What is better than dyufaston or morning reviews of doctors. Utrozhestan or Duphaston when planning pregnancy: which drug is better? Scheme of application and dosage

One of the female sex hormones is progesterone. It is synthesized by the ovaries, the adrenal cortex, and when pregnancy occurs - by the placenta. The value of this steroid hormone can hardly be overestimated. Without it, a normal menstrual cycle, conception and pregnancy are impossible. In addition, it affects the psycho-emotional background, mammary glands, skin, hair, subcutaneous fat.

Lack of hormone leads to problems in the functioning of many systems. You can compensate for the deficiency of progesterone by taking medications. The most popular are Dyufaston and Utrozhestan. Patients often face a dilemma: What is more effective than Dufaston or Utrozhestan? Of course, the doctor should make the choice, but any woman wants to understand what are the advantages and disadvantages of each drug. Let's try to understand this issue.

The role of progesterone in the body

Dyufaston and Utrozhestan are analogs of progesterone and fully possess the properties of this hormone. The effectiveness of both drugs is high. Which one to give preference depends on the specific clinical situation and the individual characteristics of the patient. In order to figure out which is more effective than Duphaston or Utrozhestan in each specific case, you need to know the functions of progesterone.

Progesterone in the second half of the menstrual cycle ensures the readiness of the inner lining of the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized egg. Further gestation is also impossible without a sufficient amount of the hormone, the concentration of which steadily increases throughout pregnancy and decreases only a few days before childbirth. The suppression of the contractile activity of the uterus, the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation are all his merit.

But to solve the problem of progesterone deficiency, choosing which is more effective than Dufaston or Utrozhestan, is necessary not only during pregnancy. This is true at different periods of a woman's life, since hormone deficiency causes:

  • excessive proliferation of the lining of the uterus;
  • the formation of breast cysts;
  • emotional instability;
  • insufficient transformation of adipose tissue with the release of energy;
  • violation of water-salt metabolism;
  • decreased control over the state of bone tissue;
  • failure of blood pressure regulation.

What is more effective than Duphaston or Utrozhestan during pregnancy?

The method of making preparations is of primary importance in assessing the effectiveness of Duphaston or Utrozhestan.

  • Duphaston- a product of artificial synthesis,
  • a Utrozhestan is a complete analogue of a natural hormone and is made from plant materials.

But, despite the origin, both drugs guarantee the necessary pharmacological effect. Only Utrozhestan exactly copies natural progesterone, which means that, in addition to affecting the reproductive system, it affects the nervous system, the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and the excretion of nitrogenous products through the kidneys. And Dufaston, due to its synthetic origin, does not possess these properties. It does not provoke emotional instability, drowsiness and an increase in subcutaneous fat.

When carrying a fetus, both drugs are prescribed. In the period up to 12-16 weeks, preference is given to Utrozhestan, and in the next two trimesters - to Duphaston, since it does not provoke bile stagnation. It is convenient to compensate for the lack of progesterone in the first third of pregnancy with Utrozhestan also due to the fact that it has a universal form of release - capsules that can be used both for oral administration and inserted into the vagina.

What is more effective than Duphaston or Utrozhestan for gynecological pathology?

In addition to solving problems with conceiving and maintaining pregnancy, both drugs are widely used to correct progesterone deficiency that occurs when:

  • malfunctions of the menstrual cycle;
  • various forms of endometriosis;
  • premenstrual disorders;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

In addition, Utrozhestan is used for fibrous and cystic formations of the mammary glands, the pathological course of menopause, but not in isolation, but in combination with estrogens.

Women's health directly depends on hormonal levels. Progesterone plays an important role. This name was given to an important hormone of the female body. But sometimes women are faced with its disadvantage, resulting in failures. When doctors detect a progesterone deficiency, they prescribe special hormonal medications. And gained particular popularity. It is worth figuring out what the difference is.

The importance of progesterone

Before you understand the effect of the drug Utrozhestan or Duphaston, it is worth understanding why progesterone is needed. This hormone is important if pregnancy is planned. It prepares the endometrium of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. The hormone protects the female body from complications and the threat of miscarriage.

But there are situations when progesterone is not enough. This can lead to infertility of the woman or termination of pregnancy. For this reason, all women during the planning of conception need to pass an analysis that will determine the hormone deficiency.

Features of drugs

If you do not delve into the properties, composition and features of the preparations, it may seem that they do not differ. But this is far from the case. When choosing Duphaston or Utrozhestan during pregnancy, you should familiarize yourself with each remedy.

The second drug contains natural progesterone. Its structure is completely identical to the natural hormone. Therefore, Utrozhenstan is often compared with natural progesterone. This remedy is prescribed in such situations:

  • If a woman is diagnosed with infertility, since hormonal levels are disturbed
  • When there is a risk of miscarriage, or the patient has already experienced incomplete bearing of the fetus
  • If the menstrual cycle is regularly lost
  • If male hormones have increased
  • When uterine fibroids appeared, mastopathy.

If a woman uses Duphaston, she should know that its main active ingredient is not natural progesterone, but its analogue, which is called dydrogesterone. Despite this, it practically repeats the structure of a natural hormone. The medicine has helped many women while planning a baby. The main thing is that the remedy does not provoke the occurrence of side effects, which can be considered a big plus.

The drug is prescribed in such cases:

  • When a woman plans in vitro fertilization
  • When there is a risk of fetal loss
  • When the menstrual cycle gets lost
  • With endometriosis.

Of course, the question is brewing which is better than Dyufaston or Utrozhestan. To answer it, it is necessary to compare both drugs.

Comparative characteristics of drugs

Many people wondered how Duphaston differs from Utrozhestan. These drugs have some differences.

Release form

Available only in capsule form. They are intended for oral use.


This product is sold in capsule form. But, besides this, when planning pregnancy, Utrozhestan is also produced in the form of candles. This is a huge plus for those women who are carrying a fetus and are going through a period of toxicosis. If in such a situation, suppositories are used that are immersed in the vagina, then the fastest absorption of the drug will occur, and the risk of side effects is reduced.


Dyufaston is fully synthetic. If you compare the structure of the drug with natural progesterone, then you can see more than one difference.

When a woman uses Utrozhestan, she can be sure that she is using a natural remedy.


The drug appeared earlier than Utrozhestan. It has been tested and studied many times. Experts have done a lot of research.

This remedy has been studied less. But scientists have proven that it will not harm the female body if you follow the rules for use.

The occurrence of side effects

They rarely appear.

Sometimes women complain of malaise, the appearance of fatigue, drowsiness.

Which is better to choose

If you use such a remedy, a woman does not run the risk of facing unpleasant consequences. The fact is that the medicine does not provoke side effects, which is why Dufaston is good when planning a child.

Given this comparison, the following advantages of Dufaston can be distinguished:

  • If in vitro fertilization is planned, this remedy is considered the best
  • The drug does not harm the fetus, protects a pregnant woman from premature birth
  • After using the medication, acne, unwanted hairs and other features prone to a man do not appear
  • In addition, the drug does not impair liver function.

To understand which is better to choose, Dyufaston or Utrozhestan when planning a child, you need to understand the benefits of the second remedy.

Here is a list of its advantages:

  • The medicine does not provoke the appearance of extra pounds, does not disrupt material exchange, does not increase blood pressure
  • The product can be used vaginally
  • Has a natural composition
  • Shows good action in case of excess of male hormones
  • Does not harm the unborn child, does not disrupt his development.

Utrozhestan and Dyufaston differ from each other. Each tool has its own benefits. But it is impossible to determine which is better than Utrozhestan or Duphaston. Taking into account the individual characteristics of a woman, her situation, health, the doctor is determined with the drug. But these are the best medicines when planning a child. The choice of the remedy should be entrusted to the doctor.

Which is better: Utrozhestan or Dyufaston - this is a question asked by many future mothers, who, listening to the numerous advice and recommendations of doctors, begin to puzzle their heads, but which drug is better and will these drugs not harm the health of their baby?

Problems during gestation

Although pregnancy is not a disease, but still within 9 months a pregnant woman may face some problems and difficulties that threaten the health and life of her baby. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cope with such complications.

One of the most dangerous complications for a woman and her baby is the threat of termination. However, not all women, having noticed such signs as pulling pains in the lower abdomen, minor bleeding and pain in the lumbar region, rush to seek help from a doctor. Sometimes they attribute such symptoms to an increased tone of the uterus, which should soon pass. Starting to self-medicate, such pregnant women are at great risk not only to the health of the baby, but also to his life!

However, the problem may arise not only during the gestation period. Difficulties can also be associated with conception. Many of the fairer sex cannot get pregnant.

The main reason for the problem lies in the very low content of the hormone progesterone in the woman's blood, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy.

However, to date, leading pharmacists have created such medications as Utrozhestan and Dyufaston, providing tremendous assistance to women who have just planned a pregnancy, or those who are already preparing to become mothers. But what is the difference between these two drugs? Which drug should you give preference to? Which is better: Dyufaston or Utrozhestan?

The action of drugs

Both of these medicines are hormonal drugs and belong to the same class - progesterones. Their main purpose is to replenish the missing hormone progesterone in a woman's body, which should be produced in sufficient quantities by the adrenal glands. But sometimes during the gestation period, this process fails, which leads to problems of bearing the fetus. If this hormone is enough, the woman does not know any problems during the gestation period.

To begin with, we will consider each drug separately. After a thorough analysis, it will be possible to come to the conclusion: what is the difference between Utrozhestan and Duphaston, and which drug should be trusted more?

Indications for use

So, the main component of the drug Utrozhestan is the natural hormone progesterone, which is almost identical to the hormone that is produced in the body of a pregnant woman.

Outwardly, this drug is presented in the form of small rounded capsules. The release form is its greatest advantage, since it can be taken both orally and vaginally. Therefore, if a woman suffers from constant toxicosis, it is not at all necessary for her to take the medication inside, but you can simply insert the capsule into the vagina.

Another significant plus of this drug is that it is to some extent a sedative. Taking it, the woman is calm, and during pregnancy it is very important.

Additional substances that make up the capsules are:

  • gelatin;
  • peanut butter;
  • lecithin.

Basically, Utrozhestan is prescribed by a doctor in such cases as:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle, the main reason for which lies in the lack of progesterone;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • the presence in the body of a large amount of male hormones;
  • miscarriage;
  • mastopathy;
  • uterine fibroids or endometriosis.

In addition to the advantages, like most medicines, Utrozhestan also has a number of disadvantages. These are contraindications. It turns out that Utrozhestan is a drug that not all patients can take. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction to some components of the drug. For example, peanut butter or soy included in the product are quite strong allergens;
  • disturbances in the work of the kidneys and liver;
  • the presence of thrombosis;
  • porphyrin disease.

Therefore, when planning or the onset of pregnancy, a woman must necessarily inform the attending physician about all her illnesses, and she will also need to undergo a full examination of the body. After that, the doctor will already be able to decide whether it is possible to take Utrozhestan during pregnancy or whether it needs to be replaced with another drug.

It is very important to remind about some of the side effects that may occur after using this drug, namely:

  • drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • severe fatigue;
  • Bad mood.

It should be remembered that prescribing Utrozhestan for herself when planning pregnancy and during gestation is fraught with the most dangerous complications and unpredictable situations!

You need to take medications only under the supervision and control of a doctor.

Synthetic analog of the female hormone

Like Utrozhestan, Duphaston is a progestogen. Only, unlike the first drug, Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of the female hormone. This drug is available only in pill form.

Additional substances included in its composition are starch and lactose compounds.

Despite the fact that Duphaston is a drug of chemical origin, it has a lot in common with endogenous progesterone, which provides an excellent pharmacological effect.

If Utrozhestan has side effects, then Duphaston wins in this regard, since after taking it, there are practically no ailments in pregnant women. When taking Duphaston, carbohydrate and lipid metabolic processes do not experience any effect on themselves.

Duphaston is absolutely safe and completely harmless. This drug has passed many clinical trials, which puts it one step above Utrozhestan.

Duphaston is a drug that has been produced for a fairly long period of time. This allows us to say that this drug has been tested by many patients.

According to numerous studies carried out by pregnant women, Duphaston is a drug that does not have any negative impact on the physical or sexual development of girls after birth.

In addition to all of the above advantages, the drug does not contain ingredients such as peanut butter and soy. If we compare Duphaston and Utrozhestan, then the first one is a drug, in which the number of contraindications is much less, one of the main ones is the individual intolerance of the components.

Other side effects include the following:

  • headache;
  • migraine;
  • occasional swelling of the limbs.

The scheme of taking pills

Answering the question which of the drugs is better, it is worth mentioning that none of them has a negative effect on the ovulation process.

These medications should not be taken while breastfeeding.

It is very important to know that both drugs are prescribed by a doctor according to a special scheme. Therefore, if a woman has been taking one of the drugs for some time, it is very undesirable to abruptly cancel it. Such imprudent actions can result in miscarriage. Cancellation should be done gradually. Within 3 or 4 weeks, the dose is slowly reduced, and then the drug is completely canceled, or the patient is prescribed another hormonal agent as needed.

Duphaston or morning - what to choose

Duphaston and urozhestan belong to the group of gestagens or progestins, that is, drugs that have progesterone activity. The chemical formula of urozhestan is similar to the formula of natural progesterone, and there are changes in the duphaston formula.

What are gestagens or progestins and how do they work

The group of gestagens or progestins includes progesterone and its natural and synthetic analogues. Progesterone is a hormone that begins to be produced in the second half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation - the release of the egg from the ruptured follicle (the bubble in which it matured). The ruptured follicle begins to produce progesterone and is called the corpus luteum of the menstrual cycle. If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum expands and begins to produce much more progesterone, turning into the corpus luteum of pregnancy.

Ovulation occurs under the influence of pituitary gonadrtropic hormones (GTH) - follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH promotes the maturation of the egg in the first half of the cycle, and when it matures, information about this enters the cerebral cortex and the hormonal background changes. Ovulation always occurs with a sharp jump in the content of LH in the body.

There is an inverse relationship between the ovarian hormones (estrogens and progesterone) and the pituitary hormones: the fewer ovarian hormones, the more HTG is released to stimulate their synthesis. But if there are a lot of ovarian hormones, this inhibits the release of TSH.

Therefore, if progesterone or any other progestogens are released in excess, they inhibit the release of LH, and therefore ovulation.

In addition, under the influence of gestagens, the proliferation phase (increase in tissue volume) of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterine cavity), characteristic of the first half of the menstrual cycle, enters the secretion phase - the tissue begins to secrete a secret that prepares the endometrium for the introduction of a fertilized egg. This ability of gestagens is widely used to treat diseases associated with excessive proliferation of the endometrium against the background of an increased content of estrogen and a lack of progesterone. Such diseases include hyperplasia (overgrowth) of the endometrium and endometriosis. It is also prescribed in case of insufficiency of the luteal phase, when the corpus luteum produces little progesterone.

In the first half of pregnancy, gestagens are prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage - they suppress the contractions of the muscles of the uterus.

Features of duphaston

Duphaston is a synthetic gestagen, its chemical formula does not fully correspond to the progesterone formula, but the manufacturers (Abbott pharmaceutical company, USA) consider this a plus of the drug. In addition, the instructions attached to the drug indicate that it does not inhibit ovulation, which allows it to be used without calculating the day of ovulation, starting from the 14th and 25th days of the menstrual cycle in case of luteal phase insufficiency. It is believed that such a schedule of admission will not prevent a woman from getting pregnant.

Another feature of duphaston is that due to the changed chemical formula, it has very few contraindications and side effects. So, a contraindication for taking it is only an individual intolerance to the components of the drug and the appearance of itching (this may be a sign of liver dysfunction) during a previous pregnancy.

From the side effects of the drug, headaches, breakthrough uterine bleeding, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, minor violations of liver function are noted (while, oddly enough, Liver diseases: when the natural filter fails are not a contraindication for the appointment of dyufaston) and allergic reactions. Duphaston does not increase blood coagulability with thrombosis and increase body weight characteristic of other gestagens.

Clinical practice shows that duphaston is indeed a high-quality progestogen that rarely gives side effects. But many gynecologists treat infertility with modern methods nevertheless, they try to track the moment of ovulation and only after that prescribe dyufaston.

Features of the morning

Utrozhestan is a natural micronized gestagen and is available in 200 and 100 mg capsules by the French pharmaceutical company Bezen Helska. The micronized form of urozhestan, when taken orally, is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and provides a constant concentration of gestagen in the blood without sharp fluctuations. In addition, the capsules can be administered in [email protected]# $% &, which is very convenient during pregnancy if a woman has signs of early toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Utrozhestan has more contraindications and side effects, as well as progesterone, which is administered intramuscularly. It suppresses ovulation, promotes weight gain, can cause thrombosis, and adversely affect liver function. Nevertheless, clinical practice has established that urozhestan is well tolerated by women and rarely gives side effects.

Therefore, which drug to choose, Duphaston: helper for the desperate or morning, it is better to entrust the obstetrician-gynecologist

Unfortunately, not all women can easily get pregnant and then carry a baby without complications.

Due to the powerful hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, all sorts of changes occur, provoking certain problems.

Quite often, in the first weeks of pregnancy, women experience placental abruption, an increased or miscarriage is diagnosed. The reason for these conditions is a lack of the hormone progesterone. Progesterone belongs to the category of gestagens, the adrenal glands, the corpus luteum of the ovaries and placental tissues are responsible for its production.

At the first signs of a threat of termination of pregnancy: uterine tone, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge from the genital tract, progesterone drugs are prescribed, the most popular of which are Dyufaston and Utrozhestan.

In our article we will compare the drugs Utrozhestan and Duphaston, consider their advantages and disadvantages, indications and contraindications for use. Both medicines are often prescribed already at the planning stage of pregnancy, since progesterone helps to conceive a baby in case of problems with its insufficiency.

It has a beneficial effect on the process of attachment of the ovum to the wall of the uterus and the further bearing of the child, especially at the very beginning of pregnancy, when the immune system can perceive the fetus as a foreign organism and begin to reject it.

These drugs have a similar effect on the body, their main task is to help a woman get pregnant and maintain a pregnancy. But in order to find out what is better than Duphaston or Utrozhestan and how they differ from each other, it is necessary to consider each drug separately.

The composition of Duphaston and Utrozhestan and the form of release

These hormonal agents have an identical composition, but their main difference is that Duphaston is a synthetic drug, and Utrozhestan is natural. Utrozhestan contains micronized progesterone obtained from the leaves of the Dioscorea plant and is close to the natural formula produced by the female body.

Duphaston, on the other hand, is an artificial analogue of progesterone, consists of dydrogesterone, which is also of plant origin, but is subjected to more complex chemical processing. Utrozhestan is available in two forms: capsules for oral administration (inside) and intravaginal suppositories. Duphaston is sold only in pill form.

Indications for the use of Duphaston and Utrozhestan

Both drugs have similar indications for use. Utrozhestan is prescribed with the threat of spontaneous abortion, mild form, uterine fibroids, hormonal infertility (for example, caused by the cycle) and other gynecological diseases.

Also, the drug is very effective when women have high levels of male sex hormones. Utrozhestan is a fairly new drug, so in some European countries it is not yet widely used.

Dyufaston was released by the pharmaceutical industry much earlier than Utrozhestan, and the experience of its use has a long history. The artificial configuration of the hormone allows the drug to quickly enter the body and be absorbed into the blood at the desired concentration.

In addition to being used in case of a threat of miscarriage, Duphaston is also prescribed in preparation for in vitro fertilization, for menstrual irregularities, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, for replacement therapy after removal of reproductive organs, infertility.

Studies have shown that Duphaston several times reduces the risk of premature birth in women who are registered with this problem.

Contraindications to taking Duphaston and Utrozhestan

Since Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of natural progesterone, its use is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to its constituents and other components of the drug. It is also not recommended to take Duphaston for women with serious liver diseases (Rotor syndrome, Dabin-Johnson syndrome).

With caution and under the supervision of a physician, Duphaston is prescribed to patients with a history of itching during pregnancy. A contraindication to the use of Duphaston is the lactation period, since it penetrates into breast milk.

Utrozhestan, despite its naturalness, has much more contraindications to admission. Utrozhestan is not used for bleeding from the genital tract of an unexplained nature, if the patient has malignant or reproductive organs, with some liver diseases (porphyria), during an abortion in progress, with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

With a tendency to the appearance of blood clots, an intravaginal method of using Utrozhestan is recommended. With caution, this remedy is prescribed to women in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy due to the risk of liver dysfunction, as well as during breastfeeding.

Side effects of taking Duphaston and Utrozhestan

When taking Duphaston, the patients practically do not notice side effects. The only thing, occasionally breakthrough uterine bleeding occurs, which are eliminated by increasing the dose of the drug.

Utrozhestan has many more side effects, namely: dizziness 30-40 minutes after ingestion, lethargy, drowsiness, mood swings, increased fatigue. Some of them are eliminated by taking Utrozhestan vaginally.

What is better Dyufaston or Utrozhestan

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which drug is better than Duphaston or Utrozhestan. Each of them is prescribed by a doctor to a woman, taking into account specific indications, characteristics of the body, focusing on personal experience of use or the results of therapy of other patients.

Both drugs, although hormonal, do not affect body weight, since they do not lead to fluid retention in the body, which is especially important for women in position. These drugs do not affect the metabolism, they do not get fat from Duphaston and Utrozhestan.

The big plus is that the drugs do not increase blood pressure either. Still, both drugs have their pros and cons, as well as advantages over each other.

Why is Duphaston better than Utrozhestan:

  • few side effects;
  • minimal effect on the liver;
  • high efficiency in planning a child with IVF (good indicators of fetal survival);
  • decrease in likelihood;
  • no side effects on the fetus;
  • no contraindications to driving a vehicle while taking Duphaston;
  • Duphaston is a more researched drug;
  • Duphaston can be taken for a longer time, unlike Urozhestan

Advantages of Utrozhestan:

  • a natural drug that is closest in composition to natural progesterone;
  • the ability to use the drug both orally and intravaginally (especially method 2 is suitable for pregnant women with a strong);
  • effective with an excess of male hormones;
  • does not have a detrimental effect on the fetus;
  • low cost of Utrozhestan in comparison with Duphaston

Which drug is best for you can only be assessed on your own experience. In general, they both do a good job with their functions: they make up for the deficiency of progesterone in the body, bring the uterus back to normal, eliminating manifestations, reduce the likelihood of miscarriage, and normalize the cycle.

Interchangeability of Duphaston and Utrozhestan

A large number of women are interested not only in the question of which of these funds is better, but also whether it is possible to replace Utrozhestan with Duphaston and vice versa. Replacing one drug with another occurs for various reasons: some patients may have contraindications to taking a particular drug, others show an individual intolerance to the components, and still others just want to receive Duphaston at the antenatal clinic for a free prescription.

It is categorically impossible both to prescribe Dyufaston or Utrozhestan to yourself, and to replace one remedy with another. Hormonal drugs require strict adherence to the instructions and smooth cancellation or transition, therefore, the scheme for switching from Duphaston to Utrozhestan or vice versa for each patient is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the characteristics of the woman's body, contraindications to hormone intake and pregnancy management.

As a rule, Utrozhestan is usually prescribed to patients in the first trimester (less often in the II) because of the convenience of its use in the form of vaginal capsules, especially with severe gestosis of pregnant women. Duphaston can be prescribed at any stage of pregnancy if there is a threat of miscarriage or, according to the results of the analysis, the woman has a clear progesterone deficiency.

How to take Duphaston and Utrozhestan

Schemes for taking Duphaston and Utrozhestan for various diseases and pathologies, as well as during pregnancy, are different and are selected by a specialist individually.

To normalize the cycle, Utrozhestan is usually prescribed 200 mg 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening for 10 days. With the threat of miscarriage during pregnancy, a dose of Utrozhestan is prescribed, equal to 200-600 mg per day. For other pathological conditions, the drug is recommended to be taken from 200 to 400 mg.

The dosage for the use of Duphaston in each case is selected individually. In case of violation of the cycle and premenstrual syndrome, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day for 2 weeks, starting from the 11th day of the cycle, with infertility caused by insufficiency of the luteal phase, Duphaston is drunk from the 14th to 25th day of the cycle, 1 tablet per day, with a threatening abortion is prescribed 4 tablets once, then 1 every 8 hours until the anxiety symptoms disappear, etc.

In the case of the appointment of progesterone drugs during the planning of a child, a woman often continues to take them for almost the entire pregnancy, since the body is accustomed to the intake of hormones from the external environment and does not cope well with its production naturally.

Sometimes the doctor may prescribe the patient the simultaneous use of Duphaston and Utrozhestan in order to minimize the likelihood of developing certain side effects associated with prolonged use of hormonal drugs. Often Duphaston is prescribed to a woman orally in addition to the intravaginal administration of Utrozhestan.

This regimen allows you to maintain the required level of the pregnancy hormone progesterone in normal conditions with minimal risks for the expectant mother and fetus. The main thing is to follow the instructions and dosage indicated by the gynecologist.

Cancellation of drugs

In late pregnancy, when the placenta has formed a cavity and is itself able to produce the required amount of progesterone, Duphaston or Utrozhestan is canceled. But in the presence of a prolonged threat of termination of pregnancy, the appearance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen and tone of the uterus after the withdrawal of progesterone, Duphaston continues to be taken further.

Utrozhestan is replaced by Duphaston, since it has a negative effect on the liver at the end of the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The scheme for canceling Duphaston and Utrozhestan is approximately the same - a gradual reduction in the dose of the drug (by half a tablet per week or another option suggested by the doctor) with an assessment of the patient's condition.

If Dyufaston and Utrozhestan stop taking very abruptly, serious consequences are possible, up to miscarriage in early pregnancy and premature birth at a later stage. Be careful with hormonal medications and only take them as directed by your healthcare professional.