How is the exfoliation procedure done? Exfoliation of the skin of the face: getting rid of the stratum corneum

Many say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, but, nevertheless, no one will deny that the face is also the calling card of any person.
Facial peeling at home will help rejuvenate and tighten the skin. Agree, it is pleasant to look at a well-groomed and clean face, but, unfortunately, not everyone is given such skin that does not require additional cosmetics. The skin is made up of two layers - the dermis (inner) and the epidermis (outer). After a certain time, skin cells die off, and new ones take their place. This process is called skin renewal, regeneration.

Otherwise, if the skin cannot be renewed naturally, then it begins to age. If such a process occurs, many girls and women with problem skin give a lot of money for the services of cosmetologists and a variety of masks. Although peeling at home can do the same (and sometimes better) than a cosmetologist, who will need to pay quite a lot of money. Facial peeling at home is nothing but a real way to refresh and also cleanse your skin. No need to throw a lot of money on expensive doctors, it is enough to use natural products that can prevent skin aging.

Peeling classification

Any peeling for the face can make the skin regenerate. It is during this procedure that the top layer of dead skin cells is removed, thereby creating the effect of its damage. This is where the body comes into play. It begins an active process of restoring dead cells with new ones, filling the skin with the nutrients that it needs.
Classification of peeling according to the depth of exposure:
1. Surface peeling of the face. It acts on the surface layer of the skin. This is enough to smooth out wrinkles, and in certain cases, get rid of age spots;
2. Medium face peeling. It serves to correct age-related changes on the skin (skin folds, stretch marks, deep wrinkles). Affects the deep layers of the skin, and also reaches the upper dermis;
3. Deep peeling of the face is one of the most aggressive. It can only be done in a hospital and under anesthesia, as it is considered a full-fledged operation. Thanks to this method, you can achieve excellent results. Deep peeling of the face fully removes age spots, deep wrinkles and stretch marks.

To date, you can find more than 50 types of peeling, but the most optimal of them remains superficial.

Facial peeling at home

For any cosmetic procedure, there are some restrictions that must be strictly observed. There are several rules that must be followed if this procedure is to take place at home. Do not peel yourself if you suffer from one of the following annoying conditions:
viral infections (herpes, warts, etc.);
damaged skin (at least a week must pass after damage);
skin sensitivity.

Peeling at home differs from going to a beauty parlor in that it will only act on the surface layer of the skin. The effect of this procedure will not be so long, the results are not immediately noticeable. Regular cleansing of the face will help transform the skin.

How to do peeling at home?

Recipes for home peeling, as well as the rules for making masks, can be found on the Internet. A few of them will be described below.
Recipes for oily skin:
1. In order to prepare this mixture, you need to take one lemon and 1.5 teaspoons of sugar. Mix lemon juice and sugar, and then dip a cotton swab into this mixture and wipe your face.
2. Peeling based on soda. You need to take 2 tablespoons of soda and about the same amount of kefir. The result should be a thick mass.

Recipes for dry skin:
1. You need to take 3 strawberries and 1 medium apple. All this is mixed into a thick mass, which should be applied to the face for 5 minutes (it is acidic and may tingle slightly).
2. In order to make peeling with dry cream, you need to take 1 large spoon of the latter and add 2 large spoons of barley and rice flour to it.

Recipes for problem skin:
1. You need to take 4 tablespoons of pomegranate seeds, mix them with 4 small tablespoons of lemon juice. Add 2 tablespoons of almonds to this mixture. All this must be crushed with a blender. The mask should be applied for 10 minutes.
2. You need to take 4 tablespoons of sea salt and beat them with protein. Apply the mask to the skin in an even layer and wash off after 10 minutes.

It is also important to remember that for oily skin, home peeling should be done every day. It is for such skin that it is most useful. For problematic skin, this procedure should be carried out once every 10 days, and for dry skin - even less often.

If the skin of the face is dull, thin, flabby, wrinkled or covered with a rash, the peeling procedure will improve its condition. Mechanical or chemical, it can be done at home.

Exfoliation. Or why peeling?

Peeling - cleansing the skin of dead cells

Peeling is a cosmetic procedure for deep cleansing of the skin, during which the top layer of dead skin cells is exfoliated.

IMPORTANT: The term "peeling" is derived from the English. the verb peel (“scrape”, “scrape”). The procedure has another name - exfoliation

The procedure for getting rid of the stratum corneum of the skin is carried out in order to:

  • improve the oxygen supply of living cells
  • improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous vessels
  • acceleration of cellular metabolism
  • accelerating the regeneration of skin cells
  • preparing the skin for nutrition, moisturizing, rejuvenation procedures using masks

If peeling is carried out regularly, it is possible:

  • get rid of small wrinkles
  • prevent the emergence of new
  • smooth out other skin imperfections
  • cleanse and close pores
  • make skin firmer
  • improve complexion
  • get rid of acne, other rashes

Peeling can be done in a beauty parlor or just at home. According to what exactly affects the skin, exfoliation is distinguished:

  1. Mechanical- small abrasive particles in the composition of the skin cleanser act on it like sandpaper
  2. Chemical- removal of dead cells with acids and alkalis
  3. Ultrasonic- the use of a special apparatus that creates ultrasonic waves. Under their influence, the bonds between living and dead cells of the epidermis are destroyed, as a result of which the latter are separated.
  4. laser– removal of the stratum corneum under the influence of laser beams
  5. biological- using enzymes (pepsin, papain, bromelain, others) to accelerate the natural processes of cell renewal

There is a whole arsenal of folk and store-bought products that can be used for home peeling for all skin types.

IMPORTANT: The drug for mechanical peeling is called a scrub or exfoliant.

The procedure of home peeling has contraindications:

  • open wounds and ulcers
  • acute inflammatory process
  • oncology
  • treatment with ointments with hormones (glucocorticosteroids)

Home peeling for dry skin

Owners of dry or sensitive skin are wary of peeling, rightly considering it a traumatic procedure. Some choose not to do it at all. It is not right!

IMPORTANT: Dry skin needs just as much cleansing as other types. It is possible and necessary to carry out its exfoliation at home

But! The composition of the scrub should not be:

  • absorbent substances
  • large abrasive particles
  • too coarse abrasive particles
  • other components damaging thin skin

Substances and products that effectively and safely cleanse dry and sensitive skin are:

  • fruit acids (grape, citric, others)
  • semolina
  • oatmeal (from crushed flakes)
  • Strawberry
  • coffee grounds
  • other

Carrying out the exfoliation procedure, owners of thin, dry, sensitive skin must follow a few rules:

  1. Peeling no more than once every 7-10 days
  2. Duration of the procedure - 1 minute
  3. Rubbing the scrub into the skin, you can not press hard on it
  4. It is better to wash off the exfoliating substance with milk
  5. After exfoliation, it is recommended to make a moisturizing mask.

IMPORTANT: Before using any exfoliant for dry skin, it must be tested for allergies. An allergy test is done on the inside of the elbow. If after a day there is no reaction on this area of ​​the skin, the drug is used as directed.

Home peeling for oily skin

The choice of peeling products for those with oily skin is much larger. To cleanse the pores of toxins and remove the upper stratum corneum of cells, you can use:

  • milk
  • sugar
  • sea ​​salt
  • cosmetic clays
  • rice and bran ground in a coffee grinder
  • other

Exfoliation tips for oily skin:

  1. Peeling is done every 5-7 days
  2. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes
  3. Rinse off with warm water
  4. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing mask to the skin.

IMPORTANT: Before peeling, oily skin can be steamed, for example, using a towel soaked in chamomile decoction or a steam bath with herbs. Then the pores will be cleared better

Facial peeling mask

This remedy differs from an exfoliant in that it not only cleanses the skin, but nourishes and moisturizes it. The effect of the caring procedure will be double.

IMPORTANT: Peeling mask is not rubbed into the skin, but acts on it for some time

As a rule, the composition of homemade masks with a cleansing effect includes:

  • dairy products
  • fruits and berries
  • vegetables
  • oils
  • cereals

RECIPE #1: Peeling mask for oily skin with oatmeal and lemon juice
This drug cleanses the pores, nourishes the skin cells with vitamins, tones the skin, promotes the separation of its stratum corneum.
Prepare a mask - peeling of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal ground into flour and lemon juice (usually half a fruit is enough) so that it has the consistency of a thick gruel. The drug is evenly distributed on the face and left to dry completely. Wash off with warm water or chamomile decoction

Oatmeal - a component of a peeling mask for oily skin

RECIPE #2: Peeling mask for dry skin from strawberry gruel and fatty sour cream
During the application of this product, the skin is moisturized and cleansed.
Take 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed strawberries and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat sour cream, mix. The mixture is left on the face for 10 minutes, after which they are washed with milk diluted with water 1: 1

RECIPE #3: Rejuvenating maxa peeling
Honey, wheat bran and lemon juice will help improve the condition of aging skin.
Slightly warmed liquid honey (2 tablespoons) is mixed with wheat bran (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (1 tablespoon). The mask is made for half an hour, after which it is thoroughly washed off and a rejuvenating cream is used.

Chemical peeling of the face at home. How to do a deep face peel at home

At home, chemical peels can be done using acids:

  • glycolic
  • almond
  • salicylic
  • lemon
  • grape
  • others

To remove dead skin cells, an inexpensive and effective method is often used. calcium chloride.

IMPORTANT: A natural reaction to chemical home peeling is flushing of the facial skin, which persists for 8-18 hours after the procedure. Therefore, it is better to cleanse in the evening before the weekend. IMPORTANT: Tolerable tingling or burning of the skin during chemical exfoliation is normal. But if the discomfort is too strong, the drug should be washed off immediately and contact a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Glycolic peel at home

glycolic fruit acid very often used for home cleansing of the skin. The substance is extracted from sugar cane. It is not aggressive, but at the same time it has the ability to penetrate deep into the epidermis, where:

  • promotes the shedding of dead cells
  • improves cellular metabolism, in particular, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin
  • destroys melanin

IMPORTANT: Glycolic peeling evens out the skin and improves its color

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. A gel or lotion with 10-15% glycolic acid content is applied to the previously cleansed facial skin.
  2. Application of the drug is made with a special brush
  3. The drug is applied in a circular motion from top to bottom, from the forehead to the chin.
  4. Do not apply gel or lotion to the area around the eyes
  5. For 15 minutes, while the drug acts on the skin, a light acupressure is done with the help of cotton swabs.
  6. The mask is washed off with running cold water.

Peeling with calcium chloride. Peeling for the face with calcium chloride at home

Peeling with calcium chloride The good thing is that it can be carried out for any type of skin. In addition, an allergy to a substance is very rare.

IMPORTANT: Calcium chloride and calcium chloride are the same substance

Suitable for cleaning 10% calcium chloride, which is in ampoules in any pharmacy:

  • ampoule with calcium chloride is opened
  • a cotton pad is wetted in the product
  • the product is applied in several stages to the entire face, except for the upper lip and the area around the eyes
  • when the contents of the ampoule run out, the face must be washed with warm water, but not wiped
  • when moisture is absorbed into the skin, a moisturizer is applied

VIDEO: Hollywood peeling with calcium chloride

Almond facial peeling at home

mandelic acid, obtained by glycolysis of almond extracts, as a peeling:

  • eliminates acne and other types of rashes
  • improves skin tone by combating age spots
  • promotes skin regeneration and rejuvenation
  • stimulating the synthesis of elastin and collagen, improves skin relief

IMPORTANT: Light-skinned and dark-skinned girls can use mandelic acid for home peeling

Mandelic acid is used in its pure form as part of multicomponent cleansers.

RECIPE #1: Peeling with mandelic acid

On a face cleansed of cosmetics and sebum, a steamed face is first applied with 5% tonic with mandelic acid, then pre-peeling with 10% mandelic acid, and lastly, the actual 30% preparation. After the procedure, a soothing mask with collagen, kelp and lactic acid is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

RECIPE #2: Peeling with almonds

Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground almonds, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cream Mix and apply on face. Exposure time - 15 minutes.

IMPORTANT: In order for almond peeling to have an effect, it must be done regularly, once every 2 weeks, alternating with a less damaging cleansing procedure.

Lemon face peel at home

Lemon, zest, powdered citric acid - everything is suitable for peeling

For lemon exfoliation, you can use:

  • lemon juice
  • gruel of lemon
  • lemon peel
  • citric acid

The first three substances, as a rule, are part of masks - exfoliants. Their advantage is that additional components can be selected according to the type of skin: olive oil and cream for dry, honey and clay for oily, etc.

Citric acid is used in this way: on a cleansed and steamed face with a cotton pad or sponge, applying 15% acid, then wash with warm water and make a nourishing mask.

Salicylic face peel at home

With hyperpigmentation of the skin, wrinkles, seborrhea and acne, salicylic peeling is recommended. At home, you need ordinary aspirin for this.


Peeling agent with salicylic acid

2 tablets of pharmacy aspirin are dissolved in 0.5 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of honey (you can use olive oil for dry skin instead, aloe juice for oily skin). The drug is applied to the prepared face for a quarter of an hour, the remnants are removed with a cotton pad and a tonic mask is made.

VIDEO: Facial Scrub|Peeling Aspirin

Fruit face peel at home

Refresh the skin, fight wrinkles, rashes and seborrhea, normalize the sebaceous glands and other fruit acids that can be used at home:

  • wine
  • dairy
  • apple

The concentration of acid in the preparation for exfoliation should not exceed 25%. After its application, the skin must be soothed and moisturized.

The results of using acids for exfoliation at home are obvious. The condition of the skin really changes for the better. But since the procedure is comparable to a thermal burn, before it is carried out, you should still consult a dermatologist to approve it. If there are contraindications, it is better to choose a more gentle way to remove dead skin particles.

VIDEO: Peeling at home. Chemical Facial Peeling At Home

Having decided on exfoliation, those who want to look younger and prettier sometimes unexpectedly get the opposite result.

In order not to harm the skin with seemingly safe cosmetic procedures, we will find out who needs exfoliation and why.

We will find out whether it is possible to replace professional products for the procedure with natural ones with the same result.

Peeling is an artificial cleansing of the skin from the dead top layer. This process in humans, as in other living beings, occurs naturally. But it slows down with age. The skin becomes uneven.

Therefore, the appearance of the updated layer needs to be helped. Peeling levels the skin surface, disinfects it, normalizes the fat balance of the dermis, and stimulates metabolic processes.

Main varieties

The main types of peeling:

  • Mechanical. For it, brushes are used (), mittens, pumice, scrubs prepared in the factory and at home.
  • Hardware. These are ultrasonic, vacuum, galvanic (using electricity), facial cleansing. In modern spas, these effective and painless treatments are popular.
  • Biological. In many salons, specific plants and animals, such as fish, are used to remove the stratum corneum of the skin.
  • Chemical. With the use of acids that destroy dead cells (exfoliants).

To summarize: Skin exfoliation is a peeling procedure that allows you to gently and most thoroughly remove the outdated skin layer. Compare: to peel (English) - “peel”, exfoliate (English) - “exfoliate”.

AHAs as exfoliants

The most common exfoliants are fruit acids. They were first isolated from fruits. Today, these are chemical compounds that combine the properties of acids and alcohols: hydroxy acids. They are commonly referred to as alpha hydroxy acids (ANA).

Exfoliation with fruit acids is popular. Why? They are non-toxic. When used correctly, they do not leave marks (scars).

They easily injure the epidermis, removing dead cells, and stimulate the process of their renewal.

With AHA acids:

  • the processes of regeneration of the deep layers of the dermis are launched;
  • the process of producing elastin and collagen is enhanced (this also happens after);
  • the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • cells are enriched with vitamins and microelements;
  • the skin is moisturized, because. moisture is better retained in the updated cells;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the aging process slows down due to the activation of immune processes.

Types of fruit acids

AHA acids:

  • (isolated from sugar cane);
  • wine (obtained from grapes);
  • coffee (from coffee beans);
  • (found in citrus fruits);
  • almond (from almond oil);
  • (from products of lactic acid fermentation, fruits and milk);
  • phytic (from wheat grains);
  • apple (from the fruits of apple and pear);
  • amber (amber, milk, etc.).

The only beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) is salicylic acid. It was isolated from willow bark. It is used for cleansing oily and combination skin. Cleanses, heals, dries, improves metabolic processes.

AHA acids are more often used for normal, dry and sensitive skin.

Sensitive skin does not tolerate glycolic acid well and requires mandatory preliminary testing of other products. They must be hypoallergenic.

Professional care or home treatments

Exfoliants are commonly found in modern cosmetics. They are added to creams and scrubs, gels, masks, lotions and shampoos. However, the percentage (up to 3%) makes conventional cosmetics ineffective. Professional products give the best result, having an AHA content of 5-7%.

Spas use more concentrated products (from 9 to 90%), so their use should be supervised by a specialist. A competent cosmetologist will prepare the client for the appearance of unpleasant sensations (redness, burning, slight swelling) and help them to quickly eliminate them.

There are mono- and multi-peelings, which contain, respectively, one or more types of exfoliants. Multi-peeling gives a greater effect.

Complications in case of improper use also arise more. Therefore, it is better to do such cleaning in the spa.

Exfoliation of the skin of the face is possible at home. The best solution is to first consult with a beautician.
It will help you choose the right composition for your skin and determine the maximum concentration. He will also remind you of contraindications and give precise instructions for application, subsequent care, and the number of procedures.

If this is not possible, but there is a need for procedures, act on your own!

How to use exfoliants:

  1. Clear your skin.
  2. Wearing gloves, evenly apply the solution with a brush (tampon).
  3. Do not apply around lips and eyes.
  4. Wash off with water without soap or any additives. Apply for a short time (10-15 minutes or less).
  5. Wipe the skin with a hypoallergenic tonic, apply a nourishing cream.

Useful information

When using exfoliants, it is important to know:

  • The best season for exfoliation is autumn-winter. The skin must be protected from sunlight, cold, wind. After completing the course, use high-quality sunscreen cosmetics.
  • A month before the exfoliation, stop all exfoliating procedures, it is advisable to refuse before the session.
  • First, do an allergy test: test the effect of the substance on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • The expected effect will come after several procedures. Be patient and do not apply the product a second time.
  • It is also impossible to exceed the concentration recommended (by a cosmetologist or instructions). At home, it is better not to take risks and do not use acid above 9% concentration.
  • Accurately maintain the procedure time (10-15 minutes). If it is seriously exceeded, wash off the acid with plenty of water. Do not lubricate the skin with anything. Urgently see a dermatologist (cosmetologist).
  • Ask pharmacies for drugs with a low concentration of acid, for home use. Check the expiration date. Choose well-known brands and trusted manufacturers.

We bring to your attention a photo of the results of exfoliation:

Who is contraindicated for use

There are many contraindications, here they are:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Age under 22 years old.
  • Severe sunburn or sunburn.
  • Warts, moles, papillomas (), skin lesions, skin diseases.
  • Postoperative period (less than a month).
  • Drug intolerance.
  • Radiation therapy.

Natural peeling for the most careful

Many follow the example of their great-great-grandmothers. Centuries ago, they washed themselves with buttermilk and birch sap, not thinking about the benefits of acids, simply trusting their own experience.

The most affordable and popular peeling from natural plant and dairy products is easy to make. The result may not be as fast and bright as from concentrated acid, but their action is soft and safe.

Examples of face masks:

  • Cabbage (for oily and normal skin). Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in 50 grams of sauerkraut juice. Apply for half an hour.

    Wash off with warm water. Wipe the skin with a decoction of linden or rose petals. Apply a nourishing cream at night.

  • Oatmeal (for sensitive and combination skin). Soak a tablespoon of cereal and dissolve in cold water to a thick slurry.

    Add a spoonful of curdled milk, stir. Wash off if dry. It should take approximately 7 minutes. Wipe the skin with weakly brewed green tea.

  • Lemon (if the skin is dry and pigmented). Mix rosehip oil and olive oil (1.5 tablespoons each). Add lemon juice (teaspoon). Apply warm. Wash your face after 5-7 minutes. Apply a nourishing cream. Such soft peels are done twice a week. The course is designed for 3-4 weeks.
  • study reviews of the new "miraculous" remedy;
  • consult with a specialist;
  • take care of the skin systematically;
  • remember the main principle: "Do no harm!"

Exfoliation is essential for our skin in one form or another. Its advantage is in its gentle effect on the skin. This type of peeling gives excellent results with careful selection of products and proper implementation.

And finally, watch the video about the fruit peeling of the face:

One of the best means of rejuvenation is exfoliation or exfoliation of the outer, already dead layer of skin cells. How does this happen? What types of exfoliation are there? Can exfoliation be done at home? From what age can this method of rejuvenation be used?

What happens during exfoliation?

Our skin is made up of several layers. The cells of the basal layer, when dividing, give rise to the cells of the superficial layer (epidermis). These cells, gradually moving into the upper layers, fall off the surface layer of the skin. With age, this period of "cell turnover" increases to 40 days or more. The skin thickens. Gradually, it loses its flexibility and freshness, as the number of such keratinized cells increases. Due to exfoliation, the bonds between old cells are destroyed. There is a rapid exfoliation of dead cells, while exposing the fresh layers of the skin. The result of this method of rejuvenation is visible almost immediately. The skin becomes brighter, fresher and more elastic.

Exfoliation can be mechanical, enzymatic, based on fruit acids, as well as professional using phenol.

mechanical exfoliation.

A mechanical exfoliant is a scrub that works on the principle of friction. Usually these are creamy preparations to which an abrasive material is added. To do this, use crushed shells of nuts, fruit seeds, eggshell scorlumin, silicone abrasives. But one of the most effective are scrubs with crushed almond shells. Such a scrub is applied with massage movements, avoiding the area around the eyes, since the skin there is very thin and delicate. In this case, the layer of dead cells is erased without side effects. But the skin needs support to restore the chemical-biological balance, so you need to additionally use tonics, balms or moisturizing masks.

Enzymatic exfoliation.

This method for skin rejuvenation is not recommended until the age of 30, since at this age the skin functions better in a natural way. Enzymatic exfoliants (collagenose, elastase, bromelain, etc.) are added to some face creams and masks. They are quite safe, because they do not penetrate the skin too deeply, but only affect the upper layers of the skin. Enzymatic exfoliants dissolve dead cells biologically. They destroy the outer cell membrane layers of old skin cells. But their action can cause allergic reactions.

Exfoliation based on fruit acids.

In this case, exfoliants chemically dissolve the substances that are responsible for attaching the dead layer to the young substrate. This method accelerates natural exfoliation, and its intensity depends on the concentration of acids. At home, it has been used for a long time, adding apple or fruit vinegar, whey, sour wine to face masks. After using them, the skin becomes bright and smooth. But it is interesting that fruit acids act not only as exfoliants, but also as stimulators of the formation of elastin and collagen, which make the skin not only young in appearance, but elastic to the touch. Thanks to their effect, wrinkles are smoothed out, and age spots become lighter. But the best result can be achieved with multiple skin care sessions. Irregular use does not give such results.

Professional exfoliants with fruit acids and phenol.

At home, such drugs cannot be used, since the concentration of such acids is quite high and, if used ineptly, serious harm to the skin can be caused (severe irritation, slight burns). Phenolic exfoliants are used extremely rarely, since the effect of phenol on the skin is very strong, unfavorable, even in small doses. It is used in beauty salons for the treatment of gross skin defects and on the recommendation of a doctor. Phenol penetrates to the deep layers of the skin and therefore, after its use, a recovery period of about a week is required.

With the right and skillful approach, exfoliants can rejuvenate the skin without surgery, keep it youthful, stimulating natural processes.

Exfoliation of the skin of the face: getting rid of the stratum corneum

The daily hygiene procedures that we perform do not allow the skin to completely get rid of the accumulating stratum corneum. Every day its amount increases, there is a violation of the access of oxygen to the cells, and creams applied to the surface of the skin are practically not absorbed. This problem should be solved with the help of special exfoliating products called exfoliants. We will tell about the features, action and secrets of this manipulation in our article.

What information will you learn:

What is the technique

The main task of exfoliation is the removal of horny cells.

The procedure for exfoliating the superficial stratum corneum of the epidermis with the help of chemical compounds is called exfoliation.

The main tasks of this technique are the removal of dead keratinized epithelial cells, as well as deep cleansing of the pores.

One of the most important stages of high-quality facial care is its correct and regular cleansing, accelerating blood circulation, metabolic processes and regeneration in cells, increasing oxygen saturation of tissues.

The appearance of the skin after such a cosmetic procedure is noticeably improved by eliminating the accumulated layer of dead cells, which prevents its renewal.

What is the benefit of the procedure

There is an erroneous opinion that exfoliation is harmful, does not bring positive results, but, on the contrary, injures and damages the integrity of skin cells.

This is a misconception, since the procedure of high-quality facial skin cleansing contributes to its rejuvenation and slows down the aging process. Among its advantages are the following:

  • alignment of color and relief of the face;
  • acceleration of cell regeneration processes (updates);
  • deep cleansing of pores from sebaceous plugs, blackheads, pimples and blackheads;
  • normalization of sebum production;
  • an increase in the amount of oxygen supplied to the cells of the epidermis;
  • deep penetration under the skin of any cosmetic compositions, the effectiveness of which increases significantly;
  • removal of pigmentation;
  • increasing the degree of hydration and nutrition of cells.

Exfoliation treatment helps with facial hyperpigmentation

In what cases is the technique prohibited?

The procedure for chemical exfoliation of the skin is not allowed for everyone. The acids that make up such products can cause irritation, allergic reactions, and other complications. In the risk category are:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding;
  • women under 22;
  • patients with warts, large moles, dermatological diseases and violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • people prone to allergic and inflammatory reactions on the skin;
  • everyone who has undergone surgery, chemotherapy, and those with cancer;
  • patients whose skin has been exposed to the sun for a long time or irradiation in a solarium.

Only a cosmetologist has the right to decide on the possibility of exfoliation for each specific patient, depending on the condition and type of his skin.

Rules for exfoliation at home

You can perform this procedure on your own only after consulting a cosmetologist who will determine the percentage concentration of the active acid that suits your type of epidermis.

The technique must be carried out with strict observance of the following rules:

  • it is allowed to use high quality exfoliants, the concentration of active substances in which does not exceed 9%. They should be designed specifically for the skin of the face;
  • for dry epidermis, preference should be given to products with AHA-fruit acids, and for fatty ones with BHA-acids (salicylic);
  • be sure to check the expiration date of the product you have chosen and refuse to use if it turned out to be overdue;
  • always test the skin in the area of ​​​​the inner elbow for an allergic reaction before applying the composition to the face;
  • apply the exfoliant to the pre-moistened skin surface of the face along the massage lines, with light movements, excluding the area around the lips and eyes;
  • keep the product on the face should not be longer than a quarter of an hour. If you feel a strong burning sensation, as well as other uncomfortable sensations, immediately wash off the composition from the skin, regardless of the amount of time elapsed.

If the time period of exfoliation is exceeded, burns and excessive dryness of the skin are possible!

  • if you did not get the desired result after the manipulation, the next procedure is allowed to be carried out no earlier than a week later;
  • during the manipulation, the sun's rays should not fall on the skin;
  • at the end of the procedure, the composition should be thoroughly washed off the skin of the face, and a layer of cream with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect should be applied.

Exfoliants are any scrubs and peels for the face.