What to make dollware from. DIY utensils for dolls

The dollhouse is one of the favorite toys for girls of all ages. Today on sale you can find a variety of furniture and accessories for dolls of various sizes. And yet, many girls and mothers prefer to make many elements for arranging the home of their toy favorites with their own hands. How to make utensils for a doll at home?

We make a doll service

One of the easiest and most budget-friendly ideas for filling a doll's kitchen is to mold everything you need from plasticine. This material has a low cost and is ideal for joint creativity with a child. How to make plasticine dishes? Practice on simple shapes, let's first blind a few plates. Pinch off a small piece from the plasticine, roll a ball out of it and flatten it. The resulting pancake can be left flat, but if you need a deep plate, pull out the edges or stick the protruding edge of the "sausage". Cups and cups can be made by sculpting cylinders of the appropriate size and extruding the inner contour with a felt-tip pen of the desired diameter. The peculiarity of plasticine is that even after drying in air, it partially retains its plasticity. The craft is easy to wrinkle; upon contact with other objects, it can leave dirty marks. How to make plasticine utensils for a doll so that you can play with it? Everything is quite simple: apply a couple of coats of any clear varnish to ready-made plates and mugs and dry them well.

Kitchen utensils of complex shapes

After practicing on plates and cups, you can start creating more complex kitchen items. You can mold a teapot from plasticine, for this, roll a ball, and slightly flatten the future bottom for stability. Sculpt and attach the spout, handle, and cap. Try making pots and pans - you can sculpt them the same way as deep soup bowls. Not sure what other kitchen utensils to mold? Go for inspiration in your own kitchen. Try making cake dishes, holiday salad bowls, a sugar bowl, or maybe even a real samovar. Some experienced craftswomen advise how to make the dishes for dolls smoother. Pick a suitable shape (bottle cap, capsule from "Kinder Surprise") and stick it with plasticine, and then stick handles and decorative elements.

Plasticine, polymer clay, salt dough

How to make dishes for a doll with your own hands? Of course, the easiest way is to blind her. And yet, even lacquered plasticine products remain fragile enough. You can try a different sculpting mass, for example, or plastic. If you know how to work with this material, there will be no special difficulties in the manufacture of dishes. The plastic definitely has advantages - after processing it becomes very durable, and you can play with ready-made figures without fear of damaging them. Some craftswomen prefer to sculpt from salted dough. The idea is not bad, but do not forget that this material is too soft, it is not so easy to learn how to make a neat miniature out of it.

How to make utensils for a doll from junk material?

Many craftswomen, seriously carried away by the manufacture of doll miniatures, admit that very soon they begin to consider every little thing prepared for discarding, with the question: "Is it possible to make something out of this for dolls?" Indeed, in fact, interesting and beautiful crafts can be made from the most banal, at first glance, objects. Makeup tube lids can turn into cups. Bottle corks make wonderful plates. Still wondering how to make DIY utensils for a Barbie doll from junk material? Take a closer look at the dispensers for children's medicines, among them sometimes you come across transparent cups and even curly glasses-vases. All this is not at all difficult to paint with paint or paste over with plasticine. You can also bend handles for pots and pans out of wire or thin strips of plastic. Do not be afraid to fantasize and experiment, and very soon you will be able to create your own master class on the topic: "How to make dishes for dolls with your own hands."

Playing with dolls is exciting not only for children. Many, even as adults, do not deny themselves the joy of this fun. Moreover, if the assortment of all sorts of interesting things is made by hand. Of course, in every house, even a dollhouse, you need a set of dishes that looks as close as possible to the present. Having figured out how to make dishes for dolls with your own hands, in the future it will be possible to improvise with its appearance.

The process of making toy accessories does not threaten with serious expenses, because miniature dishes can be made using the materials at hand. Of course, sets from eminent craftsmen are represented by luxurious porcelain, often with jewelry painting and silver / gold borders, or equally beautiful embossed metal services. Such dollhouse dishes are a real work of art.

To make everyday dollware, you can use simple and cheap materials:

  1. polymer clay;
  2. plasticine;
  3. salted dough;
  4. plain paper / cardboard;
  5. tree;
  6. some completely non-standard things: the remaining lids, stoppers, caps, plastic boxes, metal elements of electronic boards, the remains of tin cans;
  7. natural materials: acorns, nut shells, chopsticks, etc.

When a child is fascinated by barbie or monster high dolls, it is better to give preference to plasticine or polymer clay for making accessories on their own. The materials are affordable and easy to use. You can make dollware from them bright, beautiful and durable. In addition, when using them, you can create any color scheme without resorting to additional painting or coloring.

So, for the manufacture of miniature children's dishes, you should stock up on:

If you do not have experience in such miniature creativity, you can use ready-made master classes or video tutorials that demonstrate how to make plates for dolls, and describe step by step how to independently make dishes for a barbie or monster high.

Workflow steps

First you need to understand the process of making simple items. For example, plates for dolls:

In such a simple way, a flat plate is made.

Making a tea set

In the same way, you can get a saucepan and deep vases designed to be filled with honey, jam, condensed milk or sour cream:

Taking the work of other masters as a basis, you can start creating masterpieces of miniature dishes from plasticine or polymer clay. The choice of materials is not limited only to them, because you can also use the quilling technique, using which you can learn how to make a plate out of paper with your own hands. You can create items from natural and scrap materials. Well, what products to mold for serving on the doll table is up to the owner of the dolls to decide!

New life for caps and caps

New life for caps and caps

I prepared this master class for the "Applied Fantasy" section of the St. Petersburg puppet magazine "ProKukly".

"Around us there are a lot of small nondescript things that are often perceived as unnecessary garbage: caps, buttons, spools of thread, beads ... But if you look closely at them, you find an amazing variety of shapes, textures and sizes. All of them can be transformed in the hands artist and become a new accessory for a doll or a dollhouse, the main thing is to use imagination! Therefore, our heading is called “Applied Fantasy.” Today, the object of our attention will be caps, corks and lids, which are supplied to us in variety by our food, cosmetic and other industries and which we usually throw away without realizing their potential, and without giving them a chance to become something more interesting.

The first step is to learn how to see the shape of our unsightly object (cylinder, cone, cube, pancake) in order to use it profitably. To help yourself, you can find various pictures illustrating the object that we want to create, study it, note its characteristic features and compare it with a suitable lid or cap, well, or rely on your memory. Then you need to "feel" the texture of the object (vendace, ribs, pimples) and also try to use it for your own purposes. It is imperative to take into account its color (you can paint any surface with aerosol or acrylic paints, but sometimes it is not necessary to do this) and the material (in order to know what and how to glue it to it, how to saw it through and drill if necessary). And then you need to give free rein to your imagination and, having attached some suitable details to the cap, painting it and placing it in the right environment, we will get a wonderful accessory of our own production, and the one we need, at no cost and in a single copy! "

You can see what a variety of caps and plugs can be typed in any house, just by looking around (wonderful iron lids from beer or vodka, fortunately, are not in every house, but they are lying in large quantities on the street)

It is very important that our cap does not remain alone, there should always be accessories made of other materials next to it, then its primitive essence will not be so obvious.

Even the simplest toothpaste cap can be turned into a cute vase. Sometimes the simpler the better!

And here is an illustration of how the color of the cap can be harmoniously combined with additional details (the blue color of the cap from the water bottle and the blue elongated bead that we took for the handset). It is also clearly seen here that in order to imitate an object it is not necessary to repeat it exactly. The main thing is that there should be all those parts that make the phone a phone (handset, disk, wire

Of course, due to the fact that most lids have a cylindrical shape, they are especially successful in making various kitchen utensils: pots, teapots, bowls. The main thing to remember is that when you are making a kitchen, then all the dishes should not be made of caps! There must be other accessories nearby that will bring new shapes and textures to our kitchen still life.

The cylindrical shape of the lids is also convenient to use as a base for, for example, hats

The paint bucket is made from an ordinary mayonnaise cap, and the TV is made from an extra rare, cubic cap.

Well, what wonderful teapots, coffee pots and cups are obtained from ribbed caps from different creams! It is worth starting to do and never stop. The handles can be made from simple wire by sticking them into the side of the cap, and the nose and caps can be molded from baked plastic and glued with glue.

Good luck with your creativity!
Alisa Bazhenkova

One roof for my pot is also made of cork (beer), I just cut off the lace skirt. And the second is made of aluminum (you can get it from cheap tubes of cream or toothpaste, they are made of aluminum).

Such utensils consist of plates, cups, saucers, a teapot and other items.

It's hard to believe that these items are made of waste material. See what makes such dollhouse utensils.

Some objects need to be glued together, then painted in a certain color.

To make it as clear as possible to you how to make such utensils, watch the master classes illustrated with photographs.

How to make a plate with your own hands?

Made of plastic

To make such kitchen utensils, you will need:
  • plastic covers for vegetable oil;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • stickers.
Cut off the tail of the plastic oil cover, you won't need it. Cut a circle out of the cardboard that corresponds in diameter to the notch in the lid.

Attach a sticker to it, glue this element in the center of the circle.

If there are no stickers, then just draw a flower on the cardboard.

You've made shallow dolls, see how to make deep ones. To do this, you will need the Kinder Surprise plastic wrap inside this artificial egg.

Cut the deeper part from the shallower one, singe the edges as follows. Put baking paper on the electric hotplate, place the workpiece on it with the cut side down. If you have a gas stove, then the glassine should be placed in a frying pan.

From paper

Here's how to make a paper dolls plate so that it is as deep as a bowl. This will help.

Cut a strip 1–2 cm wide from white or colored paper. Screw it onto a pencil or a rod, remove from this accessory.

Glue the tip, pull slightly in the middle to shape the plate.

Polymer clay

Beautiful plates for dolls are also made from polymer clay. To do them, you need to take:

  • polymer clay;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • lids;
  • a toothpick;
  • brush;
  • glossy varnish.

Mash up the plastic. Roll out a piece, attach a round object to it, cut out the future vessel according to this template. Now attach a round object of a smaller diameter to the center of the workpiece, press it against the plastic.

Attach a toothpick to the edges of the plate, make them openwork. Cover the edge with paint. When it's dry, flatten here with a knife. You can draw a flower in the center of the vessel, then leave the plate to harden in the air or bake in the oven (this is described in the instructions for a specific polymer clay).

Made of cardboard

On the seamy side of the cardboard, draw a circle as large as you want the bottom of the plate to be. Draw a larger circle around this blank. Cut out the resulting ring that sits between the large and small circle.

Make an incision on its side. Align the two edges of this blank, glue them in this position. Place the remaining circle on the cardboard, cut it out with a margin. Glue the prepared ring to this blank, you get a plate with rims.

To make this item more durable, you can make several layers and glue them together.

And here is another interesting option that will allow you to make a whole toy set for feeding dolls. It will require old cards that are out of order, which should not be thrown away.

How to make a doll toy set?

You can see what kind of source material was used. It will be necessary to carefully detach the small elements from the base so as not to damage them, remove the winding with your hands, slightly prying it with the tip of small scissors.

Insert a wooden rod inside such an element, cut off the excess.

Make some of these toy containers with wooden lids and write the names of the spices on small paper strips. Attach them with glue or tape.

The child will also be delighted with the sets for free-flowing spices, they are also quite simple to make.

Take a metal element, use a nail and a hammer to make several holes in it.

All that remains is to close the lids and admire what an interesting toy set you have.

You will transform old capacitors beyond recognition. To do this, you first need to remove the covers from their lower part and saw off one piece to half.

Work on some other details in the same way. Here's what you get at this stage.

File the edges of these blanks to make them even. Smaller parts, such as handles, lid opening elements, need to be processed in the same way. Cut these items out of a can, for example, from a can of condensed milk or from a stew.

Solder them into place, see what a wonderful playset you get.

You can make it from other materials with your child, for example, from plasticine.

  1. To do this, you need to knead the plasticine. To make a saucer, roll the mass into a ball, flatten it, slightly lift the edges up.
  2. Show your child how to make a cup. To do this, you also need to first roll the ball, then press in its center with your finger, give the shape of a cup.
  3. To make a handle for it, roll a thin sausage out of plasticine, bend it slightly and attach it to the side.
  4. You can also make a coffee pot out of plasticine. To do this, you first need to roll a pear-like shape out of this material. This is the body. To make a handle, roll a plasticine sausage, bend it and attach it to the side. The spout of the coffee pot is also made from a curved sausage, and its lid is from a shape similar to a cake.
If you want to make a coffee pot out of paper, the following diagrams will help.

See how delicate and beautiful it turns out.

A set of dishes can also be made from natural materials. Just now the acorns are ripe, you can stock up on them to tinker throughout the winter.

To make such a set, you will need:
  • acorns with caps;
  • twigs;
  • twigs;
  • small hacksaw;
  • glue gun.
Carefully remove the lid from the acorn, glue a curved twig to it, which will become a handle, and one small thin twig that needs to be turned into the spout of this teapot.

Saw off a thin circle from the branch, which will become a saucer. Place a cup on it, you need to turn the acorn hat into it. Glue the curved rod as a handle. Make the same cup and saucer, and you can start the puppet tea.

A wide vase can be made from an acorn cap, glued to the bottom of the scales of cones, decorating this item.

Make children's play even more fun by making not only dishes for the dolls, but also food for them. Of course, the kids are not averse to using the real one, but this will quickly deteriorate, it is short-lived. You will show them how to make food for their charges so that they can play it for a long time.

How to make food for dolls?

Check out how wonderful this lemon cake looks. Its great advantage is not only its excellent appearance, but also the fact that you can play with it for a long time. After all, this dessert is made of polymer clay, which is quite durable.

Do not give such objects for play to small children, it is difficult for them to explain that this is not a real cake and cannot be tasted by the teeth.

Before making food for this kind of dolls, you need to take:
  • polymer clay of the required colors;
  • toothpicks;
  • stationery knife;
  • rolling pin.
Let's start with the decoration. To make lemons, use white, yellow and light yellow clay. Roll out of these three pieces into a circle.

Now take a light yellow clay and cut this piece with a clerical knife into 6 equal pieces. Roll a sausage out of each.

Next, use white clay, which you need to knead in your hands and roll out into a thin layer. Put the first yellow sausage on it, roll this roll.

Thus, arrange all the yellow sausages, give the shape of a drop with a knife. Now roll a rope out of white polymer clay, it will become the centerpiece. Attach the decorated six slices to it.

It is necessary to wrap the resulting beauty, first in white, and then in a yellow layer of polymer clay.

It's time to make the cakes themselves. To do this, roll out a circle of white, brown and yellow polymer clay. Roll out thick cakes from them, place one on top of the other.

To make the doll cake further, you need to tackle the lemon shavings. To do this, you need to chop a hard piece of clay into shavings with a sharp knife, then roll the sides of the cake in it, attaching this decoration with your fingers.

Roll the white plastic onto thin sausages, roll them up with a tourniquet and bend them in the form of roses, decorating the cake with this makeshift cream.

To make the lemon cut well, put it in the freezer for half an hour. Then it will be easy to chop this sausage into thin slices, which you will do.

Place them on the surface of the cake, decorate with shavings of brown rough clay, and admire with your child what a wonderful food for the dolls turned out.

Place this masterpiece in the freezer for 30 minutes, then it will be easy to cut into wedges.

To see how fluffy the dough is, carefully make a few holes on one side of the piece and then on the other. Following the polymer clay instructions, leave this culinary masterpiece to air-dry or bake in the oven.

And here's how to make food for dolls from another pliable material.

Salted dough

To make such baked goods, you will need:
  • salty dough;
  • bottle molds and lids;
  • pastel;
  • stained glass paints;
  • stationery knife;
  • rolling pin;
Roll out the salted dough with a rolling pin. Make several flagella from the same plastic material. The largest one will become the sides of the pie. Decorate the edges of this product with it. Smaller flagella create a beautiful sheathing.

Cut out cookies from the rolled salted dough with tins; the remnants of this material will make wonderful closed pies.

  1. Here's how to make food for dolls to look like bagels. Roll out the salted dough cake into a thin circle, cut it in half first, each half into three more pieces.
  2. In each of these triangles, you need to wrap a small dough sausage, then form a bagel. To do this, this triangle must be rolled, starting from the edge, towards the corner.
  3. Use yellow or light brown pastels to add color to the bagels by painting them. Dip each one in coarse salt as if it were sugar.

You can cut a few pies into pieces, then bake all this wealth in the oven to dry the dough.

To make the open cakes more realistic, paint the gaps between the flagella with dark red stained glass paints. Mix white acrylic and acrylic varnish, paint the cookies on top with this "icing".

You can decorate cookies with colorful beads, then you need to put the pastries in a box and decorate the table for dolls with it. Salted dough fruits can also be found here. Create them from the remnants of this material.

Blind apples and bananas with the children, paint them with gouache of the desired color, then varnish.

A bar of chocolate will also come in handy. To do it, take:
  • brown and white polymer clay;
  • stationery knife;
  • toothpicks.
Roll the plastic into a tall rectangle, cut into squares. Glue strips of white clay on top of them. You can make coffee beans from the leftover brown mass and stick them on top of the chocolate pieces.

To make chocolates for dolls, you need to mold small balls of brown plastic and apply a pattern to them with a toothpick. All that remains is to put the candies in the box and you can put them on the kitchen table.

Doll food can be made from a wide variety of materials, such as fabric. The main thing is to know how.

If you liked the theme, we suggest seeing how to make food for dolls, which will be like from McDonald's.

Perhaps the child will want to "feed" his charges with healthy food? Then see how to make borscht for them.

The third master class will teach you how to make dishes for dolls: forks, spoons, a ladle and other items.

How many are sold in toy stores today. The assortment is such that you want to buy everything at once. Especially a large selection of dolls and everything connected with them. These are houses, clothes, and any things that we use in life, only toys. But you can't buy everything, you just don't have enough money. But you can make it no worse with your own hands. On the Internet, resourceful mothers are already sharing their experiences. They tell you what can be done for the dolls, how exactly, give detailed instructions.

Dishes for dolls

The little housewife will definitely want to sit her doll at the table and give her tea. And you can help her with this, you just need a little time:

  • Plates are very easy to come up with. Take a few sunflower oil lids and cut off unnecessary walls from them. You will be left with the bottom of the lid. Now cut a circle out of the cardboard, its diameter should be slightly smaller than the resulting circle so that it fits inside. Decorate the cardboard part, cover it with nice paper, or attach a sticker. Next, glue it to the plastic base. Apply a thin layer of clear nail polish on top. That's it, you've got cake saucers;
  • Now we need to make glasses. It's even easier. Take old markers and pens, unscrew the caps and lids from them, turn them over and you're done;

There is a lot of suitable material in any home. If not, go to a craft store, buy polymer clay and blind out of it.

How to make clothes and shoes?

The most interesting thing is to change the doll's clothes. And she should have no less things than the hostess. Make new ones every day, it's not difficult:

  • It is easy to make a seamless dress from the sock. Cut off the bottom of the sock, and use the top as a collar. We make cuts for the arms and tighten the waist with a hair elastic instead of a belt. The dress turns out to be a simple cut, but today they sell such beautiful socks that the clothes are wonderful from them. In addition, you can change it at least every day;
  • You also need to put shoes on the doll. Home slippers are a must. It's easy to make them. We measure the length and width of the foot. Cut out two rectangles from the felt according to these measurements. We round them off - this is the sole. Then we make the upper part in the same way, but it will be a little shorter. Also measure its length along the leg. Rounding off. We sew or glue the details. We take a piece of padding polyester, roll a ball out of it and decorate slippers with it. Home shoes are ready.

You see, everything is simple, you don't even have to be able to sew.

In this video Marina Kirasova will show you how to make a backpack for your doll, what you can put in it:

Food for dolls

Once there is a dish, you need to fill it. Toy food is most often molded from plasticine or clay, glued from paper:

  • With plasticine, everything is clear. We just take and shape vegetables, fruits and bread. Then we hide the crafts in the freezer, there they freeze and you can play;
  • There are more to do with polymer clay, but the result is better. You can create products with small details that are indistinguishable from the real thing. For example, canned vegetables. Form small cucumbers and tomatoes with the appropriate color of clay. Put them in toy jars, medicine bottles, or other transparent containers. Cut greens from a piece of clay and sprinkle on the workpiece in jars. Cover food with clay gel or epoxy. Close with a lid that can be cut out of the cork, glue it on. That's it, now your doll won't disappear in winter;
  • It is also possible to make any products from paper. For example, ice cream. Crumple a small piece of colored paper into a ball. Twist the cone out of the white one, and glue the lump to the cone. You will get a horn.

It’s just as easy to make pizza, cookies, and any groceries.

Toy furniture from scrap materials

A wardrobe is necessary without a mirror in any way:

  1. For the chest of drawers you will need matchboxes ... Take as many of them as you want to make boxes. Then glue together. To make them look like one whole, cut out the back and side walls from cardboard, carefully connect all the parts. Let the dresser dry, and then paint it with any paint, even nail polish will do. Use toothpicks to decorate the boxes. Glue them tightly to one another along the outer side of the future box, carefully cut off the protruding ends. It will turn out to be a real wooden cabinet. Handles can be made of beads or staple clips;
  2. The mirror is easy to make from cardboard and metallized paper. The latter can be found in craft stores or children's art stores. Cut a piece of any shape out of cardboard. Also cut a piece of the mirror paper that is smaller than the cardboard. Glue two parts together, decorate with beads, stickers and - you're done. Cardboard can be colored, decorate it with patterns along the edge and you will get a beautiful frame.

There are no clear instructions, in the process you can fantasize, change designs. We just give you directions, tell you where to start and what materials to take.

Doll hanger and hairbrush

You can create whatever you want with your own hands. Here are some other useful things:

  • A clothes hanger is an indispensable item for a fashionista. You can make it from a paper clip. Unbend it, then fold it back in half, leave one end a little longer and fold it in the form of a hanger. Twist the second around it;
  • Comb. To make it, you need an ice cream stick, a piece of dense fabric, better than leather and fishing line or toothbrush lint. Draw a shape on a stick and cut it out with a sharp knife. We erase all the irregularities with sandpaper. We make an oval pillow from the fabric. We insert the fishing line into the needle and thread it through the pad. We do this several times. Now, from the inside out, we process the ends of the fishing line with a lighter so that the pieces are fixed and do not fall out. On the front side, trim the bristles to the desired length. We glue the structure. You can decorate and comb your hair.

Things turn out to be miniature, so that they do not deteriorate and do not get lost, put them in a box after the game.

Doll box

If you make dolls with your own hands and give them to friends, you need to arrange packaging for them. There are many options, here is one of them. We will give the dimensions so that it turns out box 35 by 21 by 7 cm... You should be guided further by your measurements:

  • We take corrugated cardboard, cut out a rectangle 28 by 35 cm. This will be the lid and side wall;
  • From the side of 28 cm, we measure a strip of 7 cm and bend it along its entire length downward;
  • We make the rest of the details: bottom - 35 by 21 cm, side walls - 21 by 7 cm (2 pieces) and 35 by 7 cm;
  • We glue the parts: we attach the end wall to the bottom with glue, then we glue the end of the lid with glue and also glue it to the bottom from the opposite side;
  • We fix the sides in the same way;
  • We glue the box with craft paper, or any other. We process the joints and edges to it so that it is smooth and neat;
  • We pierce two holes in the lid with an awl and insert the ties for beauty. And you can come up with loops for them, then the structure will close tightly.

Everything else is in your hands. You can cover the item with an elegant fabric and decorate to taste.

We could endlessly list what can be done for dolls. On forums and sites, people leave numerous reports about their work. The main thing is that everyone gets pleasure from the process: both children, who have a lot of new toys, and adults who return to childhood for a while.

Video tutorial: making a cozy house for Barbie

In this video, Alina Mozaeva will show you how to make a beautiful and cozy house for your doll yourself: