Diabase is volcanic - not an ordinary stone. Palaces were built from it, and squares were paved with it. Diabase stone: description and properties of the rock

The cheapest option for buying stones in a store is, of course, gabbro-diabase. It is cheaper only to buy stones from a quarry, or even get by with the material collected in the field or on the river.

But cheapness has a downside: a person looks at a cheap stone and thinks that it is worse than an expensive one. But in fact it is not worse at all, and we are going to prove it with facts.

Gabbro-diabase: properties for a bath

We will get to the bath properties, but for now it is worth paying a little attention to the name of the stone. The fact is that geologists no longer say so, there is no concept of "gabbro-diabase" for them. And here's why: a number of rocks of very different origins were called diabases - plutonic, volcanic, and hypoabyssal (this is primarily the difference in the depth at which the rock was formed, which greatly affects its structure and properties).

Gabbro-diabase for a bath

The only common thing for the rocks, united by the name "diabase", was that over the long millions and billions of years of their existence, they all underwent replacement of primary minerals with secondary ones, for example, pyroxene and plagioclase - chlorite and albite. The latter are aluminosilicates, and their color is greenish, which is why the substitution was named "greenstone".

Hence the shortest definition of any diabase: an ancient igneous rock that has undergone greenstone replacement.

It would be logical to assume that our gabbro-diabase is the gabbro in which this substitution took place. In nature, everything is so, but on sale we find not a paleotypic rock, which can rightfully be called "gabbro-diabase", but a younger, not subject to replacement, kainotypic rock, which is correctly called "dolerite".

It is hypoabyssal basalt analog, practically the same with it in chemical composition, but different in terms of crystallization conditions, structure and properties. From the point of view of the consumer, the difference between gabbro-diabase and dolerite is not significant, unless, of course, someone decides to sell granite or something else under this brand.

IMPORTANT! Most often sold under the name "gabbro-diabase" dolerite.

In what follows, all the characteristics of the stone refer to dolerite.

Chemical composition

Regarding the chemical composition, it can be added that all compounds are inert, they are in no hurry to react with water or oxygen, therefore the stone is chemically safe.

Mineral composition and origin

Gabbro-diabase- alkaline plutonic rock, dolerite- alkaline hypoabyssal. The connection between mineral composition and origin is direct. For example, why is basalt, having the same composition, more fragile? Because it contains volcanic glass - the result of too fast solidification, not enough for the formation of crystals. Intrusive (hypoabyssal and plutonic) rocks do not contain glass at all- they are crystallized.

Mainly the mineral composition is represented by plagioclase, pyroxenes, olivine and titanium magnetite... Percentages can vary widely.

Color and structure

Let's start with the structure. Since we are primarily interested in the bath application of gabbro-diabase, it is worth looking for samples with fine crystallization.

IMPORTANT! The larger the crystals, the less durable the stone will be, the fewer heating and cooling cycles it will withstand.

So dolerite(as a kind of "micro-gabbro") great for a bath.

Bath stones: diabase in the electric sauna

The color of chipped specimens is most often gray, dark gray. It will be darker when polished, even to black. There are dark green stones.

A distinctive feature of all varieties will be the absence of quartz.


The breed is widespread, which affects its low price.

There are large deposits in Karelia, the Urals and Altai.

There are frequent complaints about the Karelian gabbro-diabase due to the large amount of sulfides, which cause an unpleasant odor and negative sensations in the eyes and nasopharynx.

Physical and mechanical properties

As you can see from the above table, the heat capacity indicators are quite good, the thermal conductivity is just excellent, which promises quick heating. Taking into account the price, the stone can be safely recommended for the heater.

Its strength is not too high - you can break it with a hammer from the first blows. It will live in a heater for a maximum of 2 years, but there is also one that will work for several years. And replacing such a stone is not a problem.

Application in the bath

It has already been said above that of the purchased stones, this one is the most budgetary, but at the same time gabbro-diabase has all the necessary properties for a bath: it heats up quickly, gives off heat for a long time, endures both strong heating and rapid cooling.

Bath stones: gabbro-diabase

You can put it either at the very bottom, if there is a more expensive stone for the top, or you can completely fill the heater with it. The steam, of course, will not look like jadeite, but no one expects it. If we compare the characteristics of river stones and gabbro-diabase, then the second can gain in time. For example, if someone puts granite in the stove, it will quickly fail, and the gabbro-diabase will still work.

IMPORTANT! When laying a new stone, let the stove melt a couple of idle times to burn out possible impurities.

Gabbro-diabase can be safely used in stoves with an open fire, but not because it tolerates the heat of the flame more easily than other stones, but only because it is not as costly to change it as expensive stones.

Gabbro-diabase for a bath: reviews

Users who have gabbro-diabase in their stove often say that they are tormented by an unpleasant odor emanating from stones. The main cause of an unpleasant smell or acridity that makes you want to cough is sulfides... We have said more than once in the past that the stones must be checked for the presence of sulfides. They can look like a rash - a scattering of small specks or crystals on the surface. They always shine, as if metallic - silvery or golden blotches. The more sulfides you see, the more problems they cause.

IMPORTANT! It is not the stone itself that always smells, but impurities, in most cases - sulfides.

Stones brought from Karelia require special attention. They are simply "soaked" through and through with sulfides.

There is also a review in which the user reports strange stains of rusty and white color that appeared on his gabbro-diabase after a year of use.

In fact, the white spots turned out to be carbonates, which settled on the surface during the evaporation of water (and were originally contained in it), and rust stains are the result of iron oxidation, contained in the mineral pyroxene and hornblende.

Both do not pose a threat to the health of bathers.

By the way, he did not say anything about the fact that during the year the stones collapsed, which means that most of them have not changed in a year.

Video: testimonial

How to choose the right stones for a bath: gabbro-diabase

First of all, the correct choice of a stone depends on its structure: we have already said that take samples with small crystals because these will last longer.

So that you do not slip granite instead of dolerite, you need to know that quartz is always present in granite Are colorless, white, gray crystals visible to the naked eye. Nothing of the kind should be observed either in gabbro-diabase or in dolerite. The veins may be lighter, but they do not look like quartz.

Sulfides may be present, but in very small amounts, then you have a chance that they will quickly burn out and stop tormenting you.

Pay attention to cracks- if they are visible even without a magnifying glass, the stone should not be taken - it will quickly collapse.

What is equivalent to replace gabbro-diabase?

First of all, related breeds are suitable instead of dolerite - gabbro and diabases... But sellers are unlikely to go into such details. They will most likely be able to offer only "gabbro-diabase" from another field. There is no stone that would be equal to him in price. All the rest in buckets and boxes are more expensive. But the same or not much more expensive.

IMPORTANT! There is no point in buying Finnish gabbro-diabase - the price will be more expensive and the differences will end there.

Alternatively, you can collect stones in the quarry or even order them there with delivery. After all, gabbro-diabase or dolerite are the very stones that are often used in road construction.

Description and properties of diabase

Diabase- one of the oldest volcanic rocks. It is considered hypabyssal, that is, a rock formed at a shallow depth and in origin it occupies an intermediate position between deep and erupted rocks of igneous origin.

They are formed at the bottom of the seas, in addition, they often coexist with deposits and. By chemical composition diabase, properties which depend on its composition, is close to basalt. Its distinguishing feature is the low content of silica (42-52%).

Into the group diabases, photo which you will find in the catalogs of mining and processing enterprises, include greenstone rocks (another name for Grunsteins) and some types of traps (this is the name for a group of igneous rocks that formed from the main magma and have a characteristic gently sloping layered bedding over a large area with fractures and exits in the form of stairs - traps).

In addition, diabases are often found in volcanic lavas and tuffs. Scientists believe that the reason for the formation of diabase layers is the rise of large lava massifs almost to the surface of the earth, with their further solidification.

Diabase - breed, the structure of which is also called ophitic. Its distinctive feature is the presence in the thickness of the stone of randomly located elongated plagioclase crystals (aluminosilicate minerals or field) immersed in (a mineral from the class of chain silicates, belonging to pyroxenes). The density of the material ranges from 2.79 to 3.3 grams per cubic centimeter and averages 3.07.

A characteristic feature of diabase is its exceptional compressive strength (grade equal to 1400 kg / cm 2), as well as high hardness (it ranges from 6 to 7) and resistance to extreme low temperatures (frost resistance - up to 300 cycles). It can be painted black, grayish black or greenish black. The level of water absorption is 0.1%, and the abrasion is 0.07 g / cm 2. Specific radioactivity - up to 74 Bq / kg.

Types of diabase

There are different classifications of diabases, depending on their composition, properties and origin. V composition of diabases often include biotite,,, ilmenite, hornblende, chlorite inclusions, which give the mineral a greenish tint, limonite, calcite, and serpentines.

By composition, diabase is divided into:

    non-olivine or ordinary


    olivine or dolerites.

There are also various types within these groups, such as:


    enstatite diabase;

    salite diabase;

    mica diabase;


    low-colitis and others.

Interestingly, the diabases themselves have several names, for example, microgabbro or dolerite, they are also called altered full-crystalline diabase basalts or full-crystalline basalts with ophitic structure.

In the strata of volcanic rocks, they can form large monoliths (the so-called dikes, vertical intrusive bodies formed when cracks are filled with magma and sills - horizontal intrusive layers).

Deposits and production of diabase

Geography of deposits diabases quite extensive. The most studied and richest are found in Hindustan (Deccan plateau), many diabase plateaus in Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia.

Diazases are also being developed in the Harz and Saxony, on the territory of Fichtelbirge, Vosges and Nasau, in Ireland, Sweden, Finland. Large trap massifs have been explored on the territory of the Russian Federation in the region of the East Siberian Upland, in Altai and the Urals. Highly regarded Karelian diabase.

Deposits of rare earth metals, radioactive elements (thorium or uranium), as well as titanium are frequent satellites of such massifs. Deposits of Icelandic spar and graphite have been explored on the East Siberian platform. South American diabases famous for their voids, within which there are placers.

To diabase stone during the extraction, it retained its integrity as much as possible, various gentle methods are used. The most popular are the following.

    After drilling a hole into the rock, explosives are placed in such a way that the blocks of rock formed as a result of the explosion gabbro diabase were of the maximum size.

    The second method differs in that the hydraulic method is used instead of explosives. The well is filled with pressurized water and it splits the monolith into pieces.

    The third method assumes that diabase stone is mined using a special stone cutter with a diamond wire sawing system.

To get stuff like crushed stone gabbro diabase special crushing and screening equipment is used, which makes it possible to obtain crushed stones of various sizes and geometric shapes.

These can be traditional jaw or cone crushers, or modern impact-centrifugal granulators and crushers with a cone-inertial system, which make it possible to produce crushed stone in the form of a cube.

Diabase use

Diabase granite- a very popular finishing, decorative and building material. Gabbro diabase material often used for the manufacture of road stone. It can be both curbs and paving stones or mosaic checkers.

The simplicity of imaging and its durability made gabbro diabase very popular for ritual products - tombstones and monuments. No jewelry is made with this stone, but small chiseled pieces of stone are worn as a talisman that gives health and balance.

Granite gabbro diabase It is used in high-precision (precision) mechanical engineering, it is used to make base stones, rubble and crushed stone, as well as acid-resistant powders for special masonry.

This material is environmentally friendly, but rarely withstands more than two years of continuous operation, in addition, it tends to accumulate carbon deposits on the surface when using essential oils and smell unpleasant when excessively heated. It heats up for a long time, and cools slowly.

Diabase price

Another reason why gabbro diabase for it is very popular with builders, is that it has a very affordable price.

Chipped gabbro diabase for a bath or saunas of fractions 250-350 are sold in packs of 20 kg and costs about 250 rubles per pack. Before buy diabase for your bath, make sure that the stones are of the required size and rounded shape, because processing this stone at home is impossible.

Prices for diabase crushed stone range from 300 to 450 rubles per ton. Depending on what size and degree of processing you need diabase, price on it ranges from 50 to 320 dollars per cubic meter.

The cost of diabase by region depends on their distance from the quarries, since the delivery of heavy stone makes up a significant portion of its final cost.

Every year, interest in the rock, known throughout the world as gabbro-diabase, is increasing. This is due to its unique properties, which open up wide application possibilities. There are not many large deposits of this valuable stone in the world. In our country, the source of this rock is Karelia, where several open pits for the extraction of gabbro-diabase have been operating for many years.

In particular, the Prionezhsky quarry is very rich in deposits of this stone, which makes it possible to provide many construction companies with high-quality products. Here, with the help of modern equipment, rock blocks are crushed, as a result of which gabbro-diabase crushed stone is formed, which has such valuable qualities as strength and low radioactivity. This product is used in all types of construction, for covering highways and airfields, as well as used in the production of monuments.

Karelian gabbro-diabase, in addition to its excellent physical characteristics, including frost resistance, durability, strength and low degree of abrasion, has undoubted aesthetic advantages, which include its beautiful black color and decorative qualities. By the way, on our website you can get acquainted with the expertise of the Karelian gabbro-diabase (click on the link).

Therefore, ritual products made from this material are in constant demand, for example, gabbro-diabase monuments are ideal for applying artistic painting and polishing. Such a product will always look like new, keeping all inscriptions and images in the best possible way. Any climatic conditions and weather events are not terrible for a monument made of this unique stone, therefore such a product can really stand for an eternity without requiring regular maintenance.

All stones mined in Karelia have common properties that make them irreplaceable helpers of people in various fields. They are widely used not only on an industrial scale, for example, as paving stones from gabbro-diabase, but are also actively used for private purposes to create a unique atmosphere in baths and saunas or for tiling the facade of a house with gabbro-diabase tiles.

It should be noted that gabbro-diabase blocks comply with state standards applicable to rocks used as cladding and architectural construction. Therefore, there is no doubt about the safety of their use and high quality.

All the properties of gabbro-diabase have passed the test of time and made it possible to conclude that this stone is impenetrable to moisture, withstands frost, heat, as well as a sharp drop in temperature without losing its useful properties, does not lend itself to abrasion, has strength and low radioactivity.

Benefits of Karelian gabbro-diabase

The main advantage of gabbro-diabase is its durability. The tombstone must be strong, withstand physical impact to the maximum, not be influenced by weather conditions. Only under these conditions can the material guarantee the quality of the monument for many years. There is no doubt about the durability and hardness of the Karelian gabbro-diabase. His homeland is the Republic of Karelia, whose climate is rather harsh, as it is located in the north-west of the country. Very severe frosts, snowfalls, cold winds, temperature drops, dank rain are not terrible for this rock, hardened for centuries in such conditions.

Karelian gabbro-diabase granite is characterized by unique properties:

  • This stone has a higher density than marble;
  • Does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • Due to its structure, gabbro-diabase can withstand all hardships and can last for more than 500 years;
  • Possesses a beautiful structure of black color interspersed;
  • Ecologically pure;
  • Easy to combine with other materials.
  • Frost resistant, suitable for any climatic conditions.
  • Not radioactive
  • Easy to process, allowing for complex architectural work.

There are facts that there are still some monuments made of diabase, which are more than one millennium old, but at the same time retained their original forms. This material is easy to polish and retains a mirror-like surface for many centuries. It is also easily trimmed, thus allowing you to create various shapes out of yourself, carve figures and images like the original. Its structure is well suited for chipping-free stone processing. The monumentality of the creation is emphasized by the relief of diabase, therefore it is often used for the manufacture of large monuments.

Another valuable quality of this material is a suitable appearance. A tombstone made of Karelian gabbro-diabase will look noble due to its bright black color.

Also important for this material is an affordable price. Unlike other breeds, Karelian gabbro-diabase is available for many categories of the population. At the same time, it is in no way inferior in quality and outwardly presentable appearance to its competitors, even surpassing them definitely.

In addition, the monuments made of gabbro-diabase are easy to maintain. From time to time, you just need to wipe them off with a damp sponge or napkin and this will be enough. The material for making tombstones lends itself well to grinding. The inscriptions and the portrait applied to it will not fade and wear out for a long time. After wet processing, be sure to wipe the product with a dry cloth to avoid smudges. If paint, grease or other stubborn dirt has accidentally got on a gabbro-diabase product, it is recommended to use acetone or hydrogen peroxide. Also, in order to avoid the appearance of stains, you can treat the surface of the product with a special chemical protective agent.

All this explains the constant demand for this rock, and every year there are more and more people willing to buy monuments from gabbro-diabase.

DOLERIT- (gr. from doleros deceptive). Rock, consisting of labradorite, augite and a minor admixture of magnetic iron ore. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. DOLERIT Greek, from doleros, deceptive. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

DOLERIT- igneous rock, full-crystalline type of basalt. Piece stone or crushed stone raw materials ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

DOLERIT- DOLERITE, basic INTRUSIVE rock, medium-grained mineral of dark color, which is found in DIKES, coal seams and volcanic plugs ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

DOLERIT- husband. granular basalt. Dolerite of dolerite consisting of Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary related to it. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

dolerite- noun, number of synonyms: 3 mimositis (2) breed (278) trap (8) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trish ... Dictionary of synonyms

dolerite- a, m. dolérite f. Crystallized granular mixture of labradorite, augite and magnetic iron ore. Close to diorite. Spassky 1841. Basalt genus. Poppy. 1908. On the Bazovskoy side of the valley .. the intrusion of dolerites (varieties of basalts) was exposed. O. ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

dolerite- dolerite Dolerit is mainly kainotypic magmatic. girskaya breed, which is stored with plugioclase, monoclinic pyroxen, olivin, titanomagnetite. The structure of D. ofitov, poikilofitova, intersertal. Rіzvodydi from skluvati to povnokristalichnyh, from ... ...

Dolerite- - clear-crystalline fine - and medium-grained basalt with a dolerite or ophitic structure and does not contain glass. D. consists essentially of plagioclase (usually Labrador) and pyroxene, sometimes containing. olivine (olivine D) ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

dolerite- igneous rock, full-crystalline type of basalt. Piece stone or crushed stone raw materials. * * * DOLERITE DOLERITE, igneous rock, full-crystalline variety of basalt (see. BASALT). Piece stone or ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Dolerite- (from the Greek dolerós deceptive) igneous rock, effusive or intrusive (at shallow depth), having the composition of Basalt. It is characterized by a full-crystalline, coarse-grained dolerite (or ophite) structure (aggregate ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Description and properties of diabase

Diabase- one of the oldest volcanic rocks. It is considered hypabyssal, that is, a rock formed at a shallow depth and in origin it occupies an intermediate position between deep and erupted rocks of igneous origin.

They are formed at the bottom of the seas, in addition, they often coexist with deposits of copper and silver. By chemical composition diabase, properties which depend on its composition, is close to basalt. Its distinguishing feature is the low content of silica (42-52%).

Into the group diabases, photo which you will find in the catalogs of mining and processing enterprises, include greenstone rocks (another name for Grunsteins) and some types of traps (this is the name for a group of igneous rocks that formed from the main magma and have a characteristic gently sloping layered bedding over a large area with fractures and exits in the form of stairs - traps).

In addition, diabases are often found in volcanic lavas and tuffs. Scientists believe that the reason for the formation of diabase layers is the rise of large lava massifs almost to the surface of the earth, with their further solidification.

Diabase - breed, the structure of which is also called ophitic. Its distinctive feature is the presence in the thickness of the stone of randomly arranged elongated crystals of plagioclase (aluminosilicate minerals or feldspars) immersed in augite (a mineral from the class of chain silicates belonging to pyroxenes). The density of the material ranges from 2.79 to 3.3 grams per cubic centimeter and averages 3.07.

A characteristic feature of diabase is its exceptional compressive strength (grade equal to 1400kg / cm2), as well as high hardness (according to the Mohs scale, it ranges from 6 to 7) and resistance to extremely low temperatures (frost resistance - up to 300 cycles). It can be painted black, grayish black or greenish black. The level of water absorption is 0.1%, and the abrasion is 0.07 g / cm 2. Specific radioactivity is up to 74 Bq / kg.

Types of diabase

There are different classifications of diabases, depending on their composition, properties and origin. V composition of diabases often include enstatite, biotite, quartz, olivine, ilmenite, hornblende, chlorite inclusions, which give the mineral a greenish tint, limonite, calcite, and serpentines.

By composition, diabase is divided into:

non-olivine or ordinary


olivine or dolerites.

There are also various types within these groups, such as:


enstatite diabase;

salite diabase;

mica diabase;


low-colitis and others.

Interestingly, the diabases themselves have several names, for example, microgabbro or dolerite, they are also called altered full-crystalline diabase basalts or full-crystalline basalts with ophitic structure.

In the strata of volcanic rocks, they can form large monoliths (the so-called dikes, vertical intrusive bodies formed when cracks are filled with magma and sills - horizontal intrusive layers).

Deposits and production of diabase

Geography of deposits diabases quite extensive. The most studied and richest are found in Hindustan (Deccan plateau), many diabase plateaus in Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia.

Diazases are also being developed in the Harz and Saxony, on the territory of Fichtelbirge, Vosges and Nasau, in Ireland, Sweden, Finland. Large trap massifs have been explored on the territory of the Russian Federation in the region of the East Siberian Upland, in Altai and the Urals. Highly regarded Karelian diabase.

Frequent satellites of such massifs are deposits of rare earth metals, radioactive elements (thorium or uranium), as well as tantalum and titanium. Deposits of Icelandic spar and graphite have been explored on the East Siberian platform. South American diabases famous for their voids, inside which there are amethyst placers.

To diabase stone during the extraction, it retained its integrity as much as possible, various gentle methods are used. The most popular are the following.

After drilling a hole into the rock, explosives are placed in such a way that the blocks of rock formed as a result of the explosion gabbro diabase were of the maximum size.

The second method differs in that the hydraulic method is used instead of explosives. The well is filled with pressurized water and it splits the monolith into pieces.

The third method assumes that diabase stone is mined using a special stone cutter with a diamond wire sawing system.

To get stuff like crushed stone gabbro diabase special crushing and screening equipment is used, which makes it possible to obtain crushed stones of various sizes and geometric shapes.

These can be traditional jaw or cone crushers, or modern impact-centrifugal granulators and crushers with a cone-inertial system, which make it possible to produce crushed stone in the form of a cube.

Diabase use

Diabase granite- a very popular finishing, decorative and building material. Gabbro diabase material often used for the manufacture of road stone. It can be both curbs and paving stones or mosaic checkers.

The simplicity of imaging and its durability made gabbro diabase granite very popular for ritual products - tombstones and monuments. No jewelry is made with this stone, but small chiseled pieces of stone are worn as a talisman that gives health and balance.

Granite gabbro diabase It is used in high-precision (precision) mechanical engineering, it is used to make base stones, rubble and crushed stone, as well as acid-resistant powders for special masonry.

This material is environmentally friendly, but rarely withstands more than two years of continuous operation, in addition, it tends to accumulate carbon deposits on the surface when using essential oils and smell unpleasant when excessively heated. It heats up for a long time, and cools slowly.

Diabase price

Another reason why gabbro diabase for a bath is very popular with builders, is that it has a very affordable price.

Chipped gabbro diabase for a bath or saunas of fractions 250-350 are sold in packs of 20 kg and costs about 250 rubles per pack. Before buy diabase for your bath, make sure that the stones are of the required size and rounded shape, because processing this stone at home is impossible.

Prices for diabase crushed stone range from 300 to 450 rubles per ton. Depending on what size and degree of processing you need diabase, price on it ranges from 50 to 320 dollars per cubic meter.

The cost of diabase by region depends on their distance from the quarries, since the delivery of heavy stone makes up a significant portion of its final cost.

The gabbro-diabase stone has a volcanic appearance and is similar in composition to basalt. The stone is black in color, with slight gray and other shades. In this article, read about the physicochemical characteristics of gabbro-diabase, its properties and applications.

The distinctive characteristics of the stone include its high hardness and strength. In addition, it is frost and moisture resistant. He has these properties due to the crystal lattice, which is the basis of his structure.

Gabbro-diabase- full-crystalline fine-grained volcanic rock, chemically and in terms of mineral composition is close to basalt. Diabase is characterized by a relatively low silica content (45-52%). The structure is diabase (ophitic); formed by randomly arranged elongated plagioclase crystals, the gaps between which are filled with augite. The name of this stone is derived from the Latin word "glaber", which translates as "even, smooth"

Gabbro-diabase is a type of natural stone. Its inherent black coloration with minor color spots distinguishes it from other types of stones. Its unusual density makes it very difficult to split the stone. To process this material, you need to use labor-intensive technological processes, with special equipment.

Compared to other types of granite, gabbrodiabase has a low content of silica (about 50%) and a high content of plagioclase. Plagioclase is represented by a fine-grained (almost monolithic) structure of elongated crystals of the same size and shape.

The main indicators that are important for the use of stone are their density and heat capacity. For convenience, see these characteristics of jade in the table.

Diabase differs in types depending on composition, origin and properties. Diabase includes:

quartz, enstaite, olivine, biotite, calcite, limonite and others.

According to its composition, the stone can be divided into several parts:

ordinary or non-olivine dolerites or olivine quartz. Also among these groups there are types of stones: saussurian, leukofir, mica, low-colitis and other types.

Among the large deposits, three main deposits are noted: the Russian Prionezhie, the Crimean Peninsula, Australia and China. Crimean diabase is considered one of the cheapest, it contains many impurities from iron, this significantly reduces the quality of raw materials.

Such material is not suitable for use in baths and saunas. It got its use in the manufacture of gravestones.

The best quality material is gabbro-diabase from Karelia and Australia. According to their characteristics, these rocks are superior to Chinese and Crimean stones.

Karelian stone (cheaper than Australian stone) has unsurpassed characteristics (durable, frost-resistant, well accumulates and gives off heat), excellent decorative properties. Reviews among buyers show that, in addition to strength, stones also have unique abilities to retain heat.

Diabase has gained its popularity due to its good heat dissipation. The cost of the stone is not great, so it is popular.

In industry, gabbro stone is used as facing and piece stone, crushed stone for concrete, ballasting of railway tracks, and road construction.

The stone is an ecologically virgin type of material with beneficial properties that have a positive effect on the entire body.

The stone is able to moderate the nervous state, has a positive effect on the performance of the kidneys, genitourinary function and liver. With the use of stone balls, you can perform a healthy foot massage.

This stone even caught the attention of astrologers. It has great magnetic power. This stone strengthens the affection for home, improves family relations, it is also called the brownie stone. This stone is used to make amulets that can be worn on the fingers and around the neck.

Due to the fact that diabase retains heat for a long time and does not split (unlike granite), diabase is used in Russian baths and in Finnish steam rooms.

The stones placed in the oven can heat up quickly and keep the temperature high. These stones can withstand up to three hundred heating-cooling cycles and at the same time retain their integrity.

People have always appreciated the diabase stone for its durable properties and beautiful appearance. In addition, some varieties of this stone, which are rare and great looking, are often referred to as semi-precious stones. Although this is not entirely correct, of course. After all, there are huge reserves of this mineral in nature, and its extraction is carried out on an industrial scale, using everywhere.

On the other hand, to ordinary stones durable diabase can not be attributed in any way. In the manufacture of precious details for the interior, such as steps, tabletops, window sills, writing sets, figurines, chess and other items, this composite material is often used. Its property such as strength, as well as its unique ability not to change for millennia, make it possible to widely use diabase in the creation of various kinds of monuments.

One cannot but recall the pearl of the Crimea - the palace of Count Vorontsov, which was built of diabase. Initially, it was planned to use white Inkerman for construction. Then it was decided that diabase of magmatic origin was as valuable as marble. And, as time has shown, this choice was correct.

It is this stone, chosen as a building material, which has a greenish-gray color to match the colors of the surrounding mountains and evergreen abundant vegetation that allows the palace to remain strong and beautiful to this day. Natural placers in Alupka served as a source of stone extraction.

It was with this stone that the famous Red Square was paved in due time. And they paid off, it should be noted that the paving stones from it turned out to be much more durable than granite.

All buildings faced with this stone look aristocratic and solid, solid and monumental.

Very often used diabase as a base for decoration in butt jewelry making. It is used, for example, when performing panel elements from a mosaic, a fountain, a pool, etc.

In addition, it is not uncommon to manufacture cast products from this stone, since its properties are not affected by heating to the temperature of the massif plasticization. Finishing polishing gives the stone a special expressiveness.

The physical nature of volcanic diabase

Closely related to basalt, diabase is a harder and more durable rock ore formed during the mineralization of volcanic lava. The hardness of diabase is due to its physical properties. Being a composite mineral, it is plagioclase or basalt, into which fragments of various rocks are fused. As "fillers" of diabase, one can note not only the frequently occurring apatites, quartz and hornblende, but also brown iron ore, serpentines, and calcite. It is thanks to these impurities that such a high aesthetic expressiveness is inherent in volcanic diabase.

The prospecting specialists treat diabase with respect. It is good in itself, and also such valuable minerals as copper or silver ore, tantalum, niobium, titanium and a number of other rare metals are often found in it.

Despite the fact that there are many diabase deposits, they differ. Karelian black stones have a higher value than greenish-gray stones in Crimea. The stones mined in the deposits of Australia are close to the Karelian minerals. Moreover, the latter are more expensive, their price is almost 3 times higher.

In different mining locations, stones have different color properties. Most often, minerals have green tints, but they are found and are characterized by a high demand for minerals of black thick color. The dark gray noble stone also looks extremely elegant.

Deposits of diabase have been found in Sweden, Ireland, North America, Finland and a number of other countries.

The magic of diabase and its use in treatment

When touching such things, there is a good thing for optimizing blood pressure, as well as for the throughput of the human venous system. It is useful to massage the Zakharyin-Ged zone with a diabase ball. This is how you can directly affect the liver and kidneys, as well as the rest of the internal human systems and organs.

In any case, it is worth trying to massage the feet with balls of this mineral, and check the effect of diabase on the body.

It has long been attributed to this stone the ability to help a person in choosing the right decision, to help in any endeavor. It used to be believed that he was able to ward off the malicious efforts of envious and fraudsters. However, the stone helps only people who are active and ambitious. As the saying goes, "water does not flow under a lying stone." But confident and hardworking people diabase will reward you with good luck in all your endeavors.

Separately, I would like to note such a curious feature of diabase as its immunity to the activity of otherworldly forces. That makes it irreplaceable in the construction of monuments on graves, steles and tombstones. This stone is not a mediator between restless wandering souls and the material world. Probably, its use as a paving stone on Red Square was intended to somehow calm down those destructive forces that are concentrated in important Moscow burials.

As a talisman, you should carry with you (preferably on the left) a diabase figurine or just a pebble. This is especially helpful for financial enrichment, guidance and advice. But if you need to rectify a long-standing situation, then you need to wear the amulet on the right side of the body.

All signs of the zodiac can use things from diabase, for this stone there are no outcasts, it will help everyone equally. Unless only he favors Scorpios a little more than other signs. But this only applies to black stones.