Decorative x art applique. Decorative and applied composition. Fabric applique. Guilloche technique. We create from scraps

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Application can be subject, consisting of separate images (leaf, branch, tree, mushroom, flower, bird, animal, house, car, person, etc.); plot displaying a set of actions; decorative, including ornaments, patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.

Object application.

To subject applications include cutting out images of a symmetrical structure from one-color paper (leaves of complex and simple shapes, straight and curved branches, vases of different shapes, cutting out trees, cutting out of paper folded several times; cutting out a multi-colored application) (Fig. 1-2)

Rice. 1

Rice. 2

Decorative applique.

Decorativeness(from the Latin word decorare - to decorate) - a way to create images that differ in ornamentation, generality of forms, color saturation. The color can be real or conventional. The decorative effect is especially expressive in the appliqués. Beautiful decorative applications on paper souvenirs: boxes, educational cards, bookmarks, addresses. Albums, folders, stands, wall newspapers are decorated with decorative applications. Rooms decorated with decorative applications based on national ornaments or Dymkovo, Gorodets, Zhostov, and Khokhloma paintings have a festive look.

Selection of patterns is of great importance for decorative applique work. Visual material must be constantly accumulated:

make clippings, sketches from magazines, books where drawings are printed, photographs of exhibits of arts and crafts exhibitions. In appliques, both color and shape can be decorative (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3

Subject application.

Plot- this is a certain event, situation, phenomenon depicted in the work.

How to select plots for application?

The historical past of the country, cities, ancient monuments, architecture can serve as themes for the plot application. Modern life will suggest many interesting themes for composition.

Extensive material for plot application is presented by fiction. Requirements for the selection of works of art are determined by the ability to convey their content in applications. Reflecting in the work the main events described in the work, one must strive to accurately convey the plot of the literary text taken as the basis of the application.

Images on postcards, magazines, books can serve as themes for plot applications. In such works, the application technology is mainly improved, but the possibilities for the development of creativity and imagination are limited.

As in other types of applique, in the plot, the most diverse material is given by sketches from nature. It is necessary to accumulate them constantly in order to use them in the future when composing compositions.

Plot applications can be simple in content, composition and complex, dynamic in action, with a large number of characters, objects, details.

If the plot is not complicated, the image is cut out without preliminary marking. This is how the plot application is performed (Fig. 4)

Publishing house "Culture and Traditions", 2002 Format 84x108 / 16 (205x290 mm). Hardcover, 112 pages.

If you want to learn how to make appliqués, Natalia Golubeva's book will be your first assistant. This is one of the best tutorials on the subject. Exactly textbooks - after all, everything is written here about the application! What is an applique, what does it come from, the history of its appearance and much, much more ...

Below are brief announcements for each section of the book.

What is needed for work

First of all, you will need straw from various grains (rye, wheat, oats, etc.). To depict subjects related to plant themes, leaves of various trees and shrubs, collected in summer and autumn, as well as forest and field grasses will be needed. Forest and garden flowers, wild plants will help in creating panels depicting bouquets of flowers and all kinds of still lifes. Very often corn stalks and leaves will be used. Birch bark taken from fallen birches, as well as the bark of other trees, will come in handy. Poplar fluff and cotton will help when working on a panel depicting winter landscapes and animals. Veneer will also come in handy - the thinnest plates of wood of different species.

Composition and applique elements

In an applique, it is very important to be able to arrange its constituent elements in such a way that it evokes in the viewer a feeling of complete completeness, when, as they say, nothing can be added or subtracted. You need to know such concepts as a compositional center, linear perspective, the format of the finished work, stylization ...

What I especially liked about this book is the example of performing the same plot in different techniques. What you need in order to develop skills in working with all kinds of material! And also, this is a unique opportunity to compare, choose the best solution for a certain type of problem.

So, a diagram of such a pretty titmouse is given. And one more useful diagram, where light and dark places in the picture are indicated. After all, if you do not outline them in any way, the image will look flat.

The first job for beginners is made of colored paper. Recommendations are given on the background color and on the design of the finished picture.

The second option is a straw applique. And in two versions! A bird against a black background and against a background made from plant materials, namely, from corn leaves.

Tips are given for roasting straws to obtain a variety of shades. Tips on how to position the straws correctly when making parts.

Another interesting version of the bird is made of feathers. In this case, the rest of the parts are again made of straw.

The bird also looks good from poplar fluff. The fluff is applied to black velvet paper, and then the detail with the bird is cut out and pasted onto the background. Background - a sheet of Whatman paper, which is stained with a strong tea solution.

A teaching composition can also be made from dried leaves and flowers. The background is made according to the principle of "stretching" with the help of a homemade spray gun, that is, splashing paint.

And finally, several variants of the educational composition, made on a wooden base. This could be, for example, a cutting board. And the details, of course, are best made from straw. The color of the decorative side of the board can be left natural or changed by treating with two coats of stain applied with a cotton or foam swab. Or paint it with gouache or tempera paints. Then the products are varnished in one or two layers. Such cutting boards look very elegant.

Performing such training applications, you will practice the techniques of working on them. And also make sure that the properties of the natural material allow, without radically changing the structure of the compositions, to infinitely diversify your products. This is very convenient for those who find it difficult to draw and have to use borrowed compositions.

Decorative ornament

Various national ornaments, traditional patterns of painting on wood, metal, fabrics serve as a rich source of inspiration for making decorative applications from straw and leaves.

The main feature of the ornament is rhythm, that is, the repetition of an image (geometric shapes, flowers, animal silhouettes, etc.).

Ready-made ornaments are glued to any suitable background or wooden surface. Having completed several strips of different lengths, you can decorate the side surfaces of a coffee table, chairs ... Ornamental compositions will help you decorate bulky items: plates, dishes, ladles, salt shakers, etc. You can decorate a mirror frame, cabinet planes or shelves, especially if the color is straw will naturally merge with the color of the furniture, then all the elements of the ornament will "play" due to the different direction of the laid out straw.

Landscape panels

A landscape using the application method can be created from literally anything, from any natural material available. Corn cobs, lily of the valley leaves are good for depicting the sky, steppe, field; press-dried leaves and flowers are necessary to create a forest area; birch bark and veneer are useful for depicting buildings or trees.

Still lifes with flowers

Still life is one of the favorite themes of florist artists. Very often it is "painted" with straws. The variety of colors and the wonderful decorative shine of this material allows you to create amazing compositions.

Miniature works in small frames look great. A vase and a tablecloth or the edge of the table where it stands are made from small pieces of dry leaves. Background - colored velvet paper of deep blue or black color. The material for making miniature bouquets, in addition to different flowers, can be onion or garlic husks, especially of a blue-lilac color.

Animals and Birds

An independent place in applications made of natural materials is taken by the image of animals and birds. Birds are very beautifully obtained from natural feathers. And for the image of animals, poplar fluff is perfect, which can imitate fur, convey volume:

When making a portrait from natural material, the main difficulty is to maintain the proportions of the human figure and face. This is one of the most difficult tasks even in ordinary painting, not to mention floral painting. Therefore, it would be most correct to make the image more simplified, to minimize the elaboration of details.

The material for making a portrait using the applique technique can be anything, a good master will burn to draw a picture using any material. It's just that the effect will always be different. Straw works are more like graphics. Leaf portraits are more picturesque and decorative.

Subject composition

Subject composition is an image of a group of people in some kind of interior, landscape. This is not an easy task. It is important to be able not only to draw objects, but also to skillfully combine them with each other.

Appliques on volumetric objects

Bulky items - vases, boxes, boxes - are encrusted with white and tinted straws. Dry leaves and plants are not used here, as they are too fragile for such work. The principle of performing such applications has its own characteristics. Each element is carefully adjusted along the contour to the adjacent one without gaps, as if cutting it into a wooden blank according to the inlay principle. Thus, the surface formed after the application of the application layer does not protrude too much out of the plane. Two or three coats of varnish will even out it even more.

Inlay and applique work can also be used to decorate all kinds of wooden panels, plates, trays, cutting boards, brooches, pendants ...

In this task, you need to depict the composition in the form colored applique of intersecting geometric shapes.

All decorative compositions in our course of studies provide a great opportunity to unleash creativity, try a variety of techniques, depict various subjects, master the most effective ways of creating and building a composition.

Color appliques description.

The description below and the rules for completing the assignment are only a theoretical part. For the correct creation of color applications, practical with a teacher and professional advice is needed at every stage of the work.

Color appliqués are one of the brightest and most decorative assignments in the course.

On the sheet, it is proposed to depict a composition of arbitrary geometric shapes, develop search sketches under the guidance of a teacher, determine the color scheme, then, based on the sketches, create a balanced composition.

The size, scale, position of geometric shapes are selected based on the general artistic design.

In this task, working with color is of great importance. It is necessary to choose several sets of colors that are harmoniously suitable and combined with each other (for more details on color schemes, see the article). Next, you need to arrange the color segments into the drawn geometric composition.

At the intersection of geometric shapes, you can change the color of both shapes, creating a transparent overlay effect, which makes the composition immediately gain spatial expression and visual plans.

It should be noted that color appliques are not a set of colors mixed in space, but an attempt to create a real piece of art using a minimum of pictorial means.

In the task, you need not only to choose colors, but also to make them, using the shape and mass of each color segment, a dynamic and spectacular composition. The task provides an excellent opportunity to show artistic spatial thinking, without starting from any samples, to create your own unique composition.

The examples presented by our students clearly show how diverse and original compositions can be. In this task, the students, who previously believed that they did not have artistic abilities, revealed their creative potential, created spectacular compositions with amazing compositional solutions.

This is an opportunity to create in the learning process and prepare excellent works for your own portfolio, to develop professional visual skills necessary in your future specialty.

In this task, a real decorative canvas is created that meets all the standards of modern trends in painting.

The compositions made in our classes are placed by the students in the portfolio, the level and quality of the finished works meet the most demanding needs of graphic design.

One of the closest and most natural activities for a preschool child is visual activity... Visual activity in kindergarten is an effective means of cognizing reality. It helps the development and formation of visual perception, imagination, spatial representations, memory, feelings and other mental processes. Such personality traits as perseverance, purposefulness, accuracy, hard work are formed. In the process of visual activity, preschoolers master a number of graphic and pictorial skills and abilities, learn to analyze objects and phenomena of the world around them. It is important for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, their muscles, and coordination of movements. Visual activity is of great importance in solving the problems of aesthetic education, since by its nature it is an artistic activity, and, in particular, application affects the all-round development and upbringing of a preschooler.

  • Mental education... The stock of knowledge is gradually expanding on the basis of ideas about the various forms and spatial position of objects of the surrounding world, various sizes, and the variety of shades of colors. Cognitive operations are formed: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. The speech of children develops, vocabulary is enriched, coherent speech is formed, figurative speech develops. When conducting classes, favorable conditions are created for the formation of such personality qualities as inquisitiveness, initiative, mental activity, independence.
  • Sensory education. Direct, sensitive acquaintance with objects and phenomena, with their properties and qualities.
  • Moral education... Visual activity () should be used to educate children to love everything that is best and just. Moral and volitional qualities are brought up: to bring what has been started to the end, to study with concentration and purposefulness, to help a friend, to overcome difficulties, etc.
  • Labor education... It combines mental and physical activity. The ability to cut, handle scissors, use a brush and glue requires a certain expenditure of physical strength and labor skills. The formation of industriousness is facilitated by the participation of children in preparing for classes and cleaning after them.
  • Aesthetic education. Sense of color, when an aesthetic sense arises from the perception of beautiful color combinations. A sense of rhythm arises when, first of all, the rhythmic harmony of an object, the rhythmic arrangement of its parts is perceived. The sense of proportion - constructive wholeness - is developed by the perception of various buildings. Gradually, children develop an artistic taste.

Application translated from Latin means "attachment". This is a type of visual technique. It is based on cutting out various details and applying them to the background in a specific order. Details are fixed on the base using various adhesives and threads. Currently, a wide variety of elements can be used in applications: various types of paper, fabrics, threads, straws, fur, shells, sand, birch bark, dried plants, leaves, seeds and other natural materials.

Application history

Application as one of the visual techniques originated quite a long time ago. It has been used since time immemorial to decorate clothes, shoes, tools, household utensils. Most likely, it was the need to sew skins that laid the foundation for decorating clothes, and not just joining its parts. Much later, pieces of felt, fur, leather of various colors and shades began to be attached to clothes. This is how the application appeared. The subjects for her were birds, animals, people, beautiful plants and flowers. Later, threads, metal and chased plates, beads, beads began to be used. After paper was invented, people began to make paper appliques. Flat silhouettes, book illustrations, everyday life and battle scenes were cut out of dark paper. Both noble and poor people were fond of this. Currently, the application has firmly entered our life. People of different ages are engaged in it.

Applique is one of the types of visual activity based on cutting, overlaying various shapes and fixing them on another material, taken as the background, the simplest and most affordable way to create artwork.

Types of application

  • subject, consisting of individual images (leaf, branch, tree, bird, flower, animal, person, etc.);
  • plot, displaying certain events;
  • decorative, including ornaments, patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.

Currently, preschool educators are inclined to to traditional technique teaching children applications, namely:

  1. Make a decorative pattern from various paper geometric shapes and plant (leaf, flower) details, placing them in a certain rhythm on a cardboard base.
  2. To compose an image of an object from colored paper from separate parts; portray the plot.
  3. Master various techniques for obtaining parts for applique from paper: cutting by different techniques, tearing, weaving; as well as the technique of attaching them to the base.
  4. Create an image of an object (plot) using the origami technique.

And it is rare to find teachers who use non-traditional application techniques in their work.

Working with various materials, in various artistic techniques, expands the child's capabilities, develops feelings of color, harmony, imagination space, imaginative thinking, and creativity.

Unconventional application techniques

  • Break applique

This method is good for conveying the texture of the image (fluffy chicken, curly cloud). In this case, we tear the paper into pieces and compose them into an image. Children 5-7 years old can complicate the technique: not just tear pieces of paper, how it goes, but pluck or break off the contour drawing. The breakaway applique is very useful for the development of fine motor skills of hands and creative thinking.

  • Overhead applique

This technique produces a multi-colored image. We conceive an image and consistently create it, overlaying and gluing parts in layers so that each next part is smaller than the previous one in size.

  • Modular application (mosaic)

With this technique, the image is obtained by gluing many of the same shapes. Cutted circles, squares, triangles, or just torn pieces of paper can be used as a basis for modular application.

  • Symmetrical applique

For symmetrical images, fold the blank - a square or rectangle made of paper of the required size - in half, hold it by the fold, cut out half of the image.

  • Tape applique
  • Silhouette applique

Quilling (English quilling - from the word quill (bird feather), also paper-rolling, is the art of making flat or voluminous compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.

Facing is one of the types of paper crafts. This technique can be attributed to both the application method and the type of quilling. With the help of facing, you can create amazing volumetric paintings, mosaics, panels, decorative interior elements, postcards. This technique is quite popular, the interest in it is explained by the unusual "fluffy" effect and the easy way to perform it.

  • Collage

Collage (from French collage - gluing) is a technique in the visual arts, which consists in creating paintings or graphic works by gluing objects and materials that differ from the base in color and texture to any base. Collage is also called a work entirely done in this technique. Collage is used mainly to get the effect of surprise from the combination of dissimilar materials, as well as for the emotional richness and poignancy of the work.

  • Origami

Origa? Mi (from Japanese folded paper) - a kind of arts and crafts; the ancient art of folding paper figures. Classic origami is folded from a square sheet of paper and prescribes the use of one sheet of paper without the use of glue and scissors.

  • Application

Napkins are a very interesting material for children's creativity. You can make different crafts from them. This type of creativity has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to create masterpieces without scissors;
  • development of fine motor skills of small hands;
  • development of tactile perception, using paper of various textures;
  • ample opportunities for creativity.

Corrugated paper is a type of so-called craft paper. Compared to ordinary paper, it appeared relatively recently. It is very soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch. Children love gorgeous colors, and they are happy to work with her in their creative classes. This is an excellent decorative and ornamental material that allows you to create decorations, colorful toys, original garlands and magnificent bouquets, costumes that can be a great gift for the holiday.

  • Application

A kind of stitching. Applique embroidery consists in reinforcing pieces of another fabric against a certain fabric background. Fabric appliqués are reinforced either by sewing or gluing. Fabric applique can be subject, subject and decorative; one-color, two-color and multi-color. Applique fabrics require certain skills. First, you need to be able to cut fabric (fabric is more difficult to cut than paper); secondly, the edges of the fabric can crumble and complicate the work.

  • Applique from cereals

For the youngest children, it is helpful to develop fine motor skills. Of course, it is important to touch objects with your fingers, to learn how to perform plucking movements. But children over the age of one year are interested in seeing the result of their labor right away. The cereal applique becomes the most attractive for them in this regard. With cereals, you can create different crafts with babies. To do this, semolina, rice, millet are painted in different colors using gouache and water.