What can be given to a baby at 7 months. Menu at seven months. Butter - for flavor enhancement

Hello everyone, tell me what is your menu and by the hour at 7-8 months, and what kind of breastfeeding or artificial feeding?

I made a selection from the Internet, do you also feed?

Menu for a seven month old baby:

A seven month old baby's menu should look something like this:

6.00 - breastfeeding;

10.00 - vegetable soup with meat broth - 20 g; vegetable puree - 150 g (add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and half an yolk to the puree); meat or liver puree 10-30 g; fruit juices - 5-6 teaspoons;

14.00 - breastfeeding, one of the fruit juices - 5-6 teaspoons;

18.00 - oatmeal (buckwheat, rice) - 150 g; cottage cheese - 4 teaspoons; a scraped apple or one of the fruit purees - 3 tablespoons;

22.00 - breastfeeding.

Baby menu at 8 months:

6 hours - breastfeeding;

10 hours - vegetable soup in meat broth - 30 g, one crouton, bread - 5 g, vegetable or vegetable-fruit puree - 170 g with 1/2 yolk and 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, meat (liver) puree - 50 g, juices - 7 teaspoons;

14 hours - breastfeeding or kefir - 1 glass with cookies, juices - 7 teaspoons;

18 hours - porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice) - 170 g, cottage cheese - 4 teaspoons, grated apple or fruit puree - 4 tablespoons;

22 h - breastfeeding.

At the age of 7.5-8 months, the baby's food is still five times a day (and, of course, without night feeds), but now another breastfeeding is replaced by complementary foods (you are introducing the so-called third complementary foods into the daily diet). The child has got a taste for new dishes, and he likes his menu. He is well-fed and cheerful, gaining weight well.

Here's what a 1-year-old child's diet looks like:

- 1 breakfast - porridge;

- 2 breakfast - fruits, fruit puree;

- Lunch - soup + meat dish;

- Afternoon snack - cottage cheese, kefir, casserole;

- Supper - breastfeeding.

The main rule of nutrition for children under one year old: the first and last feeding is breastfeeding. The interval between meals with five meals a day for a child up to a year will be 4 - 4.5 hours.

An 8 month old baby's menu may look something like this:

6:00 - breast milk or formula (200 g);

10:00 - dairy-free porridge (150 g), Ѕ yolk (after the introduction of meat, it is advisable to transfer the yolk to breakfast), breast milk or mixture (50 g);

14:00 (lunch) - vegetable broth (20-30 ml), vegetable puree (150 g), meat puree (30 g), breast milk or mixture (50 g). Of course, you can give a difficult broth, but in fact a vegetable soup (vegetable broth and some mashed vegetables);

18:00 - breast milk or formula (200 g)

; 22:00 - breast milk or formula (200 g)

The first complementary food is fruit puree. In Russia, it is traditionally applesauce and is better from a slightly poached apple - it contains fewer extractives and allergens. It is desirable that the apple is green or yellow. You can also use "jars", they are certainly more useful in the winter-spring period.

The next fruit can be banana, then apricot, prunes (all in the form of puree). It is very good to use combinations - for example, apple-squash or apple-pumpkin.

At 5-6 months, you can begin to introduce porridge into complementary foods. In this case, you need to start with one cereal - for example, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, corn. If the child tolerates all this well, mixtures can be used. Depending on the condition of the child's intestines (this should be consulted with a doctor), you can start with "gluten-free" cereals or immediately introduce the "adult" version of cereals into complementary foods.

From 6 months, butter is added to the porridge. At 6-7 months, vegetable puree is introduced into complementary foods. It is difficult to introduce it at an earlier date - children do not like the unusual taste of vegetables, they have to mix mashed potatoes with milk or mixture. At the age of 6-7 months, this is easier to do, although sometimes you have to use different tricks. By the way, if a child does not tolerate vegetable puree well, it is better to postpone its introduction into complementary foods for another month, than to cause him to have a negative attitude towards this important dish.

From 7 months vegetable oil is added to vegetable puree. There is no need to add vegetable oil to ready-made ("canned") vegetable purees. At 7-8 months (sometimes as prescribed by a doctor and earlier - at 6 months), the introduction of cottage cheese and, with good tolerance, kefir is prescribed.

At 8 months, the child is given bread or cookies, which are usually added to the curd and mixed with fruit puree. In the same period, meat is introduced - beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken. It is better to give the yolk from 9-11 months, during the same period you can start giving tender broths. Thus, in the first 6 months, unfamiliar food is not introduced into complementary foods, and in the second half of the year, all the necessary ingredients are introduced rather quickly.

Video. 8 months baby food table

When a baby turns 7 months old, mother's milk is not able to provide his body with all the necessary substances, and if at 6 months it was still possible to do without additional feeding, now it is not possible. Complementary feeding of a child at 7 months has an important role in its development - it not only enriches the body with useful elements, but also contributes to the development of the chewing reflex.

It is considered irrational to introduce complementary foods up to six months into the baby's diet if he is breastfed. However, today parents very rarely adhere to these rules and try to dilute the milk diet as early as possible and pamper their baby with new goodies.

Therefore, it is now believed that vegetable and fruit purees, vegetable soups and milk porridge should be present in the diet of a 6-month-old child. Various juices and cookies are even added to this. The question arises: what other complementary foods can be introduced into the diet of a baby at 7 months old?

The menu of a seven-month-old child is determined by 4 main products - meat, cottage cheese, kefir and egg yolk. Below is a table of complementary foods for babies aged 6 to 7 months, which describes the maximum amount of a particular product.

Let's talk about each new product in more detail.

Fermented milk products should be present in the child's diet, but not all of them are absorbed equally well, so parents should carefully monitor the baby's condition

Fermented milk products in the diet of a 7-month-old baby

Their presence in the baby's diet is very important, especially if the baby is bottle-fed. The baby's ventricle has recently begun to master its "role", and the elements contained in fermented milk mixtures allow him to cope with his "duties" perfectly well. In addition, they contain calcium, which is necessary for strengthening bones.

At the beginning of the seventh month, the baby should be introduced to cottage cheese. Since it is considered a nutritious and rather heavy food for the stomach, it should be introduced as a complementary food gradually, starting from ½ teaspoon, and only by the end of 7 months its amount should reach 20-30 grams per day.

Sugar is prohibited for children, so if the child does not like pure cottage cheese, it can be slightly diluted with breast milk or infant formula that the baby feeds on.

Another fermented milk product, the introduction of which is mandatory at 7 months, is kefir. It is quite easily absorbed by the stomach, does not bring discomfort to the baby, but, on the contrary, helps to improve the digestive system. The introduction of kefir should also occur gradually. Its initial dose should not exceed 10 ml, after which its amount daily increases by 10 ml until it reaches 200 ml per day.

When introducing kefir and cottage cheese, you should carefully monitor the baby's stool. Cottage cheese can cause constipation, and kefir, on the contrary, can cause diarrhea. Therefore, if you notice changes in the child's stool, the new product will have to be excluded from the diet. And only after 3-4 weeks try to reintroduce it in small quantities.

At seven months, the child can and even needs to try meat products - it can be puree from turkey, rabbit, chicken

Meat is the main product that should be present in the diet of any person, regardless of gender and age. It is a source of amino acids and phosphorus, as well as many other microelements useful to our body.

For the first time, babies are offered meat as complementary foods at the age of seven months. Naturally, it should not be pork or lamb. The most beneficial for the child are chicken, rabbit and young veal, they are easy to digest and do not cause allergies.

Complementary feeding with meat at 7 months should start with ½ teaspoon, then - in the absence of disorders of the digestive system - this amount gradually increases to 50 g per day.

Meat can be given both in the form of mashed potatoes, chopping it with a blender, or in small pieces that can be added to a vegetable soup, thereby contributing to the development of a chewing reflex. However, you should be careful and watch how the baby chews food. If he still cannot chew and he swallows meat in chunks, then it is best to wait a little and add mashed potatoes to the soup.

Egg yolk can cause allergies, but it is also rich in nutrients and very nutritious.

Egg yolk is rich in vitamins and minerals. However, this product is very poorly absorbed by the digestive system of a seven-month-old baby, therefore, for the first time, only a sixteenth part of it is given to a child.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby's body to the innovation. Both egg white and yolk contain allergens that can cause an unwanted reaction in your baby. When it appears, the yolk must be removed from the diet.

In the absence of allergic reactions and stool disorders, the amount of yolk increases every day. By the end of 7 months, the baby should not have eaten more than ¼ of the yolk.

At seven months, the baby should not be deprived of food in the form of breast milk, but he already needs additional nutrition

Sample menu for a seven-month-old baby

Despite the innovations, the main food for a child at 7 months should be breast milk or milk formula. Breastfeeding of the baby should take place on every request, feeding with mixtures - by the hour.

The feeding scheme for a 7-month-old baby is approximately as follows:

  • 8:00 - milk porridge with the addition of butter + cottage cheese;
  • 13:00 - vegetable soup with meat + yolk + vegetable puree;
  • 17:00 - milk porridge with the addition of butter + cottage cheese or fruit puree;
  • 20:00 - kefir.

During the period of the introduction of new products, it is extremely important to observe the baby's diet. It is impossible to acquaint the child with new food in the evening, since it is not known how the child's body will react to it, this must be done in the morning and the rest of the day to observe the reaction.

If you have an allergy with innovations, you should wait. And before you start again to introduce these products into the baby's diet, you should talk about complementary foods with a pediatrician.

Seven-month-old babies are growing quite actively and their need for nutrients and vitamins increases, as does their curiosity about adult food. As before, they draw energy for growth and development from mother's milk or adapted formulas. But, at the same time, milk alone is no longer enough and in 7 month old baby menu new products appear.

What can a 7 month old baby do?

The World Health Organization has recommended the introduction of complementary foods in the diet of children from 6 months. For this reason, a large number of children, especially those who are bottle-fed, have already got acquainted with a new food for themselves a month ago. The rules for the classical introduction of complementary foods into the children's diet may seem complicated only at first glance; in fact, the sequence of actions in the specified sequence, sensitivity to the baby's reaction and maternal patience are important.

A few simple rules for introducing complementary foods:

  • the introduction of a new product is not recommended until the baby gets used to the introduction of the previous one;
  • it is necessary to increase the volume of the portion eaten in stages, it is worth starting with 1 teaspoon;
  • you can not insist. If the child is not delighted with the taste of the dishes, it is worth postponing its introduction and making the next attempt no earlier than after 1-2 weeks;
  • the child should not be introduced to new food during the period of his malaise, as well as in too hot weather, when the protective function of the body is weakened;
  • Breast milk has supportive properties that will improve the absorption of new foods and help you introduce other foods more gently.

Foods allowed for babies at 7 months: bread, vegetable puree, meat puree, fruit puree, fruit juice, baby biscuits, egg yolks, crackers, vegetable and butter, cereals, low-fat cheeses. There are cases when pediatricians may recommend children's kefir and cottage cheese, but it is too early to introduce them into the baby's diet for 7 months. The list seems quite impressive, but sane mothers should understand that the introduction of all these products in just 1 month is not possible. You should be patient and take at least 10 days to get used to each product. Read also how to correctly introduce complementary foods to a baby at 8 months (see)

Organization of meals

The baby's diet should consist of 5-6 meals. Morning feeding is preserved, it is necessary for the baby, and to support lactation in nursing mothers. Nighttime snacks should become a thing of the past over time. The special awakening of the baby at night and in the early morning for food should stop.

Taking cereals is recommended no earlier than 10:00, thus, the evening diet becomes easier. Babies who are still breastfeeding, out of habit, may require breastfeeding after meals and at other times to quench their thirst or calm them down. It is not recommended to deny them this. One feeding (taking into account breastfeeding) can reach up to 240 ml in volume.

Vegetables, fruits and cereals

Not so long ago, 3 month old babies were fed juices, let alone 7 month old babies. However, to date, both pediatricians and parents have refused such feeding. How to feed a baby 7 months old, how to diversify its menu, the doctors will tell you, and the sequence of the introduction of complementary foods will remain at the discretion of mums and dads.

Highly useful for a 7 month old baby learn and love vegetable puree. Fruit purees and juices, unfortunately, do not have such a neutral taste, and do not contain easily digestible dietary fiber, which can have a beneficial effect on the work of the baby's digestive tract, gently regulating the stool. The next complementary food is porridge. They provide the body with the necessary energy, vitamins and minerals.

After the introduction of one-component cereals, you can use two-, three-, four-grain cereals and add fruits to them. Commercial porridge can be dairy and dairy-free. Cereal complementary food it is better to start with dairy-free hypoallergenic cereals. If the porridge is prepared using cow's milk, it is better to dilute it with water 1: 1. Today, fruit juice and puree are considered to be independent parts of a 7-month-old child's nutrition, as well as offer them to a baby as an addition to main dishes.

But juices contain a huge amount of carbohydrates that irritate the mucous membrane. With obvious drawbacks, they do not differ in the presence of the required amount of calories and valuable substances. Even freshly squeezed juices have fewer nutrients than breast milk. For this reason, juice is not a necessary product for a baby, and its introduction on the menu is often postponed to a later date. Instead, you can give the baby a light vitamin compote prepared without added sugar.


If mothers can successfully cook vegetable and fruit puree themselves, then it is better to choose the first meat complementary foods on store shelves. The bottom line is that home conditions do not allow you to grind the meat finely enough, as specialized enterprises do, and the quality of raw materials is subject to strict inspection by the manufacturer. Over time, it is possible to switch to mashed potatoes, broth and homemade minced meat. Best used for complementary foods for a 7 month old baby: rabbit meat, chicken and turkey. Pork and beef are not recommended for consumption earlier. If, nevertheless, it is decided to use self-cooked meat, it should be well wiped and start giving the baby half a teaspoon, gradually increasing to 3.5 tablespoons.

To grind meat, it is worth using a meat grinder, having previously installed a knife with narrow outlet holes in it. From the minced meat obtained, you can immediately roll up a dozen meat balls and put in the freezer next time. It is advisable to purchase a sirloin, so as not to think about whether there are streaks, fat, etc. in the meat.

Feeding table for a 7 month old baby

Using this table, the mother should proceed from the fact that there are certain volumes of the acceptable amount of food taken by a child at this age: fruit puree - 40-50 ml; vegetable puree - 5-30g; porridge - 50-100g; fruit juices - 5-30g; vegetable oil - 1-3g.

1 feeding 6.00 am 200 ml
2 feeding 10.00 in the morning Dairy or dairy-free.
Porridge with butter.
Boiled egg yolk (chicken).
Complementary feeding with breast milk or VHI.
150 gr (porridge)
0.5 tsp (sl. butter)
quarter yolk
50 ml (milk, mixture)
3 feeding 14.00 day Vegetable puree.
Vegetable oil.
Meat puree.
Fruit juice
170 g (puree)
1 tsp (vegetable oil)
30 g (meat puree)
70 ml (juice)
4 feeding 18.00 in the evening Fruit puree.
Cookies (for children)
or VHI
70 gr (puree)
1-2 pcs (cookies)
130 ml
5 feeding 22.00 in the evening Breast milk or formula 200 ml

The rules for introducing complementary foods and serving the menu for a 7 month old baby from the point of view of Komarovsky:

The baby's diet is expanding due to the introduction of flour products: bread, crackers and dry biscuits, a new product appears - fish. If the child is healthy, he almost always eats with pleasure. Do not worry if he suddenly refuses one or two meals - this may be due to a change in mood or fever.

Diet for a 7-month-old baby

Gradually, the habit of eating is formed on almost the same schedule as in adults. A traditional breakfast, most often milk porridge, a full meal, however, while soups and borscht should be cooked without fried vegetables. Slowly, there is a smooth transition to 4 meals a day - mainly for bottle-fed babies. Approximate menu for a 7-month-old baby for a day:

  • 07: 30–08: 00 - breakfast, some kind of porridge, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat, a little curd, as a drink you can offer fresh fruit compote (in summer) or freshly squeezed juice;
  • 12: 00–12: 30 - a full lunch: soup with a slice of bread (very small, because the child is not used to it yet), for the second - vegetable puree with grated meat and a quarter of an egg yolk;
  • 16: 00-16: 30 - afternoon snack, cottage cheese with fruit puree and sweet biscuits will help the child hold out until dinner;
  • 19: 00–19: 30 - dinner, mashed potatoes with fish or homemade liver pate, without spices and with a minimum amount of salt.
  • 21:30 - evening portion of kefir or breast milk.

Of course, your schedule may differ, it is important to maintain breaks between meals - at least 3.5-4.0 hours. Please note that the baby has grown and his portions have become larger, increasing from 150 g to 170. If possible, do not isolate the child, let him eat with adults, at a common table: watching the elders, he will adopt healthy habits from them.

Diet changes

At 7 months, it's time to introduce flour products. Croutons and biscuits will be a pleasant treat for your baby. Do not buy him confectionery products with creams, chocolate icing and other additions, the simplest baked goods are the best option. The cookies are still too hard, so it is better to moisten them in milk so that the baby can chew them. Do the same with bread.

The share of fermented milk products is gradually increasing. Their purchase must be treated very carefully. Yoghurts and kefirs are useful only if bacteria have survived in them. If the shelf life of the product is more than 5 days, most likely, it contains preservatives - it is better not to give such food to children.

In pharmacies and baby food stores, you can buy live microorganisms, for example, bifidum - or lactobacilli.

Important! Before preparing yogurt or kefir, the milk must be boiled. Do not put bacteria (they are usually sold in capsules) in hot drinks - they are destroyed at high temperatures. Wait until the milk has cooled to 38-40 degrees, then add powder (or liquid starter culture) into it and place the container in a warm place.

At 7 months, you can start introducing a new complementary food - fish. Low-fat varieties such as pollock, cod, or pike perch are suitable. It is advisable to buy fresh fish that has not yet been frozen. Important! It is strictly forbidden for kids to offer caviar and seafood - they often cause allergies, cases of poisoning are not uncommon - the child's body is not yet prepared for the use of such food.

Smoked meats, salted and dried fish - strictly prohibited... The same applies to all types of canned fish. An exception is foods specially prepared for babies, which are sold in baby food stores. The weekly norm of fish for a 7-month-old baby is no more than 100 g. You can give it 2-3 times a week.

Getting used to the cup

Most often, mothers buy their children a special drinker with a narrow spout. Its advantage is that the baby can easily handle the dishes and can use it on their own without risking spilling a drink. But this cannot go on forever - sooner or later it is time to transfer the baby to the cup. Of course, it will be a beautiful shatterproof mug designed only for a child.

To begin with, you should give the baby an empty cup, let him play with it. Most likely, the kid has already seen how adults drink and will try to copy them. Pour quite a bit of compote or juice for the first time - almost all children like to drink from a mug. But sometimes the child shows stubbornness, demanding the usual bottle. Do not try to persuade him, it is better to postpone the habit of the cup until the next time.

How to cook meat for babies

If you previously offered meat products to your baby exclusively in the form of mashed potatoes, it's time to move on to minced meat. Of course, it can only be cooked for those children who already have teeth and who have already slowly adapted to solid foods. Tips for serving and preparing meat dishes:

  • it is preferable to offer meat in a company with vegetable dishes;
  • the use of liver, better than veal or beef, since it is devoid of the bitter taste characteristic of pork;
  • meat for minced meat should be passed through a meat grinder twice - it will come out softer and more tender, it is too early to make cutlets for crumbs, it can be added to vegetable purees and soups.

Never leave cooked food with meat until next time. The digestive system of a 7-month-old baby is still very vulnerable, so only freshly prepared foods can be given to him.

Cook mostly meat soups, just do not put bones in them. Better - beef or veal, choose lean cuts. Boil the broth for two hours. After boiling, remove the foam, then put the pan over low heat. For taste, put carrots and onions in water, chopping them is not necessary, you just need to peel and wash. Strain the finished broth, then boil again. The prepared soup will be more aromatic if, in addition to other products, you put a little parsley in it at the end of cooking.

Delicious puree

For mashed potatoes, it is important not only to choose the right meat, but also to prepare it well: first wash it under running cold water, then remove the films and fat. For a quarter glass of water, you need 100 g of meat. Cut the product into small pieces, then simmer with a little water. The boiled meat must be passed through a meat grinder twice, and then beat with a blender or rub through a sieve.

The resulting mass is a little dry, so it is worth adding a little broth (milk) to it. Prepared puree must be boiled, the final stage is to salt and season with butter. The broth left over from the preparation of mashed potatoes is useful for the first courses.

Chicken souffle

One serving will require 50-60 g of meat, 30-35 ml of milk, half a yolk, a little wheat flour and butter. The yield of a portion is 100 g. Boil the chicken fillet, then pass it through a meat grinder (twice). Throw flour and yolk into the minced meat, add milk heated to 70-80 degrees. Then mix all the products thoroughly - you should get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Place in a greased baking dish, then bake in the oven over low heat.

Always check your baby's reactions to new foods. At the first sign of an allergy or an upset stomach, return to the usual menu, perhaps the new dish is not suitable for the child.


That's really really wisely noticed - the child is growing by leaps and bounds! It is this thought that often visits loving parents when they look with affection at their 7 month old baby! This article will help you organize meals like a nursing baby. , and the baby, gradually moving to a more varied food. We will also tell you that the baby should already be able to do it himself and how to help him sit unaided.

Many kids at this age already know how to pronounce syllables quite articulate , and some crumbs (especially girly ones) say short words (mom, dad).

At 7 months old, babies crawl pretty quickly on the floor and can sit without support. Clinging to the crib or sofa, the child can stand up and take a couple of steps ... The kid with pleasure picks up from the floor and carefully examines the found small objects - a thread, a piece of fabric, a crumb.

A seven month old baby is very curious and enjoys exploring objects that are within his reach hand while crawling on the floor ... Therefore, very carefully collect all objects hazardous to the baby's health from the floor and remove things that he can reach. In addition, it is necessary to isolate all sharp and protruding corners, carefully close the pull-out drawers, and also close the sockets in those rooms where the child is.

Let the box of children's toys is within sight and reach of the baby. The more often the baby plays with his toys, pours them out of the box, shifts them, tastes them, the more actively his thinking, hand motor skills and tactile sensations develop. By the way, by the age of 7 months, the child may already the first teeth appear - incisors on the upper and lower gums.

3 helpful tips for mommy:

Advice 1. Get your baby out of bed often and let him crawl on the floor under your watchful eye. When he plays with toys on the floor, spread a thick, wide blanket. Play finger games with him, and also teach him to press buttons in toys, show him how to sort the toy parts correctly different shapes.

Tip 2.
Play different games with your child while swimming - with water pistols, with plastic containers, make foam with bubbles, just clap your palms with your baby on the surface of the water. A special rubber mat can be placed on the bottom of the bath so that the baby can walk with his feet without slipping when you hold him by the handles.

Tip 3.
A 7 month old baby should already understand such concepts as Can and Do not be well. Be sure to try to teach your child to understand them as early as possible. If he pulls the handle to the stove or tries to grab something heavy, then the "magic" word Can't prevent trouble.


The dangers of a seven-month-old baby:

Toys with harsh or very loud sounds can greatly scare your baby, after which he will not be able to fall asleep for a long time.

The crumb can swallow any small objects! Rattles and other toys with small balls inside must be made of reliable and safe material so that their body does not split after the next fall to the floor.

Some soft toys are also dangerous for small children. For example, long faux wool hairs or poorly sewn parts can get caught in your baby's mouth or ear.

Ties, bows, buttons on children's clothes and doll clothes should be tightly sewn to the material, since the crumb will certainly try to bite them off with erupting teeth.

Children's plastic dishes can be very reliable and durable, but carefully look at the information on the packaging of the dishes so that they do not contain melamine, which is dangerous for the child's body!

Substances such as lead and cadmium, which are often added to the varnish and paint of cheap Chinese toys, are also dangerous for the health of the baby!

Do not put synthetic underwear on the baby's naked body, as it causes skin allergies, prickly heat and diaper rash! To avoid the greenhouse effect synthetics on the skin of a child, buy underwear only from natural materials (for example, 100 percent cotton or linen).


▪ get on your knees and sit down with minimal assistance;

▪ purposefully crawl on all fours (that is, to the object that you chose at the beginning of the "start");

▪ do at least a few steps with support by the handles;

▪ to distinguish one familiar object from another.


√ stand, holding the dais with the handles and sit without support;

at 7-8 months, the baby is able to pick up a small object with the help of his thumb and forefinger;

pronounce syllables and some short monosyllabic words;

while saying goodbye, wave a pen;

play simple role-playing games, as well as goodies and "cuckoo";

try to imitate surrounding sounds and actions;

move toys with two handles, or each separately;

sort simple toy figures ;

show the objects named by the adult that surround him in the children's room;

express emotions and desires with facial expressions.


Option 1 - infant menu:

Option 2 - menu for a small child at seven months:

Option 3- menu for a 7 month old baby (complementary foods without the use of breast milk):

6 important tips for organizing the feeding of a seven-month-old baby:

Tip 1
- most babies still feed on breast milk at 7 months. If you
do not have problems with lactation then continue to feed your baby with your milk, which is fine regulates the balance of microflora in the intestine baby and helps to strengthen the immune system. It is not advisable to give the child cow or goat milk at this age;

Tip 2- gradually introduce other foods into the baby's diet. Special baby cottage cheese, rich in calcium and other important substances for the development of the child's body, is very useful;

Tip 3- protein food is also desirable to be included in the complex of additional nutrition for a seven month old baby. But start not with meat products, but with egg white mixed with baby puree;

Tip 4
- so that a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals is present in the baby's diet, give him daily fruit puree, which can be prepared at home from fruits to which the baby is not allergic;

Tip 5
- You can diversify the menu of a 7 month old baby with baby cereals. Pumpkin and rice porridge is very useful for the child's body;

Tip 6- closer to 8 months can be included in the baby's diet some meat dishes.
We recommend starting with chicken breast broth and lean beef tenderloin. But you need to cook the broth correctly. First, cook the meat in a saucepan for 10 minutes, then drain the water when it boils. And then again fill this meat with clean water and cook for 2 hours. Give the meat broth a teaspoon of crumbs.

After a few days, you can give the baby and meat. You can cook it in the way described above to obtain a broth. Add chopped meat to vegetable puree (you can use pumpkin puree) and serve the porridge-like mass in small portions.


▫ Weight ▫

There is an indicator by which you can quite accurately determine the weight norm for your baby. ... To find out the level of accumulated subcutaneous fat, it is necessary to add the circumference of the large part of the lower leg, the circumference of the upper thigh and 3 circumferences of the child's shoulder. Subtract the baby's height in cm from this amount.
If this figure is 19-21, then the weight of the crumbs is normal.

At 7 months, the boy gains an average of about 8.3 - 9 kg

The weight of a girl at this age is 7.6 - 8.7 kg

Premature babies may gain weight a little more slowly, but a proper diet and daily parental care for physical development will help babies quickly catch up with their peers in this indicator.

▫ Height ▫

Medium height seven month old boy - 67-69 cm

Medium height
girls - 64-67 cm

By eight months the growth of the baby slows down somewhat.


Is your baby 7 months old and still not sitting? In this video lesson, they will tell you and clearly demonstrate how to teach your baby to sit unsupported and play with toys while sitting: