What can be put into a kinder. How to surprise a kinder with your gift without breaking an egg: a practical instruction. An original gift with your own hands

Imagine that your close friend or loved one opens the usual bought kinder surprise you donated, and there is an expensive gift or a pleasant present from you personally? The reaction and attention from such a gift will be the most unexpected and, of course, pleasant. And how to do it, you will find an easy way in this video tutorial.

For the Kinder Surprise trick, we need the following tools;

  • egg Kinder surprise;
  • flat smooth knife;
  • container with boiling water;
  • the gift you want to put in the egg.

Remove the egg wrapper. We do this carefully so as not to damage it. Each egg is packed in two foil halves that are held together at the sides.

Then we divide the chocolate egg into two halves. If you can't do this the first time, carefully cut the seam between the two chocolate halves.

We open the plastic egg, take out the toy from it and put our gift.

Also, if desired, add a sheet of paper with a wish, twisted into a tube, to the egg. Close the plastic egg. Boil water and pour boiling water over a container with a knife. We are waiting for about 20-30 seconds for the blade to warm up.

When the knife is hot enough, we pass it along the cut of one half of the chocolate egg.

We put the plastic inside and close it with the second part. Do this quickly enough while the chocolate is still melted. Smooth the seam of the closed egg a little so that the halves are better held together.

Wrap the chocolate egg back in the wrapper. The edges of the foil are curled inward, to one side.

A pleasant and even more unexpected surprise is ready. The main thing is that this special Kinder surprise falls into the right hands.

Kinder Surprise is considered one of the most coveted treats for children. After all, kids are waiting not so much for chocolate, but as a surprise that is in the egg. To be honest, some adults also do not mind opening the "kinder" on their own. Imagine if there is not a toy inside, but a real precious gift. How to make a kinder surprise yourself without breaking the egg, see further in the material.

To "make" a personal Kinder surprise you will need:

Kinder Surprise chocolate egg;
boiling water and container;
directly the gift itself.

Immediately you need to get ready to act very carefully. First you need to remove the foil wrapper without tearing it. To do this, unfold it along the fold line and set it aside.

Remove the toy parts from the plastic container and place your gift there.

To glue the halves of a chocolate egg together, you need to lower the knife in boiling water for 30 seconds, and then attach it with its wide side to the seam of the two halves. The chocolate will melt and the halves will easily stick together.

Imagine that your close friend or loved one opens the usual bought kinder surprise you donated, and there is an expensive gift or a pleasant present from you personally? The reaction and attention from such a gift will be the most unexpected and, of course, pleasant. And how to do it, you will find an easy way in this video tutorial.

For the Kinder Surprise trick, we need the following tools;

  • egg Kinder surprise;
  • flat smooth knife;
  • container with boiling water;
  • the gift you want to put in the egg.

Remove the egg wrapper. We do this carefully so as not to damage it. Each egg is packed in two foil halves that are held together at the sides.

Then we divide the chocolate egg into two halves. If you can't do this the first time, carefully cut the seam between the two chocolate halves.

We open the plastic egg, take out the toy from it and put our gift.

Also, if desired, add a sheet of paper with a wish, twisted into a tube, to the egg. Close the plastic egg. Boil water and pour boiling water over a container with a knife. We are waiting for about 20-30 seconds for the blade to warm up.

When the knife is hot enough, we pass it along the cut of one half of the chocolate egg.

We put the plastic inside and close it with the second part. Do this quickly enough while the chocolate is still melted. Smooth the seam of the closed egg a little so that the halves are better held together.

Wrap the chocolate egg back in the wrapper. The edges of the foil are curled inward, to one side.

A pleasant and even more unexpected surprise is ready. The main thing is that this special Kinder surprise falls into the right hands.

Chocolate eggs "Kinder-Surprise" are positioned as a delicacy for children, but often adults are not indifferent to them. The secret of success is simple: delicious chocolate and a cute souvenir inside. What is especially nice - the surprise is full, you can never guess exactly which toy will fall inside the egg. If desired, this unusual candy can be used as an original gift wrapping. How to open "Kinder" and close it back?

An original gift with your own hands

All you need to create an unusual surprise present is a Kinder egg, a knife and the gift itself. You can hide anything you want inside a treat: a cute note, jewelry, jewelry, some trifle with a personal hint. How to open "Kinder-Surprise" with your own hands? It's very simple - carefully remove the foil. You will see the seam connected. With a fairly sharp knife, divide the figure into two parts at the junction. Here is the answer to the question of how to open Kinder Surprise! But what to do next with the curly delicacy? Once you get to the plastic capsule, all you have to do is remove the factory toy and insert your gift.

How to open "Kinder" and close it back?

It is not difficult to close the inner plastic egg back at all. But what about the chocolate halves? There is a way - take a knife and heat its blade, carefully run the warm metal along the cut of one half. Now repeat this manipulation with the second part and try to quickly connect the chocolate figurine. If the egg is glued evenly, you have done everything right, now all that remains is to beautifully pack the gift. Carefully wrap the chocolate in the wrapping foil, the most important thing is not to tear or wrinkle it. Now give your unusual sweet gift to the addressee on occasion. And don't forget, now we are opening Kinder Surprise together, because you want to see the recipient's reaction?

The confectionery product "Kinder Surprise" pleases us since 1972. The inventor of this candy was the Swiss designer Henry Roth. Today, thousands of people on Earth become the inventors of handicrafts made from plastic eggs from Kinder. We have prepared 10 useful life hacks with Kinders, with the help of which you can not only entertain your baby, but also organize your life.

1. Minions

  • The first thing that comes to mind when looking at the container from Kinder is "It's a minion!" Indeed, the minions from Kinder are in the lead in the TOP of crafts. How to do it? A small upgrade is required: eyes with glasses and a blue jumpsuit. For the manufacture of a peephole and a jumpsuit, any available material will fit - buttons, plasticine, fabric, markers. A little imagination and time, and your kid will have a new friend - a funny minion. Or not one!

2. Travel-size jars

  • Leaving home for a couple of days, it is inconvenient to take all full-size jars and bottles with you. What if there are no special travel-size containers at hand? Thick textures (creams) and tablets / vitamins can be transferred to Kinder containers. Life hack is not suitable for transportation of liquid cosmetics (lotions and tonics).

3. For a picnic

  • Salt, pepper, and for some, sugar, are indispensable for a picnic. Alas, it is inconvenient to take bulk products with you. In order not to carry a salt shaker, pepper shaker and sugar bowl, pour one, the other and the third into plastic Kinders. Containers are hermetically sealed!

4. Storage for small items

  • Not only on the road, but at home, the boxes from Kinder will be useful. And if you are in a permanent state of stress, where to store all the little things (beads, buttons, pins, fishhooks, guitar strings, etc.) - relax! Eat a chocolate egg and adjust the container!

5. Garlic beads

  • Our grandmothers also knew that garlic is the best prophylactic remedy for colds. Modern mothers have come up with a life hack about this - garlic beads that will protect the baby from ARVI, wherever he is. How to do it? Pierce the container from Kinder with an awl, put pieces of garlic in the container and hang the "pendant" on a satin ribbon. Decorate to taste!

6. Pin cushion

  • You can do almost everything for your home with your own hands. The pincushion is no exception. We suggest you make a simple but very convenient needle bed from Kinder. Glue a pillow for needles into one half of the "egg", insert a thimble into the other. Everything!

7. Headphone case

  • Do not twist the headphones neatly, you will certainly get them tangled out of your pocket. And if you put the folded headphones in Kinder's egg every time, the problem of the "Gordian knot" will be solved once and for all.

8. Smartphone stand

  • From two identical halves of a Kinder egg, you can build a stand for a smartphone. To do this, cut holes in the plastic containers and fix the phone in them.

9. Kinder with a surprise

  • An engagement ring or a condom - your significant other can find whatever you want in a chocolate egg! We'll have to do it, but the effect is worth it. Carefully remove the wrapper, cut the egg with a sharp knife, replace the toy in the container and solder the chocolate halves with a hot knife. Wrap the surprise egg in the wrapper. Give and enjoy the effect!

10. And for dessert - scrambled eggs!

  • Transform Kinder Egg Chocolate Halves into Dessert Fried Eggs. All you need is yogurt and physalis berries. You can decorate dessert scrambled eggs with dry buds and coconut flakes. Aesthetic and gastronomic delight!