Quotes about the beautiful body of a woman. Quotes about female beauty, femininity


Beauty is diverse, multifaceted, each person understands it in his own way, it is difficult to define it. However, in any case, everything beautiful, charming, attractive on earth is worthy of admiration.

· Beauty is as diverse as life itself, beauty dazzles and shines from within. It is in the eyes and it is in the heart. As if familiar, but always amazing. Beauty is around - and within everyone.

· It is a sin if a woman looks less beautiful than she could be.

(Miguel Cervantes)

· No external beauty can be complete if it is not enlivened by internal beauty. The beauty of the soul spreads like a mysterious light over bodily beauty. (V. Hugo)

· Although we travel all over the world in search of beauty, we must have it in ourselves, otherwise we will not find it. (Ralph Emerson)

· There are no ugly women - there are only women who do not know that they are beautiful. (Vivien Leigh)

· Real beauty comes from within and does not depend on age. ( M. Monroe)

Beautiful images give rise to beautiful thoughts, and beautiful thoughts lead to beautiful actions ... (Plato)

· Not that beautiful woman whose arm and leg are praised, but the one whose whole appearance will not allow admiring individual features. ( Seneca)

· Everything that you look at with love seems beautiful. (Christian Morgenstern)

Try to add lasting qualities to beauty ... (Aesop)

· To each his own beautiful. ( Cicero)

· Beauty is the promise of happiness. ( Nietzsche F)

A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are one hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive ... (Montesquieu)

· In the heart of one who passionately strives for beauty, it shines brighter than in the eyes of one who contemplates it. ( Jubran H.)

· The judgment that beauty is something superficial is a superficial judgment. ( Spencer G.)

· External beauty is even more precious when it covers the internal one. The book, whose golden clasps close the gold content, gains special respect. (Shakespeare W.)

· Before female beauty, we all became powerless, she is stronger than gods, people, fire and steel. (Ronsard P.)

· Beautiful is something that belongs exclusively to taste. (Kant I.)

· Beauty is a symbol of moral goodness. ( Kant I.)

· Beauty is something more unshakable and independent of tastes and judgments. ( La Bruyere J.)

· Beauty is eternity lasting a moment. (Albert Camus)

In the East, they are sensitive and tender to beauty in any of its manifestations, whether it is the beauty of a woman or a child, the beauty of nature, the delights of the seasons or the charm of human feelings.

The Persian parable tells the story of a poet who embarked on a journey around the world in order to find beauty and comprehend what it is. He set off on the journey as a young man, spent his whole life on the road, in search, but only before his death he seemed to know what he had been striving for for many years. Being a gray-haired and weak old man, he died of hunger and want, ascended to heaven. The daughter of Nature met him there in the guise of a young maiden, gently ran her hands through her hair, patiently listened to the old poet.
- With my life and death I conjure, - the old man begged, - tell me, what is beauty? After all, people define and cognize it in different ways, glorify and love it in different ways!
And the maiden answered:
Beauty is what you have an attraction for in your soul; what you see and would like to give, not take; what bodies consider a test and souls a blessing is a union between sadness and joy. Beauty is what you see, although it is hidden from your eyes, what you recognize, although you do not know, what you hear, although it is dumb.
The poet died alone, but his soul repeated:
Beauty is what you see and would like to give, not take.
For beauty! For wonderful people in whose hearts beauty lives!

I decided to remember the most beautiful and outstanding women who could always present themselves in the best possible light. Their statements about female beauty are still relevant, and their fashion tips will be useful and interesting to many modern women.

Feminine beauty in the statements of beautiful women

Sophia Loren- an elegant woman who always knows what to wear and what to say. We think that her fashion tips can be taken note of by every woman:

"Your hairstyle affects the way your day, and ultimately your whole life, is."

"Clothes are the simplest means of revealing your personality."

"It's hard to be irresistible if you're lazy."

"Character is the most important component of beauty."

Another significant person in the world of fashion and - Coco Chanel... It was this woman who introduced the fashion for the combination of male and female in clothes. Her elegant laconic dress did not leave anyone indifferent.

"You won't get a second chance to make a first impression."

"Fashion, like architecture, is a matter of proportions."

"If a girl doesn't wear makeup, then she thinks too highly of herself."

"Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become that way by the age of 30, she is simply stupid."

"Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes."

"Old age does not protect from love, but love protects from old age."

Of course, one cannot fail to remember and Marilyn Monroe, one of the most beautiful women of the 20th century:

"True beauty and femininity are timeless."

“Two things should be beautiful in a girl - the look and the lips, because with her eyes she can fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves.”

Refined, incredibly feminine and elegant Audrey Hepburn- you can talk endlessly about the beauty of this woman. But what did she herself say about beauty?

“I believe in manicure, in flashy clothes, in the fact that on vacation you also need to do your hair and apply lipstick. I believe in pink and also that the happiest girls are the prettiest. I believe the best calorie burner islaughter... I believe thattomorrowwill be newday, and ... I believe in miracles. "

"The beautywomenshould be visible in her eyes, this is the door to herheart, the place where he liveslove

"The shadow from the spotlight can ruin the girl's figure."

"You can always understand what kind of person a man thinks you are, by the kind of earrings he gives you."

"The beautywomengrows with her years. "

"The beautywomenin the care that she gives with love, and in the passion that she does not hide. "

Let's not forget about the fashion tips of a woman of unearthly beauty. Marlene Dietrich:

"If a woman, while dressing, wants to please her husband, she chooses last year's dress."

"It's better to buy one pair of good shoes than three pairs of bad ones."

“It is easier for ugly girls to lead a modestlife

“People look at me like I’m a tennis match, only they do not move their eyes from left to right, but from top to bottom.”

"My legs are not that beautiful, I just know what to do with them."

And, perhaps, we will end with the most charismatic, cheerful and therefore no less feminine compatriot - Faina Ranevskaya... Her strong and always appropriate word shoots not in the eyebrow, but in the eye:

“- Faina, - asked her old friend, - howyoudo you thinkmedicineis making progress?

- But how. When I was young, I had to undress every time at the doctor’s office, but now it’s enoughlanguageshow."

"Life is too short to be wasted on diets, greedy men and a bad mood."

"A lot of people complain about their appearance, and nobody complains about their brains."

"Honey, if you want to lose weight - eat naked and in front of the mirror."

"Even under the most pretentious peacock's tail, there is always an ordinary chicken ass."

“There are no fat women, there is littleclothes

"No one but dead leaders wants to put up with my idle breasts."

And here we have prepared even more interesting materials for you!

Tibetan monks say: The worst thing that can happen to a person is beauty, fame and wealth.

Learn to distinguish between the important and the secondary. Higher education is not an indicator of intelligence. Beautiful words are not an indicator of love. A beautiful appearance is not an indicator of a handsome person. Learn to appreciate the soul, believe in actions, look at things.

Beauty is fleeting. But the beauty of the spirit, the beauty of the imagination and the beauty of the soul are real virtues.
- Vivien Leigh

The beauty of a woman is not in dress, shape, or hair. She is in the sparkle of her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gateway to the heart, where love lives.
- Audrey Hepburn

The expiration date of your body is indicated on your lifestyle.
- Katherine Price

Many complain about their appearance, and no one complains about their brains.
- Ranevskaya

Nothing ages a woman like an oversized suit. - Coco Chanel
The highlight of COCO Chanel was in its simplicity.

Age for a woman is not the most important thing: you can be delightful at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of your days.
- Coco Chanel

Real beauty lives in the heart, is reflected in the eyes and manifests itself in actions!
- Osho

Jewelry is a whole science! Beauty is a formidable weapon! Modesty is the height of elegance! - Coco Chanel

If you were struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly.
- Coco Chanel

Your face at twenty was given to you by nature, what it will be at fifty is up to you.
- Coco Chanel

Restraining yourself when it hurts, and not making scenes when it hurts - that's what the ideal woman is.
- Coco Chanel

Silly women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically. And men are scared, they hate eccentricity. They like it when they look back at their women because they are beautiful.
- Coco Chanel

You don't have to be young and pretty to look great.
- Coco Chanel

Elegance is not about putting on a new dress. Elegant - because she is elegant, the new dress has nothing to do with it.
- Coco Chanel

Perfume is an invisible, yet unforgettable, unrivaled fashion accessory. He notifies about the appearance of a woman and continues to remind of her when she is gone.
- Coco Chanel

People with good taste wear jewelry. Everyone else has to wear gold.
- Coco Chanel

At 20, a woman looks like God created her, at 30 as she wants it herself, at 50 as she deserves it.
- Coco Chanel

You don't need diets, you need to eat less.
- Maya Plisetskaya

Taking care of beauty, one must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help.
- Coco Chanel

Every woman has the age she deserves.
- Coco Chanel

After walking and swimming, I feel that I am getting younger, and most importantly, that I have massaged and refreshed my brain with bodily movements.
- K. E. Tsiolkovsky

How mercantile you are, my friend. Remember: everything that money can buy is already cheap!
- Osho

No external beauty can be complete if it is not enlivened by the internal beauty.
- Victor Hugo.

Beauty is like a precious stone, the simpler it is, the more precious.
- Francis Bacon.

The radiant beauty of youth is diminished in its perfection by excessive and overly exquisite adornments.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Decency was never in fashion, but the one who possessed it was out of fashion, he was and is above it.

The body is the baggage that you carry all your life. The heavier it is, the shorter the journey.
- Arnold Glasgow

Drinker and overeating are engaged in the same thing - self-destruction.
- English proverb

My wife went to see a nutritionist and lost three hundred dollars in two months.
- Robert Orben

Your beauty is your inner world, and how you work on it, how you keep yourself, what kind of culture you have inside, so you look.
- Renata Litvinova

Since people learned to cook food, they eat twice as much as nature requires. If you want to extend your life, shorten your meals.
- Franklin Benjamin (1706 - 1790). North American scientist and statesman

Eat and drink like the master of your stomach. Don't become a slave to the stomach.
- Swami Sivanananda. Yoga teacher, author of many books

A woman after forty looks outwardly the way she treated people in her youth ...

"Nietzsche Friedrich"

Rattlesnakes and spectacled snakes are like women: the older and uglier, the more harmless, and the more beautiful and younger, the more destructive their poison.

Distance is the soul of beauty.

"Simone Veil"

Kindness will always prevail over beauty.

Heinrich Heine

Spiritual beauty is infinitely more beautiful than all others, and therefore bodies, being only shadows of existence, should have a charm that speaks of spiritual beauty. This type of beauty belongs to nature and surpasses art created by man.

Jonathan Edwards

Perfect beauty, the most delightful appearance, are worthless if no one admires them.

"O. Balzac "

The true beauty of a woman lies in the meekness of her character, and her charm lies in the meekness of her speeches.


To each his own beautiful.


When we talk about love, it must be understood as the desire for beauty, for this is the definition of love for all philosophers.

"Marsilio Ficino"

A beautiful woman always feels happy.

"Joseph Geyts"

A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the pocket.

Bernard Fontenelle

A beautiful woman is pleasant to the eyes, and a kind - to the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other is a treasure.

"Napoleon I"

A beautiful woman dies twice.

"Pierre Bouast"

A beautiful woman feels free.

"Joseph Geyts"

Beautiful birds sing worse than others. The same applies to people. In a pretentious style, you should not look for a deep thought.

Lichtenberg Georg Christoph

Beauty is the only quality of a woman that can awaken a feeling of pity in a man.

"Etienne Rey"

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious.

Francis Bacon

Beauty is one of the types of Genius, it is even higher than Genius, because it does not require understanding.

Oscar Wilde

Beauty is a gift for several years.

Oscar Wilde

Beauty is also a virtue; a beautiful woman cannot have faults.


Beauty is a woman's wealth. And wealth is the beauty of a man.

"Konstantin Melikhan"

Sometimes women, whose beauty is perfect, and whose virtues are rare, so touch our heart that we are content with the right to look at them and talk to them.

Why do women devote so much time and money to their appearance, and not to the development of intelligence? Because there are far fewer blind men than smart ones.

"Faina Ranevskaya"

Before female beauty, we all became powerless. She is stronger than gods, people, fire and steel.

"Pierre de Ronsard"

The beautiful is a symbol of moral goodness.

"Immanuel Kant"

For the sake of beauty, it is not a sin to endure.

Hans Andersen

The source of poetry is beauty.

"Nikolay Gogol"

Next to beauty, mind and heart always look like poor relatives.

"Etienne Rey"

A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive.

"NS. Montesquieu "

For a woman, as experience teaches us, health and beauty are inseparable.

Lope de Vega

Everyone has their own concept of female attractiveness. Beauty is something more unshakable and independent of tastes and judgments.

Jean de La Bruyere

What could be more beautiful than old friends, old books, old wine and young women?

"Julien Falkenare"

What the mind sees as a shame is entirely beauty to the heart.

"Fedor Dostoevsky"

The best way to be loved is to be beautiful. But to be beautiful you have to be loved.

"Françoise Sagan"

To make your hair beautiful, let the baby play with the strands every day.

To make your eyes beautiful, look only for the good in people.

Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.

"Anton Pavlovich Chekhov"

The outer beauty is even more precious when it covers the inner one. The book, whose golden clasps close the gold content, gains special respect.

"William Shakespeare"

All that is beautiful is moral.

"Gustave Flaubert"

Hygiene is the best cosmetics in the world, the most fruitful creator of beauty.

"Paolo Mantegazza"

Silly beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, her gaze - her beauty will gradually turn into an amazing ugliness.

"Ivan Goncharov"

To marry in order to have a beautiful wife is like paying dearly for a piece of land from where one can contemplate the sky that belongs to the whole world.

"Paolo Mantegazza"

Feminine sensuality is the source in which masculine spirituality is renewed.

Karl Kraus

Woman is the beginning of beginnings, this is light and darkness, this is day and night.

This article contains beautiful aphorisms about beauty, about the beauty of a woman, a girl. A woman is power, and the whole world is at her feet, dear men, take care of women, this is a treasure, these diamonds! And they, like a flower, will bloom and give you their love!

True beauty and femininity is timeless. Marilyn Monroe

Beauty is also a virtue; a beautiful woman cannot have faults. Schiller

The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, her figure, or her hair. She is in the sparkle of her eyes. After all, eyes are the gateway to the heart, where love lives. ”Audrey Hepburn.

"Beauty will save the world." Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky aphorisms about the beauty of a woman.

Sometimes women, whose beauty is perfect, and whose virtues are rare, so touch our heart that we are content with the right to look at them and talk to them.

Everyone has their own concept of female attractiveness. Beauty is something more unshakable and independent of tastes and judgments. Jean de La Bruyère

"A woman is adorned with what makes her more beautiful, but it is not gold, emeralds and purple that make her so, but modesty, decency and modesty." Plutarch

A great force in the world is the youth and beauty of a woman.

To be beautiful is the natural state of a woman. Jean de La Bruyère

Feminine sensuality is the source in which masculine spirituality is renewed. Karl Kraus

A woman is the beginning of beginnings, this is light and darkness, this is day and night ..

A woman always wants to belong to someone who truly appreciates her beauty and femininity.

A woman armed with beauty is invincible. Tamara Kleiman.

A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of her. Sophia Loren

The true beauty of a woman lies in the meekness of her character, and her charm lies in the meekness of her speeches. Akhikar.

A beautiful woman always feels happy. Joseph Geyts.

A beautiful woman likes her eyes, but she is kind to her heart. One is a beautiful thing, and the other is a treasure. Napoleon.

A beautiful woman feels free. Joseph Geyts.

A beautiful woman can be replaced by a more beautiful, intelligent woman - by no one. Veselin Georgiev.

beautiful girls and women are rarely alone, but often they are alone. Henrik Yagodzinsky.

beautiful women are the ones that make us happy. Sergey Fedin.

beautiful women are often like big cities that are easy to capture but difficult to preserve. Pierre Bouast.

Beauty is a woman's wealth. And wealth is the beauty of a man. Konstantin Melikhan.

Beauty is like a miracle that a person involuntarily becomes a witness to. Andrey Tarkovsky.

The beauty of women is like a rose, just as flawless and perfect.

The beauty of a woman is one of the most precious treasures in nature. Whoever comprehends it is either happy forever or smitten.

The beauty of every woman is marked by the traits of her character, and we prefer the one whose character awakens in us the most lively response. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargue.

Whoever chooses between intelligence and beauty, he must take the beautiful with his lady of the heart, and the clever one with his wife. Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Many lips silt of female beauty, for the love of a beauty is like an incinerating flame. Akhikar.

Not the beauty of every woman is gold, but intelligence and silence. Gregory the Theologian

There are no ugly women - there are only women who do not know that they are beautiful. Vivien Leigh.

There is nothing more beautiful than a gentle and beautiful girl with a peaceful spirit.

Before female beauty, we all became powerless. She is stronger than gods, people, fire and steel. Pierre de Ronsard

The biggest female asset is her beauty.

Beauty is power, for, as a promise of good, it attracts the love of women and strangers to men. Thomas Gobb

The radiant beauty of youth is diminished in its perfection by excessive and overly exquisite adornments. Leonardo da Vinci.

How many girls are there in the world for whom their extraordinary beauty has not given anything but hope for extraordinary wealth. Jean de La Bruyère

A woman is adorned with what makes her more beautiful, but it is not gold, emeralds and purple that make her so, but modesty, decency and modesty. Plutarch

Character is the most important component of beauty. Sophia Loren.

A woman's path is to excite in a man the energy of the soul, the ardor of noble passions, to maintain a sense of duty and striving for the high and great - this is her purpose, and it is great and sacred. Author: Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky.

The kingdom of women is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety and tolerance. Jean Jek Rousseau. Topic of the article: Aphorisms, beautiful words, statements about beauty, about the beauty of a woman, a girl.