DIY number for birthday. How to make flat and voluminous figures for a boy, a girl. Step by step master classes. How to make voluminous numbers for a birthday

For a child, a birthday is a little fairy tale, in which everything around is dressed up, and gifts are given to the hero of the occasion. Balloons and other holiday decorations are everywhere. And to make the holiday even more elegant, today it is fashionable to make voluminous numbers indicating the age of the baby on your own, decorating them with napkins, corrugated paper and other elements. Below we will share the secrets of how beautifully and without much difficulty to make such numbers on and suggest original versions of various volumetric numbers.

Photo ideas of holiday figures for a birthday of different sizes

It is quite possible to glue a volumetric number for a birthday from improvised and inexpensive materials. The numbers can be as high as the birthday person or larger/smaller. Let's see a selection of interesting options for holiday numbers ko.

A festive figure can be made from:

  • balloons;

  • different

  • napkins;

  • cardboard;

  • fabrics.

And more original ideas.

How to make beautiful birthday numbers with your own hands from 1-9?

If you set out to create a voluminous transparent decoration in the form of a number for the birthday of your little one, then decide on the size and go to work. Here are some options for how you can glue beautiful numbers on your own.

Festive figure for a year.

  • Initially, make a frame for the unit out of cardboard.
  • Paste over it with ribbons of the corresponding color.
  • Decorate the resulting unit.

Festive figure for two years

  • Cut out number two from cardboard.
  • Glue the edges with corrugated paper.
  • Cut strips from .
  • Twist roses from stripes. How? Look at the photo.
  • Glue the resulting roses on a beautiful number.

Festive figure for three years

  • Make two blanks of the same size number three.
  • Attach the number to long skewers, stick the second cut blank on top.
  • Wrap with silk ribbon on top and decorate.
  • Such a figure can be placed in a flower pot or stuck in a foam stand.

Festive figure for four years

  • Cut out large circles from colored double-sided paper.
  • From the circles make spirals, as in the photo below.
  • Collect flowers from spirals. This is done by tightly twisting the spirals.
  • Cut out a cardboard number and glue it with white paper.
  • Fix the resulting flowers on the four with glue, and a beautiful figure is ready!

Festive figure for five years

  • Make two identical templates for number 5. For this you need thick cardboard.
  • Glue the bulk five.
  • From corrugated paper, cut into squares 5x5 cm or 3x3 cm (depending on the size of the five made).
  • Screw the squares onto a pencil and, dipped in glue, glue to the three-dimensional frame.
  • When all five are pasted over, wait for the glue to dry completely.

Festive figure for six years

  • Cut out the number 6 pattern.
  • Paste it with white paper (A4 sheets will do).
  • Cut small squares from corrugated paper.
  • Glue the squares very tightly one to one with the center to the workpiece.
  • Paste the entire figure completely and wait for the glue to dry.

Beautiful figure for seven years

  • Initially, we cut out the pattern of the number 7.
  • Paste the template with colored paper.
  • Fold a table napkin into a small square and stitch inside.
  • Cut out a circle from a folded napkin.
  • Gather the layers of tissue paper up to make a flower.
  • Paste a number with such flowers.

Beautiful figure for eight years

Beautiful figure for nine years

Nine for an already adult birthday can be cut out of foam. To do this, take a piece of foam and draw a nine on it. Use a construction knife to cut out the number along the contour. Such a number can be left as it is, or beautifully decorated.

How to make holiday numbers for a boy's birthday?

For a boy, you can glue a number from a cardboard blank, decorating it with ribbons or napkin squares. The main thing is that the color is appropriate. For the smallest, the figure can be decorated with cars, trains or superheroes.

It is relevant to make a figure in the form of a cartoon character, for example, a minion. The child will surely love it. For older boys, stylized numbers are suitable, to which the corresponding attributes are attached. They can be made based on cartoons - pirates, cars, ninjago, mickey mouse, etc.

Making numbers for a girl's birthday

The principle of making holiday figures for a beautiful baby is practically no different from the option with a boy. A voluminous number can be glued from cardboard, and pasted over with corrugated paper, flowers from napkins, and bright ribbons.

Crowns are relevant for “girlish style” jewelry, as all little girls want to become princesses. Bows, butterflies, flowers, pictures of princesses, small dolls will also be no less spectacular.

Growth figure for a year old child: step by step

Usually, a growth figure is made for the smallest for 1-2 years. To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • cardboard (large box from the TV, washing machine, refrigerator);
  • corrugated paper - 3-4 rolls;
  • ruler;
  • sewing meter;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue (for working with corrugated paper it is better to use a glue stick).

Do-it-yourself volumetric 3D figures for a birthday

The 3D voluminous number looks spectacular and will certainly appeal to guests, since everyone will want to take a picture with this attribute. Collecting materials:

  • cardboard for the base of the figure;
  • corrugated paper;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • paper knife;
  • Scotch;
  • rope;
  • pencil;
  • small wooden sticks.

Initially, you should draw a template on cardboard. If you need the number 4, then the dimensions are shown in the photo.

Cut out two identical numbers from cardboard. Also make the side pieces. For a figure 60-70 cm high, side parts 10 cm wide will be proportional. Glue the sides to one of the numbers using paper tape. Place wooden blocks in the figure, this will make it much stronger and more stable. You also need to attach a rope. Thanks to her, the number can be hung on the wall or carried without wrinkling the front part.

Using a hot glue gun, stick the second cut out template on top. Leave only the bottom of the work open.

From corrugated paper, cut strips 2 cm wide.

Using hot glue, attach the cut strips to the seams of the numbers.

Cut corrugated paper into 5x5 cm squares.

For decoration we use the technique of trimming. In other words, wrap a square of corrugated paper around a pencil. Dip it in glue and attach it to the previously glued frame.

Tightly glue the resulting blanks to one another.

The lower part and the “leg” need to be pasted over with slightly smaller blanks.

For them, cut out 4x4 cm squares.

Weight the base on which the number will stand with blocks and glue it with a hot gun. Without weighting, the figure will fall - in our case, “on the nose”.

Decorate the leg with blanks to the end.

Paste the back with corrugated paper, and the figure is ready.

Feel free to show your work to guests and spend

DIY paper numbers for birthday

For your little one's birthday, you can make a simpler version of the number. To do this, you will need the same cardboard from which one stencil of the number is cut. Color and decorate it.

For decoration we make flowers (daisies). Make a circle on a white sheet and cut it out. To get a beautiful flower, fold the cut circle into 4-6 parts and give it the shape of a petal.

Unfold the resulting workpiece and smooth it out.

For the middle of the chamomile, cut a long strip of yellow corrugated paper. Cut one side with scissors into strips and tightly roll the resulting workpiece into a circle.

To form a flower, glue two white parts of chamomile (blanks from circles). Glue the yellow center on top.

Decorate a paper number with flowers,

and a beautiful birthday accessory is ready.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself big birthday numbers

Recently, large and small numbers made of cardboard, created especially for kids, have been popular: they are used for birthdays and other themed holidays. We have collected for you the best options for do-it-yourself volumetric paper numbers: diagrams and templates will help you quickly make the desired combination of a number series and use it in your idea.

What are numbers for?

As a rule, figures are made for. They are look unusual and delight all the guests of the house: the grandparents of the baby are especially touched, because the number not only decorates the room, but also eloquently indicates that the baby has become older. The numbers serve great backdrop for thematic photos: the baby can pose with numerous relatives or on his own.

Numerical figures do in any event agency, however, parents will save a lot by making such crafts with their own hands. Their production is extremely easy and does not take much time: good imagination and creative skills will help you create paper numbers that will look no worse than purchased ones. About how to do it and what is needed for this in detail we will tell in the article.

Materials for manufacturing

If there is a very small baby in the house, and you have not yet got hold of stationery, we advise you to immediately go to the needlework store. Create a note in the phone, so as not to forget the tools that you need to purchase for future crafts:

  • Cardboard
    The size depends on the size of the number you are going to make. For a large number of numbers planned to be used as props for a photo shoot, it is better to prefer A4 thick cardboard. if there are huge crafts in the plans, you will have to be creative and find large boxes of large household appliances. The easiest way to do this is to ask at the store: usually sellers are happy to give away unnecessary packaging from goods.
  • Scissors
    Take comfortable scissors: when cutting cardboard, they should not rub the places of contact with the skin.

  • If you still don't have a clear idea in your head of what your number should look like, choose the colors that you will like the most in the store. Otherwise, select the material according to the idea.
  • Twine
    Get a couple of skeins of twine if the planned event will be held in a rustic style.
  • Construction stapler
    A stapler is needed when working with thick cardboard. Without it, the creation of three-dimensional figures will become almost impossible.
  • glue gun
    Required for fastening parts
  • Rulers, pencils, erasers
    Materials are needed for the design and marking of numbers on sheets of cardboard.
  • Additional materials
    Purchase additional materials as needed. These include: textiles, beads (beads), napkins and colored paper, knitting threads, tinsel.

We make a frame of volumetric figures

Big numbers have a big advantage: child can play with them and rearrange to any place in the apartment. At the same time, a well-made figure will last more than one year.

Follow instructions if you want to make a volumetric figure:

  1. Decide on the sizes. Depending on this, choose the material: ordinary A4 size cardboard or a large refrigerator box.
  2. On a piece of cardboard draw number by hand or using a template. Templates are given below.
  3. Cut out the number. Use scissors or a utility knife for this. If you cut out only one shape, then the craft will turn out flat: you can hang it on the wall or make holiday skewers with the age of the child.
  4. For a three-dimensional figure, prepare two identical numbers. In addition, cut out strips of cardboard that will serve as a layer between the templates. Band width define depending on the size of the number.
  5. Attach two templates and inner strips with a construction stapler, paper tape or a glue gun.
  6. Decorate the resulting frame, depending on the idea and materials at your disposal.

Variants of volumetric figures from improvised materials

We have made extensive compilation volumetric figures created by craftswomen especially for their kids. Some options are given with a description, so you there will be no difficulties with the performance of particularly complex figures.

Gorgeous colored paper numbers are made very easy, however, they often take several days of painstaking work to create. If you want to make a neat craft, take the creation of decorative elements into your own hands. baby can render minimal help: submit sheets, choose colors or glue decor elements in the indicated place. detailed instructions for decorating letters with paper flowers is indicated in the photo tutorial.

Numbers from buttons

Such a figure will come out in a tidy sum if you are not a craftswoman with a collection of buttons. Glue the buttons on cardboard or paper, dropping a little superglue into the middle. If thin cardboard is used and the figure does not exceed the size of an A4 sheet, the buttons can be sewn on with contrasting threads. This will give the craft special charm.

The figure with images of a baby or a family is performed in a three-dimensional and flat version. To fix photographs on paper need glue PVA or small scraps of adhesive tape.

fluffy number

Looking at such creations it is difficult to hold back a smile: they are soft and fluffy want to touch them. Imagine how nice it is for a baby to cuddle up to a three-dimensional figure?

Making it easy: select the threads for knitting the desired colors. Next with follow instructions:

  1. Wind the threads around the object of the desired size. It can be a regular mug or planter.
  2. Carefully remove the winding, fold it in half. Bandage the core.
  3. Cut the threads along the edges, fluff. The soft pom-pom is ready.

Thread craft

Another option for crafts using knitting threads. Just wind the frame as it shown on the picture. You can arrange a composition a single color or mix several contrasts. For a rustic party, use twine.

Corrugated paper numbers

In this performance fantasies there is where to roam. A variety of colors and decoration techniques will help you create a figure to your taste and needs. Here are the simplest frills, and flowers, and the usual pasting: look carefully at the photo and draw ideas from the finished work of young mothers.

From napkins

Do not think that numbers made from improvised materials will look ugly, because the work of the master is afraid. Examine the photos below: all volumetric figures are made by ordinary women. In the process of work, they used only templates of numbers and napkins that ended up at home. Try it too: the result will exceed expectations!

The simplest option, requiring a minimum of effort and cost. Purchase wrapping paper, appropriate in style to the event, and wrap the frame of the figure. Despite the simplicity, the result is very nice. Examples in the photo.

Purchasable Items

If there is no time to cut flowers and think through the details, purchase in store ready decor elements. It can be flowers, beads or wrapping paper for flowers.


This option is suitable for lovers of needlework. With the help of modern fabrics, you can create amazing drawings and compositions on numbers from ordinary cardboard and paper.

Making DIY crafts is easy. It just takes a little time, patience and a couple of fresh thoughts. You can get them from the Internet, including from the article “Do-it-yourself volumetric figures from paper: schemes and templates”.

Nowadays, more and more holidays have thematic directions. A certain theme can be traced in everything, from the serving of the festive table to decor elements: balloons in the chosen color scheme, tableware, tablecloths, posters and voluminous bright numbers. It is about how to make a figure for a birthday with your own hands that will be discussed in today's article.

We will tell you how to make volumetric and flat numbers. We’ll tell you what you need in order to make a birthday number with your own hands and share the basic decorating techniques. We will use various materials for decoration, ranging from cheap napkins to exclusive photographs from your family archive. There will be many options, you can choose the one that suits your soul and wallet.

A do-it-yourself birthday figure is not just an unusual room decoration, a decorative element that supports the general theme of the holiday, it is also a great gift.

Note that this trend is quite new, so it is only gaining popularity. Do-it-yourself birthday numbers, photos of which you can see in the article, always attract attention. Do you want to take a bright and unusual photo, and even with the postscript “done by yourself”? Then let's get to work.

We make a blank for numbers

What is good about this method of decorating a holiday? Everyone can do flat and voluminous figures for a birthday with their own hands. In addition, they do not have to spend a lot of money. To make numbers, you will need a minimum of tools that are likely to be found in every home.

So let's go. The most important thing is the manufacture of the frame, which will subsequently be decorated. It doesn’t matter at all which number for a birthday will be made with your own hands. The frame or base for it will be the very first thing to take care of.

In order to make a frame, we go on a trip around the house, look into every secluded corner, do not forget to look in the pantry or on the balcony. What are we looking for? An ordinary cardboard box, which, as they say, is not a pity to spoil. It is from thick cardboard, from which most packages from equipment or children's toys are made, that we will make a frame for the figure.

Choosing a frame option

There are two options for the frame: three-dimensional and flat. Before starting work, you should decide on this point.


If you are going to hang the figure on the wall or just put it against the wall, then you can choose a flat frame.

If you are going to make voluminous numbers for your birthday with your own hands so that they can easily stand anywhere in the room (on the festive table, in a separate place for gifts, in a place prepared for a photo shoot), then we choose the second version of the base.


With a flat base, everything is clear: we cut out the number we need from cardboard and decorate it with the intended decor elements. With a volumetric form, you have to tinker a little. The volumetric form of the figure can be made from a large box. If you don’t have one at hand, you can take ordinary cardboard and cut out four parts from it (front, back and side elements).

Next, the usual wide adhesive tape is used. It is with its help that we will connect the prepared cardboard parts to each other. You can use any adhesive tape: transparent, masking, dark building. This point is not important, because anyway, the adhesive tape will be covered with decorative elements.

Also, a piece of foam may be suitable for making a frame for volumetric figures. It will be necessary to cut out the desired number from it. However, this option is not always convenient if you are not going to stick the prepared elements, but, say, fix them with glue or double-sided tape. Styrofoam with such materials has a fairly low adhesion. Therefore, we advise you to still opt for a cardboard base. Anything will stick to it.

Fabrics and ribbons

So, the most interesting, exciting and exciting moment comes. Now we will decorate the frame we made. What materials are needed in order to make beautiful and unusual birthday numbers with your own hands?

Ribbons and fabrics are often used for decoration. If you use fabric, think over the winding pattern in advance and cut the blanks. Using tapes, it is no longer necessary to make any blanks of material in advance, the tapes are already easy to use.
We take a good quality glue and cover the top of the figure. Then we begin to gradually and very carefully wind ribbons or pieces of fabric onto a cardboard frame. Do not glue the entire number at once. You simply won't have time to wind the tapes so quickly, and the glue will dry.

When the entire surface of the figure is covered with fabric, you can add decorative elements. For example, for a children's version, you can use figures of cartoon characters, beautiful flowers made of plastic or paper. The fabric will act as a stylish backdrop to which you can add whatever your heart desires.

corrugated paper

The figure, decorated with corrugated paper elements, looks very impressive and unusual. For example, you need the number 5 for your birthday with your own hands. Let's try to make floral elements from corrugated paper to decorate the frame of the five.

Most often, roses are made from this material. To do this, cut the paper into long pieces - ribbons. Remember, the wider the ribbon, the larger and more voluminous the flower will be. You can make all the flowers the same size, or you can experiment by combining small flowers with large pink buds.
You will need to stretch each ribbon a little. This is done from the edge where the veins are on the paper. After stretching, it turns out that one edge is more fluffy. This edge will be the top - the flower bud. Now let's start twisting the rose. Do this gently, holding the bottom folds with your fingers. As a result, you should get a kind of accordion, where the upper part is an order of magnitude more magnificent (due to stretching the paper) than the lower one.

Now take a piece of thread and tie it from below. Next, you can cut the bottom a little shorter and make it smoother so that it can easily be tightly attached to the base and glued. After the buds are formed and strengthened with a thread from below, you can stir up the top a little, stretch the edges of the paper and make the bud as lush as you would like.

paper napkins

If there is no special paper at hand, and the number 2 for a birthday with your own hands must certainly be covered with flowers according to your idea, then there is a way out. Helpers will be ordinary paper napkins, which, for sure, can be found in every home.

We take a package of napkins, scissors, a stapler and ordinary PVA glue. We fold the napkin twice in half and fix the middle of the workpiece with a stapler. You should end up with a small square. But do not forget that we need a do-it-yourself birthday figure decorated with flowers. And they usually have rounded buds. What are we doing? Of course, we take scissors and cut the edges to the round size we need.

When the form is ready, it remains only to lift each napkin. Do this alternately, so the flower will be more fluffy. Leave only the bottom circle, which will act as the base. On the last circle, the flower will be glued to the cardboard.

As a result, you will get beautiful large numbers for a birthday with your own hands decorated with flowers. Note that this is one of the most budget options. A cardboard box, paper napkins, glue, scissors are items that every housewife has.

Cartoon characters

It is much easier for a girl, a girl, a woman to choose a style for designing numbers. But what to do if you need a number for a boy's birthday? Is it possible to make an original gift for a modern young man with your own hands?

We offer you a simple and easy option. It is suitable for those who grow up lovers of cartoons or computer games, if we are talking about teenagers. Also, this option is for those who do not want to spend a lot of time making numbers for their birthday with their own hands.

This is the progress of the work. We find the necessary images of our favorite characters, print them out on a printer and simply paste them in a chaotic (or precisely chosen by you) order. A bright and unusual figure for a boy is ready. You can also make numbers for girls by simply adding all the same corrugated paper roses to the cartoon characters.


The number 1 for a birthday with your own hands, made for your beloved baby and decorated with a collage of photos from the past year of life, is a surprisingly cute and pleasant gift. Of course, the child will not immediately understand its meaning, but such numbers with a photo can be stored for many years and will delight both parents and the younger generation, reminding them of happy moments.

  • Tip 1. If you are going to create a collage of photos, then it is better to make a flat frame rather than a three-dimensional one. In this case, the figure can be hung on the wall in the living room or on the door in the children's room. Such a figure will be not only a surprisingly cute decoration of the celebration, but also a profitable design solution used to decorate the premises.

  • Tip 2: Take small photos or cut out only faces from existing photos. Then on the figure you can fit all the happy moments that you would not want to forget about.

artificial bouquets

Agree, sometimes it is impossible to do something with your own hands because of the banal lack of free time. Twist 250-300 pieces of corrugated paper roses (namely, so much is needed to decorate a volumetric figure) just physically, many young mothers cannot. What to do if you still want to make a nice gift for your princess on her birthday? There is only one option - ready-made artificial bouquets.

We buy one or two bouquets, consisting of small artificial flowers. We unwind the wire to which they are usually attached. We do not need a full bouquet for decoration. Its separate elements are required: flowers, leaves, stamens. We make a cardboard blank (it can be flat, since we save time) and wrap it with paper or ribbons. It remains only to glue the flowers and leaves with a glue gun. The gift is ready.

colored threads

To decorate numbers for a birthday, ordinary yarn is often used. The option is quite fast and economical. We take any threads that are in the house (except those intended for ordinary sewing). It is better to take cotton or woolen threads, as they are denser. We wrap the cardboard blank with threads in any order. You can do it horizontally, vertically, knit threads randomly, change and mix different colors.

Can you crochet? Fine. Having decorated the frame with yarn, you can add a couple of knitted elements. It can be flowers for girls, any knitted toy - for boys.


It seemed to you that the buttons are needed only to prevent the shirt from swinging open on the chest? And here it is not. They can also be used to decorate birthday numbers. This is also a budget option that will not only save money, but also show imagination. For fastening buttons, you can use inexpensive Moment glue or a glue gun.

And, in general, it does not matter at all from what material the figure will be made. Another thing is important - you made it with your own hands, put your soul, love and desire to make something pleasant for the birthday man.

How beautiful the room looks, decorated in large letters or numbers for the holiday. It can be a romantic "LOVE" at a wedding or the first letters of the names of lovers on February 14, the festive date of the new year, or the age of the birthday on. This decor will always be a great material for any photo shoot. Letters and numbers can be purchased ready-made or created with your own hands using cardboard and paper. There are several ways to make them.

What to make a base?

As a basis, an ordinary cardboard box of medium or large size made of cardboard is suitable. On it you need to draw the outline of the future number or letter and cut it out with a clerical knife.

Next, you need to decide which number or letter is to be made - flat or volumetric. It all depends on the time you are willing to spend. Volumetric looks more interesting, you can play with it and easily rearrange it anywhere in the room, but you will have to spend more time and effort on it. If you plan to just hang it on the wall, then you don’t need to cut anything else out of cardboard, but you can immediately start decorating.
For a three-dimensional version, you must additionally cut out another of the same shape with your own hands, and from the rest, long strips of cardboard of the same width for the sidewalls. After that, you need to assemble the frame. This is quite easy to do with a heat gun or masking tape.

How to decorate?

There are several different ways to decorate such products with your own hands. Choose yours based on the overall design style and the materials you need.

Here are the most common options:

1. using twine,
2. colored yarn,
3. fabric - organza, chiffon, satin and even velvet,
4. floral films for packaging,
5. using ordinary colored paper,
6. from corrugated paper, stationery or floral,
7. flowers from ordinary napkins.
With these materials, you can simply wrap the frame, or you can make a volume by turning fabric or paper into fluffy flowers or “pounds” sticking out in different directions. Let's talk a little more about some of the methods.

Eco style

To decorate a letter or number in a fashionable eco-style, you only need twine and glue. Such decor will easily fit into any interior and will not require large expenditures of both time and materials. The main task is to carefully wrap the contour with twine with your own hands, first smearing the section of the box with glue.

The twine can be left unpainted or painted in any desired color with acrylic paints right on the product.

floral pattern

A very beautiful figure is obtained using. The whole alphabet, of course, will not work, as it will take too much time, but if you need to make only one number with the age designation, for example, for a children's birthday, then such a decor will look just gorgeous!
Roses are made from strips of corrugated paper, the photo shows the process of their manufacture.

It is most convenient to fix them during the twisting process, as well as to glue them on cardboard later with a heat gun. To save time, roses should be made at least medium in size; it will definitely take several days to glue them with small flowers.


Funtiki can be rolled up with fabric, paper, or using packaging film for flowers. To do this, the material must be cut into identical squares. Each of the squares must be folded in half, but unevenly, and then again in half and again unevenly. So that all the edges stick out in different directions. After that, the funnik is fastened at its base with a stapler and glued to the product.

This simple and uncomplicated method is suitable for any holiday - for a wedding, new year or birthday. After all, the pounds lie on the base and make a number or letter out of cardboard really, bright, elegant and voluminous.


Another interesting decor idea is decorating with flowers from napkins. With the help of the most ordinary napkins, you can make the most fluffy number in the world with your own hands!
First you need to make a lot of tissue flowers, and then glue them with PVA. Here's how to make a flower from napkins.
1. A single-layer napkin is cut into 4 equal parts, which are folded on top of each other. In the center we fix them with a stapler.
2. Cut off the edges of the square, turning it into a circle.
3. We cut the circle from the edges to the center so that the flower has thin petals.
4. Raise all the layers of the napkin petals up and get a beautiful fluffy flower, as in the photo. With such flowers, you can decorate not only a letter or number, but also make a whole one!

Here is such a bright yellow six turned out, a bit like the sun. It will fit perfectly into the warm interior of the nursery for the upcoming birthday. It remains only to make a few fluffy pom-poms for her with your own hands, as in the next video.

There are more besides fabric, corrugated paper and napkins. For example, scrap paper or delicate lace, coins or halves of wine corks. With such a surprise, you are guaranteed to surprise everyone around and provide many bright photos at the holiday.