Emerald gemstone, its properties and meaning. The effect of the stone on Sagittarius. The most famous emeralds

Emerald is the most popular and praised by people precious gem. It is this amazing stone that is mentioned in the myths and legends of different peoples and cultures.

Geology describes natural crystal as a type of beryl, a translucent stone with green hues. Also, nature sometimes complements the traditional color of crystals with blue. Even diamonds are inferior to the color spectrum of the precious mineral. The ancient Greeks called the gem a "stone of radiance", identifying it with a symbol of hope and wisdom.

The name of the stone determines its direct relation to aquamarine, which is a type of beryl. It is known that the mineral is also called "green ice". The herbaceous tint of the stone is indicative of the chromium oxide contained in its structure. Previously, scientists believed that the proportion of this mineral determines the characteristics and properties of the emerald.

Emerald color

In the XX century, experts discovered that some varieties of gems contain not chromium, but an admixture of vanadium, which paints the stone in a grassy color.


There is a direct dependence on the density of the stone and its location:

  • In Siberia and Colombia - 2.72 g / cm³;
  • In Brazil - 2.67 g / cm³;
  • On the southern coast of Africa - 2.77 g / cm³.

The more metals such as rubidium and cesium are in the structure of the stone, the higher its density. The bright green crystal takes a leading position among other gems in this indicator. Geologists say that the hardness of the stone becomes more and more over time.


It is not difficult to distinguish a gem from similar stones. Its main differences can be determined visually - these are transparency and purity. An amazingly beautiful transparent structure is one of the main criteria that raises the value of the mineral.


Emerald, along with ruby ​​and diamond, are among the most expensive gems. The most highly valued stones are cut, clean, without visual defects.

Resistance to external influences

The mineral has good resistance to many reagents, including acids. But at temperatures above 700 ° C, it loses its amazing color.

Varieties of emeralds

Gemstones are very rare in nature. This is where their high value lies. The mineral is found from time to time in various parts of the planet, but in very limited quantities.

The exquisite emerald stone is a popular element for jewelry decoration. It is widely used to ennoble expensive jewelry and elegant decorative items. Emerald is the source of numerous mysteries: its magical properties are shrouded in mysticism, and its noble effect on the body, although not recognized, is widely used. This precious crystal is not only a symbol of beauty, but also a famous amulet for young girls and mothers of many children.

History and origins

In Ancient Egypt, emerald was ranked among the symbols of the goddess Isis. Its striking color matches perfectly with the image of matured femininity. The goddess Isis gave emerald branches to selfless mothers who prayed to her for the good of their children. Patronizing in women's affairs, Isis strengthened the correct image of motherhood. The ancient priests included these precious stones on the list of the best gifts for her. It is thanks to the belief in the goddess that the emerald was firmly rooted in the use of the Egyptian high castes and the wives of high-ranking priests.

The emerald was also highly prized in Babylon. This wealthy country contained many precious resources. Most of the famous figures, thinkers and politicians of Babylon accumulated precious stones as a personal resource, among which emerald was often found.

The mystery and value of the emerald gradually brought the stone to wide distribution in the circles of the aristocracy of all countries. The resource broke out beyond the borders of the countries in which it was mined and became a worthy adornment of kings and a value for the sultans. They say that the Arab sheikhs gathered whole hills with stones of ideal quality and purity.

Physical properties

The emerald is classified as a first order stone. He is deservedly placed on a par with, etc.

Properties that distinguish emerald from other stones:

  • All representatives have a rich green color.
  • The stone can withstand temperatures up to 700 degrees, after this point it begins to lose color.
  • Resistant to acids.
  • The hardness of the stone is estimated at 7.5-8, which is not too high on the Mohs scale. Emerald is inferior to sapphires and diamonds.
  • The fragility of the stone ensures the frequent presence of cracks in individual specimens in the form of individual defects and small meshes.
  • The rocks are often diluted with gas bubbles and other rocks.

The quality of an emerald is determined by two main criteria: color and transparency. The color of the stone should be rich, deep and even. Samples with a clear hue, sufficient transparency and no damage are considered ideal, and such models over 5 carats in size cost more than high-quality diamonds.

Emerald colors

The structure of emerald has a structure identical to that of beryllium. Nowadays, the differences between them are weak and since the 19th century, the emerald has been officially ranked as a beryllium variety. Previously, all varieties of beryllium, including those with a bluish tint, were called emeralds.

The colors of the emerald can be very different, however, they are all united by the presence of a pronounced green fragment of the gamut. There are varieties of yellowish-green, blue-green shades, while yellow and blue can only be indirect accompaniments to the basic green tone. The base itself can also range from light colors to shades of dark green foliage.

The edges of the stone can change color and reflection when turned. One stone can simultaneously shine with different tones of green, yellow, blue. The purest is the color of green grass, which has a sufficient degree of transparency.

Place of Birth

The emerald industry on a small scale is widely developed all over the world: stones are mined in Russia, USA, Australia, Bulgaria, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, France, Cambodia, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Mozambique, Namibia, Ethiopia, South Africa. However, there are only a few large industrial centers where high-quality emeralds are mined in large quantities.

The largest crystal deposit is located in Colombia. There are smaller deposits in Zambia, Egypt, Brazil and New Granada. These five locations hold the bulk of the world's supply of emeralds.

Talismans and amulets

Overgrown with proverbs and mysteries, the emerald has become a popular stone for making amulets and talismans. Since ancient times, talismans have brought women good luck and revealed certain qualities, and amulets served as protective amulets from evil spells.

Not only among the Egyptians, emerald is firmly associated with the image of matured femininity and beauty. This value of the jewel is firmly rooted in the minds of different peoples. The Scots and Saxons sincerely considered the emerald deposits to be wonderful offerings from the Dryads. They associated the stone with the purity of female love and the connection of girls with nature.

The Russian aristocracy of the times of Kievan Rus considered the emerald a stone for married women and allowed it to be worn only by those who had more than three children. Over time, this custom faded away, but it shows well the deep symbolism of the stone.

The magical properties of the stone

The magical properties of an emerald stone include:

  • Emerald protects virgin beauty and deep connection with nature in young girls. He maintains the purity of thoughts in relation to men, helps to cultivate loyalty and devotion in the girl in relation to the future family and her man. Emerald protects pure fantasies and protects from outside sensual temptations.
  • Protects the correct development of motherhood in a woman: helps to bear a healthy child, protects the fetus from the influence of evil extraneous thoughts, makes the child close to nature. Nourishes the mother's correct expression, cleanses her from bad influences.
  • Keeps a woman's connection with nature, thanks to which her natural sensuality (but not passion) and the ability to deeply experience living things, to distinguish the true, living, present from the inanimate, fake, far-fetched, are revealed.
  • Keeps a deep connection of a woman with the wisdom of the family, helps to better feel and anticipate the future, intuitively make the right decisions for the benefit of the future of the family and children.
  • It reveals the inner wealth of a woman, thanks to which the material level of the whole family can be evened out.

Best of all, the emerald reveals its qualities in women who want to understand true femininity in themselves, enhance the natural girlish qualities and grow from a girl to a woman, not only in body, but also in mind and heart. It is a stone for women who truly understand the value of family and yearn to become a permanent blessing for their loved ones.

The healing properties of the stone

The stone is endowed with powerful healing properties. In the Middle Ages, he was considered one of the attributes of healers and healers.

Emerald has a positive effect:

  • on the autonomic nervous system, due to which the work of organs and systems can be improved;
  • on the digestive tract, improves the work of the walls of the esophagus and intestinal permeability;
  • on vision, improves the ability of crystals to correctly conduct light;
  • on the reproductive system, helps to get rid of pain during menstruation, normalizes the ovulation cycle;
  • on the endocrine glands, helps to normalize the normal production of hormones.

Scientific evidence can disprove the healing properties of the stone, because there is no direct evidence for it, but interaction with the natural aspects of the crystal structure and confidence in its action can create a placebo effect. So this or the crystals have real healing qualities is unknown.

Emerald and zodiac signs

Green emerald is suitable for all signs of the zodiac: this stone has a mild positive effect, calms the psyche and improves the functioning of the senses. However, the stone is most compatible with Pisces and Cancer.

Artificial emerald

Modern artificial emeralds can have a quality even higher than real ones: they give high-quality analogs greater strength, greater purity of color and saturation, they are larger in size and surpass natural specimens in all respects. Naturally, we are talking only about analogues of really high-quality production. However, no matter how strong, pure and rich the artificial emerald is, natural specimens are many times more expensive and are valued much higher. And this is not surprising: natural crystals will always be valued higher than synthetic material due to their origin and structure.

The first time a synthetic emerald was mined in Germany at the end of the nineteenth century. After that, the United States gathered scientific resources and over 50 years brought the production of artificial crystals to large sales in the world market. Now the largest corporation providing supplies of synthetic emeralds belongs to the joint production of Thailand and Russia.

How to distinguish a fake?

Most fake emeralds are sold as a separate item under the name "Igmerald". However, if you decide to choose a natural specimen, then sometimes you need to make sure of the quality of the purchased product. The high quality of counterfeits makes identification a rather difficult process.

So, how to distinguish a real emerald:

  • Natural emeralds often have a more dull color, while synthetic emeralds often saturate with a luster that is too bright for this crystal. If you see a stone that shimmers in the light no worse than a diamond, then it is most likely a fake. If a stone of deep, even, uniform color fell into your hands, then it is most likely real.
  • You can check the crystal under ultraviolet light: synthetic crystals have a brownish-orange glow in the UV spectrum, real emeralds do not react to radiation in any way. However, this method cannot be considered final: there have been cases when natural stones reacted like artificial analogs.
  • It is necessary to take a closer look at the edges of the stone: it is important that the crystal does not have worn or worn edges. The edges should be clear and sharp, precisely defined. The strength of the emerald does not allow the stone to wear out quickly under normal conditions. The worn edges indicate a low-quality fake.
  • The internal structure of the stone must be uniform and uniform. The presence of lamination or hints of the existence of inner layers indicates a cheap fake.
  • The presence of cracks and internal small defects in large stones indicates the probable natural origin of the crystal.

Caring for products with emerald

Emerald has not the highest strength, however, it is quite difficult to damage it in everyday conditions. Despite this, it is better to be careful with jewelry:

  • Get rid of pebbles from possible contact with cosmetics and household products: remove jewelry when doing household chores (cleaning, cooking, etc.), as well as before carrying out water procedures.
  • Put on jewelry after applying makeup: powder, blush, shadows can get on the stone, and the stone will not be able to express all its beauty.
  • Store accessories in a cool, dark place. You can wrap each item in a separate soft cloth.

To remove minor dirt from an accessory, soak it in a warm solution of water and soap. After that, you can wipe the jewelry with a cloth or clean it with a soft brush.

Emerald (Smaragd) - green gem

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In the photo: emeralds from Colombia weighing more than 4 carats each

Emerald is a gemstone that has been known to people since ancient times. It is a green variety of beryl mineral. Large bright green specimens adorn the royal regalia of great rulers, and are also very popular with modern jewelry lovers. Transparent emeralds, along with rubies, sapphires, alexandrites and diamonds, belong to a special category of precious stones.

What are emeralds valued for? Consider the factors that affect their beauty, quality and value. Scarcity is an important factor. Gem-quality transparent emeralds are much less common than well-known gemstones such as amethysts, citrines, red garnets, blue topaz and chrysolites. Natural emeralds, in addition to their rarity, are especially famous for their pleasant green color.

In this part, we will look at the three main characteristics that affect the value of an emerald: color, clarity, and mass. In the second part, we will look at factors such as cut, its deposits, etc., which also affect pricing. We will also tell you about interesting varieties. In the third part, we will show you the real prices per carat.


The color of an emerald is the main factor influencing the perception of its beauty. Stones of bright saturated (not light) green colors are appreciated. The highest quality gem emeralds have an almost pure spectral green color, sometimes with a bluish tint. Greens with a yellowish tinge are less valuable. Light emeralds or emeralds with a grayish tint are valued least of all. Samples that are too dark may be unattractive to some people. In low light, dark emeralds appear dull and play poorly. But keep in mind that the approach to color assessment is that dark green, thick emeralds will usually be more expensive than light ones. Untreated clear emeralds can have a zoned or spotted color with different levels of green saturation, so it is important that the cut emerald has an even distribution of color throughout the volume when viewed from the side of the stone platform.

Above: Beryl green reference standards from Colombia. Museum of the Gemological Institute of Thailand

Practical advice. When buying an expensive large emerald, first of all, evaluate the color. The most important thing here is that you like it. Some people like light emeralds, others like dark emeralds. Swing the stone in tweezers or in your hands, looking at it from the side of the platform. It is advisable to evaluate the color under different types of lighting: under different lamps, daylight by a window or on the street. Pay attention to how light or dark the chosen emerald is, as well as its saturation, distribution of color throughout the volume and additional color shades. The beauty of a stone depends very much on its color. “


The next factor is the clarity of the emerald. Jewelry emerald belongs to the type of stones, which are characterized by the content of a large number of inclusions and cracks, therefore, the assessment of purity is not very strict. The inclusions are usually gas-liquid veils, which can add some "liveliness" to a pure cut emerald with their overflows in the light. Absolutely clean large transparent specimens, without inclusions and cracks, practically do not occur in nature, they are extremely rare. Opaque (impure) pieces of raw materials are usually used for making cabochons. They, of course, have a much lower cost.

Photo: samples of similar quality. However, the specimen on the right has a dark contrast inclusion that immediately catches the eye. Therefore, a purer emerald on the left looks more advantageous.

Practical advice. After you have judged the color, evaluate the purity. Make sure the stone is well wiped and free from surface contamination. First check the cleanliness with the naked eye in good lighting. Are large cracks or inclusions striking? It is desirable that they are not in the center of the stone. See if internal discontinuities have a profound effect on the overall attractiveness of the stone. Then, you can check if the emerald is pure with a 10x triplet loupe for a more thorough analysis. At the same time, pay attention to whether there are large cracks in the sample that come out on its surface. The presence of such defects affects the quality, and they can affect the durability of the stone. For example, from a slight accidental blow, it can split along these cracks. The number of even barely noticeable cracks extending to the surface of the faces should be minimal. Surface cracks are best seen in reflected light by positioning the emerald in relation to the light source in such a way as to catch glare on the edges. “

The weight

The mass of the stone is the following characteristic. The larger the natural emerald, the higher its cost per carat. Because here rarity is already influencing - large stones are less common than small ones. Unlike rubies, sapphires or diamonds, large emeralds are more often found in nature, although they are rare, but, nevertheless, their number on the world market is greater than the above stones.

Photo on the right: large 11-carat specimen from Colombia

Practical advice. You can roughly estimate how a faceted emerald will look when attached to a product. To do this, you need to put a stone on top of your fingers. Wiggle your palm in different lighting conditions and appreciate all the attractiveness and quality in general. Do you like it or not? Likewise, by placing several samples on your fingers at the same time, you can compare them to choose the best one. "

On video: large Colombian emerald - 9.46 ct

In the second part, we will look at factors such as the cut of the emerald, its deposits, the presence of refinement and the certificate. We will also tell you about the varieties.
- In the third part we will show you the real prices for the emerald per carat.

Stones are the hardest bodies on the planet. Often they are minerals, natural chemical compounds of the Earth's crust, less often - rocks, its natural formations.

Accumulations of stones suitable for mining are deposits. They are usually classified into magmatogenic (which formed during the cooling of magma), sedimentary (which formed during the process of weathering or the flow of a river), metamorphogenic (which were formed by the pressure of stones).

However, each stone is not just a mineral or rock; each of them has its own purpose for a person, as it is compared with a field. One of the most beautiful stones is the emerald. properties are different, but first it is worth looking “inside” this stone.

Emerald is a transparent variety of green beryl, sometimes with a bluish tone. Its beautiful shade is due to the admixture of chromium and vanadium.

Emerald stone properties have been valued since ancient times. Even the ancients attributed to this beautiful precious The main task of the emerald was the fight against bad inclinations, they believed that the stone was able to dissipate negative energy, to purify the human biofield. The ancient Greeks called the emerald “the stone of radiance”, the Indians of Colombia called “green ice”, and in Russia the emerald was a symbol of composure. The one who wore the emerald discovered the gift of foresight. Everyone knows the emerald stone properties as a powerful antidote in combination with buffalo milk.

Emerald stone properties have found their application in modern medicine. The stone helps to stabilize blood pressure, relieve headaches, joint pain, and treat diseases of the stomach and bladder.

Astrology uses knowledge of the energy fields of stones and their chemical composition to best choose a stone as a talisman or amulet. This magic prince of gems protects from evil thoughts and inclinations. Gives inspiration to creative people, protects seafarers. This is an ancient Egyptian stone, and therefore it is believed that the emerald protects the hearth and helps mothers. Many magicians have used emerald in their rituals. So, Indian magicians believed that the emerald helps to establish a connection with the astral world, the souls of the dead. Indeed, due to its structure from a system of rings of silicon-oxygen radicals, it is able to concentrate in itself the energy field of the universe. However, such “messages” can only be read by a person endowed with the Great Soothsayer Nostradamus, for example, who wore a ring with an emerald on his little finger. If an image of any bird is engraved on an emerald, it will bring longevity, if set in a ring of platinum, then its owner will have prophetic dreams.

Emerald is the stone of the horoscope prescribed for people who were born under the sign of Aquarius, Libra and Leo, and contraindicated for those who were born under the sign of Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

Along with diamond and ruby, emerald is the most expensive gemstone. Pale, low-quality emeralds are relatively inexpensive, but for a faceted emerald without flaws, the price is quite high, so such stones of five to six carats are not available to most people.

The beauty of this beautiful gem can be judged by looking into the museum. One of the more unique specimens is found in the UK. The color of this “Devonshire Emerald” stone is striking, intense deep green. The crystal of the stone is 1384 carats.

Emerald, the stone of great rulers and gods, will bring peace, vitality and wisdom.

Emerald is a type of green beryl. This gem has been known to mankind since the time of the Sumerian civilization. The ancient Greeks gave it the name "Stone of Radiance". Already in those days, people paid attention to the unusual properties of such a stone as an emerald.

One of the main characteristics of an emerald gemstone is its color, which is distinguished by its uniqueness due to its wide spectrum. However, few know what color and shade of emerald is considered the most valuable, which is explained by some differences in color. In general, green is the primary color. There are also specimens with a bluish tint or blue veins.

Emerald gem characteristics: color and clarity of the gem

There are many varieties of pure green emeralds, among which those with a dark green tint are more appreciated than others. Sometimes they are even more expensive than diamonds. The photo shows what color and type of emerald is considered the highest quality and recommended for purchase:

Jewelers, however, distribute three main characteristics of color for this gem - lightness, saturation and tone. More expensive than the rest, the more saturated copies are estimated.

It is known that stones of natural origin rarely have a uniform shape. They can have many defects, such as a network of veins, an uneven defective surface. Therefore, in order to achieve the gem-quality characteristics of an emerald, it is treated with special substances. Due to the above-mentioned material defects, this gem is rather fragile. In order to increase the stability of the material, jewelers mainly cabochon or use a specific emerald cut.

Emerald Specifications

Chemical composition:




Fe2O3, V2O3, Cr2O3

Daylight color:

Green, yellowish green

Color under artificial light:

Dark green

Glass luster.

Hardness index:

Feature color:

Transparency level:

Transparent, translucent

Density indicator:

2.69-2.78 g / cm³

Refraction value:



History and deposits of emeralds

The name of the stone in English refers to one of the types of beryl "aquamarine", which is aquamarine. Translated, the name of such a gem as emerald means "green gem".

Other names from Latin have forms such as smaragdus, esmeraude, emeraude, and esmeralde.

There is evidence that these stones were traded in Babylon as early as 4000 BC. Since then, natural stones such as emeralds have been highly prized by the largest cultures. It is known from history that the Indian sultan Shah Jahan wore a talisman with this stone, on which ancient texts were carved. There are suggestions that it was because of this that the emerald began to be considered a symbol of holiness and love. A lot of evidence was also found that Queen Cleopatra was very fond of these jewelry, and even emerald mines with tools made in 1300 BC were found. Ancient Egyptians decorated mummies and tombs with emerald crystals.

It is known that the Greeks considered the emerald one of the best stones and treasured it very much. According to Herodotus, it is known that such an ancient Greek figure as Polykart wore this nugget in his ring.

The first finds date back to 1925, when Colombian explorers conducted an expedition to Indian reservations, where a small number of stones were found. The only currently known South American emeralds are found near Bogotá. The most famous mines are located in Muzo. Emeralds are found in thin veins of black bituminous limestones containing early Cretaceous ammonites.

Later, mention of such finds appeared in Peru. After that, emeralds became popular in Europe, where until the 1930s they were very rare and almost never found.

The word "emerald" came to the Russian language through the Persian "zumurrud" and the Turkish "zumrut".

MI Pylyaev in his book "Precious Stones" refers to an article published in the "Bulletin of the Geographical Society" in 1860, which says that the first emerald of Russian origin was found in 1669.

However, if you follow the official version, the first emerald in Russia was found not earlier than the 19th century, namely in 1839. For the first time this gem was discovered by a peasant from the Beloyarsk volost, Maxim Kozhevnikov. The find took place in the Yekaterinburg district, on the banks of the Tokovaya river.

Currently, the only Russian emerald deposit is Malyshevskoye, which is located not far from Yekaterinburg.

In addition, large deposits of emeralds are located in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Colombia and Brazil. In small quantities, this gem is found in Austria, Australia, Bulgaria, Germany, Egypt, India, Spain, Italy, China, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Mozambique, Madagascar, Namibia, Nigeria, Norway, Somalia, USA, Tanzania, France, Switzerland and Ethiopia.

One of the largest emeralds known to mankind is the Emerald Buddha. This 3600-carat nugget was found in Madagascar, after which a Buddha figurine was carved from it.

Due to the high cost of the emerald, attempts have been made to remove it synthetically. These efforts were crowned with success between 1934 and 1937, when the Germans filed a patent for its synthesis. Artificial emeralds are now being mass-produced in the United States.

Distinguish between ordinary and artificial emeralds using filtered ultraviolet radiation (360 nm), to which a real emerald does not normally react, while synthetic emeralds exhibit chestnut brown luminescence. However, this rule is not always confirmed. Many natural emeralds can also react to filtered ultraviolet light.

Price of an emerald: this is how much a stone costs per 1 carat

The influence of shades and the smallest nuances of color on the price of an emerald is very significant. Among the characteristics of an emerald, color is considered the most important, as well as purity, although it happens that the latter is also neglected in favor of a more saturated shade. There are many types of emerald gemstone, which are distributed in color and transparency, which determines the quality and price of the stone. The normal range of colors is from yellow-green to blue-green. However, the most valuable material is considered to have a pronounced dark green color. In addition, the highest quality of the product is determined by the transparency of the material. Any deviation in shade converts this gem into a cheaper variety - green beryl.

There is no definite answer to the question of how much 1 carat of such a gem as an emerald costs, because the price characteristics of each piece depend on many factors. For example, the cost per carat will rise with the size of the solid stone. That is, the smaller the size of the whole stone, the lower the cost of one carat, and vice versa.

But not only color and size is a factor in determining the price of a particular nugget. For example, a high-quality, and, naturally, more expensive, is an emerald, in which noticeable veins and opacities are not visible to the naked eye.

Emeralds of the highest quality are rarely found on the market. Price ranges for stones of the highest quality category:

  • from 0.01 to 0.99 carats from $ 700 to $ 3500 per carat;
  • from 1.00 to 2.99 carats from $ 4000 to $ 7000 per carat;
  • from 3.00 to 5.99 carats from $ 6,000 to $ 9,500 per carat;
  • from 6.00 to 15.00 ct. from $ 8000 to $ 13000 per carat.

Many also wonder how much an artificial emerald costs, and whether it can be purchased at a lower price than a natural one. Yes, it is known that artificial gems have a slightly lower price than natural ones, which is due to the inferior quality of the material. One of the indicators of a non-natural stone is a lower density of the material, as well as a very characteristic bluish-green color.

As a rule, emeralds are worn in rings, rings, women - even in earrings and necklaces. If possible, it is better to have a set of jewelry with emeralds - firstly, it will look stylish, and secondly, this way you will give the stones more opportunities to beneficially influence your destiny. Emerald does not need color support. There is no need to match him with a green dress or make-up in swamp tones. The vibrant green of the stone should be the solo.

You can see from the photo that emerald stones look best on women with a dark complexion, or vice versa - nobly pale. In both the first and second cases, the jewelry will harmoniously emphasize the natural feminine beauty. Earrings interspersed with this material are ideal for women with green eyes. However, those with eyes of any other color should not immediately abandon such graceful jewelry. It is just important to choose earrings with emeralds of the same saturation that the wearer's eyes have. For example, for those representatives of the fair sex who have light eyes, more transparent shades of a gem are well suited, and vice versa.

It is believed that rings and rings with this gem should be worn on the little finger or ring finger.

Don't be afraid to combine emerald with other precious stones. Best suited for this purpose are aquamarine, amethyst, and pink rhodochrosite.

Precious stones are not the prerogative of women only. The male part of humanity can safely pick up rings and seals with emeralds that can emphasize any strict image.

The magical and astrological properties of an emerald: who is suitable for a stone according to the sign of the zodiac

The Jewelery Industry Council of America and the British National Jewelers Association have designated the emerald as the birthstone for the month of May.

In Vedic astrology, there is a section on how the planets affect a person's life. This includes the item on wearing precious stones. The fact is that, for example, an emerald is a stone of the planet Mercury, and those who wear it on their bodies as a decoration or talisman are under the influence of this celestial body. Mercury is responsible for such aspects of human life as knowledge, trade, success at work, science and invention. That is why a person wearing such talismans has special intellectual abilities, a desire to learn about the practical and spiritual spheres of human life. Also, a nugget helps to acquire new useful contacts.

Such a part of the Vedas as Ayurveda tells in detail about the meaning of emerald stones and the treatment with the help of this material. The fact is that it harmonizes all three doshas of the human body, such as vata, pitta and kapha. Thus, the stone has a beneficial effect on the digestion, respiratory and nervous system. It is used to treat throat ailments and colds. The nugget has a positive effect on people with speech impairments such as, for example, stuttering, neurological disorders and even deafness. It also relieves heart problems, all kinds of infectious diseases and fever.

The positive effect of the material is also noted in the general well-being of the one who uses it. A person's ability to concentrate and learn improves, the tendency to meaningless acts, gambling and kleptomania disappears. Therefore, among all those who are suitable for the properties of the magical emerald stone, those who have any disorders will note the greatest beneficial effect.

There is a lot of information that with the help of emeralds and emerald powder, any eye diseases are treated. It is believed that the color green relaxes the eyes, helps them to relax, and helps a person become more focused.

It is widely believed that emerald has a positive effect on vision. One of the medieval recipes says: "To strengthen the light of the eyes (vision), rub the emerald well on the porphyry and, after mixing it with saffron, apply it to the eyes."

Men have long used the stone of Mercury to treat impotence. Women note the beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The stone rejuvenates their face and helps in the fight against aging of the whole body.

It is possible to treat this or that disorder of the body or human psyche directly by wearing an emerald on the body, as well as tinctures and powders from this stone.

There is a theory that a beneficial effect occurs through the addition of the color of the stone to the color scale of the person himself. Esotericists suggest that the human body has 7 colors, and disorders of the body occur due to the lack of any of them in the energy sphere.

The effect of these crystals on one of the human chakras, namely on the Anahata located in the chest, is noted. This chakra is responsible for loving people, showing compassion.

Another patronizing heavenly body of the emerald is the Moon, as well as Venus, which adds positive qualities to it.

Astrologers give a lot of information about who, according to the zodiac sign, is most suitable for such a stone as an emerald, and whether it is worth wearing it for everyone indiscriminately. Emerald is a talisman for people born under the sign of Taurus. It is also advised to wear a talisman with an emerald for those who were born under the auspices of the Cancer sign. In this case, the emerald will be able to show its best qualities. But those who were born in the month of Capricorn should pick up another patronizing gem.

The influence on this or that sign of the zodiac is due to the astrological properties of the emerald stone, among which there is an opportunity to give its owner magical abilities.

Since ancient times, there has been a fad that this stone bestows the loyalty of a loved one on its owner. There is also an opinion that green beryl helps its owner to see the future, sharpens intuition. As an amulet, an emerald should only be worn in a gold setting. In this case, the stone can become a powerful talisman against evil spells, from negative influences. As a talisman, emerald is one of the most powerful stones that stimulate all the best in a person.

Astrologers who have studied the emerald note the magical properties of the stone as one of the most beneficial for the state of a person wearing a stone as a talisman. They believe that such an amulet has not only healing magic, but also protective and even love magic.

Those who are going to go on a sea voyage are advised to take an emerald with them on the road, as it protects against unwanted accidents on the water. Also, the stone protects from the bite of poisonous snakes and vipers, as it is able to hypnotize such animals.

Also, an amulet made from this nugget neutralizes other people's spells, thus being a powerful defense mechanism. He not only will not allow you to fall under a negative magical effect, but will also help get rid of its consequences if it suddenly happened.

If you give an emerald to the newlyweds during the wedding, their marriage will be distinguished by special endurance and harmony in the relationship of the married couple. Also, the stone will be able to balance and make the sex life of a married couple more intense, to get rid of problems on an intimate basis.

Among other things, the stone will be able to impart magical qualities to its owner. It not only sharpens intuition, but also helps during fortune-telling. The characteristics of such a gem as an emerald also include the ability to help a person see the other world. Georgians call this gem "snake", which, if translated, will mean the word "mirror". This means that a person under his patronage can see the future and the past.

Astrologers also note that specimens that have been passed down from generation to generation are especially powerful, thereby receiving powerful energy. But there are also mentions that you need to be extremely careful when working with such stones, as you can get yourself in big trouble instead of getting good results. Heirloom emeralds should only be used by those who are completely sure of how and what to do.

An interesting ability is acquired by nuggets that lie in the rain a full 9 times. It is believed that with their help a person gets the opportunity to control the heavenly elements. In ancient magical traditions, people thus caused rain, or vice versa, they dispersed the storm and bad weather.