth is a natural process, it is imperative to prepare for it. The prenatal or prenatal period is considered to be the last month of pregnancy. At this time, the woman's body is already attuned to childbirth, and the fetus is already fully formed and almost ready to leave the "house". Already a few weeks before giving birth, a woman is changing in many ways: both psychologically and physically.

Way of life before childbirth

For a woman's good physical condition, so that the muscles are in, throughout pregnancy it is necessary to do, which are included in the gymnastic complexes developed for women "in position". Activities in the pool have a very beneficial effect on the physical condition.

Of course, we really hope that if you smoked before pregnancy, then upon learning about the baby, you immediately gave up this nasty habit. If (and it happens also!) Not, then find the strength in yourself. Both you and your baby need this. You must understand that smoking, like, is incompatible with the birth of a healthy child.

Relaxing, walking in the fresh air, doing gymnastics for pregnant women, reading good books - all this will ensure you not only a good pregnancy, but also an easy childbirth.

Health status before childbirth

It's no secret that a pregnant woman should carefully monitor her health. Check your health again before giving birth. It does not hurt to visit a therapist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, neuropathologist. Do not forget to go to the dentist, because bad teeth can become and cause complications in the postpartum period. If yours is severe, see a vascular surgeon. The doctor will determine if the condition has worsened and if a caesarean section is required. A month before giving birth, doctors recommend a complete sanitation of the birth canal. This is done to clean them from pathogenic microflora. This is especially true if a woman has sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.). Such procedures are necessary in order to protect the baby during his passage through the birth canal. Also, sanitation will help protect the woman in labor from cracks in the vaginal mucosa, the occurrence of which is possible due to inflammation.

As for the gynecologist, starting from the 36th week, a woman must visit him once a week. At the appointment, the doctor measures the size of the uterus, listens to the fetal heartbeat, determines its position.

Nutrition before childbirth

If a pregnant woman needs to monitor the quantity and quality of food eaten for all nine months, then on the eve of childbirth, special attention should be paid to this issue in general.

A month before childbirth, nutrition does not change in favor of meat: its amount should be limited, and two to three weeks before it should be excluded altogether. It is also recommended to remove from the diet and others containing animal protein (fish, eggs, butter, milk). At the same time, fermented milk products, plant foods, cereals on the water, baked vegetables, fresh juices, mineral water, herbal teas are very useful.

A week before the expected birth, it is worth excluding cereals, bread, dairy products, salt. The diet should be only plant foods. It is very important that vegetable oil enter the body of a pregnant woman at this time. Vitamin E, contained in it, helps to make both blood vessels and tissues of the birth canal more elastic. It is also lovely.

On the day of childbirth, it is better not to eat anything at all, however, if the contractions have begun, then it is unlikely that you will have an appetite. What's more, many people experience nausea or vomiting during labor, so an empty stomach is very good in this case.

Weight before childbirth

The optimal weight gain for the entire pregnancy is between 9 and 13 kg. This figure includes the weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid, uterus, placenta, breast. Of course, everything is very individual, and gaining 15 kg is not a problem at all. But you should be on your guard if the weight has increased by 20 or more kg. In this case, the doctor prescribes a diet for the woman. After all, a large weight gain can significantly complicate the birth process.

An interesting fact: as a rule, before childbirth, approximately in the last two weeks, women experience a decrease in weight (on average, by 2 kg). Experts attribute this to the loss of a large amount of fluid.

Sleep before childbirth

The closer the moment of childbirth, the more the pregnant woman tends to sleep. Thus, the body tries to sleep off and gain strength before heavy physical work. That is why proper sleep in preparation for childbirth is very important. At this time, you need to sleep as much as you want, but not less than 8-10 hours. A pregnant woman should sleep in a well-ventilated room. It is even possible with an open window. It is important for a woman to feel that she has rested and slept, because very soon she will hardly be able to soak up the extra couple of hours in bed.

Fear of childbirth

Fear arises in a pregnant woman throughout the nine months. But, the closer the birth, the stronger the fear of them. A woman, especially a primiparous woman, asks a number of questions: How will the birth go? Will it hurt? Will the child get hurt? How can complications be avoided? These and many other questions prevent a woman from sleeping peacefully. The situation is significantly aggravated by the stories of “well-wishers” about difficulties, difficult personal experiences, labor pains, negative postpartum consequences, and fatal childbirth. Believe me, this is not at all the information that a pregnant woman should be interested in, preparing to become a mother. If you have not attended a pregnancy course before, do so now. Many maternity schools offer prenatal express courses. In these classes, a woman is explained a lot: the mechanism of childbirth, methods of relieving pain, breathing techniques are taught. All this knowledge is very helpful during childbirth. Moreover, it is quite natural: the more a woman knows, the less she is afraid. If it is not possible to attend courses, special literature will come to the rescue, as well as Internet pages.

Most importantly, you must understand: fear of childbirth negatively affects the course of the birth itself, constricting, constricting muscles, forcing the tissues to lose their elasticity. All this leads to pain, cracks,. It turns out that the more a woman is afraid, the more pain she feels. Pain breeds fear - and so on in a circle. To break out of it, a pregnant woman must learn to relax long before childbirth, and when the time comes, calmly apply the acquired knowledge.

Psychological mood before childbirth

The mood should be fighting. Of course, in the best sense of the word. We do not mean an aggressive pregnant woman, but one that is firmly convinced of a favorable outcome for both the baby and herself. A woman should understand that childbirth is a step towards her own little man, who from now on will become for her the greatest jewel in the world. A pregnant woman must be sure that the birth will go well, because she loves her baby very much and is ready to do everything possible to help him to be born healthy.

Harbingers of childbirth

As the day of childbirth approaches, certain signs may appear that indicate that childbirth is about to occur. For example, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, pressure is relieved from the diaphragm and stomach, as the child goes down. At the same time, it becomes a little more difficult to sit and walk. Before childbirth, urination also increases (pressure on the bladder increases) and bowel movements (hormones of childbirth affect the intestines). There are pains in the lower back. A woman has an unexpected change in mood and state: she is tired and passive, then energetic and "subversive". Many can no longer wait for "this" to happen. 2-3 weeks before childbirth, pregnant women show the nesting instinct. It is called so because a woman equips a "nest" - now it is very important for her to make her own home cozy. She is ready to spend hours cleaning, washing, cleaning, tinkering. All this, of course, is good. Only in moderation. Remember that it is contraindicated for you to overexert yourself.

Naturally, one of the most obvious signs that labor is near is the irregular contractions of the uterus. Thus, exercising, the body prepares up to the "X" hour. One to two weeks, or even several days before childbirth, the woman loses a mucous plug, which closes the cervical canal throughout pregnancy. it can be yellowish or slightly pinkish, or it can be completely colorless. Sometimes a woman clearly sees that the plug has come off her, and in some cases this happens unnoticed. A woman who is expecting childbirth from day to day should know that her amniotic fluid can leave at any time. This is a clear sign that labor has begun. In this case, not a minute can be lost. Call an ambulance urgently or go to the hospital by car (of course, as a passenger and not at all while driving).

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

This question, perhaps, worries any pregnant woman, and the closer the X hour, the more this anxiety. Listening to their feelings, catching any symptoms, pregnant women spend the last weeks of pregnancy.

For many, curiosity about how labor begins, wakes up almost with the first positive pregnancy test, and does not let go until the very birth of the child.

Let's figure out what are the harbingers of childbirth, false contractions, and when we can say that this is the beginning of childbirth.

Harbingers of childbirth

Already from 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, women begin to notice that the uterus periodically comes in tone. This is a painless sensation of tension in the uterus, while, upon palpation, you can notice that the abdomen is hardening and tense. It's not even a fight yet ...

Signs of an impending birth usually appear about a month - 2 weeks before the event itself, and can cause a lot of anxiety. In primiparas, they usually appear earlier than during repeated childbirth, but they are less pronounced; in multiparous women, they may appear only in a few days, almost immediately before childbirth.

Harbingers of childbirth are a complex of symptoms, which is a kind of replaying of events and the establishment of the necessary connections in the body of the expectant mother, which will ensure the normal course of childbirth.

In many ways, the woman's nervous system is responsible for the development of childbirth, and in order for everything to end happily, it is necessary to establish appropriate neural connections, to form the so-called dominant of childbirth. It is clear that if a woman has already given birth, this happens faster, according to a previously worked out scenario, and the shorter the interval between births, the easier it happens. This is why re-births are shorter and the delivery warning is also shorter and more pronounced.

When do the harbingers of childbirth begin? They usually occur at 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 weeks of gestation.

How long are the harbingers of childbirth? They usually last until the onset of labor, and this can happen in a month, or in 2 weeks, or in a couple of days.

So, what does it say that labor is about to begin? What are the harbingers of childbirth?

Weight loss before childbirth

Women can lose up to 2 kg of weight 1-2 weeks before giving birth. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, the amount of progesterone in the blood decreases and the amount of estrogen increases. Progesterone contributes to fluid retention in the body, and when its level drops, fluid is excreted, the woman loses weight. These are the earliest signs of labor.

Lowering the abdomen

Lowering the abdomen during pregnancy is a symptom that is not always noticed. In recent weeks, the baby has taken up so much space in the uterus that his ass can literally rest against the ribs, preventing his mother from breathing, bending over, and even causing pain. But a few days before giving birth, his head is pressed against the bones of the pelvis, which causes the lowering of the abdomen before childbirth. Especially these signs of childbirth are noticeable in primiparous, with the second and third births, the child can descend immediately before the event itself.

Signs of a lowering of the abdomen are easier breathing, the feeling that it has become lower and less interfering, and at the same time, this can cause some discomfort of another plan. The head presses on the bladder, and you constantly run to the toilet, at the same time, it can be difficult to go out in a large way, constipation can bother you.

If you notice these symptoms, this does not mean that labor will begin tomorrow, the lowering of the abdomen can occur even a month before the event itself, these are the first signals of the approach of a significant date, of those that appear earlier than anyone else.

Change in mood

For most women, apathy, feelings of fatigue, and a desire to sleep before childbirth are characteristic. Some ladies, on the other hand, are too active and for the tenth time ironing the diapers and sorting out the contents of the bag for the maternity hospital (nesting syndrome).

Both options are normal, it is better to submit to your desires. If you want to sleep - sleep, gain strength, they will be needed very soon.

Discharge, discharge of the plug before childbirth

During pregnancy, the cervical canal is closed with a mucous plug, this is a thick mucus that closes the cervix in a lump and prevents the penetration of infections to the fetus.

The opening of the cervix before childbirth begins well in advance. At first, it is shortened and smoothed, gradually its canal opens slightly, this is called the ripening of the cervix. By the time of childbirth, it will become completely soft and smoothed, this preparatory opening of the cervix during pregnancy is provided just by training contractions, and only a mature cervix will enable childbirth to develop normally.

I must say that in re-pregnant women, the opening occurs literally before the birth itself, or even with its beginning. In primary pregnant women, the opening of the cervix by 2 fingers may already be at the time of admission to the hospital, in advance, even before the start of active labor, they have this process stretched out in time and begins in advance.

Signs of an opening of the cervix - discharge from the genital tract. The discharge is due to the discharge of the mucous plug. Even if the mucous plug has come off, it is impossible to predict when the labor will begin. The cork before childbirth is a lump of mucus, up to one and a half to two centimeters in diameter, it can be of different colors, and transparent, and yellowish, and brown, and even streaked with scarlet blood. These are all normal options.

The plug comes off in different ways, for someone it takes several days, and then there is a mucous-bloody discharge, for someone it leaves at once. Most often, labor begins within the next week after the appearance of these secretions.

Loss of appetite

More often, appetite is disturbed 1-2 days before childbirth, you don't want to eat anything. This is normal, and you don't have to force yourself.

Abatement of the child's motor activity

Before giving birth, a child moves less and less in two to three weeks. Sometimes there is no movement for 6-7 hours in a row, which makes the mother worry about whether everything is okay with the child. The absence of movement is due to the fact that the child simply has nowhere to turn around, it becomes very crowded in the uterus.

An overly restless child before childbirth is a reason for consulting a gynecologist, intrauterine fetal hypoxia is possible.

Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea

Nausea is not the most pleasant precursor of childbirth, and it is fortunate that it comes literally just before childbirth and not for everyone. But some women not only have nausea, but also vomiting.

Diarrhea is somewhat more common and may be a couple of days before delivery.

All these are not the most pleasant symptoms, a kind of liberation of the way for the baby, the intestines should be empty before childbirth, so as not to interfere with the child's passage through the birth canal, and nature took care of this.

Pain in the perineum, pain in the sacrum and pubis

Lowering the child's head down, the divergence of the pelvic bones cause pain in this area.

False contractions

Training contractions before childbirth, or mock contractions, are contractions of the uterus that closely resemble real contractions. Quite often, during the first birth, they mislead the pregnant woman and force them to urgently go to the hospital.

Even before labor begins, false contractions can drain the nervous system if taken seriously. Yes, this is a signal of an imminent birth, but not yet delivery, it may be another two weeks before you give birth.

What are they, training contractions before childbirth?

These are contractions of the uterus, somewhat painful, the pain resembles the one that sometimes bothers with menstruation, this is not the feeling that the stomach is pulling, which happened before, but real pain that comes in attacks, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, growing in a wave and letting go.

But it is not so strong and long-lasting that you experience real discomfort, you may well continue to go about your business, despite its presence.

If this is just a warning about an imminent birth, the contractions are fickle and irregular. They can disturb at various intervals (5-15 minutes) for several hours and stop completely, as if nothing had happened.

To understand whether it is a fight or not, it is enough just to time the time between them. If they do not grow in duration and the intervals remain erratic and long - this is not childbirth.

If this is your first pregnancy and you don’t need to go to the hospital for more than an hour, you should not go there immediately. The first birth takes a long time, and even if you make a mistake, there will be no disaster. Try a warm bath, take a pill, and go to bed. You will most likely fall asleep peacefully.

Sometimes false contractions turn into real labor. The intervals are shortened, the contractions intensify and lengthen, and then for sure - it's time to go to the hospital.

What precursors of childbirth speak of danger and require immediate contact with the hospital?

- Harbingers of premature birth are similar to those described above. The development of such symptoms earlier than 35 weeks is a reason to urgently consult a gynecologist. Premature opening of the cervix and labor can develop in the middle of pregnancy if it is inconsistent due to trauma during abortions, operations and previous childbirth.

The appearance of pure scarlet blood from the genital tract, at any time, is a threat to the child's life.

The appearance of leakage of amniotic fluid. It is a damp, watery sensation that is aggravated by movement. If you notice this, you need to consult a doctor immediately, there is a risk of infection of the uterine cavity and fetus. Wearing a white cloth lining helps to distinguish water leakage, it is easy to assess the nature of the discharge on it, the amniotic fluid does not smell, usually transparent. They can be brown (very bad symptom) or green from admixture of meconium (also very bad).

Signs of the onset of labor

But how does the birth itself begin? Then you will smile, remembering how you were afraid to miss this moment, but not now, now this is probably one of the main fears, and it seems that you can miss the birth. Don't worry, childbirth is something you definitely won't be able to oversleep.

What determines the onset of labor?

Of course, on whether you and the child are ready for them. Ripening of the cervix, the formation of the necessary nerve connections and hormonal levels leads to the appearance of symptoms of incipient labor.

The first signs of incipient labor may appear between 37 and 42 weeks, if labor does not start on time, doctors try to speed up the onset of labor.

The second labor usually starts earlier. If labor does not start in any way, measures are taken to prepare the cervix. Very often, sex is of great benefit, when there are more than enough cases after sex.

What time does labor start?

Oddly enough, most children choose to be born at night. This is due to the daily fluctuations of hormones in the woman's blood, their optimal level is usually in the early morning hours, which is why labor begins at night.

Are there differences in how labor develops in different births? Yes, I have. And it depends on many factors, for example, on how long has passed between childbirth, how long they began.

How does preterm labor start? Usually, if the first symptoms of the onset of premature birth are contractions, and if a woman goes to the hospital on time, this is regarded as a threat of premature birth and in most cases it is possible to stop labor if the cervical dilatation has not gone too far.

It is much sadder if preterm labor begins with the outpouring of amniotic fluid. With severe prematurity, pregnancy can be prolonged for several days or even weeks, but in most cases the child is born.

How and when does the first birth begin?

The first childbirth often begins at a period of 40 or more weeks, and they are preceded by a rather long warning period. Most often, the precursors smoothly pass into labor, having managed to spoil the nerves of the expectant mother a lot before that and forcing them to turn to gynecologists more than once with suspicion of the onset of childbirth.

How does the second, third birth begin?

Usually at an earlier date than the first, 38-40 weeks, and develop more rapidly. The period of precursors is either bright short, several days, or absent altogether.

How to recognize the onset of labor is usually not even a question for the expectant mother, she remembers how it happens. Contractions are not the only way to start labor. The onset of labor can vary ...

The transition of the precursors of childbirth to generic activity. The frequency of contractions before childbirth increases, their strength increases, the intervals are shortened and become rhythmic.

Independent emergence of labor. Contractions start regularly from the very beginning and gradually intensify.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid. I must say that the onset of childbirth is usually easily recognized by a woman, and at the same time there is always a great emotional uplift, composure and readiness to fight arise, you will experience joy and relief at the same time. And of course, there will be a feeling of anxiety and fear, how else? Even the beginning of the second birth is a step into the unknown.

Let's look at all the signs of the onset of labor.

The transition of the harbingers of childbirth, false contractions, into real contractions

Perhaps you have experienced false contractions for a week or two, but they never became regular, they passed completely. But this time it won't be like that. The first signs of the onset of labor are the reduction in the intervals between contractions and their intensification, they become longer. If, during false contractions, you could go to bed and fall asleep calmly, you could be distracted from them by business - if this is the beginning of labor, contractions will take all your attention.

If this is the onset of labor, how does labor develop? If during training contractions it is difficult to call them painful, how to understand that labor has begun is not difficult: the pain becomes severe. This pain is no longer similar to menstrual pain. This is pressure in the lumbar region, spreading to the lower abdomen, with a dull aching sensation that intensifies and then releases. There is no pain in between. At first, such contractions are short, 10-15 seconds, but with the development of childbirth, they become more and more often and longer.

When the intervals between them do not exceed 10 minutes, and they themselves last 40-50 seconds, this is already an active labor activity, you definitely need to see a doctor urgently.

Although the first birth usually lasts at least 12 hours, you must agree that it is better to arrive earlier than to be late, it's time to call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Independent emergence of labor

Most often, with repeated childbirth, the period of precursors of childbirth is very short, and childbirth can begin literally immediately. The body is already ready, the reasons for the onset of labor are the formed generic dominant in the woman's brain, and with repeated births, her memory is still alive after the first birth, when there is a script, the performance develops quickly.

And the task of how to determine the onset of childbirth during repeated childbirth is no longer worth it, the woman is familiar with all the sensations, she perfectly remembers the symptoms.

Contractions begin at first not strong, but they grow very quickly, it is impossible to miss the onset of labor, and you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible, often such births are very quick. If childbirth begins suddenly, if childbirth began at home, this is an excuse to quit all business, you will have time to do everything later. Take your documents with you, a bottle of water (simple, no gas), and urgently to the hospital, without waiting for your husband from work, etc.

You will not need things at first, you can bring them tomorrow as well.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

If the water begins to leak or overflow before the onset of labor, such an outpouring is called premature. Even if you have a full-term pregnancy, starting labor with rupture of amniotic fluid is not a good thing, especially if you are in labor for the first time. An interval of more than 6 hours without water is called a long anhydrous period; in such a situation, the child is at risk of intrauterine infection. Thus, even the leakage of amniotic fluid is a reason to urgently go to the hospital, even if the water is poured out, but there are no contractions.

At the end of pregnancy, the head of the fetus descends into the small pelvis, and presses on the bladder, which is why many women have a problem with urination. Not only do you want to go to the toilet often, there may also be urinary incontinence. In such a situation, how to understand whether the onset of labor is also water leakage or just incontinence?

It's very simple, you must definitely wear a panty liner. It should be either a plain white cloth or a pad with a non-mesh surface, then the nature of the discharge can be easily assessed. Amniotic fluid from urine is very easy to distinguish.

How does the water drain? There are two possibilities.

They can come off at once, 150-200 ml of liquid will pour out on your legs. Your task is to assess their character in order to tell the doctor about it. Normally, amniotic fluid is light and odorless. In the presence of green amniotic fluid, an unpleasant odor from them, their brown color, it is imperative to tell the doctor about this, you can be sure that you will be asked about it. The discharge of amniotic fluid may be accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen.

How to find out about the onset of labor if the water just leaks, but there are no contractions? Is it water or just a discharge? Tighten your stomach, tense slightly. If at the same time you feel an increase in discharge, do not doubt that this is amniotic fluid, and you need to go to the hospital.

When the gestation period is already long, has passed 40 weeks, and there are not even precursors of childbirth, impatience, fatigue and irritability appear. I really want the birth to start faster, and women begin to use different methods to speed it up, for example, they start rearranging furniture at home, develop vigorous physical activity, and have an active sex life. All this helps to bring the onset of labor closer, but at the same time it is tiresome, the best thing to do before childbirth is to get more sleep. There is no need to stimulate the onset of labor, the time will come, and they will begin, no one is still pregnant.

If you are worried about why labor does not begin, ask your gynecologist about it. An error in the timing is quite likely, for example, especially if the first ultrasound was only in the second trimester.

If it is necessary to accelerate the approach of labor from a medical point of view, doctors will do this by medical methods, and your task is to know the signs of the onset of labor and determine in a timely manner that they have begun, and get to the hospital in time.

During the gestation period, every woman prepares for an important event in her life - the birth of a baby. Although childbirth is a very long process, there is a lot of time and effort to prepare for it. This is a difficult and important stage for every woman, after which life changes roots. Childbirth is a complex and natural process, so you definitely need to prepare for it. The prenatal or prenatal period is the last month of gestation. At this time, the female body is already tuning in for childbirth, and the baby is already fully developed and is almost ready to appear. Already 3-4 weeks before childbirth, the woman in labor begins to change in many ways: both psychologically and physically.

Life before childbirth

For excellent physical condition, the expectant mother, so that her muscles are in shape, during pregnancy, does simple exercises that are included in special gymnastic complexes for pregnant women. Pool activities are very helpful.

Of course, we hope that if you smoked before conception, then upon learning about the situation, you immediately gave up the bad habit. If not, try to find the strength in yourself to quit smoking. This is necessary for both you and the child. After all, many people know that smoking and alcohol have a bad effect on the health of the baby.

Read good books, do special gymnastics, walk, relax in the fresh air - this will ensure you have perfect bearing, and easy childbirth.

You can see for yourself what happens to some mothers with tummy before childbirth:

Health before childbirth

Many people know that a woman during pregnancy should carefully monitor her own health. Check your health again before labor. It is useful to go to a neurologist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, therapist. Also go to the dentist, because teeth can be the first source of infection and cause some complications after childbirth. If you have varicose veins of the legs, see a surgeon. The technician will determine if surgery is required. After 8 months of gestation, experts advise to undergo a thorough debridement of the birth canal. This is done to cleanse the pathogenic microflora. This is true if a woman in labor has diseases that are sexually transmitted (candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes). Such procedures are tedious in order to protect the child during his passage through the birth canal. In addition, sanitation protects a woman from vaginal cracks that can occur due to inflammation.

Regarding the gynecologist, after the 35th week of pregnancy, the woman in labor must go every 7 days without fail. At the reception, the specialist determines the position of the baby, listens to the heartbeat, and measures the size of the uterus.

Food before childbirth

If a woman monitors the quality and quantity of food during pregnancy, then before giving birth, this issue needs to be given even more attention.

After 8 months of pregnancy, food does not change in favor of meat: it needs to be reduced, and for half a month it should not be consumed at all. You also need to exclude foods containing protein (milk, butter, eggs, fish). At the same time, you need to consume herbal teas, mineral water, fresh juices, baked vegetables, cereals on the water, dairy products.

Seven days before the expected birth, salt, dairy products, bread, cereals must be excluded. Food should be only vegetable. It is important that a lot of vegetable oil enter the female body during this period. , which is present in it, helps to make the birth canal and blood vessels elastic. Also, it is an ideal prevention of hemorrhoids.

Weight gain is ideal during the gestation period, it becomes a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 13 kg. These kilograms include the weight of the uterus, baby, breast, placenta, amniotic fluid. Of course, everything is individual, and an increase of 13 kg is not a significant problem. However, you need to be wary if your weight increases by 20 kilograms or more. Then, the specialist prescribes a special diet for the woman in labor. After all, the increase can complicate childbirth.

An interesting point: before giving birth, in the last 14 days, the woman in labor has been losing weight. Doctors attribute this phenomenon to the loss of a large amount of fluid.

Sleep before labor

The closer to childbirth, the more a woman tends to sleep. After all, the female body is trying to sleep off and gain the necessary strength before physical work. For the same reasons, sleep during childbirth preparation is of great importance. You need to sleep at least 9 hours in a well-ventilated area. You can even sleep with the window open. It is important that the woman in labor feels that she has slept and rested.

Fear of childbirth

A pregnant woman has rhinestones for all nine months. However, the longer they are, the stronger the fear. A woman in labor, especially a primiparous woman, asks many questions: how to avoid complications? Will the baby get hurt? Will it hurt? Such and many other women do not allow a woman to rest or sleep in peace. The situation is complicated by the stories of "well-wishers" about problems, labor pains, childbirth with a fatal outcome, and difficult experiences. Believe me, this information should not interest you at the moment. If you have not attended special courses for pregnant women, then do it right now. Some schools offer rapid pre-labor courses. At such courses, a woman in labor is explained a lot: ways to relieve pain, the mechanism of childbirth, they teach technique. All this information helps a lot during childbirth. If it is not possible to attend courses, there is special literature or the Internet.

You need to understand: that fear has a bad effect on the course of the birth itself. Therefore, severe pain, tears, cracks may occur. It turns out that the more the woman in labor is afraid, the stronger the pain will be. Many people know that pain breeds fear. To prevent this from happening, a woman needs to learn to relax before giving birth, and when the time comes, calmly apply her knowledge.

Harbingers of childbirth

Before childbirth, some signs appear that indicate that childbirth is approaching (). Such as, it becomes easier for a woman in labor to breathe, the fetus sinks down the abdomen, it is difficult to walk or sit. Before childbirth, bowel movements and urination become more frequent. There is pain in the lower abdomen. A woman in labor has a sharp change in her state and mood: She is either passive and tired, or “subversive” and energetic. Some people cannot wait for this moment. Half a month before childbirth, the maternal instinct of "nesting" is manifested in women. She is ready for a long time to tinker, clean, wash, clean. All this, of course, is good. However, everything should be in moderation. Do not forget, in this position, you are not allowed to overexert yourself.

The most obvious sign of labor is the irregular contractions of the uterus. 14 days before childbirth, a special mucous plug leaves the woman in labor, which closes the cervix during gestation. The mucus can be pink or yellow in color. At times, the woman in labor clearly sees that the cork has come off. But it can pass unnoticed. A woman in labor, you need to understand that at any moment the waters can drain from her. This is the main sign that the generic process has begun. In such a situation, even a second cannot be wasted. Go to the hospital immediately or call an ambulance.

Towards the end of pregnancy, women, especially those preparing to become a mother for the first time, are afraid not to notice that childbirth is beginning. There are a number of signs that indicate this. But especially suspicious pregnant women are ready to interpret any malaise or change in the body as the beginning of labor. That is why it is so important to monitor your well-being and the behavior of your baby. This will help prepare for an important event and arrive at the hospital on time.


Physiological signs of close childbirth

As a rule, changes in the body before childbirth are associated with changes in the woman's hormonal background, the readiness of the uterus for childbirth, maturation of the placenta and the maturity of the fetus. Harbingers of childbirth with a normal pregnancy appear at 38-39 weeks, but in some women they may occur earlier. Primiparous women begin to notice signs of labor a few days before, even weeks before, while women expecting a second and subsequent babies may experience familiar symptoms in just a few hours.

"Abdominal ptosis"

On this basis, in the old days, grandmothers predicted a speedy birth. Sign is based on changes in the body that occur at the end of pregnancy. With a cephalic presentation, shortly before childbirth, the head of the fetus drops lower, rises into the small pelvis, as doctors say. Accordingly, the upper part of the uterus also descends and no longer puts pressure on the stomach, lungs and other organs. It is not always possible to independently notice that the stomach has dropped, but the woman feels how it has become easier to breathe, the shortness of breath when walking and climbing stairs ceases to torment, heartburn passes if she pestered in recent months.

When lowering the abdomen before childbirth, the navel protrudes even more, and the skin on the abdomen stretches more. It is at this stage that the rapid appearance of stretch marks is possible.

Frequent urination, change in the nature of bowel movements

This is also a physiologically explainable sign. The lowered head of the child presses on the bladder with greater force, as a result of which it cannot fill to its full volume, and the urge to urinate occurs much more often. The woman notices that, although she began to go to the toilet more often, the volume of urine excreted has significantly decreased.

The strong pressure of the pregnant uterus on the intestines provokes constipation. Shortly before childbirth, there is a sharp increase in the hormone oxytocin, which, on the contrary, causes loosening of the stool. If frequent constipation is abruptly replaced by diarrhea, this sign indicates an impending birth.

Drawing pains in the lower back and lower abdomen

Before giving birth, for a more comfortable movement of the child through the birth canal, the ligaments are stretched, the cartilage softens, the pelvic bones gradually move apart, which causes discomfort, and in some women, quite tangible pain. At this time, gait and posture change. Many women also experience pubic pain caused by fetal pressure on the pelvic bones.

Increased discharge

White semi-liquid discharge before childbirth signals the imminent discharge of the mucous plug. Some pregnant women worry that amniotic fluid is leaking. In fact, water leakage is not as common as it seems. It is observed when the rupture of the fetal bladder occurs not at the uterine pharynx, but at one of the walls of the uterus. If there is any doubt about the nature of the discharge, then it is worth visiting a doctor. With the help of a special test, he will determine the presence of amniotic fluid in the secretions.

Changes in the cervix

The gynecologist will tell you about changes in the cervix at the next weekly examination. The cervix is ​​shortened and is 1-2 centimeters, the uterine pharynx begins to open. It is then that doctors talk about opening the cervix by 1 or 2 fingers.

At this time, the membranes are close, they are available for all kinds of infections, so the intimate hygiene should be more careful. Mandatory toilet of the genitals and change of linen twice a day. It is not necessary to use soap every time for washing: it dries out the mucous membrane. You can use a decoction of chamomile. You cannot take baths at this time; they should be replaced with a warm shower.

Discharge of the mucous plug

During pregnancy, the uterine pharynx is closed with a so-called mucous plug, which holds the baby and does not allow infection to enter. Abundant discharge in the form of a clot of mucus indicates that the plug has come off, and the cervix will open soon. In some women, the opening occurs gradually, in others, childbirth begins immediately after the plug comes off.

The plug can come off 2 weeks before delivery. Sometimes the plug does not come out entirely, but in parts, so it is not always recognized. You can guess that this is it by the nature of the discharge: transparent, dense, possibly streaked with blood.

Changes in the nature of fetal movements

Many pregnant women at 38-39 weeks notice a decrease in the number of fetal movements. Its movement is difficult and not so intense, since it becomes cramped in the uterus before childbirth.

Video: Harbingers of the approaching birth

There are also psychological precursors of childbirth associated with a change in the hormonal background of a woman. Of course, such signs are very subjective and it can be quite difficult to draw conclusions based only on them.

Mood swings

Frequent mood swings, unreasonable tearfulness, irritability are associated with an increase in the hormone oxytocin before childbirth. A couple of days after the baby is born, this mood will remain. With the restoration of the balance of hormones, the psychological state also stabilizes.

Nesting instinct

A few days before giving birth, the woman has an irresistible desire to prepare the apartment for the appearance of the baby. This is expressed in the fact that she takes out and puts the baby's things into place, fills the crib, ironing the linen, and finds a place for a bath. In general, he arranges everything so that the child and the mother herself are comfortable. Some women may have an irresistible desire to start repairs in the apartment, to get rid of all that is superfluous.

Video: How the nesting instinct in pregnant women is explained

Reliable signs of close childbirth

If before that the signs did not manifest themselves clearly, the woman was based on the words of the doctor and her own feelings and sensations, then reliable signs indicate that childbirth will begin in the next day:

  1. Uterine tone. The uterus shrinks, "turns to stone", which is felt well if you put your hand on your stomach. It occurs, as a rule, already in the initial stages of contractions and promotes the baby's progress to the uterine pharynx during childbirth.
  2. Contractions. The first phase, latent, is characterized by sipping on the lower abdomen. Many women confuse contractions in this phase with false contractions. However, they gradually intensify, the gap between them becomes shorter. This is already an active phase. At this time, you should go to the hospital.
  3. Discharge of amniotic fluid. If the waters have moved away, this does not mean that the child will immediately be born. Often, the water leaves at the very beginning of labor, when the cervix is ​​not yet open. Then the doctors talk about the anhydrous period, and the mother's card will definitely indicate how long it lasted. It happens, on the contrary, when the cervix is ​​fully dilated, the fetal bladder remains intact. In this case, it is pierced so that the child can safely pass through the birth canal.

Important to remember: If the water has gone outside the maternity ward, you should immediately go there. A long anhydrous period can lead to infection of the fetus, birth injuries. You need to try to remember the color and smell, as well as the presence of foreign impurities (for example, blood, meconium) in the amniotic fluid and, upon arrival at the hospital, tell the doctor about everything. By the nature of the amniotic fluid, he will conclude about the condition of the child.

Signs of premature labor

Premature delivery is considered to be between 28 and 36 weeks of gestation. They can occur for various reasons, proceed both rapidly and gradually. Premature labor usually begins suddenly, but some signs may indicate them:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent finding of the uterus in good shape;
  • abrupt drooping of the abdomen;
  • a feeling of pressure on the pelvic bones;
  • growing pains of a cramping nature.

If one or more signs of labor are found, an urgent need to consult a doctor. In most cases, preterm labor can be stopped.