Ideas for a wedding. How to make it unforgettable? How to make your wedding fun and unique

Symbol of innocence

So, the application was submitted to the registry office, and we informed the next of kin about the upcoming event. What started here ... The process advanced so that we were unable to “push” it back: the most unthinkable proposals and assumptions rained down from relatives. If before that we discussed and designed, now with the help of mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, etc., we have moved on to concrete actions!

Unforgettable wedding
for a modern woman, it began with the search for an outfit. What to choose? I set conditions: firstly, the dress will not be white, cream or champagne, and secondly, no veil: neither short, nor medium, nor long - none at all, also a “symbol of innocence” to me! I chose the outfit with my husband (contrary to the assertions that this is a bad omen). We came to the first bridal salon on our way, and I chose a dress that I immediately fell in love with: it was light golden in color with beautiful buds on the skirt and a mini train. Then I was persuaded to try on a veil, I “broke down” a little, but I agreed - she was very beautiful and went well with the dress, and then jewelry for the hairstyle was selected. Thus, I was completely ready to go to the registry office.

And now, in a wedding dress with a beautiful hairstyle and a veil on my head, I am waiting for my betrothed. The toastmaster, before running out to meet the groom and his “brothers”, managed to shout: “Hey, stand on a chair!” God, what a chair, why stand on it? Noah complied. My poor fiancé was confused - he entered the room and stopped at the entrance, instead of coming up to me and “buying me out”, I had to directly tell him to remove me, his future wife, from the chair. After drinking champagne, we literally ran out of the house, as we were already late. During the painting, I got agitated and could not concentrate, I tried to listen to what the registry office employee was telling us, but my thoughts constantly disappeared somewhere, it’s good that the cherished question “Do you agree?” managed to hear and respond to it positively.

we signed and exchanged rings, the very moment came when the “weeping relatives” came up to congratulate us. Then I realized that all this fuss was not in vain, for the sake of this moment it was necessary to wear a dress that looked like a cake, a veil, and also pass the test of high-heeled shoes. What happened next was like a dream: riding around the city, dancing, congratulations, admiration, flowers, gifts - and it all ended at four in the morning.

Sign of love and consent

“So what has changed since the wedding?” - many of my friends asked me. I can answer! to this question only this way: nothing will change if the couple does not need to legitimize their relationship. We live in a time when people are trying to simplify such important things as family, relationships between spouses, everyone values ​​their independence, freedom, and God forbid if someone encroaches on this freedom. I was brought up according to the “old” principles: I should become exactly the wife, and not the girl with whom the guy meets and part-time and lives, and then, if “we don’t get along with the characters,” she may part.

I can say that it is very pleasant when you are called not “my girlfriend”, but your wife, it’s nice to see a ring on the ring finger of your right hand - “a sign of love and consent”, it’s nice to wear your husband’s last name and in general it’s nice to see rejoicing relatives who were waiting for this moment and happy together with us!

The New Frontier

The wedding ceremony is very important. She is the personification of the line that separates the state of carefree youth from the responsibility of maturity. A person undertakes to love, cherish and remain faithful to the one with whom he connects his fate. Taking this oath to himself and to his relatives and friends present at the wedding, a person changes his inner psychological attitude, takes on new obligations in the face of people significant to him, to whom he will need to answer in case of violation of this vow. After all, marriage is a social institution, and the significance of the wedding ceremony in many respects has a social orientation.


Preparation for the wedding ceremony is very important: tailoring or buying a dress for the bride, choosing a place for celebration, compiling a guest list. This is a process that takes time and rethinking your intention.

Discussing everyday issues, the bride and groom rub against each other, trying to develop a common opinion, a common solution to issues, which is a kind of threshold for family life.

Of course, the memory of wedding celebrations is preserved for many years, and when children born in this marriage grow up, it is very important for them to know how “it” was with mom and dad.

  • What associations do you have with the word "wedding"? A chic banquet with a huge number of guests, a magnificent (read: expensive) dress of the bride, no less imposing suit of the groom, a fabulous carriage and other pleasant but expensive pleasures? Some newlyweds go into debt to organize everything "on the highest level"; others ask parents to "sponsor" the event by having them borrow money from someone. But the issue can be resolved easily and simply by making cheaper individual cost items for the wedding.

How to play a wedding inexpensively, but beautifully?

Have you ever experienced such a situation: the solemn event to which you are invited is organized in an expensive restaurant; the budget is clearly unlimited, and most of the guests do not leave the boredom, counting the minutes until the moment when it will be decent to take a bow and leave the holiday? A cheap wedding, in the understanding of many, is a dining room on the outskirts of the city, unpretentious outfits “a la the local market”, a minimum of invitees, and not the best banquet menu. Let's try to dispel such misconceptions.

The soul invested in the organization of the wedding, the imagination of the newlyweds organizers, the desire of relatives and friends to provide all possible assistance in preparation are the main conditions for a memorable ceremony. Analyze the estimated costs of the wedding. Make a business plan for a cheaper and more expensive option. Organizing a celebration by contacting the specialists of an event agency will be much more expensive than preparing a wedding on your own.

Another cost savings item will be the choice of a suitable wedding theme: rustic rustic style is at the top of popularity. A cheap organization of the celebration will make you "work", but the effort is worth it. Buffet in nature is an exciting event; choose outfits for the newlyweds in the theme of the wedding; make your own wedding bouquets and decorations; think over the scenario of the holiday.

For active newlyweds, going out into nature instead of a traditional banquet will help to “keep up appearances” at the registry office and give freedom, the opportunity to fool around and spend time the way you want after that. The cost of renting a minibus for guests will be less than reserving a restaurant or contacting a catering company. With dishes for the wedding, offer to help mothers, sisters, girlfriends. Men will cope with meat with dignity. Capture photos, video equipment to capture unforgettable moments of a romantic holiday.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

To make a cheap wedding, decide on the location of the ceremony:

  • Restaurant or cafe. Pay attention to such points:
  1. Location. As a rule, popular establishments are located in the city center. Prices for banquets, weddings, and the cost of dishes in them are not small. The remoteness of the cafe from the central part of the city plays into the hands of newlyweds who prefer to make an inexpensive but high-quality banquet.?
  2. "Name" of the restaurant for the wedding. Promoted, well-known cafes are not averse to including some of the "popularity" in the cost of service. To save money, do not be too lazy to look for a new, recently opened institution. To attract customers, they often can make discounts.
  3. Pre order. Having decided on the venue for a cheap wedding, book a banquet in advance. Draw up a contract indicating the prices for the dishes of the wedding menu.
  4. Terms of the wedding. Most modern cafes, restaurants offer live music, animators. If you wish, discuss the amount of the cost of the services of musicians with the administrator, including a clause in the contract. Such a service will cost less than attracting third-party artists for a wedding.
  5. Holiday period. The end of autumn, winter and the beginning of spring are traditionally the "low season" for the restaurant business. If you are planning a wedding during this period, bonuses, promotions and discounts await you.

  • Country house, cottage. Ask friends and acquaintances if they would agree to provide a country house at the disposal of the newlyweds in order to make a cheap wedding. If you have such an opportunity, feel free to grab the offer: fresh air, inexpensive food, alcohol, savings on decor, rent and other pleasures outweigh any fears.

  • Banquet hall of the registry office. Have you made a decision after the solemn painting to go on a honeymoon trip? Order a mini-buffet in the banquet hall of the registry office - make your family and friends happy by organizing an inexpensive wedding.

Invite a small number of guests

A large number of wedding guests entails additional costs. But after all, often some people are invited “because it is customary”: bosses, distant relatives, “necessary” acquaintances. If you want to make the wedding cheaper, discuss a narrow circle of guests with your future spouse, inviting your closest, dearest people, whom you are always glad to see.

Reduce the cost of newlyweds' outfits

Choose a dress for the bride for rent - this will make it possible to make this part of the wedding business plan cheaper. Another economical, but risky option would be to order a bridesmaid outfit through online stores: both foreign and domestic. In this case, opt for the model that you previously tried on in the bridal salon.

The savings will be so significant that some waiting time for an order will fly by. When choosing a suit for the groom, choose one in which your beloved spouse will later appear on holidays or go to work. The wealth of offers of high-quality, but cheaper shoes provides an opportunity to choose shoes that will be useful to you in the future.

Decorate the car and the banquet hall by yourself

When ordering a wedding car, be prepared to spend money on its rental: decorations, rental time and downtime are not cheap. Would you like to organize a cheaper version of the honeymoon cortege? Contact your relatives, friends or acquaintances with a request to “provide” a car at your disposal for your wedding day. Think over the decor in advance, make or purchase decorations.

Call your girlfriends, relatives to decorate the banquet hall. In order for the decor of the room for the ceremony to match the theme of the wedding, think in advance of the general style, what accessories and materials you will need. Use inexpensive tinsel, balloons, flower garlands to decorate the hall. This will make an ordinary wedding venue delightful.

How to cut wedding costs

What wedding expenses can you cut down on? A cheaper option would be: a good camera in the hands of one of the relatives, a hairstyle, make-up and manicure made by one's own hands, a wedding bouquet of seasonal flowers; host of the holiday from among friends or relatives. If you prefer to turn to specialists, let's find out how to save on these costs.

Savings on a wedding photographer

Famous photographers who are popular are expensive. Try to turn to a young, untwisted photomaster. The cost of his work will be much lower. Alternatively, consider paying by the hour for a photo session during the wedding registration and wedding walk. Take interesting photos during the banquet, ask relatives and friends.

Bridal hair and makeup

To look like a fairy princess, the bride does not have to contact a popular makeup artist. Talk to your girlfriends, maybe some of them use the services of masters at home, which will make them cheap for you. Decided to try your hand on your own? Choose a pre-wedding hairstyle that you want to do on your special day.

Simple hairstyles for a wedding are now at the peak of popularity. Additional information with step-by-step photos will help you make a festive styling. Delicate French manicure will adorn the hands of the bride, emphasizing her elegant taste and style. Neat, sophisticated makeup using your own cosmetics will make this cost item cheaper.

Bridal bouquet and wedding floristry

Order an elegant, sophisticated bridal bouquet from seasonal flowers that are cheaper in relation to exotic plants that cost fabulous money. For a rustic wedding, making a tousled wildflower bouquet is easy. Perhaps there is a personal plot on which your relatives grow flowers. They will be a great decor for decorating a banquet, wedding premises.


The high cost of toastmaster services is often the reason why newlyweds refuse to host. Do not be discouraged, contact the administrator of the cafe where you are organizing a celebration: young, novice animators will gladly fulfill this role. Children's performances, fun contests organized independently will help make the wedding cheaper, but no less interesting.

Any economy has its limits. If there are not enough financial resources to organize a wedding, it is better to choose a non-ceremonial registration at the registry office, inviting parents from both sides, and go on an inexpensive honeymoon trip. Are you firmly convinced of the need for a holiday? Pay attention to what it is not recommended to save on:

  • Wedding menu. If you have invited guests, make sure they are not hungry. Monitor product quality. Cheap alcoholic drinks, low-quality food are the causes of poisoning and poor health.
  • Bride and groom outfits. Choose a dress, a suit for a wedding, as well as shoes, so that you feel comfort and convenience throughout the day. Very cheap fabrics and an uncomfortable shoe will spoil your mood.
  • Have you volunteered to decorate the banquet hall yourself? Take care of the quality of the decor elements, their compatibility with the style of the ceremony. There is no way to decorate the tables and the room with fresh flowers? It is better to refuse this type of jewelry than to give preference to cheap artificial flowers.
  • Photographer for the wedding. Check out the work of a young, unknown specialist. If you want to make a wedding photo shoot with high quality, invite the master for a couple of hours of a wedding walk and a solemn painting.

Video: how to hold a wedding cheaply and beautifully

To make a cheap wedding does not mean to save on quality. Some young people believe that saving on such an important event is not worth it. Often these are young people who do not have a stable income, relying on the help of their parents. Newlyweds who earn money on their own have a different approach: the desire to save is inherent in millionaires, office clerks, and workers.

Wedding accessories, the outfits of the bride and groom, floristry and festive attributes are conditional things. A cheap wedding will become an unforgettable event in your life if the feelings that connected your hearts do not fade with time, warming your souls. What is worth saving on when preparing for a wedding, and what expenses are not recommended to be reduced, you will find out by watching the video below.

First you need to think about what can be really unforgettable for your couple. After all, what for one couple may seem like a routine, for another it will be the height of extravagance. Therefore, first discuss how exactly you will surprise the guests and yourself. Our site offers you some ideas.

1. Unusual place for a banquet

Library, forest, seashore - everything is possible. The main thing is to plan everything correctly so that it is not only unusual, but also convenient.

2. Bridesmaid dress

This may be a transformer option that will allow you to appear during the ceremony in one outfit, and during the banquet in another.

You can also recreate a copy of your mother's or grandmother's wedding dress. It is not only about the style, you can limit yourself to some bright detail or fabric.

3. Photo and video

Professional wedding photography is a great solution for creating beautiful and unforgettable wedding photos that you will want to review again and again. Indeed, in addition to the usual photos: “in a jump”, using accessories - umbrellas, inscriptions, unusual vehicles, you can make many original photos with rings. It all depends on the level of skill and creativity of the photographer and your desire to make the wedding unusual. Kyiv photographers are at your service, look at their work and choose the ones you like. When the couple and the photographer are on the same wavelength, it greatly simplifies the shooting process. It's great if you manage to invite a creative wedding cameraman, or better, a group for professional shooting, and then a high-quality wedding film is guaranteed!

4. Accessories

Don't be afraid to use them. For example, you have decided to abandon the veil. In vain. Short, playful or classic, long to the floor, it will always add mystery and solemnity. If you have chosen a dress in a minimalist style, you can complement it with a bright belt or long earrings. Don't forget the groom's accessories. Ideally, if a butterfly, boutonniere, tie are in harmony with the bride's outfit.

5. Cards for guests

A table decorated with cards for guests always looks interesting and harmonious. They can be made in the style of your wedding, you can even write a small note to the guest. If a large number of guests are invited to the banquet, take care of a special board on which the table numbers and names of the guests will be indicated.

6. Hall decoration

In addition to tables that can be decorated with unusual bouquets, compositions, do not forget about chairs. In addition to the classic drapery with fabric, ribbons and bows, you can place, say, your children's photos on their backs. Or comic thematic inscriptions. The hall can also be decorated with chandeliers with candles, lanterns, they will add mystery to your celebration. Especially if it takes place outdoors.

And most importantly - enjoy every moment of your wedding, because the main thing in all this is your state of mind.

When two people who love each other have already decided to tie their lives in marriage and have submitted an application to the registry office, they face the urgent question of how to make the wedding better. Of course, a professional host who knows how to hold your celebration must be present at the wedding. But this is if your financial situation allows. But what to do if you are limited in funds, but want the wedding ceremony to be remembered not only by you, but also by the guests? Below are interesting wedding ideas, among which it will not be difficult for you to choose the best one.

15 interesting ideas for an unforgettable wedding:

  1. wedding image

Every girl wants to look irresistible on her wedding day, and the good news is that in our time it is not difficult to do so. To make your appearance memorable, try to pay special attention to accessories - veil, jewelry, bridal bouquet. For the groom, it can be a non-standard tie or bow tie, or it can be retro-style shoes.

  1. The moment of the meeting

Yes exactly. But meeting on your wedding day, when you just see each other before painting. Ask to capture this moment in a photo, it will turn out very romantic.

In whatever color you would choose interior decoration for celebrating a wedding, you can decorate the room with wall newspapers with interesting wishes, your photos in which you are still small children, your joint photos after you met. The invitees will be interested in getting to know you better.

  1. Rings for memory

It's no secret that a professional wedding photographer takes very beautiful photographs. Have him take a picture of your wedding rings. Flowers, fruits, beautiful boxes and much more are usually used as a background. Ask to take a picture of your rings in front of some gadgets, such as a mobile phone or tablet. Such a photo will look unusual, and the meaning of such a decor is that time has no power over your feelings.

  1. Money cozy house

Recently, it is more and more common to give a gift for a wedding or birthday with money. So make a cozy house for them. Try to make it together, it is also considered a good omen. A house with a lit light inside will look cool, symbolizing the family hearth.

  1. Two outfits in one

The next advice for the bride is not to skimp on a transforming dress, it will not only become comfortable on such a significant day, but will also impress the guests. Just imagine, you will be in a magnificent dress at the ceremony, and at the banquet you will appear in a tight-fitting outfit.

  1. Together forever

You can, in the American manner, prepare confessions for each other that you will utter in front of everyone. It will look very touching. Whatever oath of love and fidelity you compose, it must be sincere and come from the heart.

  1. Heaven is closer

You can use special flying lanterns that you will launch into the sky at the end of the holiday.

  1. interactive messages

A great idea at the wedding would be a selection of specially filmed videos in the form of interviews with the invitees. Humorous or sincere wishes, comical memories, experienced advice. All this will fit perfectly into the video from the day of the wedding. You will be reviewing more than once.

  1. Gratitude

In response to gifts addressed to you, prepare reciprocal souvenirs that will remind each of the guests of your celebration.

  1. funny car

The usual limousine, which is mainly ordered for a wedding celebration, can be replaced by a car painted with wishes for the newlyweds. Some hire a tram, trolley bus, motor ship and other means of transport. Of course, they won’t let you color it, but it’s quite possible to decorate it with balloons and posters in the salon.

  1. First dance

Particular attention is drawn to the dance of the young. You can take a few lessons from a professional choreographer a month before the ceremony. And it is better to choose a rhythmic dance, rather than a boring slow one. This will set in a cheerful mood not only you, but also the guests.

  1. Dream come true

Since childhood, you want to ride a horse or take off into the sky in a balloon, try to do it on your wedding day, so to speak, doubly rejoice.

  1. Redemption quest

The traditional bride price can turn into an exciting adventure not only for the bride and groom, but also for those invited as guests. You just need to write a script in advance that you like best.

  1. You are the only one...

Now it has become fashionable to arrange an outdoor wedding. A big plus is that there will be no strangers nearby, and the bride herself will not have “competitors” in her immediate field of vision.

In the wedding procedure, every moment is important from the bride's dress to the throwing of the wedding bouquet. But nowadays, every wedding is inevitably accompanied by a trip by car (the newlyweds go to the registry office, then together with the guests it is customary to drive around the city, to different places that are dear to the newlyweds, then to a restaurant or cafe), and on what kind of cars will be at your wedding, both your mood and the mood of your guests largely depend. If an enchanting wedding is planned, which should be remembered by everyone for a long time, it will probably be difficult to do without a limousine.

If in small towns, renting such difficult and expensive cars as limousines can create problems, then in large cities this has already become a tradition. Limousines are quite often rented, as a rule, when organizing wedding events. Beautiful, representative, appropriately decorated, comfortable limousines are the best fit for the idea of ​​a chic wedding. It is also convenient because there are many salons where you can choose a limousine to your taste.

Our company "Autocityservice" offers you a wide selection of wedding limousines for newlyweds and their guests and decorates them at the request of the customer with balloons, ribbons, bows, flowers, various compositions, rings. We also offer a variety of bridal bouquets to match the limousine (so that everything is in the same style). You can also order professional video and photography of the wedding procedure and banquet from us. Captured on video and in a photo, your wedding will evoke pleasant and joyful memories for a long time to come. We can also pick up limousines for your guests: there are options for cars with a capacity of seven to twenty seats. When ordering a limousine and photography in our company, you will receive a gift: a trip on a sailing yacht, which will also help make your wedding unusual and unforgettable.