How often you need to do facial cleansing at the beautician - recommendations of professionals. How often do you need to clean your face for perfect skin?

And only in the second - aesthetic, that is, improving the appearance.

Dirty skin cannot fully perform very important functions for the body: respiratory, suction, protective, tactile, thermoregulatory.

Usually, when the skin is contaminated, its immunity suffers greatly: after all, bacteria live “in the dirt”, like in paradise. Uncleaned skin is prone to rashes in almost 100% of cases. Corks, they are also black dots, clog the sebaceous glands, and this prevents the outflow of sebum, which is a kind of protective lubricant for the skin, protects it from drying out, moisture evaporation, softens and makes it elastic. How can you deprive her of this?! Photo: Depositphotos

I would recommend that you clean your skin about once a month. During the procedure, there is:

  • exfoliation of the upper keratinized layers of the skin;
  • removal of blackheads and blackheads;
  • the skin is cleansed of toxins and toxins;
  • the protective mantle of the skin and Ph are restored;
  • metabolism and blood circulation are stimulated.

After cleansing, the skin begins to breathe better, and this significantly reduces the number of new blackheads and blackheads. Cosmetic preparations are well absorbed and reach their destination. The skin looks younger, fresher, more attractive. It becomes a pleasant fresh color, acquires gloss and radiance.

Facial cleansing can be of different types, the main of which are mechanical, enzymatic, chemical and hardware cleaning. Hardware cleanings include ultrasonic, vacuum, galvanic cleaning, enzyme cleaning, etc.

Different people prefer different types of cleansing. Someone chooses mechanical (manual), someone hardware.
Photo: Depositphotos

Hardware cleaning is suitable for those clients who want to look brilliant at any moment of their lives. They, as a rule, hardly tolerate pain and will better come to the beautician more often.

Mechanical cleansing is usually chosen by those who love deeper skin cleansing and want to see beauty in themselves, despite the slight reddening caused by the procedure.

Stages of facial cleansing in a beauty salon:

make-up removal. Cleanser + tonic. Preliminary cleaning is carried out using only professional products.

Antiseptic skin treatment. It is performed using pharmacy skin antiseptics, such as hydrogen peroxide 3% or chlorhexidine.
Photo: Depositphotos

Softening of the top layer of the skin. To do this, vaporization is performed, special gels, cold hydrogenation, electroplating, etc. are used.

Hardware cleaning of the skin: brossage (delicate exfoliation with a rotating brush) or ultrasound.

mechanical cleaning(at the request of customers) - the deepest and most thoroughly cleansing skin cleaning method.

Hardware grinding skin with a special smooth rotating stone, then grinding is done with a soft pad.

Darsonval. Healing physiotherapy after the process of deep cleaning of the skin. This medical device helps the skin cope with acne due to its anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action. Helps to eliminate congestion on the skin (spots after acne). It has a powerful cauterizing effect on inflamed elements.

Mask by skin type. Most often, professional masks are used to help relieve redness, inflammation and narrow pores.

Finishing agent- creams or emulsions of non-greasy texture, which have a powerful soothing and anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect. If you plan to be outside for quite a long time, it makes sense to apply a professional cream that also contains SPF.
Photo: Depositphotos

Recently, modern cleaning has practically not brought discomfort (and this is very important for us, modern young ladies), because the skin is treated with special preparations that soothe it as much as possible after cleaning. Professional products are so effective that you can even go on a date straight from the beauty salon, because the traces of exposure to the skin are minimal.

By the way, I would not recommend doing facial cleansing at home. But it is quite possible that someone thinks otherwise ...

There are several important questions that you should think about before you lie down on the beautician's couch. First, is facial cleansing really necessary, which one and how often? After all, cosmetologists have created a huge number of different ways to cleanse the skin: some are suitable for everyone, some for dry skin, some for oily skin. The main thing is to start from the condition of your skin and the degree of its pollution, I want to write.

Why do we need facial cleansing? And do you need to clean your face? How many times should you clean your face? It's no secret that the skin of every person (especially those living in a big city) is prone to pollution: cosmetics, dust, environmental waste and much more. So, in order to keep the skin soft, the sebaceous glands produce a lipid-containing secret, which should be evenly distributed on the surface of the face and create a protective film. However, very often this leads to the ingress of bacteria, inflammation and acne. The most common problem is comedones or blackheads. This is a filled time, the fat in which is oxidized due to contact with air. But in order to fix all these problems, we have a facial.

Types of facial cleansing

Before thinking about how often you need (and can) do facial cleansing, you should understand the types of cleansing. Since a certain facial cleansing can be done at different times.

So, facial cleansing can be manual (manual), ultrasonic, vacuum, chemical.

Manual (manual) face cleaning

Manual cleaning is the most common and accessible to everyone. The pores expand and with the help of pressure (either with a cosmetic spoon, or with the fingers of a skilled cosmetologist) impurities are removed from the pores (comedones and acne). Such cleansing is traditionally considered ideal for problematic and oily skin with defects, as there is an "individual approach" and attention to all skin features. However, after such a cleansing, you can’t apply cosmetics for another day, for a maximum of a couple of days you will walk like a “frost red nose”, and it should be done a maximum of 2 times a year.

Hardware vacuum cleaning of the face

Hardware cleaning is the main competitor of manual cleaning. It is faster and safer, and instead of the beautician's hands, a special apparatus is used, a vacuum tube that cleans open pores. This is a kind of vacuum cleaner for pores. It is completely safe, but less effective in terms of cleaning the skin. However, vacuum facial cleansing has a massage and lymphatic drainage effect, helping to renew the upper layer of the epidermis and enrich the blood supply to the skin of the face, and is often recommended as a tonic for skin that is starting to fade. Suitable for normal and not very oily skin, it can leave redness and swelling on sensitive and problematic skin. How often can you do a vacuum cleaning of the face? About 3 times a year.

Ultrasonic face cleaning

Ultrasonic is an atraumatic way of influencing the skin with the help of ultrashort waves. The skin is treated with a tonic based on mineral water or a special gel, after which it is exposed to a wave generator. The pores open, impurities come to the surface and are removed. Ultrasonic cleaning exfoliates dead cells, acts anti-inflammatory and makes wrinkles and scars less noticeable. Since ultrasonic cleaning is quite soft and gentle, it can be done more than 4 times a year. Although, doing such a face cleansing every season is the best solution.

Chemical and laser cleaning

Chemical and laser cleanings are peelings that remove the top layer of the skin, but do not penetrate "deep". They are less effective in terms of complete cleansing of pores, but with frequent use they eliminate the need to undergo manual or ultrasonic facial cleansing. How often can I do facial peels? Depending on the problematic skin, once a week or two weeks.

Just be careful with laser cleaning. If you have problems with skin pigmentation, it is better to avoid the laser, so that extra pigment spots do not suddenly appear.

Also, it is worth understanding that dry cleaning is a preparative or enzymatic cleaning, and there may be an allergy to some drugs. So, for preparative cleaning, oleic, citric, malic, glycolic and lactic acids are used. For enzymes - enzymes bromelain and papain.

Our skin is vulnerable, so it needs constant care and cleansing. This "beauty theorem" is known to all women. If you want your skin to shine with health and youth, then it must be protected from ultraviolet radiation, cold, wind and harmful environmental influences.

Dust clogs the pores, and the skin eventually does not receive enough oxygen. The result is deplorable - the skin ages, fades, loses its elasticity and wrinkles appear on it. In addition, if the pores are clogged, then inflammatory processes occur on the skin - acne, pimples, pigmentation and comedones. In order to eliminate all these disadvantages, mechanical cleaning of the face is needed. Today this method is one of the most effective. Thanks to it, you can get rid of oily skin, dirt and dead skin cells. After deep cleansing, the skin will again become beautiful, smooth and tender.

There are several ways to clean your face in beauty salons:

- mechanical;

- ultrasonic;

- vacuum;

- chemical;

— laser;

- microcrystalline (dermabrasion).

Who is shown mechanical cleaning of the face?

First of all, for those who have problematic and oily skin. After all, it is on it that inflammation and various acne rashes often appear. Another manual mechanical cleaning of the skin of the face is recommended:

- those who have enlarged pores;

- acne rash - acne, comedones;

- skin tone is reduced;

- milia, wen on the skin;

2. Eczema, herpes, furunculosis, allergies.

3. PMS and the menstrual cycle.

4. Weak blood vessels and dry skin.

5. Sensitive and inflamed skin.

6. Asthma (bronchial).

7. Diseases of the blood.

8. High blood pressure.

Manual cleaning: how to prepare for the procedure

Before doing this procedure, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics - milk, gel, softening tonic. If the skin is too polluted, then the specialist will make a cleansing or light peeling mask for you. The next stage, if there are no contraindications, the skin is steamed in a water bath. This is done so that the pores open up, and mechanical cleaning of the skin of the face is more successful. In many salons, instead of steam, a warming gel with a thermal effect is used. It does not allow the skin to lose moisture during the procedure.

If the patient has at least one of the following contraindications, then steaming should not be carried out:

- bronchial asthma;

- hirsutism;

- dilated or closely spaced vessels;

- thin and very dry skin.

For example, for skin with rosacea, the beautician uses hydrogenation - this is a cold way to open pores. In the process, a moisturizing gel is applied to the patient's skin for 25 minutes. On top of the gel is covered with a film. The cells of the top layer of the skin swell during the hydrogenation process, which makes the keratocytes weak. The gel is covered with a film and left for 20-25 minutes. This is what surface peeling is.

How is mechanical cleaning of the face done?

So, what is manual mechanical cleaning of the face? With the help of it, the stratum corneum is removed from the skin and fat content is eliminated. The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and the skin becomes much cleaner.

The procedure itself is quite simple, and the result pleases the patient. The specialist runs it with his fingers, and in order to eliminate acne, he uses tools - spoons (loops). In the process of cleaning, the cosmetologist removes white and black dots on the skin - comedones, blackheads and millet with his hands. Of course, this procedure cannot be called absolutely painless. But, as they say, "beauty requires sacrifice." If you trust a professional who will competently approach a deep cleaning session using antiseptics, then soon your skin will become velvety and healthy.

How is the mechanical cleaning of the face?

First, the face should dry, and then it is wiped with lotion (without alcohol) or hydrogen peroxide. The cosmetologist removes the film from the patient's face and wipes the area of ​​​​the face that he plans to clean with lotion. Next, there is the process of manual cleaning with a strainer and a special spoon. For 6-8 minutes, fat, dead cells and black dots are removed. It is not recommended to touch inflamed skin areas.

Mechanical cleaning of the face implies exceptional sterility. Therefore, after each manipulation, the cosmetologist disinfects the instruments with which he gets rid of sebaceous plugs in the skin. The first stage is scraping. It's being done
in the following way:

- from bottom to top (in the forehead);

- from the base of the wings of the nose to their back;

- from the outer edge to the center of the face.

Tools do not always allow the specialist to free the pores from impurities. Therefore, he has to resort to manual cleaning. This procedure is quite painful and unpleasant. Before proceeding with it, the beautician wraps a napkin around his fingers and gently squeezes out a mass that is yellow in color. These are the accumulations of dirt that look like black dots on the face.

In special cases, the beautician has to seek help from a needle (spear) to expand the duct. Before this procedure, the instruments should also be disinfected. There is also a special acne squeezer that minimally injures the skin. If there are whiteheads (miliums) on the skin, they are first pierced and then squeezed out. After cleaning the face, the pustules are drained, and the skin is disinfected with a lotion (on alcohol) so as not to cause an infection.

Mechanical cleaning of the face should be quick. Otherwise, the pores will close, and the process itself will seem even more tedious. It is not necessary to clean all the blackheads at once, but you can divide the cleaning into several sessions. Especially if there is inflammation on the face - acne, pimples.

Vacuum cleaning is often combined with manual cleaning. It is carried out with a glass tube in which the pressure is reduced. During this procedure, contaminants and plugs are sucked out of the pores under the action of vacuum. Often, before mechanical cleaning, disincrustation, galvanization and galvanophoresis are carried out. These methods allow you to penetrate deeper into the pores with the help of alkaline solutions and electric current.

How often can you do mechanical cleaning of the face?

- for oily skin - 1 time in 6-9 days;

- for normal and dry skin - 1 time in 30 days;

How much does leather cleaning cost?

Mechanical cleaning of the face can have a different cost. It all depends on which city, which specialist and in which salon or office you are going to do it. The higher the services in the salon, the higher the price for the procedure. For example, in Moscow, manual cleaning (without accompanying procedures) can cost from 1,000 to 4,500 thousand rubles. But, don't skimp on it. After all, you yourself will notice an amazing result on your beautiful and clean face.

The answer to the question of how often you can clean your face will be the type and condition of the skin. It is these factors that are fundamental in the ratio of all the pros and cons of facial cleansing, whatever it may be: manual, vacuum or laser-based. To understand which cleansing is better to choose in a particular case, you need to dwell on each type of cleaning and consider the features of these procedures.

Facial cleansing is nothing more than an effective way to get rid of comedones and blackheads that spoil the appearance of the skin by polluting its pores. For residents of megacities, this issue is very acute, because due to poor ecology, the problem of acne is familiar to many.

The harmful effects of the environment dries out the skin, and to protect it, our sebaceous glands are constantly regenerating an oily substance to the surface. It, like a film, covers the entire face, reliably protecting it from negative factors: dust, wind, exhaust gases.

Everything would be fine, but only some people have a clean face from acne, while others suffer from this problem all their lives. This situation is caused by a violation of cell renewal, due to which an imbalance occurs: the production of sebum increases, and cell regeneration slows down. As a result, the skin is not able to cope with excess fat on its own and cleansing does not occur. Subsequently, this leads to clogging of the pores and to a deterioration in appearance.

The main reasons for this condition can be constant stress, hormonal disorders, poor lifestyle (improper diet, too fatty and high-calorie foods, lack of sleep). Sometimes acne is the result of a disease.

Conventional cosmetics (masks, scrubs, gels, etc.) will not be able to solve the problem, since the comedones are deep enough and just don’t wash off. To make the skin beautiful and clean, you can not do without the help of cosmetologists. Only professional cleaning in the salon can qualitatively rid the face of comedones and acne.

To figure out which procedure is better to apply in each case, you need to consider the main features of the most popular cleansing methods offered today in facial cosmetology.

Mechanical or manual cleaning

This time-tested type of cleaning is also one of the most effective. Such regular procedures can permanently cleanse the skin, making it radiant and beautiful.

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist conducts a superficial cleansing of dust and dirt, and after that he proceeds to steaming and directly getting rid of acne. Preliminary preparation is very important, as it will prevent strong inflammatory processes and enhance skin renewal after pimples are squeezed out.

It is better to perform mechanical cleaning in the salon, and not at home, as an experienced cosmetologist will clean the skin from comedones and acne in accordance with all the rules and with minimal damage to the dermis. This is very important as this type of procedure is very traumatic and can be painful.

Manual cleaning by a cosmetologist includes the following steps:

  1. The procedure begins with enzymatic and chemical peels, which loosen the upper layers of the epidermis and remove dead skin cells.
  2. The next step is to apply a thermal mask or steam exposure. This procedure will soften the comedones, which will facilitate the process of squeezing them out. The thermal mask contains camphor and isopropyl alcohol, which will have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
  3. Direct cleansing of the skin from comedones. Pimples are squeezed out with hands or special devices (uno spoon). The beautician will be able to clean all problem areas well, as he looks at the skin through a magnifying glass. Gloves are used for sterility. During the procedure, open and closed pimples are removed. It is often recommended to do such a procedure (after 2-3 weeks) if the skin is heavily contaminated and it was not possible to completely clean it at one time. Sometimes 3-4 manipulations are needed. This is due to the fact that some pimples at the time of cleaning may be immature and cannot be removed immediately.
  4. The last stage is the use of lotion, and after it a mask is applied according to the type of skin. It should narrow the pores and soothe the inflamed dermis.

Such cleaning can be very effective, as it perfectly cleanses the epidermis of plugs and dead cells. It is usually prescribed for oily skin with wide pores. If acne is a consequence of hormonal failure or health problems, then the procedure should be done quite often - once every 4-5 weeks or even more. Everything will depend on the problem and skin type.

Skin cleansing with vacuum and ultrasound

A more gentle method of cleansing the epidermis is an ultrasonic procedure. Its essence lies in the fact that under the influence of ultrashort waves, the pores open, and their contents are brought out. This method is atraumatic, as there is no mechanical effect on the skin.

To understand the question of how often you can do ultrasonic facial cleansing, you need to consider the stages of this procedure:

  1. First, a special agent is applied to the skin, which should loosen the comedones and prepare the dermis for the procedure. Various lotions and gels containing fruit acids can be used.
  2. The purification process itself is carried out using a wave generator, through which an ultrasonic wave is fed. With a special nozzle in the form of a spatula, the master processes the entire surface, paying special attention to especially contaminated areas.

After the procedure, the face acquires a beautiful blush, as the waves stimulate blood flow and oxygen supply to the surface. Due to such a vibrational massage, which occurs at the cellular level, cellular metabolism is activated, the skin is cleansed of dead cells, and its tone improves.

Of the minuses - deep comedones do not lend themselves to the action of waves and are not brought out. It is more of a gentle superficial cleansing that may be recommended for patients with minor skin problems. Usually it is carried out 4 times a year - it will be enough to do it once per season. Alternatively, ultrasonic cleaning can be performed in combination with mechanical cleaning. This will allow you to achieve a more pronounced effect from the cleansing process.

Another method of hardware procedure is vacuum cleaning. The device pumps air under negative pressure, and with the help of a special tube-nozzle, contaminants are sucked out through open pores. Of the features, the following can be noted:

  • safety;
  • massage and lymphatic drainage action;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • stimulation of cellular metabolism;
  • resorption of stagnant elements;
  • only superficial cleansing without affecting deep comedones.

This procedure renews the epidermis layer and tones the skin. It is often not recommended to do the procedure - 3 times a year will be enough. Manipulation can be applied to any type of skin.

Cleansing with peels

You can make the skin beautiful and radiant with the help of peels. Such procedures should be carried out regularly, which will allow you to get the desired result and forever abandon the cleansing of pores by hardware or mechanical means.

The cleansing process occurs by removing keratinized scales and comedones located in the upper layer of the dermis. Superficial peeling does not affect the deeper layers, due to which there is no effect on deep acne. With regular use, a significant improvement in the condition of the skin is possible: the color will become uniform, and the surface will be smooth and even. Which acid to use for peeling - fruit, retinol or salicylic - the master chooses depending on the condition and type of skin.

The advantages of this procedure include:

  • painlessness;
  • speed;
  • evens out the relief;
  • reduces scars;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • improves skin elasticity.

There are also disadvantages:

  • may cause reddening of the skin (depending on the reaction);
  • age spots can appear if there is a predisposition (during and after the procedures, the use of sunscreen is a prerequisite);
  • no effect on deep comedones.

When answering the question of how often such procedures should be done, the following should be emphasized. Peelings are recommended to be carried out in courses. Usually 4-5 procedures are prescribed with a break of 5-7 days between them.

At first glance, in order for the skin on the face to be clean and healthy, you need to periodically clean it. But not everything is so clear and simple.

On the one hand, it cleans pores, impurities and the top layer of dead cells, which allows the skin to breathe easier, renew itself and look good.

On the other hand, mother nature has taken care of everything and provided for everything, so regular cleansing procedures can damage the top protective layer, which will make the skin too sensitive, prone to irritation and quickly fading.

Face cleaning: types

It can also be different.

At home, any woman can independently carry out mechanical cleaning or use more gentle products, such as scrubs and peels.

You can contact a beautician who has great knowledge and capabilities to cleanse the skin. This includes a wide variety of various procedures and techniques, including laser, mechanical, vacuum, ultrasonic effects and various masks based on natural and synthetic substances. Each woman chooses for herself the most suitable method or a set of various procedures.

It is quite logical that deep cleansing, especially mechanical ones, cannot be done often, otherwise it can lead to new inflammations, irritations and even injuries. More gentle products with the help of various cosmetics can be used no more than once a week.

Basic conditions for performing facial cleansing.

But before you start cleaning your face, you need to know some points that affect not only the effectiveness of the procedure, but also the possible harm that it can bring.

In order not to spoil the condition of the skin, facial cleansing is carried out if necessary, and not for prevention.

The frequency of this procedure depends on the condition of the skin, its type, predisposition and tendency to allergies and irritations.

· When cleaning the face in the salon, a lot depends on the degree of professionalism of the beautician, so you need to be very responsible in choosing a specialist.

In order not to harm the skin, you need to take into account the time of year, since in summer the sun and ultraviolet have a great influence, and in winter - frost and wind. Therefore, the needs of the skin for protection and care at this time will be different.

The answer to the question of whether facial cleansing is harmful is denial, but with reservations. It is not harmful if a number of requirements and conditions are observed.

1. It is not advisable to do even soft cleaning more than twice a month.

2. In the process of cleansing, the skin is under severe stress. Therefore, during and after the procedure, it is desirable to mitigate the impact and load.

3. Do not clean if there are inflammations or wounds on the face.

Face cleaning: harm

What is the danger of abuse of the cleaning procedure?

The skin on the face can become not only too sensitive and, but it can also cause wilting and wrinkles.

In addition, if the protective layer is removed too often, then oily skin will begin to produce it more intensively, and dry skin is threatened with dryness and flaking. These may be the side effects of this procedure.

But most experts are inclined to believe that cleaning is still necessary. You just need to follow certain measures and rules.

New facial cleansing techniques, such as vacuum or laser acne removal, serve as a replacement for mechanical ones, when there is no direct contact with the skin, then the risk of infection is minimal.

Development and innovation in the field of cosmetology allow you to take better care of the skin, moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing it.