If you misread the conspiracies from the disease. Rare old conspiracies from diseases. Headache conspiracy with a knife

Today rituals and conspiracies for health and treatment are relevant, their popularity does not diminish over time. A health conspiracy does not require special attributes, knowledge or skills. It is possible to conduct it yourself at home, following certain recommendations and rules.

Until now, human health is the most desirable

For the best result, you need to follow a number of rules.

  1. It is imperative to believe that the conspiracy to recover will work and the person will really feel better, he will be cured. Only with the help of a sincere and strong faith in the miraculous help of prayers and conspiracies can you achieve the fastest possible results. A skeptical attitude will not help a person recover.
  2. It is important to read the conspiracy on the health of a child or adult in the present tense. For example, not "I want to be cured," but "I am cured, I am healthy." It is important to believe that a conspiracy for health and longevity will help, has already helped heal from ailment.
  3. A conspiracy on the health of a child or an adult must be pronounced clearly, in a confident voice, and in even intonation. The text must be pronounced without hesitation, the sequence of words must not be broken.
  4. It is important to remember that when using the services of white magic, you should not use a quick recovery conspiracy as a panacea. In parallel, you should definitely contact a specialist and undergo a prescribed course of drug therapy.
  5. On the day when healing rituals are planned, fasting must be observed. It is also recommended to control yourself, not to conflict with anyone, not to quarrel and not to commit bad deeds.
  6. It is very important to read such conspiracies at home during the new moon or waning moon. This is a prerequisite.
    Using an effective conspiracy on the health of a child, a conspiracy on women's health, one should thank the higher powers for their help, regardless of whether it brought a result or not.

Effective Rites and Prayers

A universal ritual for health

A young tree will help heal the disease

There is a very powerful way to deal with ailments. This ceremony is suitable for a person who has the opportunity to visit a forest, grove or park where many trees grow. You need to go out at night, find a young tree. Then put both palms on his trunk, close your eyes. Read the conspiracy on the health of a child or adult:

“The disease is sore, the thorny disease reaches the tree, it is transmitted from my body to the roots. It is not the servant of God (the name of the patient) who will harass and torment, but the tree wears down and dries up. I give the sickness of the sick servant of God (the name of the sick person) to the tree, the strength will come to him, he is healthy now. May it be so!"

This good health conspiracy usually works very quickly. You can also check its effectiveness. To do this, after a few weeks, you need to go to the charmed tree. If its leaves turn yellow or withered, this means that the tree has taken over your ailment. Such a magical effect on the healing and recovery of many ailments is an excellent help in addition to drug therapy. Such magical actions should be performed only by a person who sincerely wishes the recovery of another person.

Getting rid of severe pain

There are strong full moon health conspiracies that will help even if you feel bad and the disease does not go away for a long time. This full moon rite is performed directly over a sick person. Put the person to bed, stand over him and begin to pronounce the magic words:

Lay the sick person on the bed for the conspiracy

“(The name of the part of the body that hurts) no longer suffers from pain, the patient, the servant of God (the name of the patient) begins to feel better. The body is filled with health, the disease goes away and will never return. As the moon wanes, so the disease goes away forever. May it be so".

This is a powerful conspiracy for a quick recovery. It can be done easily at home.

Rite of passage for convalescence

This is a universal ritual. It can be done to get rid of any disease. To carry it out, you need to go outside, find a young tree. Put your palms on it and whisper:

“A sick ailment, a mighty ailment stretches towards the tree, flows from me into the tree. It is not the servant of God (name) who now torments and gnaws, but wears down a young tree. I give up my illness, I take strength into myself. "

If the disease was serious, after a certain time the tree may dry out.

Child health

If a child is sick, it is better to see a doctor as soon as possible. But in parallel with drug treatment, a magic ritual can be used to recover the child, after which the condition comes to the best.

Seeing a candle flame, imagine a child getting better.

For the child to get better, a ritual is performed on Friday. Put a candle on the table, light it. Looking at the flame of a candle, imagine how the baby is recovering. Next, put a glass of holy water in front of the candle. To sprinkle water with these words:

“Mother voditsa, you help everyone, heal ailments. Help my child (name), protect from diseases, soothe his pain. So that (name )'s health is always strong, the body is strong. Yes, guardian angels always stood behind him. Let it be as I said. "

After the conspiracy of water for health is read, give it to the child to drink. This option is also suitable for newborns, for a newly born baby (if he has serious pathologies). In parallel, drug treatment is required. White magic helps to keep babies healthy from birth.

Other conspiracy options

There is an effective water conspiracy for health. This magic ritual is more suitable for combating female diseases. Also, spelled water can be used when carrying a child so that the child is born healthy. To read a conspiracy on water on a full moon, you need to find a source with clean water. It is better if it is a natural spring, lake, mountain river. If there is no way to plot well-being near a natural reservoir, you can use holy water.

For plotting, it is best to use a spring of clean water.

To plot a full moon conspiracy, you need to pour water into a container (preferably a silver bowl). On the new moon, stand above the bowl of water and say the following words:

“Oh, healing water, you give people strength, cleanse them from ailments and negativity. Help the servant of God (name of the patient) to cleanse himself from the disease, to come to himself and become healthy. Heal her body, save her from torment. May she be healthy and joyful again. May it be so".

What conspiracies are read on the new moon? The next conspiracy is suitable to get rid of ailments that are caused by something negative magical effects. As a result, all unpleasant symptoms will go away. It is important that a sick person go to a temple or church and pray. Collect holy water. During the new moon or waning moon, take a glass of holy water, hold it above the head of a sick person, read the following words:

“As the holy Mother of God, the mother of the servant of God (the name of the patient), brought into the world, as she protected from adversity and ailments, as she protected from evil looks, so now the power of the holy water will relieve the disease, remove the evil eye / damage. There is no more evil slander, a dangerous slander on the servant of God (name of the patient). All bad things from him, like water will drain, health will return. May it be so"

After this, the patient needs to be given holy water to drink, and the rest of the liquid should be poured into the ground. Gradually, he will recover. This conspiracy of water to health is one of the most powerful. After carrying out, the person's health usually goes to the better.

The rest of the charmed water must be poured onto the ground.

To get rid of the pain, you need to move the index finger of your right hand clockwise over the sore spot and pronounce the words:

“Oh, (the name of the diseased organ or part of the body) is mine (mine), not pain, you, do not itch, do not torment the servant of God (name). As the moon is waning in the starry sky, so let my pain wane. May it be so".

If after reading the pain does not subside, after a while you need to carry out magical actions again. This rite is good for any pain, especially with dental problems, which often happen to people.

This powerful and universal conspiracy must be read on the night of the waning moon over a glass of spring or well water. The most suitable day for the ceremony is Tuesday, the most unfortunate is Saturday. Before the beginning of the ritual, on the table, next to the glass, it is necessary to set and light a church candle. Now we read the conspiracy:

“As my mother (name) gave birth to, but helped with all the sores and adversities, so you, voditsa, dear sister, help me, protect me from illness, remove the evil eye. Help me to make my body healthy, clean. Get rid of all the lessons and ghosts, evil slander-conversations, do it so that everything is bad from me, like water from a stream glass, get rid of knots and ailments. Help me a servant of God (name). Amen".

Now you need to take a sip of the charmed water, wash your face with it and sprinkle the rest on the body (especially on those places that hurt). Leave the candle to burn out, and bury the cinder in the ground. This is a powerful ceremony that will help even at a distance. It can also be used for a mother who is giving birth. Only in this case, add: "Help to untie the knot so that it can be easily untied, resolved, joy came to me."

In order to eliminate negative consequences and achieve a good effect, a conspiracy on health must be carried out strictly according to the rules. In all spells, you need to mentally imagine that it becomes easier for a person, that health is returning to him.

Prayer for any disease

“Oh, the great saints of Christ and wonderworkers Panteleimone, Cosmas and Damian. Hear us praying to you (names). You carry our sorrows and ailments, hear the sighing of the multitudes who come to you. For this reason, as a quick helper and a warm prayer book, we call you to you: do not leave us with your intercession with God. We continually go astray from the path of salvation, guide us, merciful teachers. We are weak in faith, confirm us, the teacher's orthodoxy. We excel at the creation of good deeds, enrich us, good-heartedness of the treasure. We dream of us from the enemies of the visible and invisible and embittered, help us, helpless intercessors. Righteous anger, moved against us for our iniquity, turn away from us by your intercession of the Throne of the Judge of God. To him you stand in heaven, the holy of the righteous. Hear, we pray you, the Great Saints of Christ, who invoke you with faith, and ask your prayers from the Heavenly Father for all of us forgiveness of our sins and deliverance from troubles. You are helpers, intercessors and prayers, and for you we give glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy for the elderly

There is a special conspiracy for the elderly, who get sick more often than young people and lose strength faster. To feel healthy again, recite such a conspiracy over food or drinks:

“Lord, Heavenly King, Lord of life! You created me in Your own image and likeness. As the bones of the saints do not moan, do not ache, as their hearts do not prick or ache, so nothing would hurt me, did not prick and itching anywhere: not a newcomer, not to a decline, not to a full moon, not to a red dawn. Be, my bodies, strong, become, all my loins, strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

What prayer is read before the operation

“Angel of God, my guardian! The goodness of the Most High has entrusted me to your care. You took care of me from my infancy and never left me in my unworthy behavior. Accept my tearful prayer, holy guardian angel, my faithful protector! I confess my soul to you. Not being ashamed or cunning, I sincerely say: fear has penetrated into my bones, into my mind, fear eats away at my soul. My will was crushed by the fear of death from the doctor's knife. My guardian angel, ask the Merciful God for mercy for me: deliverance from an unexpected and imminent death. And extended my years of life with prayers for me. I am glad that I have you. You are both a shield and salvation, and deliverance is in danger. My guardian angel, be with me forever and ever. Amen".

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All sick people are vampires in relation to healthy people. The patient has very little vitality. The subtle fields of a sick person function in such a way that they replenish energy at the expense of those “sources of vital energy ... >>>>>

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If you don't have access to medical care, rituals can help relieve toothache. Here are some of the most popular and effective ones. Conspiracy so that the tooth does not hurt Some people speak their teeth on the new moon, but they hold ... >>>>>

Conspiracy for easy childbirth This conspiracy also refers to good luck conspiracies, because this is real luck when childbirth is easy. The conspiracy for childbirth is done a week before the likely date. It is best if the conspiracy for a quick birth ... >>>>>

Conspiracy from uterine cancer Before starting treatment, a woman should fast for four weeks. There are very few and only vegetables. Avoid the conjugal bed. Keep yourself clean. Conspiracy treatment takes place at the first rays of the sun, ... >>>>>

A conspiracy from a stomach ulcer To treat this ailment with a conspiracy from an ulcer, you need to prepare something. You will need coals taken from the blower on Thursday, when the stove was heated; salt taken from the seven courts, and the ashes of the day on which you ... >>>>>

First, you need to carefully examine the patient's legs. If the nails are yellow-waxy with bluish nails, and the patient says that the legs or joints ache, do not support the weight of the body, leave the patient with you. We need to convince him that you will cure him ... >>>>>

What are the conspiracies for the birth of a child? “It is clear that childbirth is the meaning of our female existence, our justification and consolation. Only the child is not always in a hurry, not always desired. And sometimes with the desired ... >>>>>

It happens that the mother-in-law dislikes the daughter-in-law and in this way tries to separate her from her son - to make her sterile. The trouble is that the curse of a pregnant woman is strong, it can touch all women in the family, for example ... >>>>>

Conspiracy from the evil eye from fright Give the patient spit into a cellophane bag or dish, take it to the forest and bury it under an aspen with a conspiracy: Fear-lessons, night, day, noon, midnight, dawn, go away, at ... >>>>>

It is difficult to be ill yourself, and sometimes even harder when someone close to you is suffering, and you cannot help in any way. Although it only seems that you cannot. In fact, it is in our power to divert an ailment from a person, to help him with ... >>>>>

Conspiracy from heavy despondency To do this, you need to go to the temple and order a magpie about health, buy ten candles in the shop there. At night, after waiting for the patient to fall asleep, light one of the candles and quietly, almost about ... >>>>>

How to speak illness The pronunciation of this conspiracy from illness sounds like this: The Lady of Heaven herself, the Most Holy Theotokos, came to me, the servant of God (name), with her saints prayers giving strength and health ... >>>>>

A conspiracy for full health The pronunciation of this conspiracy to improve health sounds like this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go out, servant of God, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, walking the road, walking the river, going out on ... >>>>>

A conspiracy from a wasp bite In the summer you need, if you do not want the wasps to sting you, read such a conspiracy from bites. Pour running water into a jar and early in the morning, when no one is around, read such words over the water for ... >>>>>

The Conspiracy of Pets Read the conspiracy from animal disease on the waxing moon, early in the morning. Take clean running water, but you can also from the tap. Pour water into a cup and place in the middle of the room. Read these words three times: ... >>>>>

A conspiracy for male power This conspiracy for men is best for a wife to read, you need to collect running water, key, but not from a well. You can read the conspiracy only on the full moon. The woman has to wear a new red on her head ... >>>>>

Conspiracy and prayers for female diseases This conspiracy for women helps from any female diseases, you just need to try to do everything right, otherwise there will be no sense. Pour clean water into a half-liter jar, for ... >>>>>

To make the child healthy You need clean running water from a spring or a well for a conspiracy against a child's illness, you can also just take clean water and put a silver cross into it for the night. That water in a glass jar on ... >>>>>

Conspiracy of water from stuttering When the moon begins to wane, immediately after the full moon, it is good to be treated for stuttering. To do this, you need to collect spring water in a half-liter jar, and even better water consecrated in the church. Enter the room ... >>>>>

Conspiracy from epilepsy This conspiracy from nervous diseases saves from seizures. But such treatment must be prepared in advance. A patient should not eat anything spicy, salty or drink anything alcohol for a week. Otherwise, not p ... >>>>>

Conspiracy so that your head does not hurt If your head is squeezed like a hoop, pour running water into a glass of light glass. Read the "Our Father" three times, then - a prayer to St. Panteleimon, say the following: I, the servant of God (to them ... >>>>>

Conspiracy from pain in the joints of the hands Pour spring or tap water into a glass. Put it on a table or some other kind of furniture, but wood is required. Read the "Our Father" three times, then - the prayer of the holy ... >>>>>

Here are collected some effective rituals and conspiracies for skin diseases that can be in an emergency. Conspiracy on beautiful skin In case of a burn, grease the burnt place with sour cream or milk, saying: “Scald, ... >>>>>

A conspiracy for water from infections You can read a conspiracy for running water from the tap. Pour it into a jar when the moon starts to grow. Wait until midnight comes, and go out the door with a jar in your hands. Read the conspiracy from ... >>>>>

Conspiracy if the kidneys hurt Prepare round bread and coarse salt. Pour into a glass of running water, break off a piece of bread. You can't cut it off, because you can't pick up a knife. When you read, put this piece in water ...

For any disease:

Dawn-charger, God's right hand, descend from heaven, enter me, drive the disease out of me. Lord, forgive my sins, release me from illness. I make a cross, I am baptized with a cross, I dress with a cross. Amen."

For any ailment:

1. Come to the forest, find an old strong oak tree, read Our Father three times and say:

Oak, oak, I will give you a name (come up with a name for the oak). Be you my godson, and I will be your godfather. Take, godfather, my ailment, my aches, and give me your fortress. Amen. "

2. Go to the forest, find a lonely growing mountain ash and say:

Rowan, rowan, if you are my dear mother, take ailments from me, I will not break you, but I will protect, water with water. Amen "

Then pour water over the mountain ash.

From weakness after illness:

I will pray to the Lord, I will bow to the Blessed Virgin. Come, Mother of God, to the servant of God (name). Where the Mother of God stepped, the disease receded. The Lord walked with Peter and Paul, went into Peter's house. There, Petrov's mother-in-law lay in great pain, in great weakness. As the Lord began, so the ailment receded from her, Petrov's mother-in-law got up and began to serve the Lord. Come, Lord, to the servant of God (name), drive out the ailment from the bones, from the blood, from the hands, from the legs, from the brown eyes, from the light brown eyebrows. From blond hair, from a loud voice. The Lord drove out all the ailments, all the weaknesses, all the infirmities, all the ailments. The Lord carried them out into a deep swamp and locked them with an iron key. I threw that key into the water, but to the servant of God (name) these and health! Amen"

For weakness and dizziness:

, I walked in the forest, I walked along the path, I see a trickle running. Three dogs lie near this stream, one red, the other thin, the third black. Dogs, dogs! Take my ailment, carry it to dry places, to dark forests, to deep swamps, where the bird does not fly, the person does not look. Let him stay there, but my strength will return! Amen"

If the disease persists (with a lingering chronic illness):

It is necessary to cut off the nails and the ends of the patient's hair. Roll up in wax and bring at midnight to the crossroads. Bury the wax with hair and nails in the ground, and say three times:

I put my braids-nails into the damp, cold ground,

Into a dumb, deaf land,

To make the disease numb, cool, deaf, and in the same place and die! Amen"

For angina and other colds:

, Grieving Mother of God, helper to all grieving and sick, help and help the baby (name) or slave (name) from all diseases and sorrows: from tonsillitis, scarlet fever, chest toad, from ear, from throat. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

For flu and seasonal colds:

Take a burning coal from the stove, let the sick person look at it, and you read the slander in your ear:

I pray to the Lord God, I will worship the Most Holy Mother of God. The Most Holy Most Pure Mother of God approached, giving the servant of God (name) a helping hand. The first vesnyanka, the second frost, the third bone, the fourth deciduous, the fifth kutukha, the sixth bat, the seventh troubled woman, haul off, fight off, from the breasts, from the liver, from the violent head. Don't be a girl, don't look around at the slave (name). She lies in the hut, looking at the coal. As this coal burns, so you boil in a cauldron in the next world. Don't look around anymore, don't turn back, go to the stump, to the log, to the rotten swamps. You will live there, drink water from moss. Amen.

When you feel that you are sick:

Put a loaf of bread under your arm, dress as warmly as possible and move vigorously (to sweat). When the bread is soaked in sweat, put it at the head of the bed overnight, and at dawn take it to the river, throw it into the water and say:

Mermaid, mermaid, you have bread on you! Take away the bread, take away the ailment, give me health. Amen. "

At the onset of the disease:

, Beyond the Volyn sea lives an incompetent girl. He can neither sew, nor weave, nor bake bread, nor cast a horse. She has three youths in her hut; can neither mow, nor plow, nor sow the field. As that little girl and those youths cannot do anything, so no disease can harm God's servant Daria. My word is three times strong; I didn’t say: this is how God ruled. Amen."

It is spoken in a quiet patter three times.

For skin sores:

, The Most Pure Mother of God sent me a whisper sore. Not whispering myself, according to the decree of the Mother of God. Nine head sores, nine chest sores, nine bone sores, nine wind sores, nine hair sores, nine Tartar sores, nine gypsy sores, nine bird sores, nine chicken sores, I did not know you, you prickly weedlings, she did not name any sores. And now I know, I call you, I am sending you, beyond the blue of the sea, beyond the dry swamps. There you have a walk, there is a mowing for you, like a rotten deck do not make noise, so do not get sick to the servant of God (name). Do not break bones, do not lie in your ears, do not move in your eyes. Crumble with poppy seeds, roll out with peas, sore, unhook from the slave (name)! God help, Mother of God the Most Holy in the intercession! Amen"

Take the patient's shirt, in which he sleeps, and, without washing it, take it to the field or forest. Try not to be near you at the time of the ceremony. Read the special plot above the shirt, and then burn it. Do not wait for the shirt to burn out, but as soon as it catches on fire, leave without looking back. Do not talk to anyone all day during the ceremony. The ceremony is not performed on Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Conspiracy words are:

The Lord walked along the earth, helping people, lifting them from the grave.
Lift up, Lord, Your servant (name) from the bed of illness,
From the torment of the body, turn away from death,
Turn to life by your name, my deed,
Extend your servant (name) to the earthly age. Amen.

Throw the disease into the water.

To do this, on an odd day, go to the river or to the sea (the water must be running, this is important for the treatment). Before doing this, do not eat anything, do not comb your hair, and do not talk to anyone. Approaching the water, cross yourself three times and say in a loud, well-delivered voice:

Get out of my body trouble
All ailments and pendants,
Enter the water, reach the deep bottom.
Sit on the seabed, don't come up
Never nail to my body.
There you have sea roots
There you have seafood,
You will live there until forever,
You will be there from now on.
And be you, my words, strong,
And be you, my deeds, sculpting.
What I said I didn't finish -
The Lord will help
All my illness will overcome.

Get rid of the disease.

Spit over your shoulder and say:

How Judas lost his complexion
after his death,
This is how I will lose my illness.
Forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from hidden ailments.

I speak, servant of God (name), twelve sorrows,
Twelve ailments, twelve pains -
Swerving, fireball, shaking, aches,
Yawning, blinking, twitching, black sickness,
I spoil the blind, stabs, chunks,
Toothache, surroundings and bloat,
Bloody mowing, mowing, skewing.
Oh you, all twelve and thirty-three more ailments,
Go you, my ailments and pains,
To the blue seas, to the underworld of the earth,
Into the bubbling resin.
Fall there, burn everything to ashes.
All my pains and ailments, get rid of me, the servant of God (name),
Roll back.
My word is strong and tenacious,
For all days, for all hours, for all times.

Throw the disease onto a personal item.

The disease is most often thrown off on some personal thing of the patient (any) or that thing that the patient bought with his own hands. However, such a thing must be taken to a place where people do not go, especially children do not play, so that someone, God forbid, does not pick it up. If a person deliberately throws an expensive thing on the road, to which the illness was reduced, he takes on a grave sin, because thereby he becomes a murderer and it will not be good for you or the patient. Also, a charmed thing cannot be thrown away near the house, even if you live in a remote place. It is best to carry the item as far away as possible. The conspiracy with which the thing is spoken is as follows:

How this thing doesn't have a soul,
No pain, no ailment,
No ahs, no sighs,
No pus, no tears, no torpor,
So from now on, the servant of God (name)
Nothing hurt or grieved.
Here's a new horse for you, the sickness of God's servant (name),
And do not touch the servant of God (name) from this hour.
So that you, sickness, on the servant of God (name)
Don't ride anymore
And stay on her new thing forever.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Throw the disease down the drain.

To do this, wait until a strong wind rises on the street, go out into the yard and read this conspiracy:

Far away ailments, far away pains.
All of you are counted
All of you are counted.
The East does not accept you,
The West curses you
The South does not admit you to itself,
The North will freeze you, but it will throw you on the ice.
Go you, the ailments and pains of the servant of God (name),
To the wind-wind, to its strong hump.
He will take you, he will take you.
Father my wind,
Take the diseases of God's servant (name) with you.
From bones, from relics, from clear eyes,
From the liver of these, from a zealous heart,
From the elbows, from the nails, from all parts of the body.
Carry his ailments, bodily pains to the very heavens,
For dark forests.
There for his ailments to live, there they will be forever.
My word is strong
My business is simple.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To reduce the disease to fire and smoke.

To do this, cut out forty splinters, light them from a church candle and read the following conspiracy:
Illness, torment of the servant of God (name)

I transfer it to a splinter.
How will this torch burn
So let the disease roll away from the servant of God (name).
Carry smoke, his ailment,
Where the gates are open in hell.
They are waiting for you there, waiting for you,
There your deeds are glorified.
And on the body of the servant of God (name) you will not be,
Never to his body is white
Do not fit.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Now, everlastingly, forever and ever. Amen.

Reduce the disease to twelve loaves of bread.

Bake twelve loaves, read a special plot over them and take them to the church, where you give them to nuns or beggars. Conspiracy words are:

The river of fire runs
There is an aspen bridge across the river of fire,
An old man walks across the bridge, carrying a golden dish.
On a golden platter, bread and salt
Take away, old man, sickness from a man.
Distribute, spread on all four sides.
Let the black crows peck this ailment.
To whom is bread, but to the servant of God (name) health.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Reduce disease to a straw doll.

To do this, make a small stuffed animal out of straw. Put on the doll an outfit made from the clothes of a sick person. Place the doll on the ground and draw a circle around it. The conspiracy is read three times, and then the doll is burned. The ceremony cannot be performed on major holy holidays, fasting and on Sunday. The ceremony is carried out on the loss of the moon, for men - on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), for women - on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). Conspiracy words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I remove the disease from the servant of God (name),
I put on a straw on my soul,
I put on, dress up, sentence.
You, straw idol, take the disease on yourself,
And remove the pain from the servant of God (name).
And my word will be strong, molded and tenacious to the idol.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy that helps with any serious illness.

Set fire to nine aspen torches and read the following conspiracy into the smoke:

Smoke Dymovich, godfather of fire,
Do a good service for me.
From this day, from this time
Remove from the servant of God (name) all ailment and infection.
Go, her ailment, to where the old gate is.
Come down to the old grave
All that destroyed her

Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For a quick recovery.

Go outside at midnight, look at the waning moon and read this conspiracy:

A month, you are a month, you roam high
You see far away
You walk past forests, hills, villages,
Houses, baths, courtyards.
Take away you, month, the illness and pain of the servant of God (name)
Where birds do not fly
People do not wander, animals do not run.
Mother of God, take her sick blood
And give me good health.
Now, forever, forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy for a quick recovery.

Father Abraham walked with his proud
Son of Isaac,
Carried a vein sick of Christ for healing.
They met twelve lumps,
Twelve Herod's Daughters.
Abraham asked the Komukh:
- Have you ruined the health of God's servant (name)?
Herod's daughters bowed before their father
Abraham, obeyed,
They trembled before Jesus Christ,
They promised to cure the painful one.
The lumps untied their knots,
From the body of the servant of God (name) they took out ailments,
So that it does not ache
It did not hurt and did not grieve.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy to restore health and vigor.

Read the following conspiracy forty times in a row:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I speak to the servant of God (name)
Not for a year, not for a month,
Not for a week, not for an hour
Not for a minute, but for the whole of God's age.
Lord help, Lord bless.
You have shown the resurrection, O Lord, to the dead Lazarus,
Reveal your miraculous healing to the servant of God (name).
Have mercy, Lord, her, save and preserve.
And bless life with your wondrous mercy.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

From an abscess:

Melt the wax, mix it with yeast, roll into a ball. Roll this ball over a sore spot and say:

On you, the cheekbone, the bone bone, the head, the brain, the interior, the chicken. Don't walk on bones, don't break bones, go where the bird doesn't fly, the animal doesn't walk, the hare doesn't run, doesn't eat grass, doesn't sleep water. Don't bother you, cheekbone-whining, don't bother the bone bone disappears. Amen."

For any skin disease (ulcer, erysipelas, pockmarks, acne, scabies, scrofula):

, God save the slave Oksinya that she knew the words and showed us. Amen. For the first time, with a holy hour, I ask the Lord God Jesus Christ. Benefits, Lord, help, Lord. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Great Saturday, Great is the Day of God! I ask for all the feasts of God, I pray to the Mother of God. I drive out anger from the (name) head, replace my cheekbone. I order nine cheekbones, nine sores: ulcers, erysipelas, pockmarks, acne, scabies, rubella, scrofula, cyanotic, icteric, white: don’t walk in bones, don’t lump white body (name). As water sinks in the sea, the cheekbone disappears in the (name) head. Amen."

From subcutaneous cones:

, I will pray to the Lord God, I will ask the Lord God. And the Most Pure Lady the Virgin Mary. There is a field, in that field there is a church of God. There was a girl sitting by that church. The girl does not know how to weave, nor spin, nor read, nor write, nor understand literacy. Only the girl knew how to stand at the way and (name) shishak to move. The pine cone, the red cone, the servant cone, the Tatar cone, the wife's cone, the Cossack cone, the blue cone, the black cone, the white cone, the victorious cone, the golden cone, the spring cone, the nasty cone, the drink cone, the whole cone ! You pricked the hotel and flogged the blood until I knew and didn’t ask you for it. But now I know, and I will replace it for you. I refer to dry snags. Where people do not walk, dogs do not lie, chickens do not sing, Cossacks do not go. Just as the spirit of the living cannot hear there, so the (name) in the head does not have cones. (Namearek) for sleeping, for a walk, for beauty. Holy paradise and peace for Oksinya's slave in the next world, for the fact that she treated us, and taught us. Amen."

For abscesses and non-healing ulcers:

, The Lord Jesus Christ himself walked across the Kalinov bridge. Shot in three girls. Those girls are sisters, one is a seamstress, another is a laundress, and the third is a sorceress. She asked for Jesus, replaced her cheekbone. Cheekbone-skulalitsa, chickenpox, chickenpox cheekbone, bloody cheekbone, cheekbone erysipelas, you won't be in your head, don't make noise, don't take blood from your face. Go to violent winds, to fast rivers, where the gift of God will not give birth, and a human foot does not reach. Amen."

From a tumor:

, The Lord Himself approached and calmed the tumor. May God rise, and scatter Him, as the smoke disappears, so the tumors, edema edemas will disappear, and thirteen tumors will disappear from the servant of God (name). As wax melts before the face of fire, swelling, edema, swelling will melt. Come, the Lord Himself, take away the tumor from (name), and put it on with a healthy one. Amen "

For allergies, acne, scabies:

The Cossack rode along the road. Evo has red chekmen, red boots, and a red hat. Cossack, Cossack! Come before me, brush the scabies and take it with you!

Speak it on a red cloth and wipe the sore spot with this cloth.

For ulcers:

, An ulcer-fireplace, stop walking, the body is fired. I spit once - the ulcer hissed, I spit two - the ulcer has cooled, I spit three - the ulcer has dried up. Amen."

While speaking, spit three times on each of the ulcers.

For inflammation of the lymph nodes:

, The first time, God's chap, I burn my face, throw away the dew from it, do not crush the blood. Erysipelas, bone bone, do not go to the servant of God (name), do not stab, do not flog, do not rage, do not suck blue veins, and do not let a tumor, do not crush red blood. I speak you out of the bones, from the blood, from the veins, from the whole joint, according to God's ordinance. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

For erysipelas (inflammation caused by streptococcal infection):

You need to take a linen or woolen thread and burn it on a lamp fire. Then say to the ashes:

I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the Blessed Mother of God. The Most Pure Mother of God was approaching, and she made a face for the servant of God Daria. There is a mountain above the river, a willow on a mountain, a goat under a willow. A goat came to gnaw a willow, to drive off the face of God's servant Daria. You, erysipelas, prickly, you, mugs, heat, you, mugs, flammable, you, mugs, prickly, you, mugs, black, you, mugs, chervona, you, mugs, yellow, you, mugs, blue, you, mug, white, you, mug, fly, you, mug, pozucha, you, mug, running, you, mug, watery, you, mug, windy, you, mug, welcome. The Lord walked in a meadow, carrying three faces, one withered, the other wilted, the third disappeared from God's Name. Come on, Lord, help, Lord! It was not I who helped, the Lord Himself helped. Amen."

With conjunctivitis (if a vessel in the eye bursts and blood spills):

, I will pray to the Lord God, I bow down to the holy saints of God. Nicholas the Pleasant, and Roman the Pleasant, and Mina the Egyptian, and Longinus the Centurion. On the sea, on the curvature, there is an oak, on that oak there is golden bark, copper leaves, iron branches. There are three dogs under that oak tree. Pockmarked licked, licked pain. Gray licked, licked blood. Black licked, returned the white light to her eyes. Amen"

And spit in the eyes of the patient.

If the eye hurts (with conjunctivitis, leucorrhoea, barley):

, I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the Holy One. Zarya-zarenichki, God's helpers, help God and give me help. As the bitch does not let the roots go, so the (name) has no thorn. Saint George rode on a horse, followed by three dogs in the rut. One is black, the other is gray, the third is white. The first licked, licked all diseases. Another licked, stopped the pain. The third licked, returned the white light to his eyes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The worlds of science and magic, traditional and folk medicine are constantly intertwined. In an incomprehensible way, they, partially mutually exclusive of each other's existence, actively and effectively interact and come to the aid of the antipode. This is an ancient tradition, a regularity of existence, an inexplicable given of being.

The magical power that words emit has long been used by our ancestors for various influences on the surrounding reality, including on a person and his health. And to this day, one of the alternative methods of traditional medicine is treatment with prayers and conspiracies.

The reasons for the impotence of scientific medicine in the treatment of diseases

Despite the achievements of modern medicine, there are cases when innovative methods of treatment are powerless. And not at all in the absence of medicines or effective methods of treatment for infections, viruses or pain. Sometimes a person's malaise is of an energetic nature, and only special conspiracies for recovery can help with such a disease.

What are conspiracies from disease

Having comprehended the science of controlling the word, you can use conspiracies and conduct the rituals accompanying them on your own and heal yourself and even other people. An important condition when reading prayers and conspiracies for diseases is a person's faith in the power of the spells uttered and their healing abilities. In addition, a person using conspiracies for diseases should understand that they need to be read, mentally focusing on the problem, thus investing their energy in spells.

There are tens of thousands of magical conspiracies and prayers for diseases. They are precise formulations that must be pronounced the specified number of times and in a specific order in order to achieve the result. After all, every healing conspiracy is a powerful spell, composed by an experienced magician, sorcerer or folk healer. Many of them are written in Old Church Slavonic and other languages ​​that have long been out of use. Like, for example, these health conspiracies:

Semargl-Svarozhich! Ognebozhich is great! Slept a pain-ailment, cleanse the womb, in the child of people (name), in every creature, in the old and young, You are God's Delight! Purifying with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, so that the ailment perishes. We glorify you, we call upon you. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco!

Father you, Semargl-Ognebog, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! As you burn and burn in a field of grass-ants, thickets and slums, raw oak has underground roots, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches, so you slept with (the name is spoken) sorrow and disease. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco!

Zarya-Zaryanitsa, the red maiden, the mother herself and the queen. The month is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midwife. Zarya-Zarenitsa, in the middle of the night come to me even as a red maiden, even as a mother as a queen and lay off (the name is spoken) from me and take away from me the cursed force, all the ailments of adversity. Now and ever, and from circle to circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco!

Types of healing conspiracies

Healing conspiracies can be general-purpose - the same prayer can be used for different diseases or be designed to improve the health and well-being of the patient in general, and targeted - a conspiracy for a disease is read for specific diseases. For example, such a prayer can be said for any illness:

I speak, servant of God (name), twelve sorrows,
Twelve ailments, twelve pains -
Swerving, fireball, shaking, aches,
Yawning, blinking, twitching, black sickness,
I spoil the blind, stabs, chunks,
Toothache, surroundings and bloat,
Bloody mowing, mowing, skewing.
Oh you, all twelve and thirty-three more ailments,
Go you, my ailments and pains,
To the blue seas, to the underworld of the earth,
Into the bubbling resin.
Fall there, burn everything to ashes.
All my pains and ailments, get rid of me, the servant of God (name),
Roll back.
My word is strong and tenacious,
For all days, for all hours, for all times.

And here are the targeted spells whispered to rid a person of specific diseases:

Arthritis conspiracy

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
A monk came from the holy monastery,
He stumbled, fell and exclaimed: "Ah!"
Saint Peter appeared at his cry,
He crossed himself in compassion for the monk,
Said: fell did not fall, suffered did not suffer,
And he gave all his ailment to my care.
I found blood on blood, brought a vein to a vein,
Joint stumbled upon joint,
And so that the servant of God (name) wakes up healthy.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Cancer conspiracy for 40 alms

He speaks out on 40 prepared alms, which are distributed to indigent people on the same day.

Give, Lord, with my hands,
But in your words,
And as mother earth is not afraid of either pain or ailment,
No pinches, no aches, no cancer, no tickles
So my body wouldn't ache, it wouldn't hurt,
I did not grieve from the eating cancer,
It did not turn red with red,
Blue did not turn blue,
No tumor, no cancer
For now, for eternity and for eternity.
40 saints, 40 alms, 40 words.
Word, go to word, deed, go to deed,
So that my body does not hurt, does not grieve.
Remember, Lord, in Your Kingdom
Cancer for peace, and me (name) for health.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy to make the wound heal quickly

Two fingers hold a cross over the wound and say a conspiracy:

Grandfather rides in a zipun on a gray-white horse,
The grandfather got down from the gray-white horse,
And my wound healed quickly.

The rules of treatment with prayers and conspiracies

Only people baptized in the Orthodox Church according to the rules of the Christian faith can carry out treatment with conspiracies for diseases. Before you start reading healing prayers, you need to read the prayer "Our Father" three times, put water and bread consecrated in the church walls on the table. A person who will carry out treatment with prayers and conspiracies must completely clear his consciousness of negative thoughts and tune it to work.

Treatment is carried out on any days except Saturdays, Sundays and days of church holidays. Also, they do not read conspiracies from diseases during the full moon, two days before and after it. It is best to pronounce them with a waning moon, like other spells aimed at deliverance, eradication, exile. The process will be more effective if you fast and visit the church 2-3 days before the start of the healing rituals. The texts are read in a whisper, replacing the word "slave" with the word "slave", depending on the patient's sex.

Reading out conspiracies for recovery is also carried out in the appropriate attire - it must be made of natural fabrics, shoes are removed, women wear a scarf. An icon, a church candle, and an icon lamp are placed on the table.

If the procedure is carried out in the morning or afternoon, the faces of the patient and the person saying the healing prayer turn to the east, in the evening - to the west. It is also necessary that the icons of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God and Christ the Savior should be present in the room where the ritual of treatment with prayers and conspiracies is carried out.

For the recovery of women, ceremonies are held on Wednesday and Friday, for men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. In the summer, conspiracies from illness are read before sunrise, as well as at lunchtime. The text is pronounced, as a rule, three times in one ritual. The procedure is repeated in three days, then in a week, then in a month. If there is no result, you need to pick up other conspiracies. After each “amen,” the one who reads the healing texts must be baptized.

Also, most conspiracies are accompanied by additional rituals. This can be water drunk before or after reading, laying hands on diseased organs and body parts, or other accompanying symbolic actions. Some spells are pronounced in parallel with the execution of the actions indicated in the instructions for them or with the use of ritual objects when reading - eggs, candles, salt, and so on. For instance:

Conspiracy with thyroid disease

Wool is taken from a white sheep, rolled in salt. Rolling a wad of wool over salt, they say:

My dear sheep, my woolen sheep,
Take on the pain through this salt
With the servant of God (name).
Take her ailment
Take her pain, from her body is white
So that the servant of God (name) does not get sick.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The charmed wool is given to the patient, he wraps it in gauze and wears it around his neck in the form of a compress.

What not to do

Some people, hoping for a stronger effect, say in prayer not only their first name, but also their own or the patient's surname. In the magical world, only names exist, a person is identified by them, so there is no need for these excesses.

It is also impossible that the reading of conspiracies for diseases over other people is carried out by pregnant women. The negative energy of the kickback can affect the fetus.

As long as there is humanity on earth, exactly the same number and there are various ailments. Modern medicine, of course, has made unprecedented progress and is capable of curing the vast majority of currently known diseases. But in the old days, our great-grandmothers turned to the help of exclusively folk medicine and often combined it with village magic, using healing ... Such an unconventional method of getting rid of ailments is used by some people even now.

Conspiracy from disease and its main varieties

No one will deny that any disease, even a frivolous one in the form of a banal mild cold, knocks a person out of his usual rhythm of life and causes a lot of inconvenience. If the disease still proceeds in a severe, complicated form, it weakens the sick person not only from the physical side, but also from the moral side.

And what to do with special cases when traditional medicine refuses from the patient, when drug treatment does not give any results, when doctors just shrug their hands in confusion? In such a situation, many remember the ancient healing methods tested by more than one generation of people - various healing conspiracies and rituals. Turning to the help of healing magic sometimes becomes the only hope of a person slain by a disease.

Conspiracy from diseaserepresentsa magic spell aimed at eliminating the ailment from which the performer himself or the customer suffers. It can also be used prophylactic .

There is a wide variety of witchcraft conspiracies that help cure one or another ailment. Their classification varies depending on the area affected by the disease and on the symptoms that bother the patient. In general, there are several main types of healing rituals:

  • preventive conspiracies - protective rituals that help prevent the development of any ailments. They can be read even if the person is absolutely healthy and does not observe any symptoms;
  • universal rites- such conspiracies can be pronounced for any illness;
  • conspiracies spoken to treat a particular disease- act in relation to separately taken diseases;
  • healing rituals used in the treatment of childhood ailments - they are brought into a separate group, since the conspiracy for a sick child is read, most often, by the mother or grandmother.

Since the conspiracy from disease is aimed at getting rid of disease or pain, normalizing well-being, it is recommended to read it during the period of the damaged moon. The energy of the night luminary at this time helps well to eliminate any negativity. In special cases, the magic rite can be carried out in another phase, but it is imperative that all the conditions of the instruction be observed.

Preventive and universal conspiracies against disease

Preventive conspiracy from any ailment

This short conspiracy is a protective prayer that helps prevent the development of any ailment. You can pronounce it for yourself, for your children, for your relatives. The amulet is spoken before dawn:

Universal conspiracy against disease

This is a conspiracy accompanied by a ceremony. The first part of the ritual is carried out within the walls of the church, the second - at home. First you need to visit God's temple, buy there3 candles and dial holy water... You should also put candles in front of the icons (any), pray, ask for help from God and his saints, ask the Lord for blessings for recovery, then cross yourself and go to your home.

At home, you need to calm down, light candles in any quantity, put icons of saints and a container with consecrated water next to them, focus on healing and read the words of the conspiracy on the water (at least 7 times):

The water, into which the conspiracy is whispered, must be poured a little every day into the patient's food and drinks, and do this for 2 weeks. If, after all the manipulations, the illness does not leave the sick person, the ceremony and conspiracy must be repeated.

Conspiracy to recount a serious (fatal) illness

If the patient has been suffering for quite a long time, and drug treatment does not bear fruit, you can try to chastise his ailment with the help of this conspiracy below. Words are spoken about the patient's T-shirt or shirt, in which he slept (it is not necessary to wash it). Requirements for the performer:

  • a plot to read in the open air (forest, field);
  • perform the ritual in absolute solitude;
  • complete silence throughout the day when the ceremony was performed.

Suitable days are all except Monday, Saturday, and Sunday. Report text:

When the conspiracy from the disease is read on the T-shirt, it must be immediately set on fire and, without waiting for it to burn to the end, leave the place of the ceremony. You can't look back.

Conspiracy from disease if doctors cannot diagnose

This conspiracy is used if the nature of the disease is not known, and the doctor is unable to clarify the diagnosis. The text should be read by the patient himself before bedtime, 12 times:

Conspiracy for a speedy recovery

In order for a quick healing from the disease to occur, the patient himself or the person who wants to help him, during the waning of the moon, should go out into the open air after 12 o'clock at night and, looking at the night star, utter the words of the conspiracy:

Useful information about conspiracies against disease and examples of effective healing rituals can be found in this video:

Conspiracies for the treatment of individual diseases

Conspiracy from colds and flu

The conspiracy helps to get rid of colds and eliminate the symptoms of colds. The words of the healing spell are read inhoney(To do this, specially purchase a new jar of bee honey). The ritual can be used for both adults and young patients. Its text is pronounced in honey exactly 7 times:

The conspiracy bee product must be eaten one teaspoon 3-4 times a day. For sick children, the sweetness should be diluted in water (or in tea) and given to drink for the child, also 3-4 times a day.

Rite of passage for skin diseases

This conspiracy is effective against any dermatological diseases. The ritual usesfogged glass or mirror ... The patient should first move the index finger of his right hand over the sweaty surface, and then rub the sores on the skin with the same finger, saying:

A healing spell is cast three times. The first results will appear after a few days.

Conspiracy for the treatment of female diseases

This spell is used to heal from gynecological diseases (including female infertility). The conspiracy is pronounced for exactly 7 days. without interruption and with faith in recovery. The words are read after 12 o'clock at night, by the light of 2 burning candles (the performer's gaze should be directed at their flame. The text is pronounced three times:

The given spell is a conspiracy from childhood diseases. It helps to protect a sick child from possible complications, strengthens his immune system.

First, a little preparation is required: you need to pour clean (preferably spring) water into a transparent jar, put a silver cross into it, leave the container in this form for a day. After 24 hours, you need to stand with a jar (holding it with both hands) in the middle of an empty room and say the magic words:

You need to water the child with spoken water, 3 drops each - in pure form, or adding to other drinks. This should be done every 3 hours. Water should also be mixed into the bath when bathing, sprinkle it on the corners of the children's room. It is also advisable to moisten the window sill and threshold with it.

Any conspiracy against diseases is a useful witchcraft ritual that will help to cope with a variety of diseases, because it has long been proven that the word has healing power. Using healing rituals, it is necessary to precisely fulfill all the necessary requirements and believe that magic will help achieve recovery.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: