How to teach a husband to give flowers and do. Pavel Rakov: How to teach a man to make gifts. Bringing gifts: how to get a scarlet flower, not a thistle

Adalind Koss

One man happily makes gifts to his woman - expensive and tasteful. And the other is required to almost beg for them. What is it based on? How to make a man attentive?

Why Men Don't Give Gifts

First, let's look at the reasons why men do not give gifts:

You do not talk about your desires, you are not able to form them.

Often a similar situation happens if your soul mate is a practical person who does not believe that it is worth spending money on all sorts of little things that are gathering dust on the shelves and are not useful. So that this does not work, and not to waste money, he asks you what you want. And the girl is embarrassed to answer, to say what exactly she wants to receive.

And there are two ways of development. If a young man thinks that you need a certain and useful thing - a scarf, a frying pan, a bathroom cabinet, etc. - he gives it. And if he thinks that you have no special desires, then he makes the conclusion that you do not want anything. As a result, you will either receive what you will not call “a present from your beloved,” or he will not present you with anything.

Don't be afraid to say what you want. This is normal in terms of practicality.

You take everything for granted.

Women themselves kill the desire of men to make presents. She is either unhappy with any surprise, or indifferently considers the offering and pretends to condescend.

But your man tried, wasted time, energy. Money, after all, is to please you. , turned on fantasy, waited for you to light up with joy when you open the box. You make him feel annoyed and disappointed. By the way, people often behave in this way, who were taught at an early age that women should receive all gifts and compliments with an indifferent air. Something like: I know my worth, so be glad that you can give me gifts.

Few people enjoy meeting this kind of attitude all the time. At one point, they stop giving presents at all. And you are perplexed and offended. Learn to be happy, even trinkets and teddy bears. Play as a face, express joy and gratitude. People love if they manage to please someone. This increases their own importance.

You never give a present to a man.

If your soul mate does not make you presents or is limited only to holidays, then remember when you gave something to him yourself. One-sided play quickly gets boring, therefore, without receiving an answer, the young man will think that he is not important to you.

Certainly, if the people who need it, and not get it. But, according to statistics, there are very few of them. It is sometimes important even for very generous individuals to feel that their material and mental impulses will not go unanswered. As a result, not getting the return, the guy "burns out", he loses interest in pampering you.

Remember that harmony is important in relationships. Learn to give nice little things for your man, but not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. Then he will have a gift for you.

How to get a man to give gifts

The opinion that wealthy men turn out to be generous is wrong. Rather, women have to work harder to receive a gift from such men. If the person is somewhat indifferent to you and stingy, then you have missed one of the most important elements of communication in your relationship. There are simple rules on how to get a man to give gifts and balance this balance:

learn to receive gifts. No matter how unoriginal it may sound, the ability to accept a gift is characteristic only of the wisest ladies. Gifts are a method of communication. If a man makes a present, then he expects to receive some kind of response at the subconscious level. If he hears something like: "It was not worth spending money," "Flowers are a stupid gift," then the subconscious mind will consolidate the negative story that is associated with the presentation of the gift. Even if you show such concern, and he understands it. You need to give thanks generously. In response to every, even small present, it is important to express positive emotions. In addition, express not only in words, but also in a good mood. This will be deposited in the man's memory, he will remember that your reaction was pleasant to him. This means that he will repeat the surprise again;
know how to receive gifts with dignity. Don't show that less is enough for you. Girls with low self-esteem rarely become attractive to men. And their excessive modesty will scare them off no less aggressiveness and greed. If you come to a restaurant with a wealthy companion, then you should not defiantly ask for a glass of water. It will only hurt you. Be sure that you deserve the best, and therefore accept his gift with gratitude;
do not beg for presents. There is no worse and more pitiful situation than begging for a gift. The meaning of donation is that it is a desire of one’s own will to please another. Otherwise, the balance is disturbed, and even with the correct reaction of the woman to the present, the man will not get the feelings that he experiences when he makes a surprise on his own initiative. Encourage action not with direct demands, but with small remarks like: “I always wanted to go there,” “Great dress,” etc. Correct hints are the main tool of wise girls;
no need to accept a present too greedily. Not only heightened shyness is unpleasant, but also greed, a desire to seize everything at once. If you first met in a restaurant, then do not immediately ask for everything expensive from the menu. And to the question: "What do you want to get for the holiday?" no need for diamonds;
do not flaunt independence. Even if you have made yourself, established yourself as a person, made a career, you should not take the pose of an equal partner. Do not emphasize that you yourself will buy everything. In addition, do not give a return present immediately. This deprives the man of his sense of significance.

In addition, in order to transparently hint to a man about your desire, look through catalogs with those items that you need with him. Show him the things that you like, sigh that you can't buy it. It is not worth asking and demanding, it is enough to give food for thought. A smart person will get it right.

In the store, show what you like. But don't cry over the fact that you can't buy it. It is enough to make a subtle hint to move the man to an "independent" decision.

But remember: no rule works if there are no feelings and emotions in your relationship. If a young man is pleased with you, you provide him with comfort and harmony, he will definitely do you something pleasant.

February 17, 2014, 16:25

If you don't like cut flowers, if you are allergic to them, if you are environmentally conscious (and prefer potted flowers), then you can skip reading. Because we will talk about how to hint or tactfully tell a man that you love to receive flowers, that you will be glad and grateful for a bouquet of eloquent scarlet roses or modest daisies.

Unfortunately, not all men have the habit of giving flowers. This is also due to character traits - for example, a pragmatic man is inclined to consider flowers a waste of money: they will wither anyway. Flowers are rarely given by men whose mothers do not like flowers - they simply adopt a similar approach. Naturally, if a man is allergic or environmentalist, then flowers are unlikely to become part of your romantic rituals. Finally, there are men who are tactful, careful - they do not give flowers until they are convinced that they do not offend you with such a gift, do not harm your relationship.

How to tell a man that "flowers are to be"?

Admire the bouquet in the hands of another woman

Admiration doesn't have to be overly ostentatious or wordy. Just say out loud “What a beautiful bouquet! I also love roses, only tea roses ... ". Avoid phrasing that hints at criticism. For example: "What a fine husband my friend Irina has, every week he gives her flowers with or without reason!" A man is unlikely to hear that you dream of being in Irina's place - that is, with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Rather, he will notice admiration for someone else's husband and will be offended that you do not praise your man's achievements and merits with the same enthusiasm, even if they are not "candy bouquets", but repairs and a new car.

Leave the relevant site open on the computer screen

Choose a bright, attractive and intuitive site where you can order bouquets of roses in Moscow. Or bouquets of lilies in Vladivostok. It is important that the flowers are your favorite, and the order-payment-delivery procedure is extremely simple. Just in case, prepare an explanation (“I chose a bouquet for the anniversary of my second cousin’s grandmother”), but do not be surprised if the man does not have any questions. A bright picture will just give him a thought.

Tell casually about your favorite colors

The most important thing in this method is naturalness. Don't look for reasons and don't come up with them, just catch chances in conversation. For example, when telling how your parents met, mention that on the first date, your father came with a bouquet of unusual roses (which at that time were difficult to find) - and since then it has been a tradition in the family to give these very roses for holidays and significant dates. And you, of course, also love these very flowers. Just like mom.

Buy a bouquet by yourself

No need to pretend the bouquet is from a secret admirer. And why cheating in a relationship? Just explain to the man that you love flowers, that they lift your spirits, delight you with the smell, remind you of the people who gave them. This method will perfectly remove the fears of a cautious or overly tactful man. But do not overdo it: do not buy yourself bouquets too often - a man may decide that you will cope with the task perfectly without his participation.

Give bouquets to women if you go somewhere together

Going to his mother's birthday, on September 1 to the child's class, to visit friends, offer to buy a bouquet of flowers - after all, this gesture will be pleasant to the hostess of the event. The man will make the logical conclusions about how you yourself will perceive the flowers.

Practice pleasant surprises

Start a tradition to please your man: arrange unexpected romantic dinners for him, give him new items for collections, invite him to the movies after work. A man will definitely want to reciprocate, and a bouquet of flowers is the most obvious choice.

To put it bluntly

Family psychologists insist: do not hint, but speak directly about your desires. In the case of flowers, a request (important: not a requirement!) To buy a bouquet will deprive you of some of the pleasure, but if the man is quick-witted, then you will not have to ask twice.

In general, if you want your man to surprise you, show him the site. and draw his attention to this or that bouquet. And your man will definitely make you this nice gift.

How to teach a man to be generous?

How to get him to give gifts?

I started asking these questions when I was sixteen. And certainly not for the banal "profit" at someone else's expense. But then, in order to evoke even stronger and more obvious feelings in my man.

I never liked bouquets of cut flowers, but passing by a flower shop, I shamelessly demanded that my future husband buy me another broom of roses. I understood that he had a modest salary and had no extra money, but I also understood that they should always be on me. Let him spend on me, let him make it a habit to please me! There would be a desire - the funds will arrive in time.

Learn to ask correctly

If you want to teach a man to be generous, the first thing you should be able to do is. Not everyone is capable of asking shamelessly and delicately at the same time. This is best done with a spoiled child. When “their immediacy” says the irrefutable: “Dad, buy it!” - it is never perceived as vulgar. The success of such a request lies in the fact that the child does not doubt the love of his parent, and is also confident that he really needs the required thing, that he deserves it. Therefore, when the “beloved child” asks, it does not feel fear that it will be “sent”.

In the process of such a relationship with daddy, a pleasant reflex is fixed - "asked - received." Thus, the child develops a fearless character, and therefore they say: "Children must be pampered, then real robbers will grow out of them."

In contrast to this example, most women either do not know how to do it at all, or they do it, harming their self-esteem, which fundamentally contradicts our postulate that men should be dealt with easily and without stress.

So why have so many of you, so beautiful and intelligent, still not taught your men to be generous?

The most popular answer: "Asking - pride does not allow - we want to be independent of men." If pride allegedly does not allow you to put your desires in verbal form, then!

Regarding venality: one way or another, we all put ourselves up for auction. Whether we are getting a job, are we looking for a life partner - we always dream to be appreciated. And this is good, it means they are present in us.

You do not need to be indifferent to the material side of life - you need to purposefully teach your man to be "gifted", in the name of strengthening his own feelings.

In fact, a “giving” man appreciates a woman who “takes pleasure with pleasure” more than one who loves him “for nothing”. The more time, money and effort is spent on a person, the further the giving side is inclined to go in their feelings. It's like building a house. He says: "I put my soul into it, how can I sell it!" The host usually takes a cooler position.

Nietzsche said well about this: “Really just people are not welcome. They bring everything back. That is why they cause disgust among those who love. "

Demanding as a lifestyle

2. Give gifts to men first, and they will definitely be gifted. And if not, then these are not your men.
The greatest effect on a person is produced by gifts not “on the occasion”, but “at the behest of the soul”. If you don't know when to present such a gift, flip through the calendar - there is a certain holiday indicated for each day. After all, there are days of trade workers, doctors and even astronauts! In addition, there are also name days - the days when Georgiev, Andreyev, Alexandrov and others are congratulated. He will appreciate your attention and sense of humor. In any case, in the eyes of your man it will add more balls to you. After all, you see, not everyone would have thought of this. This is exactly the case when you can make the smallest possible contribution, and make the maximum impression with your gift.

In no case, do not spend a lot of money on a gift for a man, even if it is his birthday, it is better to do something with your own hands. It will be cute and exclusive at the same time. A strong man will buy expensive status things for himself, and will not wait for a gift from a woman. Remember: a man does not value material investments from a woman - he values ​​his own investments in her!

3. Let the man understand that you do not need money to meet your primary needs, but to get different pleasures. Even if this is actually not the case. Don't need these nauseous phrases: "Put it on my phone, otherwise I ran out of money" or "Buy me a bottle of mineral water, otherwise I forgot my wallet." The rich man does not like to give alms, he likes to spend money with taste. Show that you have this very taste, and he will gladly turn out his pockets and “chikanet” with you.

4. Do not have the false sense of guilt of the "miserly father's daughter." Remember, spending your man's money with and without him is an honor for any woman. You have the right to do so. Because according to the law of attraction of two hearts, you are him. In doing so, you will only become closer to each other.

5. Show your man that it's okay to spend large sums on you. How to show? Make it normal inside. If you “understand everything, but you cannot help yourself,” break the “Cinderella” stereotype: throwing aside embarrassment, rather go to your own daddy and treacherously turn out HIS pockets. If it works out with the father, it will be much easier with other men. Thus, you will return all daddy's "debts" with honor.

6. Remind yourself of the important thing from time to time: I am a gift in myself, I deserve not to curry favor!

P.S: When you start doing everything according to this article and you have success, you will ask yourself the question: "Does a woman need to work if men give everything anyway?" On this topic, do we have a video on our website that is called that?

There is a soul and personal experience invested in this article. How personal experience affects the value of the proposed materials is described in the video.

Blog Manipulation-Female Pickup - -

Someone gladly makes gifts to their beloved or spouse - often, expensive and tasteful. And from someone you have to literally beg for a modest bunch of flowers. What does it depend on? And how to force a man to be more generous and more attentive?

Reasons why a man does not give gifts

First of all, let's figure out why a man doesn't like or doesn't know how to make gifts.

Reason 1: you yourself do not know what you want, or you do not know how to formulate desires

Most often, this situation arises if your man is a practical person who does not consider it necessary to spend money on knickknacks that will gather dust on the shelf or will not bring real benefit. To avoid wasting , he asks you a question: " Darling, what can I get you?»You, in turn, either hesitate to name what you would like receive as a gift , or shrug your shoulders: " Do not know».

And here there are two options for the development of the situation. If your man is sure that you need some specific and useful thing - a saucepan, gloves (because you lost yours), a shelf in the bathroom, etc., he buys it. And if he thinks that you do not have any special needs, then he calms down and concludes that you do not need anything.

Outcome: you either get what you yourself would hardly proudly call "a gift from your beloved man", or you are left without a present at all.

What to do? Voice your desires clearly and specifically, while, of course, from a practical point of view. And a smart woman knows that even a diamond ring and a new car can be presented as the most urgent need.

Reason 2: you take everything for granted

Often a woman herself "discourages" any desire from a man to give her present ... Either she is unhappy with any offering, or she looks at the gift indifferently and pretends to condescend to accept it.

But the man tried so hard to bring you joy! He came up with a gift, looked for it, spent his hard-earned money on it and looked forward to how you would open the package, how your eyes would light up with pleasure and love ... You make your loved one feel disappointed every time.

By the way, quite often ladies behave in this way, who were taught from childhood that a woman should (exactly should!) Accept compliments and gifts condescendingly and indifferently. Say, I know my worth, so be happy that you can praise and give me gifts.

Outcome: Few people are pleased to face indifference and ingratitude over and over again, so at some point a man simply stops trying to evoke a response in you with his offerings. And you, suddenly left without a gift, fall into bewilderment and resentment. You are already accustomed to being "with all my heart" to you, but here is such an unexpected turn.

What to do? To be able to enjoy what they give you, even if it is just a soft toy or a bunch of tulips. "Play" with your face, express your sincere gratitude, thank you from the bottom of your heart. Most people just love it when they succeed. please someone , so they feel their importance and a kind of power over others. This means that the "flow" of gifts will never run out.

Reason 3: a man never receives gifts from you

If your loved one does not give you gifts or is limited to formal occasions such as birthday and March 8, remember when you yourself pampered him with your gifts. “One-sided game” gets boring very quickly, therefore, without receiving reciprocal offerings, a man may conclude that you do not value him as much as he does you.

How to get a man to give a gift

Of course, there are individuals for whom it is important to give a gift, and not receive it. However, as practice shows, they are in a clear minority. Even the most generous sometimes need to feel that their mental and material impulses do not remain without a response.

Outcome: not receiving return, the man "burns out", he becomes uninteresting to pamper you.

What to do? Do not forget that harmony is preferable in the nature of relationships. Learn to do something nice to your man, not only on some calendar holidays, but also in everyday life, then he will be more willing to give you gifts. Even a small surprise can generate a big response.

Reason 4: pathological greed

This is already a diagnosis and it is almost impossible to fight it. If a man counts every penny spent on you, then by hook or by crook he will "shirk" from buying gifts. However, there is also one way out, often the only one.

What to do? Transfer the purchase of gifts to the plane of "everyday needs", and with the money saved, buy yourself what you want. For example, you have a certain amount that you can spend either on new shoes , or on a bottle of perfume. The "greedy man" perfume is unlikely to buy you, but you cannot walk with shoes on, so he will have to fork out. Take him to the shoe, and the next day, with a clear conscience, purchase the coveted bottle. To the question “ Where?»You can always lie nicely: you gave it at work (a friend gave it because the scent didn’t suit her, etc.), just do not forget to warn those you refer to.

Did you recognize in the listed situations the one that is consonant with yours? Draw conclusions and correct your own behavior. And if this is not about you, then read on.

"My best gift is you"

Men are vain and proud, so they are more willing to give gifts when they realize that they or their woman are envied. Tell us how your employees reacted when you showed them earrings (scarf, ring, mobile phone, handbag etc.) given to your beloved.

How to get a man to give a gift

Do not feel sorry for the colors, painting "ooh-sighs" and remarks: " How wonderful, generous, caring you are". And if you add to this that men also appreciated his gift (“ I need to buy my own"), Then convince your loved one that he is the best. And most importantly, do not forget to clarify that you received the most amazing gift from fate - himself.

"Do not wash, do it by rolling"

There are practical men who prefer to clearly know what a woman wants, and there are suspicious ones. With the second category, you shouldn't be overly assertive and outspoken. If you start to voice what you want and what you expect from your lover, he may easily decide that you are extorting money and gifts from him. Strategic cunning is best with such individuals.

A joint trip to a jewelry store will be perceived by such a man as a "guide to action", that is, as a veiled, but still "order", and the result will be exactly the opposite. So use the internet. Now there are a lot of sites that offer a huge assortment of everything in the world, from car tires and vacuum cleaners to

You expected that your husband would give you a diamond ring for the birth of your son, but he limited himself to a cheap cosmetic set. You spent a whole year saving money in order to spend a well-deserved vacation in the Maldives (or at least in Turkey), and as a result, you were forced to confine yourself to a house in the village.

In short, your man is saving on you as much as he can, and is not at all going to give you expensive gifts.

But such a situation can be radically changed, says the host of the cult show training "In fact, I'm smart, but I live like a fool", the author of the book "A fool wants to meet two higher ones" Pavel RAKOV.

Everybody's Cash Case: Fighting Attitudes and Calculating the Curmudgeon

So, why do men give some women gifts, while others forget to congratulate even on their birthday?

Reciprocal rules... Many women explain this in a very mercantile way, believing that it is unprofitable for a man to give gifts. Vice versa! One of the human needs is to be useful. We all use each other. A bee is a flower, and that one is a bee. And there are a lot of such examples in nature.

We all need each other for mutual use. And the more a man invests in a woman of effort, time, money, the more he gets in return.

Over the years, I tracked the stories of stingy men - everyone ended up badly. It is surprising that those men who gave women more than 10% of their earnings seemed to be buying themselves a fortune.

The more a man invests in gifts for women, the more he earns.

Programming laws. But sometimes a woman herself does not want to receive gifts. And the reasons for such psychological attitudes should be sought in childhood.

Some parents instilled in their children: "I give a gift, and you do something for it." When a girl becomes an adult, she does not want to receive gifts, because they will have to work off.

Or the gift is accompanied by a reproach: "I gave it to you, and you are so ungrateful." And she’s postponed: it’s better not to receive anything, so as not to be “ungrateful” later.

It happens when the desire to receive gifts is discouraged by simple ridicule. "Look, you can't live without this gift, as some kind of flawed one." And in childhood everyone goes through a period of contradiction: “I can't live without a gift? I don’t need your handouts. ” And one more negative program remains for life.

Sometimes there are several such installations, which can be very difficult to remove.

Pathological greedy. They are found among all social strata. But more often than not, men are stingy with gifts due to a simple lack of money. Even if there is cash today, he is not sure that it will be tomorrow. That is, the point is not at all in female commercialism, but in male financial insolvency.

On the other hand, it is easy to be generous when there is nothing behind the soul. Such a gentleman can promise to throw the whole world at your feet. Do not fall for this bait, most likely he just bred you.

How to identify a curmudgeon:
... sets financial goals, is spinning, but cannot reach a higher level of income;
... often complains about others, accusing them of his financial failures, that he was robbed, framed, etc .;
... unsure of the future.

Test your beau's greed. While walking, tell him that you need to go to the store (but not to the pharmacy, otherwise he will decide that you need hygiene products). A normal man will be waiting for you at the checkout to pay for your purchase, and a greedy man will defiantly talk on the phone, ostensibly answering an urgent call.

Guess the wish: specific requests will help you get a gift

First, explain that you are a woman and love gifts. Giving a gift is a manifestation of a man's love, and receiving a gift is a willingness to accept it. The gift helps a woman to tune in to a romantic mood. And for a man, he can even strengthen his health: at the moments of realization, his testosterone increases and his tone rises.

Tell him: "Your gifts are proof of love, because everyone can say" I love you, and not everyone can prove their love. "

Know how to ask. Repeat the request several times to reinforce this skill. If, in principle, you are uncomfortable with such questions, do the following. Go outside and ask any man you meet to give you, for example, a bouquet of flowers. It doesn't matter if he rushes to the flower stand or just twists at his temple, it is important that you were able to speak it out.

How to properly ask for gifts:

Use special words that are pleasing to the male ear (please, you know best what I need, etc.);

Ask only in a good mood with a happy smile on your lips. Otherwise, your request will turn into a demand or a cry of despair;

Make eye contact. It is very difficult for a person to refuse by eye contact. It is easy to do it over the phone, but it is difficult to look into the eyes;

Be sexy and feminine - these are the main reasons that work effectively;

Come up with a reason. Many gifts are associated with the holidays: if you explain that you have a holiday today or tomorrow, the probability of receiving a gift will be higher.

Hint correctly. As you walk past a shoe store, ask to stop by for a minute and help you rate a pair of shoes you like. Further - a matter of technology. Your task is to try on shoes so feminine and erotic that he wants to look at it forever. Spin in front of him, then say thank you and say that you, of course, like the shoes, but now you have no money to buy them - and leave the store so as not to create awkward pauses. On the same evening, you will have a new thing.

Concretize. The clearer you formulate your request, the easier it is to carry it out. To do this, you yourself need to clearly know what you want and not rely on the man's fantasy. Especially wealthy business people who value their time have no time to think about your needs.

Tell the man clearly what item you want and where it is sold.

If a man does not have free time to find the gift you want, tell me how much money you need to be happy, go to the store, return with your purchase and show it with a happy look, not forgetting to thank your beloved.

Refuse in advance ... from the gift. Hack it on your pretty nose: a man doesn't have to buy you anything at all. Ask him in such a mood that if he does not present you with what you want, then nothing terrible will happen. Then he will not feel your dependence on gifts. And it will raise your rating in his eyes.

You cannot demand, humiliate yourself and beg. Exude calm and confidence. They said calmly - and then let him worry.

Fix the result. It also happens - the man sincerely agrees, but the next day he forgets about everything. To prevent this from happening, as soon as the cherished "yes" flew from his lips, gently take his arm and, looking into his eyes, lead him towards the window.

Bringing gifts: how to get a scarlet flower, not a thistle

Let's say the request is voiced and even the man has heard. But how do you set him up to the right wavelength so that he buys you a bag from Chanel and not from a hardware store? A whole science is also required here.

Start small. Never give up small presents. Moreover, encourage men to do them and show your admiration in every possible way. For example, ask him to buy a chocolate bar. Having received it, be sure to admire his gallantry, let him taste the first bite. Do not forget to look erotically in the eyes while doing this.

If the man was satisfied, then next time you can ask for something more valuable.

Remember all his gifts and keep proof of their gift. Save the first movie ticket you visited together or a rose petal gifted in the winter cold. A photo taken while traveling together or the same check from a restaurant can bring back fond memories and become the trigger that will lead to buying new things.

Create difficulties. Remember how in the tale of the scarlet flower the merchant had to bring expensive gifts to his eldest daughters and a flower to the youngest. As a result, the difficulty of the location of the latter contributed to the brightness of fatherly feelings.

The more a man overcomes difficulties, the more reverently he relates to a woman.

Ask him to get the "scarlet flower". These can be inexpensive items made to order from materials brought from another corner of our planet.

Work to raise your status. The more expensive you look, the more worthy gifts men will give you. You have to throw cheap jeans and sweaters out of your wardrobe so that you don't get plush bunnies for birthdays.

Gifts will only match your status if your behavior matches your image.

The task of a woman is to learn how to spend a man's money beautifully

Any successful man can buy anything, but a woman is called to help him do it beautifully and unusually. Her task is to spend money so that the man gets pleasure from it. And here you should remember about the technical issues.

Benefit. Explain that the intended gift has a direct or indirect benefit. For example, a mink coat, which you dream of getting for your birthday, on summer days, when the festival is supposed to be, costs half as much as in severe frosts, when it will be worn.

Serving his values ​​may not be the easiest way to ask for gifts, but it promotes spiritual unity. So, say buying a suburban lot is a good investment. Having built a house on it, you can not only lead a healthy lifestyle, but also partially rent it out, which will allow you to recover the costs.

A man will always share your views if you are ready to serve his purposes.

Ask with a margin. For example, explain that by the time of your loved one you always have a delicious dinner on the table, you need a slow cooker. Perhaps during the conversation, he will suggest that you limit yourself to a food processor, but this will clearly be more than the whisk he bought himself for whipping proteins.

Accept credit cards. Remember a little psychological trick: it is easier for a man to part with a credit card than cash. Therefore, do not exclude this form of calculation.

Exchange fund: gratitude and compliments are accepted as a gift

Any rule implies an exception. With regard to gifts, the following applies: no gifts bought with their own money can be given to men. You don't want to become his mother, or what is worse, turn him into a gigolo? The most that you can do for him is to present a song, dance, romantic adventure. Hand-made things are allowed.

Let's compliment each other. Learn to compliment. It happens that men, after exquisite compliments addressed to them, want to thank them.

How to compliment professionally:

Compliment based on real facts, and for this, notice even the smallest achievements of your partner;

Admire the qualities of a man (successful, charismatic, strong, etc.).

Celebrate his achievements;

Sincerely admire his loved ones, while remembering: for one compliment said to a friend, make eight to your man, so as not to cause jealousy. Compliment his parents more often;

Delight in accessories that accentuate masculinity. Praise his car, apartment, house.

Be grateful. This is the most important thing to learn in order to receive gifts. When you feel grateful, there are biochemical processes that have the strongest attractive effect. And to feel gratitude before receiving a gift is the main task so that you always receive them throughout your life.

Gratitude can be compared to charity. Give gratitude to every man just like that, for free, without expecting to receive anything in return. And then your life will be filled with even brighter colors.

The exercise. Call all your ex-men and thank everyone for the pleasant minutes you spent with them. Give thanks for the life lessons they have taught you. And you will feel how your body is filled with vitality. This is gratitude.