How to find your true love, the reasons for loneliness. How to find your love: the secrets of fateful meetings


Unfortunately, the most coveted events in life happen exactly when they are least expected. Therefore, try to forget about the problem of finding love, throw it out of your head and think that everything has its time. By itself, the feeling of love is not born in nature in its pure form, it takes a long time and painstakingly to build. The resulting attraction of two people to each other gives rise to passion, friendship and respect, and the fusion of these feelings speaks of the emergence of love.

Do not try to choose love, it will find you on its own. Leave the diligent search for your half, do not rush to the first comer, trying to evoke sincere feelings in him. This will inevitably lead to disappointment. Remember to earn real feelings. If you are still impatient to get started, be prepared for a change in your life.

Strive for the ideal, try to master all the qualities that you would like to see in your potential chosen one. Love yourself, become self-confident. Your thoughts about yourself are always felt by members of the opposite sex, so think of yourself as a beautiful, attractive and seductive girl. Remember, until a person loves himself, no one will pay attention to him.

Keep an eye on your appearance, start exercising, go for relaxing massages or spa treatments. Start visiting interesting places, take up dancing, drawing, macrame, go to museums, exhibitions - be where you can meet interesting people.

Dedicate your friends to your desires, tell them that you want to find your soul mate - often acquaintances help you find a suitable candidate. Try not to return to the past, forget about your former passions and hobbies, open up towards the future.

Being overly persistent can make you look anxious and sulky - it can scare off potential lovers. Relax, be natural, enjoy life in all its forms. Smile more, have fun, learn to smile at life - it will definitely answer you. Positive people are much more successful in all of their endeavors.

Be prepared for the fact that true love can meet you at any time. Therefore, in any situation, do not relax and try to look perfect. Learn not to procrastinate, because life is too short. If you want to lose weight, sign up for the gym tomorrow and start eating right. Do not go on vacation because you have no one - think about the fact that your destiny may be waiting for you there.

Start showing up in various places alone, so you increase your chances of a happy acquaintance. Men are afraid of being rejected, so most of them prefer to meet in private, without witnesses. Stop pushing people away. Communicate before making a conclusion about a person, give the opportunity to open up. Wherever you are, get ready to meet, no matter in transport, in a store, in a cafe or in a library.

Spring is perhaps the most romantic time of the year. The louder the drops sing, the brighter the sun shines, the more we want mutual love and understanding, fun and communication with friends. It is under the joyful chirping of sparrows and the murmur of spring streams that many ponder how to find love. Let's try to understand this issue.

If you don't have a loved one, think about why this happened. You should not be guided by the principle that everyone around you simply does not notice your beauty and mind. Isn't it better to look at yourself objectively, notice your shortcomings and try to fix them? Just do not rush to the mirror to examine yourself from all sides. Appearance, of course, is important, but all human relationships are built, first of all, on communication. It looks like a birthday present. A bright wrapper creates a mood and a sense of celebration, but we still appreciate the thing itself.

Imagine being presented with a very beautiful but completely empty box. You will be a little puzzled, right? In order not to be like this box, become an interesting person. Get carried away with dancing, painting, contemporary music, oriental culture, skydiving - whatever you like and may interest others. Do not stand still, develop! This will help diversify your life, expand your social circle and increase the chances of finding your soul mate.

Love is unlikely to knock on your door itself, enter and say: "So I came!". You need to look for it: in a circle of friends, at work, on the Internet, on a walk. You can't be too zealous here either: they say she doesn't like it. Do not look faithfully into the eyes of every person you like and do not burden him with your undue attention. “Love will inadvertently come when you don't expect it at all,” one song says. The less you think about love and the more you devote time to simple, unobtrusive communication, the more attractive you look in the eyes of others.

When talking with a person, do not forget that in front of you, first of all, a person. Do not overwhelm the interlocutor by every minute convincing him or her of your superiority. You shouldn't talk about your unique beauty, outstanding mental abilities, achievements in school or work, you are not in an interview. He himself will understand and appreciate everything, do not hesitate. You can talk about anything, as long as it is interesting to both of you. If there is an awkward silence, ask a question. Show that the person is not indifferent to you and that his opinion is really important to you.

In pursuit of love, it is very important not to lose respect for yourself. Do not rush to the neck of the first person you meet. The principle “better bad than nothing” will not help here. However, don't turn your back on a person if you don't like them. Talk to him at least a little and, perhaps, you will change your mind.

Do your best to find your happiness: work on yourself, on your behavior and attitude towards others. The reward for your efforts will be sincere mutual love.

Everyone wants to know how to find true love, but not everyone understands how this can be done. After all find love in his life everyone can, but without showing any desire, nothing will come of it. Therefore, you need to want and follow the advice given in this article in practice.

In this article, you will learn how to find true love, where to look for it, why and for what. After all, love is a great power that can either make a person happy and successful, or, on the contrary, unhappy and unlucky.

Become yourself

To find true love, you just need to become yourself, then love will find you on its own. To do this, start your own study of yourself, find yourself in life, learn to manage yourself, and when you know exactly who you are and why you are here, then love will be found and you will find it.

Imagine her in your mind

To find love, first of all you need to imagine it in your subconscious, if this is impossible, then love is either already in your life or you don’t want to look for it. Everything that can be imagined in thoughts can be realized, since thoughts acquire matter.

Engage in self-development

It is not enough to stop learning, after graduation, you need to continue to learn, to study yourself and everything that is not taught and will not be taught in schools. Look for yourself, because when you find yourself, you will find love for yourself, for those around you, and for the creator. Find out: because in order to find love, you must first please the person you like.

How to find love on the Internet

Don't make love a goal

Those who set family, relationships, and the search for love as a goal are often frustrated and never reach it. Love comes only when we are ready for it and have a strong desire for it. If a person does not want and is not able to start a family yet, then he will not succeed with a serious relationship. Relax and trust your natural desires, not selfish ones.

Love yourself

To find true love , first of all, you need to love yourself, then you can love those around you, and they you. To change someone or something, you need to change yourself, since everything that happens to us is stored only in our head, we ourselves create all this through our desires and ideas.

Focus on love

If you need to find love, money, happiness, luck, or self-confidence, focus on that. You need to want and think about what you want to get, and not about what you do not have yet, and may not be. Be realistic, but learn to desire what you really want, then there will be opportunities and strength for realization.


Listen to the soul and heart, not emotions

Often, relationships and families are created only on emotions or attachments, and after 2-3 years people lose interest in each other and get divorced. You are not alone, there are 80% of such families in the world, so think about it. You need to love, but at the same time understand that you can confuse sincere love with a simple temporary attachment. Live together for at least 2-3 years, then you yourself will notice the changes and in which direction they lead you. Find out: since dreams come true if you sincerely and correctly wish about them every day.

Be real

To find the real love, you first of all need to be a real person yourself, and not make yourself out of who you are not. Often people, before starting a family, try to hide their character and bad emotions, and when they start a family, they begin to show themselves who they really are. As a result, a divorce occurs, as it turned out that people did not really know each other.

How to find the love of your life

Love within you

To find true and sincere love, you need to look into yourself and you will notice that you do not need to look for anything, everything is stored inside you. Love is your decision to be a happy and successful or unhappy failure.

Love is able to do anything, so all responsibility will be only on the one who shows this love. If you do not feel love within yourself, then you will definitely not find it in the material world, or you will be transforming your whole life that you love.

Develop yourself, increasing the sources of love within yourself. People can communicate on an emotional level, only for this you need to work hard, learning to develop within yourself huge and powerful streams of love that you will direct into the environment.

Everyone has such sources inside, but they are usually in a drowsy state. A person who realizes that nature acts according to the definitions “you are in harmony with yourself, which means that nature will be indulgent to you,” tries to awaken as many sources as possible.

When a person tries find love it means that he does not love himself enough. In youth, it is very important to learn to listen to your body and mind, to love yourself and respect. Those who do not know how to do this are constantly in search of a second half. Having found love, they thus hide their inability to love themselves and be harmonious.

They direct their good attitude towards a stranger, calling it love, and in return they may receive nothing. To prevent this from happening, first of all, you must love yourself. Learn to give love to yourself, to pamper yourself and appreciate. Speak nice words to yourself for twenty-one days. But don't exaggerate. Do everything in moderation. These can be words of love (I love my body, my soul), or just phrases that will cheer you up - “I’m great,” “What a wonderful person I am,” and so on.

You are the source of energetic love that is transmitted emotionally to other people. A person who loves himself deserves the love of others - this is a scientifically proven fact, and this is undeniable.

after divorce

So before you try find love for yourself in a stranger, learn to radiate love.

Don't be afraid to ask your loved ones for love. There is no shame if you ask your husband, mom, child to hug you or say something nice. Say words of love to your loved ones, smile and give them happiness in the form of pleasant little things or support, and you will see how quickly your empty cup inside will begin to fill with boundless love, which will attract your other half for mutual love.

Do not try to depress yourself with bad thoughts that "what if fate has awarded me only loneliness and I will never be able to find my love." Love is definitely a gift from above. But this feeling can be developed in oneself. The time will come and you will meet your love. You just need to be ready for this.

Why is self-love advice so popular? Loving yourself is not just about stopping calling yourself stupid or fat. You need to love your body, face, hair. Go in for sports and lose an extra couple of pounds, and not justify your laziness with your body constitution. Start taking care of yourself regularly, sorting out your wardrobe, throwing out worn-out things without pity.

Straighten your back, raise your head higher and change the sadness in your eyes to the joy of life. Self-confidence attracts many people.

Where to find your love

In the first place in terms of the number of acquaintances is the Internet. Social networks, dating sites, forums and chats. The disadvantage of online dating is the unknown: who is on the other side of the monitor.

When choosing online dating, be careful. View the person's page if it's a social network. The lack of photos, information and the minimum number of friends should be alarming. Dating sites are losing their popularity every year due to the large number. It is better to register at a city or some thematic forum. After talking with a person in general topics, the conversation can be transferred to private messages.

You can find your love at work. In order not to get a reprimand from your superiors, you should not advertise your sympathy for a person at work. You can invite him to lunch or chat after the end of the working day.

In a fitness club, you can not only get to know a person, but also evaluate his physical characteristics or show himself. And, of course, all this is combined with benefits for the figure and health.

Flirting parties are organized in some cities. Arriving there, you can be sure that those present are free and also interested in acquaintance. If you can't find the right candidate for a serious relationship, you're just having fun or making new friends.

Alternatively, you can ask your friends to introduce you to someone. Almost every person has a couple of free acquaintances.

How to find your love

Don't sit alone at home. The more varied your hobbies, places you visit and your social circle, the more chances you will meet your love.

Do not be afraid to be the first to approach the person you like. Especially if he shows sympathy in return.

Don't make it your goal to find love, and don't be discouraged if it doesn't. It is not for nothing that they say: "Love will inadvertently appear when you do not expect it at all." Let go of the situation, just enjoying life, and love will surely find you on its own.

Its happiness and love every person dreams. Without these feelings, life becomes empty and meaningless. However, it is worth remembering that this is not a matter of one day - fate makes these gifts when it itself considers it necessary.


To acquire happiness and everyone dreams. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in this. Moreover, some seem to walk in a vicious circle, making the same mistakes over and over again. And some believe that this does not depend at all, but occurs solely by a "decision from above", in a predetermined time. However, there are several rules that will help to find a suitable person, and with it, happiness.

Look for your love in your social circle. The tale of Cinderella remains just a fairy tale. In real life, people from different social classes find a common language with great difficulty. An Oxford graduate may fleetingly get carried away from the Russian hinterland, but the charm from her "naivety" will very quickly be replaced by fatigue and irritation from her ignorance and too simplistic for life.

Look for a partner based on your own interests, and not vice versa. Sacrifice

Now on every corner they say about love, they make films about it, make programs, they confess about it all over the country, and even "build" it. One gets the impression that nothing is hidden behind these words except the words themselves. Love is a complex feeling that, perhaps, not a single phrase can convey. So, how to find true love, spinning your head, and stopping time? In the modern world, this is not easy. They talk a lot about her, but in fact she often turns out to be a dummy. In our article, we will help you find true love - pure and sincere. Follow our recommendations and your world will shine with new colors.

Change your view of the world

  1. Paradoxically, but the most desirable events in our life happen exactly when we least expect them. Therefore, forget about the problem of how to find your love, just throw it out of your head. Everything has its own time.
  2. The very feeling of love is not found in nature in its pure form. It is being built in a painstaking and diligent way. The attraction of two people to each other gives rise to passion, respect and friendship, when all this is combined together, and love is obtained. If you are lucky enough to receive this gift from heaven, take care of it and appreciate it.
  3. Do not choose love, it will find and choose you by itself. Give up the diligent search for your destiny, do not rush to the first comer in search of sincere feelings. In the future, this will inevitably lead to disappointment. True love must be earned. If you are still accustomed to acting and cannot let such a responsible matter take its course, be prepared for changes.

Become your ideal

Master the qualities that your potential chosen one should have. If you want a generous person to fall in love with you, become such. You need warmth and affection - be ready to give it to people.

Love yourself

  • Be confident in your beauty, charm, sexuality. Individuals of the opposite sex will certainly feel this, and, of course, will appreciate it. Believe me, no one will love you until you do it yourself.
  • Monitor your appearance regularly. Get off the couch and run to the gym. Go for a relaxing treatment (massage or spa).
  • Visit interesting places, play sports, dance, macrame, go to galleries, exhibitions. In general, be wherever you can meet interesting people.
  • Tell your friends that you want to find a soul mate. Maybe they will become the decisive link in your destiny.
  • Do not go back to the past, the doors there have been closed for a long time. Forget about past passions and hobbies, it's time to move on.
  • Smile in your face at life, laugh and have fun. Positive people are much more attractive than sad and arrogant people.

Do not overdo it

Try not to look preoccupied. When you look too hard for love, it looks like that. Relax and be natural. A wandering hungry gaze in search of at least some prey will not add extra points to you.

Look perfect

While you are thinking about how to find true love, remember to pay attention to yourself. Always be prepared for someone to look at you. You can even take out the trash bin in attractive clothes, not in stretched pants. Neither men nor women like unkempt scum. In any situation, be fully prepared, perhaps happiness awaits you around the nearest corner.

Always be ready

Life is too short to be put off. Love can knock on it at any moment, and you need to be ready for this:

  • Decided to lose weight - do it now, do not postpone it for a week or a year.
  • Stop storing beautiful clothes, wear them, be stunning every day.
  • Arrange for yourself entertainment, they will fill you with positive.
  • Not a couple to go to an expensive restaurant? A friend in your arms, and go!
  • Do not go on vacation, because there is no one with whom - stupidity, maybe the other half is waiting for you there.
  • Throw out the ugly, well-worn T-shirts in which you sleep, buy a sexy negligee. It will help you feel desired. (this is exclusively for women).
  • Tidy up your apartment.

Where to find love?

We have already figured out a little about how to find your love, but, here, where to do it, we do not know yet. You have a good job, a wide circle of friends, acquaintances, but you don't have the right person for your heart. What's wrong with you? Perhaps this is the case:

  • Stop carrying your girlfriends with you. This is how you find a pervert or a drinker. Appear alone more often, and if you even went to the club with your girlfriends, try to disconnect from them for a while. Men are afraid of being rejected, so some people prefer to get to know each other in private, suddenly a failure - at least it will not be so ashamed. When you are in a cafe with a friend, your chances of getting to know each other are halved, and if there are several of you, then three or four times.
  • Stop pushing people away. Perhaps when meeting you, the person is rude or overly intrusive - this is a common manifestation of insecurity, trying to be cool, and a fear of appearing gentle. Talk to him, give him the opportunity to open up, maybe this is exactly the one you are looking for. Get ready for any acquaintance: in transport, library, cafe, subway and shop. Thousands of people have been able to find happiness in this way.
  • Visit new places, try different entertainment venues, meet and meet new people there.

Let's imagine a situation: you like someone and you are trying to start a conversation. What you shouldn't do in the first place:

  1. be timid and stutter at every word;
  2. show off and seem cooler;
  3. worry about long pauses (the main thing is to smile at this moment);
  4. being too annoying.

The ideal option for the first communication and acquaintance will be:

  1. exchange of impressions of what is happening;
  2. phrases like "cool t-shirt" or "cute suit";
  3. a banal "hello", and then it will fall like a suit;
  4. and, most importantly, a sincere smile.

We have opened the curtain for you on how to find your love. It turns out that a lot depends not only on chance, but also on yourself. Do not lose the opportunity, use our secrets and recommendations, and fate will definitely smile at you.